NOVEMBER 1, 2021
Table of
13 Eating for Your Dosha
16 The Energiser with Chelsey Stailing
Editor's Letter
Appreciating You
Appreciation Affirmations
Crystals for Appreciation
The Aries Full Moon
Gratitude Poem
Eating for Your Dosh (Pitta)
The Energiser (Chelsey Stailing)
Monthly Movement
November Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya
Thanking You
How Meditation Cultivates Appreciation
The Energy of Your Space
Are You Full of Appreciation or Just Full of It?
Thanking You
32 How Meditation Cultivates Appreciation
Happiness is not fulfillment of what we wish for, but an appreictaion of what we have
Editor's Letter Dear Readers, For most of us, the importance of being thankful was taught at a very young age. In my family, it was made very clear that everything we had was a blessing and a gift. Of course we were taught to be thankful for gifts around the holidays, or treats on special occasions, but it was also important that we were appreciative of the roof over our head, food on the table, a safe form of transportation and so much more. However, I have found at times that it can become habitual. I found myself saying thank you without really thinking about what I was saying. The simple phrase would fly off my tongue multiple times a day but many of those moments went by as my attention passed through it and on to the next. Some moments even go completely unnoticed because you aren’t required to say ‘thank you.’ With that being said, each moment presents the opportunity to practice gratitude and appreciation. From the moment you open your eyes, you have the chance to be thankful that you have been able to make it to another day. You can appreciate the cup of coffee you can afford to pick up on the way to work, the friend who called you just to check on you, the job you get to go to, or the person who held the door open for you. It is so easy to take one look at the world, or one look at your current situation and point out all of the things that could be better. I encourage you to take a look around and consider what it is you have to be thankful for as often as possible. Not only will this help you be more appreciative of what you have, but it will hopefully boost your mood as you move through your day and notice all of the wonderful things that you get to experience. In addition I would like to say a big “THANK YOU!” to all of you for being a part of this amazing journey. Energi Magazine would not be what it is without your support. With love and light, Aria de Lima
Appreciating You By Andrea Sipcic
, “be grateful for what you have” or “appreciate the little things.” This really is so important and a great place to start when it comes to changing your mindset and aligning with appreciation. Take a moment and ask yourself, when it comes to appreciating the little things, when was the last time we truly When it comes to giving thanks we most often hear things like
appreciated the trees or nature in your area and what they do for us everyday or being able to walk down the street or be in our home and feel safe and at ease
Most importantly as crucial as it is to appreciate what we have and the little things these are
most often referred to as that which is outside of us from our home food job career to
relationships What we really want to look at is aligning with appreciation from within
Looking at this deeper sense of appreciation from within ourselves there are several different
perspectives we can take We can start with recognizing just how much our bodies do for us in
every moment of every day from our heart pumping blood to our entire body to digesting the
food we eat and absorbing the nutrients it requires When we really look at and become
, ’
knowledgeable in how our bodies operate it s clear just how miraculously our bodies function
all on their own The self healing abilities they have are a miracle in itself All of this already gives us so much to be thankful for when it comes to ourselves
Many of us and as a society tend to focus heavily on what we have not yet accomplished or
acquired and how far we have yet to go This type of approach takes us away from how far
we ve come taking us further away from appreciation It has become increasingly common to
“focus on how far you’ve come,” which is precisely what we want to be doing. Although that doesn’t mean stop having desires for more. While achieving your goals within the common focal points of your life such as your career, relationships, finances and fitness, we want to dig hear
a little deeper and evaluate our own individual journeys and put our focus upon our evolution
? How have
and how far we ve already evolved What new feelings have you been able to foster
? What have you been able to let go of and heal from that was maybe keeping you stuck or in an unhealthy state? What version you grown on a spiritual mental emotional and physical level
of yourself have you created that has allowed you to love and appreciate life and yourself from
? How have your challenges actually served you and propelled you forward and provided you with more clarity? What’s really a priority to you and where have you already put energy and effort towards that? a new perspective
If you ever find you are being hard on yourself feeling hopeless or that you are not where you
want to be stop and take a look at where you are now Consider where you wanted to be five
or ten years ago and the progress you have made since then We don t want to discredit the
small but actually big advancements we are making that are contributing to creating the us
we want to be because that is something we can truly be grateful for
Affirmations ~ Appreciation I appreciate who I am
I am conscious of all that has taken place to pave the way for what is and what is yet to be
I treasure everything I have experienced and created to allow for more clarity in my life
I acknowledge diversity with appreciation and opportunity for expansion
I demonstrate appreciation for life through the love and joy I choose to be and embrace
I love the co-creative partnership I have with the Universe
Everyday I wake in appreciation of the gift of another day @wiserootstherapies Postnatal Yoga Classes with Lisa Tuesday evenings 7:30 - 8:30 EST via Zoom. Book your class today!
