Highlighting a Huge Success Trajectory
Highlighting a Huge Success Trajectory
Harnessing Holistic Strategies, Smart Joint Ventures and Technology to ensure continued growth

Highlighting a Huge Success Trajectory
Highlighting a Huge Success Trajectory
Harnessing Holistic Strategies, Smart Joint Ventures and Technology to ensure continued growth
With a complete line-up of AWD and PWD versions and the the 16-speed HI-TRONIX automated gearbox, the IVECO T-WAY features a host of functionalities such as Rocking Mode, Off-road Mode, Creeping Mode and 4 reverse gears to tackle with ease the toughest off-road conditions. The new architecture of the EBS system, combined with disc brakes on all wheels, greatly improves the vehicle’s performance and the driver’s safety in the most demanding applications.
The new IVECO S-WAY, with a completely redesigned and reinforced cab, offers a wide choice of Euro III/V diesel engines, a delivering class-leading power from 360 HP to 560 HP Euro III / 570 HP Euro V and superior fuel-saving devices, such as anti-idling feature, Ecoswitch, Ecoroll and Smart Alternator, 12-speed HI-TRONIX automated transmission with the most advanced technology in its category, electronic clutch and best-in-class torque-to-weight ratio.
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The global, long-established (over 152 years old) eponymous Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, founded by namesake Carl Heinrich Hellmann in the Northern German town of Osnabrueck in 1871, now has strong roots and is well-rooted in the Middle East.
Earlier this year 2023, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics announced a pan regional merger of the MESA (Middle East South Asia) entity to include the continent of Africa to constitute the greater Indian Subcontinent-Middle East-Africa region (IMEA).
Madhav Kurup was promoted to the position of CEO of the new unit for the company’s expanded geographical territory-IMEA. For this month’s cover story, Global Supply Chain interviewed the man at the helm for this exclusive, exhaustive report.
We also journeyed to the UAE capital to solely interview Faisal Bin Saad AlBedah, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, SAL Saudi Arabian Logistics, who was attending the recently concluded 5th IATA Ground Handling Conference (IGHC) held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), as head of his company’s delegation. We carry a report.
Elsewhere, we also interviewed Sara M. Pinheiro, Distribution Team Manager, Middle East Africa / South Asia, Acronis, visiting from her office in Sofia, Bulgaria for this year’s edition of the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference 2023 (GISEC) held in Dubai.
Printed by United Printing Press (UPP) – Abu Dhabi
Distributed by Tawseel Distribution & Logistics – Dubai
Elsewhere, we are excited to report on an interesting highlight and a turning point development. We travelled as second time to Abu Dhabi to witness the launch of the first 100% electric waste truck in the United Arab Emirates, the first fully electric heavy truck launched in the Middle East, by Renault Trucks Middle East and its Abu Dhabi dealer Al Masaood, in collaboration with Tadweer, (the sole custodian of waste management for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi). We report on this landmark event.
The logistics and supply chain industry across the globe and notably the Middle East is super volatile and ever-evolving and we work hard to bring you to current on developments, reports, features, one-on-one interviews on a range of subjects both in our monthly print-digital publication and also on our web portal www.globalsupplychainme.com
Contributor’s opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or editor and while every precaution has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this magazine is accurate and timely, no liability is accepted by them for errors or omissions, however caused.
Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Signature Media FZ LLE & SIGNATURE MEDIA LLC and cannot be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Add to this our regular repertoire of the latest news, topical features, profiles, business analyses, professional contributions, OpEds and useful content all of which are well encapsulated and meticulously curated to make for stimulating reading!
Happy reading!
Malcolm Dias Editormalcolm@signaturemediame.com
06 Hellmann Worldwide Logistics
On the high road to success.
14 SAL Saudi Arabian Logistics
Catapulting into the front league.
16 Emirates SkyCargo Impressive track record.
18 Acronis
The cybersecurity czar reinforces its professional credentials.
22 Etihad Cargo
Encouraging track record.
24 Qatar Airways Cargo Freight forward!
26 F&B Logistics
F&B Logistics in the spotlight.
28 DP World Iraq
Introducing a new service to Iraq.
30 Renault Electric Trucks
Introducing the region’s first electric waste truck.
34 Etihad Railway-DHL Partners on track.
35Savoye ME-Seamless 2023
High on automation.
38 The Middle East High Logistics Institute
Bringing logistics to academia.
42 Swisslog-Seamless 2023
Frontline exhibitor.
46News Up to date news of the Global Suppy Chain industry
The addition of Africa to Hellmann’s regional geographical expansion enables a stronger presence and imprint on the continent.
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, both globally and regionally, has reported a stellar 2022 following encouraging financial results and performance. Despite headwinds, the pressure on freight rates and stubbornly challenging market conditions, the preeminent logistics services company has bucked the prevailing market recessionary trends to announce a good, healthy track record.
The long-established and eponymous Hellmann Worldwide Logistics was founded in 1871 in Osnabrueck, Germany, by the legendary patriarch Carl Heinrich Hellmann. It boasts a rich historical legacy and corporate heritage. Currently it operates with more than 500 branches in over 175 countries. Hellmann’s core philosophies come from its roots. The cohesion and flexibility of our customers comes from our people and the way we handle our daily business and critical events.
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics characterizes itself as a logistics company focused on developing our customers’ businesses within their industries. Its Air, Sea, Land and Warehousing services blend with its advanced industry vertical process expertise and knowledge to deliver tailormade supply chain services to each of our customers.
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics network in the Indian Subcontinent, Middle East & South Asia (IMEA) region, and now in Africa, comprises of its regional Headquarter in the United Arab Emirates and with regional offices in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Global Supply Chain engaged exclusively with Madhav Kurup Rajan, the veteran Regional CEO, Indian Sub-Continent, Middle East and now the newly inducted African
continent (IMEA), Hellmann Worldwide Logistics (HWL), for an expansive and comprehensive interview.
Here, Kurup, the official at the helm, fielded questions on a wide range of subjects on the expanded geographical territory he oversees, the company’s 2022 performance and prospects for 2023 through his corporate ‘Crystal Ball.’ The following are the transcripts of that key oneon-one interview.
Global Supply Chain: Earlier this year 2023, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics announced a regional merger of the MESA (Middle East South Asia) to further include the continent of Africa to constitute the Indian Subcontinent-Middle East-Africa (IMEA). Furthermore, you were appointed promoted to the position of CEO of the expanded geographical territory-IMEA. This is a two-part question: Firstly: Congratulations on your promotion and what does this denote for you professionally in your elevated position and secondly, the corporate implications of the merger?
Madhav Kurup (MK): Thank you. I have been responsible for the Middle East and South Asia for the last seven years and we have achieved market leadership in many markets in our region through expanding our own operations as well as carefully
created joint ventures.
This has helped us to have a strong regional structure that has the capacity and competence to take on more responsibilities. The addition of the African continent to our region will ensure the exchange and implementation of best practices to the new region and will provide us the ability to further penetrate the market in Africa more effectively.
We already have our own, independent operations in six countries in Africa and the rest of the region will have a strong partner network. While merging the regions, there is always an opportunity to learn from each other as well as to achieve economies of scale in certain parts of the organizational structure.
GSC: How significant is the Africa continent for Hellmann? Also, briefly comment on the extent of your Middle East and Indian Sub-Continent operations?
MK: Africa is a key market for Hellmann and the company sees great potential in joining forces with the MESA team to strengthen their activities in the entire region and expand their business across continents.
The goal is to gain additional market share and build on the successful development of recent years. Our success is based on trust and good cooperation within the Hellmann FAMILY and the team, as also
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics has concluded the 2022 financial year very successfully, continuing the company’s strong performance of recent years in the face of persistently challenging market conditions, the company reported recently in a press communique.
Hellmann was able to increase its total sales by 24 % to EUR 5.0bn (2021-EUR 4.1bn) and shipment volumes significantly grew year-on-year to just under 20mn (2021-18.1mn).
Beyond its positive financial performance, Hellmann also successfully continued its strategic development last year. For example, even during continued market disruptions from the Covid pandemic and the war against Ukraine, the Group stuck to its digitalization strategy and invested significantly in digitalization of business processes and forward-looking technologies.
Hellmann also made several acquisitions in support of further growth, such as the takeover of the joint venture in Peru and the acquisition of OptimNet, an overnight express provider operating in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The international growth course and the expansion of the Hellmann network also continued to show success: Having already expanded its business activities to Indonesia, the Philippines, Egypt, Oman and France since 2020, Hellmann also opened its own country organization in Switzerland last year to expand its product portfolio and its footprint into the Swiss market.
In line with the global family-owned company’s corporate net-zero mission and sustainability vision, the Hellmann Group has been in the forefront to foster a culture of adherence to limit carbon emissions and enforce decarbonization. The company motto is founded on the principle ‘For the better. Together’, the vision that defines its sustainability-driven culture and objectives.
“2022 was once again a challenging year in many respects: While the first half of the year continued to be characterized by capacity bottlenecks, particularly in the air- and sea freight sectors, demand for transport services declined significantly from the summer of 2022 onwards due to changes in consumer behavior worldwide,” explained Jens Wollesen, COO, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.
“Despite these challenges, thanks to our strong global and regional teams and our solid network, we succeeded in offering our customers tailored logistics solutions throughout the year and were able to achieve another record result in 2022,” he added.
“The goal is to continue to expand our global competitive position across all product areas in the coming years. As such, we are planning further strategic acquisitions as well as sustainable investments in the modernization of our systems and processes,” noted Martin Eberle, CFO, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.
“Together with and for our customers, employees, and partners, we are committed to further developing our sustainable logistics solutions,” emphasizes Reiner Heiken, CEO, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.
on a strong leadership which sets goals and pursues them consistently. With our IMEA team, we are in a strong position to drive sustainable growth together.
The merging of the two regions into IMEA is crucial as South Africa, the biggest Hellmann country on the African continent, is strategically a very important market for Hellmann, and more importantly for the new IMEA region. With the integration of the two regions, we create the conditions to fully exploit this potential.
In the Middle East and Indian SubContinent, we cover our own operations in nine countries—namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, and strong partner setups in the remaining. For the past two years, Hellmann has become the leader in the Sea/Air solution via Dubai, expanded our warehousing footprint in majority of countries, with growth in our specialized
teams from Healthcare, Automotive, Fashion, FMCG, Chemical and Oil & Gas projects. In the Middle East, we have attained market leadership in the automotive, healthcare and fashion verticals through state-of-the-art infrastructure, globally bench-marked systems and, most importantly, best-in-class specialized resources.
We have always been the trend-setter in the market with innovative and out of the box strategies to drive our growth in the region. I like to think that we have taken Hellmann, over the last 15 years, from a small transactional freight forwarder to now stand among the top five fully integrated and exhaustive logistics services providers.
This year, we will also focus on expanding our business in the Hi-Tech and Industrial sectors, where many unique solutions are needed moving past the typical handling of Air, Sea, Land and warehousing.
GSC: Your tenure as CEO with Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, IMEA, now spans over 15 years. Briefly, how would you characterize your corporate and professional journey?
MK: Personally, the journey has been incredibly humbling and at the same time exciting. I joined Hellmann as the CEO of the Middle East in 2008, then expanded my responsibility to the Indian sub-continent in 2016, and now to the African continent.
I have also been a member of our International Executive Board since 2016. When I joined the company, we were around 100 employees in the region and now the region has more than 2500 employees.
When I started there were two legal entities in the region and today, we have 20 operating entities in the region. We have created niche expertise in automotive spare parts, healthcare, chemical, fashion and E-commerce.
GSC: What is the geographical extent of your current network, and which are among the top three performing countries in the region?
MK: The redrawn region extends from Bangladesh in Asia to South Africa in Africa. It has 14 countries with its own operations and more than 50 countries within the partner networks. We also have five wellassessed vertical joint ventures in UAE, Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia.
All countries are doing exceptionally well including our recently opened two countries in the Sultanate of Oman and Egypt. The key markets in the region that are driving growth are India, UAE, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
GSC: How are Hellmann’s E-commerce operations performing in the region?
MK: Our relationship with Dubai CommerCity (DCC) started two years ago and has grown substantially with more than 25 customers today using our multiuser facility for their B2C fulfillment. The partnership with DCC has been extremely satisfying and we look forward to making it a grand success in the coming years.
GSC: How is the Hellmann Caliper Healthcare Division faring, post Covid?
MK: Hellmann Caliper has been growing very well since Covid, and today we are operating at full capacity with more than 30 global pharma companies using it as a regional hub. We have also expanded our operations into VAS activities by ensuring the Hub concept brings more value to the supply chain of our customers.
At present, we are planning further expansion by increasing our capacity DWC by an additional 40%. Our pipeline looks very good in the pharma sector.
GSC: How did regional Hellmann fare in 2022 and what is your outlook going forward for 2023?
MK: We had an exceptional year in 2022 and it was one of the best performing years in the history of the company—globally and also within the IMEA region. Our newly opened entities in Oman and Egypt are also performing very well. However, 2023 is going to be tough in the freight forwarding business due to availability and excess capacity, declining demand, and growing pressure on freight rates.
Retail demand in Europe and North America will continue to decline and this has cascading effect on South Asian countries where exports are mostly related to fashion.
GSC: What are the opportunities and the corresponding challenges for HWL going forward?
MK: Generally, we are expecting further growth—despite ongoing challenging market conditions. We are also about to launch a new road freight entity for the GCC.
As logistics is a people business, it is our teams at the global and regional levels that
Our success is based on trust and good cooperation within the Hellmann family and the team, as also on a strong leadership which sets goals and pursues them consistently.
make the difference and enable our continued success. Therefore, this is an area we invest in significantly. With the ‘Hellmann Promise’, we have just launched a new corporate culture that inites the Hellmann FAMILY and which is the basis of all our actions.
GSC: How are new technologies and automation changing the landscape and face of the industry and how is HWL adapting to these innovations?
