Message from the PREMIER of saskatchewan
SCOTT MOE The past few months have been extremely challeng-
nies operating in Saskatchewan. The potash industry
ing for our province. The COVID-19 pandemic is the
has been driving growth and progress in the province
most serious public health crises our province has
for nearly 60 years and we are certain it will play a
faced in recent memory. The people of Saskatche-
crucial role in the economic recovery to come.
wan have made great sacrifices and have displayed tremendous resilience every step of the way. Frontline and essential workers have done a remarkable job ensuring we are safe, while keeping our supply
To reach our Growth Plan goals, our government remains committed to an approach that promotes the responsible growth of the sector, including initiatives
chain stable. Meanwhile, the mining industry in our
such as:
province has stepped up in a big way, demonstrating
• reinstating provincial sales tax exemptions on ex-
remarkable generosity at a time of great uncertainty. During the pandemic, community groups across the province have received millions of dollars in donations from the industry. Support has flowed through initiatives like Mosaic’s Million Meal Challenge, while BHP and K+S collectively donated over $150,000 to local food banks. I am grateful for the contributions of these companies and many others in our mining sector.
ploratory and downhole drilling; • promoting the sector to attract international investment and new exploration companies; and, • working with the federal government and global leaders to remove barriers to market access. Our government understands the challenges facing the potash industry. We want the industry to grow and prosper. Potash companies operating in Sas-
As we look forward, I see a bright future for our prov-
katchewan can count on the support of the Govern-
ince – a future built on a strong economic recovery,
ment of Saskatchewan every step of the way.
driven by hard work and innovation. The fundamentals of the global economy have not changed. The world’s population is expected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050. Saskatchewan has the food, fuel, and
This includes standing up against damaging policies being imposed by the federal government, such as Bill C-69, the carbon tax, and the proposed Clean
fertilizer a growing world requires – high-quality, en-
Fuel Standard. Producers in our province compete
vironmentally responsible, sustainable products, pro-
globally and all levels of government in Canada need
vided through a safe, reliable supply chain.
to ensure regulations and policies allow the industry
About a year ago, our government released Sas-
to succeed.
katchewan’s Growth Plan: The Next Decade of
While 2020 has brought unexpected challenges,
Growth 2020-2030. In our Growth Plan, we put for-
including pressure on potash prices, the industry
ward a goal of increasing the annual value of potash
in Saskatchewan is on track to set new annual re-
sales from about $6.3 billion in 2019 to $9 billion by
cords in terms of production and sales volume. As
the end of 2030. This ambitious target underscores
Saskatchewan emerges from the pandemic stronger
our commitment to responsible resource develop-
than ever, we can be confident that potash will lead
ment and reflects our confidence in potash compa-
the way. s
12 PotashWorks 2021