Potentialism Theory Overview

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copyright 2022 by David Birnbaum

David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory

Overview of the 4-volume

Summa Metaphysica series by



the universal cosmic drive

Mark Davis, Explicator

Contents Prologue ...................................................................................... 3 Why This Book? ....................................................................... 3 Enter Potentialism ................................................................... 5 You Said Physics is Only a Single Chapter of the Universe? .... 7 What This Book Is .................................................................... 9 A Better Evolution ............................................................. 10 What This Book Isn’t.............................................................. 12 Why This Book Is Important .................................................. 13 Let’s Take a Journey Together ............................................... 15 1. What is Potentialism?............................................................ 18 The Quest for Infinite Potential ............................................. 20 Extraordinariation ................................................................. 22 Complexification.................................................................... 26 The Grand Theory .................................................................. 29 2. Cosmic Origins ....................................................................... 31 The Proper Sequence ............................................................ 31 Eternal Potential .................................................................... 33 The Cosmic Womb ................................................................ 35
The 0-Point ............................................................................ 38 A Note on Physics .................................................................. 41 The Interplay of Eternal Potential and Primordial Quantum Mechanics (QM) .................................................................... 43 The Push and Pull of the Cosmic Drama ................................ 45 On Dark Matter and the Spinal Column of the Universe....... 47 Potentialism – The Center of Cosmic Origins ........................ 49 3. Quantum Physics: The Mechanical Language of Potentialism ................................................................................................... 51 The Nature of Stuff in the Universe ...................................... 51 Einstein Makes Things a Bit Weirder ................................. 52 Potential and Quanta ............................................................ 54 A Note on Electron Orbits ................................................. 55 Quantum Mechanics: The Physical Representation of Q4P .. 57 The Universe IS Infinite Quest for Potential in Tangible Form .................................................................................. 58 A Quick Note on the Word “Theory” ..................................... 60 Quantum Mechanics and the Universal Supercomputer ...... 61 Humanities Place in the Universal Supercomputer ........... 63 The Future of the Computing Universe ............................. 65 A Universe Greater Than Its Parts ..................................... 67
4. Potentialism on the Macro Scale: The Geometry of Potential ................................................................................................... 70 The Form Potential Takes ...................................................... 70 The Atomic Scale ............................................................... 71 The Molecular Scale .......................................................... 72 The Planetary Scale ........................................................... 73 The Solar System Scale ...................................................... 75 The Galactic Scale .............................................................. 79 The Universality of Potentialism ........................................... 82 5. Epochs: The Expression of Complexification ......................... 84 Complexity Vs. Complexification ........................................... 86 Complexity......................................................................... 86 Complexification ................................................................ 87 The First 100 Seconds ............................................................ 89 The Atomic Epoch and the Rise of Matter ............................ 91 The Molecular or Galactic Epoch ........................................... 93 The Birth of Chemistry....................................................... 96 The Life Epoch ....................................................................... 98 The Flora Epoch ................................................................. 98 The Fauna Epoch ............................................................... 99
The Human Epoch ........................................................... 100 The Unique Life Epoch ..................................................... 101 6. Plant Life: The First Full Realization of Q4P ......................... 103 A New, Deeper Connection to Q4P ..................................... 104 The Birth of the Double Helix .............................................. 106 The Evolution of Plants ........................................................ 108 DNA’s Ability to Morph ....................................................... 109 7. Animals: The Second Epoch of Life ...................................... 110 Mobility ............................................................................... 110 Intentional Procreation ....................................................... 112 Thought ............................................................................... 114 8. Humanity: The Current Epoch ............................................. 116 Humanity and the Breaking of Physics ................................ 118 Self-Awareness .................................................................... 121 Abstract Thought ................................................................. 123 Language ............................................................................. 126 Art ........................................................................................ 129 Emotion ............................................................................... 131 Altruism and Conscience ..................................................... 133 Spirituality ........................................................................... 136
Autonomy, Individuality, and Self-Worth ............................ 138 Equality, Justice and Decency.............................................. 139 9. A Universe Built Upon Complexification ............................. 141 The SuperEquation is Pervasive .......................................... 142 Q4P Has Controlled the Evolution of the Universe as Well . 142 The Universe Is Not Done Evolving ..................................... 143 The Universe Has but One Goal .......................................... 143 Complexification Events are not Instantaneous .................. 145 A World Bigger Than Physics ............................................... 146 10. Chronology of the Universe ............................................... 148 Chronology - 1.00 ................................................................ 150 Chronology - 1.25 ................................................................ 153 Chronology - 1.50 ................................................................ 155 Chronology - 1.75 ................................................................ 157 Chronology - 2.15 ................................................................ 159 Chronology - 2.25 ................................................................ 161 Chronology - 2.50 ................................................................ 164 ............................................................................................. 165 Chronology - 2.75 ................................................................ 169 Chronology - 3.00 ................................................................ 172
Chronology - 4.00 ................................................................ 174 Chronology - 5.00 ................................................................ 178 Chronology - 6.00 ................................................................ 181 Chronology - 6.50 ................................................................ 186 Chronology - 7.00 ................................................................ 190 Chronology - 8.00 ................................................................ 192 Chronology - 8.50 ................................................................ 194 Chronology - 9.00 ................................................................ 201 Chronology - 10.00 .............................................................. 205 Chronology - 11.00 .............................................................. 207 Chronology - 12.00 .............................................................. 209 Chronology - 13.00 .............................................................. 212 Chronology - 14.00 .............................................................. 214 Chronology - 15.00 .............................................................. 216 Chronology - Summary ........................................................ 219 11. Potentialism and Other Cosmological Theories ................ 222 A Special Note on Metaphysics v. Physics ....................... 223 Aristotle and the Foundation of Metaphysics ..................... 228 Matter and Form ............................................................. 228 The First Glimpse of the Cosmic Womb .......................... 229
Aristotle and the Divine ................................................... 230 Darwinism ........................................................................... 233 Useless Stages of Evolution ............................................. 234 Natural Selection is Horribly Inefficient .......................... 235 Where are the Fossils? .................................................... 236 The Origin of Life ............................................................. 237 Life as an Organic Computer ........................................... 237 And What of Humans? .................................................... 238 Q4P is the Magic Bullet ................................................... 239 Darwin v. Birnbaum ......................................................... 241 Randomness and Entropy ................................................... 243 Entropy ............................................................................ 243 Randomness .................................................................... 245 The Underlying Issues with Randomness ........................ 248 The Quantum Computing Universe ..................................... 254 An Organic Supercomputer ............................................. 256 Human Choice and Information ...................................... 257 12. Eternal Origins ................................................................... 261 Where did the 'first something' come from? ...................... 266
And how was there any 'something' other than 'nothing'? ......................................................................................... 266 In any event, what 'something' could be 'eternal'? (the ''Eternal Origins' question) .............................................. 267 How did we get from that 'something' to the present day? 268 How did that 'something' lead to the 'traction' of the universe? ............................................................................. 271 Is there a Prime Mover? ...................................................... 272 Has this Prime Mover always existed and where did this Prime Mover come from? ............................................... 272 Could our profound and extraordinary universe not have 'come into being'? ............................................................... 273 Or could the universe have been 'brought into being' without Evil? .................................................................... 274 Is there a 'designer' of the universe? Is this 'designer' sacred or secular? ........................................................................... 276 And, if there is a 'designer’, … ......................................... 276 Are we actually integral to the 'designer'? .......................... 278 What 'ignited' the (apparently pretty smart and pretty powerful) Big Bang? ............................................................ 279 Where are we 'heading'? Is there direction to the universe? ............................................................................................. 280
Is there/What is the 'purpose' of all? .................................. 281 Is there a direction, meaning or goal to/for the universe? . 282 Where 'do humans stand' in all of this? .............................. 283 What is life? Where did life come from? ............................. 284 Is there a 'cosmic consciousness'? What is consciousness? 286 Does Macro Physics ever get stitched together with Micro Physics? ............................................................................... 287 Does 'everything' start with the Big Bang? If not, what preceded the Big Bang?....................................................... 289 How does Dark Energy tie in with all-of-the-above? ........... 290 Can there ever be any universe without Summa's Q4P∞ in the mix? ............................................................................... 291 Eternal Origins Conclusion .................................................. 292 13. Spirituality ......................................................................... 293 Defining Spirituality in Potentialism .................................... 295 Spirituality as a Part of Metaphysics ................................... 297
14. Humanity’s Purpose .......................................................... 315 Empathy and the Existence of a Conscience ....................... 317 The Existence of Equality, Justice, and Decency ................. 319 Religiosity ............................................................................ 322 Autonomy, Individuality, and Self-Worth ............................ 323 Creativity ............................................................................. 326 Art and Aesthetics ............................................................... 328 Humanity’s Goals and Purpose ........................................... 330 15. What Does the Future Hold? ............................................. 332 Our Current Trajectory ........................................................ 334 Are We the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe? ............... 337 Will Humanity Usher in the Next Complexification Epoch? 339 Possible Futures .................................................................. 342 Humanity Fundamentally Advances ................................ 343 The Centrality of Extraordinariation .................................... 345 16. Epilogue ............................................................................. 346 The Larger Impact ............................................................... 348
Looking Ahead ..................................................................... 350 Conclusion ........................................................................... 352


Why This Book?

This is what I would definitely call starting at the beginning. I am writing this book because it needs to be written. Sometimes truth needs to be told. It has a life of its own, and it needs expression.

In my lifetime, I have worn many hats, both in academia and in my career. Once a bright-eyed philosophy student, I later turned to the hard sciences when the reality of post-education employment settled in. From mathematics and chemistry, I turned to the computer sciences when I finally did choose a career. As fate would have it, my entire professional arc moved further and further from those philosophical beginnings. But I never lost my passion for philosophy, my true love, for its perfectly constructed layers of pure logic.

Although I did, in fairness, devote far more time to hard science when I left university, I also never lost my yearning to learn and, if anything, read far more once I had left my formal studies behind. My favorite field was cosmology.


Why? Simply because cosmology dealt with the big questions, the existential ones about existence itself. And it covered the most awe-inspiring and sometimes baffling things in existence, from universal expansion to quantum physics and even the strange, more theoretical concepts like string theory. However, there was, to my philosophical mind, something completely missing. It was purely physics-based, well, physics.

Cosmologists were explaining the universe well in terms of physics. Yet, the universe is more than the sum of its parts. That much is obvious in philosophy. You need to look no further than a comparison of the quantitative and qualitative. Consider an orange. Physics can describe one all day quantitatively – what it tastes like, its pH, its molecular makeup. Yet, it cannot tell you the experience of tasting it, the satisfaction of it. Is that any less real? No. So sometimes, to describe something fully, you must talk about more than the purely physical.


Enter Potentialism

That is what changed when I came across David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica series. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potentialism took a step beyond the edge of physics and into the metaphysical. Make no mistake: This isn’t some leap away from hard science. Rather, it is a complementary piece, or more correctly, it is the parent guide of the universe of which known physics is one chapter. An excellent chapter. A remarkable chapter. But a chapter nonetheless, in a larger story.

This book is written to introduce the Theory of Potentialism and how it works and fits within the grand scheme of cosmology –the question of the universe itself. Why was it created? How? What is its purpose? Does it even have a purpose?

These are the issues David Birnbaum has been attacking headon for decades. Uniquely equipped for the task, Birnbaum wears many hats and has proven part philosopher, part metaphysician, part Conceptual Theorist, and, in honesty, part Detective Sherlock Holmes. Birnbaum takes an unflinchingly honest approach to teasing apart the mysteries of existence itself. This is in stark contrast to anything that has come before.

The Ultimate Disruptor?


Arguably, one can make the case that Birnbaum is the ultimate disrupter. He has disrupted not just 20th Century and 21st Century metaphysics/cosmology/philosophy, and, indeed, not just the last five millennia of SAME, but indeed, also the very foundations of ALL the hard and soft sciences. Forever.

In my experience, hard science shrugs, pulls up the tent stakes, and sadly announces, “It started just because. It has no point. Good luck and enjoy the ultimate heat death of everything.”

This is an entirely reasonable thing to say if you look at the universe through the exclusive lens of physical observation. In this limited way, there is no prime mover to be seen, no point to existence, and no hope for its eternal existence.

Potentialism provides that elusive, underlying motif. It shows the prime mover of the universe and its primary, continual motivator for change. This fully unified, metaphysical, cosmological theory provides that missing framework of understanding, without which the universe cannot possibly make sense.

So, my purpose is to present Potentialism to readers. They can gain a more complete understanding of the cosmos. From our eternal origins to the present, David Birnbaum presents a universal driver of the universe itself.


You Said Physics is Only a Single Chapter of the Universe?

Yes. Potentialism is a Unified Theory. That means something specific to a physicist. A unified theory is likely the Holy Grail in physics. It is a long-sought-after theory and formula to unite micro and macro physics. You see the exceedingly small phenomena in the universe function very differently than large objects. So, quantum physics and regular physics simply do not get along. A unifying theory bridges that gap and explains the differences.

But Birnbaum is a metaphysicist. In metaphysics, the physically observable universe is only one chapter of what makes up the whole universe. Consider such disciplines and phenomena as human psychology, spirituality, thought, art, and any number of abstractions. Just because something lacks physical form does not preclude its existence.

In fact, per Birnbaum himself, “when Q4P harnesses Advanced Humanity with Soul, Conscience and Empathy - as well, in-themix (aside from Consciousness/Emotion/Values) it becomes worthy to be the high-level God of Israel and that is when ‘Western Civilization’ gets started (albeit in the Middle East).”


That is what makes Potentialism so incredibly unique. It is not only a Unifying Theory for the physical world, but Birnbaum's Q4P-Teleology theory can have its principles also apply to… well, everything. We’ll touch on this aspect of Potentialism on occasion. It is out of scope for this book to explore in-depth and may be done in a subsequent book. But keep this in mind.

When Birnbaum says he wants to tackle the answer to everything, he means everything.

Much like Spinoza, the father of Determinism who came before him, Birnbaum challenges our conceptualizations and assumptions about the universe and the nature of reality itself. He sets about challenging the fundamental assumptions regarding the core questions:

What ignited our universe?

What drives the universe?

Is there a direction to the universe?

What really drives evolution?


What This Book Is

Within this book, it is my intention not to get overly bogged down in the scientific parts of Potentialism. Instead, I intend to make this book as accessible to readers as possible, regardless of their familiarity with some of the more complex areas of science covered.

This book has been written with the ever-present, when needed, guidance of Birnbaum himself. We have communicated at length over the years. He generously makes himself available whenever I get stuck on the minutiae of Potentialism or come across a new question that requires clarification or guidance.

Potentialism Theory is currently described in Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica series, a 3-part treatise on Potentialism and the Quest for Infinite Potential, dealing with different facets of existence. Birnbaum’s writing is intensely analytic at times, at others more poetic in nature. You can sense his familiarity with the Kabbalah in his, at times, prosaic style. His Aristotelian style can sometimes require interpretation.

The intent of this book is to filter and collect all this information and present it in an easy to comprehend guide. Nothing too deep in the science end for most people to follow, while at the


same time focusing clearly on how Potentialism works in the physical world.

A Better Evolution

One thing you will note quickly is, unlike other cosmological theories, Potentialism doesn’t stop with physics. As we’ll see, Potentialism moves far beyond mere physics and into the realms of biology and evolution.

In fact, Potentialism gives us a significantly updated version of evolution. Gone is the randomness of mutation as the primary developer of life. In its place, we’ll consider an evolution with a “game plan.” As we will explore, Potentialism is a guiding, universal force. As such, things rarely occur randomly in the universe.

Do not confuse this for religion. Potentialism is not a religion, nor does it require religion to function. Instead, Potentialism can be thought of as more of a cosmic blueprint. In pure evolution, we are asked to believe that a bird gains wings through completely random mutations, each one somehow giving a competitive advantage through every iteration.

This can sound quite absurd when trying to get to something as complex as flight. By contrast, Birnbaum's Q4P-driven Evolution


states that flight as an end-goal is legal in the evolutionary game. As we will explore, this greatly simplifies the entire field of evolution.

Simplicity is an overarching hallmark of Potentialism.


What This Book Isn’t

As mentioned, I’m not trying to recreate the science of Potentialism here. So, expect the science to be straightforward and easy to grasp when concepts are referenced. It should also be made clear, Potentialism is a metaphysics. This book is not meant to replace science or religion and is distinct from both in its purpose.

Understand, though, that Potentialism does not lack the ability to tackle these disparate subjects. Whether speaking of human spirituality, religion, science, or morality – Potentialism is the Swiss Army Knife of Existence. It can readily deal with any topic you throw its way.

It is just not the focus of this book, as the scope of Potentialism is simply too large to cover in one volume. As you learn the basic tenets of Potentialism, I promise that statement will sound far less absurd. Just strap on your seatbelt; we’ll be learning a lot.


Why This Book Is Important

Potentialism provides a more robust, metaphysical cosmology to answer the eternal questions cosmology presents more fully. It gives us an explainable, unifying Theory of Everything (so much more on that in later chapters). More importantly, Potentialism Illustrates a universe that is human-centric or intelligence-centric. Potentialism defines our place in the universe instead of assuming we’re some odd by-product of the universe. Lastly, it helps us fully understanding the universal drive, which, aside from better cosmic understanding, gives us more power over our own lives.

So, let’s be frank and insert some historical context here too. As 2020 comes to an end, we’ve lived with an ongoing pandemic, hurricanes landing a pair at a time in the Gulf of Mexico, fire tornados touching down in the West…

It’s been a bleak year. And it can seem like we’re living in an indifferent universe. Potentialism provides sound evidence quite to the contrary. Potentialism proves our importance in the grand cosmic scheme and proves we have a defined role and place in it. To me, that was an impetus to writing this book this year - to remind us all that no matter how bad things may seem


at times, the universe is unfolding just as it should be, and we have a necessary, even sacred, part to play in it.


Let’s Take a Journey Together

With all this being said, let’s embark on a journey to understand some of the biggest questions in the universe. I’ll make yet another promise: This will be much easier than you think. Leon Lederman once famously wrote in his book, The God Particle: If the Universe is the Answer, What is the Question?, “My ambition is to live to see all of physics reduced to a formula so elegant and simple that it will fit easily on the front of a T-shirt.”

Well, that is precisely what Birnbaum has done. One simple formula. Potentialism.

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

That’s it, you say? The whole universe?


Don’t believe me?

Pour a cup of coffee, and let’s get started, my friend. Welcome to the world of Potentialism.


1. What is Potentialism?

“What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything?”


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams.

I’m often reminded of this particular book when I am asked to explain Potentialism. In the Douglas Adams comedy, a giant computer was created to answer the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. It returned the answer of 42. The punchline of the book was that the actual question wasn’t known, so the answer made no sense.

This is the crux of Potentialism. Science sometimes runs in circles trying to solve a problem without really understanding the question. We describe how things are and how they got to here. Yet, we rarely stop to ponder the reason why anything exists in the first place. Without that crucial first piece of information, things tend to make little sense.

Consider the question – What came first?


The Big Bang?

Surely, that is the beginning. After all, what can possibly exist before nothing? To a physicist, this makes good sense. For Potentialism, though, this is entirely incorrect. What came first was Potential.

David Birnbaum laid the groundwork for a new metaphysics with the simple statement that something must have the Potential to exist before it can exist. While it may seem a simple word game, taking it literally has far-reaching implications.


The Quest for Infinite Potential

In 1960, a 10-year-old Birnbaum was struck with two questions: What is eternal and why? As he grew, this became the larger question of what dynamic is eternal and what, hiding in plain sight, might account for the trajectory of the universe from its ethereal, Eternal Origins to the Cosmic Order of today? At 38, in 1988, Birnbaum finally released his first masterwork, God & Evil (now, Summa I), to tackle this problem.

Birnbaum states that the universe exists because of the nature of Potentialism. Potential, to Birnbaum, is not neutral. Once something has the Potential to exist, the universe has an obligation to strive towards its creation.

Birnbaum calls this inherent drive of the universe the Quest for Infinite Potential, or Q4P. Looking at the beginning of the universe through the eyes of Potentialism, it is not some random, crazy accident that the universe came to be. To Potentialism, it was the unavoidable result of an endless buildup of Potential that finally burst the dam of creation.

Scientists are often puzzled by the exact nature of our universe. There are so many constants and rules and laws that must be perfect for anything to exist, including people. It seems an impossible bit of luck that cannot be explained by randomness.


To Birnbaum, this isn’t a puzzle at all. Things are just the way they are because they absolutely had to be. Had they been anything else, the universe would be less complex, and that simply isn’t its natural state.

If this metaphysical force seems a bit of a stretch, don’t worry. We’ll tackle this in far more detail later. In the interim, I’ll give you a purely physical definition to work with that is easier to understand. Think of Q4P as similar to potential energy in physics. In fact, potential energy is just a single physical manifestation of Q4P at work.

Let’s consider a simple ball. With potential energy, the higher up on a hill our ball sits, the more potential energy it has. That is, it has more energy it can release, as kinetic energy, if it starts to roll downhill. Now picture an infinitely high hill. Our ball, in this instance, now has infinite kinetic energy stored up inside it, waiting to be released.

This is Q4P – an infinite amount of energy stored up inside everything in the universe, including the universe itself, just waiting for a hill to roll down. What that “hill” actually is leads us to the other side of the equation: Q4P∞ → E+.



The other half of the central Potentialism formula is Extraordinariation, which we commonly shorthand to E+. Unlike Q4P, E+ is less a universal force and more a universal law. Whereas Q4P is the universal fuel for cosmic evolution, E+ gives guidance for how that fuel is spent.

It is sometimes helpful to think of E+ as a sort of cosmic destination. It informs the direction in which Q4P drives the universe. E+ is a sort of cosmic end goal if you will. I am greatly oversimplifying this initially, and we’ll certainly go into a greater understanding of E+ in future chapters. For now, though, I’ll keep to an overall, abstract description of E+.

If considering such metaphysical ideas isn’t in your comfort zone, again, let’s start with a more physical description for now. In our earlier ball example, our infinitely high hill represented Q4P. Now imagine an infinitely deep low end of that hill with a road running down it. The ball, when released, doesn't have to think about where to go. The road is a natural guide, and gravity makes sure the ball is naturally guided in the direction to release its energy – towards that infinitely far away endpoint.

Now, remember, we make such physical examples only for reference, and the comparison is imperfect. E+ is not just the


endpoint at the end of our infinitely deep road; it is also gravity and the road itself. E+ both provides the rules for which Q4P operates as well as gives it direction. We’ll have to move away from our simple ball analogy to discuss exactly what E+ is. By Birnbaum’s definition, E+ is the ultimate state of Complexification.

Extraordinariation, or E+, is at the other end of the SuperFormula. While Q4P provides the limitless energy, E+ provides purpose and a destination for Q4P. E+ is both a physical and metaphysical concept.

It is the perfection of hyper-complexity in all ways. It is perfection. What hyper-complexity actually looks like is anyone’s guess. It would be like trying to describe a 4dimensional ball. I could impart an imperfect mathematical understanding of its properties, but I could never describe it in a way that brain, which processes in 4 dimensions, could ever truly picture.

Fortunately, we don’t have to be able to fully visualize or understand it to use it or see its workings in day-to-day


existence. It is simply the force in nature that pulls everything by its bootstraps towards a more complex existence.

It is important to note that Birnbaum describes E+ in a metaphysical sense. As always, when working with metaphysics, it is not enough to describe something just as a physical presence in the universe. It must also be described how it interacts and shapes parts of the universe that are nontangible.

Thus, we must think beyond what the perfect star, the perfect galaxy, or the perfect human is. E+ also represents the perfection and ultimate complexity of ideas, emotions, and thought.

Yes, this is the part that makes conventional scientist squeamish. But this is why cosmology belongs in philosophy and not physics. I cannot stress enough that if you’re only talking about the physical universe, you’re not talking about the whole of it.

If I were to describe a symphony by Beethoven by giving you sheets of paper with the notes and timing, would you experience the whole of that score of music? The answer is absurdly obvious – no. To hear it played is to know, experience and understand something that has no physical form. Yet, we


can all discuss and talk about it which makes it a very real thing despite its lack of a physical body.

Thus E+ is the ultimate end-goal of all that is, was, or will be.Q4P and E+ are metaphysically linked together in their necessary push pull of a cosmic dance. Q4P → E+ And E+ → Q4P



Herein lies Birnbaum’s Third Mechanic of Potentialism. Complexification, C+ for short, is the mechanism that Q4P uses to fulfill its inherent need to express itself and strive towards E+. Birnbaum particularly uses the word Complexification to distinguish it from simple complexity. Complexity is a mechanistic word that can only describe physical complexity. C+ takes into account more advanced, metaphysical complexity as well as physical complexity.

If this seems confusing, let’s consider something such as music. Simple music is a collection of notes played out one after the other. In terms of physical complexity, if I tap out keys one at a time on a piano, I have technically created music. So, how does one account for real music? Beyond even being written and performed in a certain key, how does one express anything like emotions that it stirs? Using purely physical terms, it quickly becomes apparent that complexity is a far from sufficient word.

Now, this is a cosmology book. So, we won’t delve too deep down the rabbit hole on Potentialism’s philosophical ramifications regarding human creativity. Just remember for now why we use C+ and what it represents.


That being said, C+ is a readily visible product of Q4P. It is present wherever complexity grows in the universe.

• It was present when the first particles formed the first atoms.

• It was present when those, in turn, formed the first molecules.

• It was present when those molecules formed the first stars and planets. And,

• It was present when a lonely planet gave birth to life, then humanity.

However, Complexification is a constant, not just visible at points of profound change in the universe. To circle round once again to our ball analogy, C+ can be thought of as the road upon which our ball is rolling. The road is created, like water makes a river channel, from the interplay between Q4P and E+, digging channels through our universe upon which Q4P will follow.


The big difference with C+, though, is that the road it creates is anything but simple. In fact, it is quite the opposite and is so by design. C+ creates complexity, and the creation of complexity is the natural way of the universe. In totality, this gives us Birnbaum's SuperFormula Q4P > C+ > E+.


The Grand Theory

When we put these three pieces together (Q4P, C+, and E+), we get an overall look at the Grand Unifying Theory Birnbaum presents.

1. The universe is inherently full of energy, Q4P or Potential.

2. It has an inherent wealth of energy by weight of its own Potential to become something beyond what it is.

3. Birnbaum's Extraordinariation (E+) provides the “pull” that makes a path for this Potential to play out and express itself.

4. This playing out of the draw to E+ occurs in the universe in the way of Complexification.

As a metaphysical force, Birnbaum's Q4Pisn’t something that is always tangible. However, we observe it by the force it exerts on the universe. As we’ll see, once we know what is driving things, the mark it has on the world becomes more apparent. However, that is not to say we cannot see it working directly at times. Quantum physics is the most obvious. As we’ll see in later chapters, quantum physics tends to give us a rare peek under the hood, if you will, into watching actual Potentialism at work.


Be it basic quantum entanglement, the quantum eraser experiment, or even quantum computing – Potentialism arises again and again in these studies as objective solutions to otherwise baffling dilemmas in modern physics.

As we will see, where classic physics fails and stumbles, Potentialism not only can handle these complex issues but seems custom-made to solve them. This is even more amazing since Potentialism is older than some of the science issues it can solve. However, this is also good news. Unlike some scientific theories, like string theory, which were custom-tailored to try and answer older scientific dilemmas – such is not the case with Potentialism. That it so readily and easily addresses these modern scientific issues thus leads stronger credence to its correctness.


2. Cosmic Origins

“Everything you can imagine is real.” ― Pablo Picasso

The Proper Sequence

In order to craft a strong, accurate metaphysics, Birnbaum asserts that the key is to critically discern then assess our observations. This is the litmus test, or the measure, by which we can decide if our metaphysical model of the cosmos is accurate and true.

First, we must discern an eternal dynamic. By this, Birnbaum means we must establish some driver in the universe which can account for all of creation. This is no small order, but for metaphysics, it is necessary. If the dynamic cannot account for everything or if it isn’t eternal, then it is not a suitable cosmological theory. Accounting for everything is fairly selfexplanatory – it simply means you’ll not find exceptions it doesn’t work for. Eternal is a bit trickier. That means it has to have always worked for as long as the universe has existed. For


reasons we’ll see later, nothing in physics does this. So, we are forced to turn to metaphysics.

Then we must carefully assess and review the voluminous evidence we have gathered about the cosmos and see if it actually fits the cosmological model we are attempting to prove. As Birnbaum himself states, we must “see if we can elegantly plug-in the evidence to the ‘spinal column’ of the working hypothesis eternal dynamic.” In simplest terms, does the evidence fit our hypothesis in every instance?

Because if no clearly discernable eternal dynamic can be proven, then we have failed to find a true metaphysics/cosmological theory.

To this end, Birnbaum has done exhaustive work in both developing Potentialism as well as seeking flaws in it. He has shied away from no challenges from either physicists or philosophers. So, what is presented here is a well-tried and tested metaphysical theory which has survived debate and exploration for over three decades.

That all being said, here is the only surviving theory to date to explain our own Cosmic Origins successfully and fully.


Eternal Potential

As Birnbaum himself states, there is only one dynamic that is truly eternal – Potential. Potential is the spinal column, or core, threading through the entire universe and every stage of metaphysics.

We are often told the Big Bang is the beginning of the Universe. Birnbaum says that this leaves some essential, unsolved questions. Most importantly, it fails to describe why the universe came into being.

That can seem an odd thought and something we often take for granted. But philosophers as far back as Aristotle often would wonder why does anything exist. Science talks a whole lot about what exists and even how it started but never really touches on why anything exists in the first place.

Birnbaum says that to understand why things exist, we have to look back to before they did. So, what was there before there was something? Picture before the Big Bang, when there was nothing, not even an empty universe. Just nothing at all. Before all that, there was still something. That something was Potential.


If you think about it, it makes sense and isn’t hard to imagine. The only thing that predates existence itself is the Potential for it to exist. Potential is always a precursor to actuality. Or, to put it more simply, something has to be able to exist before it can exist.

Something must be possible before it can be real. This is not some play on words but a simple truth.

In the nothingness of the absence of a universe, the universe was forced into being under its own weight of Potential.

Birnbaum states that there exists a metaphysical push and pull between Q4P and E+, an inherent draw between the boundless Potential of what could be and the Extraordinariation that all that Potential could achieve. At some point, it hit a “critical mass”, triggering the Big Bang itself. This follows the natural path laid out in: Q4P∞ → C+ → E+


The Cosmic Womb

Much like Aristotle’s work, Birnbaum maintains that the division of thought, information, and matter is largely an illusion. Physical reality is a tangible subset of the totality of what exists. To put it more simply, what we can see is just part of what all is out there. When looking at the Big Bang from a purely physical perspective, it may seem random and purposeless – something random just occurred to create the universe.

Potentialism takes an extremely different approach. Since the Potential for something to exist must come before that thing’s existence itself, there is an in-between step between nothingness and cosmic creation. Birnbaum calls this the Cosmic Womb.

The term’s mirroring of childbirth is no accident. Birnbaum is often fond of using human imagery to explain the cosmos. Birnbaum often uses analogies to make difficult concepts easier to understand. Birnbaum also points out that since Potentialism drives the whole universe, we should be able to use terms interchangeably. Of course, the universe coming into being is like a child being born. We are part of the universe as well so that we come into being like the stars in the sky only makes sense.


