EESTI ELU reedel, 18. septembril 2020 — Friday, September 18, 2020
Nr. 37
To be, or not to be. That is the question The annual assembly meeting of the St. Peter’s Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Toronto (EELK Toronto Peetri Kogudus) will take place on Sunday September 27th, 2020, immediately following the church service. The church service is at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting is sche duled to start at 12:30 p,m, In addition to the regular agenda items, such as financial and activity reports, we will need to discuss certain items dealing with the future of the congregation. We need to vote on our future direction and a new constitution and by-laws. The timing of this meeting in the midst of COVID-19 may be questioned by some. Regret tably, time does not stand still. We had originally scheduled this assembly meeting for April 19th, but at that time, all gather ings were prohibited. None of us knows how long the pandemic will last, but thankfully, we are now able to gather, albeit in restricted circumstan ces. Decisions simply must be reached and cannot be deferred any longer. The assembly meeting is being organized so that as many members with voting rights may attend, as possible. Invi tations and background in formation have been mailed to members who have fulfilled their financial obligation to the church in 2019/2020. We ask these members to RSVP to the church office. By knowing the number of attendees, we may set up the space accordingly, keeping physical distancing in mind. An option to attend by video conference is also offered. We welcome our younger or technically savvy members to assist their older family members in this endeavour, which would have the additional benefit of reintroducing the younger generations to church. St Peter’s was founded on August 3, 1948. After a few years, we outgrew the space provided to us at St. John’s Lutheran and our own church needed to be built. Thanks to the hard work of the organizers and the donations of our members, the building of our very own church was completed in 1955. St. Peter’s was in growth mode. Within the first 10 years, approximately 500 couples were
married, hundreds were confirmed and Sunday School was full of children. The filled-to capacity Christmas Eve services were even immortalized in Olav Kopvillem’s song, where he describes the lost coat buttons, shoes and galoshes as a matter of course. Those days are gone. Even at the single Christmas Eve service are there seats to be found. Sunday School is a thing of the past. Funerals outnumber christenings tenfold. Our membership has declined to the point where upkeep of the church building is not feasible. This is not news. The situation has been going on for a while and the Assembly was notified already in 2013, when the Internal Audit Committee projected we would have enough funds to continue for another 5 years. Thanks to the prudent actions of our leadership and the blessing that the Salvation Army is renting from us for a limited period of time due to the Metrolinx construction, seven years later we are still operating and expect to be able to continue as we are for another four years. We are at a critical point where the decisions the assembly reaches on September 27, 2020 will determine whether we continue for another four years and shut down or continue for two, three or more generations. We are not alone. Many, many churches are for sale. The reasons vary, but the trend in North America is declining church attendance. Our church is at a crossroads. We have to take the steps for a reawakening, or forfeit all that our parents and grandparents built. In 2018 a Future Committee was formed to focus on solutions for St. Peter’s to continue. It became clear that statistics do not support the illusion that increased donations are the answer. The committee consulted with various experts in real estate, construction, etc. as well as to Bishop of the ELCIC. There are no christian congregations interested in purchasing or renting a church. Our lot is too small to build around the existing church structure. The only viable solution is to sell the church and property. Thank fully, real estate values in the Mt Pleasant Eglinton area are favourable and the capital
Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto (EKKT)’s
Wednesday, September 23- Sunday, October 4, 2020 Todmorden Mills Heritage Site Papermill Art Gallery 67 Pottery Road, Toronto, ON M4K 2B9
realized from the sale would allow us many opportunities for our congregation to continue for decades to come. Is it the building that unites us? We can all agree that we have countless wonderful memories of time spent at the church and are thankful for the sacrifice our ancestors made. But, it is a building after all, and an ageing one at that. Or are we willing to acknowledge that it is the congregation that unites us and the gift our ancestors gave us was the opportunity to congregate and share in the word of God? If the assembly votes to sell, we would have several more years in our church. We would need to find a buyer, negotiate the terms and receive assembly approval. We would have sufficient time to calmly reorganize and plan for the future, starting from moving the columbarium to another location to reorga nizing our activities. An other key agenda item has to do with our constitution and by-laws. As voted by the assembly on March 3, 2019, we have begun the process of leaving Lutheran Church Canada (LCC) and joining Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). With this, a new constitution and by-laws must be adopted. The decision to leave LCC was made for many reasons, not the least of which is that all other Estonian congregations in Canada belong to ELCIC. Having all congregations belong to the same synod would allow for future even tualities. The second factor is that our existing constitution does not comply with current legislation and must be brought up to date. Our wish for each voting member is to be grateful for the positive experiences we have shared and proud that we have existed for over 70 years and brave to make the difficult decisions that will ensure there will be a congregation for our children and grandchildren. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanks giving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Ph 4:6-7 The Executive of St. Peter’s Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Toronto: KAIRI HEMINGWAY, NAANI HOLSMER, JÜRI LAANSOO, LEENA LIIVET, TALVI MAIMETS and ALLAR VIINAMÄE
Gallery Hours: Wednesday- Sunday 11am- 5pm COVID protocols- masks required
Virtual Show: https://www.estonianartiststoronto.com/ EKKT email: ekktartists@gmail.com
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Okay, boomer The best put-downs are those where the dissed person does not even realize that it is happening. The title here is indicative. Took some time for this wretch to understand that it is modern elder abuse, generated by millennials and hipsters, often one and the same. Means that you are too old to understand either technology or acronyms, or whatever passes for fun amongst that generation. Okay, boomers grew up at a time when phones were for talking, not texting. Some adapted. Or so they thought. Acronyms and smileys – why not just spell it out; show genuine emotion on the face that you were born with? Nope, does not work that way. Even leaving a voice mail is ap parently gauche. Just the fact that your phone number shows upon on a smartphone screen is good enough. As for a returned answer? Almost never a call, but a text. No wonder the world complains about a lack of communication and understanding. Don’t get me started on emojis. Especially these days, when thanks to the need for masks we cannot even decipher real emotions. Unless you’re Asian, for in Asian cultures eyes express emotions, while in Western cultures it is the mouth. Example: Asian emoji: (^_^;) Western emoji: :-( – which turns into an actual sad face when typed into a phone. Go figure. Consider the following. Carmakers are aware of the dangers of distracted driving, newer models have hands-free Bluetooth, some take texts, and have preprogrammed answers. Such as can’t talk right now. Which is wise. But only if that button is pressed either by a passenger or when the car is not in motion. Otherwise it completely befuddles the driver – that touch screen has a myriad of options. And heaven help the boomer that uses it, not knowing that punctuation, apparently, is also only for fogies. Should you press the option “Thanks.” (note the period) you are insulting the millennial that sent you the message. No period is OK. OK, with a period is even worse, and heaven help the texter that replies K. Now how silly is that. Many of us remember pig Latin, which, in truth, was not hard
for adults to decipher. Yet when you consider the efforts behind educating your offspring, never mind the costs up to and beyond university, as is sadly too often the case these days, it truly boggles the mind. You feed them, house them, reward their achievements with trips and other such wonderful benefits – and they mock you? Simply because of your age? And it is even worse trying to decipher young adults in Estonian. Many a dismissive comment found online in the comments section – such as on Reddit – requires translation, not just into Estonian – but also then into English, where the putdown originated! And asking your millennial for such linguistic assistance is received with barely disguised derision. Or outright chortling. After all we’ve done for them. But two can play at this game. That generation never had compulsory Latin in high school. Or Greek, one had a choice. ‘Twas wiser to pick the one with a familiar alphabet. Many a good pun was generated during those halcyon teenage years. Semper ubi sub ubi*. A classic. Guaranteed to create a blank stare. In turn generating the opportunity to pontificate at length about how in our day an education meant more than an ability to generate acronyms, which usually gets the “I’ve heard this before” vapid reaction. But are not today’s young adults being tiresomely repetitive as well? LOL, IMO, BFF an FWIW, GFYP became passé for that very reason, now only used by boomers. Amongst themselves. Keeping up with this non language development does suggest that peoplekind is regressing. Humans of a certain age are attached to their cellphones to the extent that some shower with them. FOMO, apparently. Or is that NFD, which, upon asking, means Need For Drama. What a WEIRD world (West ern, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic) to live in. The silver lining is that someday, the millennials will, in turn be mocked by their own offspring. No wonder how hard they will try to understand their adult children’s culture. It has been so for generations. Just ask your grandmother. TÕNU NAELAPEA
(*Always wear underwear)