Joiners Magazine December 2022

Page 21

best stairs

knobs & knurls

looking at handles

s m a r t f a c t o r i e s smart factories

inspired by nature lauded by peers handling, making, tracking

m a g a z i n e December 2022 Joinery, Cabinetmaking & Kitchen Manufacturing Industries

RGB, multi-white, monochrome light. The Häfele Connect Mesh 6-way distributor controls everything. At once. Wireless.

Control light and configure the lighting individually – it’s that simple with the Loox5 system: all of the Loox5 lights installed in the house “register” in the Häfele Connect Mesh App and are integrated into the app interface in just a few steps. Now the lights can be individually activated, dimmed, their light colour can be changed, or they can be simply switched on and off. At the same time, different lighting scenarios can be created and saved. Operation can take place completely in accordance with requirements: via the app, via remote control or using wall-mounted push buttons. Integrating the Häfele Connect Mesh 2-channel interface also makes every standard wall-mounted push button compatible with the app. Loox5. A modular networking kit which can be described with one word: EASY. 0800 4 Hafele The LED lighting system for furniture and rooms.
Häfele Connect Mesh 6-way distributor. Häfele Connect Mesh App Häfele Connect Mesh push button, wall mountedHäfele Connect Mesh remote control
Scan this QR code with
phone camera to learn more about the Connect Mesh system.

for a perfect finish start with GoldenEdge HMR0

GoldenEdge HMR0 is the proven MDF that provides a perfect paint finish. It’s that simple.

Eco friendly GoldenEdge HMR0 (high moisture resistance zero emissions) is rated E0 and comes in 9mm, 12mm, 16mm, 18mm and 25mm thicknesses.

It’s recommended for kitchen units, cabinets,

bathroom vanities - everywhere a perfect paint finish is required.

GoldenEdge HMR0 is just one of the many MDF products provided by Nelson Pine Industries using the advanced technology of the Küsters continuous press and offering an unsurpassed range of board densities and thicknesses.

Eco Friendly helpingtheenvironment

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 2
Nelson Pine Industries Ltd, Nelson, New Zealand


Master Joiners 4

Andrew Reilly emphasises the need to be intentional in our plans for growth which includes providing good pathways for staff development.

Laminex Update 14

Mike Arthur outlines recent product launches, suggests a close look at online trading and wishes all the best for Christmas and the holidays.

NKBA news 74

The NKBA talk to two experienced cabinetmakers currently studying for the NZ Diploma in Kitchen Design about the importance of taking time out to upskill and train.

Steering a Course 76

Ian Featherstone reflects on his column content over the last two and a half years and provides the opportunity to revisit some of the ideas presented there.

conference renewed 16

After a two year hiatus the Master Joiners held a very successful conference in Blenheim in early September. Bob Nordgren delivers a wrap on the weekend and found it to be social, educational and convivial.

smart factories 20

From moving panel to cutting components to labelling parts for assembly, automation and robotics are increasingly evident in our production processes. A look at innovations and developments in manufacturing systems.

smart living 38

From access and entry to lighting and heating, remote control and powered enhancement of household functions is an option in both residential and commercial fit-outs. Innovations and apps that make our day to day activities more convenient.

smart finish 54

Handles can be hard to choose not least because there is so much variety. We showcase example from several suppliers to assist with that difficult question of “what handles do you want with that”.


News & Info 4 - 18

State of the Industry 80

NZJMF membership 82

Classifieds 88

Advertiser index 88

winning stairs 60

This years Supreme award winner from the Master Joiners Excellence Awards is a truly outstanding staircase from Auckland firm Cutting Innovations. Bob Nordgren caught up with Managing Director Alec Stringer to talk about the build.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 3
m a g a z
i n e
Rille handle from Katalog p.58
New Cadro cabinet
Photo courtesy Katalog

Being intentional in growth

Beingborderless increases our exposure to the world and improves how connectivity is experienced and also broadens our knowledge sharing. This is critical as the rest of the world is also borderless and much of how and what we do plays to that, so to the membership experience does not need to be constrainted to boundaries as we share and connect across our internal borders. Sharing between regions is an important part of the Master Joiners philosophy which was experienced in abundance at the recent Blenheim conference. It was great to see joiners from all over the country coming together to share in the infectious vibe that was shared by everyone in attendance.

Investing in the future of joinery and valuing what we do beyond calling ourselves simply a "Tradie" we are professionals who's staff are made up of a variety of roles such as estimators, production teams, detailers, cnc technicians, installers and of course the in house design teams and sales teams. Are you calling your production manager a factory hand? Is this what they are? A joinery career is no longer limited to being "on the tools" there are pathways to sidestep and take the ball out wide or run it straight up the middle for a try (taking over the bosses business) knowing

your professional peers are right there to take the pass and support you along the way. This is a core value of the Master Joiners, to support growth in our industry and to help find pathways to improving ourselves as employers and workmates.

Are we intentional about allowing our teams to grow in preperation for being tomorrows business owners and industry leaders. Being intentional is making sure we offer good pathways for our staff, that includes professional development. Staff retention reduces the need for recruitment and we all know how having to recruite creates business disruption and generally is a pain in the butt!

Conference 2023 is "Inspired to grow" what does growth mean for you and your team? Are you winding up or winding down or rinse and repeat. I challenge you to be intentional about what growth is for you, your business and the industry through your teams growth.

Have you signed up for Inspiring the future, yes it is a long game but so is a five dayer at the Basin Reserve in the middle of summer with the sun beating down on your head and warming your beer it's still worth it! Do you remember when you were 13 and couldn't wait to be 18? You woke up one day and you were suddenly 30 almost overnight. Inspiring the future around the country

from the president

will support procuring our next generation, letting them know what our time tested profession does and how they can have a worthy, intentional career. https:// inspiring-the-future/

Be intentional about providing the best service to your customers, embrace customer service standards, good communication, resolve complaints quickly and become brand ambassadors for your business, you profession and Master Joiners.

Have a great Christmas break everyone, enjoy the time off with your families and remember one day you'll wake up and they will have all moved out to start their own paths in life so make the most of the time you have together.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 4
To get to the game you need to plan in advance.
Magazine December 2022 page 5 HOMAG iX 3D design and production For furniture and interior fitting.


The magazine for the joinery, cabinetmaking & kitchen manufacturing industries

Official Publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation

Editor Michael Goddard

Publisher Bob Nordgren

Smart Moves

Use of new technologies, processes and materials are part of the ever evolving world we live in. We have a series of features and storylines looking at how these things are developing here in New Zealand. Smart manufacturing covers a wide range of businesses that do smart things in different ways. Peter Hay Kitchens is a good example with their ongoing improvements moving toward cementing their role as a world class operation. In a different way so is Auckland firm Contemporano who offer an interesting combination of product and advice aimed at transforming the cabinetmaking industry. Even the use of efficient software, labelling systems and storage systems come out to play. ‘Smart’ doesn’t end there either as we look at Smart Living in fields such as lighting and heating. Last but not least we have a look at the latest in handles in our Smart Finish feature. Altogether an interesting Christmas issue.

On another matter I must note that our regular Legal Column writer, Auckland commercial lawyer Geoff Hardy has decided to hang up his boots. I am sure in saying that he will be sorely missed for his erudite, informative articles on a wide range of legal issues. He has been a contributor over some twenty one years with about eighty articles. It will be a big gap for us to fill! All the best Geoff and thanks for your invaluable contribution to the success of this magazine. This Christmas issue has a lot of other articles of interest including an interview with the Supreme Award winning firm Cutting Innovations Ltd and a review of the recent Master Joiners Conference from Blenheim. As always keep an eye out for our 2023 Wall Planner insert, a useful addition to your office in the year to come. You should also keep an eye out for a number of new products coming on the market, something we have made a point of including in the magazine from issue to issue. Finally my Editor Michael and I want to wish all the team at Master Joiners, all our advertisers and of course our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

M42 Aldersgate Rd, PO Box 27 - 513, Mt. Roskill, Auckland, 1440, New Zealand. Ph: 64-9-624 4680

ISSN 1173-6836

JOINERS Magazine is the official publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation. It is distributed to members of the joinery, cabinetmaking and kitchen manufacturing industries and is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Advertising statements or editorial opinion are not necessarily those of the publisher, its staff, the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation Inc., or their executives, unless expressly stated. All articles printed in JOINERS Magazine are subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced without the express consent of the Publisher or the authors therein. Advertisements and articles are accepted without liability as to the accuracy or otherwise of the factual matters represented.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 6
Magazine Online
Peter Hay Kitchens p.22


Partnering with CARTERS makes it simple to get the pieces of the puzzle sorted for that perfect finish, every time.

Our dedicated Joinery Account Managers can support you by providing the right products and joinery solutions, so you can focus on your projects and craftsmanship.

Let’s partner together.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 7

izy a common language connecting machines

A common language to connect all wood processing machines, has been developed over the last three years by seven of the leaders in woodworking machinery, BIESSE, BÜRKLE, HOMAG, IMA SCHELLING, SCM, WEBER and WEINIG.

At Xylexpo 2022, a purpose-built display offering information and running the latest videos on Woodworking made izy provided the opportunity to share with the Italian and international woodworking audience, the novelty of a standard interface as a Woodworking Companion Specification for OPC UA (Open Platform Communications United Architecture) enabling machines from different manufacturers to be easily integrated and connected. Having to programme an individual interface will no longer be necessary, and an overall control of the production process can be set up very easily.

The project has been named izy, inspired by universal languages, and it has solved a communication problem in an easy and streamlined way. It used to take at least 3 days for wood processing companies to network machines with each other and with the MES (Manufacturing Execution System), now it will only take up to 3 hours to just plug in, just as easily as connecting a laptop to the printer with a USB cable.

More at

Blum Marketing Manager

Blum New Zealand would like to introduce Kate Kapitonova as their new nationwide Marketing Manager. With over 11 years of marketing experience across retail, FMCG and automobile sectors, Kate is passionate about building strong brands and leading sales-driving marketing campaigns. She loves getting geeky and tracking the entire marketing funnel to continuously improve results for the brand and its partners.

Being a keen traveller, Kate has visited over 30 countries and lived in 5 of them, including New Zealand. Her other hobbies include skiing, ballroom dancing and lawn tennis.

Get in touch with Kate to learn more about how Blum and its top-tier marketing team can support you and your business, her email is

Manning the stands in Blenheim

PRO100 expert joins Design2Cam

Design2Cam Ltd are very pleased to announce that Roshan Gallage (BSc Eng. MEng (Manufacturing Systems) CA (Int)) has joined the team, increasing our capacity in after sales service and technical support. Roshan has 10 years experience with PRO100, including linking to CNC machines. With his wealth of knowledge and experience he is a very welcome addition to the team.

With the launch earlier this year of the new PRO100 CNC module it has never been easier to link your PRO100 to a CNC machine. Please do not hesitate to contact Roshan if you need any further information on the latest version of PRO100 or the PRO100 CNC Module.

For sales and technical support of PRO100 please contact Roshan: 022 183 1605 or email:

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 8
 


Contact your joinery account

Mercer’s full range of contemporary sinks, tapware and accessories is now available directly through joinery merchants, Impey’s and Anthony Shearer. It’s now easier and faster to get your product delivered.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 9
manager for details and pricing.
by Acero™

Intentional Growth

The Master Joiners Conference 2022 breakout sessions discussed ideas that incorporated our theme ‘Inspired to lead’ . There was no doubt that many conference attendees went back to share their wisdom - and to lead their team in an everchanging world. With leadership, it follows there will be growth, right?

Our theme for the conference 2023 is ‘inspired to grow’. A scary thought for many, to step out of the box that they are so safely in, but you cannot get to where you want to be by remaining where you are. Being intentional can create strategic growth.

The meaning of growth is to undergo natural development, increasing in size, changing physically or develop gradually. We can only grow when we are open to it. But what does that mean? How do you begin? Is it just you? Is it your business? Or

is it your entire team? Conference 2023 plans to dig deep on how we can as an industry look at all dimensions of intentional growth, and how we can do it together as an industry and a profession. May 2023, save the date.

Our member services have grown recently with the addition of the exclusive joinery focussed health and safety resource provided by HASANZ and ACC. This resource can be downloaded from the members resource section of the Master Joiners website and is produced for our members information and guidance on health and safety. It includes a variety of useful tools to support your organisations health and safety systems and process. This is so accessible; it just needs your deployment; the action of bringing resources into effective action.

Growth is as growth does, what are your growth challenges? Do you have a growth strategy in mind? Is it about taking on more staff or upskilling your current staff to progress within your business?

Share your views and growth mindsets - attend conference 2023.


JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 10
“Without continual growth and progress, words such as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning”
Benjamin Franklin

SICAM welcomes 8000 companies

Late October saw the running of the 13th edition of SICAM, the international exhibition of components, accessories and semifinished products for the furniture industry that annually takes place in Pordenone, Italy. The fair welcomes the most qualified professionals of international furniture with a continuously growing number of visitors: more than 8000 companies visiting from 115 different countries from all over the world.

Particularly notable was the attendance of not only from the main markets throughout Europe but also from regions with interesting prospects such as North Africa, Middle East and South and North America.

There was a very radiant atmosphere through the stands during the four days of the fair: this edition has been filled with new products presented in all fields to

stimulate exchanges of ideas and projects between companies and visiting professionals. The desire to establish new business relationships in order to resume those ones that in recent times had been limited only to the online world.

Concurrently with the event, the “Fuori Salone” was even more

lively than in the past, which this year found space in various locations in Pordenone and its surroundings. Several corporate conferences and post-fair meetings that international brands of components participating at SICAM organized to bring together their major customers, in a friendly but very efficient business climate.

“We are very happy that our ‘machine’ has once again proved itself. This year it has brought together many highprofile professionals from all over the world,” the organizers commented. “The SICAM format, with innovative ingredients presented these days, continues to prove its success in fostering the development of business relationships. The success is also proved by the numerous attending requests that we have already received for the next edition.”

The appointment for next edition of SICAM is from Tuesday 17th October to Friday 20th October 2023 in Pordenone when all the major branches of the international furniture industry will meet again.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 11 0800 781 200 Your dust extraction specialists EgmontAir Dust & Fume Extraction Wood Dust Extraction | Spray Booths | Exhaust Fumes Extractors Extraction Fans | Centralised Extraction Systems | Suction Benches Grinding Dust Extractors | Welding Fume Extraction i h h
There was a very bouyant atmosphere during the four days of the fair.

a new visual identity marks Biesse’s evolution

Over the past two years, Biesse have launched a thorough process of modernisation of the group, with the aim of becoming faster and more innovative.

This path allowed us to restructure the company in line with an approach intended to positively affect the way we operate and meet customer needs. As such, the project entails the rationalisation of the company structure, as well as its reorganisation at both internal and international levels, with the ultimate purpose of transforming the group into an increasingly more streamlined and efficient entity featuring simplified processes and the ability to adapt to global contexts that are in constant evolution.

We have adopted a transversal approach meant to ease the implementation process of developing projects. This path will also affect our branches abroad, with the goal of strengthening the company’s international network through more efficient structures.

The new visual identity was deemed necessary to align group positioning and brands, and convey the group’s new values and identity traits while also retaining the distinctive features of the various sectors in which the group operates.

“Biesse’s evolution will benefit our customers as well as allowing us to compete in an increasingly changeable market. Due to the all encompassing nature of this transformation, we decided to explicitly express it through a new visual identity,” declared Roberto Selci, CEO of Biesse.

All will be revealed to our customers through a step-by-step release of the main touch points, starting at the Glasstec trade fair in Dusseldorf, while full implementation will be accomplished within the next year.

Biesse celebrates 20 years in NZ

Biesse Group recently celebrated 20 years in New Zealand held at the Biesse Auckland Showroom, 21st –22nd September.

Since starting as a small family company in 1969, the Biesse Group Australia and New Zealand subsidiaries opened their doors in 2002. To celebrate the occasion Biesse held an Open House to showcase the latest innovative technological solutions on offer in Nesting, Edgebanding, 5 Axis, Drilling, tooling and Software.

The showroom was busy with visiting customer that travelled from around the country to experience the latest technology onsite. Displayed at the Open House was the Rover A high performance nesting machine, providing outstanding results for the manufacturing of furniture and window/ door frames.Live demonstrations were also run on the Akron 1300, automatic singlesided edgebanding machine for companies looking for user-friendly, flexible solutions in a limited space.

A wide range of virtual demonstrations were also available to visitorsand streamed from the Sydney showroom, giving customers access to a diverse range of Biesse wood, glass, stone and advanced

materials machinery. Biesse offers technology of consistent quality that meetscustomer business requirements and handles all machining processes including: CNCs, Edgebanders, beam saws, drilling machines, sanders, handling and more.

Biesse’s Italian hospitality showed through with live Italian music playing along side delicious Italian food. Visitors were welcomed with special deals, gifts and giveaways.

Biesse Group showcased the strength of its history and its ability to provide a wide range of versatile products that will continue to cater to the future of the industry.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 12
The Biesse team in town to celebrate 20 years. Front Row: (l-r) Michael Bullock, Lee Barlow, Massimo Mina, Dylan Staples, Warrick Small, Geoff Craddock. Back Row: (l-r) Giuseppe Serpentino, Andrew Rogers, Adam Whitehead, Mark Dunlop, Leann Monga, Nigel Kelly.
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 13 Everything is evolving. We simplify your manufacturing process to empower your business. Discover what’s new.

Merry Christmas

Festive greetings, I trust the run up to Christmas is going well and you are on track to complete another successful year.

We were thrilled to launch six product updates across HPL, HIMACS, Caesarstone®, Surround by Laminex™, SuperPine® and our NEW Melteca Organic finish, all to ensure the best possible selection of product for you and your customers. Melteca Organic has a texture that emulates the beauty and natural movement of timber and has received a lot of positive feedback since launch. It has the potential to be one of our most popular finishes within the Melteca range! Please see our full page ad on page 51 for more details.

We know collectively this is the busiest time of year and it’s been great to have more customers sign up for online ordering to enjoy the efficiencies and information availability online. If you haven’t registered and would like to enjoy the benefits of ordering online (e.g. available 24/7, estimated delivery date based on stock availability, real time updates for order status) visit

This year has seen varying news reports noting a slowdown for the building industry owing to increasing interest rates and inflationary pressure. In the interim building consents remain buoyant for residential and nonresidential (commercial) sector. The Residential consent data for the 12 months to September 2022 increased by 7%. Townhouses continue to be popular as the consents in the 12 months to September 2022 were up 37% compared to the prior year.

Commercial consents for the 12 months to September 2022 also recorded growth, up 19% on the prior year. The highest values were in offices & transport and education, storage and the health sector. This is positive news and indicates the potential for ongoing baseline demand as we move into 2023.

As we head into the season of festivities and celebrations, on behalf of everyone at Laminex, we hope you, your family and friends enjoy a safe and happy holiday and a well-deserved break. Thank you for your support, we look forward to continuing our partnership and working with you in 2023!

Master Joiners

New Life Members & 2022 trophy recipients

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 14 Laminex New Zealand™ update
The new Myles Sellers Memorial Award for outstanding culture in joinery was awarded to Nazareth Joinery in Blenheim. Accepting it here is Leigh Jones from Nazareth Joinery flanked by Phil Thompson from Laminex and Margarette Sellers. Two new Master Joiners life members were announced on Awards night at Conference, Mark Pickford (left) from HR Jones in Feilding and Rhys Powel from Rhys Powell Joinery in New Plymouth. The Gordon Caulfield Award for the employer of the highest scoring apprentice went to Dave Cunningham from McNaughton Windows and Doors, seen here (centre) with winning apprentice Jones Isefo and General Manager Andrew Riley. The Owen Wright Memorial award for significant contribution to the industry was awarded posthumously to Myles Sellers. Myles wife Margarette accepted the award supported here by long time friends Grant Johnson from BCITO (left) and Phil Thompson.

NZ’s Most Popular Edgebander Homag 1130AT


Hear what makes the 1130AT from the S-200 series so popular

“We use lasertape as much as possible. We even edgeourcarcasseswithlasertape.Wedon’thave tochangegluecoloursandtherearenouglyglue lines.”

Bjoern May - BMC Limited

“ProcessinglasertapeontheHomag1130ATseals the board better. There’s no clean up. No excess glueandwecanchargeapremiumforit.”

Hayden Kirk - Ron Kirk Joinery

“With our old edgebander it took longerto clean uptheedgesafteredgebandingthanitdidtodo the processing. Ourthroughput withthe 1130ATis now 12 times what it was.”

Karl Smith - Black Label

“We were spending a full day per kitchen cleaninguptheedges.WithournewHomag1130ATthat time has reduced to underan hour.”

Jason Morrisey - Innovative Kitchens 2009 Ltd

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 15 Machines that mean business 0800 522 577 |
the benefits and profitability of NZ’s most popular edgebander for laser tape. Process with laser or standard tape at the push of a button.

Worth the Wait

This year’s Awards were held in the beautiful town of Blenheim centred at the Marlborough Events Centre in Alfred St. For the majority of attendees the Events Centre was within walking distance of wherever they were staying, making for a relaxed start and finish to each day for all.