Think of the Birnbaum's Cosmic Womb of Potential as an area of unbounded Potential for creation – a place where Q4P builds endlessly towards becoming physical reality. To understand its ability to create the Big Bang, you need to truly understand what Potential is.

Potential is more than simply what it creates. It is infinite in nature. To illustrate this, let’s consider the birth of a child. The child itself represents the Potential of all that it might become. That, in itself, is a lot. Yet does it justify what we call infinite Potential? The truth is that a child represents far more than its own Potential. Within that child is the Potential to create children itself and all the potential those children have. And when those children have children themselves? See how it goes on and on and gets bigger as it grows? Every single person has, within them, the ability to create millions more people and each of those even millions more.

That is the true nature of the infinite within Potential itself. It is the cumulative Potential of all that not only is, but what can be created in turn from that first creation. Likewise, in the larger macro universe, it is no different. A cloud of stellar gas contains within it the Potential to create stars and planets, and in turn, life that can procreate as well. All this unbounded, primordial Potential builds until it reaches a critical mass, a point where so


much energy is built up that something has to happen, leading to what Birnbaum calls the 0-point.


The 0-Point

The 0-Point is, in some ways, the metaphysical version of the Big Bang. Birnbaum states that the 0-Point was the cosmological tipping point leading to the Big Bang, a metaphysical split in the cosmological order caused by Potential.

When this 0-Point occurred, it created primordial quantum physics. As we will study in later chapters, quantum physics is the primary tool of Potentialism – its most obvious physical manifestation. It is how we can most easily see the influence of Potential in the physical universe. Using quantum mechanics, Potential forced into being the existence of a universe that exploded out – allowing the rest of physics to come into being.

The 0-Point, it is important to note, was when Potential made its first, perhaps most important change – it morphed from the purely metaphysical realm into the physical realm. That is, Before the Big Bang, Potential existed only within the Cosmic Womb and had no physical form. With the Big Bang and the start of the universe, for the first time, Potential could cross this metaphysical line to become something more than just a concept –

it became what we call our physical reality, guided by the rules of Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.

As a metaphysical phenomenon, the 0-Point did more than just create the physical universe. As a concept that is metaphysical in nature, it gave rise to the necessary duality of our universe: Matter and anti-matter; light and dark; male and female; the metaphysical yin and yang of existence; and even the concepts of good and evil.

While this point is far out of scope for this introductory book, it bears mentioning so you can understand the totality of what the stakes were at the 0-Point event of creation. What is important is the concept of duality in general, as we will see this arise a lot during this book.

In science terms, we will stick to easy concepts like light and darkness, matter and void, and creation and destruction. These are all things we can see with our own eyes at work in the universe. Just keep in mind that this duality goes way beyond just what we can see in the world. And why shouldn’t it? It makes good sense that everything in the world follows the same rules, whether something is visible and measurable or not.


Obviously, a proof of something of this scope is more philosophical in nature. However, Birnbaum provides an excellent inductive proof of this broader metaphysical concept for those wishing to explore it further. For now, we’ll

to focus on the material world and Potentialism’s impact on and guidance of it.


A Note on Physics

Regarding classical physics, relativity, Newtonian laws, even quantum physics itself and pretty much all of science – they all exist as a result of the universe. It bears stating this clearly, so it is well understood. People consider the physics of the universe to be inviolable constants. More simply, it is often believed that science is some kind of fact that we use to measure the world around us and is somehow above and not a part of it. However, this is not the truth. This is not a guess but a fact that scientists have proven out.

None of these physics functioned as they do now in the first moments of the universe. They may be dependable measures now, but they are not facts but instead products of the universe. The only thing that predates the universe is Potential.

That means nothing could cause the Big Bang except Potential, as nothing else existed yet. This is a simple yet inescapable fact that all physicists will agree with. The sciences they use to understand the universe simply didn’t exist yet. Physics was a late comer to the cosmological game.

Potential is the only thing existing “outside” the universal system that can truly predate it. It is also the only mechanic that could have a hand in building it as everything else is a part of it that came later. In short, all physics explanations of the universe


are incomplete. It’s like jumping in a pool and declaring the world is made of waves.


The Interplay of Eternal Potential and Primordial Quantum Mechanics (QM)

As we mentioned before, there is a direct relationship between Quantum Mechanics (QM) and Eternal Potential (Q4P). There exists almost a feedback loop between the two. Potential feeds both the raw power as well as the roadmap for quantum mechanics, utilizing the SuperFormula:

This interplay drives a cosmic chronology, or timeline, defining the general direction of cosmic evolution.

This may sound quite different from what you’ve heard in science class. But Birnbaum has serious backing from some titans in the world of physics. Birnbaum’s assertion of this SuperFormula is a culmination of earlier attempts in the 20th Century of scientists seeking this SuperFormula. Respected physicist John Wheeler, who collaborated with the likes of Albert Einstein and Neil Bohr (you may not recognize the name, but he is big in physics), came to realize late in his life that some key element for explaining the universe was essentially missing.

Wheeler posited something called it from bit:

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

“It from bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom — at a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source and explanation; that what we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe.”

Birnbaum's SuperFormula Q4P > C+ > E+ realizes what Wheeler started but could not complete before his death – a true explanation of the universe’s existence. Potential itself “informs” quantum mechanics, providing it with a direction and purpose. Quantum mechanics is a tool to drive the universe towards its own Extraordinariation through Complexification.


The Push and Pull of the Cosmic Drama

Within Potentialism, you’ll find frequent references to a cosmic push and pull. In his more philosophical writings, Birnbaum notes the relation of this concept to human creation, the push and pull of the masculine and feminine and the act of creation itself. As we’ll see in a later chapter on life itself, this allusion to human experience is made with purpose. The same form of Potentialism that guides human evolution and procreation is very similar to what takes place on the cosmic scale. This is because of the universal nature of Potentialism. Potentialism predicts that its effects play out universally.

Whether talking about human life, the greater cosmos or the world on the micro, quantum scale, the effects on Potentialism can be seen throughout. This push and pull particularly is the result, per Birnbaum, of the interaction between Q4P and E+. Where Q4P provides the impulse and power for change and creation, it is the equal pull of Extraordinariation that gives it purpose and direction. This push and pull give rise, on a cosmic scale, to Complexification.

In cosmological physics, in particular, we can see the results of this Complexification (C+) in the epochs that have occurred, from the formation of the first atoms to the birth of stars and


the subsequent creation of heavy elements, life and even mankind. All follow the pre-ordained path determined by an infinite Q4P in its endless quest to seek out its own Extraordinariation.

If that is a new word, don’t worry. We’ll discuss epochs in more detail in the next chapters. For now, just understand the definition of an epoch as the beginning of a distinctive period in the history of something. Think of the universe before plants ever existed. At some point in history, there was no such thing as a plant. So, we consider the birth of the first plant an epoch. An epoch is some total game-changer that makes the universe different. Since the universe follows the laws of Potentialism, that also means the universe gets more complex at each epoch.


On Dark Matter and the Spinal Column of the Universe

Science says that 85% of the universe is dark matter. The name “dark matter” can be misleading. It is not, in fact, some negative form of matter. It is called “dark” simply because science cannot define or find it. Scientists are basically just using a fancy term to say the universe is made of mostly stuff we can’t measure and don’t understand. What we do know is the universe would have collapsed upon itself under its own gravitational weight had dark matter not existed. So, science doesn’t argue that something is there; they just argue what it is.

To Birnbaum, this is no mystery but an expected result of the SuperFormula. The universe is required to be just as it is, growing – in both complexity and size. As this is a necessary path for the universe to follow, Q4P provides the fuel and reason for the existence of dark matter. Einstein himself predicted this “Cosmological Constant” in 1917. This constant, as Birnbaum states it, is Q4P. This makes Q4P itself, not gravity or entropy (chaos), the spinal column on which the universe is built.

As Birnbaum states in his own words,


“Q4P∞ choreographs the grand cosmic drama/trajectory which includes, among other components, exploding stars across the heavens → elements → life forms on earth → 21st Century humans and their ever-advancing consciousness.”


Potentialism – The Center of Cosmic Origins

As we can see, our cosmic origins begin with the SuperFormula: Q4P∞ → C+ → E+. Logically speaking, there can be no other candidate. As we already mentioned, all other cosmic rules (sciences) were created as a result of the Big Bang and the universe coming into being. So, to discuss them as having a hand in the creation of the cosmos makes no sense. Furthermore, we can see the hand of Potentialism repeatedly throughout the initial phases of cosmic creation.

From the formation of successively more intricate stuff in the universe to the very mechanics of quantum physics, all seem to obey the laws of Potentialism. Given this as true, the broader question is, “where is the cosmos at now?”

While some theories may talk of the expansion and “heat death” of the universe, Potentialism has quite a different take on the matter. In fact, to Potentialism, cosmic creation is far from done and instead is still occurring. How that is happening and what the future might hold, we shall tackle in the next sections.

Birnbaum asserts that,


“The core proposition is that there is a single, overarching, and quasi-eternal dynamic hitherto undiscerned, Quest for Potential (Q4P), which drives the Cosmic Order.”


3. Quantum Physics: The Mechanical Language of Potentialism

“The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.” –

The Nature of Stuff in the Universe

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of quantum physics, let’s go over some science basics. If you’ve only heard the word quantum physics, and it doesn’t mean much, don’t worry. We’ll take it in steps, and if you remove all the math, it’s actually pretty easy to understand.

First, let’s take a look at what normal physics tells us about the universe and the stuff inside it. In normal physics, there is matter, energy, and vacuum, the nothingness of space. Let’s ignore vacuum, for now; we’ll get back to that.


Now, matter is what is made up of atoms. We’ve all heard about that. An atom is made up of a nucleus, consisting of protons and neutrons, and is orbited by electrons. Different elements, like hydrogen, gold, or whatever, are only different because they have different numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

It can sound weird at first, but that is the truth of it. Every element is made out of exactly the same stuff. As you can see by looking at a lump of carbon and comparing it to a lump of gold, how these little particles are configured in an atom makes them look and act very differently in the real world.

Einstein Makes Things a Bit Weirder

Now, we’ve all heard of Einstein and his most famous equation: E=mc2. Now, that all has to do with matter and energy and even the speed of light. We could have chapters on what that means, but we’ll stick to just one point.

Einstein proved that matter and energy are pretty much the same thing. Yes, they look and behave differently, but in the grand scheme of things, one can be turned into the other. This idea that matter and energy are so similar is about to be really


important as we take a look at what quantum physics actually is. So, just keep that in mind for now.


Potential and Quanta

At the heart of quantum physics is the idea of the quantum. A quantum (plural quanta) is an irreducible amount of energy. Basically, this means the smallest thing possible in the universe. The quantum world is very much binary in nature – it is either on or off, or in a particular state of energy.

To explain this in simple terms, let’s take a quick view of how electrons function. Electrons have a defined orbit; the furthest from the nucleus inhabit what is called the valence shell. At any given point in time, an electron can be found somewhere within this shell and can be no further or closer from the nucleus.

When you add energy to an atom, the distance of the valence shell from the nucleus can grow further away from the nucleus. You might expect this to be gradual, like watching mercury rise in a thermometer, but this is not how the quantum world works. Instead, energy builds up until it reaches a critical mass – the amount of energy necessary for the valence shell to change distance. When this occurs, the valence shell changes instantaneously, as does the position of the electron(s) in the shell. Such is the nature of how quantum mechanics operates.


Potential builds until, all at once, change happens. We see, as always, this fulfills the Potentialism equation of:

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.

That can be a lot of chemistry to get your head around all at once. So, let’s look at the simple takeaway. An atom will start at a certain size. If you add energy, nothing will happen until enough Potential is built up, then suddenly, like magic, the atom will change in size. The important takeaway is that when you look at things on the atomic scale, you can actually see Potential at work.

A Note on Electron Orbits

We have all seen the classic picture of an atom. There is a clump in the middle, the nucleus, with the electrons orbiting around it like planets around the sun. As it turns out, this isn’t actually true.

An electron shell is more like a field or an area of Potential. Electrons don’t circle the nucleus at all. Rather, they’re just somewhere in that shell. In fact, there is some argument whether they are anywhere in particular at all except for when we try and find them. Otherwise, it’s better to just think of


them as somewhere in there and nowhere in particular until they need to be.

I know. This is very strange and hard to think about. It doesn’t make intuitive sense. However, that is part of the nature of quantum physics – it just doesn’t act like things we see in the larger world. But how electrons work will be especially important as we move forward. So, try and drop the notion of electrons orbiting. Think instead of the shell as a field of potential energy, like a grid, where at any given point, one of those grid spaces will have the electron we expect to find. Further, the electron doesn’t “move” in ways we think of things in motion. It will simply appear in one place in one moment and an entirely different place in the next moment.


Quantum Mechanics: The Physical Representation of Q4P

Quantum mechanics is the language and expression of Q4P. Think of quantum mechanics as the part of Q4P we can tangibly interact with in the physical world. Quantum mechanics follow the same rules as Q4P regarding how it interacts and changes the world around them.

Potential builds until, all at once, critical mass is reached and a change occurs – a quantum event in physical reality, a Complexification event if we are talking about an epoch (remember those?).

For Q4P, this happens on a big scale. Think of this: At one point, the universe was made of nothing but atoms. Potential (Q4P) kept building and building until one day, suddenly, atoms began combining to form molecules. That was a Complexification (C+) event.

Now, let’s look at how quantum mechanics mirror that. As we’ve stated, if you add energy to an atom, eventually, the valence shell, the biggest electron shell, will increase to a new size.


This doesn’t happen gradually, like turning up the volume on a television. Instead, energy keeps getting added with no visible effect until suddenly, the shell changes in an instant. In short, it builds up Potential until it reaches critical mass and change suddenly occurs.

This is because the same rules bind quantum mechanics and Q4P. This is no surprise, as quantum mechanics is actually a part of Q4P. It is the part that exists in the physical universe. Think of the universe like a swimming pool and Q4P as a beach ball floating in it. The part of the ball that is underwater is what we call quantum physics. It’s still part of the ball, but we can only see part of it – the part that is under the water.

The Universe IS Infinite Quest for Potential in Tangible Form

As Birnbaum tells us, “Infinite Quest for Potential drives the universe. The universe IS Infinite Quest for Potential in tangible form.” What Birnbaum means in this statement is that Q4P drives the entirety of the universe. The universe is purpose-built to grow in complexity and seek Extraordinariation.


What this also means is that, in a very literal way, the universe itself is not only driven but made up directly of Q4P. As we have just seen, this is expressed in the existence of quantum mechanics. In every atom in the entire universe lives Potential, Q4P, the ability to grow in complexity and energy.

Science often tries to tell us that there are the micro and macro universes, and they are fundamentally different and distinct. It is often said that while quantum mechanics rules the universe on the small scale, there are entirely different sciences that rule things on the larger scale – like the world we see every day and the planets and stars.

However, this flies in the face of the obvious. The macro universe is built one atom at a time, regardless of how large or complex a system is, and each of those atoms follows the laws of Potentialism. Indeed, they must because every atom IS Q4P in physical form.


A Quick Note on the Word “Theory”

Before we get into the next topic, the word “theory” deserves some context. To us in science, the word theory does not mean what it does to most other people.

You may say something like, “it’s my theory that if I skip lunch, I’ll be hungry.” While that’s not entirely incorrect, it is not quite the same as how we use the term in science. Your lunch theory is an educated guess, based on how you’ve felt in the past when skipping lunch. We usually tend to call that a hypothesis – an educated guess based on past observations.

A theory, on the other hand, is something we have tested exhaustively and has proven true again and again. In fact, it is so good; we tend to use it to do other science, assuming it is true.

Think of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Relativity is not a guess. We use it to send astronauts to the ISS. It is used to make sure your smartphone works. It is used all day, every day. So, bear that in mind when we introduce theories. These are, to the best of our knowledge, true and provable.


Quantum Mechanics and the Universal Supercomputer

20th Century science was consumed with this idea that the universe was destined to fall apart, driven on to this inevitability by the second law of thermodynamics, that of entropy.

The concept is simple enough; systems will always fall, overall, to lower energy states over time. Again, we won’t get bogged down on the science of it. Let’s just look at what it means to what we’ve been talking about.

On a cosmic scale, this means that stars will eventually die and cool, matter will become more distributed and fall apart until nothing is left but the dying gasps of our universe, a lightless sea of black holes that in time will even die.

Looking at the universe from a purely physical viewpoint, this means that the universe becomes somehow “less” and simpler over time. However, this was turned on its head in the late 20th Century by quantum physicists who proposed a new way of looking at the universe – visualizing it as a great, cosmic computer. Birnbaum actually began working on the groundwork of this idea in his first book, Summa Metaphysica I (1998) and went on to develop the concept further in Summa Metaphysica II (2005).


Following Birnbaum’s publishing of Summa Metaphysica II, Seth Lloyd, a widely respected quantum physicist of MIT, put forward that the entire universe is one great supercomputer. Instead of seeing entropy as a breaking down of the universe, he sees it in terms of information. That very entropy is creating more and more information throughout the universe as a whole. To visualize this, think of the universe as both a computer and a huge hard drive to store information.

Regarding this view, Birnbaum agrees, personally calling the universe “a quantum computer integrated into an Organic overlay.” Birnbaum both agrees with Lloyd and takes his work many steps further. This is due to the influence of Potentialism itself.

Simply put, Q4P has a job to do. In seeking E+, it necessarily must strive towards that end-goal and what better way than to intelligently continue to compute the nature of E+ itself. Now, in fairness, we must be careful when using the term intelligence.

Per Birnbaum, “The universe does not have consciousness as we know it; however, [it] voraciously gobbles up and processes all data -which it then deploys to advance its (Potential-driven) objectives and designs.” Thus, the universe is a purpose-built computer designed specifically to calculate, strive for, and understand its own Extraordinariation.


Again, some of these things may seem far-fetched and crazy at first glance. But the people working on this are some of the best scientists in their field. Their work has gone far to explain many things in the universe which otherwise just don’t make sense.

Birnbaum’s work is both a compilation of those earlier scientists’ work and a big expansion on how everything fits together.

I know this last section is a lot to take in. So, what is the important takeaway? If we think of the universe as one big computer, it is getting bigger and more complex and growing. Scientists in the 20th Century generally missed this huge point –and it is huge. It is like looking at the exhaust of a car and claiming that fuel is being used up – missing the whole point that someone actually made a car, and that is totally amazing!

When you look at the universe as a supercomputer, suddenly the world is just getting bigger, more complex, and more amazing as it progresses on.

Humanities Place in the Universal Supercomputer

So, what is humanity’s place in the universe? Are we just a lucky occurrence or accident of chemistry? We’ll get into a host of


reasons this is not the case in a later section, but there is one reason humanity exists, which is pertinent here. Note again that Birnbaum calls the universal supercomputer “organic.”

In fact, in moving past Lloyd’s mechanical view of the universe, Birnbaum considers life and humankind a necessary part of this great cosmic supercomputer. In Birnbaum’s own words,

“It is important to note Each of us is somehow simultaneously autonomous - and simultaneously plugged-into and integral-to the universe-computer,

i.e. the universe mega-brain

i.e. the universe quantum computer

i.e. the universe

The universe is always computing, assessing, calculating and then iterating/expanding/complexifying towards its next level of Potential.”

In support of this, consider the human mind itself. It is, by far, the most advanced computer we have ever witnessed in the universe. And there are billions of these minds, multiplying every year. In a universe that is custom designed to compute, it is beyond crazy that the cosmos would waste energy, creating such amazing computing power simply by accident and then not even using it.


Consider all the steps between minerals, plants, life, and humanity itself that had to occur for you to be here. As pure luck, it seems absurdly unlikely. But, in a universe that has a purpose and some serious computing to do, it is a masterstroke of planning and innovation to have created us. Moreover, as we shall see in the section regarding life, our own existence falls very much into the normal evolution of Complexification.

As Birnbaum tells us, “The universe is simultaneously an everexpanding mega-brain. What we learn, the universe learns; thus, there is at least some (and possibly great) intrusion into our thoughts.”

So, make no mistake; we are not here by accident and are, in fact, quite necessary to the grand plan of the universe. Birnbaum makes that clear, Potentialism makes that clear, and common sense makes that clear.

The Future of the Computing Universe

As we have seen, the universe is moving with intention and purpose. On its way towards Birnbaum's Extraordinariation (E+), there is a lot of computing that must happen. Along the way, we see Complexification happening all around as the universe gets


better at doing this. That is not to say that humanity’s only purpose is to help do this computing, and we’ll delve deeper into that soon. The takeaway is that the creation of life and humanity has made the cosmic supercomputer far more efficient at its job.

So, where does the future of this supercomputer lie? Birnbaum says, “the universe endeavors to be a perpetual motion entity; It is unclear whether the universe will be successful on this track. [Yet] one suspects that the profound, tenacious, and ever-learning universe will inevitably find a way, a path, a modality - via one dimension or another - to continue its inexorable and hoped-for infinite journey. It very well may not have the solution yet....”

This may sound a bit vague. However, this is the nature of Complexification. Until a Complexification event happens, it is impossible to predict the form it will take. Because of that, predicting the absolute path the future might take is impossible.

Consider the world when nothing but plants existed for a moment. Is there anything that would make you think one of them would start thinking? Sprout legs, decide to wear clothing, invent the internet, and keep track of each other on Facebook? That one day life would make human beings that could actually


ponder the complexity of the universe? From a plant?! Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

Looking back, we can view the steps that arose to bring about humanity. But, in the middle of those steps, how could anyone possibly foresee the next?

That is where we are now. We know the great, cosmic supercomputer will require more horsepower at some point and will create something new to assist in its endless quest, but what form that will take is unknowable. Maybe we will learn to travel the stars. Maybe we will learn to talk to one another with only a thought. All we can do is guess right now. All we know for sure is when the next event happens, things will be much more complex than they are now.

A Universe Greater Than Its Parts

So, we’ve peeked under the hood at how quantum mechanics works a bit. What are our big takeaways?

1. The universe is more than just a pile of energy, space, and matter. It stores and calculates information. When we see the universe as a computer, we can suddenly see it is extremely hard at work and not nearly done with whatever it is doing.


2. Quantum mechanics lets us see Potentialism actually at work. It constantly happens all around us. When Potential increases, we can actually see atoms grow in size in sudden increments. Likewise, it can get smaller in increments, releasing stored up energy.

3. Quantum mechanics lets us see the part of Potentialism that exists in the physical universe, but there is more than we can see at work. What we see is when Potential builds within the Cosmic Womb enough to “poke its head” into existence and change things around us.

Additionally, we see that even the exhaust of this computing, called entropy, serves a vital part in the universe as a whole because it is part of the universal supercomputer. As Lloyd has proven, entropy creates information. You would hardly call a hard drive filled with information waste. So, the results of entropy can be seen as the information storage of the universe, not just wasted exhaust.

Also, remember that the Cosmic Womb is infinite, so the idea there is some fixed amount of energy in the universe is not actually true. Creation can always happen when need. Once we reach the next Complexification event, the universe will be in entirely new territory once again, and we’ll have to rethink the particulars of how it works.


So, rest assured, if it seems the universe is headed towards some particular path, all past evidence says that the state our universe is in now is temporary and will change again. This makes guessing too far into the future based on the universe’s current state meaningless. Moreover, everything in existence serves a distinct, useful purpose working for Q4P and the Birnbaum's

SuperFormula Q4P > C+ > E+.

4. Potentialism on the Macro Scale: The Geometry of Potential

“If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.”

The Form Potential Takes

Birnbaum states that Potential acts as the “spinal column” of the universe. It binds both the smallest of objects and the largest, from the parts of an atom to entire galaxies. As such, we should see common occurrences of all sizes and scales. There is the Push and Pull we have spoken about before. The existence of complimentary opposites - light and dark; cold and hot; good and evil – are called dualities. Birnbaum states that this duality is present throughout the universe on every scale.

Birnbaum also tells us the infinite nature of Potential shows as spiral formations. Now, since we know Potential is present and uniform on any scale, we should be able to see that a Push and


Pull is present no matter what size we are looking at. So, let’s explore the universe on some vastly different scales and see how that plays out. If Birnbaum is correct, this exercise should prove successful.

The Atomic Scale

Starting at the smallest, let’s look at the atom first. Finding a Push and Pull on the atomic scale is straightforward enough. We have only to look at the electron and the proton. They’re literally opposites in terms of charges – the negative electron and the positive proton.

Now, on the atomic scale, finding the spiral pattern can be a bit tricky. This is due to the nature of the quantum world, as we previously mentioned. As electrons tend to blink about on the edge of reality, so closely bordering the Cosmic Womb itself, it can be more than a bit tricky to actually follow their movements. However, we can see that electron shells do spiral out in increasing size as you add more energy (and Potential) to the atom itself.


The Molecular Scale

Moving on to the molecular scale, things start to get a bit more normal in terms of what you would expect. As far as the Push and Pull go, atoms bond together to form molecules largely based on electrons. Some atoms fit together naturally, like puzzle pieces. This is because atoms seek their highest Potential state of having a perfect distribution of electrons. When two atoms happen to have the perfect configuration of electrons to complement and complete each other, they connect and share their electrons to reach that perfect state.

On another level, molecules exhibit Push and Pull based on pH levels. You are probably aware of acids, those substances that can melt steel in high concentrations. As Potential tells us, th ere is always an opposite of what exists. In the case of acids, they are called basis. You may know bases by the word that describes them. Instead of being acidic, they are called alkaline. We can show they are opposites because, when mixed together, they actually cancel each other out. This is the foundation of a good deal of chemistry, as many experiments routinely call for reaching a point where the base and acid completely cancel each other out – this procedure is called titration.

As to identifying spirals at this level, this did not happen instantly at the molecular level. But remember, Potential is a


journey. There is no demand that anything happen instantly, only that it must happen eventually. With molecules, the final configuration that brought about the expected spiral was an incredibly defining moment in the universe.

The double helix was the first physical molecular spiral to naturally form. That double helix, or double spiral, is what we call DNA. So, how big of a difference did it make for spirals to actually begin to show on the molecular level? It heralded the beginning of life itself. So, you can see when it did arrive; the helix was an amazing game-changer as far as how complex things could be on a molecular level. We’ll discuss life and its necessary part of Potentialism soon in later chapters in more depth.

The Planetary Scale

When we get to a planetary level, we find there are varying degrees of how well both the spiral nature of Potential as well as the Push and Pull play out. As we said before, though, their existence isn’t so much a law as an aspiration. To put it more simply, the more they exist, the more advanced the planet is, and the further along it is in seeking out its Potential.

Let’s take a moment and consider two planets – Mars and Earth. Mars, by far, is the simpler of the two. That much is


obvious. One is a barren rock; the other is teeming with life of all kinds, seas and a rich atmosphere that makes for intricate weather.

On Mars, there are still some Push and Pulls evident. It has polar caps and a comparatively warm central band of land. Likewise, spirals are still prevalent in its thin atmosphere when viewing the huge dust storms that commonly cover the surface.

Earth, by comparison, exhibits far more traits of Potential, showing us Q4P that is far more active. As such, we also see comparatively far higher amounts of physical Potentialism effects.

Earth has a molten iron core that puts out an invisible magnetic shield protecting the planet and life on it, spiraling out from the center of the planet itself; this magnetic field both protects us from lethal radiation as well as keeps our atmosphere safe from solar winds that could otherwise blow away our atmosphere.

Moving down the planet itself, we see weather patterns that continual spiral across the surface of the planet, from global wind currents to smaller tropical storms, all following the indelible rules of Potential. These patterns even continue down to the surface, as we see in the circulation of the oceans and perhaps even the slow dance of continental drift as the surface land glides across the molten oceans of iron deep within our


planet. This is not to even mention the spirality we already acknowledged in the DNA of every life form on our planet. While we might have seen fairly simple examples of the universal Push and Pull on smaller scales, we must remember that planets came much later in the evolution of the universe than atoms and molecules, so they have achieved far more Complexification by comparison. This is especially true of the Earth as new concepts evolved in the duality of the Push and Pull.

Even the simplest of plant life introduced an entirely new concept and level of complexity – the idea and existence of life and death. Take a moment to consider that. Before the earth reached a certain degree of complexity, life and death did not exist. As we will discuss in more detail later, life and death were just the beginning of the unique complexity biological life began. For now, let us just focus on the vast amount of complexity Earth represents, to the point it is what Potentialism regards as both an Epoch and a Complexification event.

The Solar System Scale

On the level of the solar system, we’ll start with the easy thing to identify, Potential’s Push and Pull. This is actually the basic of what we call Newtonian physics. The orbit of the planets


represents the perfect balance between these two forces of Potential. The key is envisioning what an orbit actually is.

Let’s take a really simple example and consider the International Space Station. We often talk of the station as being a zero-G environment. Like, since it is far from Earth, everything just floats without gravity. But that isn’t actually what is happening at all.

Gravity is in full effect on the station. It is so close to the Earth below; it very much feels the full weight of its gravity at all times. So, why does it seem like people are floating with no gravity? The answer is terribly interesting. The station is actually falling towards our planet – it just keeps missing!

How is that? Well, it has to do with the momentum of the station. Consider if you threw a baseball at 30 miles per hour, and it went, let’s say, 50 feet. If you threw the ball twice as fast, you’d find it went much further. Well, if you could throw it fast enough, it could fly forever. At some speed, it would fall towards Earth because of gravity, but the Earth is round. So, it could fall at the same rate the Earth curves and never actually hit the ground.

Now, this analogy is imperfect. The ball would actually hit the ground because it would slow after a while. Air in our atmosphere creates friction, so the ball would slow as a result


and eventually hit the ground. But above our atmosphere, in space, the space station has no such problems. Thus, we can think of the Push being the velocity of the space station and the Pull being Earth’s gravity.

Planets in the solar system work in much the same way as their velocity keeps them from falling into the Sun, and the Sun’s gravity keeps the planets from launching off into space. Push and Pull.

Now, a clever reader might be thinking at this point, but what about spirality? An orbit is a circle, not a spiral. Well, that’s not actually true. We’ll use a couple of illustrations to explain why. Here is what you have been used to seeing as a model of our solar system.


On some level, this isn’t completely incorrect. It does roughly describe how the planet moves around the Sun. Granted, the model is oversimplified as the sizes, distances, and exact orbits aren’t correct. But it is sufficient to get across the general idea. However, something big is missing from this picture. Our solar system doesn’t sit still. It is part of the Milky Way. And our galaxy does not sit still, any more than the planets sit still. As such, it moves in a circle around the core of our galaxy. So, what does it look like when you account for that motion? Well, let’s take a look and see.

Notice something distinct? Yes, the entire solar system is made up of consecutive spirals. Sometimes, if you cannot find something, you only need to shift perspective to find it was


there all along. As it turns out, the planets all follow this spiral progression, held together in a perfect state of Push and Pull to keep them functioning.

The Galactic Scale

Finally, this leads us to explore the effects of Potential on the galactic scale. For this scale, the easy one to distinguish is spirality. In fact, galaxies come in a myriad of beautiful, spiral forms you’re likely familiar with. But what of the Push and Pull effect?