MK: Hellmann has always been in the forefront of investing in new technologies and back in 2019 we have launched major investments in the field of digitization. For
example, we are going through a major transformation by making investments in TMS (Transportation Management Systems) across all products plus in Finance, Sales, and HR. We are getting ready for the future, both digitally and from an organizational culture perspective.
GSC: Comment on your CSR and Sustainability initiatives?
MK: Hellmann has always been committed to sustainability and the subject is firmly embedded in our corporate culture, the ‘Hellmann Promise’ and also our vision ‘For the better, Together’ We understand and
embrace sustainability and we see it as the only way forward.
We live sustainability through multiple factors notably leaders’ commitment; sustainability investment in facilities and product service; compliance to local requirements and engagement with society; work with our partners towards sustainability goals; welcoming diversity and measuring and reporting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data.
With our people and reliable partners, Hellmann aims to passionately lead a global sustainability strategy using technology and compliance framework.
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Offering services across cargo handling, logistics solutions and fulfillment & warehousing, SAL continues to prove being the leading logistics provider in the Kingdom.
SAL Saudi Logistics Services, the pivotal market leading air cargo handler in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with strong capabilities across cargo handling, freight forwarding, e-commerce warehousing, fulfillment and 3PL, recently participated in and demonstrated its capabilities at the IATA Conference and Exhibition held in Abu Dhabi.
SAL Saudi Logistics Services showcased and shone a light on its core competencies and proficiencies as the gold sponsor of the recently concluded three-day 35th IATA Ground Handling Conference (IGHC) held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC) from 16 to18 May 2023.
The delegation was led by top officials Faisal Albedah, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer and accompanied by Eng. Thunyan Al-Thunyan, Chief Logistics Solutions Officer & Amer Abu Obaid, Chief Commercial Officer.
SAL was established in December 2019 after Saudi Airlines Cargo Company’s cargo ground handling division was incorporated
into a separate legal entity, with the purpose of advancing the Kingdom’s economic growth and aspirations to become a global logistics hub through its role as a key catalyst.
As part of SAL’s growth, the logistics champion operates across all Saudi Arabia’s airports, with a key presence in the four key hubs of Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Madinah, and across all domestic stations currently numbering over 20 across the kingdom.
The Conference theme was “Embracing Technology: It’s Overdue and The Time
Is Now,” focused on fostering technology to improve safety, operational efficiency, and sustainability. The aviation industry is a complex and interconnected ecosystem with interfacing and collaboration at the core of all interconnected operations. The Conference allowed industry leaders to join forces, discuss implementing global standards and adopting modern technologies while ensuring customer safety as the top priority.
“SAL has an overwhelming imprint with its professional, efficient, streamlined, bestin-class signature services and solutions offerings. Our track record and performance are testimony to this affirmation. As a pivotal logistics services provider, we handle almost all the country’s inbound, outbound and logistics cargo, making us the national logistic champion and top stakeholder within the Kingdom and a key driver that is instrumental in the sector’s transformation as outlined in the Saudi Vision 2030,” affirmed Faisal AlBedah.
“SAL plays a central role in the revolution of Saudi Arabia’s logistics sector with capabilities, expertise, and experience built over five decades in the ground cargo handling division of Saudia group. Our mandate is to embrace technology
and portfolio of comprehensive skill sets coupled with exceptional human capital and resources, which implies we are eminently suited to our role as the national logistic champion and we have roundly proved ourselves in this arena,” he further asserted.
SAL collaborates with Saudia Cargo and over 50 international airlines as well as a wide range of international and government agencies to ensure reliable and efficient provision of cargo handling services.
“This year’s IGHC will explore how these challenges can be overcome and how technology can be implemented to improve efficiency, increase compliance with global standards and improve safety and environmental performance,” remarked Monika Mejstrikova, IATA’s Director of Ground Operations.
Antonoaldo Neves CEO, Etihad Airways, delivered the opening keynote address at the conference. IGHC also featured a technical session on the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) and on the changes to the IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM).
Saudi Logistics Services (SAL) and Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services (LTLS) have signed an initial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the sidelines of the recently concluded Transport Logistics Exhibition 2023 held in Munich, Germany.
Accordingly, SAL will collaborate and assist with all logistics activities of LTLS in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Under the provisions of the MoU, SAL will provide freight forwarding, transportation, and customs brokerage services to support LTLS’ maintenance logistics operations for their key customers around the Kingdom.
This agreement marks the foundation of a strategic partnership between both parties, as they plan to explore other areas of cooperation in the future related
to LTLS’ logistics activities in Saudi Arabia.
“We are excited about this partnership with Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services, which highlights our commitment as the National Logistics Champion to providing world-class logistics services to our partners and assures SAL’s dedicated role in complementing the National Transport and Logistics Strategy,” affirmed Faisal Al Bedah, CEO, SAL.
“With this cooperation, LTLS will enhance its presence in the Middle East, which is one of the world’s fastest growing aviation markets. Thereby, we further strengthen our global logistics network, which ensures top-level logistics solutions to our aviation customers,” asserted Andreas Tielmann, Managing Director, LTLS.
SAL operates across all Saudi Arabia’s airports, with a key presence in the four key hubs of Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Madinah, and across all domestic stations currently numbering over 20 across the Kingdom.
Emirates Vital and Emirates Medical Devices, developed in consultation with customers, address the global healthcare industry’s evolving needs and build on SkyCargo’s undisputed expertise and leadership in pharma logistics, the carrier announced.
Emirates SkyCargo has launched two new tailor-made solutions for the global healthcare industry under its refreshed and rebranded ‘Life Sciences and Healthcare’ product range.
The airline’s ‘Life Sciences and Healthcare’ portfolio encompasses its existing marketleading pharma transport solutions; and adds two innovative solutions—Emirates Vital and Emirates Medical Devices, both of which were developed in consultation with customers to ensure it is purpose-fit and future ready.
The Emirates SkyCargo team will be working closely with specialist freight forwarders globally to roll out these new services, a press communique indicated.
“Our Pharma business is already a market leader, and each week we move around two million kgs of pharmaceutical cargo across the globe. Since 2015, we have invested over US$ 200mn to build our capabilities and now we have strong expertise and insights into the pharma and broader life sciences space,” noted Nabil Sultan,
Transporting clinical trials, human organs and tissues, cell and gene therapy, Emirates Vital (AXT) will be a white glove service with Emirates control tower team monitoring every shipment making sure we deliver as promised.
The carrier will speed up connection times in Dubai for shipments with transit times of under four hours by utilising the bulk hold of the aircraft and dedicated vans on the ramp to move the shipments to the connecting flights, the press note continued.
Emirates Medical Devices (AXM) is another new stand-alone product to support the movement of equipment for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and monitoring of diseases. The service, which is designed to transport everything from
ventilators and test kits, to X-ray machines and MRIs, ensures all cargo moved follows the developing Medical Device Regulations and Good Distribution Practice (GDP) compliant.
SkyCargo’s existing range of solutions for the safe and reliable transport of pharmaceuticals are: Emirates Pharma (AXS) for less temperature-sensitive items or shipments that already come with advanced passive packaging and utilises Emirates Pharma covers from Origin to Destination.
Emirates Pharma Plus (AXD) combines both Emirates Pharma covers and our fleet of cool dollies on the ramp in Dubai to mitigate the risk of temperature fluctuations; and Emirates Pharma Active (AXC) which offers the highest category of protection and control using active containers from six suppliers for extremely sensitive pharma products like insulin, vaccines and Oncology drugs.
Emirates SkyCargo offers belly-hold cargo capacity on Emirates’ fleet of modern widebody aircraft, as well as on 11 dedicated Boeing 777 freighters. It operates two state-of-the-art cargo terminals at its hub in Dubai, offering transit times of as little as three hours air-to-air.
The terminals offer a total cargo capacity of around one million tonnes per year, with the ability to raise this to 1.3mn tonnes. There is 15,000sqm of dedicated storage for temperature-sensitive goods such as perishables and pharmaceuticals.
SkyCargo’s Pharma cool chain handling capabilities include nine main deck cool dollies, 41 lower deck cool dollies, as well as 12 refrigerated trucks. The three-tier product range provides shipping capabilities for everything from high temperature tolerance pharmaceuticals, right the way through to
The new solutions offered under Life Science and Healthcare are the first of more developments to follow in Emirates SkyCargo’s ambition to lead the market in delivering specialist solutions that are fast, reliable, flexible, and efficient.
Emirates’ Dubai hub is in a prime position to address these demands with its modern infrastructure, progressive policies, and geographic advantage, being able to reach 2.5bn people within four hours of flight. Emirates SkyCargo is ready for the new world of logistics and we will continue to build on our capabilities to deliver ever better solutions to our customers,” concluded Nabil Sultan.
Emirates SkyCargo has added two Boeing 747-400Fs to its freighter fleet, showing its strong confidence in the global cargo market in a current environment of volatility, the carrier revealed in a press communique.
The cargo division of Emirates, the world’s largest international airline, is expecting 15 more freighters to join its fleet from announced orders and its freighter conversion program, plus a boost in belly-hold capacity from new passenger aircraft deliveries starting with Airbus A350s in late summer 2024, followed by 777-Xs the year after.
Over the next decade, Emirates SkyCargo expects to double its existing capacity, add over 20 new destinations to its freighter network, and offer even more flexibility and services
to its customers with a fleet mix of over 300 wide-body aircraft comprising: 777s, 777-Fs, 747-Fs, A350s, and A380s, the press statement continued.
“We believe even these additional planes will not be sufficient. By then, we’ll have the MRO set-up to quickly and efficiently scale-up our freighter conversion program if we needed to,” remarked Nabil Sultan, Divisional Senior Vice President, Emirates SkyCargo.
Secured on a long-term wet-lease basis, the two Boeing 747Fs complement Emirates SkyCargo’s existing fleet of 11 Boeing 777 freighters and are currently being deployed to Chicago three times weekly, and to Hong Kong nine times weekly, the press statement concluded.
Acronis unveils its newly developed and effective market strategies to counter risks and preempt cyber-threats
Acronis leveraged its participation at the recently concluded GISEC 2023 in Dubai, UAE, as an opportunity to educate and engage MSPs and end-users on the importance of data protection, EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) and disaster recovery.
Acronis, the premier global cybersecurity company, prides itself on a wide range of capabilities, which includes signature-based AV, AI-enabled behavioural antimalware, automated vulnerability scanning and patch management, advanced email security, DLP (data loss prevention), backup and disaster recovery–all managed from a single platform, with a single agent on the endpoint, an official company communique affirmed.
At this year’s Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference 2023 (GISEC), Acronis discussed the cyber threats landscape in the Middle East and provided its vision and recommendations. They discussed their EDR (endpoint detection and response) solutions, which can help detect and respond to threats in real-time.
Additionally, Acronis discussed the adoption of zero-trust networks and architecture in the global market and its relevance to the Middle East.
According to a pre-event Acronis media statement, the company unifies data protection and cybersecurity to deliver integrated, automated cyber protection that solves the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges of the modern digital world.
With flexible deployment models that fit the demands of service providers and IT professionals, Acronis provides superior cyber protection for data, applications, and systems with innovative next-generation
antivirus, backup, disaster recovery, and endpoint protection management solutions.
Global Supply Chain engaged with a visiting official, Sara M. Pinheiro, Distribution Team Manager MEA / South Asia, Acronis, in an exclusive, wide-ranging one-on-one interview, on the sidelines of GISEC 2023. Sara, a Portuguese national, is presently based in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, (home to one of the company’s R&D Centres). She spoke expansively on several hot button issues impacting the industry. The following are transcripts of the interview.
Global Supply Chain (GSC): Why is Acronis present at GISEC 2023 and what do you hope to accomplish with your participation?
Sara M. Pinheiro (SMP): The primary goal of Acronis at GISEC 2023 is to reinforce its purpose-driven objective and commitment to cybersecurity and data protection. That is our banner statement, this is how Acronis positions itself and that is what defines us. Furthermore, here at GISEC 2023, the goals are manifold and as it goes this conference is right up our alley. Through this exhibition medium, we hope to project Acronis as a force to reckon within the cybersecurity domain given its expertise and experience.
We are here to unfurl our newly developed and effective market-oriented strategies to counter risks and preempt cyber threats with our signature-imprint
Sara M. Pinheiro
is a seasoned Distribution Team Manager for MEA and South Asia at Acronis, a leading cyber protection company.
With over 12 years of experience in sales channel management, the widely travelled Sara has a proven track record of success in building and managing high-performing teams that consistently exceed targets.
She has been an integral part of the Acronis team for the past four years, driving growth and expanding the company’s reach in key markets. Sara is particularly passionate about emerging markets and has a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that they present.
Her expertise in sales and distribution, combined with her strategic vision, has been instrumental in leading Acronis’ expansion in emerging markets in Africa.
sophisticated technologies indigenously customized to suit client requirements.
Acronis is here to meet and interface with our existing customers and scout for new opportunities and clientele, to listen to them and their concerns and to offer pointed specific operational solutions. Here, we can also demonstrate our capabilities and skills and efficiently respond to cybersecurity protection strategies and challenges.
We have recently upscaled and supplemented our resources and offerings with new features and additions in the solutions portfolio. We are here to engage with our customers, associates, and stakeholders on how Acronis solutions can avert and head off disastrous consequences of cyber-intrusions while shielding companies and fighting and neutralizing malefic cyber-attacks.
GSC: Talk to us about the cyber threats landscape in the Middle East---how serious are these and expand on the Acronis solutions offered?
SMP: No country or region in the world is immune to cyber threats that know no barriers and boundaries. Like any place on the planet, the Middle East is also vulnerable to cyberattacks. Constant preparedness and capabilities to take countermeasures are key to fighting malicious attacks on computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data.
