Old School Gathering in The Memory of Gary Tant Pages 24-25

Happy Easter God Bless you and yours!
Happy Easter God Bless you and yours!
On the cover...a shot from Old School Detail and Old School Bike Shop in Louisburg, NC. They had a gathering of friends and family to celebrate the memory of Gary Tant who was the owner of the Biker Barn. See pages 24-25 for coverage of that event.
Check out all of our “Livin’ The Life” stories in this issue! There are so many out there. If you would like, please send us yours. We would love to hear all about it!
We want to wish you and yours a happy St. Patrick’s Days. Lots of fun events are starting to pop up with St. Patty’s Day in mind. Check out the events on our Facebook page, Behind Barz Mag.
We also want to with you and your family a very happy Easter! Remember the reason, Jesus Christ! He gave his life for you. All you have to do is believe in Him!
If you are lost...have faith in Him! He will get you through whatever it is that you may face...because He is with you...all the time! God Bless you and yours! We’ll see you out on the road, Behind Barz!!!
Old School Detail and Old School Bike Shop ~ Pages 24-25
We reserve the right to edit all letters, opinions, or articles for publication in “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. No part of “Behind Barz” may be reproduced for any purpose in intirety or in part without the express written consent of “Behind Barz”. “Behind Barz” does not endorse any advertiser or its products and cannot be held responsible for advertisers claims. “Behind Barz” has the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. “BB” will not intentionally publish fraudulent or misleading advertising. Opinions depicted in any photograph or writing does not necessarily reflect the view point of the staff of “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. Manuscripts, artwork, photographs, inquiries and submitted materials are welcomed.
PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589 vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP
SALEZ: Debbie Sykes
charlie - after the 18th hole
m.a. - the one and only harley mama
jason - foreign corespondent
kate - foreign corespondent bones - black hills under ground pork - black hills high wire
lady d - LA corespondent
angel eyes - on the other side
moe - shitcreek Survivor
vinney - the original picker! RIP
mike - always on call
jaybird - Always ridin’
damn yank - on the north side
bob bryant - poetry biker
becky - Road Glide Queen
dave - Iron Man
chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP
izzy - MM South Carolina
big ed - Only as he can tell it!
bobby earl - cointreuversial
wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP
“jus” rick - former golden boy
preacher man - SHBC RIP
d-rod - “guardians” public relations RIP
indiana bill - the longest in the world
paul - ghost baseball player
bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle
michelle - keeping it real
bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP
rodger - Jesus freak
pam - VA MM
mikey - Inspector Clouseau
Information on changes, however please note that the mission is not changing....
Dear NC Packs4Patriots Supporters NC Packs4Patriots (P4P) is preparing for some big changes. P4P and Support our Troops, Inc (SOT), out of Florida, have been working together for close to a decade. SOT has routinely sent shipments of donations to P4P for us to use in our care packages and for pick-ups. We believe that changing needs and circumstances have indicated our troops can be best served if P4P operations becomes part of SOT. SOT is a “501(c)(3) public purpose charity which works to strengthen the morale and well-being of our current military service members and their families.” They provide goods and services that range from large scale enterprise-level container shipments to bases and battalions, down to individual soldier support. As part of the SOT umbrella P4P will become a distribution center for receiving and coordinating distribution of donations on a much larger scale than anything we have handled in the past. With the large number of military bases in NC, and our location close to major interstate highways, we will be able to more effectively receive and coordinate distribution of goods to our troops. Over the coming weeks you will start to see the SOT logo and name on our Donor Letters and other documents. You will also notice that P4P will be referred to as the Support Our Troops North Carolina Distribution Center. We would like to ensure all of our loyal donors that P4P’s current mission of supporting our troops and their families is not changing, nor is our team of familiar faces. Our work will continue but just at a larger scale. P4P would like to sincerely thank our donors and volunteers for all of the support over the years and we look forward to working with you for years to come.
Photos above and below: Big thank you to these soldiers for a day of service! They organized boxes, swept floors, washed windows, and sorted candy ! (Some taste testing of candy also ! ). They were thrilled to find we still had a few bags of roasted peanuts from the Bath Methodist Church men!appreciated!
for your
Troops who are deployed and have a confirmed address are welcome to request care packages! Send name, address, and stop mail date to us by email to ncp4p@yahoo.com - information is only used for mailing labels and kept secure. You can also ask for special requests or needs and we will try to fill those. We ask that you let us know when packages arrive.
We need you to join our team to support our local heroes in 2023!
