Reading Day 4
Aberrant movementsECF #experimentalpoetic, #lifedeadagency
Aberrant movements threaten life as much as they liberate its forces (Rajchman 35) A massive chasm lays open at 67°34′48″N - 134°46′17″E Sakha Republic Russia Batagaika Crater as the chasm is known melts and spills gases and bacteria older than men A foul river of melted permafrost and mixed organic matter including ice-age mammals bleeds out from its cavernous mouth “Below the cliff face, steep hills and gullies drop to Batagaika’s floor. As more of the material at the bottom of the slope melts and comes loose, a larger face is exposed to the air, which in turn increases the speed of permafrost thawing. The crater will likely eat through the entire hillslope before it slows down. Every year as soon as temperatures go above freezing, it’s going to start happening again. Once you’ve exposed something like this, it’s very hard to stop it.” (NASA)