Fighting cybersecurity can never be about adopting an assembly line or cookercutter approach. It is about developing indigenous solutions. The Middle East is a significant and a growing region for Acronis and that is why we have designated the UAE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as crucibles for pilot studies and research. Here, we offer a full suite of proprietary solutions as countermeasures to both repel and prevent cyberattacks.
GSC: How significant is the Middle East / GCC for Acronis?
SMP: The Middle East is an important and fast-growing region for Acronis with much promise and potential. The significance of this region is evident from the fact that Acronis, as a responsible and reliable vendor has consolidated and developed a potent
network of distributors and Managed Services Providers (MSPs), constituting the backbone of our network of service agents. We have further fine-tuned our service portfolio with professional client segmentation and investments in improving and upgrading services and capabilities. We are very buoyant about our prospects in the region.
GSC: How is the MSP mechanism imprinting your signature working model and how are you leveraging this to seek market and track record advantages?
SMP: The analogy I want to liken to our relationship with our MSPs is ‘partnership.’ We are on this journey together. We are in this pursuit and endeavour together as partners. We work in synchrony and stay committed whilst staying the course. Like two peas in a pod.
Acronis is a capable and accessible vendor, and we provide value-added and extraordinarily sophisticated solutions to our clients through our cohesive partnership with MSPs.
GSC: What are the opportunities and corresponding challenges for Acronis in the region going forward?
SMP: Cyberattacks are on the upswing in this region as elsewhere. We can substantiate this trend with facts. For example, in the Middle East in January 2023 year, 6% of Acronis-managed computers reported at least one cyberattack; however, in February 2023, just a month later, that number surged to 14%, more than double.
We also noticed a drift and an increasing number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are also falling prey to cyberattacks. The conventional impression is that only large companies and MNCs are targeted but that tendency is now changing.
So, we are clearly alert and take our responsibilities very seriously. We strive to stay ahead of the competition in the cyberwarfare ecosystem. We build solutions customized and specific for clients based on our interface with them. We heed customer opinions and discussions.
GSC: What role and corporate vision do you perceive for Acronis in the cybersecurity realm going forward?
SMP: In the not-so-distant past Acronis was seen as primarily a backup company. However, we have since evolved and we are now recognized as a Cloud Backup Solutions company. The Acronis Cloud represents a bulwark for secure backup data and disaster recovery and retrieval.
As a case in point, Acronis Cyber Protect Connect is a remote desktop and monitoring solution that enables MSPs to easily access and manage remote workloads and fix any issues – anytime, anywhere.
We believe our Cyber Protect Cloud can nip ransomware and malicious software in the bud. With our Award-Winning data protection solutions and innovative security features, we provide backup with antimalware for both homes and businesses and complete cyber protection. For us it is all about offering our customers the Acronis Advantage!
Cyberattacks are on the upswing. In January 2023 year, 6% of Acronismanaged computers reported at least one cyberattack; a month later, that number surged to 14%, more than double.
Etihad Airways has published its annual sustainability report, detailing the company’s commitment to sustainability and its progress towards its sustainability goals.
In 2022, Etihad Airways achieved an impressive 26% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions per Revenue Tonne Kilometre (RTK) to 482g compared to 2019 baseline.
Etihad’s sustainability strategy is based on principles of achieving emissions reductions through in-sector measures, aligning with industry voluntary roadmaps and frameworks, collaborating with UAE industrial ecosystems, remaining transparent and proactive about sustainability issues, and continually developing a strategic roadmap for targets.
“Our sustainability strategy is built on a foundation of collaboration, transparency, and innovation, and we will continue to work with our partners, industry peers, and government agencies to drive positive change and lead the way towards a greener future for aviation,” stressed Antonoaldo Neves, CEO, Etihad Aviation Group.
• Etihad was the first foreign airline to receive SAF supply in Japan, in partnership with ITOCHU Corporation and Neste MY Sustainable Fuel.
• Etihad continued to work with key UAE stakeholders such as ADNOC, Masdar and Tadweer to develop SAF production capability in the UAE.
• Etihad in partnership with World Energy operated the first net-zero flight powered entirely by Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Book & Claim offsetting carbon dioxide emissions of 216 metric tonnes through
sustainable aviation fuel credits.
• Continued efforts for Wildlife, Conservation and Protection of Biodiversity and Animal Welfare
• Planted 68,916 Mangrove trees as part of Etihad Mangroves Forest project.
Machine Learning will enable Sales Cockpit’s algorithms to adapt and adjust based on user feedback
Etihad Cargo has partnered with Rotate,
a Netherlands-based data-driven strategy consultancy with proven cargo expertise, to co-develop a sales optimisation tool that will identify sales initiatives to enable the carrier’s global commercial teams and sales representatives to add value to customer relationships.
The first-of-its-kind tool—the Sales Cockpit— will analyse data and, using sophisticated custom-built algorithms, will automatically generate recommendations on how Etihad Cargo can strengthen customer relationships, including an overview of current business and future
The development of Sales Cockpit is the latest step taken by Etihad Cargo in its digitalisation journey, which aims to optimise the customer experience. The carrier is collaborating with Rotate, a Netherlands-based data-driven strategy consultancy with proven cargo expertise, to improve customer service through the enhanced use of data and machine learning.
Sales Cockpit will also make the customer journey more efficient and seamless, reducing information overload by using machine learning to provide each representative with customised sales initiatives.
The digital solutions will effectively match recommendations to boost sales and strengthen customer relationships with the representative who will find them most useful, the carrier said in a press statement.
“Digitalisation is already revolutionising the air cargo sector. Etihad Cargo will use Sales Cockpit to further improve customer service
and strengthen partnerships, enabling more meaningful interactions with customers and a more tailored approach to meeting customer requirements,” remarked Martin Drew, Senior Vice President – Global Sales & Cargo, Etihad Cargo.
“We are working as one team to unlock the full potential of digitalisation and enable Etihad’s sales teams to have more engaging discussions with their customers,” stated Ryan Keyrouse, Managing Director, Rotate.
With the launch of Sales Cockpit, Etihad Cargo will further professionalise customer interactions via the smart adoption of technology. To this end, Etihad Cargo and Rotate have commenced development of Sales Cockpit, which is expected to launch within six months, the press note concluded.
Following successful trials, the carrier will initially launch the solutions in Singapore Etihad Cargo recently launched an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)powered solution to transform airfreight operations and boost cargo capacity on flights. Deployment of state-of-the-art AI
tools is the latest step in Etihad Cargo’s digitalisation journey and will enable the carrier to improve cargo volumes by optimising capacity on every flight across the carrier’s network.
In 2021, Etihad Cargo entered into a landmark proof-of-concept agreement with leading logistics technology solutions provider, Speedcargo Technologies, becoming one of only a few global carriers to leverage the Singapore-based provider’s AI products to maximise cargo capacity on flights.
Following successful trials of Speedcargo’s AI solutions, Etihad Cargo has rolled out three AI-powered products, Amplifi, Cargo Eye and Assemble, to boost efficiency, digitise and standardise cargo handling across Etihad Cargo’s network, and enhance service levels for the carrier’s customers and partners.
Etihad Cargo uses Amplifi to optimise cargo loads on each flight. The technology dynamically calculates free and usable capacity based on booked cargo, aircraft type and cargo offer.
Cargo Eye is a scalable, modular system that captures cargo dimensions and volume data. Powered by Microsoft’s IOT Edge solutions and Speedcargo’s proprietary algorithms, Cargo Eye allows Etihad Cargo to digitise cargo as it enters the carrier’s ground handling stations, enabling the realtime sharing of cargo information for load planning, build-up planning and forward operations.
Etihad Cargo will deploy Assemble across the carrier’s network of ground handling stations to facilitate the digital planning and build-up of ULDs using the load plans generated by Amplifi.
“Since embarking on its digitalisation strategy in 2018, Etihad Cargo has developed, trialled and launched new technologies and solutions to provide customers and partners with an improved service offering, remarked Martin Drew, Senior Vice President – Global Sales & Cargo, Etihad Cargo.
In a world marked by an unprecedented demand for the safe and efficient transportation of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals, Qatar Airways Cargo and Swedish company Envirotainer have collaborated on strategic ties to deliver an unparalleled customer experience while prioritising sustainability in their operations.
Recognising the pressing need to address environmental concerns, Qatar Airways Cargo and Envirotainer have joined forces to offer a more sustainable solution for shipping temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals to where they are needed most.
By capitalising on both organisations’ extensive network capabilities, along with Envirotainer’s cutting-edge Releye solution, carbon dioxide emissions for shipments can be reduced by up to 90% compared to other solutions. The Releye RLP and RLP solutions also ensure precise temperature control throughout the entire transportation process, meaning this partnership guarantees the utmost integrity and quality of temperature sensitive cargo like never before, a press release indicated.
“This collaboration marks a significant milestone for Qatar Airways Cargo as we continue to enhance our capabilities in delivering pharmaceuticals and other temperature-sensitive cargo worldwide. By joining forces with Envirotainer, we can offer our customers seamless access to their industry-leading containers, which are specifically designed to meet the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry,” affirmed Miguel Rodriguez, Head of Cargo Products, Qatar Airways Cargo.
“Through the optimisation of our operations and investment in cuttingedge solutions such the Releye units, we are actively reducing our environmental
impact and contributing to a greener future reducing up to 90% of our carbon dioxide emissions. We are excited about this collaboration and the positive impact it will have on our customers and the industry as a whole,” commented Akos Balkanyi, Global Key Account Manager, Envirotainer.
The collaboration between Qatar Airways Cargo and Envirotainer underscores
ongoing commitment of both organisations to investing in the latest technologies to meet the needs of the life sciences sector and is poised to make a long-term positive impact on customers and the industry for the future.
Both organisations are pledged to work together to ensure the safe transportation of pharmaceuticals and provide reliable and sustainable cold chain solutions that uphold the highest standards of quality, safety, and efficiency, a press communique concluded.
Qatar Airways Cargo recently announced the relaunch of its Pharma product in line with its Next Generation and VISION 2027 strategy.
The relaunch includes several enhancements that benefit its customers and streamlines the handling of different categories of pharmaceuticals and healthcare products, including animal healthcare items that fall under the umbrella of Pharma.
“In less than a decade, Qatar Airways Cargo has grown to become an acknowledged carrier of choice when it comes to pharmaceutical products,” noted Guillaume Halleux, Chief Officer Cargo, Qatar Airways.
“Since we first launched our pharma service in 2014, we have invested heavily to bring on board the best industry experts, equipment, and training. We have also proactively involved ourselves in leading industry working groups to keep a finger on the pulse of this ever-evolving market,” he continued.
From the current offering of two subcategories, the cargo carrier now offers five product sub-categories – Pharma Critical Advanced, Pharma Critical Passive, Pharma Advanced, Pharma Passive and Pharma Care. These new enhanced categories enable Qatar Airways Cargo to offer customers a diverse range of solutions to transport their healthcare shipments and ensure optimal
handling of all cool-chain pharma products transported on its flights.
The airline has also introduced a two-tier system for its 90 approved pharma stations to provide more information and transparency to its customers. This enhancement helps in differentiating between the distinct capabilities available at various stations.
Tier 1 stations offer both +2°C to +8°C & +15°C to +25°C temperature-controlled storage, while having the ability to service electronic containers and dry-ice containers. Tier 2 stations offer only one of the two categories of temperature-controlled storage, handle certain temperaturecontrolled containers, or have limited storage capacity.
Active container milestone updates have also been introduced to regularly inform customers on the status of their shipments moving within these containers. The updates are sent to pre-configured email addresses inserted in the booking. Important information includes the temperature and battery readings of each unit transporting the shipments.
The airline also considers animal health a top priority and offers comparable solutions through its Pharma product to transport animal healthcare shipments in a safe and efficient manner, all within the customer’s sub-category of choice.
“With ‘Next Generation Pharma’ we are working on evolving product offerings to meet new and anticipated industry needs and focussing on digitalising processes and activities to increase transparency and provide more real time information to customers. Better visibility means greater assurance, and faster information flows lead to a more agile, collaborative supply chain, enabling decisions based on actual, in-the-moment facts,” explained Miguel Rodríguez, Senior Manager Cargo Products, Qatar Airways.
Last year, Qatar Airways Cargo transported over 84,000 tonnes of medical and healthcare shipments across its global network via Doha and its regional hubs in Europe. IATA CEIV Pharma certification was achieved in December 2020, confirming the capabilities of the airline and its ground handling partner QAS Cargo’s industry-standard quality performance and handling.
AQatar Airways Cargo’s ‘Moved by People’ Boeing 777 freighter recently landed at Kigali International Airport. In the company of local dignitaries, freight forwarders, partners, and customers, Qatar Airways Cargo’s Chief Officer, Guillaume Halleux, and Yvonne Makolo, Chief Executive Officer, RwandAir, officially launched operations at the Kigali Africa Hub.
The Boeing 777 aircraft will fly from Doha to Kigali, twice a week. Since March, Qatar Airways Cargo has created an intra-Africa service between Kigali and Lagos (three times per week), and a weekly service from Istanbul via Doha to Kigali, all operated by an Airbus A310 aircraft. New destinations from Kigali will be announced soon.
“We are proud to partner with RwandAir
in establishing Kigali as the Central African hub in preparation for the Next Generation of air cargo on this fast-growing continent,” stated Guillaume Halleux, Chief Officer Cargo, Qatar Airways. Qatar Airways Cargo currently serves 28 cities in Africa with a mixture of freighter and belly-hold services, carrying up to 2,800 tonnes to and from Africa, the press statement concluded.
With the global food and beverage (F&B) market set to grow exponentially in the coming decade, the Middle East looks well positioned to play a key role for the sector.
The F&B market is constantly evolving, adapting to cater to the specific needs, tastes and lifestyles of consumers. Thanks to globalisation, customers are now seeking cuisines and produce from across the globe as fresh as the day they were picked and in plentiful supply.
That presents a challenge that requires a robust and sophisticated supply chain to navigate with success. Resources, infrastructure and expertise are required to meet the unique needs of the F&B sector while staying flexible to seasonality and changing consumer demands.