About our journey over 2,000 miles! Getting into Chicago Wednesday night was a beautiful sight…then we realized we still had an hour left of driving. Get to Waukegan, IL. in one piece. Graduation was perfect. Hunter’s division scored the highest of all divisions graduating and got a special shout-out. We were so happy to finally get a much needed hug and spend about 7 hours with him. He wanted tacos and a steak so tacos for lunch and steak for dinner with lots of snacks in between! We utilized our hotels gym and pool together, Hunter had a long shower (he hadn’t showered alone in 10 weeks), and we had a blast just relaxing and listening to him tell us all about boot camp. We had to drop him off at 8:30pm on base in order for him to gather his stuff and be taken to the airport at 1:30am. Me, mom, and Vic hit the road at 5am to head back. Our reason for being in that frigid place was gone so we wasted no time getting back. He was in Texas before we made it back home! What a long, cold trip it was! Seeing our boy smile was worth every mile though! He is now in San Antonio and doing well! Thankful for our great customers for understanding how much this meant to us! We are proud parents of a United States Sailor!
Saturday started off a bit chilly, down in the low 40’s. Upon arrival at Flying Iron H-D in Rocky Mount, there were 30 or so people getting things ready for the run. The members of the Coastal Plain Nam Knights were busy doing the things that event organizers do, selling raffle tickets, getting riders registered, etc. As the temps warmed slightly, the crowd continued to increase. Riders came in with toys and/or financial donations for the cause. By the time for the start of the run, around 50 bikes were ready to ride, escorted by the Nash Co. Sheriff Dept. with 1 bike and 3 patrol cars. We took the back roads over to Nashville, NC to the offices of My Sisters House of Nash County, Inc. We were met there by Cara, the Director of the organization, who thanked the participants for helping out and caring about the kids and families that the organization works with.
The Sheriff’s deputies escorted the riders back to the dealership. Hot dogs and hamburgers were coming off the grill as the riders dismounted. Soon the raffles were drawn, a $250 HD gift card was awarded to one lucky participant, and thanks was given to all of the participants for their actions.
After a rough night and a sleepy morning, we went out for our New Years ride! Your supposed to ride the 1st day of the new year so that your whole year is fill with a ton of rides and new adventures! Last picture, Mom came by to check on me. I fed her my homemade Posole.
January 1, 2023 - riding in the New Year, with 292 miles / Smiles
America’s Ultimate Long Distance RiderMotorcycle Challenge ... attending the Brass Nutz / Sweaty Ballz ride in Fayetteville, NC ...
1 pt - State NC / start mileage = 76,149 ...
1 pt - Roadside America - Airborne & Special Operations Museum
1 pt - Historical Marker - Babe Ruth 1st Home Run !!!
1/1/23 = 3 pts ... riding in the New Year with 105+ Bikes, Priceless
Good times with good friends on the New Year’s Day ride yesterday. The weather was perfect for 250 miles on North Carolina back roads. Even road through Milwaukee to get to Virginia. Good crowd with friends from Kinston, New Bern, Wilson & Richlands. Jeff started his year out right with a little extra pocket change from winning the poker hand. By 10am Lynwood said he’d already eaten at the Waffle House twice this year.
Great day to start the new year!
Two wheels, 180 miles of back country roads, and great fellowship.
New Year’s Day ride with family and friends to Deadwood restaurant!!!! Thanks to all that rode and we missed the ones that couldn’t make it.
If not, you should be! The motorcycle industry is a 25+ billion dollar industry! The average income of a biker is $75k+ annually! Women are more than 1/3 of the motorcycle market! Average age is 40-65. Bikers spend over 3 billion annually on charities!
Get Behind Barz Mag distributed to your business and we will let bikers know you carry it and are biker friendly! All you have to do is ask! Call us and we will let you know how. 252-314-8589
Do you care about your business? If you do, and want to advertise in a respected and professional magazine, give us a call. We are the only full color, glossy biker publication in VA., N.C. & S.C. combined. We were the first free biker mag with an E-Magazine! We have more online social websites than anyone else to offer you the optimum advertising possibilities ~ Print Mag, Virtual Mag and many other social media outlets! All at your disposal for one price when you advertise with us! You have one option when advertising with Behind Barz Mag ~ FULL COLOR! We do not do black & white, we do not do newsprint, we do not charge for web advertising!
We care about your business... do you?
On June 24, 2023, The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association will be leading a dice run fundraiser affectionately named, “Ride for Sierra.” This 5th annual motorcycle ride is in memory of a member’s daughter, Sierra-Lynn Barbara Wise. Sierra was an aspiring mechanic, attending Rowanty Technical Center in Prince George County, VA. She was in an unfortunate car accident on her way to her own High School Graduation (June 6, 2015), which led to her tragic death.
