Tangled Silver Magazine - CELEBRATE 2023

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MEET DIMA 49| Legal Assistant| Silver Since 2021 I am a mother of a handsome 28 year old young man and a grandmother of a beautiful baby boy of 9 months. I was born with matte skin and have always been the classic natural brunette - black curly hair and warm brown-black eyes. For as long as I can consciously remember as a young woman (from around age 25) I had already had quite a bit of white hair (a genetic factor with me) and started dying my natural dark brown an almost black color. As the years progressed, the silver in my hair increased, and I used to dye my hair once every 3 months. Then I noticed that I began to resort to dye every month - a month and a half - to hide the gray hairs. By the end of 2021, it was only 3 weeks between dye. Naturally, this exercise took me a lot of time and money. Also, I had noticed that over time my hair was losing its qualities like shine, vibrancy, manageability, I was buying all kinds of expensive hair cosmetics in an effort to improve my hair and make it look good, but it was starting to look more and more like a nest on my head, and in structure it was like straw - limp, plucked, and my natural

@dimakrivleva | BULGARIA curls had almost straightened. I have also fought with hair loss many times. I was wondering how I could make my life easier in this regard, while not neglecting my appearance and looking like an unkempt woman (I can say that I am quite vain in general). I had heard that in Western Europe and the US, it was becoming more and more popular for women of all ages to wear their hair dye-free, to go back to their natural look, to accept themselves in their natural form. I searched for material on the subject on the internet (here in Bulgaria and for Eastern Europe people mostly do not accept this kind of a look for women, especially if she is young). I came across several groups on social networks, where I joined "Going Gray Gracefully" and there I enriched myself by meeting many women with their personal stories and photos. I followed the group for over a year without having any appearance there, just being an observer. I made sense of everything I heard and saw, without realizing that on a subconscious level I had also chosen to change something radical in my life. I made a decision for myself that I wanted to be myself. I was tired of racing against time, hiding gray hairs, running



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