Bentley Instruments analyzers And Idexx Dairy Snap test provide
the most reliable value for milk and milk products Bentley Instruments has been developing and delivering innovative, high-performance analytical and automation solutions for the dairy industry for over 35 years. As a pioneer and expert in the use of flow cytometry for microbiological and somatic cell analysis of milk, the U.S.-based company is introducing its next generation of analyzers for even finer and more reliable determination of milk hygienic quality. Based in northern France, the western european subsidiary of the Bentley Instruments group specializes in the development, production and distribution of instruments for the analysis of the physicochemical and hygienic composition of milk and dairy products. In this regard, Bentley Instruments has designed a new generation of analyzers with the BactoCount 3.0 series. This method uses proven technology, flow cytometry, for in-depth screening of the bacteriological and somatic cells composition of milk
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Highly standardized method To ensure results global equivalence on its analyzers, Bentley Instruments has developed control solutions such as international ISO 17043 proficiency testing in collaboration with CECALAIT, shelf-stable lyophilized bacteria standards and somatic cell calibration ranges. Flow cytometry schematic diagram