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The Farm at San Benito The Farm at San Benito, a proud member of CG Hospitality under CG Corp Global, is an eco-luxury, holistic, medical wellness resort located in Lipa City, Batangas, which is a 90-minute drive south of Manila.
state and achieve holistic optimum wellness using five key healing components: holistic integrative medical services; nurturing spa and hydrotherapy water wellness; plantbased, wholefood, vegan cuisine; mindful movement and functional fitness; and healing It rests on 48 hectares of lush green jungle environment and heartfelt service. and has a stunning view of the majestic mountains and pure and fresh air with clear With only 40 exclusive suites and villas, a welland positive life-giving energy radiating maintained property, world-class service, and around the property. the Filipinos’ nurturing touch, The Farm offers guests an unparalleled life-changing holiday The Farm’s healing journey is focused around experience. five pillars: Diagnose, Cleanse, Nourish, Repair, and Sustain. The aim is to help the guests’ bodies return to their ideal balanced |W| www.thefarmatsanbenito.com
|E| reservationsteam@thefarm.com.ph