ounded in 1954, Miller Camera
countries. It is comforting to know that
Support Equipment designs
when you own a Miller you are in good
and manufactures professional
fluid heads and tripods for the
film and television industry, inspiring
Why Choose a Miller?
the world’s leading camera operators
Miller Camera Support Equipment is a
to imagine, create and tell their story.
company solely dedicated to designing
Celebrating more than 60 years in the
and manufacturing fluid heads, tripods
industry, Miller is a long-time, global
and other ancillary camera support
leader in the field of specialised camera
equipment. Each product is made by
support and holds the world’s first patent
passionate, zealous and highly skilled
for fluid head design, acquired in 1946.
craftsmen whose combined number of
With more than 200,000 systems in use,
years of experience adds up to centuries.
Miller’s camera support systems are used
Miller products are made from the
globally in electronic news gathering
highest quality, environment-friendly
(ENG), electronic field production (EFP)
materials and manufactured using high-
and cinema and television productions by
precision CNC machinery and modern
the world’s leading networks, production
manufacturing processes under strict
houses, corporate, educational and
quality control. Each product is tested to
government institutions in more than 65
a stringent tolerance and performance
Miller takes on the rugged Canadian wilderness with Derek Frankowski.