The opening guest speaker on the Thursday afternoon was Trevor Slater who spoke about ways and means of dealing with complaints. There were some really good tips on what to do to bring about a good outcome. For those inclined there was then a local tour run by Nelson Marlborough JMA members. At 6pm there was the Gathering in the trade exhibition hall which is always a great opportunity to catch up with fellow members and old friends made even more so by the fact

that this was the first such meeting for some two years. It was worth the wait!

Friday was the big business day which kicked off with an inspirational session from Dr Paul Wood who by using his own personal journey showed us how real leadership is achieved despite and because of change, challenge and adversity. The afternoon programme was noted for the breakout sessions looking at health & safety and succession planning,

creating alternative pathways or building value creating teams and the one of personal interest to me, the catchup on the latest for compliant timber joinery and kitchen cabinetry. All these sessions were well attended. This was followed by another guest speaker in Stephen Nelson who leads Maycroft Construction: an interesting look at operating high performance teams in business. The Friday night Pub Quiz was a real highlight of the Conference: a noisy, liquid filled evening of

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 16
Blenheim 8 -
Joiners Conference
11 September 2022

laughs and befuddled brains. I had the honour of being in the team that came dead last!

After breakfast in the exhibition hall on the Saturday morning we heard a really motivating message from Simon Reiter whose story of recovery from a shock tragedy was truly amazing to hear. On that note we all headed off to our respective Saturday afternoon excursions. There were six events: the Framington Lunch & Wine Blending event, the Marlborough

Sounds Cruise, Wine tasting tour and lunch at St Claire, Queen Charlotte guided kayak and lunch, the Pelorus Kenedpuru Sounds cruise & lunch and the Monky Bay walk and lunch at Allan Scott’s. A great list for everyone. I had the privilege of being on the Marlborough Sounds Cruise which was truly amazing as all on board will attest. We had the thrill of seeing dolphins (I think they were Hector’s Dolphins – the smallest dolphin specie) chasing fish and then joined by

dive bombing gannets as the fish came to the surface – another team effort!

The Saturday night was of course Awards night. Held at the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre with all the vintage aircraft it made for a fascinating venue for a memorable occasion. Congrats to all those who entered and even more so to the winners especially the Supreme Award winner Cutting Innovations Ltd with their truly superb staircase: a technical

marvel. Thanks as always to the people on the ground who made this all happen. Paul Ingram, a past NZJMF President, made for a great MC and a special thanks goes to Operations Manager Allison Delaney and her team for the smooth running of the Conference event. I note next year’s conference is in Wellington. Look forward to catching up with everyone once again.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 17

FIT put out the welcome mat on their mobile showroom

The Fit mobile showroom, completed in September after many months of planning, working with suppliers and fitting out (fit out by Fit’s own Grant McLean and Henry Don) is on the road and has to date visited many kitchen makers, joiners and cabinet makers in Northland and Auckland.

Over time, the ‘big box’ will be covering the entire country. The Fit team are keen to put out the welcome mat for as much of the trade as they possibly can, so they’re planning out

small areas at a time, allowing for even some out of the way places. (They’re becoming masters of finding suitable roadside meet up spots!)

What can you expect?

A wide range of Fit gear, installed and ready for you to put through its paces - pull out units from Vauth-Sagel of Germany and Giamo, door hardware and hinges from Salice, LED lighting from Domus Line of Italy, beautiful cabinet handles from Citterio Guilio also of Italy.

But wait! There's more - soft close drawer systems from Harn Ritma, King Slide Simlead and Fit’s own SlimFIT. Plus, of course, no Fit showroom, mobile or otherwise, would be complete without our own Tanova pull out kitchen bins and laundry units.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 18
Contact your Fit rep, phone 0800 852 258 or email to register interest in seeing the Fit mobile showroom.

Simple ways to improve your businesses' health and safety

Although New Zealand’s joinery sector has made good progress in improving health and safety in recent years, we need to do more. Too many joiners are injuring themselves at work and this is costing businesses and affecting families and livelihoods.

The Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) has joined forces with the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers’ Federation (Master Joiners) to develop a tailored health and safety guidance specifically for the joinery sector.

Created with the help of four joinery businesses, this guidance will support any joinery business looking to take the next step to look after their people.

In addition to the guidance, the Master Joiners Health & Safety Resource:

provides an overview of general health and safety in the workplace and your obligations as a small business owner/leader. highlights the skills and value of engaging with a HASANZ registered health and safety professionals who can help.

The resource is exclusively available to Master Joiners members and can be downloaded via the Members Login at

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 19

Smart manufacturing

From moving panel to cutting components to labelling parts for future assembly, automation and robotics are increasingly evident in our production processes. We spoke to machinery and software suppliers and users about innovations and developments in manufacturing systems and design that are changing the look and use of factory space both in New Zealand and internationally.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 20
More automated material handling through the production process is one area of manufacturing where many New Zealand business’ are able to gain significant economic improvement. (p.28)
Zero-joint technology airTec made by HOMAG HOMAG
S-500 & airTec YOUR SOLUTION

Peter Hay Kitchens Peter Kitchens in par tner ship with HOMAG in partnership with HOMAG

The recent installation by Auckland based Peter Hay Kitchens of three sophisticated edgebanding production line machines from the EDGETEQ S-500 range made by German manufacturer HOMAG AG represent not only a substantial commitment to the development of new processes and the use of technology but also to HOMAG AG as the mentor behind the technology. Bob Nordgren from JOINERS Magazine spoke with both owner Peter Hay and Sales and Marketing Manager Karl O’Hanlon about this latest install that moves the business ever closer to the creation of a world class Batch One processing line for cabinet production, a process they started back in 2015.

The three edgebanders including one with the latest HOMAG airTec technology have enabled the business to deal with the challenge of meeting increased demand by producing efficiently more volume in kitchen and bathroom cabinet production and the variation in jobs to be performed. These machines are capable of working with all types of edging materials be they solid or veneer. The integration of their existing returns provide for greater productivity as part of the Batch One system.

“We needed a partner who in our view could take us through to the full potential of automated production machinery. Choosing HOMAG Group was a decision based on the future and where we see our future business going. We came to the conclusion that HOMAG as the leading manufacturer of robotics and automated machinery made for that partner” explains Peter. “They fit as the machinery supplier who have developed the best technology and most importantly, continue to develop their

technology down to the smallest detail. This detailed approach in all aspects of their machinery is vital to our business.”

One of the more interesting outcomes has been the use of all the production data to help grow the business. Karl says “This has become a powerful tool for us to grow and develop the business in terms of sheer production as well as the future direction.” The factory operation has been digitally linked to HOMAG AG in Germany. This enables any

issues with their operation and maintenance to be addressed quickly and effectively.

“These machines are the very latest in edgebanding technology.” comments Karl. “The inclusion of the FF32 multi trimming unit and the use of a multi profile scraper offers us a greatly improved quality of finish. These machines offer us real flexibility such as being able to use either PUR or EVA glues as well as airTec. The use of hot melt glue is quick and easy to set up and clean. They

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 22

provide for greater configuration options through the processes of premilling, gluing and post processing.

In particular they offer us three key features: perfect trimming through vibration free tooling, minimal set up time with multi profile technology and optimum processing due to servo controlled positioning throughout the machine. The airTec option means zero joint technology that produces even better quality finishes.”

The business has benefited in several ways from this technology. There has been low staff turnover. “Through this kind of investment in the business it has made life easier for everyone. In many cases staff can now take on more functional roles than before. For our clientele be they merchants, ‘brownbox’ or commercial anywhere in New Zealand we are able to meet demand for whatever they need ontime.”

The use of technology, automation and software at their 10,000m2

factory will continue to see Peter Hay Kitchens as the foremost business of its kind here in New Zealand. “I believe our partnership with HOMAG Group with their developed and developing technology and their Imos/HOMAG iX software will see this business go forward as a world class operation.” says Peter.

With the business to have it’s 50th anniversary in 2023 there will be even more to celebrate.

For more information contact Karl O’Hanlon at Peter Hay Kitchens on 09 573 0225 or karl@ or visit

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 23

all managed by Maestro active watch supervision software that allows for the production process to be managed and controlled by monitoring the status of the individual machines in real time

Cells, systems & plant

One of the most recent lean cells developed by SCM in the last few years has been in China at one of the country's giants in the contract sector. It is an integrated flexible line of more than 2000m2 for the production of furniture components, installed in the early months of 2021 for the Star River Bay Group at its new YuFeng Factory in the province of Guangdong.

It is its technological configuration that makes this solution especially advanced in terms of automation and flexibility, a concrete example of the Smart&Human Factory devised by SCM to meet the needs and critical situations of mass customisation. A system of automated, modular flexible cells, easily reconfigurable, connected via automatic handling systems and integrated with industrial articulated robots. Supervisor software both for the entire line and for each cell and a MES system were also supplied by SCM.

All this stemmed from a specific need. The Chinese group, a giant with a turnover of 2 billion Euro, needed to invest in new factories to produce contract furniture for its tourist and commercial structures. For this new and ambitious project, SCM supplied not only an integrated flexible line for the production of cabinet components, but also five Superfici lines for painting and another 50 stand-alone technologies for different fields of application, representative of SCM's vast and varying range.

Integrated flexible line for the production of cabinet components

Top precision, automation and production flexibility are the backbone of the Smart&Human plant developed by SCM for an average production of 1,000/1,200 pieces/shift. The line includes cells for nesting, edgebanding and drilling, all managed by Maestro active watch supervision software that

allows for the production process to be managed and controlled by monitoring the status of the individual machines in real time and of the whole line, optimising production performance. Maestro active watch also creates a twoway interconnection with the factory's IT systems, allowing part programs to be loaded remotely from office to factory and returning production reports that can be analysed in the office.

Area nesting

This cell sees two machining centres in action Morbidelli X200 state-of-the-art nesting that combines top speed with maximum flexibility in cutting panel. Both are fitted with input roller conveyors with QR code labelling system. The cell has a gantry system for loading the

(continued over page)

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 24
606D Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand l 09 820 9486 the largest range available Advanced 5-axis CNC’s
SCM Multi lathe SCM Morbidelli M100SCM Balestrini twin tableSCM PMT for laminated beamsSCM EOS for wind turbine production

Cells, systems & plant - the Star River Bay Group (cont)

stacks of unfinished panels that can be as long as 800 mm. All the data and information sent to the labelling machines come from an optimisation software via the cell supervisor.

Once the nesting is completed, the cut panels are directed towards two outgoing conveyor belts. A first articulated robot picks up the panels one by one to be unloaded at an average speed of 4.5 pieces per minute. A second robot sorts the panels and directs them either towards the edgebanding area or, in the case of recovered scraps to a storage station.

Edgebanding area

In this area, we find a Stefani cell H+, synonymous with maximum personalisation, top productivity levels and excellent machining quality. This highly flexible cell means the various parameters of the panel (shape, thickness, edge, gluing quality, etc.) can be changed without stopping the production flow.

Furthermore, thanks to the supervisor software, it is possible to track all the process information on each individual panel continuously and remotely.

The Stefani cell H+ is preceded by a 30-level vertical buffer that acts as a store for depositing the incoming panels from the nesting area and is integrated with a Mahros Brush automatic loading station and by another Mahros Brush outgoing unloading and panel return device. The process functions like a closed machining cycle: each time an individual edge is completed, the piece is unloaded from the line while other pieces will complete the process. This optimises and speeds up the machining of panels with different edges.

This cell is also controlled by Maestro active watch supervisor software that allows for continuous 360° control of the process and each machining phase using the QR scanning code.

Drilling area

Once the edgebanding is completed, the panels are conveyed in two 30-level vertical buffers that act as a holding area between the edgebanding cell and the subsequent drilling area. In order to guarantee higher production levels here, the client has selected to install two lines operating in parallel, both made up of a highly flexible automatic drilling centre and ideal for batch 1, Morbidelli UX 200.

The flow speed of the material temporarily deposited in the buffer, is automatically adapted according to the availability of the drilling machines. This occurs thanks to the software that manages the movement systems. After drilling, the panels leave and converge in a single roller transporter that transfers them to a machine designated to cleaning the surface. Subsequently, all the pieces are transported to the sorting station.

Sorting and unloading area

This area in the line developed by SCM is strategic. Indeed, to date, the various panel cutting, edgebanding and drilling operations have been optimised as though it were a production line, in order to reduce scraps, remains and re-tooling of the machines with a change of order. It is at this fully automated sorting station that, based on the information

supplied by the factory MES, the individual orders are put back together, and the customisation of the cabinets' components is completed.

This advanced storage system is made up of two articulate robots that work at a speed of 3.5 pieces per minute, two multi-storey warehouses and a system with double layer roller conveyor that allows the pieces to be received from the drilling machine and simultaneously sent to the unloading area.

When all the components in an order arrive in the warehouse, the MES software gives the order: the components are directed towards the unloading area where, thanks to another two robots, will be placed in transfer trolleys. These in turn are manually moved to the packing line where the MES software coordinates the work

of those in charge of packing so that each box is well balanced in terms of weight and final size. A second sorting area is reserved for the preparation of the smaller panels that will be integrated into the packing operation.

The superfici finishing lines Star River Bay wanted to dedicate 5 lines for their finishing, 2 spraying lines completed with magnum spraying machine, contivert vertical dryer and UV system. These lines provide for high volumes like Star River Bay production. The color change is integrated directly in the magnum software which makes it simple to change applications and color in the shortest possible time. The line is completed with contivert vertical dryer specific to guarantee a hot air drying with a long drying time needed and the UV system for the final curing of the panels.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 26

Another finishing line is equipped with the rotary spraying machine Rotomagnum, where all the advantages of magnum are added to a special carousel completed with up to 20 guns, which can be managed individually at the height of the carousel which can be set according to a recipe. The optimization of application is realized for those critical products such as colors, where uniformity of application is the basis of the final result. After the spraying the pieces are dried inside a contivert vertical dryer for completing the finishing cycle.

Star River Bay has also chosen a Superfici like partner for two Paternoster Lines dedicated to doors and large panels applications. The first one is for the touch up with 2 anthropomorphic robots, to manage the finishing of the 2 sides of the panel in a short time, the cabin is completed with a drying area and a manual touch up to always ensure a perfect product. The other line is specialized for the finishing, with one anthropomorphic robot dedicated to the spraying of edges, grooves and a reciprocator for the panel surface, after the lacquer application the panel goes through a specific drying area before completing the process with the UV dryers.

Since Star River Bay is very sensitive to being environmentaly friendly, Superfici has provided only water based lacquer lines in order to preserve the health of its employees and the environment.

Superfici collaborated side by side with Star River Bay to create a plant customized to its needs, providing only state-of-the-art solutions and guaranteeing the highest achievable quality for the perfect finishing.

SCM is sold and serviced in New Zealand by Machines R Us

Being SMART in a tight labour market

With no end in sight to increasing labour costs and constraints, manufacturers need to find ways of increasing output and reducing costs. Those that do will be in much stronger position to ride out any potential market softening and be best placed to take advantage of the next significant upswing.

Nest-based manufacturing really took off in New Zealand about 10 years ago, improving productivity by up to 300% over the traditional method of cutting and drilling cabinet components. Software has also seen huge improvements during this time, with kitchen and cabinet designs now converted into CNC manufacturing files in just minutes. Bespoke, batch size 1 manufacturing can be just as efficient as mass production. So what is the next evolution on the pathway towards increased efficiency and productivity?

Most industry experts agree the next big area for evolution in cabinet making is material handling. It’s an obvious area where improvements can be made to drive down costs.

One of the simplest and most obvious areas to realise this is with automatic loading and unloading of the CNC. It doesn’t require a degree in robotics and hundreds of thousands of dollars to put into practice. Automatic material loading and unloading tables are relatively inexpensive and require no programming. These days many CNC manufacturers design their CNCs so that adding loading and unloading tables is virtually plug and play: the machines are prepared with the hardware and electrical connections from the factory. Automated handling can be installed at the same time as the CNC or some years later, as and when required.

Automatic labelling of parts improves productivity even

further. The sheet is labelled while waiting on the scissor lift table prior to loading on the CNC. Parts are processed unloaded onto the conveyor table labelled and ready for edgebanding. Labels will typically show which edges need banding with part and job number identification, and the part dimensions. All very useful information to accelerate downstream production.

The addition of automated units for material handling will improve productivity by approximately 40% - 50%. It will also eliminate those times when two people are

required to manually load panels on the CNC, while reducing the chance of materials and parts being scratched or damaged. If you’re investing in a new CNC, it really does make sense to add these units from the beginning or to at least invest in a CNC that has the capability to have them added later.

For further details, contact Jacks: 0800 522 577 or

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 28
make sure you’re getting the most out of your CNC
Most industry experts agree the next big area for evolution in cabinet making is material handling.
Investing in handling equipment significantly increases the productivity of nesting CNC’s as shown with this WDMAX with auto labelling, loading and unloading units.

Easing production links

When an electrical storm and consequent power surge earlier this year damaged their CAD/CAM application which prepared design work for production on their CNC, Focus Joinery were faced with a long wait for a new licence key to be shipped from Europe. Instead they spoke to Anthony Scammell from Design2Cam who suggested they upgrade their PRO100 design package to the new CNC version which runs seamlessly from design to production - it was a good move.

Based in Huntly, Focus Joinery produce kitchens, house lots and general cabinetry, largely for private clients where they enjoy the more personal approach. Their work reflects this and tends to be bespoke and one-off

The company had been using PRO100 for its design requirements for a number of years and both owner Zane Vandy and his son Isaac were familiar with and liked the program.

“When our system crashed back in February Anthony was one of the first people we spoke to and he suggested we look at updating to the latest version of PRO100 which links directly to CNC machinery, meaning we didn’t need to use any third party software,” says Zane.

Focus Joinery were one of the first in the country to start using the software which gave them a certain guinea pig or beta status which they have used well to set up the software to suit their own production requirements.

“Anthony was 90% of the way there,” says Isaac who uses the software most and worked with Anthony in setting up their library.

“He has developed a generic library for NZ conditions and we were able to customise that to suit our particular manufacturing set up. Basically we set up templates for our likely requirements and I can then cut and paste from those to develop the cabinetry or design we want for any given job.

I like the time savings involved in the ‘do it once and then reuse’ concept.

“The new version is a great package, easy to use and very quick. You can see what is going on at every design stage, making it easy to see if something is right or not as you do it. From there taking the design to production simply involves a couple of clicks and then you can leave it alone as PRO100 creates the code and

prepares the job for the CNC. There used to be a lot of cross checking and input involved at this stage so it has freed up my time considerably.”

“The service from Design2Cam has been unreal, Anthony has been helpful with everything, even with extra stuff, he is a good bloke to work with. I would highly recommend him and the new version of PRO100, it has streamlined our production process considerably and I am finding as we develop it more and more the time savings just go up and up,” says Isaac.

Easy to use Design & Manufacturing software

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 29 3D DesignPhoto Realism & PanoramaCut ListsImport 3d ModelsShape Editor - Custom Cabinet DesignCreate Your Own CatalogKray Rendering – PRO100 PRO100 PRO100 CNCPRO100 Download - IT’S FREE! Here’s why you need PRO100 for Cabinet Making
Isaac Vandy - easy to use and substantial time savings.

Leitz tooling systems Australian made tools for your success

With nine out of ten CNC machines sold in Australia and New Zealand being nesting machines, one of the most-used cutting tools is the small diameter router cutter.

Manufacturers utilising panel products, solid wood and advanced materials for production of goods where manufactured boards are the main raw material (kitchens, office furniture etc), are always looking to increase production while reducing unit costs. A small diameter cutter is required to reduce the amount of waste in a nested board, but this can reduce production speed. The tool also needs to eliminate any breakout on both surfaces of the material, resulting in the call for a very unique and complex tool.

Enter the compression cutter that has completely revolutionised the small scale, high turnover nested manufacturing cabinet industry in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom – the Carbide Compression Router Cutter. It’s fair to say that the small diameter router bit is one of the hardest working tools used by the industry.

Compression cutters for nesting historically have been imported from the United States, Europe and now SE Asia, but a few years ago, Leitz ANZ considered the possibility of manufacturing them locally. Andrew Bismire, Product Manager of Leitz Australia, states; “We said at the time we’d love to be able to make these cutters ourselves. It’s something we can do that’s purely Australian and would add unique benefits to both Leitz and our local manufacturers in Australia and New Zealand.”

Following the belief that a CNC Machine is only as good as the tools being used, the Compression Router Cutter range developed by Leitz ANZ is produced to exact high precision standards required by their German parent company. With over 145years experience producing cutting tools for the woodworking industry, Leitz is one of the top producers of quality, premium tools in the world. This rich Leitz history has ensured that Leitz ANZ has the technical knowledge and skill to manufacture these highly engineered and complex tools.

There were some compelling economic reasons to manufacture in Australia; largely being the ability to provide speed of supply to the local market.There are significant benefits to local manufacturers. An example of this is the partnership that resulted

with ANCA – a market leader in quality CNC grinding machines, and an Australian local success story.

