Wallpaper Direct Spring/Summer 2021

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all want to be somewhere harmoniously pleasing, cosy and

From there I was spoilt for choice for pioneering women –

charming at the moment.

for instance Lady Penrose is named after local Lee Miller, a

In The Garden, Eleanor is the design that encapsulates my garden the most. It shows Roses, Geraniums, and Californian

famous War Photographer, while Cleo depicts a myriad of bugs and beetles and is named after Cleopatra!

that I drew before I painted them. To create this, I picked

What’s your advice for someone searching for design inspiration?

the flowers and laid them out onto a sheet of a paper, then I

Just keep your eyes open. Wherever you are, or whatever you

painted by their side, catching as much as possible all their

are doing, you are always surrounded by inspiration. Whether

quirks and beautiful shapes. I allowed the watercolours

that is speaking as Designer to Designer, or to a consumer

to puddle and pool and mix fluidly with each other. It’s

looking for inspiration for their Interior style.

poppies. They create a soft stripe, falling onto the outlines

delightful that with modern digital printing, I can capture all that on the wallpaper.

As a designer there are always many art galleries and exhibitions to choose from as well as magazines and social

The design is named after Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the US

media. Occasionally if I feel a lack of inspiration, I’ll go take

President during and after WW2. However, she was far more

my dog, Rocket, for a walk down in the woods near the

than simply a first lady- after his death she campaigned for

studio and seek inspiration from the natural world around

civil rights and represented the US at the United Nations.

us, and clear headspace. Be aware of what’s going on in the broader world of design around you as well. How are the

In fact, all the designs in The Garden have female names. This

graphics on adverts changing? Is there any particular styles

started with my admiration for Marianne North, a Victorian

coming through in TV and film? Look at the fashion trends

botanical artist who travelled the world, even going up

for these as well – they follow through into interiors within a

the Amazon! The design Marianne features botanical style

year or so. You need to be a big sponge, be receptive to the

flowers, falling onto a ground that also show skeleton floral

creative stimuli around you.

shapes. While I have created a traditional mixed colour floral on cream - the more contemporary colourings of the design

As for the consumer, these days there are so many good

are on Black, sky Blue and an Oyster Beige.

places to find top tips for your styling- start with Instagram or

“People believe you have to be brave to use wallpaper. I disagree”



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