The Careless Dad My son doesn’t lose sight of these keep sound wisdom and discretion. Proverbs 3:21
These are Careless Dads that are not paying attention to their children. These dads see their children going down the wrong way or know their kids have committed a crime, but these dads look the other way. The Careless Dad allows his children
punishment. God, don’t allow the Careless Dad to say, “This is their life, and they can choose to live any way they want to live.” If the child is hanging with a crowd of people doing bad things, allow him to talk to his seed about his behavior. Don’t allow the dad to turn a deaf ear and have blinded eyes where his children are concerned. Help the dad care about his children's behavior, safety, welfare, and well-being. Lord, I pray that You will help the Careless Dad care about his children. I pray he will take an active interest in his children's lives. If the dad ran the street and said, “I ran the street and committed crimes, but I turned out okay,” bind up the hand of the enemy that would allow the dad to have this attitude. Let 22