Spread the word! With this first 2020 issue of offshore industry, the year is about to close its first quarter and albeit someWhat cautiously, some positive signs are already visible. several researches show that 2020 can be considered as a turning point for the recovery of suppliers and contractors for the offshore 0il & Gas industry. After the impressive cost reductions of the past years, operators are starting to invest again, although it is clear that not everyone in the industry will immediately profit from this. Price will remain leading but nevertheless, a growing optimism will surely lead to a healthier market. From Europe, offshore wind continues its quick advance into the rest of the world. this year it is expected that new offshore projects will be initiated in Asia and the US. Although bottom-fixed foundations are still leading, we will see a growing potential for floating offshore wind turbines. The first large-scale offshore windfarms in the Netherlands should start production this year, which will accelerate the contribution of offshore wind to the country’s energy transition goals. A lot is going on the industry. The search for innovative solutions is always ongoing, often because rules and regulations force companies to come up with smart ideas. Companies merge or look for other ways to collaborate to stay competitive. The energy transition and accompanying goals to reduce co2 emissions also lead to organisations joining forces, as this makes it easier to handle large-scale projects. Hydrogen is a fine example of this. Offshore Industry will of course continue to keep you informed of all the ins and outs of our challenging business. Let us join forces, too. Share your news with us and we will help you spread the word! Enjoy reading! Arno Dirkzwager editor ArNO@yNFPUbLISHErS.COm
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Voorwoord 13-1.indd 1
OSI 2020 | Vo l u me 13 | I s s u e 1 | 1
27-02-20 10:13