Appreciation Rose Quartz
, rose quartz is also in alignment with the vibration of appreciation, two very similar energies. This crystal helps to foster healing of old traumas, which helps us move forwards from a place of appreciation rather than lack or resentment. Known as one of the best crystals for the heart chakra and aligning to the vibration of love
When feeling down or hopeless this crystal acts to lift our spirits and find hope peace and joy in
every moment thus releasing any depressing thoughts Its role is also to teach us to appreciate the path we are on and each new day as new opportunities to experience joy in our lives
The emerald crystal focuses on our spiritual journey and emotional development appreciating each
step of the way Being a stone of acceptance not only does it calm and help to quiet any nagging
thoughts but it also supports in embracing and accepting our emotions and spiritual nature From here
we are able to transform our mindset and see things from a place of love forgiveness understanding
and appreciation Most importantly all that we are and have feels like enough and we are thankful to be ourselves
The Universe
Thank you for connecting with the Universe I am ready to put my desire out to you Universe What is your desire? I am ready for you to bring me my soulmate Hello! Are you there? Read
Feel like you've been ghosted by the Universe?
Still looking to attract your soul mate?
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Law of Attraction Expert and Intuitive Energi Empress Priya
s Full M e i r A oo e h avita Moon Ch
I am bold, bright and full of light.
I listen to the voice inside me and honour my intuition and impulses.
I have the stamina and strength to overcome obstacles and manifest dreams.
I am eager and ambitious to accomplish worthwhile goals for myself and others.
I lead with kindness.
I choose to shape my future in a balanced way between comfort and challenge.
I love and trust myself and my decisions.
The Aries full moon brings an energy of intensity, where we can feel extremely positive or heavily emotional, depending on the circumstance and/or situations happening in our lives. Aries being the first sign of the zodiac and a cardinal sign, deals with new beginnings. It will help us become the leading role in our own lives. Known to be impulsive and action orientated, our emotions search for expression in a creative way, and the best way to deal with our emotions is by doing it alone. We become self-focused and can act quickly. The impulsivity of this moon can cause us to become impulsive, to have a burning desire to create change in our lives, looking for something new, more exciting, and more interesting. We will suddenly have the courage and tools to make all our desires happen. This amplified energy can also make mundane routines that require patience and perseverance a little more difficult, so bear that in mind when making decisions. Make note of where, to whom and at what our frustrations are directed, as this can give a clearer understanding of what we may be avoiding or when we are not listening to what needs to change in our lives. The moon in Aries brings motivated physical energy and enhances our active day to day lives. It is a great time to focus and dedicate our free time to sports activities and exercise. This can help forge out any emotional frustrations. To work with this moon, we need to get clear on what our souls’ calling is, rather than what our ego wants. When we choose to listen to what our intuition is telling us, that is when we can discover things about ourselves and our true souls’ purpose.