Leitz already had several pieces of high-end grinding equipment for automatic sharpening of cutting tools, but only one machine for producing router bits. To meet the expected product demand, a higher output machine was required, as well as one that could produce at a standard that would satisfy Leitz’ exacting tolerances. Leitz installed one Australian made ANCA FX7 Linear 5-axis tool grinder equipped with a robot inside the cabinet for changing router cutters and grinding wheels. This was soon followed by a second ANCA FX7 machine.

These machines can run unattended, with a capacity of several hundred router bits at

a time and are equipped with a refrigerated coolant system to ensure that heat does not affect the fine tolerances the machine works to. The ANCA FX7s are fully programmable– ensuring consistent high-quality standards of every router bit produced.The ANCA machine puts Leitz at the forefront of router manufacturing in the region.

Striving for the utmost quality in everything they do, Leitz only uses the best quality carbide rod for their router bits. Carbide can be made from soft to hard, so the right grade is required to get the most life from the tools, while not being too brittle and breaking under load. Both characteristics are important in a quality tool and the reputation of Leitz and their customer’s production depends on it.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 30
Locally produced router cutters can be customised to each manufacturers needs and local supply means fast access for customers. Leitz compression cutters are accredited Australian made, high quality.

Due to this this local production, these compression bits can be customised to suit individual manufacturer’s needs and a large range of machines. Andrew says “We chase microns to get the desired result for our customers.

Provided the customer has a machine where the collet is in good condition and holds the bit over its entire clamping length, we can achieve up to 40% more tool life from the cutters we make here in Australia.” This has been verified by a manufacturer capable of recording actual lineal metres, in trials conducted in conjunction with Leitz ANZ.

Leitz ANZ’s achievement of producing these tools has increased local production levels and reduced delivery times across the region for customers while maintaining the highest

Australian Made tools for your Success

quality. It also increases local tool production skill, an opportunity for apprenticeship programs and a long-term benefit to the industry. The compression router bits carry the Australian Made logo and have proven to be hugely popular with manufacturers keen on supporting local productions.

Leitz stand by their motto ‘Solutions in New Dimensions’ and they are forging new dimensions with Australian Made tool solutions.

0800 578 665

A CNC Machine is only as good as the tools being used.

At Leitz New Zealand our Compression Router Cutter range is produced in Australia, to exact high precision standards required by our German parent company. Our coated Carbide Compression Router bits provide up to a 40% increase in edge life and are available for all common material sizes.

Productivity & Efficiency

We offer a comprehensive range of carbide compression routers, covering all common material sizes Only the best quality of carbide rod selected, using the correct grade for each tool design to achieve maximum performance.

With our local manufacture we can produce special sizes upon request

Leitz offers a uniform sharpening service with quality to our worldwide standards


Made locally in Australia, available ex stock in Auckland

Longer tool lifetime

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 31
0800 578 665 email: CONTACT US
Leitz technical sales representatives can tailor a solution for each customer to ensure maximum quality and efficiency for their CNC processing.

“That’s how I’d sell it to potential Cabinetry.Online customers,” says Kevin Jacobs, owner of Tassie Cabinets. “I’d say it’s just like hiring another person, but you’re not paying their wages. I reckon it’s an excellent system.”

In 2014, Kevin took the big step and moved from being a sole proprietor making kitchen cabinets (then KevJake Cabinets) to establishing Tassie Cabinets, which is now the leading cut-tosize manufacturer in Tasmania. Kevin’s success with Tassie Cabinets is not only a financial one, but has also overflowed into his community by way of employment opportunities and his support of up and coming sportsmen and local projects.

Accelerating growth

Prior to Tassie Cabinets, whilst installing cabinets, Kevin realised there was potential to do more. “I just wanted to cut for other people,” explained Kevin, “I thought there was a market.” So he moved from the shed at home into a factory. He took the leap and invested in a CNC machine and came on board with Cabinetry. Online. “I wanted to cut for other people and Cabinetry.Online gave me that opportunity. It is an easy ordering system and works like a treat.”

“It’s been an awesome experience. Awesome opportunity,” says Kevin on using Cabinetry.Online.

“I walked into my shed 10 years ago by myself. Now I’ve got 16 people on my books.” A milestone for Tassie Cabinets was opening a display shop in central Launceston.

Not only has Tassie Cabinets’ premises and staff count grown, but their turnover has also experienced impressive growth. “It’s grown substantially, Cabinetry.Online has really helped with that.” When asked to give an indication on their increase in turnover, Kevin chuckles, “I don’t know if there is an accounting term for s*** loads. Since I’ve started, it’s been exponential growth. Year on year.”

Streamlining processes

“Cabinetry.Online really helped with the online ordering. It made quoting and the whole process a lot quicker,” explains Kevin.

“It’s fantastic. You can put fields where you want anything, like the drawers, whatever size you want, whatever hardware you want to use, it’s all there. It’s like hiring another person without hiring them.”

When chatting about his customers’ experience with Cabinetry.Online, Kevin says, “It’s a no brainer. They can draw something up, put it through my Cabinetry.Online portal. Made to

measure. The data they input is what they get. It’s a great process.”

Tassie Cabinets use a number of the cabinetry software solutions from Cabinets By Computer. They use Cabinetry.Online for their online quoting and ordering, KD Max for designing and 3D renders, and WoodCAM as their CAM software. “It’s not just Cabinetry. Online, KD Max and WoodCAM are fantastic. The speed that I can draw up a project and quote is really good,“ remarks Kevin. “So that’s what has really helped me in my growth. I’ve often drawn up and quoted a house-lot of cabinetry in four hours. Previously it would have taken me a couple of days!”

Support and after-sales service

“Another reason why Cabinetry. Online is so good for us is because it’s local,” explains Kevin on dealing with Cabinetry.Online. “You can call someone any time of the day and the help and assistance is there when you need it, it’s fantastic.

It’s been exceptional. The help and support we get from the team is great. The staff are welltrained and knowledgeable. If they can’t sort it out or answer the question, they’ll get whoever can onto it and learn something from it themselves,” says Kevin on the support he gets from the Cabinetry.Online support team.

“They’ve got a good team and they all try to help you out as much as they can.”

Supporting Local “Tasmanians love to support local,” states Kevin. “It’s very community-based and a lot of community spirit. But if they can shop local and keep their jobs here, they will.” Kevin attributes his success partly to the strong community spirit of the Tasmanian people. At the same time, Kevin returns this support. One of his current beneficiaries is an up and coming local boxer who has just turned professional. “He only had his first fight a couple of months ago. He used to work for me as a delivery driver. He’s going to be great, watch him!”

Advice to those considering their next big step

“It’s an easy process. It’s a great process. More people should be on board,” says Kevin on onboarding with Cabinetry.Online. “I’d say go for it, it will certainly help increase your production and increase your sales. If you’ve got the right marketing, you’ll get the right customers and then you’ll go really well.”

Are you ready to take the next step with your cut-to-size business? Contact us on hello@ or phone +61 1300 783 997 to chat to a Cabinetry. Online representative.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 32
“It’s like hiring another person”
The speed that I can draw up a project and quote is really good, - that’s what has really helped me in my growth.
The Tassie Cabinets crew.
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 33

Robotics & Automation

the key to high quality and high volume producton at Dezignatek

Over the last five years, Dezignatek has gone through transformative change as it took on a large volume of thermoform door production from the Arborline business it acquired, in tandem with a huge upswing in demand for both custom thermoformed doors and its laser-edged melamine, HPL and acrylic doors.

Orders made online are transferred directly to optimization and then to one of five CNC machines for door profiles to be cut. With each order having anywhere from one to 30 pieces that go through a range of production processes, a bespoke tracking system is essential to ensure all orders are made and despatched correctly.

Dezignatek Business Manager

Mike Meekings says the impressive job tracking system was designed in-house and has real benefits for customers and staff alike.

“When an order is placed and optimised for production, every single item needing to be made is visible with a graphic display showing how it tracks through the plant from the CNC machine, through the sanding line, robotic spray booth and thermoform press, or to the custom edging production area. All panels are then tracked through packing and despatch – the pick-up by the courier company then triggering a despatch advice to customers.”

He says the 13 scanning stations help avoid the issue of lost panels and there is visibility over exactly where in the production system all panels are.

“Dezignatek account managers also have visibility over the system and are able to help clients understand where their job is, and likely timing for delivery,” he says.

A large, German-sourced RobaTech fully automated sanding line was commissioned two years ago, resulting in a more consistent finish for thermoform panels and a much faster through-put for the sanding area.

from programming the CNCs to optimally cut every project, to ensuring doors are sanded, glued, pressed, trimmed, packed and despatched without delay.

Mike says the efficiencies gained by automating so much of the production provide benefits for all clients, but also for production, sales and customer service staff

Robotic sanding

and gluing ensure optimum quality

In the early days of Dezignatek, all panels were hand sanded and then also had their pre-press adhesive applied manually in a spray booth. Those times are long gone with hand sanding only limited to very complex or deep profiles.

The fully automated robotic spray booth also ensures thermoform doors have a consistently high standard of finishing. Delamination issues are avoided by repeated testing of panels in a specialist oven throughout the production day to check appropriate glue strength.

While automation may seem to have taken over, there are more than 40 staff on the production floor involved in everything

“It’s a win-win and the investment has been totally worthwhile.”

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 34
A fully automated sanding line was commissioned two years ago.


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A smart upgrade for Sunshine

Purchasing a new CNC router was a good move forward says Rick Martin owner of joinery and kitchen manufacturing business Sunshine Joinery Ltd based in Onekawa, Napier.

“We had an existing CNC router from Proform CNC Ltd out of Levin for a number of years but with the business growing and moving to our new showroom and workshop a couple of years ago we needed to look at upgrading to keep up with demand,” Rick comments.With this in mind and talking to Rob Hutchings at Proform they decided on a new CNC router but with some significant enhancements.

The Proform 28/13AL CNC Router offers all that Rick had with the existing router, a solid, gantry style machining centre to

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 36
LE71TE LR71TE LS71TE Combo includes your choice of Sander Kit from following* RUS230ELCOMBO Professional 30L Vacuum Cleaner with Systainer Box Combo SMIVD200 Smirdex 200mm Premium (820) Velcro Abrasive Discs Available grits P40, P60, P80, P120, P150, P180, P240, P320, P400. $1050 This offer includes the latest RUPES S2 Series 1200W Dust Extraction Unit with Automatic Filter Cleaning S230EL (30 L capacity) along with your choice of SYSTAINER T-LOC Sander Kit (RULS71TE, RULR71TEK or RULE71TE) SMIAR115 Smirdex Abrasoft Ideal for sanding contoured and irregular surfaces. Precut sheets. 115mm x 125mm sponge. 25m Available Grits: P180, P240, P320, P400, P600, P800, P1000 SMI Sm Ide irre 115 Ava P18 $54 RUER303TE/RUER305TE Rupes Random Orbital Sander 3mm/5mm Orbit Ø 150MM Velcro Pad with Filter Unit $475 SMIC15015 Smirdex 150mm Ceramic (740) Velcro Abrasive Discs Available grits P40, P60, P80, P100, P120, P150, P180, P240, P320, P400, SMIVD125 Smirdex 125mm Premium (820) Velcro Abrasive Discs Available grits P40, P60, P80, p100, P120, P150, P180, P240, P320, P400 SMIDSP Smirdex Drilube Premium Abrasive Sheets Available grits P80, P100, P120, P150, P180, P240, P320, P400, P600, P800 00 mm 0) ve FAPRS101 Farecla Profile Select Liquid Compound 1 Litre Stage 1: Cut FAPRU101 Farecla Profile UV Wax Liquid Protection 1 Litre Stage 3: Protect $49.75 $47
The Sunshine team l-r: Flick, Gordon, Phil, Wendy, Mike, Makiko, Colette, Aaron, Szilard, Olivia, Martyn and Rick..

process solid wood, MDF and particle board while maintaining a small footprint in the factory.

In addition it includes three important enhancements: an automatic labelling applicator, an automatic board loader with an automatic unloading and belt feed table, and a 12 drill rotary tool changer.

“We have had the machine a wee while now and we are beginning to see the positive effects on our productivity” says Rick.”The flatbed size is a bit bigger as well (from 2.5m to 2.8m) which means we can process bigger sheets.” All these new features save time and money. “The rotary tool changer was a big time saver in particular and being mainly a cabinetry maker these days the auto loader and labelling system using a Honeywell laser printer has made

production quicker and more efficient. All this with a good price and service from Proform ticked all the boxes for us.”

Rick uses his own design software from CadMaster to augment this machine for all his kitchen

cabinetry. The business has steadily grown since it was first established back in 2005 to now have some thirteen staff including Rick and his wife Felicity. They design and produce mainly kitchen componentry and cabinetry for the residential market in Napier as

well as some commercial market work. The business is a Master Joiners member and part of the Mastercraft Group. An interesting part of the business core values is something called ‘Kaizen” meaning pure innovation and continuous improvement. That is something they are continuing to do. For more information contact Sunshine Joinery Ltd 1c Wakefield St, Onekawa, Napier on 06 844 6105 of email rick@ or visit www.

The 12 drill rotary tool changer is a big time saver for Sunshine.

Smart living

apps and innovations apps and innovations making life easier life easier

From access and entry to lighting and heating, remote control and powered enhancement of household functions is an option in both residential and commercial fit outs. We talk to suppliers at the cutting edge of lifestyle innovations and software applications designed to make our day to day activities more convenient.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 38
Lighting control from Hafele Powered furniture from Blum

AVENTOS lift systems

Wall cabinets with doors can be a real headache - literally. When putting away glasses or mugs, we've all banged our heads on an open cupboard door. So, for overbench cabinet doors that lift up and out of the way, choose AVENTOS.

AVENTOS lift systems from Blum have many practical benefits! From ergonomic cupboard access when you need it, to keeping items safe from dust and grime. Everyday kitchen use becomes effortless. But AVENTOS hasn’t just been developed to make the consumer's life easier – installation and planning are a breeze too.

Our complimentary online E-SERVICES platform makes installing AVENTOS simple, and because it's a webpage and not an app, there's no need for constant updates. Just up-todate information, 24/7. Planning is made easier in Cabinet Configurator, or selecting your product becomes simple in Product Configurator.

The AVENTOS family has many practical, inspirational and ergonomic benefits without sacrificing design or individuality. Take your cabinetry to the next level with AVENTOS lift systems. Ask your Blum Account Manager for more information, or visit


Supreme opening and closing ease with SERVO-DRIVE from Blum. SERVO-DRIVE is the electrical motion technology that delivers supreme opening ease for handleless cabinetry. With a single touch, AVENTOS, LEGRABOX, and TANDEMBOX drawers open by themselves and close again softly and effortlessly with BLUMOTION.

SERVO-DRIVE can also be implemented with selected integrated fridges, freezers

and dishwashers to keep your handleless design cohesive throughout the kitchen. Even in a kitchen with handles, SERVODRIVE uno is ideal for a waste bin drawer. If your hands are full or dirty, you can press the drawer front with a hip or knee for a practical and convenient handsfree opening.

Configure SERVO-DRIVE uno for your next job at e-services.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 39

From helpful calculators and planning tools - to mobile apps for assistance on-the-go, Häfele have a suite of options to make life that little bit easier.

The Häfele App

Handy installation guides and calculatorsright at your fingertips.

The Häfele app has been around for several years … originally designed purely to house their catalogue library – it has recently been developed further to include some very handy additional features.

This helpful app has everything from Installation instructions, data sheets, and even CAD and CAM files for you to download. Download now on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and ask your Account Manager for a demonstration.

Hawa Concepta Planning Tools

Häfele App Features

• Installation instructions

• Data sheets

• CAD and CAM files

Concepta Planning Tool Features

• Calculate door weights

These practical tools take the hard work out of planning for Concepta doors. Calculate your door weight and compare door dimensions against fixed parameters for fast and easy installations every time. Head to the Häfele website and view “configuration tools” to get started.

• Compare door dimensions

• Fast and easy installation

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 40
Häfele apps and configuration toolseverything you need at your fingertips.
Installation App

FREE Family Flap Fitting Calculator

Flap Fitting Calculator Features

• Enter panel specs

• Calculate

• Order!

This tool takes all of the guesswork out of selecting the correct overhead fittings for the job. Simply enter your panel height, width and material and our clever calculator will tell you what you need to order. Easy!

Loox Light Planning

Light Planning Tool Features

• Choose light temperature

• Light selection

• Create the right ambience

Use the Häfele interactive Loox light planning service to discover how to cast your furniture and spaces in the right light and learn more about the various products and their technical features.

CAD Data

Designer Download Data

• CAD and CAM files

• Easy search and download

• Over 40,000 articles

Use the Häfele library of 40,000 articles to transfer drawings and models into your own CAD applications. 2D and 3D views of the products are available for download.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 41
4 Hafele

SIE deliver know-how for smart innovations

Hoechst, Austria, October 2022. Fittings manufacturer Blum is entering into a strategic partnership with System Industrie Electronic (S.I.E), also based in Vorarlberg, after acquiring a 75.1% stake in the company. Synergies between the two companies in the specialities of mechatronics and digitalisation will lead to exciting new products for electrical and smart furniture.

System integrator S.I.E generated an annual turnover of 24.8 million euros in 2021 with 125 employees in three sites. Blum's Managing Director Martin Blum explains: "S.I.E's focus is on the interaction of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology. At Blum, we develop product innovations for electric and intelligent furniture. Together, we can further expand our competencies in the business segments of S.I.E and in our mechatronic and smart development projects."

The close partnership also creates new synergies in the procurement of electronic components and the flexible use of resources in research and development.

Smart furniture – Applications for the furniture of the future Blum has been focusing on the potential of smart furniture for a long time, and was early to start developing mechatronic products for the "furniture of the future". For example, the fittings manufacturer has been offering the SERVO-DRIVE electrical motion support system for wall cabinet fronts and pull-outs since 2006.

AMPEROS brings electricity to furniture, to charge batteries or illuminate furniture interiors

The latest product solution from Blum, AMPEROS, equips furniture with lights and charging facilities for smartphones and household appliances, and there are more electronic applications in the pipeline. It was presented at interzum, the world's leading trade fair for furniture manufacturing and interior design, in 2021.

"In contrast to Blum's core business of mechanical systems, the innovative discipline of mechatronics is very fast-moving and dynamic. S.I.E's employees are deeply focused on this technology, so their know-how is invaluable to us," says Martin Blum.

So now, Blum is combining its own competencies in the field of mechatronics with those of S.I.E which will retain its status as an independent company with its 125 employees and continue to operate the Vorarlberg site plus two sites in southern Germany.


Discover Blum's free online service hub for cabinetmakers, installers, designers - and more. Find up-to-date and instant information on all things Blum. E-SERVICES will support you and your team.

Product Configurator: locate fitting solutions, assembly instructions and planning information in one place. Product Configurator helps you select the correct hardware components for your job, while previously created configurations can even be saved as templates in "My Library" for even greater efficiency.

Order Management 2.0: Blum's online ordering tool helps you place orders online 24/7. Kiwis make up the most significant percentage of users for this online tool worldwide, and the automation of getting orders into the system quicker helps our warehouse and customer service teams get more orders out the door every day!

CAD/CAM Data studio: streamline your manufacturing process and gain access to fast and user-friendly CAD/ CAM data to manufacture Blum products efficiently. Find and download 2D and 3D data instantly, making the planning and manufacturing of furniture components quicker and more straightforward.

Cabinet Configurator: the best way to plan, order and manufacture cabinets with Blum fittings. Cabinet Configurator helps you plan entire cabinets with drawers, shelves, cupboards and more. Use the "My projects" function to save and manage unique configurations and produce parts and cutting lists, production drawings and CAD/CAM data with a few clicks.

Sign up for E-SERVICES and learn why thousands of other Kiwis log in daily at, or talk to your Blum Account Manager to discover the E-SERVICES package that best suits you.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 42
System Industrie Electronic headquarters in Vorarlberg, Austria.


Imagine your opportunities, with our range of customisable paintable profile doors

Our Profiles: Your Way!

Our Optidoor profiles are adjustable, so you can customise them as required to suit your design. Once the profile is selected on our online ordering portal, you can adjust the frame sizes, groove spacing, edge profile and add hinge drilling as required. The panel preview image updates as you go, so you can see exactly what you’re ordering – so easy!

Ourmodernlinear profiles (flutes, waves, beadsand battens) are designed for use on cabinetry: we automatically adjust the profile dimensions to fit the panel every time, to avoid those flat bits on each side when the profile doesn’t fit the width properly.This handy variable-width featureensures a seamless look across your design every time.

The actual profile dimensions show in the Part Properties box on the ordering portal, so you know exactly what you’re going to get, and can adjust it as required to fit your design.

Thank you!

October marked one year of our Optidoor range! We look forward to adding more profiles and continuing to adapt our systems over the coming years to create doors that you know and love.

We’re currently working to automate our sanding processes even more over the coming months, to give you consistent sanding in the pocket doors.

Get in touch if you’d like a sample of one of our profiles, or if you’re looking for a custom profile! We’d love to help.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 43

Blum making smart move

new software lifts the game

Furniture hardware and fittings supplier Blum New Zealand have announced they will be upsizing their warehouse and product handling system. First installed back in 2015 the system from Swisslog, Swiss specialists in warehouse and distribution solutions, has worked well for Blum.

