The increasing pursuit of SDGs represents sound investment opportunities in India BY JEROEN TIELMAN, QSTONE CAPITAL
Influenced by economic liberalization in the early Nineties, India became one of the fastest growing major economies in the world. The country is now the seventh largest economy in the world presenting interesting investment opportunities, including plenty of sustainable ones. Srinivasan Sridhar has been the Chairman of the Central Bank of India and has been involved in different initiatives to improve social conditions for many years. What are his views on investment opportunities in India in general, and on sustainable ones in particular? What is your current role in the financial industry and what is your contribution to sustainable investment initiatives in India?
backward districts in the country. I chaired a National Task
‘I have been both a commercial banker and a development
low income housing.
Force on Housing Microfinance and was instrumental in establishing a State-backed credit guarantee program for
banker and I have initiated, participated in and led projects in sustainable investing and lending. For example, as the
I continue to be actively involved in some of the initiatives,
Chairman of the Board and CEO of National Housing
by participating as a non-executive statutory advisory
Bank (NHB), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Reserve
board member for, amongst others, the affordable housing
Bank of India, I contributed significantly to the evolution
financing subsidiary (Sitara) of the Self Employed Women
of Affordable Housing.
Association in India.’
As the mortgage regulator, I created a new genre of
mortgages and launched the mortgage guarantee and I
China is by many investors considered as the most attractive and deepest investable market in Asia. How would you compare India to China in this respect?
decreed that financial support for low income housing
‘China is the second largest economy in the world with a
would not be available unless each of the houses had a
GDP of USD 14.2 trillion in 2018 and India is seventh with a
GDP of USD 2.7 trillion. China embarked on economic
mortgage financiers, called Affordable Housing Finance Companies (AHFCs). I set up an electronic registry of
liberalization in the mid-Eighties, whilst India started in the I played a key role in developing a Grassroots Initiative
early Nineties. China emerged as the manufacturing pole of
Partnership between Export-Import Bank of India and
the world, while India focused on the services sector.
International Finance Corporation wherein several micro
China’s political model continues to be one of State control,
level projects were undertaken, marrying sustainability
notwithstanding the flourishing of private enterprise. India
and export development (like women’s cooperatives in a
is a vibrant parliamentary democracy with a federal setup
range of products).
and the inevitable cacophony that may impede the process and speed of decision-making. India was a late-comer to
In the Central Bank of India, I developed a Partnership with
foreign investment, but has incrementally positioned itself
the Commonwealth Secretariat in London to develop
as an attractive investment destination with inflows USD
entrepreneurship and self-employment in youth in selected
37.3 billion in 2018-19.’ NUMMER 7 / 2019