#6/7 Radical Cities

Page 99

Making everyday life For a municipality, being a City of Shelter would mean imbuing migrant solidarity through-out all processes. This means reaching out to migrants to make resources available to them – not just housing, but language learning, bus tickets to enable them to make use of the dense networks existent in cities. Ideally there would be a network of Cities of Shelter in the UK, which links up with those on the continent. Antje Dieterich details the recent multiplication of institutions in Berlin, where migrants and radical civil society can loosen the rules around healthcare provision. She says the long-term goal for migrant solidarity activities in Berlin would be “to develop a complex of participatory institutions that allow us to learn, live and work in our future sanctuary.”12 If this sounds impossible, that’s even more imperative to make it happen. Being a City of Shelter doesn’t just mean opening up the city boundaries, it means creating processes which benefit everyone, by enabling everyday life. References: Anti-Raids Network website http://antiraids.net BBC. (2017) “Reality Check: Can the Government Requisition homes?” http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40303142 Le Bien Public. (2017) “Squat de la rue des Ateliers à Dijon: un délai pour les occupants” http://www.bienpublic.com/edition-dijon-ville/2017/09/29/dijonl-avenir-du-squat-de-la-rue-des-ateliers-se-joue-ce-vendredi Le Bien Public. (2017) “Squat de la rue des Ateliers à Dijon: la décision reportée” http://www.bienpublic.com/edition-dijon-ville/2017/05/24/squat-ruedes-ateliers-la-decision-reportee Boutaud, Charles, Cantwell-Corn, Adam, Paolo Mancini, Donato. 9 October 2017. “Thousands of British citizens swept up in immigration spot checks” https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-10-09/review-homeoffice-immigration-checks Brighton and Hove City Council. 30 January 2017. “Public Space Protection Orders come into force” https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/content/press-release/public-space-protection-orders-come-force Connected Action for the Commons. (2017) “What makes an empty building in Naples a Commons?” P2P Foundation. https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/ what-makes-an-empty-building-in-naples-a-commons/2017/05/08

Political Critique. http://politicalcritique.org/world/2017/in-naples-we-are-allillegal-or-no-one-is Focus E15. (2014) “E15 Open House Occupation” https://focuse15.org/e15open-%20house-occupation Garrett, Bradley L. 8 September 2015. “PSPOs: the new control orders threatening our public spaces” The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/sep/08/pspos-new-control-orders-public-spaces-asbos-freedoms Gateshead Council. “What are Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)?” http://www.gateshead.gov.uk/People%20and%20Living/CommunitySafety/ Public-Spaces-Protection-Orders.aspx Kitsantonis, Niki. (2017) “Anarchists Fill Services Void Left By Faltering Greek Governance” New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/22/world/ europe/greece-athens-anarchy-austerity.html Mayor of London. Crowdfund London website. https://www.london.gov.uk/ what-we-do/regeneration/funding-opportunities/crowdfund-london Migrant English Project, Brighton. http://mepbrighton.com/#1 Minton, Anna. (2017) “Civic crowdfunding is privatisation masquerading as democracy”. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/oct/24/ civic-crowdfunding-erode-democracy-local-authority Mitropolous, Angela. In Base Publication. “On Borders/Race/Fascism/Labour/ Precarity/Etc”. (2016). http://www.basepublication.org/?p=107 Nye, Catrin, and Sands, Leo. (2017) “Asylum seekers face appeals ‘lottery’” BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42153862 Page, Jacky. (2017) “Les migrants du squat de la rue des Ateliers à Dijon resteront au chaud l’hiver prochain” France Bleu. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/ faits-divers-justice/les-migrants-du-squat-de-la-rue-des-ateliers-a-dijon-resteront-au-chaud-l-hiver-prochain-1506694289 Schools ABC website https://www.schoolsabc.net Simmel, Georg. (1903) “The Metropolis and Mental Life”. http://www.laits. utexas.edu/berlin/pdf/scholarship/Simmel_The%20Metropolis.pdf Squat.net (2016) “Dijon: appel à rassemblement devant le tribunal, en solidarité avec les migrants du 22 rue des ateliers” https://fr.squat.net/2016/10/04/ dijon-appel-a-rassemblement-22 Squat.net (2017) “Dijon: rassemblement en soutien au squat de la rue des ateliers” https://fr.squat.net/2017/03/23/dijon-rassemblement-en-soutien-ausquat-de-la-rue-des-ateliers/#more-35451 “The Best Hotel in Europe” website. https://best-hotel-in-europe.eu Thousand 4 1000 website. https://thousandfor1000.wordpress.com

Dieterich, Antje. (2017) “Urban Sanctuary: The Promise of Solidarity Cities” ROAR magazine, Issue 6. https://roarmag.org/magazine/urban-sanctuary-solidarity-cities-refugees Docs Not Cops http://www.docsnotcops.co.uk European Alternatives. (2017) “In Naples, We Are All Illegal Or No-one Is”.

12 Dieterich, Antje. (2017) “Urban Sanctuary: The Promise of Solidarity Cities” ROAR magazine, Issue 6. https://roarmag.org/magazine/urban-sanctuary-solidarity-cities-refugees

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