In honor of Sierra, her persistence and perseverance, all the proceeds from this dice run will be donated to the programs at Rowanty Technical Center. The funds will be used to purchase tools and supplies needed to help teach future technicians. Sierra’s legacy will live on through this program. The Ride has always been supported and run by the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA), but this year’s ride is officially a sanctioned event for this organization. The CVMA, Chapter 27-6 is a “family” of Brothers and Sisters who come together for support, friendship and have a passion for riding motorcycles. They come from all branches of the United States Armed Forces and raise money for other Veterans who served their time and sacrificed for our country. We also support the Veteran’s family whenever and however we can. Since the school is close to an active-duty base, many of the students supported from the funds we donate to Rowanty are veterans’ kids.
Last year’s dice run raised $6000.00+ for the Welding Technology program. This enabled us to purchase an extremely large amount of welding rods, tools, and safety equipment for this program.
This needed equipment will increase the sustainability of the training program for future classes and technicians. Many generations will understand the love Sierra had for this program, and how important it is for us to maintain this additional funding for the Rowanty Technical Center.
Gerald “PACK RAT” Thomas Chapter Treasurer/Quartermaster Heart of Virginia Chapter, 27-6 Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association.Your time is now. Be the next hero for an entire generation on The Bike That Builds Champions.
• Updated 249cc engine with electric start.
• Race-ready suspension with updated settings.
• Revised coned disc-spring hydraulic clutch.
Professional rider on a closed course. Scan with camera to view videos, key features and more. KAWASAKI CARES: Read Owner’s Manual and all on-product warnings. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and proper apparel. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Adhere to the maintenance schedule in your Owner’s Manual. ©2022 Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.Aug 18, 1950 -Feb 7, 2020
Story: Doobie
Photos: Cathy Tant & Robin Layman
11 February 23
Friends and family all gathered at Old School Bike Shop and Old School Detail in Louisburg, N.C.!!!
It was a beautiful Saturday to fellowship and remember Gary Tant, owner of The Biker Barn who passed away in February of 2020. Gary was a dear friend to many.
Lots of folks came out and it was like a homecoming or family reunion. George cooked his famous chops on the grill and everyone brought in a dish or dessert.
Thanks to everyone who came out and spent the day with us. It meant a lot!
As the 2023 riding season begins my mind is racing in a thousand different directions as I wait for winter to give way to spring. I have so many people I want to see, things I want to do and places I want to go but I’m on a fixed income so I’m very limited about what I can do and where I can go. I will be going back out to Colorado in April to do a funeral for a very close friend who died 8 years to the day after my wife died but after that I have no idea what I’ll be doing, I will wait for the Spirit of God to lead where He will.
Regardless of what God has us do or where He leads us, as bikers, the goal we should all have is two fold. Our first goal is to do what we love most i.e. to ride our scooters and return home to the people we love safely. We reach the first goal by keeping our heads on a swivel so we’re aware of our surroundings and by not doing stupid stuff that puts ourselves or others at risk. Too often it’s the little things like not checking our tire tread and air pressure or making sure all of our lights are working that can ruin what should have been a great day in the saddle….
In my opinion our second goal, which is to destroy the image society has of bikers, is just as important as the first. As bikers we’ve all been stereotyped by Hollywood as drug dealing murderous gang members and sadly the majority of people outside of the scooter community have bought into the ignorance of Hollywood’s producers. It’s a stereotype that has been put on us for decades and it will likely take decades to destroy it but it’s a challenge I look forward to.
We achieve the second goal by simply being who we are i.e. mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and proud patriots, we can only break the stereotype if we’re aware of it and want to reverse it. Bikers are a unique segment of society who are some of the most loving and generous people in the country but that fact is not widely known….
I’ve been extremely blessed to meet thousands of people who proudly wear the title of biker and are doing all they can to make a positive impact on their communities. These brothers and sisters have all poured out their lives to help raise money for everything from helping single parents trying to care for sick children to supporting no-kill animal shelters. We all love to jump on our scooters and ride just to feel the wind but we are also willing to pay money to be able to ride with other bikers to help support a ‘cause that’s bigger than our own desires…
This riding season I want to challenge myself and every other brother and sister who consider themselves a part of the scooter world to do whatever we can to make a positive impact on our society. I’m proud to call the people in the attached photos my family and my closest friends because they have all gone above and beyond the expected norm and without trying have changed the perspective of countless numbers of people by being who we really are as bikers…
“Make A Positive
Thee Redeemed House biker Church
“We can never know about the days to come but we think about them anyway. And I wonder if I’m really with you now or just chasin’ after some finer day.