Aries’ one true wish is to give up doubts of what you should do and trust exactly what it is you want to do. This moon allows us to gain clarity on our emotions, our beliefs, our relationships and identities and all the things we need to let go of. Old wounds may resurface, enabling us to acknowledge the work needed for deep inner healing and shifting any stagnant energy that may be holding us back to be released. The surge of passion the Aries moon brings will motivate and inspire us to move forward, take action and get things done. These could be unfinished projects or those plan B ideas that we had put aside because we thought we ‘weren’t good enough’ to execute the project or make that dream materialize. The energy of this moon will help to propel ourselves forward in the direction we intend to head in and not allow anything to stand in our way. If we have deliberately been avoiding a known change that needs to take shape in our lives, the Aries moon will literally ram us into action to make the changes that are needed. This is a great time for taking risks and being spontaneous and a perfect time to follow our instincts and intuition to help us see past any doubts and fully believe in ourselves, our deepest passions and souls’ calling. It is a time to shine our light, put ourselves first, allow the ram to help us take charge of our destiny and courageously stride towards the unknown fearlessly. This moon is about taking action and encourages us to do so. The sun currently resides in the sign of Libra, where the themes consist of relationships with ourselves and others, finding balance and
self-love, all highlighted by the energy of the Aries moon. Allow time for self-care when we feel as though the energy of this moon takes us into a heightened emotional state. When making decisions, be sure that we are not being overly impulsive or irrational and check in with our hearts. A light may shine upon any issues with relationships under this moon, but we are being guided toward finally making the changes needed, to set boundaries and release old habits and behaviours, even letting go of relationships completely. To reiterate, this is the first full moon of the new season, making it a time for inner harvest. Think back to the intentions that were set in the spring and allow for this daring full moon to reveal what may have blocked us from attaining what we desired. Look at how we can now use this full moon to complete those intentions that we set for ourselves to achieve. Now is the time to let go of any limitations, fears and expectations we had on ourselves. We know deep down what we would like to be doing and where we would like to be in our lives, and this full moon is here to help illuminate how and what we need to do to obtain our goals. Try writing a list of what holds you back from securing the outcomes you want, and work on releasing them using this moon’s energy. The key word for Aries is ‘I’, so confidently promote and share your light and greatness with the world. Make an action plan towards something you have been putting off, and work towards confronting it headfirst to get to where you want to be, commit to it, and have faith that all will work out just as you planned. Happy Full Moon in Aries.
Gratitude Feeling grateful for everything you have attained and learned. Living in gratitude is when you realize happiness was always inside.
By: Chelsey Lynn Stailing
Eating For Your Dosha PITTA
Crystal Infused Energi Water Bottles
balances the molecular structure of your water hand etched high frequency words; sets your intention & raises the consciousness of your water each bottle and crystals are attuned with the moonlight and crystal singing bowls separate crystal chamber; cleanse or change your crystals at any time made of borosilicate glass which can be used for hot or cold beverages includes silicone sleeve, crystals and storage cylinder
All Natural Hand Crafted Veterinarian approved Human Grade & Gourmet Quality No Grain, No Soy, No Second ingredient Air Dried to produce a natural, nutrient-dense premium tasty treat
ENERGISE THE ENERGISER Chelsey Lynn Stailing By: Aria de Lima "My family was quite superstitious. If we had gut feelings we would follow them. My family just knew things, so that got passed down but in terms of being spiritual, I’m the first one in my family. I got called weird a lot. It would freak people out sometimes and people even say that it
didn’t happen, but I used to see a lot of shadows and I would say I saw ghosts or I would also hear voices. I had the gift of knowing. I would just know things! I was highly sensitive, extremely sensitive and I still am. I’ve been spiritual for pretty much my whole life but I had always felt like I was a little off or something so I pushed it away. I’ve always been an odd child but I didn’t actually know about my spirituality until about four years ago. I got into some trouble. I was with somebody, my children’s father. We broke up and I started seeing someone else. The relationship wasn’t great, it only lasted about nine days but during it, I was drinking, and after that I was really sick spiritually. I was really really spiritually drained and I just didn’t know what was happening. I went to church first and that wasn’t working for me. My body put me into these weird trances. I was hearing voices. I was running from my gifts and what I was feeling. That's the reason why I got into addiction. I was trying to run away because I kept seeing things and hearing