Talking with Blum New Zealand Managing Director Mike Hawkins he comments “Back then we looked at several aspects of storage, the items stored, volume frequency each item is picked, their weight and wear and tear on the human element involved. Even with our narrow product range of lift, drawer and hinge systems we needed significant capacity to cover our then demands. We now need to expand what we have to meet current and future demands.”

The warehouse facility is to increase its storage capacity by 50% while the number of crane systems will double from two cranes operating four racks to

four cranes operating eight racks. This is the long-term investment now showing its benefits. The savings lie not in the reduction of labour costs but in the increased efficiencies of the system. “Better speed of delivery both in the warehouse and to our clients, better stock control and better use of space all lends itself to better profitability and the software upgrade will enable us to deliver even more value to our business and our customers in the years ahead. ” Mike says.

The timing of the warehouse expansion coincides with the long-awaited management software upgrade. Installed in early November 2022, Blum New Zealand has just transitioned to SAP, the German leading ERP system for streamlining business processes, developing solutions that facilitate effective data processing and information flow across organisations. “This will enable us to run the entire operation with one integrated software package rather than

several independent systems.” Mike explains. “The rest of Blum worldwide already uses this system but Covid delayed it for us here. It will introduce many efficiencies such as automating inventory, invoicing and sales statistics under one system. It is all part of the so called Industry 2.0 which seeks to remove as much unnecessary human input as possible.”

“Our business, indeed our industry, needs to continue to evolve in positive ways for our markets and this SAP software is a very smart solution used by many businesses in a wide range of industries.”

For further information contact Blum New Zealand at

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 46
The number of crane systems increases from two to four covering eight racks. The savings in the new handling system lie not in the reduction of labour but in increased efficiencies in stock control and speed of delivery.

On Line Ordering continues to grow

More and more customers have made the seamless transition to our On-Line ordering Portal, to access the full range of Burns & Ferrall sinks and taps, Elleci granite and Zomodo PVD.

With almost 50% of all sink orders now processed digitally, the portal has proven to be faster and more efficient for joinery companies, benchtop fabricators, plumbers, to access our full range of product.

On-line ordering gives you direct access to our warehouse to view stock levels, and orders are processed, picked and dispatched in real-time, removing the need for lengthy emails or phones calls. Our portal is customer specific, allowing for unique templates and repetitive shopping carts.

Multiple users allow for varying access levels, limited who can actively place orders, and who can price check.

In addition to our vast sink and tap collection, ALL CUSTOMERS have access to our full range of hospitality products including cleaning, sanitary, café and staffroom consumables.

Reach out to your territory manager for access to our portal and enjoy faster and efficient service

0800 MY SINK

NEW Elleci Keratek G ranite Sinks

Pure Black and Crisp White

Keratek Plus is an ultracompact material, using traditional quartz, ceramic particles, and a mix of innovative acrylic resins to create a surface with a zero-porosity maximum hygiene, and an amazing resistance to staining agents, enhanced surface hardness, resistance to impact, thermal shock, abrasion and UV radiation. Thanks to its smooth easy clean surface, Keratek Plus is 100% water-repellent and stain-resistant.

TWO new colors are available and boast our Deepest Black (PURE BLACK) and our Cleanest White (CRISP WHITE) – available in 3 popular sizes.

The special formulation has passed all the contact, and Keratek Plus is therefore not only durable but safe. The easy maintenance and hygiene qualities of the material mean that very limited quantities of water and detergents are consumed during the usual operations and water savings and a longer sink life.

Reach out for you Keratek samples and experience the TRUE color of composite granite.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 47 0800 MY SINK View the range online or contac t us today for more information. ELKQ102 400mm x 400mm RRP $798.15+ ELKQ105 500mm x 400mm RRP $849.15+ ELKQ110 540mm x 400mm RRP $849.15+
Enjoy faster service via the Rewards Hospitality on-line ordering portal.

Introducing ... Cadro by Hettich

Hettich’s newest product to the New Zealand market, Cadro, is a practical interpretation of frame design.

With Cadro, Hettich brings its expertise in cabinetry fittings to expand the design potential of a classic aluminium frame. In a vogue matt black, Cadro has the potential to be everything but a standard cabinet. Compatible with glass shelving, panels, hinged doors, sliding and folding door fixtures and AvanTech YOU drawers.

The Cadro range is made up of various 16mm square profiles and 13 different nodes that connect these profiles at each corner. Between these parts, the frame shapes possible by Cadro are almost endless. Combined with its compatibility with side panels, shelving, and many of Hettich’s other hardware fittings, it is a near complete, lightweight cabinetry system that can be managed within any cabinet maker’s workshop.


Material: aluminium

Colour: matt black

Frame size: customisable with cut to size length, purchased in 3m

Maximum length: 1200mm


Compatible panel: 16mm standard | 6mm glass

Connectors: 13 different connectors for variable shapes

Additional features: LED lighting | wall* and floor fixtures

* weight limits apply to wall mounted furniture

The system is suitable for many residential and commercial applications, including kitchen islands, bathroom vanities, walk-in wardrobes, or retail fit-outs and hospitality.

For more information contact Hettich at or speak to your local sales representative.

JOINERS Magazine
2022 page 48
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 49 create with freedom. create with cadro The details matter. Life gets easier when longprioritised in the home. Follow Us hettichnz hettichnz Contact Us 0800 438 842 Cadro’s versatile aluminium frame system is a design dream. Endless opportunities to create with luxury drawers to sliding doors for customised cabinetry and furniture.
2211 Joiners Mag - Cadro Focus indd 1 16/11/2022 11:29:23 am
Cadro framing system in matt black | Slideline M, sliding doors | Sensys hinged doors | AvanTech YOU drawers

Melteca launches with new natural ‘Organic’ Look

Weare excited to announce the launch of Melteca Organic, a new finish for Melteca that gives a natural look to the popular product. The new Organic finish emulates the beauty and natural movement of timber, with varying depths of grooves in the texture.

One of the first people to use the product is Karen Harlen, a Design and Sales Consultant at Bays Joinery who was completing her own home renovation. We have gathered some feedback on her experience and thoughts about the finish.

“The first time I got to see the Organic finish was at the NKBA Conference in Queenstown and it was love at first sight. I loved the Borders Oak colour for my space. My budget needed to stretch to include the luxurious Laminex

Organic makes it difficult to distinguish between Melteca and more costly stained veneer.

Acrylic Panels in White Linen for my kitchen leaving absolutely no space for a stained veneer as my accent and feature colour. The Borders Oak décor had the ideal depth of colour I needed to work in with my chosen benchtop but I was hesitant to use any of the other timber finishes for my project.

Our ‘two month project’ became a six month trial of love and endurance! However I was fortunate it meant I was able to

complete my project in my ideal board, making all the difference in my world. I have had other colleagues over to my house and we are all in agreement - Organic is a complete winner.

Organic makes it difficult to distinguish between Melteca and more costly stained veneer. There are few repeats in the indents making it look like a natural product. The indents also vary in depth, just like real timber. I have relied on Puregrain finish in the past, which looks great on lighter coloured board however can have a slightly waxy look on darker board. In the work that we do with clients, Organic is going to help us achieve a premium look on a lower budget.”

Melteca Organic is not only suitable for woodgrain decors, but also stunning pressed onto

solid colours. It has the same features and benefits that Melteca is known for, such as scratch and stain resistance, UV stability, and a ten-year limited warranty.

The Melteca Organic finish will be available in 80 out of 85 Melteca decors, so there is sure to be a colour for endless design possibilities.

For more information or to order samples, visit www.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 50
The Melteca Organic finish will be available in 80 out of 85 Melteca decors,

The new Melteca® Organic finish emulates the beauty and natural movement of timber.

The Organic finish delivers a matte look with varying depths in the texture. It is available in over 94% of Melteca décors.

Our new Organic ABS & Laser edgetape is lightly textured and is available in 27 woodgrain décors (plus Snowdrift, Warm White and Black).

Refer to the Melteca Availability Guide on the

website for more information.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 51
Stain Resistant Scratch Resistant UV Stable Indoor Use 10 Year Warranty

Contemporano your manufacturing partner

“We are making a somewhat unique offering to the cabinetmaking industry” comments Tony. “We are not a turn key solution, we offer instead on the one hand support through technology, tools, training and guidance and on the other, product through high quality, custom made cabinetry and bespoke solutions. Our goal is to re-invent the industry and how it is perceived.”

The business has been running since 2014 with currently some fifteen personnel onsite and has a wide range of machinery in their 14,000 square foot nested base manufacturing operation. A significant factor is that all their staff are from cabinetmaking backgrounds. “We deal with mid to high end bespoke clientele and this knowledge enables us to better understand their businesses and how we can help them” Tony says.

The bespoke nature of their work and the close relationships they build revolves around a wide range of tools, support and training they have available. “Our clients gain a sounding board along with our baseline of exceptional customer service and product knowledge.” explains Logan. “We understand our higher pricing may exclude some enquiries and we know the importance of clear project communication and clarity specifically around timelines and progress reporting.”

A key to their approach is their specially created management software. In association with software supplier Microvellum they have created a powerful package developed by their Senior CAD Manager Michael Grajo.

“Access to this software is at the heart of what we offer. With the adaptations we have made we have a system that looks at everything including assembly instructions, purchase orders and labelling of componentry” Michael says. “It contains online management dealing with lead time, costs, quality and unlimited capacity. We can supply virtually instant real time quotes in minutes rather than days. It’s flexible. We are now able to produce for cabinetmakers off their plans with full time staff as Project leads.”

With their adapted use of lean manufacturing principles they have created an efficient just in time factory process for their clients. It is an impressive business model they continue to evolve.

They bring to the table a special set of skills. “The relationships we build and nurture ensure that the majority of our client base offers repeat projects and work” says Tony. “It’s that knowledge we have being a cabbie talking to a cabbie that makes it really work.

With their adapted use of lean manufacturing principles Contemporano have created an efficient just in time factory process for their clients. It is an impressive business model they continue to evolve.

Whatever the reason be it overflow work, not having the right machinery or no machinery at all, specialised design software to do a bespoke production run or simply the right knowledge to complete a particular project for a client, we can help.”

A cabinetry supplier for cabbies, that’s how cabinetry manufacturer Contemporano based on Auckland’s North Shore would have you see them. As their mantra says they are here to revolutionize the cabinetry industry, to position themselves as leaders and innovators who inspire change and progressive thinking. Through memorable service and experiences they will build lasting and meaningful relationships and educate a community of passionate business owners to do the same. Bob Nordgren from JOINERS Magazine caught up with the General Manager Tony Kelly, Business Development Manager Logan Tukiri and Michael Grajo Senior CAD Manager to find out how they make all this work.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 52

Selecting handles

Handles can be hard to choose not least because there is so much variety, we talk to several industry suppliers exploring the many handle options available to owners looking to answer the difficult question of ‘what handles shall we have with that?’

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 54
Archant p.56 Dezignatek p.59 Fit p.55
Katalog p.58
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 55 FIT’S CABINET HANDLE COLLECTION FIT HANDLES catalogue available from the Resource Download page at or contact us to order hard copies HEAD OFFICE & WAREHOUSE: Northgate Business Park, 22 Hood St, Wellsford 0900 SHOWROOM BY APPOINTMENT & WAREHOUSE: 4 Morse Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8042 CALL FREE 0800 852 258 FAX FREE 0800 852 259 EMAIL 100% DESIGNED & MADE IN ITALY MILANO CAPRI RESEGONE GRAMMICHELE AFFARI VECCHIO ALBARIALTO 20 STYLES On Fit’s Website Now

Knurled hardware

At Archant, we believe the subtle details of a design are not to be overlooked. With knurled hardware, the texture of small, bevelled edges works to reflect the light spectacularly. Trends in kitchen design are always evolving, and we expect 2023 to bring more change. In studying the industry and having conversations with manufacturers from around the globe, knurled hardware remains a perennial favourite.

The knurled look is inspired by nature Critics may argue that “it’s only a handle”, but inspiring design is all about the details. Take for instance the words of ground breaking architect Charles Eames; “The details are not the details. They make the design.”

Drawing inspiration from the gently knurled seeds of the centre of a sunflower, the sensual but strong facade combines with a chic industrial effect. This combines to adorn knurled handles, knobs and pulls with beautiful detailing. The effect is an enduring statement piece with the power to transform the aesthetic of a space. We have three collections that leverage this stylish feature.

Swell® and Fade® collections

Targeting the New Zealand homeowner, we sought to create high-quality handles inspired by our country. The primary requirements for the handle range are as follows - Quality feel, exceptional aesthetic design, robust production, easy to use, and simple to clean.

We have focused on developing an extrusion-based design and explored a vast number of concept ideas through rapid sketching, 3D CAD rendering. In addition to this, we aimed to minimise the number of components, and design a solution that is innovative, and unique from other products on the market.

Equal spacing of the linear detailing creates a strong structured aesthetic. The varying depth of each groove gradually transitions from subtle detail to softly rounded undulations. These become more of a change in form rather than a simple surface treatment. The smoothly rounded corner on the handle creates a softer aesthetic while also providing functionality that’s softer and more inviting to the touch.

Although innovative in style, the Swell® and Fade® collections are familiarly comforting in the interior space. The distinctive selections bring the harmonious curves and synergy of nature into a kitchen. For rooms with multiple tones, it can be challenging to find hardware that looks good throughout the space. These collections resolve this problem with a huge variety of finishes. We are proud to offer Black, Brushed Brass, Brushed Anthracite, and Antique Brass to best match designs of nearly any style.

We also created a variety of sizes with the range extending from 32mm, 96mm, 160mm, and 320mm. The uncomplicated style is attractive without being a distraction. And while these collections are certainly elegant, they’re not without functionality. The tapered edges and quality craftmanship make these handles feel as good in your hand as they look in the kitchen.

Durable and long lasting

While the appearance and cost are certainly essential, the materials used to make your handle are of equal importance. Those who choose wisely will enjoy a lifetime of use rather than replacing them every few years.

The Swell® and Fade® collections are made from Aluminium. Lightweight yet durable, this material allows for a wide variety of designs. Aluminium holds up well to the rigours of daily use. They can last for decades without maintenance, making them an ideal choice in residential and commercial spaces. Since it is lightweight and flexible in its raw form, it’s possible to craft aluminium into a wide variety of intricate designs.

Thanks to a natural oxide layer, these handles are largely protected from moisture and weather. As such, you can use them in outdoor areas, even in places near the sea.

Berkley collection

Long handles have been making waves in the design industry in recent years and we don’t expect to see that change anytime soon. At 640mm, this new Berkley collection certainly fits the bill. When the design calls for a touch of modern elegance but you don’t want to compromise on functionality, these handles offer the best of both worlds. Made in solid brass, they are built to stand the test of time.

Not only are they stunning in appearance but offer convenient access to your items. Explore various finishes and the everpopular knurled style. The Berkley hardware offers a chance to add visual impact to a kitchen while advancing the conveniences of form.

Can something be complex but simply beautiful all at once? We believe the Berkley Collection achieves just that. At Archant, we encourage your creativity to shine. The finish you choose for your handles has the power to transform the overall look of your space.

Choose from 5 distinct finishes Whatever style you desire, we have you covered with the Berkley handles. Starting with the modern appeal of black, which has a sophisticated look and pops against light-coloured cabinets and drawers. Pewter and nickel hide fingerprints well and is easy to match with accessories like ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers. And of course, the warm rustic quality of brushed and antique brass offers a timeless quality that never grows old. there's no shortage of potential for your space.

While each style is its own unique creation, they are all draped in understated but alluring beauty. Knurled hardware offers an opportunity to add visual impact to your design while advancing the conveniences of form. With sleek

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 56

on trend to transform kitchens in NZ and beyond

difference in each style. As such, it’s important to find a handle that best reflects your unique vision.

We spend quite a bit of time opening and closing cabinets and drawers. Why not choose something beautiful and exciting? While your choice of hardware is certainly a big consideration, the cost doesn’t have to be prohibitive. These luxurious collections aim to enrich both modern and traditional designs while remaining budget friendly.

craftsmanship, they make a bold statement without dominating the room. Not limited to just kitchens, these stylish selections can be used throughout the entire home. Designers have been working to incorporate them into a variety of spaces including bathrooms, laundry areas, and more.


View the full range of Archant handles

The experts will tell you that good design is all about style. Some will argue that the key element should be functionality. With these knurled handles, knobs, and pulls, we believe you can enjoy both. As you can see, there’s quite a big

We trust you’ll feel inspired by the way these designs will enhance your space. The Archant handle collection includes both new, innovative designs and timeless favourites for your kitchen. Featuring cupboard, cabinet and drawer handles as well as stylish, pull, flush and continuous handles our kitchen handle range provides you with both choice and quality.

Berkley Collection

Knurled hardware offers a chance to add visual impact to a kitchen while advancing the conveniences of form.

Now available in lengths up to 640mm!

Learn more at

Book a Showroom Appointment

Our team of design experts has helped homeowners all over New Zealand in creating the kitchen of their dreams. With so many incredible solutions to upscale your space, it’s an exciting time to renovate your kitchen. We understand these are big decisions and are here to help with your specific project. Take the next step today and book a one-on-one appointment for any one of our inspirational showrooms.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 58 Disc Fold
from Katalog Luv
New lines

Hidden handles from Dezignatek

A few years ago the large statement handle emerged as a trend. In equal measure it was matched by a demand for handles that disappeared from view entirely.

Now fully embraced as a go-to option for kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, 45 degree hidden handles can be made by Dezignatek in either melamine or acrylic. With acrylic doors, the profile is a 45 degree straight angle, whereas the 45 degree melamine door has a small bevel at the top.

Dezignatek offers the 45 degree handle on all colours in the Prime Acrylic and Ultraglaze ranges and more than 65 colours across the Bestwood and Prime Melamine ranges.

The acrylic kitchen shown here, designed by Jaden Allworthy of Bates Joinery in Christchurch, amply demonstrates how the clean lines created by hidden handles provide a sophisticated finish. The 45 degree edge can be applied to the tops or sides of cabinetry doors, giving more design possibilities.

Dezignatek offers 450 handles on much of their colour range.

When it comes to hidden handles for thermoform doors, Dezignatek offers a scallop handle on its Milan Square profile – and this can be produced with a fixed width of 140mm (Scallop 140) and the other which sits 55mm in from the edge of the door, irrespective of the door size (Scallop 55). For more go to the Designatek website.

EXPANDO T from Blum

Innovative and simple. Blum's EXPANDO T fixing system may no longer be a 'new' concept, but it's still the most reliable product for evolving panel and material innovations.

EXPANDO T is compatible with materials as thin as 8mm and allows you to bring your ideas to life with a single cabinet front in almost any material without the need to substrate to achieve the look you desire. Steel teeth bite into harder fronts, while nylon components ensure a firm and safe grip in softer materials. The guided settings are used with a torque screwdriver to give a quality-assured finish to an extensive range of panels.

A single fixing method that can be used for three different applications keeps things as simple as possible. EXPANDO T technology has been incorporated into a range of Blum AVENTOS brackets, LEGRABOX front clips and zero protrusion hinges to offer a cohesive collection of hardware possibilities.

To fit EXPANDO T, drill a hole of 10 mm in diameter and 6 mm in depth - that's it! Boss drilling is no longer required for hinges with EXPANDO T, so the fixing method produces a new drilling pattern. Fixing positions stay the same for lift and box systems.

Log into your E-SERVICES account at and use our Product Configurator to figure out how EXPANDO T can transform your next job, or contact to get in touch with your Account Manager for training.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 59
The hidden handle option is a time-saver for client and joiner alike.

Inspired by nature

This year’s Supreme Award winner from the Master Joiners Excellence Awards is a truly outstanding staircase from Auckland based Cutting Innovations Ltd. Bob Nordgren from JOINERS Magazine caught up with Managing Director Alec Stringer and General Manager Peter Barlow to find out how this all came about.

Cutting Innovations was established back in 2007 by Alec who saw an opportunity presented by the emergence of CNC technology as a design tool to push the boundaries of what was possible. “I had a background in design in the advertising and shopfitting industry and took this with me into the Cutting Innovations business.” Alec recalls.

The business is an eclectic group of designers and tradespeople from many disciplines from designers, joiners and cabinetmakers to boat builders, engineers, welders and spray painters. “We make bespoke joinery, kitchens and custom furniture but we lean toward the challenging, projectbased jobs. We love the weird and wonderful that allows our full range of talents to be used.” The business has a range of CNC equipment including a 5 axis CNC cutting machine. “This machine is a time saver which allows us to give reality to projects that require sculpting for example.” comments Alec.

So what about the Award winning staircase? “This project was built for a private home in Auckland’s eastern suburbs. The challenge lay in its size and detail which spanned three floors, making it in the factory and then installing perfectly onsite.” recalls Alec. A precast stairwell was 3D scanned from which the team then designed and created a plywood CNC cut Skelton Frame. Using

traditional timber techniques such as double diagonal planking, a three-dimensional timber spiral was constructed. This was made up of two layers of pine planking and with a feature top layer of American White Oak. “A real nicety was the solid Oak handrails machined using the 5 axis. These were then scribed and fitted to the timber spiral and then detailed with brass accents.” says Alec.