This is perhaps one of the most bizarre forms of the Push and Pull of Potential present in physics. First, let’s point out the easy part – the Pull. Gravity is the culprit, just like on the solar system level. Indeed, within a single galaxy itself, velocity exists to provide the counterbalance of the Push. But things get stranger when we step back a bit further and look at multiple galaxies at once.

Galaxies do not orbit one another. Gravity exists between them. But what takes the place of that spinning velocity? Potential always finds a way to exert itself and establish the duality, and it is no exception here. We’re going to add a new word, perhaps, to your definitions – Inflation.


We’re going to have to dive into a bit of physics to explain this one. You’ve, no doubt, heard of the speed of light. It is roughly 186,000 miles per second. Now we have a fairly good idea of how old the universe is, and we also know nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Given those two facts, the size of the universe should be about 13.8 billion light-years across. Yet, this isn’t the case. In fact, the universe, to our best estimates, is more like 93 billion light-years.

On the surface, this seems to make no sense. But Potential needed a Push to keep the universe in order, and it did something rather remarkable here. It created inflation.

Inflation is what we call the universe expanding. Galactic clusters are actually spreading apart faster than the speed of light. Now we just said nothing could move faster than the speed of light, so you’re likely wondering how this is possible and doesn’t break the rule of light speed.

In the deep vacuum of space, space itself is stretching. It is not moving; it is stretching. The nothingness between galaxies is getting bigger. I use the term nothing a bit loosely. Even the emptiest void of space is quite busy, but that is a subject for another book. For our purposes, we’ll just consider it empty. Our focus right now is that nothingness can grow in size.


Potential, on a galactic scale, provides the Push by literally just making the universe a bigger place.

Since this space is being created, it has no velocity. So, even though it appears far away galaxies are moving away faster than the speed of light, they are not actually moving, so don’t violate the speed of light.


The Universality of Potentialism

Our most important takeaway from this chapter is that Potential exists on every scale in the universe. More importantly, if we know what to look for, we can find evidence of this. One of the easiest ways is to look for the telltale signs of its distinctive geometry. The two key elements of Potential, at least regarding its geometry and identifying the Push and Pull of Potential and the spirality of its expression.

Importantly, we have learned that Potential does express itself differently, depending on what scale we are looking at. This is partly due to the physics of the scale involved, but it is also due to the fact that different scales are also products of different epochs, so some will show higher or lower levels of Complexification. So, Potential on a quantum scale may seem more primitive in how it expresses itself as it is so raw and fundamental it actually borders the Cosmic Womb itself. By comparison, stars in a galaxy follow a fairly easy to identify pattern we’ve been taught to look for. At the other extreme, planets such as Earth show a culmination of the highest current levels of Complexification, and therefor show the highest levels of complex geometry we could expect to see.


Regardless of how the geometry plays out, though, we can identify all the basic parts at each scale we have reviewed. This doesn’t nearly cover all the evidence of Potential at work, but it is a starting foundation for us before we move further forward to understand more completely how Potentialism works.


5. Epochs: The Expression of Complexification

“The current state of knowledge can be summarized thus: in the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

The universe is old. Really old. Our best estimates are 13.77 billion years. The interesting thing about the universe, though, is that it didn’t always look like it does now. It has changed a lot since the “0”-Point fired off the Big Bang.

It is easy to take for granted that the universe is an unchanging place. When we hear that our sun is 4.6 billion years old, it seems like everything around us is static, and things have been the same forever.

However, that is not the case. Looking at the bigger time scale, the universe has gone through changes so drastic that, if you went back in time, it would be unrecognizable. Moreover, it has had drastic changes occur that are far more recent than the formation of our sun.


Science recognizes these fundamental changes as epochs –when things changed so much in the universe that it was like nothing that came before it. This begs the obvious question:


Why do these changes occur? Birnbaum tells us that these epochs occur as a result of Complexification. Critical build-ups occur on occasion where the universe is forced, in its endless quest towards Extraordinariation, to find a new path forward. As always, we see the universe striving to realize itself due to the law of Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.


Complexity Vs. Complexification

To understand epochs and complexification better, it’s first a good idea to start with defining the two words “complexity” and “Complexification” in Potentialism.

We know now that the universe is always striving towards E+. It can achieve this in two different ways - through normal complexity or through Complexification. Though they sound remarkably similar, they play out very differently in the universe.


Complexity is what we deal with every day. Think of yourself doing something like learning a new language. As you do, you gain complexity. Complexity happens everywhere around us and permeates the universe. Stars and planets form. Plants grow from seeds. Children grow and study in school.

On every scale, our world is surrounded by increasing complexity. We even mentioned previously how the universe, as a great super-computer, is increasing in complexity. Those are all ways the universe around us continue to strive towards E+.



Birnbaum states clearly that we should always remember the infinite and compound nature of Q4P. Remember that driving force, the Quest for Infinite Potential? Birnbaum has often written Q4P as:


The reason it appears this way is a shorthand to try and express the compound, exponential nature of Birnbaum's Q4P: as in an infinite number to the infinite power. You might more easily say mathematically:


Except it keeps going on. Admittedly, that is a lot of math to try and get a hold on. The main point is that the size and scope of Q4P build endlessly and can’t be contained. So, how does that relate to Complexification?

Every day complexity is how Q4P works on a daily basis to help the universe move towards E+. But that is insufficient to satisfy Q4P on any sustained basis. The problem is that complexity has its limits.

Yes, a blade of grass growing adds complexity to the universe. A billion blades of grass add even more. But it is the same type of

Q4P∞) Q4P∞)

complexity. At some point, Q4P will inevitably burst its dam and express itself in some new way. The same thing happening over and over again will, at some point, be insufficient in complexity.

That’s when Complexification occurs. If this sounds new, it definitely is not. These events have happened over and over again throughout time since the universe began. We’ll review the most important ones to see how Complexification changed how the entire universe worked.


The First 100 Seconds

In astrophysics, there are many epochs that occurred in the first 100 seconds of the universe. We will simplify things a bit and call them one epoch here. The details are fascinating, but it is a lot of particle physics to absorb, and we don’t need to get too bogged down talking about hadrons, leptons, and other particles. Just keep in mind that all the things that make up atoms were freely floating about in a really, really hot, radioactive soup of the universe.

Those particles floating about were the first things to exist. Indeed, the universe itself was even becoming the first thing to exist. It’s easy to think of the Big Bang as something that exploded out in space, but the truth of those first seconds of the universe is far weirder than that.

The Big Bang didn’t explode out into an empty universe. The Big Bang was the universe itself exploding outwards. There was no “outside” to explode into. Even empty space didn’t exist. Even time, as we understand it, might not have existed before the “0”-Point launched the Big Bang.

This was the first dramatic Complexification event we know to have occurred. As such, it was fairly easy to fulfill the requirements of Complexification occurring.


Did it create something fundamentally new? Yes. There was nothing beforehand, so anything would have to be considered fundamentally new and different.

Did it change the level of complexity in the universe in a profound way? Yes. It started the world, giving us energy, particles and the Fundamental Forces that currently govern the universe.

For Potentialism, we can call this a single epoch because, while different particles were forming during this time, that would be considered complexity and not Complexification. Remember the rule of Complexification here: Something fundamentally more complex would have to be created. A new type of particle is not fundamentally more complex than an already existing one, so we consider it just a rise in complexity.


The Atomic Epoch and the Rise of Matter

The next epoch we see occurred when particles started to combine into atoms. Hydrogen, followed by helium, began to form. This was a complete game-changer in a universe that was made entirely of energy and particles. Matter as we know it began to form. While the first ones to form were gases, they took up space and were actually matter with mass and gravity.

This second Complexification event meant the universe could start building out materials for its future. Now, this did not occur quickly. It’s important to remember that Q4P has no time schedule. The only rule is that complexity must always grow. So, for a long time, we had only the very lightest of elements.

Before this event, atomic science meant nothing. You yourself, the air you breath and everything you touch is made entirely of atoms. It is hard to imagine a universe where not a single one existed. So, it is rather easy to prove this epoch as a Complexification event.

Did it create something fundamentally new? Yes. Particles became arranged in the traditional parts of the atom we are familiar with – protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Did it change the level of complexity in the universe in a profound way? Yes. Atoms create the means by which all


matter in the universe could exist. Without this epoch, the universe would have just been an eternal sea of unshaped energy and particles.

We should also remember how singularly amazing atoms are. Take a moment and think about the fact that every atom that exists is made of the same exact thing. They are all just protons, neutrons, and electrons. Then look at the power Q4P has infused in these three simple particles.

By simply rearranging their numbers, you can make the oxygen that we breath, a piece of gold, or a lump of carbon. But on the atomic scale, they are all made of the exact same materials. Atoms are one of the most versatile and near-magical creations of Q4P that has ever been created. Potential wasn’t nearly done with this miraculous invention because Q4P always designs with future Complexification in mind.


The Molecular or Galactic Epoch

That future Complexification was realized when molecules began to form. Aside from all the amazing properties atoms contain by simply changing the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons they have, Q4P also gave them another trick up their sleeve: The ability to combine into molecules.

Astrophysicists usually call this the Galactic Epoch, as they focus on the fact, rightly, that matter began to react to its own gravity, condensing to start forming galaxies of swirling matter.

But Potentialism already predicted this formation as a forgone conclusion. Space formed areas of matter and empty space, constituting the Push and Pull effect of Q4P, and spirals of matter became the first galaxies – just as they were always expected to.

So, for Potentialism, we focus on something far more important and the real Complexification event. As matter compressed under its own gravity, stars eventually formed. This had two crucial effects – one a complexity event and one a Complexification event.

Let’s look at the complexity event first. Matter was nothing new at this point. The world was full of atoms. But they were all


relatively light atoms. If you have ever counted the elements on the periodic table, that chemistry chart that shows all types of atoms we know about, there are currently 118 elements. So, how did we get from just hydrogen and helium to all these elements?

During this period, Q4P was still mightily working on atomic complexity. It took the form of stars. As stars formed, they created enormous heat and gravity. And that made them a creative furnace in the universe. We can even consider the first star a Complexification event in and of itself because it created a forge to make new elements in.

You may have heard someone say we are star dust. That’s not just poetry; it is literally true. Stars had to be born and finish their life for us to fill out that periodic table. The heavier elements that fill out the table are literally the dust from dead stars.

This is another thing to consider about Q4P itself – it wastes nothing. Even if you see something that seems to be crumbling instead of being created, there is a meaning and purpose to it. In the case of stars, they needed to coalesce, be born, and die to give us all the elements necessary to make up our current universe.


These new elements are also the material needed to jumpstart the Molecular Epoch. Q4P designed this array of elements so they could combine like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to make molecules.

No less amazing than atoms, molecules gave us an entirely new level of complexity never before seen. If we only had atoms, there would only be 118 different types of matter in the universe. The end. Done.

Since Q4P designed them to combine, what we were given is an endless array of ways they could come together to build matter of unimaginably greater complexity. Let’s look at one of the simplest and most necessary molecules to us humans – water. Its chemical formula is H2O. If you’re unfamiliar with chemistry notation, that simply means there are two hydrogen atoms connected to one oxygen atom.

Much like atoms changed completely by adding a few particles to one, combining atoms completely changed what they were. Here on earth, at normal temperatures, oxygen and hydrogen are both gases. But combined, suddenly you have a liquid. Its properties are entirely different. You can’t breathe water any more than you can drink hydrogen. It is fundamentally different just because these atoms have decided to act as one thing.


The Birth of Chemistry

It is also important to note that the Molecular Epoch gave us the birth of a new science: Chemistry. Chemistry, at its heart, is the study of matter and how it combines, interacts, and changes. Before the Molecular Age, we had no such interaction.

Well, for science enthusiasts, this is mostly true. Like many Complexification events, there was some overlap. It is more accurate to say molecular chemistry didn’t exist. However, there were some changes of matter going on at the atomic scale before molecules existed.

Remember those stars we mentioned that were creating elements? When those stars lit up at birth, the hydrogen it contained was under such pressure and heat that it started a nuclear fusion reaction. Hydrogen would get crushed into a reaction that formed helium from the hydrogen. That, in turn, would be further processed to make an element called beryllium, and so on. Eventually, by the end of the star’s life, it would be all the way up to creating iron.

But chemistry as we know it, with its endless arrays of molecules with their special properties that we use every day, would not come into its own until molecules started forming.


So, does the Molecular Epoch fulfill the requirements for Complexification?

Did it create something fundamentally new? Yes. As atoms combined, they created entirely new types of matter. It also gave us the mature, full science of chemistry.

Did it change the level of complexity in the universe in a profound way? Yes. We were no longer constrained to the 118 elements of the periodic table in how diverse and complex the universe could be. Atoms could now interact and bond with one another in ever-increasing complexity.


The Life Epoch

We will break this epoch down further in the next chapters. This is a special epoch. Not only for the changes it has made to the universe but also because we are living in the last of these epochs currently.

Although all Complexification events are unique, important, game-changing events, since each builds on the complexity of the last, it necessarily means each one becomes dramatically more grandiose when it arrives. Life is certainly no exception.

Birnbaum tells us that Q4P is not only infinite in nature but is made of nested infinities, as we discussed when we explored Birnbaum’s notation of: Q4P∞) Q4P∞) Q4P∞).

As Q4P has steadily grown in power and its ability to express itself, life did something fundamentally different that was always a part of Q4P itself: Life self-replicates.

The Flora Epoch

Imagine the difference when something in the universe was first able to make a copy of itself. In the Flora Epoch, plants began to grow on their own – taking resources around them from soil and rainfall and using the energy of the sun to make themselves


larger. As if that wasn’t incredible enough, they learned to replicate themselves. They developed DNA to contain the instruction on how to build something like themselves and spread that DNA so life could flourish.

That is the nature of Q4P and Complexification. Until it takes place, it is impossible to imagine what wondrous path it will take next. But plants were a special step because they were the first to truly have enough complexity to mimic Q4P itself. This is because plants contained that infinite nature. They not only contained all the complexity that was being a plant. They also contained the complexity of all the plants they could create in turn and that those plants could make as well.

This carries on infinitely. So, consider a single blade of grass as not only what it is, but all the grass in can make in turn and the far greater change it can make in the universe compared to a simple chemical reaction which, when completed, is done. Forever.

The Fauna Epoch

The second stage of life was the Fauna Epoch – the creation of animals. What started as small organisms hardly distinguishable from plants slowly increased in complexity to add things like locomotion so that it could find food, eyes so that it could see


food and predators, all the way up to the large, complex animals we see today.

Through their genetics, their DNA was also still being influenced by Q4P to modify itself slowly but steadily towards greater complexity.

The Human Epoch

Our current epoch, which we definitely do not call the last, is the Human Epoch. It is important to note this. Potentialism continues towards Extraordinariation forever. There is no end we know of. E+ is some stage of hyper complexity that is, honestly, not comprehensible. We’ll discuss this further, but for now focus on the fact that this is just our current epoch, and there is no reason to assume it is the last. Actually, there is every reason to not assume that.

However, humans are the current pinnacle of complexity. What truly sets us apart from anything that came before is our sentience. We have higher reasoning. We are self-aware. We have abstract thoughts. We create art. There are so many things, and we will explore them more in-depth soon. For now, we shall simply say our sentience is what defines us as an epoch.


As always, we will test these Life Epochs to ensure they meet Complexification criteria.

Did it create something fundamentally new? Yes. At each stage, the Life Epochs added something new – plants that could self-replicate, animals with locomotion and minds, and humans with sentience and the ability to reason.

Did it change the level of complexity in the universe in a profound way? Yes. Plants were able to, under their own power, spread across the planet. Animals were able to move about the earth, hunt intelligently and have rudimentary thoughts. Humans, the pinnacle of life, added the ability to reason and think, giving them the ability to actively change and control the world around them.

The Unique Life Epoch

There are several factors that make the Life Epoch unique. Certainly, it is the ability to procreate, whether it is the seed from a tree or humans having a child. This is something embedded in Q4P that has finally made an appearance in the universe, crossing the boundary from Birnbaum's Cosmic Womb of Potential into the universe of reality and matter.


But, as we will see, the existence of humanity makes a shift in how we must look at the universe. All the previous epochs were solely about matter and energy - things we can measure and quantify. Humanity adds a unique problem to a universe we can usually use physics and chemistry to study. It adds something intangible, something we cannot see or measure directly, but that still is very real and exists. It introduces the idea of thought itself. While physics starts to break down at this point, as we shall see, Birnbaum’s Potentialism maintains its course and continues to inform and guide us and help us understand the world around us.


6. Plant Life: The First Full Realization of Q4P

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in our own sunshine.”

We have spoken of the overarching epoch of life in the last chapter. We will further subdivide it now into this and the next two chapters because it really needs it. As we’ve seen, Complexification is exponential in nature.

That is to say, every time a Complexification event happens, it is of an order of magnitude larger than the last that came before it. Birnbaum tells us this is normal and expected. If you remember how we talked about the nested infinities that drive Q4P, we can only expect each event to be so much bigger and profound than the last. Such is the introduction of the first life epoch: plant life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A New, Deeper Connection to Q4P

Plant life became a torchbearer of Potential as soon as it was given birth. Consider everything that came before it. Yes, the universe was steadily growing more complex. New elements were created, and elements were coming together to form more and more complex molecules and interact with one another in more complex ways. But there was a limit to the complexity that was involved.

Think of it this way. In a pre-plant era, there were only two options for driving complexity:

1. Things could continue to do exactly the same thing – in the endless sea of hydrogen and, rarely, a few other light elements, stars could form.

Those stars could follow their life path and do pretty much the same thing every time.

2. Things could change over a period of time – Within those individual stars, their life from birth to death created heavier elements. And every once in a while, something rare would happen. Perhaps two stars would collide, creating a new stellar system, or a supernova would occur, or a black hole.


Yet, all of these things followed a script. A script that was unchanging and eternal, it seemed, in the universe. Nothing new was happening. This remained true until the formation of life. The first life to appear was plant life, as it was the least complex.


The Birth of the Double Helix

As we’ve seen throughout previous epochs, Q4P consistently raises the stakes, and it is never additive; it is always exponential. To clarify, things don’t simply get more complex, as in twice as complex, but rather on a scale more like:

(current complexity)2

This is the nature of Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.

This is exactly what happened when the first life made its appearance in the universe. For the first time ever in the world, something existed that could not only change and create complexity, but it could also retain its own complexity and proliferate – or spawn more things just like it.

The key to this was DNA. A double helix, or spiral, just as Birnbaum predicts. Everything that is alive has DNA. DNA is located in nearly every cell of something living within its nucleus.


Think of DNA as a program that shows how that organism is built. The DNA contains all the necessary “computer code” to detail how to build itself. So, DNA from an oak tree contains all the information necessary on how to create an oak tree. This DNA is passed on, in this case, from tree to tree, in every seed that is dropped.

This unique aspect of life changed everything when it came to be. For the first time in the universe, things didn’t just react to physical forces. Instead, things (plants) could retain a “memory” of their own creation in order to multiply and make copies of themselves.

Remember how we mentioned that the true power of Q4P was its nested nature? Plants were the first realization of this nature taking physical form in the universe. Instead of just being a chemical reaction, they could multiply. This means they could actually fulfill the role of Q4P by expressing their infinite nature in that they could make copies of themselves – forever!


The Evolution of Plants

When first presented, plants obviously were quite primitive. DNA may have been a step forward, but most plants were little more than a green sludge on an unremarkable, wet planet. However, as we have learned, once Complexification happens, complexity sets in.

I mention this in particular because it isn’t always obvious how profound a Complexification event actually is. Algae may seem little different from a normal chemical process. But when we compare an algae growth to something like a tree, suddenly we can see the vast difference that it actually entails.

Consider the complexity in a tree compared to what came before plant life. Compare, say, hydrogen and oxygen atoms coming together to form a uniform water molecule – each perfectly just like the other. Now, compare it to an oak tree, with its winding branches and leaves. Looking at the two, there is little comparison.

Plants gave a profound new complexity to the very things that exist in the universe. That complexity is not only in what they were but what they could create.


DNA’s Ability to Morph

The crux of Complexification in plants is DNA. It is a fuller realization of Q4P. Nothing could replicate itself before DNA. However, it wasn’t replication that really set plant life apart. As much as this might have been a game-changer, the biggest push for Q4P was that it had the ability to change.

DNA was not only a blueprint but a blueprint that was mutable. It could change and generally did so, in ways that further its evolvement. In fact, the birth of plants heralded the first beginnings of what we consider the modern epoch.

As mentioned, it is sometimes more accurate to think of DNA like computer code. It runs on the computer language of organic life. That is the true power of DNA. Q4P can rewrite this code whenever it wishes.

The world of plants we find now are all results of Q4P continuing to tweak and change this organic code. From sea kelp to grass and from jungles to savannahs, we can see the results of Q4P engineering endless complexity all across the world.


7. Animals: The Second Epoch of Life

“The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.”

― Carl Sagan, Cosmos

If plants were the first direct intrusion of Q4P across the veil of the Cosmic Womb, animals were the clear next step in its evolution. Whereas plants were confined to change solely through DNA, animals were given far more powerful tools - the ability to move, intentionally procreate and think.


A plant can only move by passively seeding the air and hoping for the best. How far it could change the location for its descendants was literally up to the breeze or, for aquatic plants, tides, and currents.

With life, this changed dramatically. Animals, unlike plants, were able to move about and find better locations for food, change climates, and react if their current location could no


longer support life. Q4P provided these adaptations through DNA changes, so animals could flourish and grow in complexity.

As is often the case with new Complexification, it should also be noted that this also allowed plants to further grow in complexity. Where only the wind could carry plants to new locations, animals could now interact to help them seed in more varied and complex ways.

The clearest example of this is in pollinating animals. Whereas plants provide such pollinators as bees with a ready supply of food, bees in turn work to carry pollen about from plant to plant to help them multiply. This, notably, is yet another example of a new level of complexity subtlety being introduced by Q4P.


Intentional Procreation

As you can imagine, plants don’t really get much choice in which get to procreate and continue on. Most simply germinate to the wind and hope for the best. Notably, plants that animals help pollinate do get at least some advantage, as the animals are more likely to take their collected pollen to healthier plants. But it is just a matter of luck for most plants – be it good or bad.

Animals are quite different. Animals are capable of selecting which partner they wish to procreate with. So, Q4P is able to program some much more successful habits into animals to ensure they successfully grow in complexity.

We’re often taught of Darwinism and evolution being a blind system where more “successful” animals survive to procreate. But that is a very oversimplified way of saying things. And it doesn’t fully account for what is happening.

In comparison, Birnbaum’s main driver for evolution Is Q4P. It is important to note this because Q4P takes into account something Darwinism doesn’t handle as well: preference.

Consider this: If an animal is less likely to survive, they are less likely to procreate. That much is obviously true and a cornerstone of Darwinism. But what if two male birds, we’ll say,


both survive and are competing for a mate? They’re both survivors, so who gets to mate?

This is where instinct takes part. A female bird will automatically look for a mate using certain criteria – perhaps a partner that builds the most exquisite nest or performs the most elaborate “dance”. Instinct is a particular pattern of thought as it is preprogrammed into the DNA of animals. That has nothing to do with survival of the fittest and everything to do with Q4P programming living animals to seek complexity.



For this chapter, we have saved the best for last: thought. Thought is what makes mobility and intentional procreation useful. Without thought, animals would not be able to exist with any great level of complexity.

If DNA is computer code, the brain is an actual computer. For the first time ever in the universe, the universe had an observer. That idea of an observer will become important in later chapters. For now, just make note it happened – animals became the first thing in the universe that could actually observe the universe.

Thought is a vital step in Complexification. Before animals, nothing could think or make decisions. This means that animals were the first foothold Q4P had in the universe to make real choices. Interestingly, Q4P decided to not only give animals instinct but some measure of reason and emotion as well.

It is worth taking a moment to pay special attention to those two things in particular. As we know, Q4P seeks out greater complexity. So, we must surmise that reason and emotion made animals more complex than simple instinct. As far as survival goes, we can assume reason may have helped instinct to keep


an animal alive. After all, not every dangerous situation could be accounted for with instinct alone.

Sometimes we have to make a decision in what is called a risk versus reward scenario. Consider it like going to a watering hole for a deer. Even though it knows wolves may be about, it still needs water to survive. So, it may have a need to determine whether the risk of dying of thirst is worse than the risk of being eaten.

However, how does emotion fit into this Darwinian survival of the fittest thought process? Simply put, it doesn’t. Something is missing from the equation here.

Birnbaum states quite clearly that emotion is a higher level of thinking. Assuming this, it is an answer for why emotions exist –because it makes animals more complex. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. Like so many other things Q4P drives, emotions serve multiple roles. It is also the foundation of the most complex animal ever to exist, humanity, and the springboard for far greater and profound levels of complexity than the universe has ever seen.


8. Humanity: The Current Epoch

“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.”

Finally, we arrive at the current Epoch of the Universe. Sitting at the cutting edge of Q4P is us. We are the most complex expression of Q4P to date. As to why that is true, there are a great many things to consider.

We shall discuss each here, but the true complexity of humanity is that we incorporate all these newest and novel abilities into a single creature. You’ve only to look around you and see how we are unique. There is no, and never has been, a living being as complex as we are.

I will say, as a modest disclaimer, we are the most complex creatures we are aware of. The universe is a vast place – with some estimated 200 billion galaxies in the universe and hundreds of billions of stars in every one of them. So, we’ve no


real assurance we are the only beings in this state of complexity or even the first ones. In our observable world, we stand above all other living creatures in our order of complexity to the point that we represent a true Complexification event.

If there is any life elsewhere in the universe that can match our complexity, it does not lessen what we represent - it would only be another offshoot of the same C+ event that brought us into existence. As to other intelligent life, it is Birnbaum’s stance that it could exist. Its existence or absence would not change the SuperFormula that guides universal evolution. So, we shall set this aside and focus on what we do know exists – humanity.


Humanity and the Breaking of Physics

When thinking of humanity and discussing what makes us unique, people often speak of our thumbs, walking upright, or our ability to use tools. Yet, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Many animals show these traits to varying degrees, and they certainly haven’t evolved societies as we have. They haven’t conquered their very planet and rebuilt it to suit their needs.

You might then think this makes the differentiating factor our brains. Is it that we are just smarter than any other creature? This may sound like a more solid argument. After all, we know of no other creature that is as remotely intelligent as we are. But what would we actually be if we were simply more intelligent than other creatures? Really good calculators?

This is one thing that makes this C+ event unique from the others that came before it. Humanity is the first C+ event that can no longer be measured by solely physical means. That is to say, while previous epochs were clearly caused by Q4P, the results of the C+ events could still be measured by physics.

To put this more simply, let’s consider a star. The science that caused fusion to occur was a result of the SuperFormula, but the result was something physics could adequately describe. A


big ball of hydrogen compressing on itself to trigger nuclear fusion really can fully describe what a star is.

This is not the case with humans. We are certainly supremely complex creatures, but what we are physically could be argued as maybe the least important part of us. We have morals, beliefs, we love and laugh, and we build machines of our own imaginings that can carry us from this planet into the stars.

So, humanity is where the physical sciences start to pretty much fall apart when describing the universe. It can’t adequately describe us. A scientist would step forward here and argue that morality and emotion aren’t real things, just thoughts. But, saying this makes no reasonable sense.

A common part of science is something called a “causal relationship”. A causal relationship is just a fancy way of saying that two events are related to one another, and that one event caused the other. This is as simple as saying if I drop a shoe, it will hit the floor. The first event is me releasing the shoe, the result is the second event – it hitting the floor.

This is all physics so far – I physically did something and that caused another event to physically happen. What happens if we put, say, human emotion or morality into this. Say I see someone on the street begging for change for food. To a physicist, my sense of morality or emotion is not a physical


thing. But what if I buy that person a meal because I sympathize with their plight? What is the causal event that made food get purchased for this person? In this case, it was something physics claims is not a part of the physical universe. Yet how does something not real cause a physical thing to occur?

This is the conundrum of trying to use physical science to explain humanity and its place in the universe. Humanity’s complexity defies simple physical description. In the universe, the SuperFormula has finally created something too complex for all of science to fully explain. We can see the evidence of this greater complexity in the physical effect it has in the universe, so it is definitely there. To find these elusive policies, we must now rely on metaphysics, a much bigger umbrella of knowledge and philosophy to deal with this much more complicated universe.

We’ll cover things which humanity has introduced to the universe as a whole.



We are unique amongst living creatures for our self-awareness. This may sound confusing. Aren’t animals aware of their surroundings, environment, body and needs? Yes, they most certainly are. That is not self-awareness though. That is consciousness.

Self-awareness, in philosophical terms, is the “awareness of one’s own personality and individuality”. It is our awareness of our consciousness. We are unique in being able to ponder our own existence. In broader terms, we are the first conduit of Q4P that can ponder itself.

Take a moment to consider that. In all the universe, Q4P has been steadily creating more and more Complexification. Yet, what they created was always a passive creation. It could only show itself as a product of Q4P.

Suddenly, enter humans. We represent so much complexity that we are actually self-aware of that fact. Q4P finally had created something that could actually be aware of itself. Consider yourself reading this as you ponder the very nature of the universe. Think about the complexity involved to make you, so your mind could do this.


Self-awareness is a launching off point for so many things that make us human. Without this, we would be extremely limited in how we even ponder existence. Our sense of self would have no meaning. Likewise, how could we have empathy for others if we couldn’t consider them as separate individuals sharing the universe with us, capable of their own thoughts?

Self-awareness is the mother of philosophy itself. Animals can think in concrete terms. They can reason where to hunt and show emotion to their fellow pack members when they naturally have them. But they do not ponder the state of their existence in the universe or the place of their species within it. This resides solely in the realm of humanity.

Self-awareness is one of the basic foundations that lead us to explore our surroundings, drives our curiosity, and fuels our need to understand.

Which leads us into a very related novelty of humankind…


Abstract Thought

Humans have the ability to conceive and think of things strictly in their own minds. We can, for instance, imagine a world where we could fly. We are born with a unique creativity to imagine things that don’t even exist. It allows us to do things such as talk about Potentialism and Q4P in the first place.

This ability to imagine also allows us to create. We can conceive of things that don’t exist yet to solve problems, then build what we need. Abstract thought is what drives us to progress, learn and create – whether it is building pyramids or putting a man on the moon. Before we could do it, we had to imagine it.

It is also a necessary component to understand philosophy – the study of knowledge, reality, and existence itself. Indeed, it was philosophy that allowed Birnbaum to craft the Theory of Potentialism.

To do so, it required thinking of the nature of the universe itself, examining it to look for patterns and consistencies, then work backwards to try and find that missing universal drive – Q4P. In fact, before humanity, the riddle of the universe had no one who could even attempt to solve it.


As evidence of this, you’ve only to consider what our abstract thought has given us. Mathematics is a purely abstract exercise. You may not have ever considered this, as it is used to accomplish real-world tasks, but math is purely a philosophical discipline. It is a mind exercise in categorizing and quantifying (a fancy way of saying counting) things.

Without math, there would be no Industrial Revolution, let alone computers or programming. We’d never have been able to reach to and explore the heavens. Yet, at the end of the day, math was born purely in the minds of humankind.

