Economia & Mercado Abril 2021

Page 46




Na última edição da Web Summit, a maior conferência mundial de tecnologia que, desde 2016, se tem vindo a realizar em Lisboa (Portugal), a start-up etíope foi a grande vencedora, de entre 700 participantes, da competição PITCH promovida pela multinacional KPMG. In the last edition of the Web Summit, the largest world technology conference that has been taking place in Lisbon (Portugal) since 2016, the Ethiopian start-up was the winner, out of 700 participants, in the PITCH competition promoted by the multinational KPMG. TEXTO TEXT RUI TRINDADE

O trabalho desenvolvido pela

Labibela Global-Networks foi considerado de relevância excepcional para a transformação digital do sector da Saúde no Leste de África. O projecto, que deu o primeiro lugar na competição à Labibela Global-Networks, designado ABAY-CHR, e que se iniciou em 2019, tem por objectivo a digitalização dos processos de gestão hospitalar. O ABAY-CHR permite a simplificação dos procedimen-


tos hospitalares e tem, comprovadamente, melhorado a qualidade do atendimento prestado pelos hospitais. Desde que começou a ser implementado, o ABAY-CHR já permitiu digitalizar 1,2 milhões de registos de pacientes. Wuleta Lemma, co-fundadora e CEO da Lalibela Global-Networks, sublinhou, ao receber o prémio, que a pandemia só veio dar ainda mais ênfase à importância do trabalho que tem sido realiza-

do. “A Covid-19 mostrou a importância de termos registos médicos seguros, o que, para mim, deveria ser um dos direitos humanos essenciais”, afirmou. Mas, a Labibela Global-Networks está longe de ser a única start-up do continente africano cujo trabalho inovador tem vindo a ser reconhecido internacionalmente. Também a start-up angolana ‘Appy Saúde’ foi recentemente premiada, na categoria de eHealth, duran-

The work developed by Lalibela Global-Networks was considered of exceptional relevance for the digital transformation of the Healthcare Sector in East Africa. The project ABAY-CHR, started in 2019 and aims for the digitization of hospital management processes. ABAY-CHR allows the simplification of hospital procedures and has improved the quality of care provided by hospitals. Since its implementation, ABAY-CHR has already enabled the digitization of 1.2 million patient records. Wuleta Lemma, Co-founder and CEO of Lalibela Global-Networks, underlined, upon receiving the award, that the pandemic only came to emphasize the importance of the work that has been made.”COVID-1 has shown we all need a secure medical record, which should be considered as one of the essential human rights.” He stated. Lalibela Global Networks is far from being the only African Start-up whose innovative work has been internationally recognized. The Angolan start-up Appy Saúde has also recently been awarded, in the eHealth category, during the international ITU Virtual Digital World 2020 Conference, held last October, organized by the International Telecommunication Union, a United Nations Agency for the telecommunication sector. The Appy Health developed a mobile application, available since 2017, which allows users to reserve medicines and order in nonprescription pharmaceutical products, make appointments and enroll for health insurance. The application also allows its users to identify the nearest pharmacy, the best prices and the availability of medicines. At the moment, Appy Saúde Application gives access to more than 1500 pharmacies, 320 private clinics and 275 public hospitals in Angola. According to the news provided by Disrupt Africa, the Angolan start-up | Abril 2021 April 2021

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