things. I thought I was going crazy. I tried to run away for most of my life. I was suicidal. It went hand in hand and it was not good at all, to the point where I actually put myself down so much that I wasn’t going to make it. I wouldn’t say I got heavy into drugs but with the drugs I did take, I accidentally got poisoned by one and it made me really sick. And you know, I was losing my children and not putting myself in healthy situations. At one point I went down to 70 pounds and they said if I didn’t change my lifestyle, I wasn’t going to make it to see 27 years old. So I needed to stop and that’s why I went to the wellness program. I was getting help because I was destructive. I was destroying my life and other people’s lives. It’s kind of what happens when people, especially abusive men, are calling you a psycho, calling you crazy, videotaping you talking to yourself and then showing everybody or putting it on Facebook and making fun of you. You have professional people looking at you saying you need help and trying to diagnose you when you know that what you’re hearing and seeing is not you being crazy. But when you try to explain it you get worked up and you just can’t. It makes you feel small and it induces this feeling of I don’t belong here. It
starts to make you wonder who you are. These were things that I was struggling with but now I’m not. I thought it was my mental health, other people thought it was my mental health, so I was getting put on pills. I was getting put in the mental ward trying to get help, trying to get diagnosed or something but everything kept coming back saying I was ok. Then I had kind of a breaking moment. It was about two or three years ago and I was in the hospital. For years I had been getting psych tests done to prove that something was wrong. I was getting checked for schizophrenia, I was getting checked for split personality disorder, I was getting checked for bipolar disorder and I just kept saying ‘no, this isn’t it.’ I was going in the spiritual books and I was looking it up and locking myself in rooms so I could figure it out because everyone around me kept saying I was crazy. It wasn’t helping me. At this time, I was losing everything. I was relapsing, I was trying to recover from relapsing, my ex had my kids, I just got out of an abusive relationship and I had nothing left. But I knew I wasn’t crazy, so I just started asking for forgiveness. I started lighting incense, I started doing rituals and I started doing some research online. I was in a hospital, I was in a wellness program and I was working on my different art pieces and stuff like that and one day they looked at me and they’re like “nothing’s wrong with you. You’re gifted.” and I was like “what?” and they said “ya, we think you're gifted.” I don’t know if they were saying it to make me feel better or if they actually meant it but they had taken me off the medication, and they wanted me to go see a counselor but then they said I was ok. My doctor even suggested I go to see other spiritual people as well. So once they started believing me, I started to embrace it more and now everyone around me knows that I’m spiritual and so many people tell me that I’m spiritual. When I tell them that the Divine told me, they don’t laugh at me. Then I started to go to more spiritual people. I spoke to psychics, mediums, light workers, witches, reiki practitioners, energy healers and even a monk. I was asking them about what was going on and they told
me I was coming into my gifts. So I got tarot cards, I got into divination and I kind of just went big into it. It was my whole entire life. I didn’t feel safe without [spirituality]. I felt like something was trying to attack me. I was going through a mental health crisis but also a spiritual awakening at the same time. Also being a young mom with two children, I was going through postpartum depression. I had been dealing with emotional abuse and health problems, so it was a lot. I didn’t actually get a hang of my spirituality until about two years ago when I was actually allowed to express it and allowed to be myself. [My family] pretty much already knew because they already saw that I was kind of odd. At first people in my life were
kind of throwing bibles at me and telling me I was following Satan and telling me that I need to find God. They told me what I was doing was wrong, that the tarot cards were evil and stuff like that. My friends, they reacted fine. I actually read tarot cards for them and teach them stuff and they’re just like “oh ya, Chelsey and her witchy ways.” I guess people who are kind of stuck in their ways were kind of thrown by it, but the people who really knew what was going on, they were ok with it. Even strangers will come up and ask me if I’m a psychic and I tell them yes. I don’t really tell people but I do. I wait until people tell me before I deep dive into it because it’s such a controversial thing. I think I had to find myself before I could find spirituality. I think I had to be alone, and that’s why when I was going through a hard time, I was locking myself in the rooms. It was because I knew I had to be alone to deal with it. I would go on spiritual groups on Facebook and I was part of other groups and I would meet people that were spiritual. They would say ‘I’m spiritual and I can help you.’ There was a Nan’s Rock Shop which is like a spiritual shop and the woman working there helped me too. Spiritual people just started coming to me and aiding me.