Abstract thought is one of the most wondrous aspects of humanity. Our ability to dream and fantasize is one of our most powerful tools. It allows us to look beyond what is and imagine what could be.

Let us remember that the SuperFormula drives the universe on a set path:

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

Historically, it has done this alone, striving towards Extraordinariation. Humanity changed this, though. Q4P, in making humans, had finally created something that could assist in envisioning that E+ goal and actively help the universe along.


This time, it wasn’t through simple physical processes. Instead, humanity could take an active role in realizing what they were actually a part of and seek to help Q4P along in the process.

Remember this: In all the known universe, you are the first thing that Potential has created that can actively and intelligently assist it in seeking complexity. We are the universe’s first computers it designed to assist itself. Unlike machines, we are organic systems which gives us so much more potential and complexity as we can ponder both the physical and the metaphysical with equal ease.



Humanity is gifted with a never-before-seen ability to calculate and measure. This is the basis for many sciences. Without this ability, we would be deprived of our technology. Equally important though is our comprehension of complex language.

With all the things we are capable of pondering, can you imagine if every person born had to start over on their own? You could spend most of your life just mastering fire so you could cook your dinner. Now imagine trying to impart complicated things you had learned like long division or how to make a rocket engine without language.

It allows us to transmit those abstract thoughts we have and share them with others. Even if you could conceive of a new type of airplane, you could not build it on your own. You would have to explain what you want to different people in order to build your plane.

In fairness, science has shown, some advanced animals, like dolphins and whales, may have rudimentary language. What makes humans different is that we have words for things that are not physical. We have words for ideas.


Abstract language is something we often take for granted. Much like abstract thought though, we cannot under value how crucial abstract language is. We can not only communicate things that are concrete and factually based like, say, the weather or events in the news – we can also transmit our own abstract thoughts. Why is this distinct from abstract thought? Because, with language, we can share it. Abstract language allows us to not only share concrete information, but our own musings and thoughts as well. Abstract language is what allows us to communicate things regarding the nature of our universe and our philosophical delving into the nature of our universe as a whole.

Language also allows us to store information. With the advent of written language, we could store people’s thoughts to read and share for later generations. This allows us to learn from other people’s experiences. Without it, can you imagine being a scientist if you had to discover everything for yourself? Without language, we could not progress in our complexity.

In a very tangible sense, language is the hard drive of humanity. We permanently store information, so it is not lost when we lose one of our people.

Birnbaum tells us both that humans represent an organic computer within the universe and that humanity is an extension of Q4P capable of analyzing itself. When you put these two together, it becomes clearer the leap forward humanity represents. We can not only help Q4P along its path, but we can record our progress.

Consider it this way: How does life put forward into the universe what it has learned? Normally, this is DNA. All living things can record progress they have made towards E+ in their DNA. Humanity is very, very different though.

We don’t just transmit information uncontrollably in our DNA. With language, we control the very transmission of knowledge. Instead of just passively receiving DNA for knowledge, we actively use language to create archives of knowledge. Then, we can decide what is important and teach it to subsequent generations.



It may initially seem strange to list this as one of the most important parts of humanity, but, as we will see, it is fundamentally important to us and is one of the highest forms of complexity that exists.

You probably listen to music and have favorite things you like to hear. But have you ever wondered why you like it? We might disagree on what is a favorite, but we can all tell the difference between music and someone just playing random notes on an instrument. Our minds naturally seek out an order and beauty around us.

Consider for a moment what is at the heart of art. Playing random notes or splatting paint on a canvas is not art to us (we’ll ignore some bizarre performance art for this explanation). So, what is happening at the root of it all? We are naturally wired to seek order. Art takes the chaos of possible colors and notes and composes them into something orderly for us to enjoy. So, you can consider at the heart of art is humanity’s natural instinct to create complexity around themselves. They do this because they enjoy it. They are creatures steeped in Q4P and driven by it.


That leads us into the equally important part of art, not just our ability to create it but our ability to comprehend it. On the surface, it may seem impressive enough that we have minds that can seek and find order in the universe. But that is a purely mechanistic view of something that is far greater. Humanity is capable of recognizing the artistic beauty within art as well.

To be clear, beauty and complexity are not the same thing. Complexity is purely mechanical. Beauty is driven by something less concrete and more ephemeral. This is something physics cannot account for and only metaphysics can, but no one can deny the actual existence of beauty. It may be emotionally driven, but it is definitely real.



Closely linked to art is emotion. Emotion is a drive, admittedly, for more complex animals as well. However, humanity forms the world based on a level of emotion unseen in animals. Consider the settling of the U.S. for a moment. Emotions drove the first settlers to embark on a dangerous journey to settle new lands.

Emotion also drives us to help one another, not just as a pack or tribe, but as a species. Pack animals might protect one another and feel emotion toward each other, but they certainly have no feelings for another pack.

Humans have the ability to emote far more broadly, causing, for instance, a doctor to decide to join Medicine sans Frontiers to go help people half-way around the globe for no compensation. So, emotion has been crucial to the development of human society and our modern world. Therefore, it is a cornerstone in what makes our modern society so complex.

As discussed earlier, this is part of the unique, thus far, path of humanity in that it causes changes in the universe itself based entirely on unseen, intangible causes. We, as humans, constantly change our environment around us based entirely on emotion. We do this on a scale unseen before in the universe.


We make vast changes to the real world around us based on our emotions.


Altruism and Conscience

One of the most defining, original complexities of humanity is altruism. Per Oxford Languages: al·tru·ism



the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.

Altruism is distinct amongst humans in that we practice it extensively. Have you ever donated to a charity and wondered what compelled you to do it? Or offer your time to a charity to help other people? Your answer might be that it made you feel good helping out.

But why is that? It does nothing for you. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. It could cost you money and time. And what do you gain from it?

If you are helping local people, you can say it helps your community. That may seem a rational reason for doing so. If we think of human communities like packs, we see animals exhibit


the same behavior. So, perhaps you’re just doing it instinctually because it benefits your pack and your pack’s survival chances. However, what if you give to a charity that helps people halfway across the globe? You, personally, will never benefit from your charity. Yet, something compelled you to do it. That is true altruism. It makes humanity unique.

It is commonly thought that altruism is driven by conscience. But conscience is likewise selfless. Why is it that we feel sympathy for the plight of others and feel an instinctual urge to help? Birnbaum argues that conscience is born from our instinctual need to follow Potentialism. We show conscience because we want and crave higher levels of complexity and on a subliminal level understand that that complexity is best served by protecting our existence as a whole.

The simplest answer is that Q4P drives us to do so. It is an instinct programmed into us by Q4P itself. So, why this complexity? What is its function? Well, we know complexity, driven by Q4P, strives towards Extraordinariation. In this, altruism serves a real function we can identify. Humans have the drive to protect, grow, and increase in complexity the entire species.


Altruism, at its core, recognizes the larger picture that humanity must thrive and grow. Sometimes, an individual must put the “group” of humankind ahead of themselves. If you consider the need for people to thrive and grow in complexity, it is a small price to pay to give a few dollars to a charity. In this light, altruism is just one of the latest weapons of Q4P in its endless quest for Extraordinariation.

This makes us unique, as far as we know, in the universe in that altruism is something a step beyond just emotion. Altruism, arguably, is based on some sense of the common good that is hard to identify by science.

The struggle isn’t hard to understand. How do you explain evolution when humans exhibit a natural tendency to sacrifice to help others get ahead? The simple answer is that science can’t. It requires a metaphysical understanding of what is happening to truly grasp the truth.


Spirituality holds a very special place in Potentialism. It is also notoriously hard to define. spir·it·u·al·i·ty

/ˌspiriCHooˈalədē/ noun the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

This begs the question: What is the human spirit? In simplest terms, it is the non-physical part of us. So, spirituality is our ability to grasp that we have a spirit and to consider its place in the universe.

In Potentialism, this is essential and what makes us such special, unique creatures in the universe. We can understand we are more than what we physically see in the mirror. We can grasp that some part of us exists beyond that.

Birnbaum explains that this sense of spirit is our ability to sense our interconnectedness with the SuperFormula itself. Much like our intellect allows us to understand the physical nature of the cosmos and how it works, our spirituality allows us to


understand the metaphysics of the cosmos and how that works as well. In so doing, we are perhaps unique in the universe for being able to understand our part in the Quest for Potential.

Not only does this make us rare and wondrous creatures, but it also gives us a decisive advantage to anything else living that we know of. For we alone know the rules of the universe. As we’ll discuss later, actually knowing the rules gives us a crucial advantage that nothing else has. We can play the game of life intelligently to succeed. By understanding the SuperFormula and how it affects the world around us, we can “move with the flow” of the cosmic order. Knowledge is power and our knowledge matters.


Autonomy, Individuality, and Self-Worth

There is something special and specific to humanity that is really, really hard to quantify. Along with our sense of self and ability to study our place in the universe, humanity can understand its own self-worth. That is, we can understand we are individuals in the universe, our place in it, and be aware when we are someone who adds worth to the world.

This drive is innate. We don’t usually think about it. It might be the feeling we have when we do something good for other people. We commonly call it morality. And, make no mistake, it is. But Birnbaum is quick to point out it is something more.

That sensation of satisfaction can, in fact, be our reaction to being in line with the Q4P itself. As we’ll discuss in later chapters, humanity is a construct to lead the latest wave of C+. As such, we feel a natural sense of comfort when we are helping fulfill the inherent mission of the SuperFormula.


Equality, Justice and Decency

This naturally leads us into the highest morals of humanity –equality, justice, and decency.

These words are at the core of humanity’s exceptionalism. It is no coincidence they are all philosophical concepts. The height of human “evolution” centers again around our development of the intangible.

Despite no physical drive, humanity naturally seeks things such as justice and equality. If you take a moment to think about it, equality doesn’t advantage you in any way, unless you happen to be less fortunate than others. So, why do people who are doing well seek justice and equality? The only reasonable answer is that Q4P is so built into our makeup, just as much as DNA, that it drives us. That we naturally seek it. Does it help us on a personal level? No. Not at all. But it does help us as a species. Moreover, it helps our species keep seeking out higher levels of Complexification.

Humanity, as a species, is the current physical representation of Q4P itself. We are currently driving the bleeding edge of what Q4P is capable of. While our primary purpose is playing out the current C+ event, we are also tasked with heralding in the next C+ event, whatever that happens to be.


What will that next vent be? As we have said now multiple times, it is fairly impossible to predict, though we can make guesses. However, we can rest assured that if we don’t personally know the nature of this event, we are still being guided by the inherent call of Complexification that we are born with and is embedded within us.

All of these new phenomena, which exist because of humanity, are only the latest expression of Q4P∞ → C+ → E+. It is all part of the endless march of Q4P headed towards Extraordinariation. Humanity is just playing its part in the continuous path towards Extraordinariation.


9. A Universe Built Upon Complexification

“Despite the complexity and variety of the universe, it turns out that to make one you need just three ingredients: Matter, energy and space”

When Hawking made that pronouncement, he was remarkably close to the truth. But Hawking also made mention that only these three things were necessary because matter in the universe had a natural propensity to come together and organize. What he missed, as a physicist, was why things naturally came together.

This was excusable for a physicist, because their only answer was things came together because it was the nature of the universe. Why this was the nature of the universe did not occur to Hawking, as it was not in his field of expertise. The essential whys of the universe lie within the realm of metaphysics, not physics.

Birnbaum, as a metaphysicist was able to more precisely answer this question, asserting that the universe needed four things:


matter, energy, space, and Q4P. Q4P provides that mysterious drive that makes matter want to organize and grow in complexity. Without Q4P, the universe simply makes no sense. With this in mind, what have we learned so far?

The SuperEquation is Pervasive

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+ is all around us and guides all of the universe. From the sub-atomic all the way up to the largest galaxies, everything visibly follows the path laid out that Potentialism requires.

Q4P Has Controlled the Evolution of the Universe as Well

From the Big Bang and the first particles all the way up to the birth of life and even humanity, Q4P has been the driving factor for creation and change. It accomplishes this by giving rise to ever greater complexity.

More importantly though, whenever the universe seems to be getting about as complex as it can possibly become, Q4P creates a Complexification event. Conveniently, we refer to these as epochs. But in metaphysical terms, they are Complexification.


The Universe Is Not Done Evolving

Birnbaum also is quick to remind us that the universe is not done evolving. Sure, it is still becoming more complex. But as we know, it must at some point reach a time when it is hard to get fundamentally more complex.

We now know from experience that the response from Q4P will be another of Birnbaum's C+ Complexification events. The exact nature of that Complexification is, by definition, hard to know for sure. We’ll discuss some possibilities later on. But remember that C+ events have thus far been so different from anything that came before it that it is hard to see how it could have been predicted.

On the other hand, humanity is here now. With our bold imaginations, it could – just maybe – be possible that we could guess it right. Time will tell.

The Universe Has but One Goal

We have discussed much about Birnbaum's Q4P and its go-to workhorse C+, but it is important to keep in mind that all that creative power driving the universe has no point and, indeed,


would, create nothing without Extraordinariation. Q4P is the fuel and C+ is the machine that creates everything around us. But E+ provides the destination, the purpose, and the final end-goal.

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+ only makes sense with the last part of that formula in place.

What exactly is E+? Well, we’ll cover that more in the next chapters. For now, let us focus on what we already know. It is hyper-complexity, a state where a perfection in complexity has been achieved.

What exactly that looks like is anyone’s guess. Or, more accurately, we cannot even guess because it is so many orders of magnitude more complex than anything we know. And we may never even reach that point. Birnbaum states it may be a destination that is ultimately forever beyond the universe’s reach.

However, that is no bad thing in Potentialism. As long as we haven’t achieved E+, the universe will continue onward, fulfilling its purpose. And that’s arguably a rather good thing for the universe, and definitely for us as we live here and it’s the only universe we humans have.

It is sometimes said that the journey is more important than the destination. In this case, both are just as important. If you take away the journey, then there would be no universe. Likewise, if


you took away the destination, the universe would have no point, so would never have been created.

Complexification Events are not Instantaneous

In the grand scheme of time, in a universe billions of years old, it is easy to demark Complexification events as instantaneous. While that may be true on a broad scale, the truth is that things are a bit fuzzier when you look at them on a more granular scale. In fact, there is some overlap between complexity and Complexification that can get overlooked if we’re not careful.

Take, for instance, the epoch of the Atomic and Molecular. We might casually say that the Molecular Epoch occurred at the end of the Atomic Epoch because complexity could no longer continue on its path. While this is true, it whitewashes some interactions that we should bear in mind.

The periodic table at the end of the Atomic Epoch was not nearly filled out. Heavier elements simply did not exist because they required processes that didn’t exist in order for them to be made. It wasn’t until well past this epoch that stars had both been born and died until heavier elements could be produced.


So, there is an essential overlap between C+ events where the next one was actually instrumental in helping the last C+ event achieve its full complexity.

That is the nature of Complexification. Much like peering into the quantum world, what might feel and look decisive is fuzzy when you look down into it to try and find the absolute truth. It will be important to remember this as we will be moving on from the realm of simple science into the far more overarching world of metaphysics.

There is often more to see than meets the eye and the universe does not care if we are trying to codify everything as simply as possible. It follows its own mission:

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

A World Bigger Than Physics

Now that we’ve got a solid grasp of Potentialism, we’re going to take a journey to look at the larger world, the complete world of metaphysics. Before we begin though, let’s have a brief vocabulary check.

The word metaphysics doesn’t come up a lot outside of conversations with other philosophers. Oftentimes, if people


have never heard the term metaphysics in a serious scientific capacity, they have only TV shows to go by. This means they likely have this vision of tarot card readers, psychics, or ghost hunters. So, let’s understand first what the term really means: met·a·phys·ics /ˌmedəˈfiziks/ noun the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.

Physical sciences like biology, chemistry, and physics are great at describing the physical world. But the physical universe is not everything in the universe. If you want to investigate the entire universe you need a different branch of science: philosophy. Metaphysics just happens to be that part of philosophy that specializes in dealing with the fundamental nature of reality, the universe, and everything.

Bearing that in mind, we will look at Birnbaum’s Chronology of the Universe. We will learn to view it through the eyes of metaphysics and get a better look “under the hood” of the universe to learn how it works.


10. Chronology of the Universe

Stephen Hawking: “What breathes fire into the universe?”

David Birnbaum: “Q4P.”

We have seen the universe through the lens of physics. But as we have discussed, the universe is more than just physics. To truly understand the nature of the universe, we must employ metaphysics.

We are going to do a deep dive now and explore Birnbaum’s metaphysical work. Like most philosophers and cosmologists, it is not easy reading. It is dense in information and assumes readers have a high level of philosophical ability already. Much like the classical Greek works of Aristotle, it follows a prose format at times. Thus, I’ll be taking readers step by step through Birnbaum’s work to explain things in simpler terms.

Birnbaum usually presents new theories in the form of panels –collective insights, organized into an intuitive flow, generally chronological.

In this case, we will be reviewing his Chronology of the Cosmos itself. We have witnessed the physics version of the universe


and seen the indelible stamp of Potentialism. What we will do now is, opposed to looking at how Potentialism leaves its mark in popular physics, we will see the true breadth of Potentialism as Birnbaum guides us through the formation of the universe. We’ll approach this by reading each panel then breaking it down to discuss what each section of the panel means. Again, there will be a lot to unpack from comparatively few sentences. Birnbaum speaks with brevity and conservation of words. He will say exactly what is necessary to get a point across. But we will unpack it together to better understand his metaphysics.

This is the story of the universe through the lens of Potentialism. It is the universe made from the SuperFormula itself:

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

The light-gray-shaded boxes to-follow are extracted from Birnbaum's www.Chronology1000.comwhich forms the Chronology of the Universe section of Birnbaum's Summa Metaphysica IV



Eternal Potential - as opposed-to Nothing - defines Eternal Origins.

We start with Eternal Potential in the universe. Birnbaum makes clear that before the Big Bang, there was not nothing, as physics often claims. Instead, Eternal Potential defines Eternal Origins. What does this mean? Birnbaum states that there was never nothingness in the universe. Of course, there might have been no matter or universe as we know it. But this misses the point.

Potential has always existed. Without potential, nothing can be. So, it is impossible to say there was a time that there wasn’t potential. This is exactly why Birnbaum concludes with ‘Potential reigns supreme.’ Without potential, nothing else could ever have been.

In fact, this idea is so embedded in Potentialism because there is nothing else in the universe that has this trait. Consider that.

At Eternal Origins, 'Potential reigns supreme'. - 1.00

The universe could, at one time, have gone without anything else but potential itself and still come into existence. Indeed, this proto-metaphysical universe was a metaphysical nothingness save for one feature, Potential itself. Before even reality existed, there was Potential. But that was enough to eventually lead to the spark of creation for reasons we will discover shortly in this Chronology.

More succinctly, let us put it this way. Birnbaum posits:

1. Potential is Eternal.

Why is Birnbaum so certain here?

Per Birnbaum, it is self-evident that Potential/Possibility is eternal. This is what we call in philosophy an axiom. It is something which is irreducibly true. If something Can exist it obviously has the potential to exist.

Birnbaum further states that:

2. Only Potential/Possibility can be posited as being Eternal.

Here we have to consider, if something Can exist it may or may not exist. This may seem like mental gymnastics, but let’s break this down. Let’s pick a dinosaur. For arguments sake we will say brontosaurus. Before it existed, clearly the possibility for it to exist was true or it could never have come to be. Likewise, even


though it is now extinct, the possibility for it to exist still exists or it could never have been on the earth in the first place. So, its potential and possibility both predated its existence and lived past its existence.

The above 2-step is Birnbaum's key metaphysical pivot; the pivot which de facto clears-the-chessboard of all pre-existing metaphysical theories; after 5,000+ years of (frustrating) theory, Summa cleans-the-slate; Per Birnbaum, 'Only if you discern a truly eternal & overarching dynamic, can you play in the metaphysics sandbox.' [The one declarative sentence ushers-in a revolution in metaphysics/cosmology/philosophy - and in all the (soft and hard) sciences.]

Thus, before even Quest for Potential (Q4P) made-anappearance, naked Potential reigned supreme. This is Birnbaum's Realm 1 of 3: his Proto-Metaphysical universe.

Chronology 1.00 is so short, not because it lacks importance, but because it is so simple and fundamental that nothing else could occur without it.


Chronology - 1.25

We are now at the Cosmic Womb of Potential point here Potential is PUSHING-forth

Simultaneously, Infinite Potential way down-the-road is PULLING - tugging at - Eternal Potential way back at Cosmic Origins

PUSH- PULL PUSH- PULL PUSH- PULL the drama increases in intensity... the void pulsates

1.25 is still well before the birth of the physical universe. To arrive there, many more steps must occur first. The first step past the existence of Potential itself is its buildup within the Cosmic Womb, the proto-realm where reality is “designed”. As Potential continues to increase, it seeks a direction to push forth into.

Yet, as we’ve learned previously, Q4P is infinite and infinitely nested. That is to say, the strength of Q4P is both its own complexity and the complexity of everything it can create. We


circle back to this to explain what is meant here when Birnbaum tells is that Infinite Potential “down-the-road” is simultaneously pulling that original Potential way back at the Cosmic Origins. This means that not only is Potential pushing outwards from the Cosmic Womb but is also being drawn forward by, in a very real sense, what it will become in the future. This push and pull causes the void that is reality to pulsate as the intensity within the Cosmic Womb continues to increase ceaselessly, headed towards a critical mass of creation.

As Birnbaum more poetically puts it, “the drama increases in intensity…”


* Voids abhor voids (proposed axiom by Summas Theory)

* The void "couldn't take it" any more

* Realms of Potential seek/ache-for some realization, however abstract

An axiom, in philosophy is a statement that is self-evident as true. We build theories starting with a basic assumption we can all agree on is true. Oftentimes we prove the truth of axioms by showing that all the arguments we create using them also turn out to be true.

In Summa Theory, Birnbaum proposes just such an axiom: VOIDS ABHOR VOIDS. In simplest terms, this means the nothingness before the universe, the great void of nothing, was very much primed to be…. something… some realization, however abstract, as stated.

Chronology - 1.50

The fact was all this buildup had no way to truly express itself, only the Potential to as it crowded the Cosmic Womb. It “ached” to fill the void on nothingness with something real.

Think of it like a child growing within their mother. They grow larger and steadily more complex until you begin to reach that critical time when something must occur. In the case of a mother, the birth of a child. In the case of the Cosmic Womb, the birth of a universe.


The conjecture:

Within the primordial realms of Potential/Possibility perhaps just a single pulse of energy which germinated from the potential future by (hypothesized/theorized) ‘backward causation’ (aka "retrocausality")***

tracked-back and unhinged the equilibrium of neo-nothingness....at Eternal Origins

*** i.e. a Quantum Mechanics sub-theory that future possibilities (or energy) may somehow impact present possibilities (or energy)

see also quantum fluctuation.... vacuum state fluctuation origin of the universe discussion/theories.

Remember, I just need just one pulse

Birnbaum takes a moment here to explain more in-depth what we mentioned previously regarding the simultaneous push and pull of Potential. As void abhors void and there is such a buildup of Potential within the Cosmic Womb, Birnbaum theorizes that that it would take only a single pulse of energy from the Cosmic

Chronology - 1.75

Womb into the material universe to spark creation. This single pulse, Birnbaum conjectures, was spawned from the very future that Potential could create.

This begs the question, of course – how does something cause itself? This is where we must make a necessary detour to understand the theory of backward causation, or retrocausality.




Any of several hypothetical phenomena or processes that reverse causality, allowing an effect to occur before its cause.

The theory here is that time isn’t relevant to Potential like it is for us day to day. Since Q4P’s power and that of the SuperFormula is derived from the fact that it is both the current Potential of something as well as its future Potential, this means we aren’t limited in thinking of cause and effect the same way. In fact, retrocausality means a cause that is yet to happen can be responsible for an effect we are seeing now.

In effect, what may seem a single pulse of energy can possess the strength it will have later on. This breaks, as Birnbaum explains, the equilibrium and status quo of the neo-nothingness that existed at the beginning of Eternal Origins. Even when it


seemed there was nothing yet in existence, it was already being affected by a universe that was yet to happen.

As Birnbaum fairly points out, this isn’t just a metaphysics theory, but one that has been explored frequently in quantum physics as well. While such quantum mechanical models which seem to support this theory are a bit out of scope and difficult to cover here, it is sufficient to say they do actually exist.

Moreover, there are similar quantum mechanical models which lend great support to the Cosmic Origins theory in vacuum state fluctuation models.

Chronology - 2.15

The cosmic drama often mirrors the individual human drama

What is true for the Cosmic Order, will often be true for the individual human

This (hypothesized) extraordinary parallel enables the metaphysician to 'peer behind' the Big Bangall the way back to Eternal Origins (the Cosmic Womb of Potential)

Thus, the plot thickens...


At this point, we should again make mention of the uncanny parallels the universe has to individual humans. As we’ve pointed out calling the Cosmic Womb by its particular name is no coincidence. In many ways it mirrors a human womb. It is a place where raw potentials come together and create something new. So, Birnbaum reasonably asserts that for what is true on the cosmic scale, so will it often be true on the individual scale. This parallel is something we have proven occurs with far more than birth. We have seen its presence in the spirality of the cosmos and compared it to the double helix of DNA. We’ve also seen it in the way both cosmic scale bodies and individual life evolve and strive towards ever greater Complexification.

Birnbaum’s insight here is that since an individual mirrors the cosmos so closely, while we can’t go back to the beginning of the universe to see it be born, we can study what is right here before our eyes and gain some understanding of how things had to occur.

In particular, this gives us a great amount of at least circumstantial evidence regarding the nature and existence of the Cosmic Womb itself. This is the only way to look back beyond the Big Bang. Physics is the first to admit they can look


back no further than the Big Bang. The reason is simple but unavoidable.

The Big Bang is not just responsible for what we call the universe. It is also responsible for all the rules that govern it. This creates a circular problem. How can we describe something with physics that existed before physics did? The inescapable answer is, we can’t. This isn’t up for debate. Physicists will all agree on this.

Now metaphysicists can at least guess as they are not constrained by physics. But how do they make an educated guess? One that has some level of truth that is self-evident.

What can we base our musings on?

Noting the parallels between ourselves and the cosmos, Birnbaum reasons we can study humans themselves. This is exactly what he did. And he readily found what came before a human – their potential and the womb that caused them to become a reality.

Chronology - 2.25


PUSH ( at cosmic origins )

Embryonic Quest for Potential (Q4P∞) at Cosmic Origins pushes-forth ...inexorably demanding its potential be realized

PULL (from the future)

Embryonic celestial potential eons down the road aches-for and seeks fulfillment, and incessantly beckons Q4P,...entreats Q4P to emerge - at long last - from the cosmic womb of Potential... at Eternal Origins

This constant push towards realization, as Birnbaum explains here, gives rise to an Embryonic Quest for Potential. Without the universe, it is hard to quantify Q4P, as there is nothing yet for it to act upon and push for Complexification. But like Potential itself, Q4P still exists in an embryonic state, just awaiting a place where it can begin its work. Inherent in this


Embryonic Quest for Potential is its overwhelming demand to do… something: To be realized and start its unending journey towards a goal.

At the same time, this Embryonic Quest for Potential is experiencing a pull, from the future it is going to be. This is from, as mentioned, the pressure of the retrocausality of Potential. This ceaseless pull causes the budding Q4P to seek its fulfillment. This state builds for potentially eons, as time is no issue. Eventually though, the push and pull affecting this proto Q4P is simply too much.

Reaching this state, there is an inescapable critical mass which forces Potential to finally express itself. The push and pull is akin, as Birnbaum explains, much the same as the pains of labor humans experience. Where this endless struggle and unstoppable energy finally must create something.

At the Eternal origins, that something is the actuality of true Q4P. It eventually must emerge from the Cosmic Womb of Potential, which existed since the beginning of the Eternal Origins.


primordial dynamics

....... the drama continues

- along a fault-line of the cosmic womb of Potential

The Cosmic Womb of Potential at this point is at max stress

Wave upon wave of Eternal Potential vectors towards the intense drama

Push-Pull Push-Pull

The present - at Eternal Origins - 'pushes forward' to actualize Potential

The future - tracking towards infinity - 'beckons-forth' aching and yearning to view actualized Potential peeking over the horizon

Will this interminable cosmic tension ever see resolution?

Push-Pull Push-Pull ad infinitum?

eons upon eons pass by......

Chronology - 2.50

critical mass is achieved

the 'tipping point'.....

The Pulse

The 'baby' - Quest for Potential∞ - 'is pulled' from the cosmic womb of Potential

the heavens witness in awe

The long-yearned-for 'birth' of the inexorable metaphysical DRIVER


Here Birnbaum goes further into what he calls the primordial dynamics. By this he means the instrumental dynamics at play before the birth of the universe. He describes a fault-line along the Cosmic Womb of Potential. What does this mean?

As we have studied before, Complexification events are incubated first in the metaphysical Cosmic Womb. The first such thing incubated was the central rule of the soon to be born universe itself: Actualized Q4P.


The endless vectors that Potential could explore, if it just had a place to do so was building endlessly and this fault-line is most easily understood as the defining line between what could be and what is – what is, in this case, being the physical universe itself.

Before the first Complexification event would create the universe, the question would have been “can this tension go on forever?” With the tension building and pushing forward, while the future path of the universe and creation simultaneously tried to drive existence itself forward, would something eventually give?

Birnbaum answers decisively: Yes. There is a tipping point where critical mass was finally achieved which led to that just one, single Pulse that carried things over the brink, giving birth to the first thing in reality, the ‘baby’ we call Quest for Potential being pulled from Birnbaum's Cosmic Womb of Potential.

For the first time something truly existed in what we call reality. With nothing but the heavens coming into existence to bear witness, the universe ‘saw’ the awesome birth of the yearned for and needed single metaphysical driver which would define and guide the universe eternally. And the only universal thing that ever would.


It was the birth of the SuperFormula: Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.

As Birnbaum concludes this panel, he leaves just one word: Bereshith.

It is an appropriate way to sum up this first step into creation itself as it is the first word int eh Hebrews Torah that translates to “In the beginning.” For this was the beginning.

People often, understandably, think of the Big Bang as the beginning of the universe. But this is incorrect. Now, we do not know how much time passed between the birth of true Q4P and the Big Bang. We only know Q4P had to be in place before the Big Bang. For that had to be something to guide and conduct the Big Bang itself. There had to be something to give it meaning, purpose and design.

Even the simple coalescence of energy into particles needed a blueprint to follow in order to function properly. As we learned before, physics is a product of the universe. We also know all the laws of the universe did not even come into existence and play at the same time during and following the Big Bang. So, they are categorically incapable of guiding those initial moments of creation.

Further, something had to bring the laws of physics themselves into being. Something eternal and outside of the universe while


simultaneously being an eternal part of it. The only candidate was and is Q4P.


In the beginning, there was Q4P - the guiding hand of all that followed that we call physical reality and the ultimate ruler of how creation unfolded and continues to do so.