Anticipation, anticipation Is makin’ me late Is keepin’ me waitin’”
This Carly Simon song, I believe we all have experienced at one time or another in life.
Without ANTICIPATION we would be lost in looking forward to something, there is anticipation before anything that is going to happen good or bad. The good and bad, is the consequences after the anticipation.
Cause and effect is a principle of life. There is a reaction to every action, be it physically or mentally.
I am anticipating, (looking forward to) not riding more... But riding with more purpose, in the sense of focusing more on planning, preparing, and praying.
Praying is the purpose of focusing for planning, preparing, that gives us direction.
We need to know where we are headed for planning, and the anticipation will prepare one for the consequences.
1. a result or effect of an action or condition. Our actions are the results of a condition. What are you looking forward to?
As bikers we anticipate everything that comes into view as we arrive at our destination. Even if no destination is planned in a decision to just ride, HAS a destination.
That’s riding free. Not free from any consequences, but am opportunity to accept any outcome along the way.
The Word, Bible, has an Acronym: B.I.B.L.E “Basic instructions before leaving earth.”
If you have an anticipation of not knowing where you’ll end in your life. The Bible will give you an answer of information about two different destinations.
You can choose.
“ Choose this day on who to serve”
It’s what you do during the anticipation of what’s to come that will have eternal consequences.
Read the good news it’s found in the new testament of the Bible.
God bless!
“Jesus Freak” Rodger.
Above: “That
When I started this article, it was because being a biker is in fact a “brotherhood”. There is a true oneness that exists between those of us that ride that is felt and shared that cannot be denied, but I wanted to research the TRUE meaning and definition of the word “brotherhood”. I found at least a dozen meanings dating almost as far back as words have been written, all with a basic similarity of care, concern, respect, honor, humility, and of course love. One of the most interesting definitions of brotherhood I found will stay with me for a while and maybe it will mean something to you as well. It comes from an old Hebrew text that interestingly states that the word brotherhood means “fireplace”. I found that odd and I kicked it around in my head for a while trying to wrap my mind around that concept, and then it hit me. A “Brother” is similar in this context to a split log in that he can go in several different directions...
it only takes a spark to ignite a passion from within. It may smolder or it may burn... until that brother’s passion comes in contact with another brother with that same fire inside another brother with that same fire inside. They share a common bond and their fire, each small in the beginning, begins to burn brighter as their brotherhood and bond ignites other brothers. That fire can last as long as there is fuel which attracts more brothers. The benefits of fire are basic and have been since the dawn of time, exactly as the benefits of brotherhood. Fire is light, fire is warmth, fire is protection, fire can be an incredible weapon but fire can also guide us as we explore. Fire can be a marker of where we have been and where we might go, and fire is to be respected. Each of us brothers has a fire burning inside and what a glory it is to see when a band of brothers unite... whatever the reason! I understand a bit better now why the Hebrew definition of “brotherhood” is fireplace. It only takes one Brother to start a fire but it takes the passion, care, and respect of a band of brothers to keep that fire alive and burning. It is a different meaning that I didn’t expect to find...but I’m glad that I did because the relevance is amazing. A brother will never leave another brother behind in situations or in life as long as that brotherhood is kindled, stirred, respected, and cared for. Each brother is unique in his passion and talents and has something worth contributing to the fireplace of “brotherhood”. That is my new definition of brotherhood...what do your brothers mean to you? We may already be close brothers or we may be brothers that have yet to meet but regardless, we share a oneness in this fireplace of brotherhood so let’s all look out for each other and remember that we are ALL brothers!!! Thank you for reading, my brother!
Above: My brothers Fisher, Jason, and Michael at Tippett’s Mill
Above: “New and used”, my brother Linwood and I go to the same Barber, LOL!
Above: Enjoying some “Sisterhood” in Wayne County! Left: My Brother Daniel (Wahoo) catching a dream
Above: Me and my brothers riding together to Richmond County, NC
Above: My brothers and sisters coming together for me after my surgery.
Above: Brady, me, and Jason at Tippett’s Mill in Zebulon, NC
Above: My brothers in Wayne County enjoying some cold beverages on a cool night in the swing!
When the smoke was clear, Motown came away with a roughed up bike and a broken leg along with other scraps and injuries.
