THE NON PAYING CHILD SUPPORT DAD Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8 NIV
Lord, I pray You will allow the Not Paying Child Support Dad to pay child support. I pray he will pay what the courts want him to pay, regardless of whether or not he likes his exwife, ex-girlfriends or Baby Momma. I pray the Not Paying Child Support Dad does not quit his job, so he will not have to pay child support. I pray You will send Your word and let him know that if he does not support his children, he is worse than someone who does not believe in Your Word. Don’t allow the father to make the child start feeling bad because he has to pay child support. Let him tell his seed that real men take care of their responsibility. Lord, once he starts to pay child support, don’t let there be any lack in his household due to him doing the right thing and paying child support. Don’t allow the mother to continue to go back for more child support every year just because she is angry because the dad has moved on or may be in another relationship. I pray that even though the Dad is paying child 65