“The project, from prototype to completed form took about eighteen months to complete”

comments Peter. “It was a really challenging project involving many of our highly skilled staff throughout that period.” One of the interesting aspects of this project (and in fact of Cutting Innovations) was the use of 3D CAD software that allows the design of complex 3D surfaces. In this case we used Rhino 3D for design and Powermill for the complex 3D machining. We now have a team headed by three designers who often shape where each project goes.”

Most of their work is from their 900 square metre factory site in the Auckland suburb of Henderson where some twenty five staff operate from. They moved to this location back in 2015. They operate a contract cutting business alongside their more creative, largely shopfitting operation.

“We have come a long way in the last fifteen years” says Alec. “Extreme projects are our forte these days. Pushing the envelope is what brings us alive.” Most of

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 60
Master Joiners Supreme Award winning staircase from Cutting Innovations Ltd in Auckland.

their business comes from word of mouth but having seen their Award winning staircase that maybe about to change

For more information contact Alec or Peter at Cutting Innovations Ltd, 70 The Concourse, Henderson, Auckland. Ph. 09 836 9050 or or visit www.

The winning entry included a level of detail not seen in a long time. The workmanship and skill required to manufacture a stair to this scale captures every bit of a joinery practitioner’s experience, skill and ambition.

Judge’s comment

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 61
The Cutting Innovation line-up, (l-r) Shakil Salman, Tom Tongi, Jo Newton, Ludy Hettig, David Navarro, Trevor Saunders, Timm-Ole Plöger, AJ Shane, Mana Haghighi, Dan Hosking, Alec Stringer (MD), Frederik Mannhof, Gavin Tobin, Oliver Feistauer, Noëmi Plüss, Tim Clayton, Craig Tea, Sean Langford, Peter Barlow, Callum Modha, Patariki Smith, John Norton.

Meeting emerging trends

Based in Cromwell, Masterwood Joinery is one of the larger players in the Central Otago region. With a strong association with Queenstown residential developments, and in particular Millbrook, Masterwood Joinery target high-end kitchens and joinery. Dave Wilson, Operations Manager, explains the type of work they do. “We focus particularly on kitchens, wardrobes, laundries and vanities. But these are big builds, and at times we’re asked to take on more. We have the workshop and the skills in-house to take on customised windows, doors, gates. If they want a complete houseload, we can do it.”

Masterwood Joinery has six joiners on the workshop floor, including three apprentices. In the office is a Production Scheduler, a Designer, two Programmers and administration, and they have a dedicated Installer to fit out everything they produce.

“Our work not only comes from around the region, but the whole country - it doesn’t take long for the latest trends to be required somewhere in the Central Lakes area,” says Dave. It’s clear from their stunning showroom Masterwood Joinery are more than capable of turning out top class work. And with a full order book until Spring 2023, they’re clearly in demand.

To keep up with the changing needs of the market, Masterwood Joinery recently installed a new Homag Edgeteq S-300 1440, purchased from and installed by Jacks.

“Our old Homag had lasted us many, many years – and was still going when we took it out. But as well as starting to show its age, we wanted the ability to work with laser-edged tape. The new Homag comes with airTec, and therefore the near invisible glueline we wanted.”

Given the style of kitchens they’re making, as well as working with high-gloss finishes, Dave also needed the ability to edge up to 60mm high, veneer strips, and cope with whatever else the latest trend requires. Whereas previously they were working entirely with 2mm PVC tape, now they’re using 1mm tape all round, including the 1mm laser-edged tape. “It’s providing a hugely impressive finish” says Dave. “It’s fast, clean and saving us a lot of time.”

Dave took the time to take part in the training. “Ian from Jacks installed it and trained us. He was thorough and helpful as ever,” says Dave. “I wanted to learn the programming, and the basic maintenance. There’s been quite a step up in technology since our original Homag was new!

We look after our machines and we intend to do the same with this one. And after our previous Homag experience we’re expecting many more years of quality edgebanding.”

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 62
Dave Wilson (centre) with his workshop team and the recently installed Homag Edgeteq S-300.
“It’s providing a hugely impressive finish” says Dave. “It’s fast, clean and saving us a lot of time.”
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 63 Resene AquaLAQ TM Waterborne low VOC coating system for cabinetry, joinery, shop fittings, kitchens and doors Call 0800 108 008 or email to become a trained and registered applicator | • Economical • Hard and Durable • Waterborne 1K System • Authentic Resene colours Water Based Paint Licence No 1296003 AquaLAQ is waterbased, low VOC, low odour and Environmental Choice approved. Better for your business and better for your customers.

Hideaway Bins drive for Sustainability

Hideaway Bins are determined that not only the manufacturing process of its products is environmentally sustainable but are passionate about enabling better waste behaviours at work and at home. By developing smarter waste separation systems, Hideaway Bins is in a unique position to have a more positive environmental impact than simply what it does during the production of its products.

Sustainable Design

Hideaway bins has always focused on designing quality products that are robust and durable. Because they are built to last, Hideaway Bins do not need to be replaced prematurely and are a more sustainable use of resources. For example, to maximise durability,

all plastic components used in our Hideaway Bins are manufactured from virgin materials. They are still completely recyclable at the end of their life, and any waste generated during the molding process is reground for reuse in other products.

Sustainable Manufacturing

To minimise wasteful use of packaging in our production process, all cardboard and plastic packaging for components is carefully sorted, stored and returned to our local suppliers, so that the packaging can be re-used

time and time again. Any waste that cannot be reused is recycled. All waste cardboard or plastic packaging is sent for recycling, as are any reject metal or plastic components.

As another example, the Hideaway team have spent significant time redesigning our packaging with the goal that all packaging will eventually be 100% recyclable. Polystyrene packaging has been completely removed from the Concelo range and replaced with kraft paper or cardboard packing which are 100% recyclable.

Sustainable Waste Behaviour

The area where Hideaway Bins sees its greatest opportunity to protect our natural environment is by promoting and enabling better waste behaviours in the community. There is a direct correlation between making it easier and more convenient for people to sort and recycle waste

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 64
A twin bin system can be stacked inside a standard height kitchen cabinet to provide a four bin recycling solution.

within the home or office and the amount of waste that is diverted away from landfill. If people have tools to help them to sort waste and recycling easily then they are more likely to do it, ultimately assisting local councils with the larger goal of zero waste.

For example, in a commercial office setting, the installation of three Concelo 1 x 35L bins side by side is an innovative and durable solution for encouraging better separation of waste, compostables and recycling.

In a residential setting, space is often at a premium, and it can be difficult to fit more than a standard twin bin system into a kitchen design. Hideaway Bins have an array of bin options and sizes, including a twin bin system that can be stacked inside a standard height kitchen cabinet to provide a four bin recycling solution for the homeowner.

Hideaway Bins recognizes that sustainability is a journey rather than a destination and is committed to not only being a responsible manufacturer but also a driver for change in our society. Innovative new products are in the pipeline for 2023 that give further evidence of our commitment to providing the best waste and recycling bin solutions on the market.

Hideaway Bins are distributed nationwide by our national distribution partner, Hafele, as well as by our regional distributors Carters, ITM, Impeys, Rose City Wood Pannels and Scooters. Or contact Hideaway directly

If people have tools to help them to sort waste and recycling easily then they are more likely to do it.

Pocket door systems attracting huge interest

The team at Fit have noticed a surge in interest in pocket door systems. Perhaps brought on by changing work patterns - with work from home and study at home spaces being enormously popular – Kiwi kitchen makers, joiners and cabinet makers are more interested than ever before in this hardworking and versatile hardware option.

Fit are the New Zealand distributors of the Salice Exedra pocket door system, which is attracting an enormous amount of interest from trade partners who have stepped into the Fit mobile showroom. They are impressed by its durable construction and smooth action.

Naturally Exedra is soft opening and soft closing. It’s also easy to make adjustments from the front of the cabinet; no need to remove the door to adjust Exedra!

Exedra 2

Holding out for a great pocket system for bifold doors? Exedra 2 is on the way! Talk to your FIT contact for more info.

The Exedra pocket door features cam-assisted door extraction and cushioned door insertion with noiseless magnetic door speed control. Left and right-hand models are available to suit doors up to 30kg that are from 18mm to 30mm thick, from 2200mm to 2500mm high and from 500mm to 700mm wide. For those that have already looked at Exedra, you’ll be pleased to hear that range extensions are on the way that will mean Exedra covers a wider range of door heights. Keep an eye on the Fit website and Fit trade email newsletters to hear about availability or talk to your Fit contact to find out more. Contact your Fit rep, phone 0800 852 258 or email to discuss your SALICE door hardware requirements.

Pocket doors

• attach to cabinet or cupboard doors & allow door to pivot 90° to slide back within a double cabinet wall.

• are ideal for when you have limited space and open doors get in the way.

• are great because natural light onto work area isn’t blocked by doors.

• are brilliant for when you have a work surface or work area housed within a cabinet or cupboard and would like for the doors to be out of the way when open eg kitchen, laundry or pull out desk.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 66
Coming Soon Photos by di Rosa Cabinetry & Furniture, Matamata.
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 67 LIGHTING THE WAY DOMUS LINE SEH4 & AT6 LED STRIPS HEAD OFFICE & WAREHOUSE: Northgate Business Park, 22 Hood St, Wellsford 0900 SHOWROOM BY APPOINTMENT & WAREHOUSE: 4 Morse Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8042 CALL FREE 0800 852 258 FAX FREE 0800 852 259 EMAIL Italian designed. Ideal for wardrobes, cabinets, creative lighting installations New Zealand kitchen makers, joiners and cabinet makers are AT6 (24Vdc) • • • Minimum radius 25mm • • Trim increment 21.7mm • IP44 protected • 276 LED/m and 50 lm/W • • SEH4 (12Vdc • Premilled groove - 4mm wide, 10mm deep • No tape, adhesive or clips • Minimum radius 15mm • • Trim increment 25mm • IP44 protected • 120 LED/m and 70 lm/W REUSE OFFCUTS! Options with double-ended cabling Beaver Kitchens, Whakatane Aone Kitchen & Interiors, Tauranga Pohutukawa Industries, Feilding Bays Joinery, NelsonKitchen inspirations, Pukekohe, Auckland Aftermarket Photography for Above Board Design & Cabinetry, Tauranga CABINET LIGHTING catalogue available from the Resource Download page at or contact us to order hard copies

Whether for carpenters, furniture makers or wood traders: The VacuMaster Wood is the ideal lever solution for the woodworking shop.

VacuMaster Wood from

Schmalz has designed a specialist product for the lifting requirements of the woodworking industry.

Whether for carpenters, furniture makers, wood traders or other representatives of the woodworking industry: with the "Wood" version of its VacuMaster, Schmalz has designed a specialist for the lifting requirements of the woodworking industry.

With the Schmalz VacuMaster Wood from Treotham, a single person ergonomically transports boards via chain hoist and crane system from the warehouse to saws and other tools, or lifts and swivels them during manual processing. The special suction plates of the vacuum load carrier are kept narrow but absorb high lateral forces. The holders give users the option of rotating the contact surfaces by 90 degrees and also adjusting the suction plate distances as required.

Should the application change over time, the horizontal unit can be converted to the 90 degree swivel version. The stable steel traverse system is designed for loads of up to 250 kilograms and is available in various lengths - optionally also with crossbars. An integrated dust filter protects the ejector from contamination, which is particularly important in dusty locations. This increases its service life and thus saves costs. The user can reach the filter to clean it via the side and front cover, which can be removed without tools, and also has access to all relevant parts for servicing.

The VacuMaster Wood works with compressed air - at six bar - and can therefore be used worldwide, regardless of voltage and frequency. The high-flow ejector guarantees high suction power. This is quiet and economical. As soon as a safe vacuum level is reached, it goes into energy-saving mode to save compressed air. On airtight surfaces, the integrated vacuum


reservoir maintains the vacuum even in the event of media, emergency or power failures in order to safely unload the workpiece.

The load carrier is available in the Comfort version. The basic body is slim and weightsaving in terms of ergonomics. It also has a control panel of the same name. With it, the user not only switches the vacuum on and off, but also controls the chain hoist and the pneumatic swivel cylinder. Treotham offers compatible models as well as the matching crane system.


0800 847 200

Schmalz Vacuum Lifting & Clamping

Treotham Automation supply the range of Schmalz Vacuum Lifting devices, customizable and suitable for standard weights up to 750kg.

Schmalz clamping solutions are used for a wide range of machining and assembly tasks. With vacuum power, components made from wood, metal, glass or plastic are fixed securely and without distortion. | | 0800 847 2004 | Auckland & Hamilton
With the VacuMaster Wood, a single person transports panels from the warehouse to the workshop for further processing. With the flexible suction plate holders, users rotate the contact surfaces by 90 degrees and adjust the suction plate distances as required. Images: J. Schmalz GmbH
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 69 151b McLeod Rd, Te Atatu South 0610, Auckland, NZ. Ph 09 835 4090, Fax 09 835 4070, 100% madeinNewZealand

“Singing high praises…”

Alexander Joinery has an 80 year wealth of experience in design and manufacture of joinery in the Hawkes Bay region and are renown for producing quality joinery the way it should be made, solid and strong using craftsmen.

No wonder then, Mr Jason Collins, Manager of Alexander Joinery cannot sing high enough praises for the new Egmont Air Dust Extraction System installed recently at their new factory. “We put Egmont Air under immense pressure, and they performed, their installation team was legendary, Egmont Air are craftsmen, awesome people to deal with …”

The new Egmont Air system is purposedesigned to provide maximum suction for their range of machinery which includes a CNC machine producing fine dust as well as traditional machinery producing shavings from solid-timber. The new Egmont system has made a massive difference in suction (which even the Directors have noticed) resulting in clean air-quality and pristine working conditions in the factory.

At the previous factory, the cyclone and mobile bag-extractors had always been troublesome with suction issues and residual dust around the factory. Mr Collins is delighted with the Egmont System: “It does what it’s supposed to do and we’re super happy with the performance of the dust extraction and central collection of dusts. Its awesome!”.

Egmont Air, trusted suppliers to the woodworking and manufacturing industry, offer a comprehensive design-to-installation service of spray-booth and dust & fume extraction systems nationwide. Egmont Air’s team of CAD designers, sales technicians, project manager and installers work together to ensure customers’ expectations and outcomes are exceeded.

Contact Egmont Air by phone 0800 781 200 or for more information.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 70
“We put Egmont Air under immense pressure, and they performed, their installation team was legendary, Egmont Air are craftsmen, awesome people to deal with …”

The perfect eggshell finish


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Amerthane 576 is designed as a high quality finish for kitchens, shop fittings, cabinets, desks, panelling, partitions and most interior wood and metal work.

For more Information please contact PPG


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Ferndale flourishes with strong apprentice workforce

When faced with the challenge of finding more skilled tradespeople, a Lower Hutt business has found a recipe for success. A large team of apprentices are delivering results across the business - whilst boosting the digital skills of their ageing workforce.

Ferndale Furniture is a cabinet, joinery, and furniture manufacturing business that employs up to 45 staff. They pride themselves on providing high-quality end-to-end solutions for clients, with most of their work being commercial projects.

Around three years ago, business owner Grant MacDonald committed to bringing new talent into their business and to train them. Aware that they had no apprentices in training at the time and it was getting harder to secure tradespeople of the standard and calibre that they wanted, it was time to do things differently.

The company now has nine apprentices onboard working towards a National Certificate in Furniture, Level 3 and 4 qualifications. The majority are in their twenties, with one apprentice in his forties. Grant mentions he was feeling slightly apprehensive as the group of learners grew larger, but the benefits to the business have been enlightening.

“When you get young people engaged in the future of your business and owning the outcomes of the projects we undertake, it changes the dynamics. We have noticed a positive change — there is a sense of cooperation which has influenced the whole team culture,” says Grant.

The apprentice programme was spearheaded by workshop foreman Dave Hawley, who has been with the company for 13 years and oversees the workshop floor. Dave is a strong believer in hiring on attitude, as you can train ability — but not attitude. He sees merit in having a larger group of apprentices training together. “They have their own mini culture — we see them learn from each other at different stages of their apprenticeships.”

As the group of apprentices grew, any concerns they had about the dependency on their other tradesmen were dispelled. Dave explains how the group motivates and supports each other. “We have dedicated mature tradespeople who take a great deal of pride in the work they do and genuinely want to pass their skills on.”

Dave praises the support that industry training partner Competenz provides. The process to set up new apprentices is easy,

and Dave believes the training is a good balance of theory and practice for the learners. Supporting the learners and keeping them on schedule through their apprenticeship is Competenz training advisor Todd Billing.

Todd commends Ferndale Furniture’s unified approach to training. “There is a real culture of respect for each other in the company and I see that in the training. Everyone takes ownership for it, and it shows with the level of engagement we see in the learners,” says Todd.

Apprentice Zac Casidy joined Ferndale Furniture five years ago and at age 26 now is well on his way to saving a deposit for his first home. For Zac, being able to earn while he is learning is a huge advantage of the apprenticeship, along with having experienced people to guide him through the practical components of the job. “You can read instructions on how to operate power tools and

machinery, but personally for me having experienced people watch and guide you is essential,” says Zac.

Zac enjoys the satisfaction of his job, seeing the raw material evolve into a product from a plan, and then installed. He plans to stay on at the company when he finishes his apprenticeship and is keen to advance his career there. Zac particularly enjoys the team culture at Ferndale Furniture and comments on how well they are looked after. He recalls how for one drawing module Dave ran a competition for the apprentices where they had to all build their drawing board and set square. Instead of a cash prize being awarded to one apprentice, they all received it which was an unexpected bonus.

Supportive of learning incentives and team-building exercises, business owner Grant also touches on the importance to him of having a holistic approach to workplace wellness. Given how much time we spend at work, Grant was keen to build on that and support staff in other ways. The company provides a continental breakfast to staff every day, along with a team lunch on Mondays. The apprentices particularly appreciate this, with Zac commenting how he saves on his weekly grocery bill which is helpful when saving for his first home deposit.

Fostering a good culture doesn’t stop there — the company will often hand out ice blocks on hot summer afternoons, and all staff receive a morning tea shout for their birthdays. In return, the company recognises they have a dedicated and valued team who consistently delivers quality work.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 72
Zac Casidy enjoys the team culture at Ferndale Furniture.




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The value of lifelong learning

NKBA spoke to Wellington joiners Stephen Fairbrass and Josh Cooper about their decision to study the New Zealand Diploma in Kitchen Design.

Stephen Fairbrass began his career with a joinery apprenticeship before starting his own business at just 21 years old. After selling his business four years later, he worked in a busy joinery factory in London before returning to New Zealand where he has worked ever since as the manager of Well Hung Joinery in Wellington. Earlier this year, Stephen enrolled in the New Zealand Diploma in Kitchen Design, a qualification delivered in partnership by NKBA and BCITO.

“Kitchen design is not part of a Joiner’s qualification. Yet we are often called upon to give advice and to design kitchens. This is a large part of what we do now, so I felt it was important that I keep up to date with my training and knowledge of this growing industry,” says Stephen.

After almost 30 years in the industry, Stephen was not sure what to expect from his first-year classroom course and sceptical that it would be worth taking a week off work. As it turns out, he was pleasantly surprised by how much he enjoyed the course.

“A big part of it was networking with other people in similar roles, and hearing about their work and how they go about things. There was also so much advice and expertise offered by the tutor. He had a ton of experience and knowledge of kitchen design, so it was extremely valuable hearing him speak and share his knowledge. I learnt so much during the week.”

Stephen says the emphasis on spatial design in the course has given him a better understanding of kitchen flow, workspaces, and working relationships between the various parts of a kitchen.

“Understanding kitchen workflow and working spaces was probably the biggest learning for me. This will help me to design more functional kitchens, and to advise my clients better. A well-designed kitchen is all about how the user can move freely throughout the kitchen without compromise - this is an important part of kitchen design to get right.”

Like Stephen, Josh Cooper is a seasoned cabinetmaker with 20 years of industry experience both in New Zealand and overseas. Josh’s career started with a joinery craftsperson apprenticeship. Along the way, heg ained a Joinery Certificate and work experience renovating rental properties with his uncle, before joining the team at Mastercraft Kitchens by Healey. In recent years, Josh has been given the opportunity to move from the factory floor into the office to design kitchens.

Josh sees becoming a qualified kitchen designer as a way to back up his experience and give his clients confidence in his abilities.

“I decided to enrol for the NKBA kitchen design diploma because I want to grow as a designer. I also wanted to give my clients peace of mind knowing that they are entrusting their kitchen to a qualified designer,” says Josh.

The course was an eye opener for Josh, who enjoyed the challenge of learning new skills and thinking outside the box.

“I found my first block course mind blowing! I enjoyed every aspect of the course - right from

the first day my tutor had my attention with his open-minded concepts around designing a functioning, ergonomic kitchen that also looks the part.”

The course has already changed the way Josh works – from the first consultation to designing and presenting to the client.

“The most important thing I’ve learnt is to question everything and never get ‘tunnel vision’ as a designer. Kitchen design doesn’t have to be cookie cutter for it to function for the client. Often designers get stuck in designing this way and aren’t expanding their horizons. The course has taught me to consider other ways of doing things,” says Josh.