The Middle East is well positioned to play a significant role in global F&B logistics. Located at the crossroads of global commerce connecting Asia and Europe, the region is home to key shipping routes such as the Suez Canal. And when paired with its world-leading logistics facilities, ports, airports and free zones, it has a critical role to play in facilitating global trade.
To capitalise on this burgeoning sector, logistics providers must enhance their facilities and operations to remain competitive in this increasingly challenging market.
According to a report by US-based World Resources Institute, global demand for food will increase by 56% from 2010 to 2050 due to population growth and changes in diets and income.
Particularly for the Middle East, food consumption is expected to rise from 46.8mn tonnes in 2020 to 52.5mn tonnes
in 2025, based on data from Dubai-based investment bank Alpen Capital.
Climatic conditions such as water scarcity and a lack of arable land have created significant challenges for farming in the Gulf which imports 85% of its food. While massive investments have been made in agriculture, agri-tech and food manufacturing to boost domestic food production, imports remain essential to meeting the region’s food security needs.
“The F&B market in the Middle East, and the world, is growing rapidly and we are witnessing surging demand from customers for state-of-the-art facilities and operations to support the safe, efficient storage and delivery of perishable cargo,” remarked Fredrik Nystrom, Group Vice President, Middle East, GAC Group.
“Our world-class warehousing and distribution centres in the Middle East have been supporting the demanding F&B sector and the wider fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market effectively over the years. We recognise the need to continuously adapt to market trends and customer requirements, and have actively enhanced our services, invested in facilities and expanded our operations in key markets to future-proof supply chains,” he added.
Adaptability remains a vital aspect of F&B logistics as market demands are always
fluctuating, with goods subject to seasonal demand and store discounts.
“Our long experience has equipped us with the ability to remain flexible to supply chain changes and challenges. Coupled with our robust distribution network and strategic facilities across the region, we provide effective operations that get the cargo safely to its destination in the fastest time possible,” Nystrom observed.
GAC Qatar recently opened a new multiuser contract logistics facility and office building in Ras Bufontas Free Zone, catering specifically to the F&B market. The warehouse, which features up to 40,000 pallet positions, as well as four temperature and humidity-controlled chambers, boasts two crucial features needed to service F&B operations: food-grade cold storage and value-added services (VAS).
“Cold-storage services are now a musthave for logistics providers servicing the F&B market,” stated Adrian Peiris, Business Manager for Contract Logistics, GAC Qatar. “Our facility also has more than 500sqm of space dedicated to providing VAS beyond cargo storage and handling, such as labelling, co-packing and order fulfilment. By outsourcing the mundane yet necessary
tasks to us, customers can better focus on their core business,” Peiris further noted.
The facility was built to house all its services in a single location to enhance the efficiency of its F&B logistics services by improving the turnaround time of cargo moving in and out of the centre.
“By keeping our operations in one place, we can boost our operational efficiencies and synergies, while keeping costs down for our customers through economies of scale,” he added.
As with any other sector, technology is poised to change the future of operations. In logistics, advanced warehouse management systems (WMS) enable providers and their customers to keep track of inventories in real-time.
This is critical for F&B as food items have an expiration date, and the failure to pick and deliver the right products in the right state can lead to wastages in inventory and lost revenue for our customers.
“Our in-house WMS has automated features to capture production details, expiry dates, shelf lives, lot numbers and batches to ensure accuracy of orders which, not only minimises wastages in inventories, but also improves efficiencies in distribution operations to meet customers’ expectations,” added Peiris.
“We use the data to improve our productivities, plan storage and order processing and provide maximum transparency to customers to help them drive their demand planning and decisions to push stocks to market in the most effective way.”
The Middle East’s position as a global hub for F&B trade between Asia and Europe will only reach its full potential if the infrastructure and services are there to support it. Logistics providers across the Gulf are rapidly expanding and enhancing their services to cater to the sector’s specific needs.
Nevertheless, the ability to adapt and meet customer trends will be what makes the difference and enable the leaders to stay competitive in the long term.
DP World recently launched the first direct freight service between the UAE and Iraq to make the flow of goods between the two countries faster, safer and more efficient, according to an announcement by the global trade enabler.
The service caters for what the industry calls ‘unaccompanied trailers,’ trailers which can be transported by sea without the driver and truck cab travelling alongside them. Instead, the trailer is left at the quay side at the port by the driver and is then pulled on and off the ship alone.
This is the first service of its kind in the UAE and runs under the name of P&O Maritime Transports, a DP World company, the company revealed in a recent press communique.
THE move is expected to have a significant impact on the ease of doing business between the two countries, and the streamlined service will reduce travel times from multi-day overland journeys to only 36 hours by sea, removing many of the
obstacles of the existing overland routes. Unaccompanied trailers are loaded on to roll-on, roll-off (RoRo) freight vessels, leaving the driver and cab behind at the port. Once the trailer reaches Umm Qasr Port, an Iraqi truck can drive it to its final destination anywhere in the country. Once delivered, the empty trailer is then returned to Umm Qasr and shipped by to Jebel Ali.
DP World’s unaccompanied trailer service allows cargo owners and logistics companies to load a UAE-plated trailer in their local warehouse, ship it securely to Iraq and get the same trailer back, without the cargo having to change hands along the route.
Purpose-built RoRo freight vessels allow customers greater flexibility in the planning and movement of over-dimensional packages on low-bed and heavy-axle
trailers. This generates significant cost savings versus traditional break bulk operations, as the cargo loaded on board a trailer is available to be delivered directly on site in Iraq.
“Iraq’s economy is growing rapidly, but until now it relied on transit through its neighbours for its import and export needs. Our new direct service starts to address this, opening a new more efficient trade route for the country,” commented Jesper Kristensen, Group Chief Operating Officer, DP World Marine Services.
The first customer to use the route is the ADSO Group, a UAE-based logistics firm. “The new service is ground-breaking and delivers great logistical efficiencies across our operations. The reliability and expertise of DP World means we have full trust that our shipments are handled with the utmost care,” remarked Riaz Karmali, General Manager, ADSO.
support of the UAE’s net-zero ambitions and sustainability agendas, Renault Trucks Middle East and Al Masaood in collaboration with Tadweer, recently launched the first 100% electric waste truck in the United Arab Emirates, the first fully electric heavy truck launched in the Middle East.
In a radical move, the first Renault 100% electric truck will be used by Tadweer, the sole custodian of waste management for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, to collect waste household in Abu Dhabi.
The truck was manufactured by Renault Trucks, under the dealership of Al Masaood, following the signing of an MoU between Tadweer and Al Masaood during the recently concluded EcoWaste Exhibition and Conference.
Being the first electric heavy truck operating in the region, the Renault Trucks
E-tech truck will also run a pilot programme to gauge the vehicle’s performance in the high temperatures such as the capital’s summer heat, in addition to addressing logistical challenges such as charging station availability along key routes.
“Renault Trucks has a legacy of providing market-leading transport solutions for nearly 130 years, and we have succeeded because our eye is always out on the future needs of the industry,” affirmed
Olivier De Saint Meleuc, President, Renault Trucks International, at the glittering commemorative ceremony held at the RitzCarlton Grand Canal Abu Dhabi.
“The imperative for today is to tackle global warming, and we are proud that our sophisticated trucks are able to address the global requirement for low or zero emission vehicles, and to also contribute to the UAE’s visionary Net Zero 2050 strategic ambition. We are thrilled that we can bring our own electric mobility vision to the country, thanks to our partnership with Al Masaood,
Renault Trucks, the French truck manufacturer, has been providing professionals with transport solutions since 1894, from light commercial vehicles to heavy duty tractors. Committed to energy transition, Renault Trucks offers fuel efficient vehicles and a complete range of 100% electric trucks, with their operating life extended through a circular economy approach.
Key Highlights:
Renault Trucks is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses, construction equipment and industrial and marine engines. The group also provides complete financing and service solutions.
Renault Trucks is now the only manufacturer to offer electric mobility for all uses: from 650kg cargo bikes to 44-tonne electric tractors and construction trucks.
• 9,450 employees worldwide / 4 production sites in France
• 1,400 sales and service points worldwide.
• 59,000 vehicles sold in 2022 (+15% vs 2021)
• Over 600 electric vehicles delivered in Europe in 2022
• In France the brand has over 75% market share in the electric medium duty vehicles market
• Over 4 million kilometres mileage achieved among all electric vehicles sold.
Al Masaood Commercial Vehicles & Equipment Division provides sales and aftersales for an extensive range of franchises. It is the sole distributor in Abu Dhabi for UD Trucks, Renault Trucks and Unicarriers Forklifts, and in the UAE for Oshkosh Fire Trucks, and TCM forklifts together with other well-known brands of heavy equipment and ancillary products.
who share our values and outlook for a zerocarbon future,” he added.
“At Al Masaood, we have made a tangible and firm commitment to support the nation in meeting its Net Zero 2050 strategic initiative, and we do recognize that as a key industrial player in the UAE’s capital and in the country as a whole, that we do bear a heavy responsibility in not only lowering our greenhouse emissions,” asserted Mohamed El Zeftawi, General Manager, Al Masaood’s Commercial Vehicles and Equipment Division.
The Renault Trucks D-Wide E-tech has already demonstrated its effectiveness and performance in Europe, with urban centres like Paris and Barcelona adopting nearly 100 of the trucks each to fulfil their commitments to sustainability and their communities, the manufacturer stated.
By using these electric trucks, these two cities will remove over 4000 tons of carbon dioxide from the environment each year, equivalent to removing 1000 cars from the roads annually. With a range of up to 200 kilometres between charges, the trucks have already proven their worthiness from a zero-emissions and performance perspective.
Tadweer is keen to start operating this 100% electric truck on Abu Dhabi’s roads to assess and monitor the vehicle’s performance in the summer temperatures.
The first 100% electric waste truck in the UAE supports Tadweer in achieving its mission through building an integrated waste management system and achieving a circular economy.
The Renault Trucks D Wide 26t E-Tech Electric is the ideal vehicle for urban waste collection with low operating costs while maintaining optimal range and payload. Equipped with 23m3 Gorica-Farid electric garbage compactor, this 100% electric Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide P6x2 will be operating, almost silently with zero tailpipe emissions.
“Tadweer has established its position as a pioneer in waste management and driving a sustainable future. The company incorporates state-of-the-art and modern technologies to ensure successful operation, while supporting Abu Dhabi’s Environment Vision 2030 and the UAE’s Net Zero 2050 ambitions as well,” observed Ali Al Dhaheri, Managing Director and CEO, Tadweer.
“We therefore look forward for our ongoing collaboration with Al Masaood and Renault Trucks and are excited to see what this E-Tech Waste Management Truck has to offer in terms of performance and efficiency,” he further noted.
“Our relationship with both Al Masaood and Renault Trucks is characterized by a robust and enduring partnership, and we are confident that this innovative zero-emissions truck will be an important added value to our existing Renault fleet,” added Al Dhaheri.
The launch of the Renault E-Tech waste management truck is also a pledge to both the UAE’s and the capital’s electrified mobility strategies, which both the country and its capital are deeply committed to.
Only recently, the federal government committed to placing over 800 EV charging stations across the country, while Dubai is moving towards a zero-emissions public transportation sector with electric vehicles now joining the taxi fleet, a press statement concluded.
With a range of up to 200 kilometres between charges, the trucks have already proven their worthiness from a zero-emissions and performance perspective.
Renault Trucks has been producing 16, 19 and 26T electric trucks in series at its Blainville-sur-Orne plant in France since March 2020. A flexible industrial tool that adapts to the increasing demand, Renault Trucks also has the widest 100% electric range on the market: from 650kg (cargo-bikes to 44T (Renault Trucks E-Tech T & C).
Renault Trucks has an Electromobility department and dedicated teams, as well as reference specialists in its markets. The company is adopting a selective strategy by focusing its efforts on selected business lines and countries. It relies on partnerships, an invested distribution and repair network and a fleet of 50 demonstration trucks for European customers. Renault Trucks aims to achieve 50% of its sales with electric trucks by 2030.
Renault Trucks, now part of Volvo, is contributing to the objectives that the parent Group has set itself to help limit the rise in the earth’s temperature to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, as part of the Science Based target (SBTi) initiative. As such, Renault Trucks is committed to accelerating the decarbonisation of its activities and those of its trucks. By 2040, all the vehicles we put on the market will be carbon neutral. And from now on, our ambition is to accelerate the sale of our decarbonised energy vehicles, in particular electric vehicles. Renault Trucks aims to achieve 50% of its sales with electric trucks by 2030.
Savoye’s ACR (Autonomous Case Handling Robots) hold a place of pride in the company’s repertoire and constitute an effective tool for automating case handling procedures in distribution centres and warehouses.
Savoye participated for the second time at the recently concluded Seamless 2023, having debuted at Seamless 2022. While last year the company focused on raising awareness, this year it had the opportunity to present its progressive portfolio whilst also forming new and strategic alliances.
Global Supply Chain interviewed Alain Kaddoum, Managing Director, Savoye Middle East, on the sidelines of Seamless ME 2023.
Global Supply Chain (GSC): How significant is Seamless 2023 for Savoye and what are you presenting at Seamless 2023?
Alain Kaddoum (AK): At Seamless 2023 we have featured our Autonomous Case Handling Robots (ACR) and even highlighted our software solution ODATiO at this year’s event. At Savoye, we believe the Middle East supply chain and logistics market is expanding rapidly as a result of consumers’ use and the overall growth of e-commerce. In response, we intend on bringing more innovative solutions to the region as we grow.
Our recent successes also include winning New East General Training as a client, as we think this collaboration will significantly enhance the logistics and supply chain sector’s operational efficiency. These milestones are true testaments to our internal team’s tenacity, commitment, and ability to deliver advanced concepts and ideas.
GSC: Savoye’s ACR (Autonomous Case Handling Robots) are the centrepiece attractions at Seamless 2023. Tell us more about their sophistication?
