Reading Day 7
FamilySF #essay, #family, #postcolonialism, #language, #love
‘You enter only to realize that the space is already occupied.’ (Sara Ahmed) Family is on different occasions shown as a happy picture of the perfect family. This serves as a conventional way in which society depicts the family; and this is conventional since the first thing most people think of with the word ‘family’ is heterosexuality. The father, the mother, and the children: A ‘perfect’ picture of a family. We see this picture everywhere; in commercials, cooking books, banners, on medical folders; and it’s sickening. Nevertheless, we say it’s open and we invite everyone in, because everyone can be part of the family; right? But the queer won’t feel accepted, rather they might feel drowned or asphyxiated by this narrow meaning of family. ‘Queers need to do more than marry each other in order to destroy the institution of marriage.’ (Sara Ahmed) Even the idea of gay marriage doesn’tbreak this heterosexual interpretation of what a family looks like, because, you still have the same dynamics that represent the same heterosexual ideology of a family. To break this idea, one must understand that a family is: A group of people that is not bound by blood or signed papers. Family is an all by all interpretation that has to do with individual beliefs and personal affiliation with each other. A family is a group of individuals that characterize themselves with each other, from different perspectives. The family has