Giro Estate 2022

Page 31

Isolotto di Mota Safòn_ph Nico Gaddi

The Isle of Medea

Medejin otok

[ENG] A special story, set in the Mota Safon islet off the coast of Grado Island, is told in a documentary by journalist and film critic Sergio Naitza, artistic director of the Lagunamovies Festival. The documentary “Isle of Medea” provides a glimpse into the special relationship that developed during the shooting of “Medea” between the internationally acclaimed opera queen Maria Callas, and the ground-breaking, provocative writer and film director Pier Paolo Pasolini, two icons of the twentieth century. Initially, Callas was very reluctant to appear in the film but was won over by the kind, patient, sweet, tender, and considerate way Pasolini treated her, and ended up interpreting this behaviour as a declaration of love and even fantasized about a possible marriage. Throughout the documentary, the people closest to the couple, namely the singer’s personal assistant, the writer Dacia Maraini, Alessandra Zigaina - daughter to famous painter Gi-

[SLO] Sergio Naitza, novinar, filmski kritik in umetniški vodja festivala Lagunamovies, je v svojem dokumentarnem filmu prikazal posebno zgodbo, ki se je odvijala na prestižni lokaciji Gradeškega otoka, in sicer na majhnem otočku Mota Sifon. Gre za film “L‘isola di Medea” (op.prev.: Medejin otok), ki se osredotoča na poseben odnos med dvema ikonama dvajsetega stoletja, Mario Callas, najbolj opevano pevko in kraljico opere ter Pier Paolom Pasolinijem, najbolj spornim in provokativnim pisateljem in režiserjem tistega časa, in sicer njun odnos med snemanjem filma “Medeja” v drugi polovici julija 1969. Callasova je najprej z določeno mero skepse sprejela glavno vlogo v filmu, nato pa jo je očaral Pasolinijev prijazen, potrpežljiv, blag, pozoren pristop, ki si ga je razlagala kot izraz njegovih ljubezenskih čustev do nje in si je celo zamislila poroko z njim. To čustveno vez, ki se je porodila v “prekrasno primitivnem” okolju Gradeške lagune, prav tako pa tudi zapleten in

by Carlo Gaberscek

Carlo Gaberscek



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