EM Magazine 2020

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‘Alexa’ during your audition! Washing machines, other peoples phones etc, make sure they are off! Filming from too low down or high above is irritating for the viewer and does not allow an accurate view of you and your talent. Be sure to film in landscape, not portrait! This means your phone must be on it’s side and not straight up as you would perhaps normally use it. We always recommend that you run your self tape past your agent first. Not all agents will agree with this, so check with them as to how they operate and if they have a preference to sending tapes on your behalf or if they prefer you to send them directly. ALWAYS send self tapes to the letter of how they have been requested. If asked to save the tape in a specific way - DO IT. There are so many variables as to why requests are specifically made and if you don’t follow them this could be the difference between being cast and not. It’s all in the detail! Before you start filming please learn your lines and rehearse. Read any instructions that you may have been sent, thoroughly. Get a friend to read in the other lines if necessary (reader). Make sure your clothing is appropriate for the character but it isn’t necessary to be in full costume. That can be fun, but distracting. A self tape is about your skill and performance not how fantastic your outfit is. But by the same token, please do make an effort! Clean, ironed clothes and a smart appearance. Be professional always! Only use props that are essential to the performance. Your eye line should be close to the camera as they want to see both sides of your face. If you’re using a reader, make sure they aren’t too loud and 50

don’t over power you. It is best to position the camera on a stand or tripod of some description rather than asking the reader to hold it. The camera should remain still throughout. This also helps with audio if the reader is positioned further away than you and not close to the camera source. Don’t go too far from the camera and frame in a mid-close shot unless requested otherwise (chest to top of head). Sit or stand depending on what feels comfortable for you and the scene. Don’t over think it! Don’t do too many takes - If you can’t get it in 3 takes, take some time out, then try again. Run it past your agent or manager after your first take to gain some input from them. It is pointless trying three takes if something you could have been told on take one absolutely needs to be changed. Generally speaking self tapes should be labelled with your name first, then the project title and scene along with your agency name. Every request is specific to the job so please follow these instructions exactly. Only send one take, unless told otherwise. You and your agent should decide which one this is. It is not the job of a casting team to spend hours deciding what your best work is! When complete you or your agent can send it via www.wetransfer. com or a downloadable Vimeo private link such as Tagmin. Never upload self tapes to YouTube unless requested to do so. Be mindful that the role you are casting for hasn’t been released yet and will undoubtedly contain confidential material. Most importantly, enjoy the experience. Even if you don’t get the role it WILL be seen by influential industry professionals!

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