I do not do anything unless I connect with my guides, my ascendant masters and heaven. I have gotten extremely good and fast at manifesting things. I ask and I receive. It’s actually really weird. I’ll say “I really want a nice printer.” I couldn’t afford a nice printer but Seven Arts was giving a printer but the cord was missing and it might need to be fixed a little bit. So I’m like ok, and ended up with a printer for five dollars. I called the person who I thought might have the cord I needed and they generously gave me the cord. I got some new cartridges and now I have a brand new printer. My spirituality saved motherhood for me. My oldest, he is starting to have an interest. He’s more into natural things like juices and herbal treatments. He’s interested in rocks and crystals and all of that stuff. I just try to lead by example. When I’m cleaning the house I will use incense and essential oils, I will sweep a certain way, I will put salt by the door, I have crystals all around. I’m naturally a healer but I just embrace it through being myself. I learned that I can do healing through making my decor or just talking to somebody or just leading by example. My best friend has told me that she had no interest in spirituality at all but after seeing me do it she is starting to touch base on it. I write my poems and my stories using divinity. Also my art is the same thing. I just feel and create. I plan on doing programs. I am trying to get a grant for next year to start a wellness program to help Nova Scotians with bringing arts and wellness together. I wouldn’t have known that without divination and being guided to do so because everything I'm supposed to be doing seems to be dropped in my lap and I just take it. Sometimes I’ll be doing something or I’ll be walking and a poem pops in my head and I also have the voice in my head that helps keep me calm. I am a freelance writer, a freelance artist, a published writer, and future entrepreneur. I just embrace it and live who I'm supposed to be and try to show other people that it’s ok to do the same. You don’t need to conform. I do all of these practices because they protect me and my family and I’ve
noticed that since discovering my spirituality my life is flowing easier, I have inner peace and I am protected. I barely have any drama and if I do it gets shut down quick and I like to believe that it is because of the practices that I do. Spirituality saved me. Some of the stuff, I wasn’t quite sure about it but when I really needed it, it saved me. When you have people embracing it, it becomes ‘oh it’s just Chelsey and her gift of knowing.’ If I was writing things down, they would throw them out but now, I write things down and I’m getting it published. I couldn’t embrace my spirituality because I wasn’t allowed, until it became a choice of either embracing who I am, just tell everybody to leave me alone and be who I am or end up dying. So I made a decision. I learned to stop attaching my peace, worth, happiness and beliefs to people, places and things. I stepped back and went within and found it was inside the whole time. I have children and I have a purpose and I am going to fulfil that purpose. Now I live completely guided by the divine."
Yoga Nidra Classes (Sleep Meditation) Monday evenings with Premadasa 9 pm - 10:15 pm EST online via WebEx Premadasa Gangadeen @premadasa108
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2. 3.
Sit comfortably and evenly on sitz bones. Hands resting on your thighs. Feet flat on the floor. Shoulders are down and back. Spine elongated. Exhale as you lower your head and tuck your chin in while maintaining posture. Keeping the head down, inhale as you gently turn your head toward one shoulder, grazing your chin on your chest. Exhale as you turn your head toward the other shoulder, grazing your chin across your chest. Repeat side to side turning with chin, making a smooth curve from collarbone to collarbone. Inhale in one direction and exhale in the other. Do as many as you’d like. Complete move in the centre and gently lift head.
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Can be done standing with feet hip width apart and weight evenly distributed.
Close your eyes.
DO NOT do this with your head tilted back.
Relaxation of the muscles in the neck and behind the eyes.
Coordination of visual and auditory skills.
Supports emotional grounding and centering.
Differentiation of head and shoulder movement.
Crossing the visual midline.