Stephen and Josh will spend the next few months completing assignments and training on the job before taking the secondyear classroom course which shifts the focus from function to aesthetics. When asked if they would recommend the diploma course to other joiners, it is a resounding yes.

“I think it is important for all joiners to continue the journey of training. We often overlook further development and training as we get too busy in our day-today work. But it is important to take time out to upskill and train. This is a growing industry, and the knowledge we can learn from these courses is vital to keeping our industry skilled and moving forward,” says Stephen.

NKBA President Mark Bruce, who is also a qualified joiner, an award-winning kitchen designer, and a tutor on the course, agrees. “The diploma provides reassurance to your clients and ensures that you can deliver the complete package – a kitchen

that not only functions well but looks great too. Joiners who take the course, even with many years of experience under their belts, are always surprised about how much they learn and how much their confidence in kitchen design increases.”

For more information on NKBA or the New Zealand Diploma in Kitchen Design, visit https:// contact info@

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 74
Stephen Fairbrass Josh Cooper

New Zealand’s Best Kept Trade Secret!

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JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 75
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Steering a course

Ian Featherstone

Ian Featherstone is a cabinetmaker, machinist, business advisor, mentor and leadership coach, and the owner of Glass Half Full. He specialises in the construction industry, particularly the joinery & cabinetry sector.

For more information or to find out how you can move your team forward, please visit www.

a time to reflect

Lastmonth was the 23rd issue I have had the privilege of writing for Joiners Magazine, and now we are heading into 2023. I thought I’d reflect on the last 10 issues main points and summarise for reflection by us all over the break (When you might get time to read this magazine!) as we plan for 2023 and beyond.

June 2020 – We are not in the same boat

• Yes, we are in the same storm, but we are not in the same boat. We are all individual.

• Keep yourself and your business ship shape, be pro-active, work on improvements every day.

• Those that respond to change survive in business, those that let the world change around them die out.

September 2020 - Measure Success

• Know your numbers, set relevant KPIs

• Keep it simple

• Measure, recognise and feedback often.

December 2020 -

Communication - We are human, not Robots

• Seek first to understand.

• “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

• Stay calm and “respond” and not “react”

• Be consistent

March 2021 - Mindset, Believe & Grow

• A “fixed mindset” assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static truths which we cannot change in

any meaningful way.

• A “growth mindset,” thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as an educational springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.

• We can choose to believe that the obstacles, diversions, errors, and failures that come onto our path are impediments to progress, or we can choose to belief that these things provide growth opportunities that we are privileged to experience and learn from.

June 2021 - Is saying no bad for business?

• “The aim in business is to have profitable customers,who stay with you for a very long time” Dr Ian Brooks.

• Understand who your most profitable customers, jobs, or product types are over the long term?

• Do what you are passionate about. Say no more often.

• Be brave and let your clients experience the competition and feel the difference.

September 2021 - Put on your own oxygen mask first

• Look after yourself first, its ok to take a rest or a break / holiday.

• “When angry, count to 10 before you speak. If very angry, a hundred,”Thomas Jefferson.

• Priorotise “me time”.

December 2021 - Being fully booked does not make us immune

• Don’t be a busy fool

• Understand your economic engine (Jim Collins “hedgehog concept”)

• Understand the value you add and charge accordingly.

March 2022 - These times require Stewardship, what is it?

• Nurture the culture and every individual

• Build connection to develop and unite teams.

• “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

• Don’t get stuck in management or micromanagement mode.

June 2022 - Managing People Through Change

• “Change is the only constant in life.”

• Recognise and appreciate that some people find change uncomfortable

• All your improvements come from change, so change is good.

• A leader’s role is to understand each individual and to be able to “get them on the bus” of change.

September 2022 - Good Timber

• Every challenge and obstacle on the path, provides an opportunity for personal growth.

• “Time under tension” gives us strength and growth

• Good timber does not grow with ease:The stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.

I wish you all a safe, joyful, and restful holiday season and all the very best for 2023

The full text for all these articles can be found at http:// joiners-magazine-articles/

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 76
JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 77

Working together to achieve successful outcomes

With 2023 fast approaching, I am reflecting on what Waihanga Ara Rau has been able to achieve in what can only be described as unsettling times for both for the industry and for vocational education.

Waihanga Ara Rau, the Workforce and Development Council (WDC) for Construction and Infrastructure, was established in October 2021. I am pleased to report on our achievements and engagement with you. As a brand-new organisation, much of our first year was about getting our systems set up, our people on board, our culture embedded and establishing relationship with you, our industry. We have achieved that and so much more. Some highlights of our mahi with and for industry include:

• Completing a Workforce Development Strategy with the Electricity Supply Industry. This identified several Strategic Goals and action recommendations about attracting new people to the workforce and the importance of clear career planning for the current workforce.

• Completing our Three Waters projects. These show that 6,000-9,000 extra people are needed in this industry over the next 30 years. Key activities we are undertaking with the industry includes initiatives to attract new people to the workforce and creating a seamless transition for those transitioning from another career path.

• Publishing our first Workforce Development Plan. This plan is the starting point for the development of approx. 11 Strategic Sector Workforce Development Plans across the Construction and Infrastructure sectors. It looks

at past workforce trends, captures a snapshot of the current workforce and paints a picture of the future. As a living document, it will be updated as we develop Workforce Development Plans for Strategic Industry Groups and ultimately individual industry workforce development plans.

• Creating our online Workforce Information Platform (WIP. WIP displays national and regional gaps and surpluses within the construction and infrastructure labour market determined by the dollar value of planned and active projects in the pipeline. It shows the occupations and numbers of people we need to put that work in place.

• Launching online toolkit. This toolkit helps employers hire and retain women and demystifies the construction and infrastructure sector for women.

• Launching fifteen regional reports as part of the Regional Construction Workforce Planning and Development Project.

• Reviewed and developed over 600 standards and 25 qualifications. This has maintained the currency of industry qualifications and begun our focus on creating a skilled workforce for the future.

We could not have done all this without your support and genuinely thank you for your input and feedback.

The pressure is on Skills shortages in construction do not appear to be diminishing any time soon. We have record employment across the economy

and the shortages are similar in other countries. Now that the world is open again post-COVID, we are all competing for the same workers. We also have a declining birth rate and an ageing population. The combination of these factors is a perfect storm putting pressure on the sector to maintain a pipeline of skilled workers. Together, we need to make sure that our workplaces and communities are attractive and welcoming in this new world of work, particularly if migrants are going to help at all.

Attracting more rangatahi (school leavers) and pakeke (career changers) to the industry and into vocational education programmes will take a team effort by industry, industry associations, education providers, government ministries/ organisations, including Waihanga Ara Rau, and schools.

Preparing the future workforce

Attracting people to the industry is all well and good, but we also need to make sure that these young people and adults are supported, prepared and work-ready before they are hired. If newcomers understand what to expect on the job, have already developed a keen interest in the type of work they will be doing and

what they will be learning, then it becomes highly likely they will be content and stay in the sector. Getting some elementary skills on board before entering the industry also helps. This is where trade academies and work preparation courses can fit in.

We also need to raise aspirations and narrow the skills and diversity gap. To achieve this, we will need to disrupt the way that companies engage with the pipeline of talent and provide people with the tools to challenge stereotypes. What we keep hearing from employers is that they cannot find the right people to hire. This signals that we must help people get ready for the industry and support them to become the right people to hire by shining a light on the future world of work. We need to do this together by making sure the construction and infrastructure sector are an attractive proposition with genuine career prospects and opportunities that for everyone to succeed.

Being consistent and meeting industry needs

No matter where in the motu a learner is based, who they work for, or how or where they learn, every learner achieving the same qualification should gain the same skills and knowledge. Timeframes for achieving programmes should be consistent as well as assessment decisions. This is one of the main goals of the reform of vocational education and our assurance team are working in close partnership with industry, vocation education providers and schools to achieve this goal.

Making qualifications and standards fit for purpose

Waihanga Ara Rau is responsible for the lifecycle of 149 qualifications, and 2,822 unit standards. We have embraced this huge programme of work to make sure all qualifications remain

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Philip Aldridge


Workforce Development

Councils are new government owned entities set up under the reform of vocational education that took on the standard setting and workforce development activities from ITOs. Any qualification programmes that Te Pūkenga or other private training establishments want to offer must now be approved by the relevant Workforce Development Council.

relevant and meet industry needs. With the help of industry, we have improved the relevance of more than 600 standards and over 25 qualifications in our first year of operation.

We are also focused on helping the industry prepare for the future and recognising emerging skill requirements across our sector. We are working on creating new qualifications and unit standards for industry groups where no qualifications have previously existed, including Site Traffic Systems Management and Underground Utility Location.

Our engagement with you

We have built strong connections with industry groups and other WDCs. In our first year of operation, we have worked with industry to develop Workforce Development Strategies that provide a 5-10 year view of workforce requirements and to ensure industry qualifications and skills standards are relevant, readily accessible and support improved outcomes for learners and employers. We have initiated contact, started relationship building and are getting to know you, our stakeholders. Our focus is to make sure your interests are

well represented, build your trust and confidence in what we do, share our findings, and support many industry initiatives. We have engaged with a range of diverse groups and individuals from across the sector, including industry peak bodies and other sector-representative groups, kaimahi and employers, Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLGs), providers, government agencies, and wānanga.

Achieving great outcomes together

Only in partnership with industry can Waihanga Ara Rau support education providers to produce people with the right skills and enable people from all walks of life to have rewarding careers in our sector.

There is no switch to turn on that will deliver many thousands of new people into our workforce overnight. Many more newcomers are needed to meet the current and planned project pipeline in the next three years. The things we can do are provide industry with the facts, strategies and competency frameworks that will help achieve the most successful outcomes possible.

We will advocate for you with government and other agencies so that your voice is heard. We will help you look after your people with the resources and tools you need to support wellbeing and together, we can make change happen. We are practical, industry-focused and energised by your support and engagement. Your input into our mahi and your feedback is so important to making sure we are delivering exactly what you need. Get in touch, we look forward to hearing from you.


Reports from Branch Presidents November 2022


Well, the year is drawing to an end, and what a rollercoaster of year it has been. Plenty of work to be done, but only to be restricted by material and labour shortages along with the impact of sickness as Covid spread through the communities.

In August we held our second face to face meeting for 18 months, and again we had a good turnout with it being hosted by Allegion. With the discussion points of the changes to H1 regulations and ‘Discovering our purpose of being a Master Joiner’, we are seeing great feedback and interaction from the members, bringing us all together.

In September the national Master Joiners Conference was held in Blenheim which was a great success with plenty of positive feedback. It was fantastic to see some new faces from our region attending. The awards night held in the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre, which saw many awards come to our region including the Supreme Winner, Congratulation to Cutting Innovations.

Our region is still reporting a good positive amount of work and forward work, with plenty of tower cranes in the skyline. However, in the back of our minds there are still concerns where 2023 may head, with inflation and continuing increases of interest rates. Managing customer expectations running into Christmas is a major issue for all of us but especially the Kitchen Industry currently, with scheduling still being a major problem, as the homes haven’t been ready in time for the install of the kitchens.


What a year 2022 has been characterised by inflation and staffing sickness. Everyone has full workloads leading up to Christmas and into the new year. There have been concerns over workloads slowing down from mid 2023. It’s been a tough year with a few stalwart members saying this has been their hardest year in business. Global issues as well as local staffing factors are hard to anticipate and factor into the business.

Products seem to be still difficult to get and having to work with inconsistencies in delivery times. Freight issues and rising costs make quoting difficult and this can have a big impact in business viability. Staffing and retention of staff is an issue in many sectors and our local joinery sector is no different here in Canterbury.

We are still getting good numbers of members and associate members at our monthly meetings with regulars travelling from as far north as Kaikoura and south to Hinds’ to attend our meetings. Blum has a fabulous facility which we hold our meeting at. It is positive to be able to collaborate with other trades this way. Members report on a good vibe and support of each other. This support was a principal discussed at Conference and it is good to know it is being felt at the grass roots level. Those CJMA members who came to our annual national conference held in Blenheim gave good feedback, and the motivational speakers definitely made you think about challenges we face in life.

November the 15th is our last CJMA meeting for the year and also our local apprentice awards awarded from Ara / Te Pūkenga. It’s a good night and to see the young talent being acknowledged.

We have our upcoming CJMA golf day in February, always a good time had with members and suppliers. Everyone is looking forward to a well earned break. Happy Holidays


Wow how are we in November already!! Conference this year was amazing! The feedback that I have heard from members and supply partners is positive. We had a good mix of members from the Central Region attend. It was good for some new faces to go along and see what Conference is about. If you didn’t go – then you should lock it in for Wellington next year.

Workloads – where do I start. Most, if not all our members still have a good workload booked through into the New Year. The gib shortage is all but over – however it has caused jobs to be needed all at the same time, rather than being

staggered. This is putting a lot of strain on the members to please all their clients. Some members are also still battling with unrealistic expectations on turnaround times for quotes and installations. It is the later part of 2023 which some of the larger members are worried about. They are predicting around a 30% drop in sales and production from the same time in 2022. The smaller members are confident about the workload staying steady for them, which is fantastic.

Some of the timber joinery members are reporting that the renovation market is picking up again for them. The demand for replacement timber windows is growing and they haven’t hit the “French door season’ just yet. I am sure once the calmer warmer days arrive, people will be wanting to look at knocking out walls and installing doors for better indoor/outdoor flow.

Members are getting tired and are looking forward to their annual close-down for a well-earned rest. The daylight hours are getting longer, and the smell of BBQ’s is starting to be more noticeable. Take care over the holiday season. Be safe on the roads and in the water. I look forward to meeting more members next year. - Kristine


Summary - The business environment in the Nelson Marlborough region continues to be buoyant albeit a little complicated. Workloads are still forward however possibly not quite as far out as they were. The Christmas rush began early and is certainly pushing staffing levels to the limit with a little bit of sickness still around the community. All in all still positive times in the region after the transition year getting back to ‘normal’

Highlights - Highlight for the quarter was the conference hosted by the Nelson/Marlborough region in Blenheim. Numerous Nelson / Marlborough members attended the conference with good feedback on sessions and speakers. It was great to catchup with old friends and colleagues from all over New Zealand again and take a couple of days to sit and reflect, well worth the time and $ investment.

The awards ceremony dinner was very special with an award for Myles (posthumously) to the Sellers Family and a business excellence award for Leigh Jones from Nazareth Joinery, very well earned for both. The location of the dinner at the Omaka Warbirds Museum added to the special evening.

Shifts in the market - With the tightening of money both nationally and globally with lending / borrowing conditions there are some signals of flow through to project work, changes to scope and in some cases projects not going ahead, something to keep a close eye on in the coming quarters.

Staffing and training - The region is working with all providers to ensure there are training options for all levels of our industry skills development with the implementation of Te Pukenga. The region takes this opportunity to thank all its clients, customers, staff, suppliers and colleagues, wishing everyone a nice break away at the Christmas and all the very best of health and luck for 2023. On behalf of the region. - Phil Agnew


And it’s Christmas time again! It seems like it was just yesterday that we were in the Christmas rush of 2021, in fact, sometimes it feels like it didn’t let up all year long. It has been a good year for Otago-Southland Master Joiners. Challenging, relentless, but good none-the-less. Lockdowns appear to now live in the rear vision mirror, and that the supply side of the industry is returning to normal. Staff, wages, and inflation appear to be the lingering issues for the region, the industry, and all industries across the country. Where did everyone go?

I can tell you where they are going to be … Queenstown on the 18th of November. We will be celebrating our end of year Christmas dinner on that evening. I’m looking forward to catching up with you all then.

Christmas holidays firmly in the sights for now, I hope you all manage to have a decent amount of down-time, relaxing, maybe on holiday, or at least away from the office/workshop. We will do it all again next year.

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Events for next year … a rescheduled tour of the Mataura MDF plant is on the cards, a couple of factory visits, Annual Conference, and I’m sure our suppliers will step forward with some initiatives to keep the knowledge sharing and local camaraderie going. Until then, stay safe, see you in QT, or next year, and enjoy your welldeserved break.


Its that time of year again where the weather is warming up and Christmas is just around the corner. With the ups and downs over the year and the constant struggle with supply, we are all looking forward to a well earned break to recharge the batteries and soke up the sunny days.

Most Taranaki joinery factories report being busy, with some reporting higher workloads leading into Christmas, while others have reported that inquiries have slowed down, but generally things are still trucking along.

There are a number of large projects under way in Taranaki and the announcement of the Off Shore wind farm will keep Taranaki busy. Its projects like this that have off shoots that keep several industries going.

Materials seem to more readily available, but again we must keep eye on product updates to ensure we can get the materials for our jobs we require before Christmas. Generally, freight seems to be moving in a more timely manner now and couriers are able to deliver faster. There also seems to be movement of late with staff moving between joinery factories. Finding staff is an ongoing problem, but we are trying things to help with this.

I mentioned in my last report that the TMJ committee had been looking into working alongside the High schools to identify interested students. This is a work in progress and we look forward to getting some traction in the New Year.

Let’s hope for a fine Christmas day, spending well deserved time with our families and friends. Happy New Year as we welcome in 2023. Be kind and stay safe. - Bryan Frank


Waikato/BOP Members are now well into the silly season, reporting busy workloads through to the end of the year. One Member reports a flood of work as a result of the recent disturbing trend of ram raids on retailers, a sad reflection of our times.

But change is expected as we go into 2023. New dwelling consents for September 2022 are down 31% in Waikato and 21% in Bay of Plenty compared with the same period last year. This could signal a change of pace by mid 2023.

On November 11th, Members are taking a well deserved day out for the Ken Monk Fishing Trip. The annual fishing charter is an opportunity to enjoy some camaraderie and acknowledge Ken and his contribution to the joinery industry.

Ken gave generously of his time for 20 years before his untimely passing in 2017. Ken held countless roles including (but not limited to) President of Waikato/BOP region, President of NZJMF, Chairman of JITO, Chairman of the Construction Industry-Employment Partnership Group, Chairman of the Employer Partnership Group and he demonstrated vision and passion in the many hours he gave to NZS:4211 Compliant Timber Joinery.

In recognition of his contribution to the industry he was bestowed an Honorary Life Membership of Master Joiners in 2015, an honour usually given only on retirement. Ken’s legacy is an inspiration for us all.

Keep safe everyone over the summer holidays and enjoy some good times with friends and whanau. - Cherie

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 81
Freephone 0508 NZ DUCT (0508 69 38 28) 13F Saleyards Road, Otahuhu, Auckland P: 09 276 8020 F: 09 276 8070 E: DUST MANAGEMENT FILTRATION FANS DUCTING FUME MANAGEMENT FLEX EUROPEAN QUALITY IN STOCK! INSTALLED IN OVER 500 BUSINESSES IN NZ, IN THE LAST 10 YEARS PC14700 Joiners Wall Planner Ad 90x267 indd 1 4/10/22 2:56 PM

master joiners

Operations Manager - Allison Delaney, PO Box 12269, Thorndon, Wellington 6011. p: 027 234 1727,



Advanced Timber Joinery

PO Box 132, Silverdale, 217 Spur Road, Stillwater/Silverdale, Ph 09 426 9785, contact Wade Saunderson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

All Timber Joinery (2017) Ltd

Unit A, 1058 Great South Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Ph 09 270 9605, contact Rory Johns. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Alpha Joinery Services (2010) Ltd

124D Felton Mathew Ave, St Johns, Auckland, Ph 09 578 0391, contact Juan Whippy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Art Deco Interior Ltd

6 Grayson Avenue, Papatoetoe 2104, ph 09 218 8079, contact Sam Ju.

Auckland Joinery (2014) Ltd

2 Taylors Road, Morningside, Auckland, Ph 09 846 0346, contact Ross Webster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

bmc limited

Unit E, 191B Archers Road, Auckland 0629, Ph 027 511 3717, contact Sandra & Bjoern May.

BML Builders Ltd

18 Shamrock Drive, Kumeu, Ph 09 412 2350, contact Kaye Butler. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Canam Joinery Ltd

196 Swanson Rd, Henderson, Auckland. Ph 09 836 0732, contact Angus Welton.

Carlielle Kitchens

138 Manukau Road, Pukekohe, Auckland 2120, Ph 09 238 5222, contact Doug McMiken.

Cedarlite Industries Ltd

4 Mahunga Dr, Mangere Bridge, Auckland, Ph 09 633 0410, contact John Harrison. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Continental Stairs Ltd

32 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 836 1935, contact John or Anthony van Erp.

Counties Joinery

36 Sedgebrook Rd, Patumahoe, RD 1, Pukekohe 2678. Ph 09 236 3271, contact Roy McKerras NZS4211 Affiliated.

CT Joinery

42 View Rd, Wairau Valley, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9041, contact Geoff Knight. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cube Dentro

8 Tironui Station Rd, West Takanini, Auckland. Ph 09 297 7830, contact Leonie Hamill.

Cutting Innovations Ltd

70 The Concourse, Henderson, Auckland 0610, Ph 09 836 9050, contact Alec Stringer

Dando Doors and Windows Ltd

62 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 629 0222, contact Peter Facoory. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Danska Cabinetmaking

Unit 5, 56 Rewarewa Rd, Raumanga, Whangarei, ph 09 438 1100, contact Aaron & Carolyn Rawson.