Quantum Mechanics is, of course, a vast blueprint

But, this (theoretical) blueprint has a sub-blueprint (or a major dimension) for equations of Potential dove-tailing off of 'actual' Eternal Potential

Simultaneous with the Push-Pull drama, primordial Quantum Mechanics pegs-off-of the Eternal Potential of primordial universe - and vice versa

The two somehow cycle off of each other

Meaning, Quantum Mechanics has some modicum of life breathed into it

The two dramas play-out in-concert

The net result is 'the birth of Q4P∞'

Birnbaum takes a moment here in 2.75 to discuss the nearly simultaneous birth of Quantum Mechanics. The reason it came so early and so closely mirrors Q4P theory is because of its uniquely close relationship with Potential.

Chronology - 2.75

That relationship is easiest to understand with a thought exercise. Think of Quantum Mechanics as two-dimensional for a moment. It is accurate, but it is missing its third dimension. That third dimension is Eternal Potential.

Now just picture that same Quantum Mechanics as threedimensional. There is a fourth-dimension necessary to complete the equation. That is something that bridges between the Cosmic Womb and the physical universe. That something is Eternal Potential. It is the missing something that informs Quantum Mechanics and breathes fire into it, giving it a drive towards something: Extraordinariation.

In a very tangible way, Quantum Mechanics dovetails off actual Eternal Potential, mirroring its core principles in a mechanistic way in the physical universe.

Just as primordial Quest for Potential was a precursor for Q4P within the push and pull of the Cosmic Origins, alongside it was primordial Quantum Mechanics, pegging off of the Eternal Potential – each complementing one another and bolstering one another in the primordial universe. This symbiosis between primordial Quantum Mechanics and Eternal Potential would play out as a vital creating and governing force in the burgeoning universe coming into being.


These two forces would play out in tandem to give birth to the central catalyst of Potential: Q4P.


The interplay of Eternal Potential and Primordial Quantum Mechanics (QM)

→ yields Infinite Quest for Potential (Q4P∞)

The chronology/trajectory/direction/purpose/teleology/arc of the universe will follow the axis of my hypothesized/proposed*** SuperFormula

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+ Quest for Potential∞ → Complexification → Extraordinariation

see SuperFormula1000.com

*** proposed 2005 in Summa II / section: Direction of the Universe

So, we summarize that this interplay between Eternal Potential and Quantum Mechanics causes and results in the Infinite Quest for Potential. Why does this occur? It is most instructive to imagine that raw Eternal Potential is the guiding trajectory for creation within the Cosmic Womb itself and is directly mirrored

Chronology - 3.00

by Primordial Mechanics in the physical world, the symbiosis between the two strengthening and giving guidance to the SuperFormula itself: Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.

As noted, this was studied in depth by Birnbaum in 2005 in his second book of the Summa series, Summa II. This is also the first time in the Chronology that the entire SuperFormula appears, as Q4P begins its eternal drive towards Extraordinariation, the results of which being the Complexification events which guide and transform the universe, moving it along a path of ever continued and advancing complexity.

Thus, Birnbaum's Q4P Teleology shows us the actual driving force behind the universe, a well-ordered purpose-built universe with a defined end-goal. This is in direct conflict to what have physicists have hypothesized.

21st Century media have set up physicists as the arbiters of cosmology – which is typically beyond their (physicist's) level of competence and metaphysics, which they are actually clueless about. This isn’t some deficiency in science. Far from it. The simple fact of the matter is physicists just aren’t equipped to work competently in cosmology. Astrophysics? Yes. Cosmology?

No. The two are different disciplines and only a philosopher/cosmologist can completely do cosmology.



The interplay of Q4P∞ and Primordial QM → yields the Wheeler It-from-Bit face of QM....... Then the build-out of the Wheeler face, the Lloyd computing face of QM, evolves

THUS, further filling-out pre-Big Bang QM

Birnbaum takes a moment here at 4.00 to introduce the emergence of cosmic quantum computing. He states that the interactions between Q4P and Primordial Quantum Mechanics meant that the emergence of Quantum Mechanics in physical reality ensured that it not only came into being, but it came into being with a with a purpose.

Following Birnbaum’s original works, Summa I (1988), two physicists would take up his cause and flesh out the nature of the quantum mechanics involved in this groundbreaking metaphysical concept. Wheeler followed Summa I (1988) in 1989 and Lloyd followed Birnbaum’s Summa II (2005) in 2006.

While Birnbaum was happy to leave the particular mechanical details to the mathematicians, they missed the broader metaphysical implications of Potentialism. Yet, they still

- 4.00

provided some helpful insights into the limited parts of Potentialism that as within their wheelhouse to work upon and support Birnbaum’s larger work. It would also help bring some of the concepts of Birnbaum’s Potentialism squarely into the realm of physics, where it could no longer be ignored by oldguard academia.

Wheeler, a famed physicist who worked directly with Einstein, explained the It From Bit theory as, "It from bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom at a very deep bottom, in most instances an immaterial source and explanation; that what we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe."

Just as Birnbaum predicted in his metaphysics, Wheeler confirmed in physics terms. Wheeler recognized that there was an underlying source of behavior for everything in the universe, something non-physical that was information driven. Of course, as wheeler was a physicist, he could not identify this source. But this is exactly what Birnbaum’s metaphysics carried the torch for, able to tie this mystery source simply and elegantly to Q4P.


Birnbaum also notes the work of Seth Lloyd, another highly respected physicists specializing in Quantum Mechanics. He would further analyze Birnbaum’s Q4P driven universe and arrive at the conclusion that the universe itself was one giant quantum computer. Lloyd once remarked, “Every physical system registers information, and just by evolving in time, by doing its thing, it changes that information, transforms that information, or, if you like, processes that information. Since I've been building quantum computers I've come around to thinking about the world in terms of how it processes information.”

In other words, Lloyd takes Birnbaum’s theory and applies it in actual, real-world quantum physics experiments. What has he found? That, indeed, Birnbaum is right on target with his understanding of the universe as a biological quantum supercomputer.

The only thing missing from Lloyd’s interpretation is what is actually being computed. In the lifeless model Lloyd lays out, he cannot seem to understand what it is doing or why. But, as we’ve seen time and time again, this is the inherent limitation of physics – it cannot identify non-material motivators… the prime mover that sets everything in motion.


This issue is simply fixed using Potentialism Theory. In fact, Birnbaum even quietly note this evolution from basic Quantum Computing, to the Wheeler model, to the Lloyd to model, to Q4P itself.

As Birnbaum rightly points out, this is just one more example of Q4P working to fill out pre-Big Bang Quantum mechanics in what we would call making it fit for purpose.


Q4P / pre-Big Bang Q4P∞ plots its escape from the metaphysical void → metaphysical cum reality (our evolving universe)

our 'Smart Universe' driven by our hypothesized natural force (Q4P)

Here Birnbaum summarizes the nature of the pre-Big Bang buildup. As we can see, Q4P is already well in control, both building energy towards its escape from the purely metaphysical void of the Cosmic Womb, into what will soon be called our physical universe – where it can begin its unending task of following and playing out the SuperFormula.

Beyond that, we can clearly see the eventual workings of Quantum Mechanics has already been laid out, prepped for the universe it will soon fill. Not only that, but it carries an agenda, given to it by Q4P. It will be tasked as both a physical extension of Q4P in action, as well as fulfilling the role of a cosmic supercomputer.

This is the last step towards the necessary 0-Point. Everything is laid out as Birnbaum Potentialism predicts. The stage is set to

Chronology - 5.00

lay down a set of physics to govern what is about to be created and the SuperFormula will have a medium in which it can be realized.

Birnbaum also makes mention here (whether the first to do so or not) of our “Smart Universe”. What exactly does he mean here? This can be confusing at first to those new to Potentialism. This does not mean smart like you or me. Birnbaum instead makes reference to the fact that the universe is being custom crafted to solve a problem.

It’s not just a random explosion of reality. Rather, it is an expression of a need that must be fulfilled. Q4P has been continuously building, but to what end? Birnbaum would remind us that there is an innate course Q4P follows. It is heading towards Birnbaum’s Extraordinariation (E+).

In this sense, the universe is being smartly architected, its blueprints purpose-driven so that Q4P can seek out its end goal. If the universe couldn’t support the smooth running of the SuperFormula, it would have no purpose for existing and would not have the necessary energy to have come into being.

It is hard to imagine how much energy was required to bring forth the Big Bang and the beginning of physical reality from the Cosmic Womb. What we do know is the ruling force of the Cosmic Womb is Q4P. There was nothing else that could have


made the universe. So, for it to have happened, it needed to specifically “solve” a problem for Q4P, giving it a place to calculate and express its further complexity.

As we will discuss in later chapters, this metaphysical fact undermines several older models of the physical universe. For now, it is sufficient to understand that the universe itself was custom-made to solve a problem. Everything in it is necessary, intentional, and even we have a necessary place within it. Even when we may doubt it, all is working completely as intended.


Q4P / Igniting Big Bang Q4P∞ splits the (hypothesized) Zero-Point and ignites the Big Bang.

[The Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.]

Meaning, Potential, not Random Chance, and not some spontaneous genesis - per Wheeler and his disciple Lloydignites the entire dynamic at Eternal Origins

[ From a metaphysical perspective, splitting the ZeroPoint, as well yields polarities: Matter:Anti-Matter... Pluses:Minuses... Good:Evil...

proto-Female:proto-Male... et al..... ]

Keeping the profound relatively simple - as is Birnbaum's wanthe ignites the Big Bang by having Q4P 'split ZERO'. At Chronology 6.00 we finally arrive at the pivotal point, 13.8 billion years ago, when Q4P was finally unleashed in the form of the physical universe.

The Big Bang was officially ignited after so much planning. The fracturing and split of Birnbaum's Splitting-ZERO Big Bang

Chronology - 6.00

Trigger also ushered in the distinctive duality of the Potentialism driven universe.

Mathematically, what happened was the only reasonable thing that could occur. When you have nothing, you have zero. How do you make something from nothing? In simplest terms +1 and -1 are both something with a sum of 0. That is: -1 +1 = 0. The truth is as absurdly simple as it is inescapably true. Quantum Physics has even confirmed, in scientific terms, Birnbaum’s metaphysics in that we know matter and anti-matter are created and self-annihilate frequently in the universe.

The difference here was that during Birnbaum's Splitting-ZERO Big Bang Trigger when Q4P split zero this first time, it had the force of Potential behind it to hold the negative and positive apart and keep them from annihilating each other – giving birth to the physical universe. In short, Q4P had a universe to make and only zero to work with – so it handily solved the problem by splitting it in half.

Literally and conceptually - 'Something' (our physical universe)out of 'Nothing' (zero).

As we covered recently, and as Birnbaum reasserts here, that duality would become a hallmark of the SuperFormula’s mark on the world, visible everywhere. Matter and anti-matter, positive and negative, light and dark, good and evil, the first


proto-man and proto-woman. This duality permeated everywhere.

Here though, we also make careful note just how we arrived at this point. Clearly the universe did not just appear. There was so much work needed beforehand that we’ve reviewed occurring in the Cosmic Womb before the Big Bang was remotely ready. Also, we take good note that there is nothing random about the universe that was created. There is no chaos or entropy involved. Everything has been purpose designed, from the simplest rock to humanity to the rules of physics itself. It is also purpose designed to fulfill the role of the SuperFormula.

Wheeler and Lloyd had great successes working on theories regarding the nature of the universe and they did much to lay a physics template down to explain Potentialism. Cutting-edge physics has shadowed Birnbaum's metaphysics from the get-go (of Birnbaum's sequenced multi-volume Summa Metaphysica series publication). However, there were limits to what they could understand without metaphysics.

Neither John Wheeler (Princeton) nor Seth Lloyd (MIT) articulate:

a) where/how their respective proposed (inter-related) dynamics originated.


b) what animates it to continue / what 'breathes-fire' into it.

c) what is the purpose behind it.

d) in what context does it operate.

e) what are the implications of theory.

f) what is the role of humans in their theory?

g) does their theory not demolish Darwinism?

So, though they did much to mature the scientific study of Quantum Mechanics, they could not discern why the universe came to be, thinking perhaps it was some spontaneous genesis.

To get to the point of why, we needed a metaphysicist, Birnbaum, and a tried and tested metaphysical explanation of the universe’s Cosmic Origins. For that we needed Potentialism.

So, we see it is at this Big Bang point that Q4P morphs from a purely metaphysical construct to something that simultaneously resides both within the Cosmic Womb and within the new, physical world – with one foot in each so to speak. This is what allows Q4P to exert its will on the physical universe. It is also why we know the physical world is purpose built, not random. It is the result of Q4P ever pushing out for a more complex form of expression, as we will see.


It was necessary (for Q4P∞) to instigate/trigger/create our universe inasmuch as Q4P∞ needed an extraordinary PLATFORM - with a very substantial material/physical dimensionto more fully play-out

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

Meaning, metaphysical realms alone were not a dynamic-enough PLATFORM to optimize the advancements soughtincluding the rate, diversity, complexity, richness, and quality of advance sought

At the true crux of why did Q4P create the universe, Birnbaum gives us a clear answer. The SuperFormula: Q4P∞ → C+ → E+ needed a place within which it could play-out. It needed some medium where change could occur. For, without change there is no Complexification. And without Birnbaum's C+ Complexification, there is no vehicle to move towards Birnbaum's Extraordinariation (E+). But this all required a physical dimension, filled with both matter and energy.

Chronology -

In short, Birnbaum tells us that with all its inherent advantages, the metaphysical realm lacks sufficient dynamism-potential to advance to the next level of Complexification. That is Q4P is not free enough to be the agent of change it is designed to be. So Q4P needed a customized universe where it would optimize its abilities.

The Big Bang morphed a 100% metaphysical universe into a hybrid universe [physical PLUS metaphysical]. This materialization, creation of our physical universe fashioned this dynamic platform that Q4P needed to continue its quest. Specifically, it created a hybrid universe. It is easy to look at the Big Bang itself and only consider the creation of the physical universe, but this is actually very inaccurate.

What was created instead was a hybrid universe - one that was both physical and metaphysical. The metaphysical realm and the Cosmic Womb did not disappear or recede in importance. Rather, our resulting universe was a combination of both what was with a new physical aspect.

Bridging these two realms is Q4P – the glue holding the metaphysical and physical together – ensuring both work in unison towards the ultimate cause of Extraordinariation. Q4P may not even be done morphing the universe itself to suit its needs.


We will explore this in later chapters regarding the future though. For now, the important take away is to remember and understand that the creation of the physical universe only made a larger universe, and nothing was lost in the process. As noted before, Q4P abhors waste and doesn’t tend to act randomly, not on a large scale. While the day-to-day is dynamic and unpredictable, the universe flows like a river with a destination in mind.

Birnbaum goes on to list some of those necessary aspects of the new universe that would have to be present for Q4P to work most efficiently. Aside from physics needing to behave just as it does, there were also particular needs for Q4P regarding less tangible features such as its richness and quality. But, as we discussed earlier, qualitative features, while insubstantial, are just as real and can be just as important. And they certainly do when dealing with a metaphysical tool such as Q4P.

Likewise, as we will see in later discussions on humanity, the universe would have to be complex enough to handle not only the qualitative but things which exist solely in the mind. As we discussed previously, this would first be animal intelligence and then human intellect. But even intellect would not be enough for the complexity our universe was headed towards.


The universe would need and seek ever greater goals of complexity including such concepts as love, altruism, mercy, spirituality, intergenerational bonding, and ever-higher levels of consciousness. In short, Q4P needed a universe where humanity could exist.

As Birnbaum has explicitly stated, “Q4P needed a richer platform - a PHYSICAL platform to advance more richly along “Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.” As we shall see, the full breadth of complexity the physical world has to offer is a work still in the making.


Q4P∞/QM is the prime catalyst on stage choreographing the unfolding universe production; it has vast influence....

Here we simply note that Q4P and Quantum Mechanics are the prime movers and the main force at work in the rapidly unfolding universe at its beginning. Classic physics takes a backseat in the first moments, having yet to have their cosmic part written.

Only after the universe cooled some and time and space had begun to take root, would the planned-out parts of classical physics be given their assigned roles pre-set by Q4P.

You’ll notice that Birnbaum uses the term Q4P∞/QM here. This is to illustrate the interdependency and related nature of Q4P and Quantum Mechanics. While we have noted that Q4P exists simultaneously within the Cosmic womb as well as physical reality, Quantum Mechanics is the workhorse of Q4P, managing the everyday operations of the universe.

- 7.00

Even while other forces like classic physics have since been created following the beginning of the universe, Quantum Mechanics still underlies everything and is a central catalyst in the universe, serving as the mechanical extension of Q4P. So, Birnbaum rightly states this strong bond between Q4P and Quantum Mechanics to remind us of what force is truly at work in the underlying fabric of reality, managing the universe’s underlying goal and purpose:

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+

There used to be some question whether Q4P or entropy ruled the cosmic order. Entropy is certainly present and plays a part in the universe. We will cover that in a later section and explain its purpose. But there is no question what reigns supreme, sustains the universe, and continues to foster its growth and advancement: Q4P.

While we have seen that Q4P was the driving factor in Cosmic Creation, entropy is just a by-product of creation.

As we will see in later chapters, entropy has been a linchpin of more primitive cosmologies, particularly in the early 20th Century. This is largely due to the constraints of physics as a tool of cosmology. Without the broader perspective of metaphysics, scientists have over-focused on the symptoms of the universe and been largely unable to fathom the cause.

- 8.00
Q4P∞ trumps Entropy and sustains the advance of our universe.

This is what has made Birnbaum’s SuperFormula so superior at describing the universe as a whole. And that, after all, is the primary job of cosmology – to understand and explain how the universe works and how it came to be.

Through Birnbaum’s work we are finally able to see clearly what truly drives the Cosmic Order and what is responsible for its birth and existence: Birnbaum’s Q4P.


Chronology - 8.50

[ Evolution in a snapshot ]

Lloyd elucidates the Quantum - # information (bit) buildout

# computing

# programming

aspect/dimension of Quantum Mechanics

Let us now throw in a fourth component -

(Quantum) # engineering (my concept/term) into the mix*

One can assign the term Quantum Engineering to the entire 4-component basket (noted just-above).

Quantum Potential Engineering per Potentialism Theory

# information (bit) build-out per Lloyd

# computing per Lloyd

# programming per Lloyd

# engineering per Birnbaum

The full Quantum Engineering basket is fused into Q4P∞, at latest by the Big Bang ignition point

Now we have 'replaced' Darwinism

Post- Big Bang (14.8 billion years ago)


Q4P∞ then drives the evolution of the universe, and then - post the formation of our planet 4.5 billion years agothe evolution of Evolution.

(see Evolution1000.com for fuller presentation)

* I presume that Lloyd did not want to tangle with the neo-Darwinists

As we have noted, while Lloyd was able to lay of physics groundwork down, following Birnbaum’s metaphysical treatise of Q4P, Lloyd’s work lacked the full dynamic and understanding of what he was actually describing as it lacked the necessary metaphysical component of Q4P.

In chronological order, Birnbaum set the stage for thoughtful analysis of the universe as a computing and optimizing universe in his first publication, Summa I in 1988. He further laid out the proper design for this optimizing/computing universe in Summa II in 2005. Finally, in 2006 Lloyd would follow Birnbaum’s work with his own, Programming the Universe, in which he would


explore some of Birnbaum’s ideas in Quantum Mechanical terms to work out some of the mathematical minutia of Birnbaum’s foundational work.

Metaphysics must always properly incorporate physics, even with its shortcomings, to produce proper theory. Unfortunately, physicists rarely see the need to properly engage in good metaphysics, leaving them to oftentimes miss the forest for the trees. As Birnbaum has often stated himself, “metaphysics has become somewhat of a lost art since Spinoza”, a 17th Century Dutch philosopher who was instrumental to the likes of such important thinkers Albert Einstein. However, I will cover Llyod’s work here, so we can see the parts physics managed to get it right as it tried to follow Birnbaum’s initial work. Lloyd maps out three aspects of our Quantum Computing universe:

1. Information Building.

Information building is a recognition that the world, as a quantum computer, is storing information. This is a groundbreaking change in the world of cosmology, as Birnbaum well explained, because it meant changes we see as the universe ages actually continuously creates information –making the universe more complex day by day as it matures.


2. Quantum Computing.

You’ve probably heard this term referring to manmade computers. In this context though, it is recognition that the universe, as a whole, is actually computing – carrying out computations – and the answers to those computations are linked to the Information Building.

3. Quantum Programming.

Finally, Lloyd confirms Birnbaum’s assertion that the universe is following some great Quantum Program. This makes sense, after all, as a computer can’t compute if it has no program to execute.

However, due to a lack of understanding regarding the SuperFormula, Lloyd misses out on the last component entirely:

4. Quantum Engineering.

There is one final piece to the puzzle of the universal Quantum Computer: Who or what programmed it?

Unfortunately, Lloyd fell short of reaching this final goal post. It was simply too necessary to be grounded in good metaphysics to understand the full implications of the first three parts he did manage to interpret.


The answer is Q4P. Specifically, Birnbaum calls this Quantum Potential Engineering. As he specifically states here, “per Potentialism Theory…The full Quantum Engineering basket is fused into Q4P∞”.

While this may seem obvious at this point, it has far-reaching implications we have to consider. Note that Birnbaum specifically calls the universal Quantum Computer a Biological Cosmic Supercomputer. The key term here is biological.

While physicists look at inorganic bodies such as stars and nebulas, Birnbaum notes the presence of life and considers it not only as important to the Quantum Computing concept but arguably its Most important part.

Particularly, Birnbaum is always uncomfortable with labelling the universe a computer. While Birnbaum liked Lloyd’s continuance of his work, it fell short in understanding the central role of life. To Birnbaum, the supercomputer function of the universe was just one aspect of something larger going on –a function of the larger “living universe” we inhabit. Lloyd also fails to give proper credence to the fact that we are a living/organic computer of sorts - Birnbaum's QuantumPotential-Organism. While this distinction may go over the heads of quantum physicists, this is a crucial distinction to metaphysicists.


We are, as living entities, a crucial part of the universe itself, not just observers watching it go by. Moreover, as intelligent creatures with our own individual thoughts, desires, and goals, this lends evidence that we somehow matter as individuals –not as just as components of some larger machine.

Birnbaum explains that life itself is engineered, through Quantum Engineering, to be a necessary part of both the universe and the cosmic Supercomputer and is necessary for it to carry out its ongoing program and computations.

Not only does this change things around, putting humanity itself front and center in the unfolding complexity of the universe, it also challenges preconceptions about how we came to be. Specifically, how we evolved.

In the coming chapters, we will explore this more fully as we take a more in-depth look at life and humanity. But it is worth noting right here that this causes a fundamental problem with Darwinism.

Most people have been traditionally taught that we evolve through some mechanistic “survival of the fittest” - and our random mutation – scenario and that our evolution is largely based on trial-and-error chance.


However, Potentialism teaches us two things: Q4P isn’t in the habit of making big mistakes and it isn’t in the habit of wasting energy. Moreover, if we are being engineered to take part in some cosmic program, we’d need to be properly built for purpose.

This truth fundamentally turns Darwinism on its head. It shows that the universe is intentional and is following a master plan. This leaves little room for Darwin’s haphazard [and logically improbable] evolutionary scheme. Meaning there IS indeed evolution – but via Q4P.

Instead, Birnbaum states here that “Q4P∞ then drives the evolution of the universe, and then - post the formation of our planet 4.5 billion years ago -the evolution of Evolution.”


Q4P∞ choreographs the grand cosmic drama/trajectory which includes, among other components, exploding stars across the heavens → elements → life forms on earth → 21st Century humans and their everadvancing consciousness

Here, we take a moment to review the choreography of the cosmos through Q4P∞, its trajectory and accomplishments to date. Birnbaum reviews, as we explored earlier, the epochs Q4P has presided over.

From the formation of stars to the creation of the elements, and from the first humble beginnings of life to the dominance of 21st Century humankind. Even as humankind represents the pinnacle of current complexity, with its ever-increasing consciousness, it certainly is not necessarily the last iteration of Complexification. More is certainly still to come in the great Cosmic Drama.

The true beauty of the increasing complexity of the universe isn’t so much that it has continued to grow but how it has grown. The true strength of Q4P is that it continually adapts.

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Every time it has seemed the world could gain no more in complexity, Q4P has turned the world on its head. From the first ignition of the first star, bathing the universe in light to the first plants to push up from the soil, Q4P has shown a remarkable resilience and an endless reserve of creativity, plotting its course towards Extraordinariation.

Even as life changed the entire nature of the universe, it is easy to get lost in the present and not realize how singularly different humanity is compared to all that came before it.

Was humanity’s birth inescapable? On that we are uncertain. Potentialism shows that the universe and everything within it does not follow a completely defined path, just a general roadmap. Q4P simply seeks optimally rich pathways on which to continue its course. According to Birnbaum, “everything is flexible beyond the immediate.” The particulars of the future are not pre-destined. Q4P is just constantly recalibrating to seek out the next level of Complexification on its path towards Extraordinariation.

So, while humanity’s existence might not have been guaranteed, something like us was. We are here at the tip of “cosmic pen” so to speak for what makes us unique and our contributions to the universe unique. We are sentient entities with consciousness, emotions, values, drives, and ambitions.

That is just what Q4P required for its next step in Complexification. Moreover, humanity has a sense of the spiritual – of the soul, conscience, art, and empathy. We bring all these and more to the table to press the universe onwards in greater complexity.

In Birnbaum’s own words, “Q4P needs the consciousness/emotional spectrum of humanity - and our related human dimensions - to advance optimally thru C+ onwards towards E+. Thus, we are fully-integral to Q4P and its ongoing advance-forward.”

The real question all this leaves us with is if humanity will be at the center of this next Complexification event. Will humanity further advance and usher in yet another epoch? Or will something take our place as the highest form of complexity?

There is no reason we cannot. Yet, the future is hard to predict, and as we discussed, Q4P intentionally leaves this so. And there is no reason to exclude the possibility that Q4P will morph the entire universe itself again (and again and again) if it deems it necessary or most efficient to optimize its pursuit for Extraordinariation.

The importance here is to note, we haven’t just reviewed a history – a chronology – that is in the past. Rather we are reviewing a chronology we are at the center of. There is a lot


behind us in the rearview. But nothing we have learned leads us to believe the universe is nearly done changing or growing. What we consider normal and all that exists will one day seem primitive and simple by comparison. We are living cosmic history at this very moment.

We’ll explore these future possibilities in the coming chapters. The short, truthful answer though, is that we simply do not know what that future holds. As we have seen, Complexification is impossible to predict before it arrives. The only thing we do know is that is impossible to say for sure, but it will be grand and incomprehensible in complexity and beauty.


Q4P∞ (or a derivative thereof) is the Cosmological Constant identified by Albert Einstein in 1917*; Einstein theorized the Cosmological Constant as the counter-force to gravity's otherwise inevitably imploding the universe. [ Actually, it is reverse, i. e. Gravity slows down the forward march of the Cosmological Constant aka Lambda.]

In 1917, Albert Einstein introduced a cosmological constant. This is often done when physics arrives at something they cannot completely explain. If I were to conduct an experiment, I might get an answer different than I predicted. But what do I do if I run different experiments and find my calculations are off by some constant? Well, I simply assign it a name and call it as constant. As long as I have an idea of the value of the constant, from where it came doesn’t matter in my calculations.

In this case, Einstein was wrestling with some unknown counterforce that must be at work to keep the universe from imploding back on itself and he just gave it the Greek symbol for Lambda to use it in his formulas.

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While he didn’t know what it was, he could clearly see its effect on the universe. While gravity was slowing down the growth of the universe, some unseeable force was pushing against gravity to force it to strike a balance of steady growth.

While Einstein could not have foreseen the existence of Q4P, he nonetheless was able to measure its actual force on the universe to keep it in balance and growing.


The Cosmological Constant [Q4P∞] has become identified with the simplest form of Dark Energy (Wiki / Cosmological Constant / Oct 22, 2017]

[ note: The Cosmological Constant is also known by a shorthand notation lambda, or /\ ]

Fast-forward to the late 20th Century and physics was still wrestling with Lambda, now identifying it as Dark Energy. So, what is dark energy in physics? You may think, given its name, it is some form of anti-energy or something? Humorously, that is not remotely the case.

Dark Energy is called dark only to denote that physicists still have no idea what it is and have failed to measure it completely. Even so, physicists have calculated the amount of Dark Energy currently in existence. It is that important to how the universe works.

The reason physics cannot find the elusive dark Energy is obvious to readers at this point. Dark Energy is Q4P, so they are trying to measure something that only halfway exists in physical

Chronology - 11.00

reality. Or, more accurately, it exists in more than just physical reality, as it simultaneously exists within the Cosmic Womb.

This gives it the unique property of being able to exert measurable force on the universe while evading direct detection.


Chronology - 12.00

"In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy [Q4P∞] is an unknown form of energy which is hypothesized to permeate all of space, tending to accelerate the expansion of the universe." [Wiki / Dark Energy / Oct 22, 2017]

[ So, the Cosmological Constant = lambda = /\ = (simple) dark energy = a salient & manifest derivative of Q4P∞ ]

see also inter-related scientific discussions - the Fifth Force.... Quintessence

YES / By ~2019 - thirty-one years after Summa Ielements of the scientific community are inching closer to Q4P∞

Birnbaum does take a moment at Chronology 12.00 to note that 20 years into our new century, scientists are finally starting to acknowledge the existence of the immaterial. They’ve accepted that Dark Energy, while currently unfindable, is nonetheless real and permeates all space in the universe.

Again, I will take a moment to remind readers that Dark Energy is not some force that is somehow “opposite” normal energy, it


is simply a fancy, scientific term for an energy physics cannot explain. It is called Dark because its nature is unknown to physical science.

Science has repeatedly failed to quantify and explain Dark Energy because it is not based in physical science, but instead a manifestation of Q4P itself piercing through into our physical universe from the metaphysical. Think of it as trying to explain an iceberg when you can’t see below the water. You can’t truly understand what it is if you think the tiny portion that is visible above the water is the entirety of it. How does it stay upright?

Why does it have enough force to sink ships? Metaphysics is all that occurs “behind the scenes”, beneath the water line.

Fortunately, quantum physics is even ever-inching closer to discovering more indirect evidence of what some scientific discussions have referred to as a Fifth Force called Quintessence, a word which harkens back to the “essential part” of something’s being.

Physics has finally started to look beyond the forbidden veil of the metaphysical as science has exhausted itself looking for something it can never find fully in the physical universe. The 21st Century has been a welcome coming of age for science as it has finally started looking past the purely physical realm in search of further answers it will never find there.


As Birnbaum rightly points out, it has been thirty-one years since Summa I laid out the definitive answer to the nature of quintessence – it is Q4P. But as establishment science grudgingly inch closer to the reality that has always been, Birnbaum graciously applauds and welcomes them – for the sake of humanity and our claiming of our rightful place at the spear-tip of the universe’s continuing journey towards Birnbaum’s Extraordinariation (E+).


"Assuming that the standard model of cosmology is correct, the best current measurements indicate that dark energy [Q4P∞] contributes 68.3% of the total energy in the present-day observable universe." [Wiki / Dark Energy / Oct 22, 2017]

In case you had any doubt to how much force Q4P exerts in the universe even just on a purely physics basis, Birnbaum notes the truth as even conceded by physics.

Dark Energy (Q4P) accounts for more energy in the perceivable universe than all other sources combined. While this is not a surprising observation to Potentialism, it is to physics. Why?