AK: ACR robots are autonomous and can operate in a collaborative manner with humans, backed by advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and navigation systems that let them navigate through warehouse environments safely and efficiently.
A key advantage of ACR robots is their ability to be integrated into existing warehouse management systems (WMS) to optimise order fulfillment processes. They are capable of performing tasks such as picking cases from storage locations, consolidating and sorting cases based on predetermined guidelines, and delivering them to designated locations for additional processing or shipping.
We firmly believe that implementing ACR robots can benefit businesses by increasing
efficiency and productivity, lowering operating costs, minimising manual labour, improving order accuracy, improving inventory management, and making better use of warehouse space.
GSC: What is the corporate message from Savoye at Seamless 2023?
AK: At Savoye, we believe in revolutionising the way businesses manage their supply chains. Our mission is to equip businesses with cutting-edge solutions that boost productivity, maximise efficiency, and promote sustainable growth.
With our commitment to innovation, we have developed ground-breaking technologies, including our Autonomous Case Handling Robots (ACR), which have
helped us move closer to this goal. Our extensive suite of products and services can adapt to unique business needs, as we are aware of the changing demands of the industry and the need for flexible, scalable solutions.
From warehouse design and optimisation to software solutions and robotics, we provide end-to-end support that ensures streamlined supply chain operations at its peak efficiency.
GSC: What are the challenges and opportunities for your company going forward?
AK: As a company that has been operating in the UAE for two years, expanding into other Middle Eastern countries seems to be a key challenge. However, we are confident that we can reach the right audience and address their requirements by offering them our expertise and quality solutions.
We are therefore strengthening and growing our presence in KSA and working to serve new clients, especially given that the KSA market is booming, making it an ideal opportunity to build relations.
GSC: How significant is the Middle East for Savoye?
AK: The Middle East has witnessed significant economic growth and development, with countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar among others, investing heavily in infrastructure projects, logistics hubs, and e-commerce initiatives. This can be attributed to the Middle East’s strategic location as a global trade hub between Europe, Asia, and Africa, making it an important region for logistics and supply chain activities.
The region’s expanding retail sector, e-commerce market, and increasing focus on sustainable logistics solutions, have also created a myriad of opportunities for companies that specialise in effective supply chain solutions, such as Savoye.
We aim to help businesses in the Middle East optimise their operations, increase efficiency, and meet changing market demands by offering advanced supply chain and intralogistics solutions, including those for warehouse management, order fulfilment, and inventory optimisation among other tasks.
Moreover, the Middle East’s commitment to technological advancements and digital transformation supports Savoye’s mission to embrace innovation. Our solutions are well-suited to this market as businesses in the region are increasingly implementing automation, robotics, and advanced software solutions to enhance their supply chain operations.
GSC: How wide is your current network and which are among the top three performing countries in the region?
AK: We have a strong presence in the UAE and are gradually establishing new relations in Saudi Arabia, while also planning to expand into other Middle Eastern regions. However, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are currently our top performing regions, and we intend to solidify this position in the future.
GSC: What are your expansion plans for the region?
AK: As stated previously, we have new goals and plans in place to expand into other Middle Eastern countries, and we intend to make a concentrated effort in each country. As a result, after establishing a presence in the UAE for the past two years, we are now focusing on KSA.
GSC: What did you attain at Seamless 2023?
AK: Through our participation, we were able to show attendees the value we bring to supply chain and intralogistics, while engrossing them with our latest solutions and services. In addition, we were able to connect with business experts, potential customers, and other partners, while looking into strategic alliances and collaborative opportunities.
GSC: What technology trends or new technologies do you detect and foresee for your business going forward?
AK: We foresee several technology trends shaping the future of our business in the supply chain and intralogistics industries. While automation and robotics will continue to play a pivotal role in improving productivity, with advanced robotics systems and autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things (IoT) will undoubtedly enable enhanced connectivity and real-time data exchange, allowing for better decisionmaking and visibility across the supply chain. Advanced analytics powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning will also enable predictive maintenance and datadriven insights, while Blockchain technology ensures increased transparency, security, and traceability in supply chain operations. Furthermore, sustainability and green initiatives will encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly practices and technologies, such as alternative energy sources and optimised route planning. We believe embracing these technological advancements will be critical for our company to remain at the forefront of innovation and meet our customers’ changing needs.
GSC: What do you say after two successful years of establishing and building the company?
AK: At Savoye, we are driving transformative changes in the logistics and supply chain industries. We aim to empower businesses by leveraging our expertise and innovative solutions to optimise supply chain operations and achieve sustainable growth. To achieve effective outcomes, Savoye has also committed to leveraging advanced technologies like robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. Our ability to customise solutions to each client’s unique needs has also allowed us to help businesses gain a competitive advantage, lower costs, and increase customer satisfaction.
Our two years in the business have further demonstrated the value of our customer-centric strategy, which makes certain that we offer exceptional support, direction, and partnership throughout the entire journey.
At Savoye, We aim to empower businesses by leveraging our expertise and innovative solutions to optimise supply chain operations and achieve sustainable growth.
The Joint Venture will see both organisations collaboratively establish a rail freight product that will introduce sustainable transport solution throughout the GCC.
Etihad Rail and DHL Global Forwarding recently signed the first commercial partnership with Etihad Rail since, the network became operational for freight services at the recently concluded Middle East Rail, in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC).
The newly formed joint venture company will further strengthen the sustainable freight offering within the UAE and GCC, operating across the Etihad Rail Network, connecting key industry hubs with the rail terminal at Al Ghuwaifat on the UAE-Saudi Arabia border.
The agreement is expected to significantly reduce pressures on road transport and boost trade, commerce and logistics in the UAE, whilst also playing a key role in helping the UAE meet its environmental responsibility commitments.
The ambitious 20-year partnership between DHL and Etihad Rail will deliver significant benefits for businesses, optimising use of time and resources, reducing costs and more efficient asset management, it was announced via a press communique.
Additionally, the partnership will strengthen end-to-end logistics and supply chain services for customers in the region. DHL’s robust rail freight products offer secure and reliable transportation
in many parts of the world. It is also an environmentally friendly alternative to cargo transportation via road or air freight.
Scheduled to go into operations in 2023, the inaugural route will see trains transporting containers from the Industrial City of Abu Dhabi’s (ICAD) Rail Terminal to the border of Saudi Arabia, with first and last mile solutions then taking containers into Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
“Our decades of expertise in rail and multimodal transport solutions, providing fast, secure and cost-effective connections in various parts of the world, make us the right partner to support the development of the railway industry in the UAE and the wider region,” observed Amadou Diallo, CEO Middle East & Africa, DHL Global Forwarding,
“As the UAE emerges as a one of the world’s key global logistics hubs, with GCC economies poised to grow in the next decade, DHL Global Forwarding is committed to supporting the momentum through enhanced mobility,” he continued.
“DHL Global Forwarding will be a key partner for Etihad Rail as we embark on fulfilling our ambitious targets to connect the region. Our 1,200 km rail network will link key centres of production, logistics and trade with major import and export points in the UAE and the wider region,” affirmed Shadi Malak, CEO, Etihad Rail, accentuating the partnership.
With freight operations operational since February, Etihad Rail is pleased to introduce further sustainable transport models within the UAE and GCC and continue to stimulate economic growth and sustained social
development in the region.
The agreement between Etihad Rail and DHL Global Forwarding is one of the region’s largest collaborations for the transport industry and showcases the respective organisation’s commitment to the UAE’s sustainability agenda, the press statement concluded.
MELI has
Providing national and international qualifications and professional certifications for Saudi youth and industry professionals is the objective of the Dammam-based MIddle East Logistics High Institute. It prides in training and preparing them for the workforce and making them both work- and future-ready, priming them to take on major responsibilities with skill sets and professional competencies.
The Middle East Logistics Institute (MELI: a subsidary of Al-Majoduie Holding Company), established in Saudi Arabia and now in its thirteenth year of operations, seeks to become the leading, cutting-edge academic institution to build globally competitive logistics capacities to the business community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Through developing and improving both the awareness and logistics skills of young professionals, practitioners, managers and executives, and providing them with specialized training in Logistics and Supply Chain Management and obtaining levels of professional certifications in the field of logistics, MELI envisions becoming the go-to academic institution to develop and hone professional skills.
MELI acquires knowledge, expertise and modern methodologies through partnerships with some of the world’s best logistics educational providers, to offer the participants a variety of educational and training programmes that suit their training needs.
By adapting the “learning by doing” methodology as one of the basic approaches applied in the programmes, MELI assures that graduates will be equipped with strong tools enabling them to contribute to the success of their organizations.
Global Supply Chain conducted an exclusive interview with Amer Badarneh,
General Manager, Middle East Logistics High Institute (MELI), to get the insights and low-down on the antecedents, progress, the purpose and mission of this unique academic and training institution.
Global Supply Chain (GSC): Middle East Logistics High Institute (MELI) was established in Dammam, Saudi Arabia in 2010. What are your mandate and objectives for setting up the institution? Amer Badarneh (AB): In 2010 when we took the decision to establish MELI, there was virtually no talk about formal and officially approved Logistics & Supply Chain education and training in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So, we came up with the idea mainly to develop a new logistics and supply chain human resources work-ready for the Saudi market.
In the early days we focused mainly on the need to develop the national skills and talents to be harnessed by the industry. From day one, we worked to have international partners on board as it was a big challenge and commitment for us to offer high-quality supply chain training without international base and accreditation.
Presently, we have plenty of highly regarded and desirable educational partners such as the elite CILT (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK), IRU (International Road Transport Union, Geneva), Michigan State University and CIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement &
Supply) among other top-notch institutions. Furthermore, we are approved and accredited by the Saudi National Training Regulation Body (Technical & Vocational Training Corporation–TVTC) as a High Institute.
GSC: What is the scope and range of activities of your mission?
AB: We focus on two major areas— providing national and international qualifications and professional certifications and consultations mainly related to customized and tailor-made programmes, where we have had remarkable success stories in this field through developing a totally new certifications which fit to client business requirements.
Also, we specialize in Truck drivers’ training and assessments especially those who transport dangerous and combustible goods. To date we have trained and reskilled more than 5000 truck drivers and our certifications are sought after prized by companies and other industry stakeholders.
GSC: Is MELI a private or public institute? Where is your funding coming from?
AB: MELI is a private institute, a subsidiary of the well-known Al-Majdouie Holding Company, an industry pioneer in the Kingdom and one of the nation’s biggest logistics services providers.
We are self-funded and get our revenues from the training fees we collect from our students, trainees and corporate clients.
GSC: How has MELI performed to date? What are your highlights and accomplishments?
AB: With a potentially promising and vast new supply chain training market in the region, I believe we have done exceedingly well and have accomplished multiple milestones as follows:
MELI trained and assessed more than 5000 truck drivers for ARAMCO. The training is ongoing. GASCO is another success story where we trained, reskilled and assessed more than 600 tank drivers, for major projects.
We launched the first professional two-year National Logistics Management Diploma. Last year in 2022, we have certified over 1000 young Saudis at different levels for the CILT international qualifications in logistics and supply chain. We also launched the first Arabic version of international qualifications. We have also managed to train and provide international qualifications for young Saudis.
We have just certified the first 10 young Saudis as Supply Chain Analysts for BAE Aerospace and the Saudi Maintenance and Supply Chain Management Company (SMSCMC) in an eight-month customized professional programme which was developed by our team and accredited by CILT.
We have trained and managed the Scientific Committee of one of the biggest supply chain conferences held under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport for the last four editions. We also launched the first Virtual Reality Warehousing Training in different scenarios and simulations.
GSC: What are your expansion plans? Do you propose to set up more campuses / branches in other cities in the Kingdom?
AB: After Covid-19, the concept and perception of training had changed, so physical expansion is no more a major element to increase the size and scope of a training organization, as most of qualifications can be acquired either online or hybrid, so today, I don’t for example need to have a facility in Jeddah to deliver training. Currently, many businesses seek to have training inhouse or in their facilities if not online.
In short, it is better today to invest in digital training, and interactive courses rather than invest in buildings or physical premises.
GSC: How many students do you currently have enrolled? How many students have graduated since inception?
BA: Our enrollee numbers are as follows. In the year 2022 the number is 2,127. The number for 2021 is 2,111. The cumulative number for the period 2010-2020 is 16,357. These numbers include those coming for short-term courses, long-term qualifications and the two-year Diploma.
GSC: Tell us more about your National and International Study Programmes?
BA: According to the regulations and our current national level of accreditation we are offering the two- year Logistics Diploma mainly targeting young Saudi and the sixmonth Development Programme to equip students with the basics of supply chain and logistics. Add to this, almost all short courses are accredited as national courses.
Through our international network and partners, we offer multiple certifications in different fields and functions, namely procurement, logistics, supply chain, warehousing and freight among others.
Currently we offer 62 International Certifications; 147 Short Courses; two National Certifications; one two-year Diploma and one Advanced Diploma. Our courses are available in seven Levels and four languages.
GSC: What is the wider objective for MELI for the long term in the light of Saudi Vision 2030?
AB: MELI aspires to become the centre of academia and knowledge for logistics, procurement and supply chain professional qualifications in the GCC. We offer new high-tech based and AI-centric, interactive courses without instructors.
GSC: How significant is the logistics and supply chain industry in Saudi Arabia?
AB: The logistics and supply chain industry is the bedrock of development and considered one of the major sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is basic to the growth of the nation and is the engine to the growth of the Kingdom’s economy. It is the future.
GSC: What is the appetite among Saudi nationals for careers in the logistics and supply chain sector? What is your role in the Saudization of the industry?
AB: Logistics and Supply Chain is becoming an attractive proposition for young Saudi nationals wanting to make a mark in business. For example, five years ago there were very few colleges and universities offering Supply Chain programmes, now we have more than 12 academic organizations offering Diploma, Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees.
