SELF-ASSESSMENT (1-6) 1. Use the following steps to describe photo A. Answer the questions. 1) Give general information. Focus on the main part of the photo to start with. Look at this photo. What can you see? 2) Write about position. What is where? 3) Describe the person’s age. How old is she? 4) Describe the person’s appearance. What does she look like? 5) Describe the person’s clothes. What is she wearing? 6) Describe what she is doing. Where do you usually wear casual clothes? Do you like such clothes? Why? 7) Try to use your imagination to make guesses about the photo. What do you think about the photo? Photo A.
2. Now describe photo B following the steps above. Use the phrases in the table. Useful language!
TEST Lesson 1 UNIT
• This picture shows … • There is / there are … • In this picture I can see… ο In the foreground / in the background … ο On the right / on the left… • I think... Maybe / Perhaps... • It seems as if… • I (don’t) like the picture because ... • It makes me think of ...
Photo B.
3. Read the post about Ann’s problem carefully. What is the problem? How does the girl feel? I would really appreciate it if you took the time to respond to my question. My problem is that my parents won’t allow me to have social media. I am very trustworthy and responsible, and I have never done anything huge to make my parents not trust me. I understand that they have their reasons for not allowing me on social media, but it makes me feel incredibly left out, sometimes, as I am the only one of my friends and classmates who doesn’t have social media. My mom says she wants to keep me safe, and I understand that, but many other parents want their kids to be safe, yet they are still allowed to use social media. I recently moved to a new state so I would love to have a way to contact my friends and old classmates other than using texts, because a lot of them don’t text and I would still like to be somewhat connected to them. Not having social media has caused me to feel like I am not as important as others even though I know it isn’t true. I feel like not having it is causing me to become sad and disconnected, and sometimes like I don’t belong. I would love so much if you could respond to this. Thank you so much! Ann.
4. Comment on this situation and respond to her question. Use the following prompts. 1) I can understand…. 2) In general… 3) However in your situation…
4) One way to persuade your parents… 5) While this does not necessarily … 6) What I would advise is …