0.50 mm Potash Screening, Chile - (9) 5-deck Stack Sizers.
Derrick screens raise potash and phosphate recovery, reduce cost SuperStack enters South Africa In 2018, Derrick-Africa recommended 10 5-Deck Stack Sizers to a major phosphate producer to upgrade their
In late 2020, three five-deck high-ca-
The Derrick Stack Sizer replaces con-
pacity Stack Sizer® screens fitted with
850-micron Polyweb® screen panels
on price. In early 2019, Derrick re-at-
tal banana-type screens before the
will be installed in Australia for sulfate
tempted to enter the phosphate mar-
screening surface. Compared with the
of potash recovery. This will be the
ket by offering SuperStack screens in-
low-screening efficiency of conven-
stead of Stack Sizers. Once again, the
tional screens, the Stack Sizer offers
offer was rejected due to uncertainty
lower circulating loads, low structural
of the new technology. In January
maintenance costs, and reduced brine
2020, however, Derrick re-visited the
spray on the screen deck to liberate
producer in Cape Town and offered
first installation of Stack Sizers for this application in Australia. These highcapacity, small footprint screens will produce significantly higher yields than the previous equipment used in the application, allowing recovery operations to focus on capturing as much product as possible with minimal additional work. Derrick’s unique Polyweb urethane screen panels on the Stack Sizer reduce near-size blinding to maintain optimum efficiency, while offering unmatched panel life. Working together with global potash producers to improve mill recovery
fines, thereby raising productivity and
plant, but were not considered purely
them four SuperStacks instead of 10
process efficiency.
5-Deck Stack Sizers. They showed
In early 2020, Derrick introduced its
significantly reduced infrastructure.
latest screening innovation, the Su-
Through a cost-benefit analysis, Der-
perStack® to the world and it soon
rick’s offer won the $2.3 million ten-
caught the attention of the potash in-
der, allowing the first SuperStack in-
dustry. With its eight vibrating screen
stallation to proceed in Africa.
decks operating in parallel, combined with a 30 to 35 per cent increase in
that the SuperStacks would result in
Michelle Lawrence, COO, Kropz says, “The four SuperStacks offer an el-
and efficiency, Derrick continues to
effective screening width compared
develop proprietary high-capacity,
with Derrick’s 5-Deck Stack Sizer,
to increasing throughput of the mill-
high-efficiency, robust and reliable
this novel machine exceeds the Stack
ing circuit and top-size presentation
screening solutions for the potash in-
Sizer’s capacity by two-and-a-half to
to the flotation circuit. We look for-
three times.
ward to recommissioning the plant
52 PotashWorks 2021
egant and cost-optimized solution