A few years ago, it was rare to have young Saudis in the logistics field, now all national and international logistics companies’ operations have majority Saudi-employees in all levels of management. In humility I can claim that MELI is instrumental and playing its rightful role in promoting Saudization in the workplace as far as this sector is concerned.
GSC: Tell us briefly about your partners and the relationship between them and MELI?
AB: We have several partners, starting from the well-known worldwide partners such as CILT, Michigan State University, CIPS, The IRU Academy (the Geneva-based International Road Transport Union) and The Institute of Supply Chain Management–IoSCM.
Our courses are also recognized by the Association of Supply Chain Management ASCM / MUHAKAT Institute, Morgan International a major partner with us.
GSC: How important is technology and corresponding training for both the industry and MELI?
AB: Training and technology go handin-hand. We are always innovating and providing tools and platforms to deliver training in a better way. There is no doubt the latest technologies use AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). The future will focus on interactive courses without instructors for some types of trainings.
Our SynQ software delivers data-driven intelligence that empowers your business by synchronizing the performance of your people, processes and machines. The result is a level of efficiency and performance you never thought possible.
The Middle East has undergone a remarkable transformation in the realm of retail and e-commerce
“With our expertise and innovative technologies, we enable our clients to optimise their operations, streamline processes, and unlock new levels of performance,” affirmed David Dronfield, General Manager, Swisslog, in an exclusive interview with Global Supply Chain on the sidelines of the recently concluded Seamless 2023.
According to organizers, the justconcluded Seamless Middle East 2023 attracted over 20,000 global attendees, dozens of inspiring speakers and hundreds of innovative brands showcasing their latest technologies. According to Swisslog, a major exhibitor at the event, it was a useful platform for companies to drive the message that automation is the prime force taking retailers and e-commerce marketplaces to new heights of success. According to
David Dronfield is the General Manager of Swisslog Middle East, an intralogistics provider that delivers robot-based and data-driven automation solutions for customers across a wide range of industries.
David brings more than 35 years of professional experience in the warehouse automation sector with expertise across sales, marketing, business development, project management and in managing senior leadership roles.
David is responsible for growing Swisslog’s regional customer base and creating awareness about the need for professionally integrated warehouse automation systems.
David holds a BSc degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Surrey in the UK.
industry estimates, the automation market in the MENA region is projected to reach US$ 1.6bn by 2025. The following are the transcripts of our exclusive interview with David Dronfield.
Global Supply Chain (GSC): What is Swisslog debuting at Seamless 2023?
David Dronfield (DD): At the event, Swisslog showcased AutoStore with a spectacular live demo. AutoStore is a highly efficient robotic storage and order processing solution that integrates easily into existing buildings, designed to help retailers and e-commerce companies meet the growing demand for fast, accurate, and reliable order fulfilment while continuing to compress order cycles and delivery times.
GSC: What is the corporate message going forth from Swisslog at Seamless 2023?
DD: Swisslog delivers data-driven and robotic solutions for logistics automation alongside reliable, modular service concepts. Our mission is to empower businesses by collaborating with forwardthinking companies that share our vision of driving warehouse automation.
We aim to set new industry standards and deliver future-proof warehouse solutions. We have delivered over 2,000 complete solutions for leading companies in 25 locations worldwide and understand what is important for integrating products successfully.
GSC: Comment on your capabilities and USPs vis-a-vis your competitors and peers?
DD: Swisslog stands out through our distinctive capabilities and unique selling propositions (USPs). One of our key USPs is the seamless implementation of solutions like AutoStore, which can be integrated into existing infrastructure with minimal downtime or disruption. A concrete demonstration of AutoStore’s time efficiency is our flagship partnership with RoboStores. Swisslog Middle East successfully implemented AutoStore for Robostores in a remarkably short time. For less complex, smaller projects it can be completed within 5-7 months, from the start of work on-site to the system going live. By streamlining workflows and optimising operations, our solutions drive efficiency and enhance productivity throughout the supply chain.
GSC: What are the challenges and opportunities for your company going forward?
DD: The rapid pace of technological innovation is an exciting opportunity that fuels our passion for growth. It inspires us to remain agile and adaptive, always seeking new ways to leverage emerging technologies to our advantage. Industry estimates suggest that by 2028, the global average order fulfilment time will decrease from 4 hours to a mere 30 minutes.
This highlights the immense potential for faster and more efficient logistics processes. Moreover, this challenge fuels our passion for exploring new ideas for our clients and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in robotics and automation developments.
GSC: How significant is the Middle East for Swisslog?
DD: This growth in e-Commerce in the region is fuelled by a consistent rise in warehouse investments, driven by the increasing adoption of automation and integration within supply chains. Furthermore, research suggests that autonomous robots will process up to 50%
of all e-commerce orders globally by 2025. With a thriving digital commerce ecosystem, the Middle East holds remarkable potential for leaders in logistics automation.
GSC: How wide is your current network and which are among the top three performing countries in the region?
DD: Swisslog has developed a robust network that spans multiple countries in the Middle East including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and many more. We have established a strong presence in key markets to effectively serve the automation and logistics needs of our clients. Each country in the region presents unique opportunities and potential for automation solutions.
The UAE, in particular, has demonstrated significant commitment and progress in becoming a global leader in the robotics and automation industry, aiming to increase the sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) to 9%. The benefits of automation are clear, and the investment and effort required to implement these systems are worth it for their increased operational efficiency and warehouse productivity.
GSC: What are your expansion plans for the region?
DD: Swisslog has established a strong presence in the Middle East with an impressive client portfolio including renowned companies like Mai Dubai, Robostores, Almarai, and Raha. Building upon our successful track record, we have ambitious expansion plans to further contribute to the transformation of the e-commerce industry in the region.
Businesses across the region can leverage our advanced warehouse automation capabilities to accelerate critical processes such as order fulfilment, packaging, and shipping, enabling them to meet changing customer preferences swiftly.
GSC: What are your aspirations for Swisslog going forward?
DD: We aim to build strong relationships and foster partnerships by engaging with attendees, industry experts, and potential clients. Moreover, we strive to be at the forefront of logistics automation taking place in the region and play a pivotal role in helping businesses achieve greater success in the retail and e-commerce industry.
GSC: What technology trends or new technologies do you detect and foresee for your business going forward?
DD: We expect to see wider adoption of solutions such as robotic storage systems, autonomous mobile robots, and advanced picking technologies. These technologies enable businesses to enhance their order fulfilment capabilities, reduce errors, and meet the evolving demands of customers.
Recent reports suggest that by 2025, autonomous robots will process up to 50% of all e-Commerce orders indicating that forward-thinking companies are increasingly turning to automation technologies to optimize their processes and improve efficiency.
By 2025, autonomous robots will process up to 50% of all e-Commerce orders indicating that forward-thinking companies are turning to automation technologies
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n In line with NEOM’s strategy and the Saudi Ports Authority’s efforts to transform local ports into globally competitive logistics hubs, the management of the Duba Port was transferred from national maritime regulator Mawani, to NEOM in 2022, according to a corporate press communique.
Located in Oxagon, the home of advanced and clean industries in NEOM, the port, which is the primary seaport of entry to the northwest of Saudi Arabia, is renamed as Port of NEOM. Since the transfer, key capabilities have been expanded to match the rising volume of cargo coming into NEOM, including container and general cargo handling.
“The Port of NEOM will be pivotal to the continued commercial competitiveness, economic diversification
and maritime trade ambitions of the Kingdom. Our vision is to build one of the world’s most technologically advanced, efficient and sustainable ports with the first fully integrated and automated supply chain and logistics network, and this first phase of development is a step towards realizing that,” affirmed Nadhmi Al Nasr, CEO, NEOM.
Located on the Red Sea, at the crossroads of global trading routes, the port will be a critical enabler for NEOM and a catalyst for broader economic development in the region. The investments to date of over SAR 7.5bn (US$ 2bn) and the
Port’s intention to open the first advanced terminal in 2025 demonstrates its commitment to the vision.
“The Port of NEOM will be a critical enabler to the overall build, operations and economic ambitions of NEOM, from the import of goods and materials during the development phase and as a new global port serving the region,” stated Sean Kelly, Managing Director, Port of NEOM.
In addition, the port will see multiple ad-hoc vessel calls with consignments carrying materials and goods that support the ongoing development across NEOM, the press note concluded.
n The IATA World Cargo Symposium, the most prestigious meeting in the global air cargo industry, recently took place in Istanbul between April 25 and 27. During the event, hosted by Turkish Cargo, over a thousand aviation professionals met and discussed the future of the air cargo industry.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bolat, Chairman of the Board and Executive Committee, Turkish Airlines, delivered the keynote address.
Turkish Cargo participated in the ‘CEIV Lithium Battery’ certification programme, established by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Turkish Airlines CEO Bilal Ekşi attended the signing ceremony.
Following the panels, held for two days, IATA WCS 2023 continued with the gala dinner organized by Turkish Cargo. The dinner, held at the Binbir Direk Cistern, hosted approximately 800 international senior executives.
During the gala night, the orchestra of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism performed a Turkish Classical Music recital for the guests. Besides, the winners received
one UEFA ticket and 2 international Business Class tickets, all complimentary, at the draw held by Turkish Cargo.
“Turkish Airlines is fortunate to have Istanbul as our hub which is unique in all aspects. Being aware of this fact, we are maintaining our efforts to move the aviation industry forward and strengthen the pivotal role of Istanbul in the aviation industry,” asserted Turhan Özen, CCO, Turkish Airlines.
“We are pleased to host aviation professionals from all over the world. Each one of us has gained something from the World Cargo Symposium where items such as sustainability, digitalization and security were discussed,” he added. Turkish Cargo executed a MOU with DHL Global Forwarding, the international air cargo carrier, and another one with Avianca Cargo, the leading air cargo provider in the Latin American region.
n AP Moller–Maersk (Maersk) recently inaugurated a new corporate office at SOHAR Freezone in Oman. Present at the inauguration were Christopher Cook, Managing Director, Maersk UAE, Oman, and Qatar; Omar Mahmood Al Mahrizi, CEO, SOHAR Freezone; and senior officials from both organizations.
“SOHAR Freezone was a natural choice for us to set up our new office because of its strategic location at the port and the worldclass infrastructure of road network and air connectivity on offer,”observed Cook.
The new office in Oman, the third one in the country after Muscat and Salalah, will allow Maersk to get closer to its customers and create meaningful interfaces with them. Besides ocean transportation, Maersk will offer various services and solutions to its customers in Oman, such as landside transportation, including the cross-border movement of cargo, customs clearances, warehousing & distribution, cold chain logistics and air freight.
“Together with our partners, SOHAR continues to support Oman’s ambitions to further expand the transport and logistics sector, as per the objectives laid out in the Oman Vision 2040,” commented Al Mahrizi.
The new office complements the several other initiatives Maersk has undertaken to strengthen its footprint in Oman. In November 2022, Maersk added Khazaen Dry Port (KDP) to its
n GWC Group has reinforced its unwavering commitment to facilitating the growth and development of Qatar’s energy industry by unveiling a new subsidiary that will support increased demand for energy across the globe.
GWC Energy WLL will deliver solutions to clients in the energy sector and set new standards in integrated shipping, logistics and marine services for companies in Qatar, across the GCC and globally. The unveiling of GWC Energy marks a major landmark for the industry, according to a corporate press communique.
“For two decades, GWC has been diligent in delivering integrated logistics and supply chain solutions for local and international companies. From day one, our focus has been world-class performance, a long-term relationship approach, innovation, ethics and strong human capital,” asserted Sheikh Abdulla Bin Fahad Bin Jassem Bin Jaber Al Thani, Chairman, GWC.
The new subsidiary will support the expansion of GWC as it aims to become the preferred choice for energy projects in the region and globally.
Thanks to first-class health and safety and unwavering reliability, GWC has earned the trust of multinational conglomerates and currently operates more than 380,000m² of specialist infrastructure for the energy sector in Ras Laffan and Mesaieed industrial cities.
“Our vast infrastructure, trained and experienced staff, unwavering pledge to health and safety, and bespoke IT infrastructure allow us to handle a diverse array of integrated solutions both offshore and onshore,” remarked Ranjeev Menon, Group CEO, GWC.
GWC Energy is a wholly owned subsidiary of GWC QPSC, Qatar’s top logistics and supply chain services provider, and one of the fastest growing companies in the region.
extensive ‘Port of Call’ network, offering transportation, container terminal, and reefer container services to import and export goods easily.
Maersk has also launched a service through the Port of Salalah in Oman as a gateway to Yemen, ensuring seamless cargo movement. This has increased efficiency for the customers and has the potential to eliminate unexpected costs, a press communique concluded.
n As part of its initiative to enable smarter work processes through AI-powered solutions, Acme has partnered with Gausium, the world-leading provider of autonomous service solutions, to launch an advanced line of robotic cleaning machines in the Middle East.
The AI-powered service robots perform key cleaning tasks such as autonomous floor scrubbing, vacuuming, sweeping and mopping. Gausium robots can effectively navigate large and complex spaces, detect obstacles, and avoid collisions, making them ideal choices for retail facilities, warehouses and other large commercial buildings, according to a press communique.
The Gausium range, available through Acme, includes the internationally acclaimed Scrubber 75, Vacuum 40 and other models. Scrubber 75 performs multiple cleaning functions, autocharge and auto-refill water, and its size-to-productivity ratio is perfect for industrial sites and production lines.
Vacuum 40, on the other hand, is a commercial vacuum robot and is an ideal solution for narrow corridor aisles and carpet-tile flooring. With side brushes and an add-on mop, the automated
floor cleaner can achieve simultaneous vacuuming and sweeping on carpets, as well as simultaneous sweeping and dry mopping on hard floors. Supported by 3D cameras, it can identify floor types and switch to the suitable cleaning mode autonomously.