As bikers, when we leave the house for some wind therapy, sure we are aware of the dangers, but none of us think something bad will happen to us, directly. We hop on to our bikes and twist the throttle back ready and ride looking for a good time. Some of us love to just putt putt down the road slow and easy. Nowhere to go and happy to feel the wind in our faces, and some of us want to test the reaper and see just how fast we can go. It doesn’t matter how you like to ride. If you are riding Miss Daisy or chasing the devil’s tail. Either one can put you in the hospital or the grave. My grandpa once told me, “Son, once you lose respect for that motorcycle, don’t worry. It will be happy to re-train you.”
Being your brother’s keeper. This has been weighing on my mind. Since I started with my club I can tell you just about every time we’ve had a brother or someone close to us to go down...When I say “go down“ I mean wrecking their motorcycle. Some situations, was where a brother was being careless or not properly maintaining their motorcycle and the bike put them on their ass. Other situations were where cage dwellers weren’t paying attention while driving and caused a wreck. Either one is not good, especially if it can cause a serious injury or death. Not to mention, totally destroying your sled. Which can ruin your day.
Here this past month we had another brother go down. The situation was caused by a cage dweller not paying attention to their driving and hit my brother Motown.
I often think about his words now that I’m a little older. I’m not the young man I once was and my responsibilities have also changed. I’ve got young children who need a Daddy at home. I got a wife who has already got a butt load of responsibilities with kids and really doesn’t have the time to feed me through a tube or wipe my ass cause I was acting stupid on a motorcycle. So, I don’t do all the dumb shit I used to do. I don’t go cutting off cars and I also don’t test the limits of seeing just how fast my Harley can roll. I leave the house knowing I must respect my bike and to stay alert. My eyes are like security cameras. I’m always watching, always looking ahead. I slow down at the cross roads even if the light is green. I’m always looking behind myself at the stop lights. I want to have a good time, but I also want to go home the same way as I left. All in one piece.
That thought that’s been running through my mind about being your brother’s keeper. Lets get to that. Some of us think that means being a billy bad ass and kicking the guts out of some dumbass who wants to pick a fight with your brother. Well that’s not the case I’m speaking. I’m talking about, you taking the time to look your bike but also looking your brother’s bike as well. There might be something he or she has missed. A loose nut, some belts showing in the back tire. The air pressure of both tires. Has your bro drank too much at the watering hole? If they take medication, ask them have they took their meds. As you are riding, look for smoke or anything out of the norm. Also while you are riding, not only look out for yourself but looking out for your brother. Road trash and I’m not talking about the lovely 50+ year old bar fly he just picked up at the local watering hole. No, I’m saying let your bro know you see some trash on the road and keep them aware.
As a club we used to attend this certain event every year around Thanksgiving. It used to be one of our mandatory rides, but we started noticing how dangerous it was becoming.
We noticed that the ride would attracted a lot of first time riders, and newbies. We saw that it seemed to be a lot of accidents and injuries. It finally got to the point that we decided not to attend the ride any more. People were not paying attention or lacked some skills when it came to riding in a group. Lots of starts and stops and pulling out their phones to grab a selfie while riding their bikes. This is dumb shit right there. If you already not comfortable riding in a group. Pulling out your damn phone to grab a selfie tells me you have absolutely no damn sense and you shouldn’t be riding in the event. One Mistake because you are being a dumbass can not only ruin someone’s bike but also injury someone or worse. You are not being your brother’s keeper. You are being a dumbass. So, please do us all a favor...Either ride on the back of someone else’s bike to take your little selfie or park your ride and stand by it on the side of the road. Don’t put your brother or sister in harms way because you want to add something to your Facebook.
I know I seem a little irritated with this part, and I don’t mean to be. I just hate seeing good people get hurt because of a few that don’t care. Seriously, sometimes I wish we’d start taking warning signs down just to start clearing the herd of idiots. Maybe then we will get a generation of people who are not so careless with their actions. We the people of bikers have got to start looking out for each other. Being a fellow biker if you see another biker on the side of the road, and if you don’t have some kind of urgency or a place you got to be. Stop and see if your brother or sister could use a hand. It could be a flat or something as simple at just needing a little more gas. Most old school bikers don’t need to be reminded of this, but the new generation may not know. So help your brother out.
