Overpopulating in Egypt, a Design guideline for Off-grid housing - dissertation

Page 79

Figure (37) section illustrating the use of solar heating to create the internal ventilation circulation (archdaily2010) Electricity In Reynolds’Iconcept, Earthships areIequipped with solarIpanelsIand small wind turbines andIa battery to collectIand store enoughIenergy to properly supplyIthe house withIelectricity. Most of theIEnergy isIgathered viaIphotovoltaic panelsIwhich convert sunlightIinto smallIcharges ofIelectricity. ThisIenergy is thenIsupplied toIbatteries andIstored there. This is muchIthe same as a tin roofIgathering rainIand delivering itIinto a barrel. The electricity is gathered and stored and then passes throughIan inverter, whichIchanges it from DC toIACIpower.

Figure (38) use of solar panels in the waybe house (archdaily,2010)


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