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November Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya Card: Empowerment The message from the Guides surrounding empowerment is centred more around selfempowerment. They wish to advise you that while there are people and places with whom you will allow yourself to feel empowered, empowerment cannot come from outside of you. The Guides invite you to make time and take time to visualize the word power. Then, visualize yourself in regards to power. What messages, pictures, memories come up? Do they create a feeling of being powerful or powerless? This month is about acknowledging, embracing and tuning into the power that is unique to you and within you. You are encouraged to show up each day as your best you, whatever that looks like, sounds like, thinks like and acts like. For some of you the message is to dissolve frustrations in your life. The Guides are here to assure you that you will be fully supported by the higher beings to do so. They ask you to focus on becoming the energy of the solution to your frustrations, rather than remaining aligned with the frustration itself. You are in full possession of the power to create change in this situation. You are being encouraged to stop any self-sabotaging behaviours. For some of you the message is that the month ahead is a time of rebirth. The Guides wish to reassure you that you count on them to lead you through this transformational process and phase. The world needs you to step up and into the power of who you truly came here to be. The Guides are suggesting the use of the Sunstone crystals which draw in the energy of the sun, a powerful source of energy to assist with transformation. In love and appreciation, Intuitive Goddess Priya Card Deck: The Healing Oracle Crystal Reading Cards Author: Rachelle Charman Published by: Sterling Ethos
Thanking You BY: CHRIS LEE
In years past, if you were to peruse your social media timeline on Thanksgiving, you’d see a menagerie of “Happy Turkey Day” posts and pictures of families and food. In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is wedged between Blackout Wednesday (the second biggest bar night of the year) and Black Friday (the biggest shopping day of the year). In the midst of holiday travel, preparing for dinners and watching football, the question still remains What are you most grateful for? One of the things that I’m most thankful for are the memories shared with - and lessons learned from my grandparents. My grandfather taught me the importance of sacrifice for family. His life centered around working to provide for his family and spending time with his family. My grandmother was a kind and compassionate person, who saw good in people that they may not even have seen in themselves. If you were to ask the average person what they are thankful for, they might give you the usual ordinary reply: “I’m thankful that we have a roof over our heads, food on our table and are in relatively good health.”
Those are definitely things to be grateful for but that’s boring! It doesn’t move me. What about you? The true nature of gratitude and appreciation serve us in two main ways. Gratitude refocuses our thoughts toward positive things. It helps us to see the positives in just about any situation. Gratitude builds confidence, resilience and belief. Secondly, gratitude strengthens our bond with others. Think of how gratifying it is when someone expresses appreciation for us. It makes us feel good and motivates us to keep going. One area we tend to overlook is selfgratitude. Yes, there are many reasons to be grateful to YOU. When you’ve overcome a significant challenge or navigated a difficult situation, acknowledge your hard work and the skills needed to beat the obstacle that you triumphed over. Take inventory of your positive attributes. What do you appreciate about yourself? Your ability to keep going, your resourcefulness, your mental fortitude? Keep a mental list of those attributes so that when you “forget who you are”, as we all do from time to time, you can easily remind yourself of who you are: a blessing and a gift. @savitamoonchild @savitamoonchild
How Meditation Cultivates Appreciation BY: PREMADASA GANGADEEN
Whenever I meet someone and they find out that I practice and teach Yoga and meditation, the most common response to these two things typically are, “I’m not flexible enough to do Yoga” and “my mind is too busy to meditate.” Unless you are a baby, a gymnast, or in any major athletic practice, the majority of us are not flexible and unless you are a baby, the majority of us have very busy minds, especially in today’s global climate. This demonstrates the need to practice Yoga and meditation - to cultivate the flexibility or acceptance to the present moment without too much tension or looseness or in other words, finding the middle path. These practices bring us to our centre like being at the hub of a universal wheel with all the spokes of life and life circumstances whirling about the centre. Within the centre of the hub is stillness and going out from there, things appear to get busier and busier the further away that one moves. The rebuttals above for Yoga and meditation are all part of the human condition. According to the notion of reincarnation of which Yoga and Buddhism stem from, it is the soul which journeys from its inception through many physical incarnations as it goes back to its source; the centre within the centre going further and further inward to the still point.
