A character who grossly violates the ethics of his deity's alignment loses all divine mind powers and abilities (but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). He cannot progress further in levels as a divine mind. He regains his abilities and advancement potential if he atones for his transgressions.
Skill Autohypnosis Climb Jump Swim Knowledge (psionics) Ride Search (cc) Listen (cc) Spot (cc)
Ranks 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2
Ability Wis Str Str Str Int Dex Int Wis Wis
Armor Check Penalty 6 6 12
Half-Giant Divine Mind Starting Package Armor: Scale mail and large wooden shield (+6 AC, armor check penalty 6, speed 20 ft., 40 lb.). Weapons: Longsword (1d8, crit 19 20/×2, 4 lb., one-handed, slashing). Shortbow (1d6, crit ×3, range inc. 60 ft., 2 lb., piercing). Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 4 Int modifier.
A divine mind is a passionate adventurer. As a self-considered adjunct of his deity, he often sees his involvement in a particular enterprise as a divine blessing. In his mind, his presence alone is enough to legitimize a quest, adventure, or tomb raid, rendering it holy by his participation. Even simple tasks are additional opportunities to prove his own worth and the worth of his deity by accomplishing the task with alacrity and grace. He is typically not hardheaded or desirous of personal power, however; just because his deity chooses to offer a benediction for the party through his involvement does not mean that he sees himself as the default leader for the group, nor that he feels he (or his church) should have the lion's share of the treasure. Religion: Divine minds show no overarching fondness for any one deity, though those deities whose domains include War are sometimes favored. Evil deities can be the choice of particularly foul and wicked divine minds. Other Classes: Despite being pledged first to their god, divine minds enthusiastically join with those whose competencies and abilities supplement their own. They are most happy dealing with clerics, paladins, and others of faith who serve the same deity. Divine minds do not possess the active disdain that some paladins inflict on their peers in response to imagined slights or actual immoral deeds. Divine minds have more equanimity unless the deed directly contradicts a dictate or domain of their own faith, they are usually happy to allow others to travel their own paths. Combat: For a divine mind, melee (or sometimes ranged) combat is the preferred method to overcome challenges. With their ability to switch between mantles that provide the best advantage in a given situation, divine minds have exceptional flexibility. As with other psionic classes that can manifest powers, a divine mind can find further advantages in his power selection. Advancement: Once a divine mind chooses his deity, many of his advancement choices are already made at least until he is able to manifest powers at 5th level. The only other choices that can be made are his personal feats gained every three levels. Because a divine mind is melee oriented, feats in that vein are reasonable choices, including Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Cleave, and so on. Others might choose the bow as their favored weapon, following the ranged attack feat path of Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, and so on. As a divine mind gains the ability to manifest powers, power selection becomes important; it makes sense to either supplement abilities where the divine mind's mantle ability falls short (such as healing), but other times it might make sense to "load up" on an ability that a mantle already provides.
Feat: Weapon Focus (longsword). Mantle: Physical Power. Power Known: None. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's trail rations, bedroll, sack, and flint and steel. Quiver with 20 arrows. Gold: 4d4 gp.
A lurk is a psionic character who has honed her mental talents to a deadly focus. With her extraordinary ability to perceive an enemy's weaknesses, a lurk can take advantage of the slightest distraction to make vicious thrusts with her chosen weapon. A lurk's ability to lie in wait until just the right moment, as well as her talent for avoiding detection and lethal attacks, makes her a changeable hunter of those whose time is past. It is her profession to bring those unfortunate individuals to their awaited end without remorse and as efficiently as possible. Because a lurk has access to a variety of psionic feats and powers, she is more effective than a simple killer or assassin. She also holds to a purer morality a lurk doesn't kill indiscriminately, only bringing death to those who have outlived their time. In her mind, those who meet their end at the end of her blade truly deserved to die.
MAKING A LURK A lurk can't stand up face to face with a bruiser as well as a fighter or even a psychic warrior can. With her mental talents, however, she excels at taking the slightest opportunity and turning it to her advantage. Her ability to slip under the notice of nearly any observer makes her a capable lone hunter, but her greatest strengths are found through interaction with her allies during a heated battle she can use her enemy's slightest distraction to deliver vicious thrusts with her blade, even creating her own opportunities as needed. Abilities: Intelligence determines how many powers a lurk can manifest, how powerful those powers can be, and how hard those powers are to resist. It is also important for bolstering the number of skill points to which she has