Design Timber Doors & Windows Ltd

118 Mangere Road, Otahuhu, Auckland, Ph 021 0868 6770, contact Sailesh Prakash. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Divine Design Ltd (T/A JDC Cabinets)

14 Alfred St, Onehunga, Auckland 2012. ph 09 622 1912, contact Julie Todd.

Doorways (2009) Ltd

428 Church St East, Penrose, Auckland, Ph 09 571 0605, contact Neville Shirley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Euro Timber Joinery Co Ltd

34 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 837 1833, contact Shane Paterson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Fineline Joinery Limited

4 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland, Ph 09 836 2212, contact Richard Schaefer. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Geoff Locke Cabinetmaker Ltd

67 Hodge Road, R D 6, Ruatangata, Whangarei 0176, Ph 09 433 5745, contact Geoff Locke.

Goldfinch Timber Joinery Ltd

20 D & E Onslow Avenue, Papatoetoe, Auckland, Ph 09 277 8803, contact Harvey Whitehead. NZS4211 Affiliated

Grandvue Joinery

42 Gregory Road, Waitakere. Ph 09 810 9398, contact Robert Piacun. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Guyco Kitchens & Joinery Ltd

8 Rewa Rewa Road, Raumanga, Whangarei, Ph 09 470 0653, contact Peter Dainty.

G & J Joinery (1997) Ltd

372 West Coast Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland. Ph 09 818 5585, contact Alan Parry. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Heritage Joinery Ltd

1007 Paerata Road, Paerata, Pukekohe. Ph 09 239 2794, contact Michael Oglesby.

Hewe Kitchens & Interiors

10 Triton Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632, Ph 09 479 6504, contacts Tony Hewetson or Craig Hewetson.

Haydn & Rollett Ltd

1 Warehouse Way, Northcote, Auckland 0627. Ph 09 443 8315, contact Christopher Hartley.

Kay Joinery

1226 Oruru Road, R D 2, Peria, Kaitaia, Ph 09 408 5547, contact Daniel Kay. NZS4211 Affiliated.

KBL Joinery Ltd

7/220 Bush Rd, Rosedale, Auckland 0632. Ph 09 479 6380, contact Samantha Paul.

Kitchen Dynamics Limited

17 Martyn St, Waiuku, Auckland, Ph 09 235 0252, contact Colin Drummond.

Legacy Joinery

34a Leonard Rd, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Ph 09 953 1465, contact Graham O”Neill. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Leslie A J & Co Ltd

6/95 Ellice Rd, Wairau Valley, Auckland. Ph 09 479 4662, contact Steve Leslie. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mahurangi Joinery Ltd

23a Glenmore Drive, Warkworth, Auckland 0910, Ph 09 425 9849, contacts Joel and Suzannah Hemus. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Matakana Kitchens & Joinery Ltd

50 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana, Ph 09 422 7804, contact Jeffrey Smith. NZS4211 Affiliated.

McNaughton Windows and Doors

42 Frost Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland. Ph 09 620 9059, contact Andrew Riley or Dave Cunningham. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Meridian Joinery Ltd

18 Parity Place, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9247, contact Kieren Mallon.

Neo Design Ltd

96 Hillside Road, Glenfield, Auckland. Ph 09 443 4461, contact Wayne Church or Paul Burgess.

Next Level Joinery Ltd

7 Goldfield, Wairau Valley, Auckland. Ph 09 600 2726, contact Brendon Sowerby. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nicks Timber Joinery Ltd

56 Forge Road, Silverdale, Auckland. Ph 09 426 6862, contact Ken Caldwell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Owairoa Joinery Ltd

9 Carpenter Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland. Ph 09 273 3699, contact Nigel Walker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pakuranga Joinery Ltd

3/119 Harris Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland. Ph 09 265 0589, contact Gary Farquhar. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Papakura Joinery Ltd

45-51 Tironui Road, Papakura North, Auckland, Ph 09 298 7145, contact Glenn Haszard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Popular Cabinets Ltd

(T/A Popular Kitchens), 12 Rylock Plc, Papakura Heights, Auckland, 2140, ph 09 576 6358, contact Sherry Shi.

Regal Plus Joinery Ltd

35 Commerce Street, Whangarei, Ph 09 438 2989, contact Jason Hammond.

Rockfield Woodworkers (2003) Ltd

9 Parkwood Place, East Tamaki, Manukau, Ph 09 274 4698, contacts Bryan Hancock and Nick Jones. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Scandic Ltd

2/26 Manga Rd, Silverdale, Auckland. Ph 09 426 8602, contact Michael Ramlov.

Seaboard Joinery 2016 Ltd

59A Leonard Rd, Penrose, Auckland. Ph 09 579 9571, contact Stephen Paterson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Smith & Parker Joiners

35 Waipanga Road, Kamo, Whangarei, Ph 09 435 5415, contact Albert Smith or Simon Parker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Southey and Knight Group Ltd

258a Roscommon Rd, Wiri, Auckland. Ph 022 455 9975, contact Ryan Southey. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stirling Kitchens

32 Neil Park Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland, Ph 09 279 8984, contact Paul Zwart.

The Kitchen Tailor

484B Whangaripo Valley Rd, Wellsford 0972. Ph 027 448 1879, contacts Adam & Kirstyn McNeil

Timber Joinery Solutions Ltd

1007 Tauhoa Road, R D 4, Warkworth, Auckland, Ph 09 422 5873, Contact Dave Sattler. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Total Timba Joinery

27 Archers Rd, Glenfield, North Shore. Ph 09 444 7772 contact Rob Pickup. NZS4211 Affiliated.

VSP Interiors Limited

36 Parkway Drive, Mairangi Bay Auckland, Ph 021 183 9151, contact Vishal.

Westpine Joinery Ltd

7 Binstead Rd, New Lynn, Auckland. Ph 09 827 6488, contact Bill or Donny Rawlinson. www. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wendekreisen Travel Ltd

Unit 1, 197 Montgomerie Road, Mangere, Auckland, Ph 03 489 6507, contact Sascha Warnken; Dieter Schuetze

Whenuapai Joinery (1988) Ltd

49 Pupuke Rd, Takapuna, Auckland. Ph 09 416 4995, contact Ian Midgley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Woodland Shopfitting

91 Wairau Rd, Wairau Valley, Auckland. Ph 09 222 3113, contact Angela Sneddon.

Wood Works NZ Ltd

188B Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland.Ph 021 150 5710, contact Serge Landry.


Advance Joinery 2015 Ltd

71 Higgins Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 846 0026, contact Kris Allen.

Artisan Carpentry Ltd

747 No2 Road, R D 2, Te Puke 3182, Ph 027 344 1918, contact Charles de Lapomarede

Autocrat Joinery

31 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui, Ph 07 574 8162, contact Steve O’Donohoe. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Beaver Kitchens Ltd

28 McAlister St, Whakatane, Ph 07 308 7642, contact Michelle McAnulty.

Classical Doors Ltd

Cnr Chadwick Rd & Sherson St, Tauranga, Ph 07 578 4908, contact Scott Wilkins. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Clearline Ltd

65 Hull Road, Mt Maunganui, Ph 07 572 4307, contact Barry Ririnui. NZS4211 Affiliated.

CM Joinery Ltd

108c Colombo St, Hamilton. Ph 07 846 7192., contact Craig Mackie.

Colourform Joinery

1/28 Kaimiro St, Pukete Industrial Estate, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 6655, contact Jo Clegg. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Concept Kitchens & Bathrooms Ltd 73 Riverlea Rd, Hamilton, Ph 07 856 4705, contact Ross Bones.

Countrylane Kitchens Ltd 343 Wright Road, RD 4, Katikati 3178, Ph 0274 761 315, contact Darrell Garrett.

Cromptons Joinery & Laminates Ltd PO Box 751, Taupo. Ph 07 378 7968, contact Allan Crompton. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Customtone Kitchens 33 Progress Drive, Otorohanga, Ph 07 873 8083, contact George van Boven.

Designline Limited

21 Gateway Drive, R D 4, Whakatane, Ph 07 307 0058, contacts Hayden and Rachel Boyd.

Fernlea Cabinetry & Joinery Ltd Unit 3, 593 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 4844, contact Frank Lawrence. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 82

Fine Woodworking

1536 Main North Road, R D 5, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 6194, David Higgins. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Gartshore Group

211 Taurikura Dr, Tauriko, Tauranga. Ph 07 578 4529, contact Bill Gartshore. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Got It Made Kitchens and Cabinetry

360 Rickit Road, Te Awamutu 3800. Ph 07 871 3998, contact Cherie van der Poel or Eric Prole.

Graft Joinery Ltd

32 Raywood Cres, Taupo 3033. Ph 07 378 8340, contact Craig van Velden.

Hamilton Laminates

58 Bryant Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 7745, contact Steve Harker.

HK Kitchens Ltd

144 Taurikura Drive, Tauriko, Tauranga, Ph 07 578 6361, contact Jason Smith.

Hopkins Joinery

126 Taupo St, Putaruru. Ph 07 883 7951, contact Ron or Hilary. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Hostess Joinery Ltd

17 Sunshine Ave, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 3099, contact Peter Clarke.

Huntly Door Systems

22-26 Glasgow St, Huntly, Ph 07 902 5250, contact Shaun Hoskin. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Interior Fittings Ltd

23 White St, Rotorua 3010, Ph 07 348 1041, contact Josh Anderson.

Keith Paton Joinery

15 Carters Crescent, Cambridge, ph 07 827 3249, contact Keith Paton.

King Country Kitchens

49 King St, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 8820, contact Richard Pethybridge. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Kitchen Fx Ltd

801 Arthur Porter Dr, Burbush, Hamilton. Ph 07 849 2801, contact Mark Davies.

Lee Brothers Cabinets & Joinery

120 View Rd, Rotorua, Ph 07 348 0620, contact Paul Ingram. NZS4211 Affiliated.

LPS Cabinetry Ltd

55 Miriama St, Taumarunui 3920. Ph 027 539

4702, contact Lewis or Deborah Stewart

Montage Kitchens & Joinery

PO Box 5266, Frankton, Hamilton. Ph 07 8479 174, contact Jared Monk. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Morrinsville Industries Ltd

11-13 bank St, Morrinsville. Ph 07 889 5199, contact Murray Foster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Native Timber Joinery Ltd

92 Bruce Berquist Drive, Te Awamutu, Ph 07 871 6188, contact Stuart Walker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pacific Coast Kitchens NZ Ltd

471 Omokoroa Road, R D 2, Tauranga, Ph 07 548 0606, contact Eric Thompson.

Plain & Fancy Furniture & Kitchens

2 Lake Rd, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 4563, contact Michael Kenyon.


49A Matai Street, Taupo. Ph 07 378 8049, contact Stu Martin.

Treetown Kitchens Ltd

57 Albert Street, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 7309, contact Kevin Middlemiss.

Thames Joinery (1995) Ltd

913 Queen Street, Thames, Ph 07 868 6951, contact Bruce Fulton.

Torrington Stairways

24 Matos Segedin Drive, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 6323, contact Brian Courtney.

Wackrow’s Joinery Ltd

Gillies St, Box 150, Cambridge. Ph 07 827 5981, contact Carl Riley or Liam Wackrow. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Waikato Benchtops Ltd

Glasgow Street, Huntly, Ph 07 902 5353, contact Simon Curran.


Al-Wood Joinery (2019) Ltd

7 Arthur Street, Pahiatua, Ph 06 376 8692, contact Gus Shilvock.

Benchtop Surfaces Ltd

590 Tremaine Ave, P. North. Ph 06 356 9384, contact James Hurren.

Bespoke Furniture & Joinery Ltd

1 Sutton Plc, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 6429, contact Stuart Robertson.

Careys Joinery (1989) Ltd

7 Bowen St, Marton. Ph 06 327 7949, contact Shaun McDowell.

Counter Concepts

16 Bisley St, Palmerston North, ph 06 355 5971, contact Graeme Andrews.

D-Mac Joinery Ltd

517 Lees Rd, RD5, Feilding, 4775, ph 027 457 0490, contact Drew McBride.

Heritage Doors Ltd

3 Muhunua West Road, Ohau, Levin, Ph 0274 418 934, contact Tod Aitken. NZS4211 Affiliated.

H.R. Jones & Co. Ltd

60 Aorangi St, Feilding. Ph 06 323 4388, contact Mark Pickford. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Hughes Joinery Ltd

30 Connelly Plc, Palmerston North, Ph 06 952 3581, contact Cliff Hughes.

Jeff Clayton Joinery

42c Bennett Rd, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 1736, contact Jeff Clayton.

Lanwood Joinery

26 North St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 4757, contact Andrew Weld.

Mastercraft Kitchens By Healey

127 Keith St, Roslyn, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 4646, contact Kristine Holmes.

Murray Judd Joinery Limited

25 Station Street, Woodville, Ph 06 376 5043, contact Murray & Tessa Judd. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Rob O’Keeffe Joinery Ltd

368 Heads Rd, Wanganui. Ph 06 344 5040, NZS4211 Affiliated.

Reilly Joinery

18A Parkview Ave, Feilding, Ph 06 323 3743, contact Andrew Reilly. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Sayer Industries Limited

12 Waldegrave Street, Palmerston North Pho 06 355 8242

SB Joinery Ltd

2 Edward Street, Pahiatua 4910, Ph 027 979 0368, contact Scott Beales.

TBB Joinery Limited

51 Grey Street, Feilding 4702, Ph 022 633 2928, contact Bruce Birrell.

The Door Shoppe

157 London Street, Wanganui, Ph 06 345 7707, contact Mark & Diane Thompson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Townshends (1994) Limited

59 Makomako Road, Palmerston North. Ph 06 354 6699, contact Denise McLean. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Joiner – Leighton Judd Ltd

50 Johnston Street, Foxton, Manawatu, Ph 06 363 5119, contact Leighton Judd

Tweakit Joinery Solutions

200 Tutaki Road, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 2897, contact Vaughn Tongs.


Princess St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 952 7001, contact Lindsay Tamblyn. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Unique Timber Joinery

143B Gillespies Line, R D 5, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 2654, contact James Griffin. NZS4211 Affiliated.

WDA Installations

12 Serenity Cres, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North, 4414. Ph 027 443 1541, contact Craig Buckley.


Broadway Joinery

381 Broadway, Stratford, Ph 06 765 6829, contact Graham Podjursky.

Elite Kitchens 2004 Ltd

23 Oropuriri Road, New Plymouth 4312, Ph 06 759 8221, contact Sean Rice.

Hawera Kitchens and Furniture Ltd

24 Glover Road, Hawera 4610, Ph 06 278 7044, contacts Klinton Hunt / Lance Hunt.

In 2 Kitchens Limited 78 Portia Street, Stratford, Ph 06 765 4058, contacts Brent and Jo Russ. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Jones & Sandford Joinery Ltd

285 St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9251, contact Roger Jones.

Kitchen Designz NZ Ltd

225-229 Courtenay St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 759 8324, contact Dan Holmes.

KP Joinery Ltd

2 Dowding Place, Waitara. Ph 06 754 4726, contact Ken Parsons.

MacLeod Joinery

42 Beach St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 757 8172, Kieran MacLeod. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mode Kitchens

77B Hurlstone Drive, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth 4312, ph 027 521 8527, contact Fraser Hall.

New Plymouth Joinery Ltd

10 Cody Place, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 8580, contact Roger Paul or John Ancell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Newton Gordge Joinery 2016 Ltd

67 Breakwater Rd, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 5065, contact Scott Dudley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pace Office Furniture Ltd

113 De Havilland Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth. Ph 06 755 4012, contact Lew Dickie or Bryan Frank.

Prestige Kitchens 2001 Ltd

58 Hurlstone Dr, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9177, contact Mark Schmidt.

Rhys Powell Joinery

7A Euclid Street, New Plymouth. Ph 06 753 3822, contact Rhys Powell. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Awapuni Joinery Ltd

22 Parkinson Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 3301 contact Peter Webster.

Alexander Joinery Ltd

55 Dunlop Rd, Onekawa, Napier 4112. Ph 06 843 2036, contact Jason Collins.

Brittin Builders Ltd

T/A Parkhill Joinery 475 St Georges Road South, Havelock North, Ph 06 877 7623, contact Tom Robertson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Burley Kitchens & Cabinetry Ltd

14 Lipton Pl, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5588, contact Craig Burley.

Cherrywood Joinery Ltd

11 PotaeAve, Lytton West, Gisborne. Ph 06 868 0971, Richard Childs.

Christie Builders & Joiners

11 Husheer Place, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 6676, contact Peter Christie. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Classic Kitchens (1977) Ltd

8 Lipton Place, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 6500, contact Larry McKenna.

D Stevens Ltd

336 Childers Road, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 5700, contact Peter Claydon. NZS4211 Affiliated.

European Designer Kitchens

80 Taradale Rd, Napier. Ph 06 843 7319, contact Murray Nattrass.

Gallery Kitchens Ltd

4 Cadbury Rd, Napier. Email - admin@, contact Sharon James.

Gemco Trades Ltd

13 Martin Pl, Havelock North. Ph 06 873 8756, contact Craig Russell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Green Joinery Ltd

30 Morris St, Napier, 4110. Ph 027 750 8603, contact Jae Green.

Kakapo Joinery

2/19 Mersey Street, Pandora, Napier, Ph 021 0258 9617, contact Robin Holthusen

Molloy Joinery Ltd

14-16 Husheer Pl, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5037, contact Simon Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

MCL Joinery Ltd

1104 Kaipo Rd, Hastings, Ph 06 876 0252, contact John Bower. NZS4211 Affiliated.

McIndoe Kitchens

8 Carnegie Rd, Onekawa, Napier 4110. Ph 06 843 3880, contact Duane Todd.

Peter Norris Joinery Ltd

Unit 9, 28 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 8086, contact Peter Norris. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Rabbitte Joinery Limited 807 Warren St, Hastings. Ph 06 870 8911, contacts Greg & Trudi Rabbitte. NZS4211 Affiliated.

(continued over page)

December 2022 page 83 JOINERS Magazine Decem

Summerfield Joinery

4 Innes Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 868 4236, contact

Dale Summerfield. NZS4211 Affiliated

Sunshine Joinery Ltd

44 Pandora Road, Ahuriri, Napier, Ph 06 844 6105, contact Rick Martin

Waipukurau Joinery Limited

2322 Takapau Road, Waipukurau. Ph 06 858 9961, contact Greg O’Kane.

Your Solutions Joinery Ltd

15 Edmundson St, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5954, contact Adam Satherley.


Ace Kitchens & Laminates Ltd

50 Montgomery Crescent, Clouston Park, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 04 526 9795, contact Ivan Johnson

Bastian Wellington

6 Victoria Street, Alicetown, Wellington, Ph 04 576 0644, contact Sean Fitzgibbon.

Carter-class Limited

72 Sydney Street, Petone, Lower Hutt 5010. Ph 021 246 1648, contact: Noah Edmonds.

Carroll’s Joinery Limited

148 Lincoln Road, Masterton. Ph 06 377 3160, contact Richard Carroll.

Commercial Joinery Wellington Ltd

232 Rongotai Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 2050, contact Grant Smith

David Barker Custom Cabinets

52 Cooper St, Karori, Wellington, Ph 027 248 8140, contact David Barker. NZS 4211 Affiliated.

David Ladd Joinery Ltd

1a Rewa Tce, Tawa. Ph 04 237 9175.

Ferndale Furniture

67 Seaview Rd, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 568 7879, contact Grant MacDonald.

Goldmark Group Ltd

9-11 Jean Batten St, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 8964, contact David Goldsack.

Gourmet Wood Inc. Ltd

64 Riverbank Rd, Otaki, Kapiti Coast. Ph 027 338 4790

Graedon Joinery

69 Pharazyn St, Melling, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 939 0405, contact Graeme Hopkirk. NZS 4211 Affiliated.

Interbuild Commercial Interiors Ltd

115 George St, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt 5019, Ph 04 939 8760, contact Neil Shackleton.

Joinery Productions Ltd

457 Jackson Street, Petone, Ph 04 569 8808, contact Wayne Wilmshurst. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Kitchen Distinction

4 Wall Pl, Kenepuru, Porirua, Whitby 5024. Ph 04

232 3600, contact: Mark Spencer.

