. . . / continued from page 27 There are several other vitamins, minerals and remedies that can be used for immune function depending on individual needs. In practice I take a detailed consultation from my clients asking them lots of questions. This then helps me tailor a treatment regime that is specific to their needs. I also test for specific supplements and remedies that will help with their individual biochemistry. FEED YOUR GOOD GUT BACTERIA Your gut is your powerhouse for your health in many ways, but it is directly interrelated with immune response. I will talk about this in more detail in another article but at the very least feeding your gut with a wide variety fruits and vegetables gives it the fibre it needs to populate with good bacteria. Another useful tactic is to take a good broad-spectrum probiotic supplement. Please note though probiotics are not all created equal you need to get a good supplement that does not contain any fillers - and please avoid the probiotic drinks as they are full of sugar.
e would like to thank our audiences, actors, performers and volunteers for their continued support and to assure everyone that we will be resuming normal service as soon as it is deemed safe to do so
RESOLVE ANY UNDERLYING FUNGAL, BACTERIAL OR PARASITE ISSUES Underlying issues with fungal, bacterial or parasite infections can often be the cause of lowered immune function. These can often go undiscovered for years and then surface when we are particularly stressed, for example. I will test clients for these things to make sure they are not causing problems.
In the meantime The National Theatre is streaming free full length Plays every Thursday go to ‘National Theatre at Home’ for more information.
RESOLVE ANY TROUBLESOME ISSUES IN YOUR LIFE Anything that is causing stress in your life is potentially affecting your immune system, so look at ways in which you can resolve troublesome issues. Sometimes we can’t resolve things literally, but we can find a way to resolve our responses to these things. ***********
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CONTACT ME FOR MORE INFORMATION I offer a free 15-minute telephone consultation so you can find out more about the therapies I practice and how they could help you. Contact me on T: 01531 579 035 or M: 07904 457 075, or via email on E: helen@complete-balance.co.uk
Interior & Exterior Call for a free ĞƐƟ ŵĂƚĞͬƋƵŽƚĞ &ƵůůLJ ŝŶƐƵƌĞĚ
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DISTANT TREATMENT I also offer treatment distantly via Skype, Zoom or telephone so if you would like to know more about this please do get in touch. 28