This journey from source to go back to source is commonly referred to as Leela, or simply Play. It is a play of consciousness to have the varied experiences of humanity and other life forms interacting with one another. To experience the heights of joy to the depths of despair and everything in-between are all a part of Leela. It is in this sense that Yoga also references the term of joining the many into the One. When it comes specifically to meditation, my cursory advice to the practitioner would simply be to notice what is happening all around when in the process of preparation for, and ultimately the practice of meditation. I also advise to exercise prior to sitting for meditation and to have had a warm bath or shower before settling into a comfortable position to practice. Meditation is a
extreme adventure which takes us, shakes us and wakes us to a Divine realization of connection.
practice of awareness. As we move into deeper states of stillness, we have the ability to observe
emotions, physical well-being, and karma play out. Cultivating deeper attention and awareness within
and appreciate our surroundings, conditions and lessons that each moment brings. Think of the soul as being a great collector of experiences and emotions. When we can feel or experience the full range of available emotions without the accompanying attachments and aversions to
the practice of meditation brings more detail, refinement, or in digital terms, a higher resolution to the creative force at play. When we develop this insight, a natural appreciation illuminates from within.
them, we are having a soul experience and thus cultivating appreciation for the very experience
When we shine from the inside out, we attract a similar or matched energy, thus allowing for greater
itself. Think of it as being similar to a thrilling roller coaster ride or going on some kind of
expansion, bliss and appreciation. Play on!
Think of the practice of meditation similarly to watching a film in a theatre. We are encapsulated by the sound, light and story and we begin to identify with the main and supporting characters, yet we don’t have any personal or spiritual involvement or investment in how the story plays out. We simply watch the scene as it has been staged, then onto the next scene, then onto the next, and so on until the finale. We leave the theatre at the end of the film hopefully entertained by the experience of all that went into the production and most likely we begin to anticipate a sequel. Such is this life and practice of meditation - it takes us inward to watch how the scenes, which come up in the mind, courtesy of the
The Energy of Your Space By: Anja Lavigne Before you dive deep into this article, ask yourself, is there a correlation between how we take care of our surroundings and how we take care of ourselves? Let's look at scenario #1: It’s a Saturday morning and you have decided to give your home a good cleaning after a really busy week of work. You have decided to get laser focused on this project, beginning with putting everything in its place and then getting rid of what’s lying around, for instance, unused items that you no longer need (clothes, books. ect.). Keep in mind this is not a heavy duty decluttering, however if it calls you to, remove it. After you complete decluttering, proceed to dust, wipe, sweep and clean each of your rooms however you please.
Now let's look at scenario #2. As you wake up Saturday morning you choose to go out, leaving your home in a messy state. As you are getting ready, you start off with not finding a clean towel for your shower and can’t find certain items that you need in order to get ready. You are ready to leave your place to hang out with the outside world where you can forget the messy state that you left behind. At this point, you are beginning to connect to your lower emotions which can let your mind disconnect from your home while you are out, however once you have arrived back you are faced with reality.
While cleaning your room(s) you may experience shifts in your emotions. The top two emotions are happiness because you finally have time to complete your cleaning task since your schedule is always busy, and resentful because you would prefer to do something else, therefore you feel overwhelmed. To make this a fun experience for you while going through this task, you could listen to music, a podcast, or call someone to chat. However, sometimes it is best to just be in the present while completing a task at hand. Once you have completed the first hurdle from the cleaning task, you will start to see a transformation as well as feel it. There could be a feeling of clarity, a feeling of being balanced and most importantly, a connection to your space. This could lead you to gain some great inspirations as well as re-connecting with the various spaces in your home and how you enjoy them. How we take care of our home is a reflection of how we take care of ourselves. Do you have respect for your home? Do you have respect for yourself?
Your home is your sanctuary. Live in your highest potential; this is your birthright. A home is a reflection of where the individual is in their life right now. For example, living in a cluttered unkempt home makes us feel anxious, overwhelmed and at times, depressed. This can cause a feeling of being stagnant and not moving forward, along with being emotionally sad, anxious and finding it hard to lift ourselves up.