Physicists have long strived to detail and explain the universe in pure physics terms. To do this, they have relied heavily on the Standard Model. I even hazard to say this is rightly so, because that model has dependably described a lot of the universe and been infinitely helpful to our understanding of the world around us.

- 13.00

However, almost everything has its limits. For the Standard Model, that was Quantum Physics. At the turn of the last century, science ran into Quantum Physics, which completely defied our understanding of the universe. Suddenly, our understanding of things seemed to contradict itself.

Science sought some way to address this conflict, to find some Unifying Theory that would fix these issues. However, physical science had finally hit a wall. The greatest minds, including even Einstein, could not fathom how to connect all the scientific phenomena they found together. In short, there was no discernable “glue” that held all of reality together.

There was not even a way to explain how our universe was surviving until the concept of Dark Energy came to be. Yet physics could not explain what was right before our eyes.


"Dark energy [Q4P∞] is the most accepted hypothesis to explain the observations since the 1990s indicating that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate." [Wiki Dark Energy / Oct 22, 2017]


# no Dark Energy [Q4P∞], then the Big Crunch [imploding universe]

# sufficient Dark Energy [Q4P∞], then Expanding universe

Meaning, as well, that Potential [Q4P∞] is the prime determinant of the ultimate denouement of the universe; not gravity; not entropy; and most certainly not randomness

Birnbaum’s simple answer, Dark Energy = Q4P∞, was laid out clearly in Summa I (1988). But it would take decades even after Dark Energy was accepted, for scientists to finally begin to look for answers in the realm of metaphysics.

The cruelest irony is that Birnbaum had already published the answer. It was there for anyone who had eyes to read. The scientific community was simply not ready to accept the truth yet. Instead of listening, they would spend decades trying to debunk Potentialism. Ironically, this would happen even, as we have noted, physics works on the Computational Universe

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would come out from Wheeler and Lloyd, respectively, right after Birnbaum laid groundwork in Summa I and Summa II. However, it is perhaps the dark side of human nature that physicists would try [to co-opt] and take this new information and somehow make it fit in a purely physics mold. It has been said that if you only have a hammer, you tend to look at every problem as a nail.

Physicists have desperately been trying to adapt Birnbaum’s insight and turn it into such a nail. This was never to be the case though. The last gasp was to try and make a scientific moniker to mask the undefinable nature of Q4P behind a scientific term

– Dark Energy.


Chronology - 15.00

At every stage/step of the unfolding Cosmic drama/order - from Eternal Origins thru the present day (and onward) -

Q4P∞ - the hitherto undiscerned dynamicis front & center, and, indeed, the driving dynamic.

Q4P∞ is the metaphysical spinal column of the arc of the universe.

Birnbaum concludes Chronology [Chronology1000.com] with a point-on observation. As we have seen through our initial, independent analysis of Cosmic Origins and through Birnbaum’s own account, we have seen something happen. It is consistent, always happening and at every level from the microscopic to the even the galactic scale.

There has been a previously unknown/undiscerned driver which keeps the universe pushing ever forward, consistently, to some specific goal. That is Q4P, which eternally fuels the universe’s evolution along the set path of Birnbaum's SuperFormula Q4P >

C+ > E+.

Q4P∞, neatly nestled within the Cosmic Womb, had remained nearly unseen as physicists sought a driver that could be fully


explained with physical science. This left the cosmic driver essentially “hiding in plain sight”, as Birnbaum explains. It took Outsider Birnbaum to shake things up.

Looking both across the universe and through time itself, Q4P∞ has provided the “metaphysical spinal column of the arc of the universe.” Without Q4P’s constant presence, the universe would be aimless and unable to fulfill its own task of seeking its eventual goal - Birnbaum's Extraordinariation (E+).

Worse still, as we’ve seen, there could be no universe in the first place without the initial and overwhelming drive of Potential. Indeed, what seems like a subtle and patient force in how it guides the cosmos, Potential proved to have the raw power to create something from nothing. Or, as Birnbaum more accurately helps us understand – Potential created something from the universe’s own Potential from what it could be.

Finally, we find that Q4P protects the universe continuously from it all collapsing entirely. With nearly 70% of the universe comprised of the energetic push of Q4P itself (Dark Matter), the universe would have long collapsed under its own weight of being had it not been for Q4P constantly protecting it and driving to ever expand and grow in Complexity.

This makes calling Q4P the spine of the universe very apt. Without a spine, we collapse and cannot move onwards.


Without the metaphysical spine of the universe, the universe would likewise collapse and discontinue its journey.

Fortunately for all, Birnbaum has shown us that Q4P springs from eternity. The Potential/Q4P dynamic is the only thing that is eternal. That one is enough though, as it is what we need most to exist. So, the universe will safely go on, seeking its Extraordinariation for the rest of time or until it achieves its objective.


Chronology - Summary

Birnbaum has laid out, in Chronology, a simple timeline of the cosmos, from its Eternal Origins to present day. He separates the entirety of cosmic evolution into one eternal dynamic, two births, (first, Q4P from out of Eternal Potential, and second, the Big Bang from out of ZERO) and three realms.

The first realm is the Embryonic Metaphysical Realm. At the Eternal Origins of existence, there existed nothing but Eternal Potential itself. As we discussed, this was solely the very literal idea that something could exist. Potential reigned supreme, as nothing else existed. And, while the universe has become considerably more crowded, Potential still reigns supreme as we’ve seen its continued mark on the physical universe to this day.

Some eons later though, triggered by Birnbaum's Retrocausal Pulse, also called Birnbaum's Cosmic Leveraged-Buyout, Eternal Potential gave birth to Q4P itself - the great Cosmic Driver. This represented the first birth, that of the Metaphysical Realm. This proved to be an insufficient state of cosmic complexity though. Q4P could only run its course so far trying to realize the fullness of Birnbaum's SuperFormula Q4P > C+ > E+.


So, after countless eons of building tension, Q4P would “split zero”, causing the Big Bang, and birthing our current universe. Birnbaum calls this, our current universe, the Hybrid: Metaphysical/Physical Realm.

We refer to the current universe as hybrid because, as we have seen, it is not truly separate from the metaphysical realm and the Cosmic Womb.

Indeed, as we have seen regarding Dark Matter, there is more energy in the universe tied to the metaphysical than not. Q4P stands, as it were, with one foot in each world – the physical and the metaphysical. This is necessary, as modern science states that without this energy the physical universe could not survive and support itself. Thus, the current physical universe relies on Q4P itself to keep it from collapsing under its own gravitational weight – Q4P endlessly bolstering physical reality and pushing it to expand and grow in ever greater complexity towards its endless goal towards Extraordinariation.

The astute reader may wonder if Extraordinariation is ever possible to achieve. We will investigate that in coming chapters

what that might

ever be

be and if it could
realized. [hint: Birnbaum feels that it is a GOAL /horizon, never to actually be realized.]

First though, we’ll examine the current state of metaphysics, cosmology, and other cosmological models. We’ll discuss how these possibly dovetail into the Potentialism model and which are simply incompatible and provably false.


11. Potentialism and Other Cosmological Theories

Metaphysics has been in existence as a science since the time of Aristotle. In fact, the Greeks were the first to apply philosophy to science to try and determine not just how the universe behaves, but also to understand why it works the way it does.

Since that time, metaphysics has waxed and waned as a fundamental part of cosmology. Particularly under the influence of the halls of British academia, the 20th century saw an ebb [decrease] in metaphysics as a largely atheistic academic society sought to distance itself from metaphysics altogether. In large part, this was driven by an ignorance of the true nature of metaphysics, mistaking it for religiously driven instead of understanding metaphysics as a branch of philosophy and, thus, disciplined thought.

In truth, metaphysics is a bridge between the “hard” sciences and the discipline of pure reason that is philosophy. It allows one to move past the limitations of physics guided by a mathematically rigid system of logic to reason out and discover truths which require no tangible measurement. Where physics can only take you as far as you can get measuring things,


metaphysics can take you as far as you can reason with the available facts at hand.

A Special Note on Metaphysics v. Physics

Metaphysics is always 100% in accord with valid science and, indeed, science must always be in-accord with valid metaphysics. That is to say, any valid and credible metaphysical theory that is a proper and correct cosmology must both be in perfect alignment metaphysically and scientifically. It is also especially important to remember that, canonically, science is a subset of metaphysics and not the other way around. Strictly speaking, you employ science in metaphysics when you need something measured, calculated, or observed in the physical universe. Science, on the other hand, is completely useless employed outside the physical universe.

Now, science is defined and proven by deductive proofs. A deductive proof is usually of the form:

A therefor, B.

Or more simply, in formal language:

A → B

For instance, I might observe that all numbers between 1 and 100 that are divisible by 4 are also divisible by 2.


Or following the shown form:

I have a set of all numbers between 1 and 100 that are divisible by 4 → those numbers are divisible also divisible by 2.

As you can imagine, we can prove this very easily simply by trying to test every number in the set and trying to divide them by 2.

Now, metaphysics uses deductive proofs. A deductive proof runs a bit opposite of how inductive proofs do, but inductive proofs are necessary when using metaphysics. Inductive proofs are used by analyzing what evidence is available and drawing a conclusion based on what you can experience.

To see how this works, picture yourself on a deserted island and you can never leave the island or learn about anything outside of the island. It is so remote, no animals visit. There are only local animals. Now, on this imaginary island you decide to learn about birds. Now, we might think we can make some deductive proofs by analyzing things around us. We may start with determining that all birds are brown, but then we run across a parrot and that disproves it. All good so far. So, we look about again and say all birds can fly. When we try to falsify it, it checks out because no bird on the entirety of the island is flightless.


Here is the problem. Our island is a closed system, but there is a larger planet out there. So, we can’t make a deductive proof because we can’t physically confirm our proof. So, what do we do if we know there is more in the world than our little island? At this point, we would have to make an inductive proof. So, we still say A → B. Our argument would still look just like a deductive one:

If I see a bird → I know it can fly

But since we can’t actually search the planet, and we know we can’t, we build our argument by showing a cased of a bird that can fly. Then another and another, and so on. The more birds we find that still fly, the stronger our argument becomes.

Importantly, you’ll notice our argument about birds, as it turns out, is entirely incorrect. It’s a bit understandable, since most birds can fly, that we’d make the mistake. But it takes only one ostrich to break our proof. Our observations, you’ll note, aren’t entirely useless. After all, our work has proven that if we see a bird we’ve never encountered, it can likely fly.

Herein lies the real problem and limit with science: Physical science is like a person trapped on our island. As they deal in nothing they cannot directly observe and measure, everything off the island is indiscernible or understandable. Likewise, the universe is directly unknowable. It comes down to a classic


problem. You cannot measure a system while you are inside it. We have no way to take the universe, put it in a lab and observe it from the outside.

Metaphysics, on the other hand, is used to describe what is outside the universe as well, what that outside is like now and what existed pre-Big Bang. To do this, metaphysicists specialize in deductive reasoning. While a botanist trapped on our island might be lured into the false bird proof by looking at only what they saw – knowing just what they can see, the seasoned metaphysicist would consider all life on the island holistically and conclude that any animal that eats food that lies significantly higher than the terrain and vegetation that grows from it have adapted to fly by some means.

Notice this does many things at once. It is a broad enough conclusion to be extraordinarily accurate. It takes everything into account – what we know of gravity; how air works; how animals work and adapt. Moreover, it proves true – even though we had limited information to work with on our island.

This is

What if an animal is found flying because it is lighter than its planet’s air and moves about like a blimp? No worries, we never assumed it had wings, only that is flies. What if there is

all wonderful, but the best part is it has excellent chances to still be true when we consider other planets in the universe.

vegetation that floats as well? Still no problem. We accounted for this by specifying terrestrially bound vegetation only.

This holistic approach is the true strength of metaphysics and why it is unrivalled in exploring the nature and purpose of the universe. This also illustrates why science and its island is only a subset of true metaphysics, which studies the entirety of existence and not just the little island of physical reality.

In this chapter, we shall take a look at different cosmologies from the Greeks onward to 20th century physics. We will compare and contrast them to Potentialism and illuminate where Birnbaum’s Potentialism stands in regard to each.


Aristotle and the Foundation of Metaphysics

Let’s start at the beginning. In the 4th century B.C.E., Aristotle literally wrote the first book on metaphysics, titled aptly enough – Metaphysica. Well, that is its Latin translation. Its original Greek title was Ta Meta Ta Physika, meaning “the writings after the physics”.

This title serves a dual meaning. Firstly, Aristotle had already published a work called Physics. So, this was an extension beyond his first scientific work. But it is also accepted that the title means what lies beyond physics. In short, what more can we learn about the universe once we reach the end of physics.

It is no accident Birnbaum chose to call his own treatise Summa Metaphysica, or the “summary of metaphysics”, as Birnbaum’s work would, some 2400 year later book-end Aristotle’s own work with a much-needed modern (total)rethinking of metaphysics. In essence re-inventing metaphysics.

Matter and Form

Aristotle reasoned that the world and everything in it was comprised of two things – matter and form. To understand this, we have to step back a bit in time to the concept of forms developed by the philosopher Plato (student of Socrates). Plato


held that while the universe seemed to be constantly in flux and eternally changing, we could think of things that exist solely in the mind which were unchanging truths. Reason, for instance, is always the same regardless of when we try to employ it. Or consider math. No matter how many things exist, 1+1 will always equal 2.

So, something at the heart of existence was eternally present and unchanging. Plato laid this out in his conceptualization of perfect forms. He reasoned that, for instance, while different types of shoes exist, there was, in some intangible part of reality, the perfect shoe. Aristotle considered the viewable universe around us essentially where matter took on a semblance of these perfect forms constructed with matter.

The First Glimpse of the Cosmic Womb

What Aristotle and Plato had stumbled across was the first, vague glimpse of Birnbaum’s Cosmic Womb of Potential. As to these ideal forms, Potentialism has no such equivalent or need to have one. Aristotle was off the mark on that one unless you count the geometry of Potentialism. But such things as cosmic spirality just happen to be the best geometry for Birnbaum's later Complexification (C+). The perfect footwear is totally unnecessary. In fairness, do remember that philosophy itself


was in its infancy, so we will give Aristotle appropriate credit for what he did get right.

Aristotle at least understood the concept [per Birnbaum] of some realm completely separate, eternal all-encompassing that came before the physical universe. He was the first to have insight into the concept of an eternal dynamic at play in the universe. What he lacked was why our universe came into being. For that, he would have needed a motivator – a prime mover that would drive change.

Unfortunately, as much as Aristotle did for metaphysics, it was his stumble here that would cause cosmologists to shy from metaphysics and try to go it alone explaining the universe. For Aristotle, lacking the driving force of Q4P, instead mistakenly attributed as the prime mover the gods themselves. This metaphysical “tap out” would be used as an excuse in the 20th century to try and remove metaphysics from cosmology altogether. It would take millennia before Birnbaum could pick up the metaphysics baton where Aristotle went astray and fix Metaphysica.

Aristotle and the Divine Aristotle set forth 'the Divine' as being the Primum Movens (i.e., the Prime Mover). The problem, cosmologically, is that this line


is subject to ongoing and broad-based challenges. In particular, this position attracts ongoing challenges on multiple key fronts, including:

THEOGONY - Where did this Prime Mover divine come from?

THEODICY - Why does this all-knowing, all-powerful divine being tolerate and let gross evil occur?

Thus, although Birnbaum mounts whatever may very well be the optimal defense of monotheism in his first book God and Evil, he is not oblivious to the vulnerability.

Birnbaum's first book is, indeed, God and Evil (1988). Though later in Volume II (2005), Volume III (2014) and Volume IV (2020) he de-links his Metaphysics Theory from classic God. Thus, Birnbaum’s Metaphysics remain bullet-proof and beyond reproach.

Birnbaum neither challenges nor ignores God, he simply delinks his metaphysics from classic God. Birnbaum himself is closely affiliated-with, and identified-with, Modern Orthodox Judaism on a personal level. He and his multi-generational nuclear family are all members of Modern Orthodox synagogues. In addition, Birnbaum is the Editor-in-Chief of the iconic ten volume, 150+ essayists Mesorah Matrix series (www.MesorahMatrix.com).


Birnbaum's Primum Movens, however, is POTENTIAL. And, indeed, Birnbaum unleashes the potential of POTENTIAL to be the core and spirit of his extraordinary Potentialism Metaphysics.

Eternal Potential does not suffer the same vulnerabilities – be they weak or strong vis a' vis theogony or theodicy - as Aristotle’s Primum Movens, the Divine does.

Thus, Birnbaum respects the Divine; but, unlike Aristotle, does not craft his sophisticated and elaborate Metaphysics edifice around it. In fact, Birnbaum often remarks that Aristotle - and his fellow Greek philosophers - would be stalwart fans of Summa theory. After a 350-year hiatus (since Spinoza), Metaphysics is Back; rescued almost single-handedly from the dead by Birnbaum. That was a key plank of the historic Bard Conference on Summa (see www.Conferrence1000.com) in 2012.

We’ll explore the subject of the nature of Birnbaum’s Primum Movens, or Birnbaum's God of Potential, in more detail in the religion section.



One of the most memorable shots across the bow of theology (religious belief) was Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, published in 1859. Remember, in misidentifying the Cosmic Womb, not discerning Potential as the eternal and key cosmic driver, and completely missing Birnbaum’s SuperEquation, Aristotle had incorrectly tied metaphysics in some ways to religion. Again, it is not that metaphysics has anything to do with theism/religion. It is just that Aristotle could not identify any other candidates for the prime mover of the universe such as Q4P. It would take perhaps a millennia post-Aristotle.

So, Darwin attempted to study evolution from a purely physical science perspective. What he came up with was natural selection as the driving force of evolution. Darwin posited that all species change over time in completely random ways. If those changes are useful then that member of the species has a survival advantage over those that don’t have that change.

On the surface, this seems reasonable. If a giraffe has a longer neck than the other giraffes, it will be able to get to more food so is more likely to survive and breed. But this glosses over a great many issues we’ll examine.


Useless Stages of Evolution

Many species that have evolved required multiple mutations to do something useful. Let us take our giraffe as an example. So, being the tallest mammal in the world is great for eating leaves. But how does a giraffe drink water? Water is, after all, in the opposite direction of leaves. As it turns out, the giraffe’s neck and mouth are specially designed to pull off this necessary feat.

Giraffes are able to pull off this feat by using their mouth, jaw, and esophagus to create a suction pump, filling their long esophagus full of water before lifting their head to pour the water down into their stomachs.

This marvel of engineering begs several questions. Random genetic changes wouldn’t have designed this pump system while also making the giraffe’s neck longer. So, was the pump invented before it was needed? If so, why was the trait past to other giraffe when it gave no evolutionary advantage?

These in-between steps plague Darwinism. Whenever you have multiple genetic changes necessary before any benefit is gained, the system makes no sense.


Natural Selection is Horribly Inefficient

So, let’s forget this impossibility of our giraffe developing multiple traits at once to make being taller survivable and useful for a moment. Was a slightly longer neck that big of an advantage that one giraffe managed to be the new standard for all giraffedom?

Just how many more leaves could a 12-foot-tall giraffe reach than a 11.5-foot giraffe? Enough that it would survive where its shorter cousins died out? We know they are all 15 to 20 feet in height now. So, if that half foot made such a difference, why do we find a difference of up to 5 feet in modern giraffes? The truth is the intermediary steps a species goes through in evolving just isn’t usually that advantageous.

Now, let’s couple that with another fact – not all mutations are useful. On the surface, this doesn’t seem to be an issue, but evolution is slow. It can take millions of years for a species to change. Further, it turns out that the overwhelming preponderance of mutations [99.9%+] are disadvantageous.

So, for Darwinism to work, we have to wait for that extremely rare positive mutation to happen, which them must miraculously connect with a sequence of extremely rare positive mutations. Only then can we finally reach a single useful mutation and hope a lion doesn’t eat our single useful giraffe


and send us back to the drawing board for another million years. Birnbaum calls this crucial line of events linear irreducible complexity.

Where are the Fossils?

Something that has been a continual weakness in Darwinism is the lack of fossil records for those aforementioned useless steps we were discussing. Paleontologists have consistently been unable to show us the gradual evolution of creatures. You may recall those drawings in textbooks of different animals along the path of evolution, such as from a fish to a lizard. But the pictures shown are all the steps from one species to the one it evolved into that we could find fossils for.

The truth is, we are grossly lacking the gradually changing fossils that should exist all around us. You will never go into a natural history museum and see giraffe fossils in a neat row showing them growing inch by inch over the years to their current height. Those intermediary steps are missing from the fossil records. Thus, scientists are forced to fantasize about what those in between steps even looked like because there is no record of their existence.


The Origin of Life

Another flaw with Darwinism is that it cannot account for life itself. Darwinian evolution relies on mutations. Mutations rely on replication. So where did life come from in the first place? To ask the question more simply – how did life start?

To this Darwinism has no answer at all. Forget even that life is governed by DNA and somehow this complex chemical programming “language” came into existence. The first question is how did life begin? How can nothing mutate into something? Or rather, how can life be born from nothing?

Per Potentialism Theory, life is inextricably connected-to Q4P.

Therefore, life started on Earth contiguous-to or shortly after the formation of Earth.

Life as an Organic Computer

As Birnbaum explains, life itself is a form of organic digital computer in that its coding is stored within DNA. Anyone with a computer science background knows what it takes to change coding to mutate it to do something different. It takes careful planning and purposeful coding.

If a programmer simply pushes keys at random on the keyboard, what they will nearly always end up with is a broken


program. What they will never end up with is a new program that does something useful or more complex. Yet, this is what Darwinism wants us to believe accounts for all life on Earth in its vast complexity?

Birnbaum instead tells us, “Not one species will ever be birthed via Darwinism, let alone billions of species, even if a trillion years were allotted for even one new species. Evolution is achieved by Q4P∞ introducing new genes; by re-wiring gene networks; and by deliberate and complex sequenced biochemical transformations choreographed by Q4P∞.”

And What of Humans?

Perhaps the greatest problem with Darwinism is the existence of humanity though. Stop and consider for a moment how many traits we’ve developed that are absolutely useless from an evolutionary, survival of the fittest standpoint.

Does the ability to compose music or paint well give us an evolutionary edge? What about even philosophy? Does plumbing the secrets of the universe’s origin make us more capable of finding food and shelter? And why in the world would we be able to consider the existence of a God?


Humans are the culmination of everything wrong with Darwinism tossed right in our faces. We are an amazingly adept species at useless skills, at least from a survival perspective.

Imagine for a moment how bizarre we would seem to aliens if they were evolved purely from natural selection. Most of our day’s activities would seem pointless.

Q4P is the Magic Bullet

Birnbaum makes no claim that evolution doesn’t exist. Far from it. Potentialism teaches us that everything is in a state of evolution, not just life – but the entirety of the universe. What Darwin so stunningly missed was the cause of evolution.

That is not to say that natural selection doesn’t occur. Far from it. It is the cause that is at issue. Darwin posits that genetic chaos is the sole provider of change and evolution. We are left to believe that it can somehow:

1. Produce effects that are essentially useless until more changes, further down the road, have need for them - those useless intermediary steps.

2. That those useless intermediary steps are somehow baffling non-existent in fossil records.


3. That these rare mutations that are actually useful somehow survive an untimely death the likes of which occur to animals daily throughout the world.

4. That life just sprang into existence without cause.

Further, we are forced to ignore what are arguably some of the greatest achievements of humankind because they don’t directly relate to natural selection.

What Darwin fundamentally misses is the SuperFormula. Q4P is the engine of change. Its path is not remotely random, but following a roadmap laid out by Extraordinariation. As we’ve seen, this invariably plays out as Complexification.

Birnbaum’s Potentialism solves all of these problems:

1. Intermediary mutations of no immediate benefit are possible because Q4P will supply the accompanying useful mutation at a later date as it is planned.

2. Gradual change is not needed when setting aside Darwinism, so fossil records would reflect this.

3. Useful mutations are not rare or isolated. With Potentialism, evolution can move along at a good pace, doesn’t waste time with dead ends, and more than one animal can sport a mutation at once as it is driven by Q4P, not chance.


4. The origin of life is clearly laid out in Potentialism as the product of a Complexification event and is a natural part of universal evolution.

5. Humankind has a central place in evolution because it is guided not by survival but an inherent desire to grow in complexity. Being able to survive was just a necessary steppingstone before higher goals could be achieved.

As life and the universe itself continue on its inexorable march towards E+, things evolve to be more perfect, complex forms of themselves. Those that do not eventually finish their part in the SuperFormula and make way for something new.

Darwin v. Birnbaum

Thus, Birnbaum, with a Metaphysically bullet-proof and directional universe, stands alone as the primal nightmare of the Hard-Line Atheist/Randomness cohort centered in Great Britain’s academia – not coincidentally the spawning ground of Darwin's Random Mutation/Natural Selection theory. Potentialism destroys their core theory. They are…. done. Alas, Darwinism's key plank of Random Mutation/Natural Selection is the collateral damage (an unintended, but extraordinary, consequence of the Birnbaum theory).


Birnbaum's Potentialism genie is out-of-the-bottle; and that explosive IDEA - cannot be put back in the bottle. Birnbaum knows it; the Brits know it. Thus, 10,000+ British academics alone are (futilely) massed against Birnbaum. After sundry criminal gambits to undermine Birnbaum, it is the Brits who are on academic life support. The Birnbaum theory thrives.

This is a high-stakes battle - and there is no love lost here.


Randomness and Entropy

One cosmological relic of the 20th Century is Randomness and Entropy. The basis of this cosmological model is largely built around the second law of thermodynamics. As heat dissipates in a system (as we’ll discuss further in a moment), the system becomes more chaotic or, in scientific terms, entropic. So, entropy and the second law are used to “prove” that the universe is inescapably falling further into entropy and will end in a cataclysmic “heat death”.

The second part of this cosmological theory is randomness. Randomness is a bit of a trickier beast to tackle, not because the theory is any sounder, but because it takes many forms. This will be made clearer as we examine both elements separately and untangle why neither of these facets of this archaic cosmology can withstand proper scrutiny.


The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a system either increases or remains constant. Entropy never decreases. This is a fairly clear-cut rule when you think of simple problems in physics like when heat leaves and radiates out from a candle. We can all agree that candles, when lit, don’t absorb


the heat out of a room and leave the room colder. So far, so good, yes?

The problem comes when you take this rather simple observation and try to apply it in understanding what is happening in the universe. While physicists hail this as a universal theory, it takes us only to consider life on earth to see the bullet holes that riddle this theory.

Life here has progressed from single celled animals to multicellular ones and, ultimately (to date) humans. In what way does this seem to be a system falling apart and becoming more entropic? Is there less order and complexity in humanity than algae? Obviously not.

This is the classic problem we come across when applying pure physics to a multidisciplinary and, ultimately, metaphysical question. To carry out this examination even further though, let’s look at the results of entropy when it does occur in the physical world. As we’ll discuss in the next section about quantum computing, it leaves behind information. Thus, as entropy increases so does information. When a computer hard drive fills with information do we consider it less complex? Clearly not.

Finally, as we have seen repeatedly throughout the history of the universe and discussed in great detail, we are in one epoch


of many the universe has had. We have absolutely zero reason to believe we are in the last epoch.

Imagine if, somehow, we existed when the universe was otherwise filled only with particles and not even a single atom was born yet. Would we sit around and discuss the ultimate fate of our atom-less and molecule-less world and try to determine its ultimate fate? Perhaps. Yet, in hindsight we can see how ridiculous that would have been knowing now the epochs that came after it.


The other half of the fatalist cosmology of the 20th century is randomness. This one is a bit trickier to argue and banish. It is no sounder of an argument. The trick of randomness is whenever it is confronted the argument changes and tries to dodge being refuted. To put it mor clearly, randomness means many things and is used in different ways. However, none are any sounder than others. So, we’ll refute each in turn. As you’ll see, we have already addressed this where it has occurred, but here is a refresher.

1. Randomness as part of the second law of thermodynamics.

In this case, randomness is just used interchangeable with the word entropy. So, we’ve already taken care of this one in the last sub-section.

2. Randomness in defense of Darwinism

Here, physics wrongly pokes its head into biological evolution to try and explain evolution. Birnbaum is not the only one to wonder what physicists are doing meddling in a field they don’t understand. But, as we’ve covered previously, random mutations are thoroughly insufficient to account for the depth and complexity of evolution. Only Q4P is sufficient to provide a catalyst for the great leaps forward from simple single celled animals to human beings.

3. Randomness as a supreme drive in the universe and the quantum realm.

Here is where we see some of the most blatant diversionary tactics from physics trying to make randomness work alongside quantum mechanics. Physicists are quick to explain that quantum computing is the only true way to produce randomness in such things as quantum computing. This is technically true, but let’s pull apart what quantum mechanics truly means by this. In normal computing, a bit is either a 0 or a 1. This is the basis of the binary nature of


computing. A hard drive, for example, stores all data – in its smallest form – as simply a long string of 0’s and 1’s.

In quantum computing, the analogy to a bit is called a qubit. They name it differently because a qubit in a special state called a superposition. This isn’t the easiest concept in the world but think of it as both a 0 and a 1 until you actually look at it. Then it does what is called a “collapse”, resolving into one or the other. Getting into the nuts and bolts of how this works and why it is so revolutionary in computing is out of scope here. The only thing you need to take away is the idea of superpositioning and the collapse.

All that is actually meant in quantum computing regarding randomness is that when a collapse of a qubit occurs, it is 100%, completely random whether it will be a 0 or a 1. What does this have to do with a theory about the world decaying and dying in a puddle of entropy?

Absolutely nothing.

Again, without getting overly technical, randomness (in the sense of entropy), is about maintaining equilibrium. It has absolutely no place or meaning the quantum world, which is, by its very nature, dynamic. Talking about randomness as connected to the overarching 20th century idea of a randomness


and entropy driven system is inherently meaningless on the quantum level and doesn’t work.

The fact that the word randomness in quantum mechanics is pointed to for anyone arguing this cosmological theory is simply a shell game. Moreover, as we’ll shortly see, quantum computing, as a part of the natural universe strongly disproves the very theory randomness sought to defend.

The Underlying Issues with Randomness

Aside from the fact it is clearly dead-wrong, Birnbaum has laid out a list of issues the entire Randomness Theory creates:

It is internally contradictory?

The same British scientific community that is so entrenched with the concept of a directionless universe defends evolution. Evolution, as we have seen, has direction. The universe cannot be both at once.

It is alchemy?

In the Dark Ages, alchemist used pseudo-science in the elusive pursuit of trying to turn lead into gold. While this was mystical nonsense, adherents of Randomness have repeatedly tried to convince people that the universe sprang from nowhere and


nothing into what now, 14 billion years on, is a supremely complex universe complete with advanced life.

Given the much vaunted Second Law of Thermodynamics, why does our allegedly random universe not implode from entropy? Randomness proponents speak of elusive dark energy as keeping the universe from imploding on itself. While it sounds perfectly scientific, it really isn’t when you scratch below the surface. The word dark isn’t used because the energy is literally dark.

