The Couch Potato Dad Give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber. Proverbs 6:4
This is the Dad that goes to work, comes home and just sits and or lays on the couch and watches TV or plays with his PlayStation, and may eventually fall asleep. Lord, let him know that his children need him. Don’t continue to allow the dad to think his presence in the house is everything that they need. Let the Couch Potato Dad know he needs to take an active role in raising their children. Let the Couch Potato Dad have open communication with the children. Dismiss this dad’s wrong thinking. Allow him to value his role as a dad and to take his role seriously. Let him know that his role is important to the development of his children. Allow him to help the children with their homework and attend important school events. I pray that You will help the Couch Potato Dad, get off the couch and start taking part in his child’s life, like attending extracurricular activities that the child may be a part of. Allow the Dad to know that he is blessed to have children, and that they grow up very fast. Allow him to go with his wife, or meet 27