“The pandemic increased the emphasis on cleaning and keeping cleaning workers safe. Robotic solutions can significantly reduce the manpower as well as the amount of time the cleaning team spends in germ prone areas. We are delighted to partner with Gausium, to bring to this market AI- powered solutions developed to deliver the highest level of autonomy possible,” stated Navin Narayan, CEO, Acme Intralog.
n Drydocks World, a DP World Company, recently announced the successful completion of a major refurbishment and conversion project for the floating production storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) Firenze, set to be redeployed off Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa.
The fast-tracked project was carried out within 15 months for Saipem, the multinational oilfield services and engineering company. Its swift completion will allow the end-client, Italian energy company Eni and Petroci Holding, to redeploy the vessel at their first offshore discovery in the Ivory Coast.
The technical scope of work for the project included engineering, procurement of bulk material, construction, and support for onshore commissioning. The project also included life-extension and the installation of new equipment to utilize 100% of produced gas and minimize gas emissions.
The upgrade of the FPSO Firenze included the fabrication and installation of five new modules.
The project also involved steel, piping, cabling, and extensive coating activities of all the cargo and ballast tanks, hull, and topsides.
“We are proud to have completed this project in close collaboration with our customer and in such a swift timeframe. Our teams worked tirelessly to ensure the project was fasttracked and delivered in just 15 months,” stated Rado Antolovic, PhD, CEO, Drydocks World.
W i t h m o r e t h a n 4 M i l l i o n s q m o f s t o r a g e s p a c e w i t h i n t h e I M E A r e g i o n H e l l m a n n o f f e r s s i n g l e / m u l t i - u s e r f a c i l i t i e s , i n - h o u s e l o g i s t i c s s o l u t i o n s , e - c o m m e r c e a n d v a l u e - a d d e d s e r v i c e s O u r p r o d u c t p o r t f o l i o i n t h e a r e a o f C o n t r a c t L o g i s t i c s o f f e r s i n n o v a t i v e a n d c u s t o m i z a b l e s o l u t i o n s f o r y o u r s u p p l y c h a i n
n FedEx Express recently signed a collaboration agreement with the Saudi Export Development Authority, represented by the ‘Made in Saudi’ programme, to be one of the logistics solutions providers for the authority’s customers.
The ‘Made in Saudi’ programme is one of the National Industrial Development and Logistics (NIDLP) programs led by the Saudi Export Development Authority. The program aims to enhance the image of the Kingdom’s exports and make national products the preferred choice for consumers locally, regionally, and globally.
The collaboration underpins FedEx commitment to supporting the Kingdom’s non-oil economic growth through international trade, in line with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goals to diversify the country’s economy, a press communique indicated.
Eng. Abdulrahman Althukair,
n AD Ports Group has announced its intention to further expand Khalifa Port, one of the fastest growing ports in the world, to include drydock services.
With this expansion, Khalifa Port will further expand its range of port and marine logistics services, from container and cargo handling to vessel repairs and maintenance, to better serve existing clients and attract new ones.
The addition of drydock services will enable Khalifa Port to meet the growing demand for these services from regional and international clients.
CEO, the Saudi Export Development Authority, indicated that the Authority is keen, through the ‘Made in Saudi’ programme, to enhance effective strategic partnerships with the public and private sectors.
“The aim of such public-private partnerships is to support the Authority’s goals to improve the efficiency of exports; help exporters expand and reach new global markets; and contribute to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 to increase the country’s non-oil exports to 50% of non-oil GDP.,” he asserted.
“FedEx is committed to helping Saudi Arabia transform its economy through its Vision 2030. Our strategic collaboration with Made in Saudi will provide the country’s national goods and services greater access to efficient logistics solutions and an enhanced service experience,” affirmed Taarek Hinedi, Vice President, FedEx Express— Middle East Africa Operations.
As part of the expansion, which included the development of the port’s South Quay, Khalifa Port Logistics, and Abu Dhabi Terminals at a total investment of AED4bn (US$ 1.1bn), Khalifa Port has grown from 2.43sqkm to 8.63sqkm while its quay wall has been significantly extended from 2.3km to 12.5km.
It now provides 21 berths and offers a range of bespoke services for key strategic industries, positioning it among the global elite of deep-water ports, with an estimated value of AED 20.4bn (US$ 5.56bn).
The expansion scheme is set to make a major contribution to AD Port Group’s goal of increasing handling capacity at Khalifa Port by 2030 to 15mn TEUs per year, and general cargo handling capacity to 25mn tonnes.
“The addition of drydock services is a strategic move aimed at driving growth and enhancing the company’s competitive position in the market,” commented Captain Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi, Manager Director and CEO, AD Ports Group.
n Mahindra Logistics Ltd. (MLL), one of India’s largest integrated logistics solutions providers, has announced commencement of Cargo Charter operations in the Middle East, headquartered in Dubai.
MLL is part of India’s Mahindra Group and provides technology enabled integrated solutions for 3PL, Express and cross-border supply chain management. The company provides freight forwarding and related value-added services, serves over 55 lanes across the world.
With this launch, the company will augment freight forwarding with cargo charter operations partnering with customers in Electronics, Consumer Durables, Pharma and Engineering.
The choice of Dubai, UAE as the hub for its global charter operations bears strategic importance. Over the past few decades, UAE has emerged as India’s third largest trading partner in the year 2021-22. Dubai has also emerged as a global and regional trading hub. Mahindra Logistics will service the large Middle East region from
its Dubai operations.
As a neutral player entering the global air cargo charter business, the company will offer dedicated aircrafts, enhanced transit time, and the expertise in end market solution development, integration with other logistics services and a strong technology interface.
“The business expands our crossborder logistics business, in addition to our current freight forwarding business, providing our customers enhanced service options. The UAE, and Dubai, provide us a great launchpad to develop the business,” affirmed Rampraveen Swaminathan, Managing Director & CEO, Mahindra Logistics.
“The charter business will be an independent division serving customers and partners across multiple vertical and geographies. We estimate this will significantly enhance our integrated solutions portfolio in line with our longterm business objectives,” asserted Saurav Chakraborty, Head – Global Cross Border Solutions, Mahindra Logistics Limited.
n The UAE’s Dulsco Group has enhanced its road safety performance with its recent implementation of the tried and tested DriveSafe Telematics initiative in the region.
This programme uses technology from DriveSafe, a leading provider of fleet safety management solutions, to monitor driver behaviour and record driving parameters such as overall speed, acceleration, braking, and cornering. It provides drivers with realtime feedback on their driving performance, the company revealed in a press communique.
In 2022, the Dulsco Group integrated the DriveSafe Telematics system (previously known as GreenRoad) into their entire 158 vehicle fleet, which is part of the Dulsco People division. The aim was to educate staff and drivers and create a culture that prioritises safe driving and secure commuting for all employees.
The fleet, which includes various vehicles such as buses, vans, and cars, transports around 12,000 employees daily within the UAE. It is maintained by professional mechanics and managed by an expert team, ensuring additional safety for Dulsco Group employees.
“To ensure human safety, we have implemented various initiatives, such as DriveSafe Telematics and an in-house training academy. These cutting-edge solutions enhance our safety culture
and allow us to achieve our goal to continuously improve and be better every day,” commented Antony Marke, COO, Dulsco People.
The DriveSafe Telematics system provides real-time guidance, control, and evaluation solutions to enhance safety and increase efficiency. It leads to a decrease in fleet accidents, fuel usage, carbon footprint, insurance claims, maintenance expenses and risk.
“Our collaboration with Dulsco Group has had a positive impact due to the implementation of DriveSafe Telematics. With the growing emphasis on sustainability and emission reduction in the market, DriveSafe emphasises eco-driving and accident prevention,” concluded Ali Javanmard, Regional General Manager, DriveSafe Telematics.
n The Ras Al Khaimah e-Government Authority (EGA) has finished the first stage of a cloud transformation project supported by global technology company SAP to modernize its systems, increase efficiencies and reduce total cost of ownership, while enhancing government services delivered to citizens and residents.
EGA has implemented RISE with SAP to experience the benefits of cloud computing at an accelerated pace while reducing cyber risks. To ensure business continuity, the project is taking place in two phases.
The first phase, completed in December 2022, included upgrading the current SAP core ERP solution to S/4HANA, while migrating from on-premise servers to the RISE-managed cloud. The second phase, which started in January 2023, involves migrating all other SAP systems to the cloud with RISE, while providing the new available offerings from SAP.
“With stronger foundations for our business processes, we are able to focus more of our time and attention on the core services we deliver to the people of RAK and the government
departments, and furthering RAK’s Vision 2030 for efficient government services,” commented Eng. Ahmed Saeed Al Sayyah, General Manager, EGA.
This digital transformation represents a continuation of the EGA’s existing relationship with SAP as, until now, it has been managing RAK’s main government operations through SAP’s on-premises
ERP systems and solutions.
“As an early cloud adopter among governments, the EGA is fully aligned with the UAE’s agenda and has implemented a system that enables continuous transformation and enhancements for the benefit of all residents in the emirate,” noted Zakaria Haltout, Managing Director, SAP UAE.
n Part of the Al-Futtaim Automotive Group, Hertz UAE is the official franchise of Hertz, one of the world’s largest car rental brands.
Hertz UAE, the well-established national franchise, aims to be at the forefront of the green mobility transition, having already become the first car rental brand in the country to introduce fully electric vehicles in its portfolio.
Currently the car rental giant has over 11,000 vehicles in operation in the UAE, 15% of which are either fully electric or hybrid vehicles. Volvo and Polestar feature within Hertz’s green mobility portfolio, with plans to soon include the Chinese BYD range. BYD is the world’s leading new energy vehicle (NEV) manufacturer and the brand was recently introduced into the UAE with Al-Futtaim Automotive as their regional distributors.
Hertz UAE has plans to further electrify the range, which makes a definitive statement, as they have the most diverse car rental offering in the market - ranging from small sedans to luxurious full-size SUVs, from commercial pick-up trucks to large passenger buses.
“Our focus remains on fulfilling our electric vision by ensuring we deliver a whole support system, a fully functioning ecosystem, to all our electric and hybrid vehicle customers – be they corporate or individual renters,” concluded Alexander Maas, Managing Director, Al-Futtaim Finance and Hertz UAE.
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Strategic partners:
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n Riyadh, Saudi Arabia headquartered MATARAT Holding Company recently signed a three-year contract to provide consulting services with France’s Egis company. The contract was signed in Riyadh by Mohammed Almaghlouth, CEO, MATARAT and Alaa AbuSiam, CEO, Egis, Middle East and South Asia.
This contract is a step towards establishing phased project management portals, updating airport project management policies and procedures, and providing technical support for planning, designing, and following up the implementation of capital projects with MATARAT subsidiaries (Riyadh Airports Company, Jeddah Airports, Dammam Airports, and Cluster2).
“This contract focuses on providing support in several major areas and activities, which include strategic planning for projects, building an asset management guide, preparing a unified guide for engineering specifications for designing and implementing projects, and following up on continuous improvement of their performance,” observed Turki Almubadal, Executive Vice President, Projects and Technical Affairs, MATARAT. This step will contribute to achieving
the objectives of the National Aviation Strategy deriving from the National Strategy for Transport and Logistics Services, one of the outputs of Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to increase international destinations to 250, and passenger capacity to 330 million, according to a corporate press communique.
“The Aviation industry has always been one of our key strengths at Egis, both regionally and globally, and as such, we are extremely delighted to be
partnering with MATARAT to be part of one of the most transformative projects in the Middle East region.,” affirmed Alaa AbuSiam.
The contract includes designing a practical guide for project implementation, quality control and safety procedures, and the work of a matrix to improve design specifications and standards in alignment with international best practices and environmental and sustainability requirements, the press communique concluded.
n Dubai CommerCity, part of the Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority (DIEZ), has announced that BEUMER Group, an international manufacturer of intralogistics systems, has set up its new offices in the free zone.
BEUMER Group will be able to expand and support its regional operations in intralogistics solutions for airports, logistics, cement, chemical, ports & terminals, and minerals and mining at Dubai CommerCity.
Founded in 1935, BEUMER Group, based in Germany, is an international leader in the design and manufacture of intralogistics systems for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation, and distribution.
With its new offices, BEUMER Group will offer its customers in the Middle East and North Africa the latest material handling solutions that incorporate the
latest technologies. Dubai CommerCity will support the Group to achieve enhanced operational performance through its worldclass digital infrastructure, business support, customs consultations, and other services.
“With our state-of-the-art digital infrastructure, exceptional capabilities, human resources, and advanced technologies, Dubai CommerCity is uniquely positioned to empower BEUMER Group to accelerate its growth in the Middle East,” remarked Mitch Bittermann, Senior Vice President of Commercials, Dubai CommerCity.
“For more than eight decades, BEUMER Group’s work contributed to bolstering its leading position, supporting business growth, and meeting its customers’ requirements, in line with the highest international standards,” commented Torben Busch, CEO, BEUMER Group Middle East.
n Admiral Mobility, a company that provides accessible eMobility and energy charging solutions, has recently announced a major partnership with vehicle hire company, Avis, to bring electric commercial trucks to the leasing market in the UAE.
The strategic partnership represents a commitment to deliver the GCC’s largest rollout of electric commercial trucks, which will be leased to fleets across the UAE, a press statement indicated.
With a range of up to 220km, with full load, the zero emissions electric vehicle takes less than 90 minutes to fully charge via its efficient, and safe, liquid cooled CATL LFP battery. Advanced safety features include lanekeeping assist adapt cruise control, remote locking systems, high beam LED lights equipped with auto adaptation to the surrounding traffic, and of course, ease of comfort of driving.
“This commitment with AVIS UAE represents the largest rollout of EV trucks to be leased in the UAE to date. It is an exciting time to be partnering with a forward-thinking company the size of
Avis, which has a major footprint in the commercial leasing market,” remarked Graham Bremer, General Manager, Admiral Mobility.
