ShipBuilding Industry issue 4 2021

Page 32


Lifting capacity reaching new heights AT THE END OF 2019, JAN DE NUL GROUP ORDERED THE FLOATING INSTALLATION CRANE VESSEL LES ALIZÉS. TOGETHER WITH THE OFFSHORE INSTALLATION VESSEL VOLTAIRE, THIS NEW VESSEL WILL BE IN A SUPER-SIZE CLASS OF ITS OWN, CAPABLE of building the newest generation of offshore windfarms. Les Alizés, which will be ready in 2022, is equipped with a crane with a lifting capacity of 5,000t and equally impressive lifting heights. ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF JAN DE NUL GROUP, UNLESS MENTIONED OTHERWISE.

The shipyard of China Merchants Heavy Industry, located in Haimen, Nantong City, China.

3 0 | S B I  2 0 2 1 | Volum e 15 | Issue 4

Schottel Alizes.indd 30

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26-08-2021 13:31

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