Well folks, I’m going to leave you with this until the next time. I hope to see y’all on the road soon. I had to order a new rear tire and I’m waiting eagerly for it to come in. I’m ready to ride Y’all and I hope to see y’all in the wind with me. Write to
The Blue Knights Wake County Chapter 2 on March 25th will be doing a ride for an amazing Navy WW2 veteran. Bill is a 95-year old who was a lifelong motorcycle rider until his mid-70s and now that he is in his mid-90s he keeps saying he wishes he could go for one final ride. He is under the care of hospice at his daughters home but is still able to think about his fun days riding. Bill’s daughter reached out to BKNC2 and asked if they minded giving him a ride in a sidecar but the Blue Knights did even better. The Blue Knights Wake County Chapter 2 secured two motorcycles with sidecars. The Blue Knights will be picking up Bill at his house where he will ride in one sidecar and his daughter will be riding in the other sidecar, from there they will all ride to a WW2 Memorial. At the time of this writing the plans for the entire ride have not been completed as the Blue Knights wait to hear from local law enforcement agencies and military to finalize all plans but the ride itself will be happening. The Blue Knights Wake County Chapter 2 is beyond honored to be able to put this together for an American Hero and his daughter. They also thank the other military MC’s for the help and involvement in this very special endeavor.
The Blue Knights is an organization of Law Enforcement Officers from every aspect of the job and from many areas of the world. It’s an organization that started in Bangor, Maine in 1974 when a few friends, all connected by Law Enforcement, started riding motorcycles together. From this, the idea of the club was formed and because they were all connected with law enforcement the name Blue Knights was chosen. From the original seven members our organization has grown to have approximately 650 chapters, 19,500+ members in 11 Conferences within 29 countries. The Blue Knights motto is “Ride With Pride” and their mission is to promote motorcycle safety by being an example of the safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles and to improve the relationship between the motorcycling law enforcement community and the general public.
The Blue Knights Chapter 2 will be hosting a Car Show on October 7th so please stay tuned for more information about what will surely be a fun and exciting day of cars and motorcycles!
Story and Photos: Samantha
The Blue Knights Chapter 2 rely on donations from the motorcycle community and host different rides and events throughout the year to raise money that is then used to help law enforcement officers and their families when they are hurt or killed in the line of duty and they also help members of their local communities. If you are interested in attending any of their functions you can follow my articles in this magazine. They will also be starting a community Facebook Page where people can go to see what events they will have coming up in the future.
Blue Knights International pledge:
“As a Blue Knight, I pledge to act with honor and pride to promote motorcycling and motorcycle safety by being an example of the safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles. I will work at all times to improve the relationship between the motorcycling law enforcement community and the general public. The fraternal spirit will always guide me in relating to other Blue Knights.”
The long-awaited VA/WV PMS 25th Anniversary has come and gone.
PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) which all Motor Maids can relate too, has been a tradition for the last 25 years in different towns in Virginia and West Va. This year’s PMS was hosted in Harrisonburg, Va on February 3rd 4th and 5th. The VA/WV Motor Maids wanted to make this an extra special year honoring Glennadine Gouldman for her dedication to the Motor Maids and this particular PMS.
Friday while the winds were blowing and the Chinese balloon was flying over the US, we were preparing for a memorable PMS weekend. A nice casual gathering for catching up with old friends and making new ones. It may have been cold outside but the warmth of the gathering inside more than made up for the freezing temperatures.
On Friday Patti Viola and others were getting the hotel area setup with the banner, brochures, 25th Anniversary Pens, and the Harley T-shirts that were donated by Barbara Groves of Groves Harley Davidson in Winchester Va. Mickie Sienko wasn’t far behind with snack trays and 25th PMS Anniversary cake being set up for everyone. Kim Lettner donated a Memory photo album for the Motor Maids to share pictures and to write a little note to Glennadine.
Schelley Francis brought a little of Louisiana with her to Va. She brought 4 King cakes. Laissez le bon temps rouler! Let the good times roll! True to VA/ WV Motor Maid fashion the good times were rolling.
Friday was a leisurely evening signing everyone in who attended, selling raffle tickets and just catching up with old friends. Heather Waldis made a PMS Anniversary patch which was a big hit with everyone.
Saturday morning Motor Maids made their way to a nice buffet breakfast at the hotel. Everyone had their heads together making plans on where to go sightseeing in the area. I know, true to form, some of the Jersey girls headed for Charlestown Races and slots in WVA and Groves Harley. I believe Route 11 Potato Chip Factory was on some lists, also. A few of the Quilting ladies made their way to Dayton Va., to the quilt shops there. I saw a lot of folks at the Shenandoah Heritage Market in Harrisonburg, most had their arms full of packages. I believe everyone found something to occupy their day in the area.
At 5 PM sharp, we had a room reserved for us for dinner at the Wood Grill Buffet in Harrisonburg. We were seated and finished within an hour. If you left the Wood Grill Buffet hungry it was your own fault.