“The Electric commercial trucks in this agreement represent a step change in
n The Sharjah-UAE BEEAH Group has signed a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) with Atkins, a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group, to enhance collaboration between the two organizations in the delivery of projects relating to the off-site treatment of radioactive waste produced by nuclear facilities in the UAE and the wider MENA region.
As part of the JDA, Atkins will work with BEEAH Group on identifying market opportunities for developing radioactive waste disposal facilities, ranging from thermal treatment, size reduction, decontamination, assessment and disposal.
The agreement signing ceremony held at the recently concluded World Utilities Congress, Abu Dhabi, UAE, was attended by Khaled Al Huraimel, Group CEO, BEEAH Group; David Haboubi, Head of Nuclear and Net Zero Energy, Middle East and Africa, Atkins; Matthew Tribe, Managing Director, Planning, Design and Engineering,
Middle East & Africa, Atkins; Simon Penney, UK’s Trade Commissioner for the Middle East; and other senior representatives from BEEAH Group, Atkins and the British Embassy in the UAE.
“In partnership with Atkins, we are proud to begin working on integrated waste management solutions for the nuclear power
commercial fleets, by being the first of its kind available in its category, anywhere in the GCC. We are excited to be a launch partner for this vehicle,” commented Dominic Hagerty, General Manager, AVIS UAE.
industry and, in turn, support the national sustainability agenda,” noted Al Huraimel.
“As a global leader in nuclear power end-to-end engineering and project management services, Atkins helps clients around the world safely treat nuclear waste and secure widespread environmental benefits,” added Haboubi.
n Tristar Eships and MTM Ship Management recently announced the formation of Tristar-MTM Ship Management Pte Ltd, established to maximize value retention for ship owners and investors across the GCC, Africa and worldwide.
Headquartered in Singapore with offices in Athens, Dubai and Mumbai, the Joint Venture will be managed by an independent team of ship management professionals overseen by senior members of the Tristar Eships and MTM Ship Management organizations.
Tristar-MTM Ship Management manages vessels from the Tristar Eships fleet and will pursue third party tonnage in due course. MTM’s long experience with both chemical tankers and dry cargo vessels provides Tristar-MTM Ship Management with a full-service solution for owners seeking bespoke management for their vessels.
“Both Tristar and the MTM Group are ship owners first, so we are inherently sensitive to value and maximizing service to charterers. Meanwhile, we all have regulatory and technical challenges ahead,”
stated Tim Coffin, CEO, Tristar Eships.
“We observed a gap in the market to respond to the bespoke needs of owners in our region. Partnering with a first-class ship manager with a similar focus on value delivers a solution to ship owners across our region and beyond,” he continued.
Tristar Eships is the Maritime Logistics division of the Dubai-based Tristar Group, a fully integrated energy logistics
n Saudia Cargo has signed a new 12-month ‘Space and Service Commitment’ agreement with Cainiao Network, the logistics arm of the Alibaba Group.
The one-year agreement, commencing 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, reserves exclusively selected SACC freighter flights from Hong Kong to Riyadh and Liege, the carrier said via a press communiqué.
The signing of the new agreement in Munich demonstrates Saudia Cargo’s continuing commitment to offering tailormade solutions to one of the leading E-com retailers in the world.
“This new agreement is a testament to our ongoing commitment to delivering reliable and efficient air freight services to one of the world’s leading ecommerce logistics corporations,” affirmed Teddy Zebitz, CEO, Saudia Cargo.
“We have increased our capacity and number of cargo flights to destinations in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and
North America to ensure we continue to meet the rising demand for e-commerce,” commented Vikram Vohra, Regional Director Asia Pacific, Saudia Cargo.
Saudia Cargo’s partnership with Cainiao is a win-win situation for both parties, as it provides Cainiao with increased access to Middle Eastern markets and allows Saudia Cargo to benefit from the growing global e-commerce market. The new agreement is a testament to the strong partnership and
solutions provider which serves the downstream oil and gas industry globally.
“We share the same values of safety, transparency, and service excellence. With a combined experience of 70 years, TristarMTM will focus on all aspects of quality ship management by providing tailored services with a unique competitive edge,” commented Rajiv Singhal, Managing Director, MTM Ship Management.
successful cooperation between the two companies, the press statement continued.
“Our partnership with Saudia Cargo is a vital part of our business strategy, and we are thrilled to be expanding it further. By reserving exclusive space for their shipments on select Saudia Cargo freighter flights, we can ensure that our cargo is transported with the utmost care and efficiency,” asserted Wu Man, General Manager, Cainiao International Air Logistics Department.
n Shipsy recently announced its plans to expand across the continent of Africa.
Since the last few quarters, Shipsy has rapidly grown its presence in African markets by onboarding customers in the courier, express and parcel, lastmile delivery, eCommerce, and retail segments. Its commitment to transform the continent’s logistics operations was mirrored in its plan to onboard local talent, explore technology partnerships and boost customer service, a press communique indicated.
Online commerce is gaining significant momentum in Africa and is opening up lucrative opportunities for SaaS-based logistics management platform providers.
Shipsy, a leading global SaaS-based smart logistics management platform provider, empowers retailers and logistics service providers to respond to such critical market opportunities by automating core logistics processes. Its advanced AI and automation-powered logistics management solutions optimise routes based on business objectives and real-time constraints.
Shipsy also announced the onboarding of Apoorva Kumar, former Group COO,
Jumia, to their advisory team for the African market. Kumar has over a decade of experience building supply chain operations in Africa and GCC.
“Having used Shipsy’s solutions as a client before, I now look forward to working closely with Soham and the team to take it to newer heights and continue to create impact in the African logistics space,” asserted Kumar.
“With Apoorva joining us as an advisor for Africa, we are confident we will rapidly proliferate the African market,” said Soham Chokshi, CEO and Co-Founder, Shipsy.
The global logistics SaaS provider recently announced it clocked around 100% growth in top line and established another regional headquarters in the Middle East in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh.
n ADNOC Logistics & Services (ADNOC L&S) recently signed an agreement with France’s SeaOwl for the design of unmanned Remotely Operated Vessels (ROVs) capable of transporting vehicles, equipment and supplies to and from offshore sites.
The agreement was signed by Captain Abdulkareem Al Masabi, CEO, ADNOC L&S, and Xavier Génin, CEO, SeaOwl, at the recently concluded UAE Climate Tech Forum organized by the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology.
The innovative design of the ROV will reduce carbon emissions up to 30% as the vessel will be lighter and smaller, as facilities for a crew are not required. In addition, the smart automation systems will optimize routing and propulsion, further decarbonizing ADNOC L&S’ offshore operations in support of the UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative and ADNOC’s 2030 Sustainability Agenda, a press communique stated.
“The vessel is another example of this commitment as we leverage the latest technology to optimize our maritime operations, reduce our carbon footprint and improve safety while increasing efficiency,” remarked Captain Abdulkareem Al Masabi, CEO, ADNOC L&S.
“This project will create strong ties with the UAE industrial landscape, as we plan to engage many other UAE players in this
exciting journey,” commented Xavier Génin, CEO, SeaOwl. This design will improve safety and reduce operational costs as the vessels will be able to operate in harsher conditions with no exposure to seafarers.
Combined with its 1.5mn sqm logistics base in Abu Dhabi and its integrated logistics capabilities, ADNOC L&S is one of the region’s largest shipping and integrated logistics companies.
n Transguard has recently signed an exclusive deal with the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India (GJEPC), the autonomous, apex body of the industry with more than 9,000 members.
With this deal, Transguard will provide end-to-end logistics support – from roundthe-clock transportation and door-to-door services to vault management and the safe storage of diamonds and jewellery.
As part of the agreement, Transguard will fully insure all exhibitors’ products stored in the vault. The team is expected to handle diamonds, jewellery and gems worth around AED 100mn (US$ 27.25mn) this year, with exponential growth predicted in the next three years as trade between India and Dubai continues to boom.
Exhibitors visiting Dubai can expect a seamless Customs process. Through Transguard’s unique arrangement with Dubai Customs, duty and VAT will be collected, only on sold items, at the end of
the exhibition, a press communique stated.
“We’re extremely proud of being involved with the very first shipment that arrived in Dubai under the CEPA agreement. Our partnership with GJEPC is a bellwether of the larger and growing India-UAE trade ties, which will further boost both economies,” commented
Rabie Atie, Senior Vice President, Transguard.
“Transguard was the obvious choice, being a Dubai Government entity who is renowned in the UAE as a reliable provider of business support and outsourcing services,” remarked Sabyasachi Ray, Executive Director, GJEPC.
n Serco has been appointed by Red Sea Global (RSG), the developer behind the world’s most ambitious regenerative tourism destinations, The Red Sea and Amaala, to act as the managing agent for their full suite of sustainable mobility services across Saudi Arabia’s visionary new tourism destination, The Red Sea.
The contract will see Serco working with RSG’s Mobility team to ensure a world-class, net-zero mobility experience for guests at The Red Sea. The carbon-neutral destination covers more than 90 islands, of which only 22 will be developed.
Following their successful partnership with Transport Management Services (TMS) Global, this marks Serco’s first major transport partnership within a giga-project. Serco will be responsible for supporting the oversight of operations and maintenance, performance management, health and safety, and guest experience across the development.
“In Serco, we have found a best-in-class partner who shares our values in prioritizing people and the planet, armed with global
delivery expertise to shape seamless experiences for our guests,” stressed John Pagano, Group CEO, Red Sea Global.
“Through giga projects, such as this one, Saudi is pushing exciting boundaries in the use of innovations, technology and international best practices to deliver the best possible customer experiences,” remarked Phil
“Our Serco team will be working closely with all stakeholders, to coordinate journeys that deliver luxury guest experiences, as we prepare to welcome millions of tourists each year,” commented Samantha Rowles, Operations Director for Transport, Serco Middle East.
n WEE Marketplace has launched its lastmile logistics platform based on advanced technology to provide quick and seamless delivery service, tapping into UAE’s US$ 12.7bn e-commerce, it was announced in a press communique.
WEE’s platform aims to have over 500 reputed and trusted retailers and sellers by the end of 2023. Currently based on an invite-only model, the platform will feature a limited number of sellers to ensure minimal competition and maximum quality of products for UAE customers.
With a network of over 50,000 riders (along with local partners), WEE can offer customers across the UAE access to a wide range of high-quality products from top-tier brands/retailers with a speedy delivery service (within 45 minutes) and competitive prices on its platform, the press note continued.
“Our platform will allow retailers to provide a hassle-free on demand delivery
service to its customers across the UAE. It will help them streamline the process even further by tackling the most crucial parts of their supply chain, giving them a competitive edge,” remarked Anastasia Kim, Co-founder, WEE Marketplace. Currently the platform features over 7,000 products from various categories
like electronics and appliances, beauty and health, household, pet food, automotive, sports and leisure, books, kids and toys, and accessories. The company plans to expand its fulfillment services to stock more than half a million products by end of 2023, the press statement concluded.
n Aramex’s FY-2022 Revenue was broadly in line with the 2021, while Q4-2022 Revenue decreased 5% YoY to AED 1.53bn. Growth in key regions including the GCC and other MENAT countries was offset by weaknesses in other markets, impacted by lockdowns in China, overall slower economic growth and lower consumer confidence as well as the global inflationary environment.
For the full year 2022 period, Gross Profit was down 2% YoY to AED 1.41bn, while Reported Gross Profit was relatively unchanged from the prior period at AED 1.42bn. For the Q4-2022 period, Normalized Gross Profit was up 6% to AED 355mn, while Reported Gross Profit was up 16% to AED 381mn.
FY 2022 Reported Net Profit declined 27% YoY to AED 165.4mn, impacted by currency fluctuations in certain markets. For the Q4-2022 period, Normalized Net Profit surged 42% compared to Q4-2021 to AED 45.3mn, while Reported Net Profit declined 27% to AED 33.9mn.
“In 2022 we stabilized our gross profit margin for the group, as well as for our domestic and international express products; we grew our freight product by 27% while increasing its gross profit by 51%, and for our logistics product, we focused on quality revenue and reached 85% utilization of our warehouses while increasing gross profit by 58%,” stated Othman Aljeda, Chief Executive Officer, Aramex.
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Renault Trucks introducing the 1st heavy truck
100% electric
Renault Trucks introducing the 1st heavy truck
Renault Trucks introducing the 1st heavy truck 100% electric
100% electric
In support of the UAE’s net-zero ambitions
Renault Trucks Middle East and Al Masaood launched the first 100% electric refuse collector truck in the United Arab Emirates.
In support of the UAE’s net-zero ambitions
Renault Trucks Middle East and Al Masaood launched the first 100% electric refuse collector truck in the United Arab Emirates.
In support of the UAE’s net-zero ambitions
Renault Trucks Middle East and Al Masaood launched the first 100% electric refuse collector truck in the United Arab Emirates.
The first fully electric heavy truck launched in the Middle East.
The first fully electric heavy truck launched in the Middle East.
The first fully electric heavy truck launched in the Middle East.
The Renault Trucks D Wide 26t E-Tech Electric is the ideal vehicle for urban waste collection with low operating costs while maintaining optimal range and payload.
The Renault Trucks D Wide 26t E-Tech Electric is the ideal vehicle for urban waste collection with low operating costs while maintaining optimal range and payload.
Equipped with 23m3 Gorica-Farid electric refuse collector, this 100% electric Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide P6x2 will be operating on Abu Dhabi roads, almost silently with zero tailpipe emissions.
The Renault Trucks D Wide 26t E-Tech Electric is the ideal vehicle for urban waste collection with low operating costs while maintaining optimal range and payload.
Equipped with 23m3 Gorica-Farid electric refuse collector, this 100% electric Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide P6x2 will be operating on Abu Dhabi roads, almost silently with zero tailpipe emissions.
Equipped with 23m3 Gorica-Farid electric refuse collector, this 100% electric Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide P6x2 will be operating on Abu Dhabi roads, almost silently with zero tailpipe emissions.