Voices Volume Seven — Gender

Page 54



hat does it mean to be a man? To be

little things in my life. I can sometimes get insecure

honest, that is an excellent question. I think tradi-

about what people think about me, which doesn’t

tionally to be a man is to be strong, to take care

fit the male personality stereotype. I’ve never really

of people. Certainly in a family aspect, you need

felt that I live up to that stereotype, but growing up

to be seen as the breadwinner. You are the top

I’ve learned that it’s okay not to.

dog. But today things are changing a little bit. It

Toxic masculinity is such a big issue. I’ve got

is becoming okay to not be the manly stereotype

mates who play rugby, I know what they get up to

that we once had to be. To be a man today is very

when they’re not playing and it’s the stereotypical

different than it used to be. A lot of the time, I’ve

lad culture. It can be a bit intimidating sometimes.

experienced not living up to what I think it is to

I think toxic masculinity still exists because people

be a man. I’ve never really been the stereotypical

didn’t speak out against it. It’s dangerous because

manly guy. I’ve never been physically strong, or

it forces men to feel that they need to fit the male

muscly, even though I’m tall. I’ve never been into

stereotype when in reality we don’t need to, and it

manly things. In terms of my personality and male

could make men pretend to be someone they’re

stereotypes, I tend to approach everything with

not. I think it’s important we hold each other to

caution. I also worry and overthink a lot about the

account with lad culture and sexual assault too.

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