Offshore Industry 2020 Issue 1

Page 12

heavy lifting & transport

A forwarderfriendly stevedore RHB Continues to invest in Heavy Lift CapaCity “it Has Been quite a Busy peRiod at ouR teRminaL”, states mike van deR pLuijm, diReCtoR of RHB stevedoRing & WaReHousing, as He enteRs tHe ConfeRenCe Room foR an inteRvieW WitH offsHoRe industRy. “tHeRe is a Lot going on in business for us. positive things. However, offering stevedoring and warehousing facilities to mainly tramp services can also be challenging. our planning often changes rapidly and the weeks often look very different on tuesday than what was expected the day before. All photos CouRtesy of RHB.


evertheless, behind this setting operates a company that knows exactly what it wants. With 89 years of experience and knowledge in the handling of breakbulk, RHB has built up a strong presence in the offshore industry, always looking at the opportunities

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offered by market developments. this recently resulted in the commissioning of a Liebherr crane at the company’s terminal, which with a maximum lifting capacity of 208t can be considered to be the heaviest mobile harbour crane in europe.

Expert in breakbulk

“RHB is an expert in the handling and storage of any type of breakbulk”, mr van der pluijm explains. of course, this commodity has changed in many ways throughout the years. in the early days,

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27-02-20 11:11

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