Lesson 5 1 UNIT
GRAFFITI: ARTWORK OR VANDALISM? – How many forms of street art do you know? – How do you think what is the difference between street art and graffiti? Look at the pictures, where is a graffiti and a street art? – How would you characterize these works?
VOCABULARY 1. Look at these types of graffiti and fill them into the blanks in the sentences below. visual art / art boom / stencil graffiti / poster art / sticker art / video projection / vandalism / street art / street installation / mural / spray-painted graffiti 1) _______ is a term defining forms of _______ created in public locations. 2) It is usually unsanctioned _______ executed outside of the context of traditional art venues. 3) The term gained popularity during the graffiti _______ of the early 1980s and continues to be applied. 4) _______ , _______ , _______ or _______ , and _______ or _______ are common forms of modern street art. 5) Traditional _______ artwork itself is often included in this category, excluding territorial _______ . 6) _______ is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling, or other large permanent surface.
2. Do the Graffiti quiz to know more about its origins. 1) Graffiti artists usually use: a) coloured paint
b) spray paint
c) crayons
2) What is graffiti done without permission on private property known as? a) vandalism b) black art c) bootlegging 3) Which ancient civilization has evidence of graffiti? a) Greek b) Aztec
c) Egyptian
4) Which type of music is related to graffiti? a) Pop b) Rock c) Hip-hop 5) Which of these walls was graffiti painted from end to end? a) The Great wall of China b) The wall on Wall street 6) What is Girafitti? a) graffiti about animals
b) very colourful graffiti
c) The Berlin wall c) graffiti in inaccessible places
7) The modern word graffiti is from the Italian word ‘”graffiato” which means: a) illegal b) wall c) scratched 8) Where did modern Graffiti originated? a) Lispon, Portugal b) Madrid, Spain
c) New York, the USA
9) What is the most famous Graffiti artist? a) Lee b) Banksy
c) Dondi