Lesson 3 1
NATURE NATURE AND CLIMATE AND CLIMATE OUR FUTURE IN OUR HANDS – What is the future of our planet? – What footprint will you leave after yourself?
VOCABULARY 1. Look at the words below and decide which are good or bad for the environment. Put a tick (V) or a cross (X) next to each one of them. __acid rain __factories __recycled paper __bottle banks
__litter __sprays __solar panels __traffic jam
__chemicals __bicycles __global warming __ozone layer
2. What should or shouldn't we do in order to protect the environment? Use the following verbs to complete the two columns below.
cut down / destroy / plant / protect / throw away / waste / recycle / save _tropical rainforests _more trees _paper _endangered species
_energy and water _plastic bags _trees _forests
3. Look at the list of words and phrases and explain their meaning in your own words. Complete the sentences below using the given vocabulary. Then discuss pictures. waste / conservation / recycling / reuse / reduce carbon footprint / be aware of / balance / environmentalist / prevention / go green / environmentally friendly 1) Old environmental problems, resulting from mining and nuclear _____ , are still left unresolved. 2) _____ means the process of collecting and changing old paper, glass, plastic, so that it can be used again. 3) The supermarket encourages shoppers to _____ plastic bags. 4) After watching that documentary, Sandra decided to _____ and start walking to work. 5) We all need to look for ways to _____ our _____. 6) I think my neighbour should_____ polluting the environment. 7) Nature's _____ might be disturbed . 8) Energy _____ is a process of saving energy. electricity 9) _____ are people who love the natural world. transport 10) _____ is better than cure. offsets emissions 11) Electric buses are a clean, _____ way to travel. CO2
gas fuel