In addition to the energy that Nitrogénművek generate itselves there is also usually a significant volume that must be purchased from the market. Alpiq Energy SE Branch Office in Hungary has been the main supplier of electrical energy to Nitrogénművek for several years. Alpiq provides a wide range of solutions combining flexibility with attractive prices. The cooperation between Alpiq and Nitrogénművek goes back to 2003 when the electrical energy market in Hungary was liberalised. Over the last ten years Nitrogénművek has been able to keep its electrical energy costs as low as possible by combining Alpiq solutions such as balance group management and access to the forward and spot markets.
Working with partners Providing customers with quality products that meet their needs is essential to any business and Nitrogénművek Zrt has established the Genezis Partner Network to support its
customers. This initiative has paid dividends as the improved direct communication with partners has provided a number of advantages. Firstly, partners are now able to access support from a company with over 80 years’ experience in the field. Secondly the company has been able to identify the additional needs or requirements of its partners to give a great insight and advantage when examining future investments and development programs. At the present time Nitrogénművek Zrt is a major provider in the Hungarian market with two thirds of production being sold on the domestic markets. Transportation costs are a major factor when exporting goods but the company has found that exports are possible and profitable to surrounding countries and one third of current production is sent abroad. However, improved and more efficient production methods may mean that there is the potential to expand and increase export markets and this opportunity is being closely monitored.
Keeping it green The company’s investment in new plants and machinery has greatly reduced its environmental impact. However, the introduction of ETSIII in January of 2013 has meant that it is now working to reduce the energy consumption at the Ammonia plant to meet the new requirements. The fertiliser factory is close to a housing estate and as a part of this project
Alpiq Energy SE offers a broad range of products and services in the field of wholesale and origination in CEE, as well as end customer sales in various countries. Contact Alpiq Energy SE Branch Office in Hungary T +36 1 886 3400
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work is also being undertaken to reduce the noise levels at some plants. To demonstrate its commitment to a greener future, the company has introduced an environmental policy to ensure that all operations are compliant with environmental regulations and regulatory decisions. To achieve this, it will fully consider the environmental aspects of the installation of new technologies, of revamping the existing ones and of product development. Another component of the policy is to communicate with all stakeholders including the local community. The company also has a willingness to cooperate with the professional and NGO organisations to solve environmental problems, and to contribute to new environmental regulations and legislation. Nitrogénművek Zrt is the leading fertilizer producer in Hungary. The company has a well-educated staff with many years experience, investments have made the company even more competitive and a determination to succeed has ensured that the company has survived many problems over its 80 year history. Recent developments, including the foundation of the Genezis Partner Network, have ensured that the company is able to keep its finger on the pulse of its customers’ needs and requirements. For the future, the company has one main goal, to become the most competitive fertilizer producer in the Central and n Eastern European region.