Transform Your Space ~ Transform Your Life Remove the clutter What is behind the clutter that blocks us and carries a heavy vibration? Clutter is what we no longer need; the tangible items in our space Clutter makes us feel that work is never complete Clutter carries a heavy vibration even when it is behind closed doors, such as a closet, an unused room, even the garage Creates obstacles Clean Clean Clean Having a clean home is healthy. There is a lot of dirt coming in from outside. With all the busyness outside, the amount of dust is becoming stronger. Toxins are also all around us. Establishing a cleaning routine is vital to our wellbeing and mindset and helps our mood become much more positive. A clean home provides clarity and positive motivation. Using natural products helps the home breathe more easily. Cleanliness avoids spreading germs from bacteria, keeps rodents away, reduces allergies and keeps you from collecting junk. Be the Designer in Your Home Be the designer of your home by allowing the space to reflect your style. Have art on the wall that you love and that makes you feel happy. Choose the colour pallet that attracts your attention, display decor items and pictures that bring you joy.
Repair Walk around your home with a notepad and pen and go through each room and jot down what needs to be repaired. Then make a list of what can be done right away and create a calendar for yourself for when you will complete the repair. After, look at repairs that need more attention, such as time for budgeting (is it in the budget right now?) and do you need to hire someone to do the repair? As well, take a deep look and ask yourself, do you still care to keep it? If not, no need to repair. Rearrange Take a look at your room and see if you would like to rearrange the furniture placement or take a look to see if there may be items that can be repurposed in a different room. I call it shopping in your own home; now you have renewed your space. Everything is energy. Energy has a vibration. If you were to use a microscope you would be able to see a certain frequency that the vibration is emitting. We can feel emotionally sad, anxious and find it hard to lift ourselves up. Or we can be in a positive state with ease, offering a relaxed, balanced surrounding.
Are you full of appreciation or just full of it? By: Priya
Ali One of the standard processes I offer to my clients is to be in the energy and vibration of appreciation. Generally when I ask what they feel they could offer appreciation for in their lives, they will reply with the standard “roof over their heads, food in their fridge and clothes on their back.” As soon as I ask them to go beyond this, if there is anything else they are appreciative of, it gets very very silent. This is where I invite them to start living in a state of appreciation; to begin to see the world through the eyes of appreciation. They usually respond by asking me how to do this. As I sit here right now, typing this article, I have a set of cupboards in front of me. As I observe them, I appreciate the colour and how warm it makes me feel. I appreciate the crystal door knobs that reflect rainbows of light. I appreciate that two of the doors have glass panes, allowing me to see my collection of martini glasses. I appreciate the four photo frames that sit upon the four shelves. One of them contains a photo of myself and my daughters, another of my husband and my sons, the third a photo of my two female dogs and one of my male dogs. In the cupboards at the side there are bottles of alcohol that I use to make delicious cocktails that I truly appreciate the taste of. I appreciate sharing a cocktail with friends or family when they come to visit, and sometimes just on my own as I relax near my fireplace or with a book. Now that was just a set of four cupboards with four shelves. Can you imagine if I then proceeded to look around my whole kitchen? Each room in my home? Each member of my household, humans and canine? Now picture going through your entire day with this mindset, on your way to drive your kids to school, your own drive to work, throughout your work day, your meals, and everything else until you lay yourself down to sleep, now able to appreciate the bed beneath you, the comfort and warmth of the sheets above you and the day that you just had. Consider the appreciation you can hold in anticipation of waking up to a new day full of opportunities to appreciate all over again. Words alone do not offer the energy and vibration of appreciation. True appreciation is the other main ingredient. Most people will come up with the “standard appreciations” mentioned above in order to come up with something, or to sound appreciative to others or from an “autopilot appreciation” that is not really felt. Can you imagine how much you would truly appreciate your life and life in general if you lived each day looking for and finding true appreciation in everything and everyone?
I'm thankful for all of it. The highs. The lows. The blessings. The lessons. The setbacks. The comebacks. Everything.
everything is energi