A digital revolution in logistics Major savings potential at pulp and paper mills Article by Kaj Fahllund, Vice President, Pesmel Corporation
Pulp and paper mills all over the world are completely transforming their production processes by automating and digitizing. But what about logistics? Logistics experts at esmel are finding that there are huge savings to be made at pulp and paper mills by using its intelligent Material Flow How® concepts.
e like to think of lo istics as the lo han in fruit’ at pulp and paper mills. It’s an area here a lot of efficiencies can easily be made. says ony ei as, of esmel. “We have a lot of e perience in the field and have carried out maor studies on material o s at pulp and paper mills all over the orld. e have proved that ith the ri ht plannin and usin tailor-made lo istic solutions utili in di iti ed automation, there is a potential for hu e savin s and a very speedy return on investment. esmel e perts have not ust studied logistics
PAPERFIRST MAG autumn 2020
as a result of their findings they have put hat they have learned firmly into practice. he company has successfully designed and built fully automatic, tailor made systems for some of the most modern and efficient pulp and paper mills in the orld, including ets roup s ne os i, tora nso s matra, and aica aper s l Burgo de bro mill. ei as adds, “In-mill logistics have a major inuence on the mills’ complete lo istics chain. Our studies have revealed that aitin times of trucks and trains at mills can add up to more than 0 of the total transportation time. here is enormous potential to close these aps usin intelli ent di itali ed automated arehousin . he fact is it’s only hen the rail ay a ons are on the tracks and the trucks on the road that products are movin to their destinations. he aim of esmel systems is to shorten the lead and turnaround times and basically to close those aps.
SHORT PAYBACK TIME esmel has found that due to the increased efficiencies across the hole logistics chain, ma or savings can be made ith reduced pay bac