The term is used because it means it is unknown. It is purely hypothetical. It has never been seen or measured. So, what is this elusive dark energy that remains completely undetectable in physics yet keeps the universe moving in an orderly fashion towards greater complexity? Q4P, as we have already been told. It’s just dressed up in a different word because Randomness realizes it is missing a key piece of the cosmic puzzle.

We are all still waiting for the actual theory Here is a very frustrating problem. As I’ve noted, it is extremely hard to argue against Randomness, not because it is a good theory, but because it is an elusive one. The simple fact is it is the Theory of No Theory. It solves nothing and is riddled with holes scientifically. Why it is still clung to has more sinister roots than scientific ones.


Scientists have built their livelihoods and reputations on their works. Sometimes it turns out they are wrong. Most have the good graces to bow out and admit defeat in the face of overwhelming evidence contradicting their hypothesis. Not so with Randomness adherents.

After 150 years, no one is willing to blink and admit they were wrong. Unfortunately, this has led to blistering attacks in academic publications and conferences to try and silence competing cosmological theories in place of hard science. In Texas we have a saying for this: all hat, no cattle.

Defining our universe

While there are certainly random elements to the universe, we cannot ignore it is ruled by laws, not chance. Consider how many constants there are in physics and chemistry alone.

For many of these, scientists admit that if those numbers were even slightly different than what they are, life and (for some constants) even our universe would not be possible. Instead, we live in a universe perfectly fine-tuned for supporting not only celestial bodies, but life. And intelligent life at that.



Birnbaum affectionately refers to Randomness as the Theory of No Theory. And he does so for good reason. In short, Randomness is:

No theory.

No content.

No core work.

No formulation.

No science.

No cosmology.

As Birnbaum unflinchingly points out, “The earth is not flat; the sun does not orbit the earth; our universe did not randomly ignite, gain traction, evolve, and steadily iterate towards everincreasing sophistication and wondrousness ongoing for 14 billion years and counting.”

Randomness, at its core, is a non-answer masquerading as science. It begs the question why it is still adhered to so fervently?


sunk-cost fallacy


the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.

To be blunt, here is the issue. For the better part of the last century, Randomness reigned supreme. Physicists spent their entire illustrious careers teaching this theory. It is only human nature to want to be right, avoid embarrassment and not have to admit our mistakes.

The problem arises when this is done at the expense of good science. The universe is not what we want it to be. It is, rather, what it is. British academia has been guilty, for the sake of pride, of holding onto the past and what amounts to a grave mistake.

In 1633, Galileo was condemned by the Roman Catholic Inquisition and sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life for the crime of “heresy”. His crime? He taught and defended the heliocentric model. For those unfamiliar with the term, it is: The earth revolves around the sun, which is the center of the solar system.


Fast forward five centuries and David Birnbaum stands trial now for having the audacity of upsetting the world of cosmology and metaphorically calling out the emperor has no clothes.

It’s no exaggeration to say this is a battle for the future understanding of the universe. Birnbaum knows that the evolution of our understanding will be forever hampered until we learn and understand the central role of Potentialism.

The ever-elusive Theory of Everything will go unanswered until we realize the truth is staring right at us. We have been giftwrapped one simple formula. A universal one that can describe the entirety of the cosmos, from the micro, sub-atomic scale to the macro galactic clusters, from the dawn of time to the end of days:

Q4P∞ > C+ > E+

The Quantum Computing Universe

Well after Birnbaum had laid out his metaphysical theory of Potentialism, Seth Lloyd, a professor of mechanical engineering and physics at MIT, wrote in 2007 Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos.

No doubt inspired by Birnbaum’s previous works on the matter, Lloyd took a critical look, from a purely quantum physics perspective on what the universe might actually be doing. What he found was proof of Birnbaum’s Q4P actively at work in the cosmos.

Instead of using the dated suppositions of randomness proponents, he instead tried to look at the universe with an eye to its actual complexity. What he found was proof that the universe was, indeed, ever growing in complexity.

Lloyd detailed that the inevitable rise of entropy and chaos actually created a universe that was continuously growing in informational complexity. Lloyds contends that as systems go through their natural stages of entropy, what they leave in their wake is ever more information.

Thinking of atomic and quantum structures as purely information – that is bits, like in a computer – shows that the


number of bits in the universe is ever increasing. Now Lloyd provided an important puzzle piece to the universe in his work. He said the universe should be considered as one giant computer, ever computing, and storing information as it does.

The only thing he lacked was one piece of the puzzle (unfortunately, the most important one): That the universe was computing something meaningful and was driven with purpose to do so. This later part can be somewhat forgiven as Lloyd is more a physicist than a metaphysicist and, thus, is trapped suing only the tools of physics. As a famous proverb goes: If you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

However, Birnbaum’s SuperFormula provides the missing piece to Lloyd’s mysterious universal quantum computer. What Lloyd missed was the organic nature of this supercomputer. It seems a trivial thing to mention its organic nature – unless your Birnbaum.

To Birnbaum, it was clear that the universe was a part of the natural evolution of existence. As such, it was inseparably linked to Potential itself. The universe is computing and recording as Lloyd hypothesized, but it is doing so in the service of creating Complexity.


As Birnbaum states, Q4P is pervasive in every aspect of existence. It is eternal and a universal driving force. In fact, it is the only force which is timeless and universal:

Birnbaum's SuperFormula Q4P > C+ > E+

When viewed in this context, it makes randomness theory look ridiculous. Rather than falling apart, the universe itself is a welloiled, organic machine/system which is busily doing the important work of moving us ever closer to E+.

An Organic Supercomputer

It should also not be overlooked that Birnbaum specifically calls the universe an organic supercomputer. This is because Lloyd doesn’t properly take into account the existence of organics in his accounting of the universe. Birnbaum tells us life itself is an integral part of the universe at work. That means not only plants and animals – but us humans as well.

We are as much an intentional part of this grand, universal computer as the stars themselves. This is an important distinction for several reasons. Firstly, it means the existence and evolution of life is part of the information needed for the universal organic supercomputer.


Secondly though, it also means that what we do, as humans, is also part of the design and path laid out for Q4P in its endless drive to E+. In short, what we do as people effects the universe itself.

Human Choice and Information

So here is the most interesting part of Birnbaum’s inclusion of organic life in the universal supercomputer. You may question, how does human thought affect the physical universe? If you think of kittens, how does that affect the universe?

Here is a clearer way to look at this. Consider if you saw a beggar on the street. You may feel empathy towards him or her and stop and give them some money. For you, that is not some Darwinian survival instinct. In fact, it is quite the opposite. You have done something that not only does not benefit you or your own possible children/family line. You have instead made yourself slightly poorer. What you have done is display something human’s call altruism. Now suppose that person would have died of cold, but you gave them just what they needed to get shelter for a cold night that was settling in. What if that person, now given a bit of extra time, gets their life back in order, gets off the street and marries? They settle down and one day one of their


grandchildren goes on to cure cancer or helps design the first human colony on another planet.

All physical action humans take may affect the universe in profound ways we cannot expect or predict. Some do and some don’t. But we cannot predict which will. The interesting thing is when you add humans into the mix. Firstly, we are amazingly good at affecting the environment around us, reshaping it to our needs and purpose.

Yet, as the illustration above shows, many of our actions are committed for reasons based solely on our higher, emotional and morale responses. This being the case, humans add something to the informational universe, while driven by thought the results are very real.

This is why Birnbaum calls humanity the pinnacle of life that we know of, because we not only have a unique effect on the universe around us, but we also haver unique drives that make us do many of those things.

So, why is humanity different and what is our purpose, if anything? The answer, to Birnbaum, is quite simple. We are the next evolution of Q4P to increase the power of the universal supercomputer. We are akin to adding a faster, more powerful, and complex CPU to a computer. We solve problems the universe could not before our appearance. As has always been


the case, when the universe finds itself reaching the limits of its complexity, a Complexification event occurs and the universe itself finds or creates a more complex way of doing things.

Humankind is just as an important transition in the universe as when the first atoms came together to form a molecule. So, Lloyd provided a helpful physics view of universe which acknowledged the endless higher degrees of complexity which actually occur. But Lloyd's physics weren’t enough to pull him over the finish line of full understanding.

It would require Birnbaum’s fuller metaphysics to fill in the holes in the picture. So, is the world itself a giant quantum computer? Certainly. Does it have meaning? Yes. When you change the name from universal quantum supercomputer to universal organic quantum supercomputer all the pieces fall into place.

Per Birnbaum,” our universe is a self-advancing, self-igniting, self-iterating, self-building-out and self-propelling [universe].”

Birnbaum's Quantum-Potential-Organism, this supercomputer,

is not only an integral part of the universe itself, but also cements humanity’s need to exist. This supercomputer is at the same time a star nursery and a life creator, an element generator and a cosmic voyager.

Birnbaum’s overarching point is that you cannot speak of the universe as if it is something external to human existence. We are not just a part of this organic supercomputer. It is far more than that. Since we are the results of Complexification, we are actually necessary parts.

Birnbaum also takes care to point out that while we are a part of the cosmic organic supercomputer, we are not just cogs in a machine. Every individual matters. The choices we make matter. The fact that we have the intellect, desires and opinions to make choices matter. These are all expressions of Q4P driving us towards Extraordinariation. So, what we do is necessary for the universe to proceed on its way towards E+.

Birnbaum calls our universe the “original/primordial A.I. (artificial intelligence) … a quantum computer integrated into an organic overlay.” Just as it designed thew stars in its ongoing effort to calculate, define and reach Extraordinariation, so did it create humanity to continue on its quest.

Sadly, physics will never be able to understand or describe this true nature of the cosmos with its purely quantitative approach. As said before, only metaphysics has the tools necessary to understand the qualitative aspects of the universe and how they guide the whole organic supercomputer in its work.


12. Eternal Origins

A core cluster of questions in metaphysics revolves around 'Eternal Origins'. What can we say, exactly, is eternal? What is the catalyst that started the universe itself? Can something exist before the universe? If so, where is it and what could it possibly be?

This question has mystified equally philosophers, religious scholars, and scientific academics alike. Even from these disparate angles of thought. No one really seems to have an answer. That hasn’t stopped all three of them from trying. But none have actually succeeded. As Birnbaum puts it,

‘The “Big Bang” theory postulates the origin of the universe in a tiny point of incredible mass. However, science does not go beyond this point. It does not address what existed before the “Big Bang.” Current research in physics leads scientists into searches for smaller and smaller subatomic particles. Refiners of the Big Bang theory postulate that at one point the total matter and energy in the universe fit into one very small point.’


So, science essentially fails. It traces things back. As far back as we conceivably can, then follow scientific principles to reason even further back from that point.

There’s only one issue. Nothing in the entirety of the Big Bang Theory shows any proof whatsoever that the initial “pinpoint of matter” is in any way eternal. I’d also have to note (if we’re being sticklers about it), “eternal things” don’t blow up and start universes. Part of the definition of eternal is indestructible. If you tell me something is eternal and I ask to see it and your answer is “it blew up”, I will laugh at you.

No more pinpoint = no longer eternal

So, science can never quite reach the real answer of eternal origins.

If you’re thinking at this point those philosophers and religious scholars get it any better, you’d be wrong. It may seem to win the argument when you bring it the subject of God. After all, isn’t God eternal? While this statement may or not be true, Birnbaum is quick to point out the flaw inherent in this argument as it relates to solving eternal origins,


“Those who postulate a creation at the hands of an inexplicably eternal God merely shift the origin question to another plane. Whereas before the origins of the universe were unfathomable, now the origins of the Creator of the universe, the Divine, are unfathomable.”

The problem is that religion circumvents the whole eternal issue neatly by not having it blow up at the universe’s creation. However, it still fails to prove the one question: What is eternal? To be fair, religious scholars will say God is eternal.

The problem inherent here is that cosmology is science and metaphysics is science. Faith, while nice, is wholly inadequate in science. What is needed is proof. So, like science, religion fails to prove anything with an eternal origin. Succinctly, Birnbaum confesses that, for once, religious scholars and scientists face the same problem,

“It is interesting to note that the problem faced by science regarding the initial origins of the universe, and the problem faced by religion regarding the initial origins of the universe, are strikingly parallel.”

In fact, no one and nothing has proven an eternal origin except Birnbaum himself. In Birnbaum’s Theory of Potentialism, the issue of an eternal origin is not skirted or asked to take on in


faith but met directly head on with irrefutable proof. As we’ve previously discussed, Potential itself is the only thing we can truly say has eternal origins.

The proof itself can be taught to a 5th grader it is so simple. Consider the following two statements:

1. For something to exist, it must have the Potential to exist.

2. If something exists, it always had the Potential to exist.

Number one is what we call in philosophy an axiom. It is an irreducible statement of fact that is inherently accepted as true. A famous one of these is “I think, therefore I am”. You exist. That has to be taken as a matter of fact. You know you e4xist because you couldn’t be thinking about whether you exist unless you already did. So, the axiom is proven by the merit of its own irreducible common sense.

Likewise, number one is true because we know something can’t exist unless it could exist.

Further, number two states that if it does successfully manage to exist, whatever something that exists (and in fact all somethings that ever have existed) must have always had to Potential to exist.

Just like number one, this is an axiom of pure reason and common sense. Both of these statements are simply true, and


no one is going to argue differently and sound sane. Given that both statements are fact, Birnbaum realized there was nothing deeper to fathom or further to go on a hunt for that elusive eternal origin, as it had been staring us in the face for thousands of years right theree4 under our collective noses. The only provable thing that is truly eternal is Potential itself. Even religious scholars would have to concede that God himself could not exist without the Potential for him to exist.

An eternal origin has with it a litany of questions that have sought answers since the ancient Greeks. So, as an exercise and proof, let’s apply Birnbaum’s solution to the most important of those questions as proof and see if Potential is justified as the final solution.


Where did the 'first something' come from?

There is an inescapable problem with anything that exists: It always came from something else. But there had to be a first something to preclude everything else. This has been an unsolvable riddle for well over 3,000 years, until the advent of Potentialism.

Now we understand that potential precludes actuality. In simpler terms, the potential for something to be always comes before it actually does. And Potentialism gives us the mechanic for how something transitions from a possibility to an actuality. And how was there any 'something' other than 'nothing'?

When complexity builds up to an unbearable extent and can no longer find ready ways to express itself, it forces a Complexification event to occur. The C+ event is the mechanic for which the universe creates a new something out of the infinite possibilities of potential.


In any event, what 'something' could be 'eternal'? (the ''Eternal Origins' question)

Birnbaum permanently lays this question to rest with the final answer being Potential.

As he has shown repeatedly, only Potential itself is eternal. Nothing can become real before its potential to be real. That is an irreducible fact. Thus, it is an inescapable truth that Potential is eternal.

Is potential the only thing that can be eternal? Scientifically and metaphysically speaking, yes. Because it is impossible for something to exist without Potential having first existed.

The interconnectedness between the God of religious scholars and Potential is a bit more complex and open to interpretation. But it is a bit out of scope here as this book is about the science of Potentialism and not its application in religiousness.


How did we get from that 'something' to the present day?

As we’ve reviewed thus far, there have been a raft of C+ events over the history of the universe, each causing its own epoch in turn and, like its predecessors, increasing the overall complexity of the universe in new and unique ways. Having the luxury of galactic hindsight, we can look back now and see two very important things.

Firstly, every transition opens up heretofore unseen and unknowable avenues of new complexity. More importantly though, number two, each new C+ event and concurrent opportunities for complexity have a synergy and build upon previous C+ events.

One less talked about feature of Potentialism is that it is extremely efficient. As a general rule of thumb, it will always try and get as much change accomplished with as little energy expended as possible.

C+ events don’t occur often and for good reason. They are very efficient at creating new tools for complexity. Consider the transition when atoms began fusing into molecules. Sure, it turned atoms into Legos to build all kinds of new elements.


However, it also created a tool for converting mass and energy, fission and fusion, and a ready supply of heavier elements to coalesce into larger objects, giving rise to stars and planets and everything else in the cosmos.

Consider for a moment all of that change based on just deciding atoms could join together with one another. Now you might think it presumptuous to say Potential let atoms do anything, much less bond into molecules, as we know they naturally can.

I would counter by pointing out that even all physicists agree that that is exactly what the universe lets atoms do. See, three is no set rule for any of the physics in our world that is written in stone anywhere. The boiling point of water at sea level could have been anything.

The only thing that makes the laws in our universe what they are is dependent on a very small set of universal constants being set at exactly what they are. But there is no reason for these constants to be the exact mathematical number they are.

The more nihilistic members of the physics community ascribe it to pure luck. But the truth is, if any of those constants were to have been different, life as we know it could never have evolved or even started.


Picture winning the lottery against one in a billion odds. Now picture trying to win that just four or five times in a row. And if you lose just once, the entire universe collapses and cease to exist. That is the lottery that we won. So, Birnbaum stepped up to suggest (quite sanely) that maybe random chance didn’t have such a central role in the evolution of the universe as we used to think. Perhaps instead the universe was making intelligent decisions about its growth so that was headed towards a specific destination.

We know that destination now to be Extraordinariation. And it is amazing, when given that simple formula of Q4P → E+, how much of everything that is happening and that has happened before starts making perfect sense.


How did that 'something' lead to the 'traction' of the universe?

To put it bluntly, that first something (if by which we mean the first physical something) was the Big Bang. Pretty much everyone can agree on that part. As to the broader question of why that gained traction and became the universe? Science’s answer is a bit of a non-answer, as they attribute it to luck. Remember the lottery analogy we made in this chapter? Yes. That amount of crazy luck.

Birnbaum’s Potentialism, by contrast, gives us a perfectly clear answer. If the Big Bang wouldn’t have gained traction and created a lasting, habitable universe, then it wouldn’t have bothered to make it happen.

That it would grow on and gain in complexity was a prerequisite for Q4P to have gone to the trouble of making things happen in the first place.

So, to answer the question, specifically, how did ‘something’ lead to the universe? Because Extraordinariation demanded that it did.


Is there a Prime Mover?

Yes. Q4P is the first and only prime mover. Remember that, by definition, a ‘prime mover’ is an initial natural or mechanical source of energy or motive power. Even before the SuperFormula gave direction to this primal source of power, the proto-Q4P was present – primed and ready to be given direction and something to work towards (eventually E+).

Has this Prime Mover always existed and where did this Prime Mover come from?

This is the classic theogony question. Theogony is from the Greek word theogonia meaning “generations of the gods” and is used in reference to the philosophical study trying to articulate reality as a whole. It delves into the questions of what created the cosmos and where did the creator come from.

As we know, Birnbaum asserts that the Prime Mover is Q4P. Where did it come from? That is the beauty of Potential. It doesn’t come from anywhere. It simply is. Even when there is nothing, before there was even a universe, there was Potential.


Could our profound and extraordinary universe not have 'come into being'?

Potentialism tells us this is not possible. According to the SuperFormula, Complexification events are not only unavoidable, but will always continue to recur.

Simply put, the state of the universe will maintain stability until it is no longer gaining significantly in complexity. Certainly, the universe we live in has been stable for a long time. But it hasn’t always been in the same state it is now. Even the rules of physics used to be different in the early part of the universe after the Big Bang.

In fact, several C+ events have occurred quite recently, when you think on a galactic time scale. Keep in mind, humans have existed for some 200,000 years to 6,000,000 years (depending on whether we’re talking the earliest version of man or what we consider “modern man”). This may seem a long time, but the universe is some 13.8 billion years old. That means humans have only existed for about 0.002% of the time the universe has.

So far, the more recent C+ events have been confined to bringing something new into existence like different types of life. But this is simply the efficiency of Potentialism at work. There is absolutely no reason to believe the laws of the universe


are permanently set as they are. We know for a fact these “laws” have changed before, so there is no reason they cannot again. That fact, most physicists agree with as well. They only cannot fathom a reason another fundamental change will occur. By contrast, Potentialism has a ready reason: It will occur when it is necessary for more complexity to happen. Or could the universe have been 'brought into being' without Evil?

This is a related question that often comes up which is, strictly speaking, a 'theodicy' question. Theodicy is a philosophical and religious defense of divine goodness in view of the existence of evil in the world.

This is a bit out of scope as we are trying to avoid religion in this book. But it does bear a brief answer for the sake of thoroughness as it is nonetheless a very common question regarding the eternal origins of the universe.

In answer, Potentialism does address the possible existence of God. More importantly, it addresses the nature of the Prime Mover. For Potentialism, the Prime Mover and the SuperFormula are one and the same. As such, the universe is as it is out of necessity.


Why evil is a necessary part of the most perfect universe for complexity to grow is not something with a ready answer. All Potentialism tells us is that this is the universe we need to continue properly on our path towards E+.

E+ can be called divine perfection in a religious context. In these terms, it becomes self-evident why a perfect divinity would strive to bring the whole of creation on an inexorable path towards perfection as well. Like potholes in a road, evil is just one necessary part of the larger grand project of the cosmos which must exist.

This is a great simplification of Birnbaum’s stance. But again, it is out of scope here. I recommend Mr. Birnbaum’s book God and Evil: Religious Man (Summa Metaphysica II) (Ktav, 1989). This thoughtful and thought-provoking opus studies the matter in great detail.


Is there a 'designer' of the universe? Is this 'designer' sacred or secular?

There is only a sacred option here if we are discussing a designer of the universe. Potentialism does not ascribe to such fringe theories as aliens made our universe, we’re living within a computer simulation, etc.

As to the question of if there is a designer, Potentialism doesn’t necessarily postulate a need for the divine. But there is, nonetheless, a place for it.

And, if there is a 'designer’, …

- where did it (the 'designer') come from?

The designer is the SuperFormula. It came from the proto-Q4P when it chose its permanent path towards complexity and Extraordinariation.

- what is its essence?

Its essence is simply Potential driven towards E+.

- roughly what are the parameters of its power?

Potential is infinite and infinitely iterative. As we know, everything in existence has both its own Potential as well as the


Potential for all that it in turn might create and what those creations will do in turn. Potential is an infinitely nested exponent.

Q4P’s Potential = Q4P∞˄∞˄∞…

Or Infinite Q4P to the infinite power to the infinite power… repeating. This intensity is exactly what gives Q4P enough force to birth an entire universe.

- have we - or have we not - encountered it?

You are living within the active, working universe of Potential. There is no part of it, including yourself, that is not a part of the SuperFormula as it continues to play out. As such, you experience it every moment of your life.


Are we actually integral to the 'designer'?

100% absolutely. Potential wastes nothing. The fact that humans exist alone means they are integral to the designer/the SuperFormula.

Beyond that, as we’ve discussed, humans bring some unique traits to the cosmic table. That is because we are the result of the last C+ event. As such, not only are we integral, but we are at the cutting edge of the SuperFormula and its grand plan.

In fact, humans so far have proven to be in no hurry to shed that mantle at the forefront of complexity. We quietly went from hunter/gatherers to farming and towns, to cities and specialized labor over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. But it was slow and, while adding to complexity, it started to hit its reasonable ending.

Instead of quietly bowing out though, humanity ushered in (with staggering speed I might add) the Industrial Age. Through our own inventiveness, we designed the next great event (possibly epoch) ourselves. We live in an age where ships launching to space is routine and barely makes the news. So it seems we’ll be holding onto our place for the foreseeable future.


What 'ignited' the (apparently pretty smart and pretty powerful) Big Bang?

The Big Bang was ignited when Q4P had exhausted its means of gaining in complexity sans a physical universe.

This was the first time a Complexification event created something physical as it caused the Big Bang. That having been accomplished, the universe was open to an unexplored wealth of complexity.

So, in short, the Big Bang was ignited by Q4P because that was the path towards the greatest complexity to further it along towards its endless quest for Extraordinariation.


Where are we 'heading'? Is there direction to the universe?

Absolutely. We are headed, inexorably, towards Extraordinariation. Everything that occurs in the universe does so to further the universe towards this end.

While the day-to-day happenings of the world may seem detached from this grander plan, everything that happens creates complexity. Also, consider the ‘world as a quantum computer’ theory.

If this is correct, not only are our actions in some manner furthering universal complexity, but they are also creating permanent data within the cosmos.


Is there/What is the 'purpose' of all?

This is a classic teleology question. That is, instead of just looking at the results of the universe, the question is what purpose it serves.

As per usual, Birnbaum answers this very succinctly: It serves the SuperFormula. Every atom, every molecule, every star, every galaxy, every form of life – it all uniformly serves the sole function of creating complexity.

This is necessary to keep the universe moving forward on its quest to reach Extraordinariation.


Is there a direction, meaning or goal to/for the universe?

Extraordinariation is the answer to all of the above. Unlike most theories which can partially solve one answer or another, or theories that require multiple mathematical hoops and equations, Birnbaum needs nothing more than one simple formula:

Q4P∞ → C+ → E+.

That is it. That is all you need to understand the how, what, and whys of the universe.


Where 'do humans stand' in all of this?

We are front and center currently, as the most advanced entities in the cosmos (at least that we know of). We are currently the apex driver of complexity and will be for the foreseeable future.

Even if, somehow, we lose that position in the far distant future, our contributions will always be a necessary part of what leads to E+. So, we are extremely important in the grand scheme of things.


What is life? Where did life come from?

This is an excellent question with a profoundly amazing answer. Consider the world before there was life. There were both simple and complex molecules, some in elaborate chains. Then a C+ event occurred.

Q4P “reached out” to ignite a spark in a molecular mass. The spark was to replicate. To continue beyond when it was inevitably destroyed by time, chemical processes, whatever… Thus began the Epoch of Life.

It also had a second urge that everything in the world has – the desire to gain in complexity. The difference with life is that life can have a hand in its own growth. And that is exactly what it did.

Life became larger and more complex, as cells began to specialize and work in complex communities until what we consider proper plants emerged.

As the SuperFormula is never content to sit on its laurels, from there it decided to give life proper minds and locomotion. This gave it the ability to interact with thoughtful intention with its environment. It could hunt for food, run from danger, and find


where it wished to try and live and prosper and multiply, thus furthering complexity.

This process of evolution, curated and controlled by Q4P, eventually brought us to life’s pinnacle creation to date – us.


Is there a 'cosmic consciousness'? What is consciousness?

Birnbaum gives us an absolute yes on this question… with an asterisk. Potentialism describes a universe of pure intentionality and purpose. In that it makes intelligent decisions about how to proceed forward, it is inarguably a ‘cosmic consciousness’.

The asterisk has to do with the second question and the nature of consciousness.

This is something we will delve into in the third book of this series where we cover advanced topics such as “what is consciousness?”.

For now, we will simply say it is unclear whether the ‘cosmic consciousness’ is self-aware. It is possible, but per Potentialism, not a necessary feature of the universe.


Does Macro Physics ever get stitched together with Micro Physics?

More precisely, the question is really: Does Einstein's gravitational physics ever get stitched together with Max Planck’s Quantum Mechanics?

The answer is yes.

Very early in the universe, the physics of gravitation and quantum mechanics were one physical force. Soon after the Big Bang, as things expanded and cooled rapidly, physics changed, and these two phenomena diverged.

This has been the Humpty Dumpty problem for physicists ever since: How to stitch them back together? It is such a monumentally big deal; it is commonly called the Theory of Everything – ToE for short.

But while physics has chased this Holy Grail since both forces were discovered, science has never been able to unify these forces under one Grand Theory.

However, this is one of the first things Birnbaum was able to solve by applying his Potentialism Theory. The key is to understand that the universe is a hybrid – it is both physical and metaphysical. Thus, what we experience, see, and observe in


the physical universe is only part of the bigger whole of existence.

Remember the first two Epochs?

What existed never went away. Q4P itself still resides in as metaphysical area of the universe as well as the physical. That means, simply put, you can’t properly measure Q4P entirely because you cannot observe the whole of it.

The SuperFormula is the metaphysical glue which holds together the macro and micro forces of the universe. The difference between these forces is that quantum mechanics lies closer to the metaphysical realm of Q4P than classic physics.

So, while it is easy to directly see Q4P at work on the quantum scale, it is more difficult on the macro scale. By this, I do not mean it is hard to see physics on the macro scale following the path of Potentialism. It is only that the fine details of its operation seem more obscure when matched against what we know must occur following the rules of the SuperFormula.

But the problem is not that these two forces separated. Rather, it is the part that binds them together still is metaphysical instead of physical, so cannot be observed directly.


Does 'everything' start with the Big Bang? If not, what preceded the Big Bang?

No. As we covered earlier, the Big Bang actually ushered in the Third Epoch. There was much to do before the Big Bang ever occurred.

Proto-Q4P built endlessly without purpose until the beginning of the Second Epoch. This is when the SuperFormula came into being as a result of the “leveraged buyout”.

Only then, once this new Q4P with purpose had gained enough traction with no way to express itself, did it cause the Big Bang to occur – effectively Splitting-0 and starting the hybrid physical/metaphysical universe we now live in.


How does Dark Energy tie in with all-of-theabove?

Dark energy is a theoretical force that works against gravity, repulsing everything in the universe. Now, to be clear from the beginning, the term ‘dark energy’ is used in physics because they are literally in the dark entirely about what it is.

That something acts against gravity to keep the universe4 expanding instead of collapsing on itself is clear. Physicists just can’t figure out what it is. And I do mean totally can’t figure it out.

Thus far, it cannot be measured, seen, or detected by any means. Yet, physicists are left with the inescapable fact that something is there keeping the universe expanding and avoiding destruction.

This confusion doesn’t exist in Potentialism. It is only confusing if you look at the physical universe and count that as the whole of reality. In Potentialism, dark energy is simply Q4P reaching through the metaphysical veil to do some necessary work to keep the cosmos running as planned.


Can there ever be any universe without Summa's Q4P∞ in the mix?

Absolutely not. Only Potential provides the limitless energy necessary to bring a material universe into existence from nothing. Nothing else has the iterative raw power of Q4P.

Just as important though – nothing else has an eternal origin. Even in the absence of something physical, something doesn’t truly come from nothing. And everything that is can trace its lineage back to a single phenomenon – the only one that can truly claim to be eternal – Potential.

An apple doesn’t just appear. It takes innumerable steps and billions of years of planning to arrive at that tree that can bear fruit. Without the raw power of Q4P and the intentionality its quest for E+ gives it – there could be no universe at all.


Eternal Origins Conclusion

When put on display, Potentialism shows its true strength when tacking the ternal origins question.

Does Summa's proposed Q4P∞ thesis essentially resolve all of the above questions simultaneously? YES

Does the (allegedly) competing Randomness Theory resolve any of the above? NO

Potentialism provides a bullet-proof eternal origin. In that, the Theory is absolutely unique. No other scientific theory can claim such. And again, Birnbaum proves all this conclusively using only one simple formula.


While physics shies from dealing with spirituality, it has a more central role in metaphysics. This may sound surprising if you have only studied the nature of the universe in a science class. But remember that metaphysics encompasses everything in existence, not just the tangible.

That is not to say we don’t apply the same scientific principles we would anywhere else when discussing spirituality. Quite the opposite. It is, in fact, far more important we take a rigorous, fact and logic-based approach to the topic to ensure it holds to the same exacting standards as does our explorations of physical phenomena.

This should all be obvious and the fact it isn’t is a testament to how skewed modern science education has become. The very foundation of science is philosophy. It should be that philosophy is the first step in science education. After all, how do you teach science without teaching someone to think logically and rigorously first? It’s rather like giving someone a driver’s license without explaining the road signs.