L & P Crown Joinery (2002) Ltd

37 Burden Avenue Wainuiomata. Ph 04 564 8895, contact Jeremy Patmore. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Living Timber European Joinery & Furniture Ltd

64 Fisk Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 2577, contact Horst Mundt. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Maycroft Construction Ltd

16 Gregory Street, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 0014, contact Chris Fayen

Maymorn Joiners Ltd

247 Parkes Line Rd, Upper Hutt, Ph 04 526 6657, contact Anthony Neustroski. NZS4211 Affiliated.

NZ Cabinetmaker Ltd

39 Park St, Kingsley Heights, Upper Hutt, 5019, Ph 021 923 231, contact Benn Hamilton.

Orchard Joinery Ltd

14-18 Te Roto Drive, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 298 3380, contact Geoff Orchard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Paraparaumu Doors & Joinery

14 Manchester St, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 297 2233, contact Tony Thomson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pete’s Joinery & Building Ltd

205 Main St, Greytown. Ph 06 304 9137, contact Peter Algie, Rhys Severn or Paul Coventry. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Prestige Joinery Limited

140 Perry Street, Masterton, Ph 06 377 1331, contact Gregory Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Renalls Joinery Limited

147 -155 High St Sth, Carterton. Ph 06 379 8008, contact Trevor Kenavan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stylish Interiors Ltd

29D Dragon St, Granada North, Wellington. Ph 04 473 1944, contact Mathew Gubb. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The English Craftsman (Amalgamated Joiners)

4 Mountbatten Grove, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 04 526 8091, contact Paul Pepper. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The French Door Factory

14A Kingsford Smith Street, Rongotai, Wellington. Ph 04 387 7822, contact Alan Chambers

The Joinery King Limited

73 Hutt Road, Thorndon, Wellington, Ph 04 473 6367, contact Tony King. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wainui Joinery (1977) Ltd

34 Burden Ave, Wainuiomata Lower Hutt. Ph 04 564 7011, contact Nikki Wynne. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Well Hung Joinery

21 Lower Tyers Road, Ngauranga, Wellington, Ph 04 494 7230, contact Stephen Fairbrass. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wellington Joinery and Kitchens Ltd

8a Burgess Road, Johnsonville, Wellington. Ph 04 478 7652, contact Phil Schwartfeger. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Woodhaus Joinery Ltd

54B Kent Street, Carterton 5713, Ph 022 322 0383, contact Andrew Woodhouse.


A K Joinery Ltd

Units 3-5, 28 Dublin Street, Picton, Ph 03 573 6860, contact Andrew Kenny.

Bays Joinery Ltd

6 Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Industrial Estate, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0087, contact George Molnar. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Brightwater Cabinetmaker & Joinery Ltd

8c Merton Place, Annesbrook, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 548 6400, contact James Palmer.

Building Connexion Ltd

ITM Joinery, 16-18 King Edward St, Motueka, Ph 03 528 7256, contact Paul Rusbatch. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cantwell Joinery and Window Centre

15 Bristol Street, R D 4, Riverlands, Blenheim, Ph 03 578 3375, contact Ian Cantwell.

Complete Kitchens Ltd 415 Main Road, Spring Grove, Wakefield, Tasman 7095, Ph 03 539 0055, contact Hamish Drummond.

Cooper Webley (2006) Ltd

64 Beatty Street, Tahunanui, Nelson, Ph 03 547 0010, contacts Noel Tait / Michelle Hill.

Decade Homes Ltd

31 The Platform Gallery Studio, Founders Heritage Park, Nelson, Ph 027 546 8885, contact Phil or Maree Agnew.

James Neal Joinery

35 Fell Street, Grovetown, Marlborough, Ph 03 577 7872, contact James Neal.

Matai Joinery Nelson Ltd

26 Quarantine Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 7990, contact Greg Couper. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Motueka Joinery Co 2001 Ltd

20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka, Ph 03 528 9012, contacts Phil or Barb Sharkie.

Nazareth Joinery 2017 Ltd

1 Warwick Street, Mayfield, Blenheim, 7201. Ph 03 578 8752, contact Leigh Jones.

Orange Building Group Joinery Ltd

16 Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson. Ph 03 547 9784, contact John Andrew.

Re Space Limited

2 Kidson Place, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 1636, contact Steven Harvey or Peter Harvey.

Prestige Furniture & Joinery Ltd

38 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 1789, contact Richard Dohmen.

Ruby Bay Joinery Ltd

8 Warren Plc, Mapua, Nelson. ph 03 540 2123 contact Wayne Roberts. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Simply Joinery 2018 Ltd

924 Queen Charlotte Drive, R D 1, Picton, Ph 021 126 2514, contact Glen Godsiff. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Sellers Room

9 Echodale Place, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 547 7144, contact Margarette Sellers

Viking Furniture & Joinery Ltd

88 Vanguard Street, Nelson, ph 03 548 0493, contact Barry Thomas. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Waimea West Joinery Ltd

111 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0177, contacts Kathy & Alan Gibbs. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Adrian Harris Woodcraft Unit J, 3 Timothy Place, Wigram, Christchurch 8042, Ph 03 348 6996, contact Adrian Harris. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Advanced Joinery Ltd

27 Watts Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 7700, contact Greg Ayers. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Alsop Joinery Ltd 18 Alloy Street, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 4666, contact Paul Baker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Anderson Joinery Ltd 247 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 2988, email:, contact Dougal Anderson.

Architectural Joinery Ltd

82 Buchan Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. Ph 03 377 6760, contact Andrew Clark

Ashburton Joinery Limited

8 John Street, Ashburton, Ph 03 308 5059, contact James Donaldson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Bates Joinery (2008) Ltd

101 Shortland Street, Christchurch 8061, Ph 03 388 8111, contact Mark Allworthy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Bower Joinery

12a Bower Ave, Christchurch. Ph 03 388 2924, contact John Mudgway.

Brent Johnson Joinery Ltd

306 Flaxton Road, Rangiora, North Canterbury. Ph 03 313 6256, contact Brent Johnson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Busch Joinery Limited

1737 Boundary Road, R D 3, Ashburton, Ph 027 563 4537, contact Nathan Busch

Creative Joinery Ltd

Unit 1/ 7 Homersham Pl., Burnside. Ph 03 358 4900, contact Wayne Brown.

Don’s Joinery Ltd

43 Sandown Cres, Christchurch. Ph 03 382 0828, contact Don McClintock.

Douglas Furniture Ltd

80 Hay Rd, Wigram, Christchurch, 8240. Ph 03 377 3597, contact: Howard Nossiter.

Dynamic Joinery & Kitchens Ltd

6b Maces Road, Bromley, Christchurch, Ph 022 087 9918, contact Ben Vyas.

East Joinery Ltd

Unit 3, 56 Wickham St, Bromley Christchurch. Ph 021 138 3119.

Elite Joinery Ltd

Unit 1, 97A Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui, Christchurch, Ph 03 354 8311, contact Hayden & Sarah Illingworth.

Evolution Interiors Limited

19 Stanmore Road, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1633, contact Karl Kitchingham.

Finesse Joinery 423 Main North Road, Christchurch. Ph 03 352 3457, contact David Street.

Hagley Kitchens

6 Nazareth Ave, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 961 0703, contact Nathan Moore.

Homeview Building Products Ltd

772 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch. Ph 03 343 9949, contact Howard Stone. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery by Design

15 King Edward Tce, Woolston, Christchurch. Ph 03 384 8461, contact Evan McLachlan & David Phillips. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery Concepts 2006 Ltd 25 Osbourne Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1066, contact Peter Robertson.

Kitchen Maker Christchurch Ltd 39 Ballarat Way, Wigram, Christchurch, 8025. Ph 021 988 868, contact David Li.

LX Joinery 39A Buchanans Road, Sockburn 8042, Christchurch, Ph 03 342 9605, contact Steve Mangan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mackay Kitchens Ltd 345 Brougham Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 365 3988, contact Chris Moore.

Misco Joinery 62 Williams St, Kaiapoi, Canterbury 7630, Ph 03 383 4384, contact Penny Abell.

Modern Age Kitchens & Joinery Ltd 127 Montreal St, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023. Ph 03 365 1675 contact Grant Woodham.

Modulink Screen Partitions 2012 Ltd 35 Lunns Rd, Middleton, Christchurch, Ph 03 338 6464, contact Sam Bain.

Murray Hewitt Joinery Ltd 25A Lunns Rd, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 0360, contact Murray Hewitt. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 84

Murray Milne Ltd

231 Cameron St, Netherby, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 8018, contact Murray Milne.

MWF Manufacturing Ltd

Unit 3, 11 March Plc, Belfast, Christchurch. Ph 03 365 6218, contact Gary Altenburg. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nordzco Joinery

652 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch. Ph 03 348 4890, contact Wayne Melrose.

NZ Doors (2004) Ltd

41 Anchorage Road, Hornby, Christchurch, Ph 03 344 2516, contacts Ron and Lisa Zwarst. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Paul Renwick Joinery Ltd

9 Paragon Plc, Sockburn, Christchurch. Ph 03 349 7049, contact Paul Renwick.

R A Hale Ltd

126 Hazeldean Rd, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 3666 909, contact Donald Bisphan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ruben’s Joinery Limited

402 Bethels Road, 4 R D, Christchurch, Ph 03 329 5458, contact Ruben Patchett. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ryan’s Kitchens and Joinery

9 Kilronan Plc, Wigram, Christchurch 8041, Ph 03 348 7921, contact Ryan Butler.

Sockburn Joinery

33 West Coast Rd, Yaldhurst, Christchurch. Ph 03 342 6044, contact Tony Lemmens.

Sydenham Joinery Ltd

6 Dalziel Pl, Woolston, Christchurch, Ph 03 379 6840, contact Grant Weston. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Joiner Shop Kaikoura Ltd

19 Beach Road, Kaikoura 7300, Ph 03 319 5562, contact Fraser Syme.

Timber Doors & Windows 2007 Ltd

194 Wordsworth Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 379 1725, contact Martyn Neville. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Timber Tru Ltd

411 Tuan St, Linwood, Christchurch, Ph 03 389 2986, contact Tony van der Plas. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Trends Kitchens Ltd

34A Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 5242, contact James McKeown

Woodshack Kitchens

113 Izone Drive, Rolleston, Canterbury 7675, Ph: 03 347 9790, contact Mark Davis.


Alpine Joinery

480 Fairview Road, No 2 RD, Timaru, ph 03 688 5748, contact Paul Butchers.

Barrett Joinery Ltd

204 Hilton Highway, PO Box 2115 Timaru. Ph 03 688 4738, contact Mark Mitchell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Duncan Joinery Limited

20 King Street, Temuka, South Canterbury, Ph 03 615 7327, contact Craig Duncan.

Firman Joinery Ltd

10 Endeavour Cres, Nth Oamaru Business Park, Oamaru. Ph 03 434 1561, contact Gary Firman. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Geraldine Timber Products

27 High Street, Geraldine, Ph 03 693 9598, contact Paul Autridge. NZS4211 Affiliated.

J E Dennison Ltd

5 Redruth St, Timaru. Ph 03 688 0029, contact Gary Dennison. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JMAC Joinery Ltd

7 Laughton Street, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2725, contact Craig Mason. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery Zone 2012 Ltd

27 Redruth St, Timaru. Ph 03 688 8223, contact Warren Atwill. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Lunds Joinery Ltd

33a Grants Rd, PO Box 128, Timaru. Ph 03 688 9149, contact Mark Albert. NZS4211 Affiliated.

McMaster Joinery

6 Leonard St, Waimate. Ph 03 689 7557, contact Des McMaster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Millennium Joinery Ltd

2 Regina Lane, Oamaru. Ph 03 437 0227, contact Michael Sandri. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Paterson Joinery

307 Rosewill Valley Road, Timaru. Ph 03 688 7060, contact Alan Paterson.

Rycole Joinery

44 Homestead Road, 1 DRD, Oamaru, Ph 03 434 5012, contacts Darryl and Adrienne Whitburn

NZS4211 Affiliated.

Tony Boyce Builders & Joiners Ltd

32 Washdyke Flat Rd, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2181, contact Tony Boyce. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Abernethy Joinery

18 Melbourne Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 456 1654, contact Ian Abernethy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

B & M Joinery Ltd

4 Ree Crescent, Cromwell, Ph 03 265 2077, contact Brendon Munro. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Coronet Woodware (2017) Ltd

99 Glenda Drive, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3700, contact Colin Strang. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cut-it Joinery Limited

3 Enterprise Drive, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 5031, contact John Titterton.

Elite Joinery Solutions

54 Mersey St, Gore 9710, ph 03 208 5819, contact Regan Hughes.

Fiordland Joinery

10 Caswell Rd, Te Anau, Southland 9600, Ph 03 249 4339, contact Simon Irwin.

Formatt Bespoke Joinery Co Ltd

19 Glenda Drive, Queenstown. Ph 03 441 4944, contact Reuben Bogue. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Gavin Player Furniture & Joinery Ltd

14b Chardonnay Street, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 8136, contact Gavin Player.

G L Stevenson Builders Ltd

53 Stone St, Dunedin 9010, Ph 027 7146 523, contact Michael Stevenson

Howley Joinery Ltd

224 Mersey Street, Invercargill, Ph 03 214 1055, contact Glen Howley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JP Quality Kitchens Limited

66 Vogel Street, Dunedin, Ph 021 474 300, contact John Peddie.

Joinery Specialists 1997 Ltd

608 Kaikorai Valley Rd, Bradford, Dunedin, Ph 03 488 2371, contact Graeme Emmerson.

Leading Edge Joinery Specialists Ltd

13 Surrey Street, Gore, Ph 027 6774 729, contact Donald McGuigan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Leith Joinery

2 Roberts St, Dunedin. Ph 03 477 0115, contact Peter Leith. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Masterwood Joinery 2008

28 McNulty Road, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0313, contact Dave Wilson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Master Joiners National Associate Members

Acero Limited

Advanced Engineering Services

Allegion (New Zealand) Ltd

Architectural Hardware Supplies

Artia (Coventry Group NZ Ltd)

ASSA ABLOY New Zealand Ltd

Bellevue Architectural (NZ) Ltd

Biesse Group New Zealand

Blum NZ Ltd


Burns & Ferrall

Drake & Wrigley Ltd


Choice Energy

Cosentino New Zealand Ltd

Crombie Lockwood (NZ) Ltd

Daiken New Zealand Limited

Elite Hardware Ltd

Enko Group Ltd

Glass Half Full

Häfele NZ Ltd

Halswell Timber Co Ltd

Henkel NZ Ltd

Herman Pacific

Hettich New Zealand


KLC Limited

Joinery IT

Knobs ‘n Knockers Ltd

Laminex New Zealand

Mearns and Leckie Limited

7 Gow St, Mosgiel 9024, Ph 03 489 2024, contact Matt Fuehrer. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mojo Modern Joinery Ltd

96 Gair Ave, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0128, contact Craig Harrison.

Nasko Factory Ltd

22A Margaret Place, Frankton Industrial, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3206, contacts Stephen Walak, Amanda Trainor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nigel Molloy Joinery Limited

300 Great North Road, Winton, Ph 03 236 0399, contact Nigel Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

O’Brien Group 2012

8 Gow Street, Mosgiel, Ph 03 489 3849, contact Peter O’Brien.

Queenstown Joinery

53 Industrial Place, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 7555, contact Kevin Harradine. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Riversdale Joinery Ltd

105 Liverpool Street, Riversdale, Southland 9744, Ph 03 202 5527, Barry O’Connor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ron Kirk Joinery Ltd

403 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, Ph 03 453 5718, contact Hayden Kirk. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Steadfast Joinery Limited

41 Ward St, CBD, Dunedin 9016, Ph 03 470 1990, contact Leroy Cunningham.

Stevenson & Williams Ltd Joinery

64 Prince Albert Rd, St Kilda, Dunedin. Ph 03 455 4034, contact Gary Turner. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stewart Construction Ltd

PO Box 2125, St Kilda. Ph 03 455 2057, contact Barry Taylor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Treebay Manufacturing Limited

17 Jutland St, Dunedin Central, Ph 03 453 0340, contact Brian Daken.

Wanaka Joinery & Glass Ltd

52 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 7890, contact Jason Fisher. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wedgerwood Joinery Ltd

11 Ngapara St, Alexandra. Ph 03 448 8832, contact Russell Mair. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Withers Joinery

78 Factory Rd, Mosgiel. Ph 03 489 4179, contact Paul Crawley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wood Solutions

5 Orari St, Sth Dunedin, Dunedin. Ph 03 479 2323, contact Andrew Bellamy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Leitz Tooling NZ Ltd

Machines ‘R’ Us Ltd

Marbello International Ltd

Metro Performance Glass

Miles Nelson MF Co Ltd

Mirotone NZ Ltd

Nelson Pine Industries Ltd

New Zealand Panels Group

Onboard New Zealand Limited

Resene Paints Ltd

Rosenfeld Kidson & Co Ltd

Seearco Industrial Abrasives


Tunnicliffe Timber Solutions 2018 Ltd

Unique Hardware Solutions Ltd

Viridian Glass

W & R Jack Ltd

Wurth New Zealand Ltd

JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 85


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Weinig’s automatic positioning system handles the positioning or feeding of workpieces on almost every machine. EasyStop has repeatability of +/- 0.1 mm, handles weights of up to 200kg, and will cope with lengths up to 11.3 metres. EasyStop will link with many manual machines - crosscut or mitre saws, punches, drilling machines etc. Whether you are processing wood, engineered timber (ie glulam or LVL), aluminium, or composites, EasyStop will provide efficient and precise handling of your workpiece.

With a smart intelligent control system offering a production list or individual part production, EasyStop can quickly and precisely reposition the stop back to where it needs to be. Forget staff walking back and forth adjusting your manual stop system – EasyStop will increase your staff’s productivity while improving the accuracy of your products.

Options available include dynamic optimisation for maximum material yield, label printing and a barcode reader.

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JOINERS Magazine December 2022 page 86

Fit for purpose qualifications and skill standards for joinery

Master Joiners, Waihanga Ara Rau and representatives from the joinery industry have been working together to:

1) Review standards that contribute to the New Zealand Certificate in Joinery (Level 4) and,

2) Develop new standards for the New Zealand Certificate in Kitchen Joinery (Level 4).

Waihanga Ara Rau is a Workforce Development Council that represents construction and infrastructure industries. This includes joinery, concrete, construction, electricity, gas, infrastructure, plumbing, roading, telecommunication and water.

Both new and reviewed standards lead to the award of both qualifications. They also acknowledge the level of commercial competence required for joiners who work unsupervised, working to the standards of trade practice that provide employers with confidence in the products they manufacture. There are new standards that cover the skills and knowledge required for professional and sustainable practices within the industry. Technical Advisers have been reviewing and developing the joinery standards and Master Joiners have supported the review by providing feedback and resources.

This partnership with Master Joiners, Employers, Waihanga Ara Rau, Te Pūkenga, and Providers will further strengthen education and career pathways within the industry. Workforce development projects like this one pay dividends as a way of keeping skilled workers and attracting new ones, as well as highlighting the range of career pathways in the Joinery industry.

Waihanga Ara Rau would like to thank Phil Agnew from Decade Homes, Nathan Moore from Hagley Kitchens, Gary Firman from Firman Joinery Ltd, Darren Evans from Te Pūkenga (ARA), for their support over 2022 reviewing the joinery standards and Peter Davis from Fernlea Cabinetry and Joinery Ltd, and Doug McMiken from Carlielle Kitchens who have joined the Technical Advisory Group contributing to the development of new Kitchen Joinery standards in 2023.

If you want to follow this work, or any other Waihanga Ara Rau industry engagement activities including Women in Trades, and qualification and standard reviews, follow us on LinkedIn or receive our news directly to your inbox

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Articles inside

Fit for purpose qualifications and skill standards for joinery

pages 89-90

Weinig’s EasyStop smarter, faster, more comfortable and more precise.

page 88


page 88


pages 82-83

Working together to achieve successful outcomes

pages 80-81

a time to reflect

pages 78-79

The value of lifelong learning

pages 76-78

Ferndale flourishes with strong apprentice workforce

page 74

“Singing high praises…”

pages 72-73

VacuMaster Wood from

page 70

Pocket door systems attracting huge interest

pages 68-70

Hideaway Bins drive for Sustainability

pages 66-67

Meeting emerging trends

page 64

Inspired by nature

pages 62-63

Hidden handles from Dezignatek

page 61

Berkley Collection

pages 59-60

on trend to transform kitchens in NZ and beyond

page 59

Knurled hardware

page 58

Contemporano your manufacturing partner

pages 54-55

Melteca launches with new natural ‘Organic’ Look

pages 52-53

Introducing ... Cadro by Hettich

pages 50-51

On Line Ordering continues to grow

page 49

Blum making smart move new software lifts the game

page 48


page 45

SIE deliver know-how for smart innovations

page 44


pages 41-43

AVENTOS lift systems

page 41

A smart upgrade for Sunshine

pages 38-39

Robotics & Automation

pages 36-37

Leitz tooling systems Australian made tools for your success

pages 32-35

Easing production links

page 31

Being SMART in a tight labour market

page 30

Cells, systems & plant - the Star River Bay Group (cont)

pages 28-29

Cells, systems & plant

pages 26-27

Peter Hay Kitchens Peter Kitchens in par tner ship with HOMAG in partnership with HOMAG

pages 24-26

Simple ways to improve your businesses' health and safety

page 21

FIT put out the welcome mat on their mobile showroom

page 20

Worth the Wait

pages 18-19

Biesse celebrates 20 years in NZ

pages 14, 16

SICAM welcomes 8000 companies

pages 13-14

Intentional Growth

page 12

Manning the stands in Blenheim

pages 10-11


pages 9-10

Being intentional in growth

pages 6-8

for a perfect finish start with GoldenEdge HMR0

pages 4-5
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