When we arrived back at the hotel the local Harrisonburg TV station and newspaper had reporters there to interview the Motor Maids. Krissa Drentlaw presented Glennadine with a traditional 25th Anniversary cake, the Photo Memory book and a Shadowbox with Motor Maids from Virginia thanking her for 25 Years of PMS. Sue Hooper gave Glennadine a beautiful framed portrait.
The TV station and newspaper interviewed Glennadine about PMS and a few of the other ladies to include Gloria Struck about her life as a Motor Maid and her book that was published. A group picture was taken of everyone attending PMS.
Now was time to raffle off the prizes. The first number drawn by Dianne Gardner who picked a quilt that Linda Meeks had made for our event showing a road map to the different towns in which PMS had been held. Terri Mixon had two of her ticket numbers drawn and picked out two quilts donated by Mickie Sienko. Pat Herber from Pennsylvania picked a set of Calphalon pans that I (Sharon Pence) had donated. Lu Hartman also had two of her numbers drawn and selected a Wall hanging that Mickie had donated and also a Knife set that I had donated. The 50/50 raffle went to Susan Greene for the amount of $243 dollars. I do believe that the winners went away happy. After the raffles, the games began. I saw some pretty intense UNO card game going on at one of the tables and other card games being played, also.
I would just like to run down these stats about this PMS...We had 61 people attending the event from 14 states and Canada these included:
Two Golden Life members (50 years or more):
Gloria Struck and Jeanne Deak
Six Silver life members (25 years or more):
Glennadine, Gail Burkett, Ginny Windley, Nancy Blakeney, Sue Hooper and Lois Hendershot. We had a past President, Jeanne Deak (who was our 5th President and presided over the 1988 Convention) and the present MM President Sandra Hinksman in attendance along with a past Vice President Glennadine and a current Vice President Delanie Adkins.
This was a nice gathering for the 25th VA/WV PMS Anniversary. We hope to see everyone next year.
14 January 23
I met up with a lot of the old Fayetteville crew at Garcia Moto today to watch a presentation by Chi-Ho Lee on his trip around the US, Canada and to Dead Horse, Alaska. Alan Jackson, David, Bill, Jimmy (AKA Super Jim), and even Rascally Rod braved cold temps and even snow flurries on the ride from Fayetteville. Met a bunch of other friends and riding buddies that I hadn’t seen in a while also. Alan then led us on a nice route to some fine BBQ in Smithfield. I then followed a nice, twisty route back to Flatlanders’ Paradise (Greenville).
Great breakfast with great friends this morning at Oak Level Cafe!
Sure miss our brother, Red, this last day of the year....
Paul Walker
Finally got warm enough, for me, to ride. We rode northeast about 70 miles on scenic backroads to see our 1st NC Cover bridge today. The Pisgah Covered Bridge was built in 1911 and stands within the Uwharrie National Forest in Randolf county near Asheboro. It was restored in 1999. It’s a simple but beautiful structure. Unfortunately, as with many structures unruly souls have to leave there mark on it, lest they be forgotten.
At Oak Level Cafe in Oak Level, NC
Now age 65. Been riding for 3 years. Started out on Suzuki s40 Boulevard. A year later upgraded to the bike pictured - 2018 Triumph T-100. My husband also started 3 years ago when he bought a V-strom 650. I had planned to just ride on the back once in a while, but decided - Hell no - I want my own and the journey began. We have done tail of the Dragon and many other backroads in Western NC, TN and Southwestern VA. We trailer our bikes for the 6 hour ride to the Mountains. This June will be renting bikes (Royal Enfield Interceptors) in Ireland for 4 days and then headed to Isle of Mann to catch the last couple days of the TT.
I would like to show off my 2006 Heritage Softail Harley Davidson. I would like to thank Scott Talbot owner of 8 Ball’s Cycle Works @ US-301, Wilson NC for triking out my bike. He did an awesome job and I would recommend Scott for all of your Harley work!!
story & photos: Archie Aycock
We are working to ensure events listed in Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine are as up to date as possible. Please be sure to confirm the status of any & all events before making plans to attend by calling or emailing the event contact person listed with event.
Cancer Benefit Dinner and Dance to Help Angela. Rocky Mount Moose Lodge 521 Country Club Rd. Dinner at 6pm. Dance at 8pm. $20 in advance. $25 at the door. Contact David Allen 252-469-3017 SEE FLYER PAGE 18.
Book Run For Lucama Elementary
Barnes & Nobles 3040 Evans St.
Registration 10am. Kickstands up 11am. 2 age appropriate books ages K-5th grade per bike. Hardback preferred but will accept paperback. Ride will end at Lucama Elementary School after Blessing of The Bikes at CycleMax in Wilson. Contact Barry Wood at bwood@wilsonnc.org
Special Forces Association Chapter 1-18
6TH Annual Poker Run
Charlie Mikes Pub 195 Starpoint Dr. Reg 1000. Kickstands up 1100. Last bike in 1630. $20 driver and $10 passenger. Food, drink, band, prizes and silent auction. Proceeds go to Chapter 1-18 to help the community. SFA118Wilkers@gmail.com
Annual Memorial Ride and Dedication Event
Crown Complex 1960 Coliseum Drive. NC Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association 15-1
Music, raffles, games, vendors and more.
For more info please check out the Facebook page below: www.facebook.com/events/1315070532559895
CVMA VA 27-7’s 3rd Annual Spring Dice Run
Richmond HD 12200 Harley Club Dr. Reg. 0930. First bike out at 1100. Last bike out at 12 noon. $20 rider and $10 passenger. End point American Legion 27 Colonial Ave. Colonial Beach. cvma27-7.org or 27.7.xo.cvma@gmail.com
Car & Bike Show 10am-3pm
Central Baptist Church 11109 Poole Rd.
Benefiting Chad Tough Defeat DIPG Foundation
In memory of Lilian Blackman. Sponsored by F.A.I.T.H. Riders of Central Baptist Church. People’s Choice car, truck & bike. Free dash plaque for first 75 entries. Food trucks on site. No entree fees. Donations appreciated. Contact Mac McComb: 252-419-2608 Rain date 22 April 23
Day of Praise - Blessing of the Bikes ~ Free Admission
661 Vale Road 11am Hosted by Ransomed By Grace
Bike Blessing, Food Trucks, Vendors, Giveaways, Addiction Recovery Resources and more. Everyone
Welcome. Hosted by Ransomed by Grace - extending hope to those bound by addiction, giving hope to youth, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost world.
Scripture Run at Shenandoah Baptist Church
3894 Shenandoah Ct. Off Hwy 97
Benefit for Shenandoah Baptist Church Youth Group. Doantion $20 per bike. $5 for rider. $5 extra hand. First bike out at 10am. Last bike/car in by 1:30pm. Prizes, food and fun! More info: Dawsie 252-443-5860 or Donnie 252-813-7182
Help Thy Neighbor JOCO
Starts at Bulldog Harley Davidson 1043 Outlet Center Dr. and ends at Plan B Bar 519 W. Market St. with music, food, raffles, vendors and fun. $20 rider and $10 passenger. Contact Betsy: 919-500-6475 or Scott: 919-437-3698 or Angie: 919-810-8416 Motorcycle Poker Run to benefit Help Thy Neighbor Johnston County
Ride For Sierra Dice Run
VFW Post 9808 Reg. at 9am. Raffles and 50/50. Facebook. com/ridefor sierra www.RIDE4SIERRA.COM
See story and flyer on page 22.
See our Facebook page for these events and more: www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag
TAYLOR HINES Bailey, NC won a pair of coozies, a shot glass, a purple poker chip, and a ball point pen courtesy of Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson!
For 18 years we have included stickers in each issue of the magazine. I personally put each and every sticker in each and every copy myself (Doobie)!!! Here lately folks have gotten bad about pulling stickers out of many copies... I guess because they like the stickers so much. It has happened in the past but not like it has the last few issues. It is unfair to others who pick up a copy of the magazine only to find that their copy does not have a sticker. So, starting with the Jan-Feb 2023 issue of Behind Barz we are not going to place stickers in each copy. We will have stickers available for FREE but you have to send a self addressed, stamped envelope to our PO Box listed on previous page. We will then send you the sticker that goes with this issue (if you write “NEVER LOST” on the envelope) plus we will throw in 3 more stickers, of our choice. We hate this has to be done but with the time it takes to place each sticker in every copy and then people are pulling the stickers out we feel that this is the best way to do it right now.
Thanks for your continued support! We still have lots of killer prizes from our sponsors on the previous page to give away. So remember, you can’t win it if you don’t stick it!
Please remit payment to: Behind Barz PO Box 692 Nashville, N.C. 27856
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6 issues $24.95
2 years $39.95
ONLY US Postal money order/cash accepted via the US Postal Service.
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YOU CAN ALSO SUBSCRIBE BY GOING TO: www.BehindBarz.com and paying via PayPal.