The reason we mention this is because spirituality has a valid place in philosophy, metaphysics and, indeed, any discussion on the nature of the universe. Far from veering off topic, discussing

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spirituality has a valid place in any full conversation about universal origins. But before we discuss spirituality, it is important to define it in terms of Birnbaum’s Potentialism. Obvious, spirituality has many meanings for different people and in different contexts. In metaphysics and, particularly, Potentialism it is well defined.


Defining Spirituality in Potentialism

In Potentialism, spirituality is intertwined with the concepts of actualization, beauty, creativity, and sensual and other fulfillments. It is a facet of each, and, in a way, it is the wellspring from which they all flow.

Remember that humans represent a great magnitude of Complexification forward in the cosmic order. Yet, it’s not really our ability to think or build tools which set us apart from the animals all around us. In fact, modern science has proven that intelligence can be quite varied in animal life – even approaching simple thought processes we considered exclusively human. Likewise, humanity has proven to not be the only species capable of using tools.

What truly sets us apart is our unrivalled capacity for experiencing the world and engaging it with a fervor and passion.

Think of it this way: Suppose we created an artificial intelligence capable of doing most human jobs. If it could think as quickly as humans, build using functional limbs, and create other machines – what would still set humans apart as more advanced?


In short, it is our capacity to achieve, create and admire beauty, seek out and actualize our greater potential, and even to ponder our place in the universe. But what drives us to do this. Certainly, Potentialism teaches us that, like everything else in the universe, Q4P drives us towards Extraordinariation. What is unique about humanity is that we can do so with intentional purpose.

So, what tool does Q4P give us that other life doesn’t (that we know of) have? Humanity has a connection to greater universe beyond the purely physical.

Just as we’ve seen that, on the quantum scale, reality dances between the physical world and the pure potential of the Cosmic Womb, likewise humanity has a tether in the form of spirituality.

When we speak of spirituality in Potentialism, we talk about that non-physical aspect of humanity that ties it directly to the Cosmic Womb, thus generating the “fire” that stirs us to become increasingly complex is so many ways no other creature we know of can.


Spirituality as a Part of Metaphysics

When considered in this fashion, we can see how the concept of a spirit is directly tied to and supported by Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory. In this way, the birth of the human spirit is an intangible but world-changing occurrence. It is our direct link to the Cosmic Womb and, as such, is our direct line to the great cosmic order and what makes us such unrivalled masters of our fate.

Per Birnbaum himself, “Q4P is not just forever an Abstract Dynamic; Rather it emerges as the ENTIRE dynamic… [and]

…SPIRIT is the oxygen energizing it.”

In this manner, it is clearest to think of spirit as the intangible part of us – our direct connection with Q4P. More specifically, it is the part of humanity that lies Outside the physical universe and more firmly within the realm of the Cosmic Womb itself. As we’ve discussed previously, the Cosmic Womb is the birthplace of raw, pre-actualized Potential. That we have, as an integrated part of us, something that resides in this non-physical realm, gives us unique drives not commonly seen in other life.

Those drives manifest in our pursuit of things which seem meaningless to our survival. Art, poetry, music, love, charity,


altruism… how de any of these concepts aid our species to survive? The short answer is – they don’t.

Instead, humankind is driven to something greater. If we consider the birth of human society, we originally were hunter/gatherers. Our lives were spent simply surviving. But thanks to human ingenuity and our inner, innate desire to create complexity – we began to fashion tools, cultivate land, and domesticate animals.

This transition, because of our inherent desire for complexity, allowed for free time no longer spent simply for survival. We used that free time in pursuit of increasing complexity no longer necessarily confined to simply survival. This is something simple Darwinism cannot rationalize or explain.

By contrast, for Potentialism, this was a natural evolution. Humanity was never wired to stop evolving past survival of the species. Our spiritual connection to the intangible Cosmic Womb sets us apart as a fundamentally different creature – as different as rocks are to plants and plants are to animals.

In summary, while Lloyd did a service to Birnbaum in doing some of the physics legwork to bring about a better understanding of the computing universe, he truly wasn’t equipped with the tools necessary to understand his own


findings. Where Lloyd found a computational universe, he could never understand the purpose of it.


14. Humanity’s Purpose

We have spoken much about humanity being the next step in Complexification. But what does that actually mean? What, exactly, do humans bring to the table that change the world? More importantly, what do they bring that aids the world in its endless question towards Extraordinariation?

To answer this, we must examine what makes us, as a species, so incredibly unique. Sure, we are more intelligent and walking upright and having opposable thumbs is certainly an advantage. But using tools is, as modern zoologists will tell us, hardly unique to humanity. Likewise, apes benefit from twice as many thumbs as us (if we’re counting toes) and walk upright just fine when the situation merits us. So, that doesn’t make us unique. Perhaps we are better at it, but it still isn’t unique.

To understand what it is we bring to the table that is unique a unique expression of Complexification we have to delve deeper and cast aside what we casually share with other living creatures.

That being said, it is also important to remember that Complexification events don’t always happen instantly. In the past certain C+ events may have more obvious starting points –like the formation of the first atom, or the first time a particle


released a photon and light in the universe was born. But as we move along through history and it becomes increasingly complex, C+ events sometimes come about more gradually.

Things like higher thought, morality and reason can be seen to have precursors, or some proto-existence, in more limited capacities. Apes, again, stand out as a precursor to human level reason. While they may be limited in terms of the ability to abstract and self-reflect, they still possess a rudimentary system of society and emotion.

So, to be fair all around, we shall focus on what humanity does on an order of magnitude of complexity unseen anywhere else. This will explain better where we fit in the grand SuperFormula, what we uniquely bring to the table, and perhaps set us up in a better place to theorize where the universe might be headed afterward.


Empathy and the Existence of a Conscience

To be fair, empathy is hardly exclusive to the realm of humanity. However, humankind has a far more refined sense of empathy. We constantly, whether consciously or not, govern our interactions one another with varying degrees of empathy. Think of how many times a day you chose your words not only to get something you desire but to take into account another person’s feelings.

We use empathy on a level that is truly unprecedented. While an animal may show concern for a member of its pack that is wounded, humans will lift up a newspaper and be moved to empathy for total strangers half a world away. Not only that, but oftentimes act on that empathy in purely selfless ways.

Our empathy can even cross species. A human can send money to another continent to, say, protect an endangered elephant species and no one finds the behavior insane or even bizarre. Most people actually applaud such acts as being the work of “good” people. In this, humans are quite unique. This advanced sense of empathy also gives rise to something very closely related – a conscience. Our deep sense of empathy allows us to know when we fail to act upon what we perceive as right or kind/just. When it negatively impacts us emotionally,


we ascribe this to having a conscience. Not acting on empathy risks triggering a very human emotion - guilt. We call the conscience that which evaluates our behavior empathetically to determine whether we should feel guilt.

In Potentialism, the conscience is an important step forward in complexity. It represents our intense connection to the SuperFormula, that we can sense when we fall astray of the grand universal design. To put it more plainly, the conscience allows us to know when we act against the natural trend of the universe towards complexity. While it is an oversimplification (that could be an entire book on its own), it is handy to think of the conscience as an alarm we have that instinctually goes off when we are acting contrary to Extraordinariation and taking a step backwards from it.


The Existence of Equality, Justice, and Decency

Conscience leads us into a related human phenomenon – the concepts of equality and justice. To fully understand this, we must step away from our own personal sense of right and wrong for a moment and look at these terms clinically. What are they and how do they promote complexity?

Equality, in the sense we are discussing, is the innate sense that every deserves to be treated equally. That isn’t to say that people are not held accountable for their actions, only that when they are it is done without prejudice.

This leads us to the concept of justice. When someone commits a wrong against us, as a society, we have an innate sense that there should be consequences for their actions. These measured consequences, we call justice.

Both of these concepts revolve around what Birnbaum refers to as Decency. Decency is the standard by which we are expected to interact with one another. But why is decency hard-wired into the human psyche? Why does this increase our complexity in a positive manner?


To understand this, we need to step away from mechanistic Darwinism and look at evolution from a metaphysical perspective. Decency, equality, and justice serve us as a species on a purely social level. It allows the complexities of modern mankind to thrive in a way a selfish, survival-of-the-fittest mentality does not. Consider a world in which “might makes right” and everyone is only interested in personal gain or gain for their family or “tribe”. Humans did exist like this for thousands of years as they slowly grew into the self-realization of their own complexity.

It was only after they more fully developed these higher concepts that enabled them to work cooperatively. This in turn laid the foundations of civilization as we know it and allowed us to slowly move into the modern era of humankind. Without the nurturing of such “higher reasoning” there is no reason to assume we’d have moved beyond hunter/gatherers or subsistence farmers. Without the free time that more modern cooperative societies enabled, we’d not had the time to develop our understanding of science and the world around us, shaping it to our needs as we do now.

Thus, we can see how these seemingly frivolous oddities of human thought were actually an expression of a new form of complexity that was fundamental in making humankind the


dominant species on the planet it is today. While rigid scientific academia might relegate morality to the sidelines, metaphysics, and Birnbaum’s Potentialism in particular, place it front and center as the bedrock of human evolution and exceptionalism.



While delving into religiosity is a separate topic entirely from this work, we can still give it a glance in terms of its place within Potentialism as a catalyst of morality. More specifically, religion provides a place for humanity to record agreed upon moral standards.

Seen in purely atheistic terms, religions place is to codify right and wrong and how wrongs should be judged. Indeed, religion laid down the first sets of laws governing early civilizations. This is not to say it is the only purpose of religion. Again, the subject is simply outside the scope of this metaphysics book. We’re simply pointing out the practical place religion played in early civilizations to help them govern themselves more effectively.


Autonomy, Individuality, and Self-Worth

This is something often overlooked in metaphysics when determining the specialness of humanity. There are many theories that look at humanity as a whole, seeing it as a driving cosmic force. What is always lost in these theories is the importance of the individual.

I can attest, through personal interviews with Mr. Birnbaum, that this is very much NOT the case in Potentialism. As Potentialism is always quick to remind, the SuperFormula wastes extraordinarily little on its journey towards E+. If something exists, there is a good reason for it and Individuality is no exception.

So why this rather unique complexity amongst humans? How does this further us towards E+? To understand this, let’s consider something somewhat the opposite – let’s consider a hivemind. Bees will be an excellent example for this thought experiment.

A hive runs like a well-oiled machine, allowing individuals within it to operate semi-independently and with specialization – front nectar gathering to defense and managing child rearing. However, this “group think” cannot adapt quickly to unforeseen circumstances. Moreover, it cannot truly reason.


Granted, this is an extreme example, but this is only to make a point. Individuality increases complexity by lowering such “group think” mentalities. Likewise, animals in general run, in large part, based on instinct. While it makes it easier to survive in the short-term, it limits flexibility should the environment change drastically. So, individuality, in the long run, is an advantage for humans. This is innately fostered by our inherent sense of autonomy. That is, we feel free to do as we wish. That isn’t to say we can run roughshod and ignore the laws of the land. Rather, it means, on a metaphysical level, we feel inherently free to act as we wish – we are not simply an actor going through the part of living where the script is already written.

In philosophical terms, this scripted living is predestination. This would mean that all life has a predetermined future, and it cannot be changed. Birnbaum and Potentialism soundly reject this antiquated notion. As proof, it is noted that humankind is not only autonomous but innately has a sense of individuality and, more importantly, self-worth.

Self-worth is truly key here in understanding Potentialism’s strong adherence to freewill. Potential not only gave use the ability to determine our own futures but has given us an innate sense that we deserve it – in the form of self-worth.


Self-worth is that sense that we deserve to live a fulfilling life, we do not have to settle, and we can strive to become greater than what we are. “Greater than what we are” is the key point here. For this is the very foundation of the SuperFormula.

As we live in such close metaphysical proximity to Q4P itself, we are more subject than other creatures to its creative force. That is, we have an internal sense of our ability to become greater, more complex versions of ourselves. Self-worth is Q4P expressing itself, through humanity, to remind it of its goal.

At the same time, it reminds humanity that individuals DO matter. We are not lost, like drops in an ocean. Instead, each individual has their own worth and something to individually contribute to Birnbaum's Q4P-driven Evolution which is still unfolding. We each have our own paving stone to lay down on the path towards Extraordinariation.



Another important aspect of humanity Birnbaum points out is our inherent creativity. While we can point out the mechanistic advantages of creativity to no end, it being a part of what makes humans capable of controlling their environment around them instead of just react to it, human creativity also transcends this boundary to levels which serve no real purpose (mechanistically) in our evolutionary advantage.

To explain, let’s delve into the aspects of human creativity more thoroughly. Firstly, we’ll give a nod to mechanistic evolution. It would be disingenuous to not recognize how creativity has helped us flourish as a species. We are able to envision and fashion tools in reaction to our environment. We fashion shelters and clothing when the weather is harsh. We domesticate animals and cultivate plants to make living safer and more prosperous.

However, humanity quickly jumps beyond anything Darwinism can explain when we begin considering such things as the invention of language or mathematics. There is simply too large a gulf to cross to consider the development of these things purely mechanically driven by some form of natural selection. It should further be noted that it is these same higher levels of


creativity that have made humanity unparalleled in its complexity and ability to control the world around it. Language allows us to record learnings from previous peoples and generations, allowing for generational knowledge. This, in turn, allows others to absorb this information more quickly and build upon it in ever more complex ideas.

Likewise, mathematics is the true threshold of science. Without mathematics, we could not measure. Without measurement, science is meaningless. Yet even science would be unattainable without an even higher form of creativity – creative reasoning.

To this creative reasoning, we give a name – philosophy, the mother of all sciences.

This alone should be enough to distinguish human life as unique in its complexity, but we still haven’t touched the highest sources of human creativity. We can create purely for the pleasure of doing so, creating patterns and meaning amidst a chaos where there was none.


Art and Aesthetics

That final, highest aspect of creativity is art and aesthetics. Humanity is closest to the source of Q4P when it reaches towards the realm of art. Out of nothing, we are capable of building order and aesthetic art. This is particularly important in metaphysics as, we must remember, metaphysics is about the entire universe, not just the physical.

Metaphysically, when you measure a system, you must look at the totality of its complexity, whether it is physical or not. By this measure, humanity creates monumental amounts of complexity and order on a daily basis. Every painting made, every song composed, leaves the world that much more complex than it was the day before.

When measured by this standard, it is easy to see the vast differences that make up humans compared to the animals that came before us. Whereas animals passively responded to the quiet guidance of Q4P, humans were able to pick up the cause with intention and work actively into making complexity reality.

On as last note, it should be noted that Potentialism holds such high regard for creativity also because of this purposeful interaction with Q4P. Humans represent the first species ever to have a spark of awareness of the grand cosmic scheme and are


the first to be able to ponder it. We are the only creatures we know of able to even ponder the concept of self and whether there is a purpose to the universe. In Potentialism, we represent the dawn of an era where Q4P has crafted the first thing to be aware of itself.


Humanity’s Goals and Purpose

As the current tip of the sphere of Q4P, our purpose seems to be right on track, as it should be, to build greater complexity in the universe. We also stand to be the first entities we know of able to contemplate Q4P itself and the SuperFormula. This makes us uniquely able to further Q4P’s goals by supercharging its effects on the physical universe. Through us directly, without vast creativity, we can make changes to our world and the universe that would previously have taken millennia.

We must also acknowledge the recent rise (on a universal scale) of the proliferation of art, morality, equality, justice….

All these concepts may exist solely in an intangible realm, perhaps a sign of how close to the Cosmic Womb humanity is, but it nonetheless has real world consequences. It has often been asked, if something like morality is purely a philosophical construct, what business has it when describing the physical universe? The answer is far easier than you might think. Simply consider if you give money to a charity one day. Why? Because it just feels like a good thing to do. Now, you’ve completely acted against your own self-interest. You’ve no idea who the money will help and now you have less money for


yourself and your family. In Darwinistic terms, you’ve acted irrationally. Yet, that money may journey half-way around the world and save a life. Doing so does nothing for you, but it does something for the universe. It keeps that individual alive so they can grow and add to the world’s complexity. That person may live to become a scientist, or better a poet or artist, adding their own individual, unique voice to the intricate tapestry of humanity.

This is something unique and astoundingly far reaching that only humanity, that we know of, can add to the universe. That is why we are considered the cutting edge of Complexification itself. We have an innate connection to Q4P like no other creature we have seen or know of.


15. What Does the Future Hold?

We, at this very moment, are just in a flashpoint in time. It is easy to think that the world around us is what it is and will always be so. Yes, we make progress in science, we create new art, and we refine our moral ideals. But no one wakes thinking some fundamental change will occur that changes the nature of life or the universe itself.

The truth is, though, we are living in a snapshot of an everevolving universe. One thing Potentialism teaches us is that change is never done – not with us and certainly not with the universe as a whole. It will continue, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, to increase in complexity. However, at some point, like it always has before, it will reach a point where the usual forms of increasing complexity stop having enough impact to satisfy Q4P.

History will repeat itself. When that happens, we will (hopefully us as a species) find ourselves in the midst of a Complexification event. When that happens, something will change so fundamentally that we won’t look at the world around us ever again in the same way. Like an atom that suddenly finds itself in the first molecule or the first gas to reach critical density and burst into light as a star, everything will be somehow different.


Different, more complex, and more perfect on a path towards Extraordinariation.

Obviously, the next Complexification event can’t truly be guessed, and it may take the form of something completely beyond our imagination or comprehension. But the last C+ event made a creature capable of abstract thought –humankind. And that puts us in a unique situation where we are actually armed with the capacity to hypothesize what that next C+ event might be.

While this outcome is untested, it is within the bounds of possible we may be able to reason out what the next C+ event might bring. We are unique in all known species in that we are aware of our direct, spiritual connection to the Cosmic Womb. Perhaps it is that connection that might inform us intuitively of the universe’s path forward. To start, let us analyze where we are and where we might be heading.


Our Current Trajectory

Humans currently represent the cutting edge of complexity. We are, to the best of our knowledge, unrivalled in several unique ways.

- We have largely mastered manipulating our environment to suit our purposes (even if we do sometimes mismanage it).

Moving into the future, many respected scientific futurists have spoken of the practicality, long-term, of terraforming other planets for us to colonize. In the interim, we are already preparing to build bases on the moon and then Mars.

- Technology is our domain. We are makers of tools and have always been so. However, the last few centuries have seen us advance our scientific and technological capabilities at a staggering, exponential rate. As it continues its dizzying pace, where might it lead humanity?

- We have introduced and refined reason, abstract thought, and advanced logic. This has allowed us to build a wealth of philosophical knowledge giving us the tools to reason through even the unseeable forces in the universe. What more discoveries are we still to achieve in this area?


- We make art and embrace ethics and morality. We remake our world in ways simply to achieve more beauty around us. Moreover, we seek beauty on a purely abstract level in the pursuit of altruism and morality. Consider how unique that is. Certainly, animals can display kindness or, say, arrange a pretty nest to attract a mate. However, a bird’s nest is not a symphonic composition, and sharing food is not equivalent to codifying laws based on the reasoned consensus of what is most ethical and moral. Our sheer complexity in this is unrivalled.

All these things lead to the next question: What might we still create or discover?

More importantly, Is that all we have to offer?

Is what we are as good as it gets?

Or will we be nearly unrecognizable in 1,000 years or 10,000 years?

For we also need to remember that there is no indication we are done evolving. I point this out for two interrelated reasons. Firstly, complexity evolves us to best survive and thrive. So, if our needs change, we should assume we will physically and mentally adapt to meet those new needs and priorities. Perhaps our use and further advances in technology will make changes to us necessary. Or perhaps our environment will change


enough that we need to adapt in the face of such possibilities as global warming or more virulent diseases. This leads to the second possibility for evolution. If we are to succeed as a multi-planetary species, we will need to thrive in multiple environments. This could require humanity to be more radiation or temperature tolerant. Or perhaps we will grow and change in zero gravity, low gravity, and higher gravity environments to adapt. The truth is, as we spread out, our race could even diverge into multiple species if this serves complexity best and helps us succeed in alien, hostile environments.

If this sounds far-fetched, it serves as a good reminder that the Earth once had multiple, intelligent species on it living at the same time. Our DNA even contains proof that we interbred in the ancient past with other hominins we used to coexist with, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans. So, when I speak of humanity having unique qualities, do keep in mind I’m referring to more than just modern homo sapiens. We are the current result of Q4Ps early blueprints of humankind. C+ events are profound and game-changing, but they don’t necessarily start overnight.


Are We the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe?

Remember, there is no reason to think we are alone amongst the stars. Only hubris would lead us to believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe - or even the first. Now, we have laid out the argument for why we are at the cusp of complexity, regardless of whether we are the first race of our kind. But we cannot prove we came first or are alone.

Unfortunately, the only way to know that would be if we could answer one question: Does our being the only or first intelligent life in the universe maximize its complexity most efficiently? That being said, science has tried to answer this question. The result was Fermi’s Paradox.

Accredited to Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi (d. 1954), Fermi’s Paradox proposes a question: If there are 200 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way alone, and our planet is fairly average, where is all the other intelligent life? Statistically, someone should have visited the Earth and left verifiable proof. And yet, there is none.

However, physics doesn’t take into account Q4P. As we know, Q4P doesn’t have a habit of wasting resources. It has one mission, and that is to drive towards E+. It could simply be that


humanity is all that is needed to accomplish this task. Certainly, there are other theories, such as the Great Filter, which seek to answer this riddle of Fermi’s. But it is worth noting that Q4P may very well have simply created us and called it a day for that Complexification event.


Will Humanity Usher in the Next Complexification Epoch?

So, this leads us to the next question: Will we be a part of the next C+ event? Have we already played out our part? Keep in mind; there still could be other intelligent life out there playing their part as well that we just don’t know about. We aren’t certain what path Q4P has decided is superior. However, we can take stock of what we do know. Q4P doesn’t like to waste time and resources. So, there is no reason to think humankind has an “expiration date” for its usefulness. Also, Q4P tends to build C+ events using the previous C+ as a building block or steppingstone. That being said, we can take honest stock of ourselves as a race to see how we have come along. We’ve spent plenty of time discussing our positives and unique skills and advantages: Art, science, philosophy, emotion, and altruism, to name a few.

But we should also take honest stock of our negatives: Tribalism - We, as a species, have not evolved past our natural tendencies towards tribalism. In our modern society, where scarcity is relatively manageable, we have refused to leave behind the concept of “us” versus “them”.


War - That same tribalism has led us to turn our penchant for invention and innovation towards the wholly bizarre habit of killing ourselves in a highly developed and coordinated way. Imagine how incomprehensible we would appear to an alien race when they learned the greatest threat to humanity is humanity. We have built enough weapons to assure we annihilate all life on our planet, including ourselves.

Deceit – We have never been able to shake the compulsion to lie and deceive. As an animal, this is a desirable trait. Even as a primitive human, it is desirable. Outsmarting prey and laying in ambush used to help us hunt. But on a holistic level, deceit is used to mislead or take something from another human. It is extremely hard to square this with the concept of everyone seeking their greatest potential and complexity by reducing someone else’s. Yet, we’ve not been able to shake off this primitive compulsion that seems to serve our drive towards Extraordinariation in no useful manner.

Environmental abuse – We are still a race with only one planetary home. We are not “out of the woods” yet. Achieving short term gains still often takes precedence over our long-term survival. We have made war not the only way we may become extinct. We may also yet make our planet simply unlivable for humans.


These are just a few areas that, for all our greatness and uniqueness, we still have dangers to navigate that make us not the automatic heirs of the future. For one reason or another, the next C+ event could be something we won’t survive to see. Yet, we can take heart that Q4P does nothing without purpose. So, there may be a plan yet for us to survive our shortcomings. Lastly, we should consider the next C+ event may have nothing to do with us as a race. It could be something so far removed from us that we are merely spectators. The universe is not stagnant. There is nothing to stop something like a new physical force from arriving. Keep in mind the physics we take for granted did not exist or behave as they do now at the beginning of the universe, so it may be that it simply hasn’t aged long enough for another change still to come.


Possible Futures

Putting aside the possibility that mankind is not destined to be a permanent fixture in the universe, let’s assume for a moment that we achieve lasting peace and learn to harness our environment in a non-destructive manner or even learn to change it to suit our needs. Let’s also assume that we have some role to play in the next C+ event. We certainly have solid evidence this is how things have played out previously, with each C+ event building upon the foundation of the last.

This being the case, we can conjecture ways in which humankind might stay on the cutting edge and ride the next Complexification event into the future. It will require some fundamental change in us, how we live, or what we can accomplish. Given all that, we can make some educated guesses by looking at the cutting-edge fields we have studied, things we are even now actually attempting, and even some less conventional ideas. Granted, these are, at the end of the day, guesses, but Q4P has given us abstract thought and creativity for a reason. So perhaps this isn’t so beyond our abilities as it might seem.


Humanity Fundamentally Advances

One possibility is we could advance or evolve so much that humanity could actually be the next C+ event. This could lead to unforeseen abilities. Aside from physical changes mentioned already, there are certainly other possible areas our mental growth could lead us.

ESP – The ability to hear thoughts or emotions or perceive other intangible phenomena is an imaginable advancement for humankind. Also in this category would be telepathy, communicating across distances without the need for devices.

Groupthink/Communication – A similar concept would be group communication. We already have examples of this in nature. Ants can transmit large amounts of information to the entire colony at once through pheromones. Perhaps we will evolve to the point where our minds, while physically apart, can work together to not only communicate but problem solve like multiple CPUs in a single computer.

Machine Interfacing – This could be the most likely scenario, as it is something we are already working to achieve. Imagine being able to interface directly with a computer and using it to help you solve problems quickly. Or using it to download some knowledge to your brain. Picture learning a different language


in a matter of seconds. Or consider if you could operate heavy machinery doing mining on the moon with your mind alone.

These are just some of the promising ideas being entertained with machine interfacing and the science is being built today. Founded by inventor Elon Musk in 2016, Neuralink Corporation was founded with the eventual goal of achieving “symbiosis with artificial intelligence”.

Humanity as a Multi-Planetary then Multi-Star Race – It could simply be that our desire to seed the stars with humanity is a C+ event in and of itself. Certainly, we are limited by technology now, but our technological pace has been nothing but rapidly increasing. Ideas such as the Alcubrierre drive may finally let us find a way around the speed of light speed limit in the universe.

Even at speeds only a fraction of light speed, we still have many candidate stars within reach of current technologies or awfully close to them. And, as we just discussed, humanity spreading to multiple planets could diverge us into multiple species. We could actually be the answer waiting to happen to Fermi’s Paradox. It would be supremely ironic if Q4P managed to seed the stars with intelligent life of all different races starting with just homo sapiens.


The Centrality of Extraordinariation

Regardless of what we may envision the next C+ event to be, we can say what we know for sure: It will bring us one step closer towards Extraordinariation. Q4P drives all the universe in this endless quest forward.

Someday, far in the future after this last, yet to happen C+ event has occurred, the universe will yet again go through the cycle of Complexification. It is the natural order of the physical universe to be driven by the metaphysical one in its ever-iterating onward Quest for Infinite Potential.

Q4P∞ > C+ > E+

This, I must say, has been the most challenging piece of my career. But it’s also been the most fulfilling and enlightening. My work in the sciences of chemistry and computer science has always been separate from my work in philosophy.

Obviously, there is some natural crossover. Good science requires sound philosophical rigor and approach. However, Potentialism is something entirely different. It reframed the universe from a physical entity to a metaphysical one. In short, it reclaims metaphysics on behalf of philosophy where it properly resides.

Writing this work has been no easy feat, though. As David Birnbaum personally sanctioned this work, I had two different things to satisfy. It had to be my proper interpretation of Potentialism and a sound presentation to readers. But it also had to be authentic to what Birnbaum’s actual work and conclusions are. If done properly, there shouldn’t be any light between what Birnbaum has presented and what I present to you here. It is simply a broader presentation in a slightly different format.

Fortunately, I was able to craft this book under his mentorship as well. So, I was able to reach out when things got difficult, or

346 16. Epilogue

concepts needed careful honing. This allowed me to bring as authentic and accurate a learning book for Potentialism as possible.

As to my own learning of Potentialism, I found the theory refreshing as a neophyte for many reasons that made me wat to share it with you:

- It’s insanely simple to understand

- One formula fits all

- It applies to Absolutely everything

- You don’t need a degree to use or understand the formula

- You must make no choice between religion or science

- The Epochs are each distinct and make sense

- C+ events are a uniform catalyst for all cosmic changes


The Larger Impact

As I learned Potentialism more in-depth, what struck me most was how it changed my whole understanding of the universe and the larger metaverse. Or perhaps, to be more accurate, it changed my understanding of my own place and humanity’s in the universe.

It is easy to think we are insignificant in the vastness of the cosmos – and we are, in a way. But each and every one of us is here by design and purpose and have a part to fulfill. That is not something you expect when you run into a cosmological metaphysics book on how the universe was created and functions.

Having painstakingly read and absorbed the Summa Metaphysica series in its (current) entirety, it is clear far more than physicists will need to be revising their coursebooks. Not only does this impact our understanding of physics, but it also touches on the nature of chemistry and completely rewrites several sections in biology where Darwinism has sent it askew from the truth.

It cannot be over-stressed how much Potentialism turns what we thought we knew on its head. Call it what you will:


Potentialism Theory = Summa Theory = Birnbaum Theory = Q4P

Theory = Quantum Man Theory

Just know that it is here, and it changes everything.


Looking Ahead

This has been a good thorough introduction to Potentialism Theory. It is not nearly exhaustive, though. There are still more advanced topics to cover that were beyond the scope of this initial book. We didn’t cover topics that bear far more detailed observations, such as the nature of consciousness, morality, ethics, and art – what makes each so special and particular in nature.

There are also more advanced topics in Summa Theory itself I’ll cover in an advanced book, such as the concept of complexity in more detail like quantum jumps versus quantum arrays, complexity versus Complexification, for example.

We can also cover more advanced scientific theories and how they relate to Potentialism. Also, we can explore what Potentialism’s stance is on these theories, such as QFT, Gaea Theory, multiversing, and a series of other scientific concepts.

Also, it bears far more exploration on what Potentialism means in everyday living. Consider: If the universe is hard-wired to seek E+, is there some way to “swim with the current” to make the day more successful?


What is the nature of Q4P in the day to day lives of individual people?

Is there a way to use Potentialism to live a more successful life?

Is the universe playing with loaded dice?

But those are different topics for another time.



I would like to thank David Birnbaum for his patient mentoring as well as my family for all their support and patience. I’d even like to thank my coffee maker which made this book possible.

Mostly, I would like to thank you, the reader, for embarking on this experience to learn more about the universe we live in. I look forward to exploring more with you in the future.

May you become your greatest Potential.


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Articles inside

powerful) Big Bang?

pages 296-297

Are we actually integral to the 'designer'?

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without Evil?

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'come into being'?

page 290


page 288

Where did the 'first something' come from?

page 283

''Eternal Origins' question

pages 284-287

12. Eternal Origins

pages 278-282

Human Choice and Information

pages 274-277

An Organic Supercomputer

page 273

The Quantum Computing Universe

pages 271-272


pages 262-264

The Underlying Issues with Randomness

pages 265-270

Q4P is the Magic Bullet

pages 256-257

And What of Humans?

page 255

Darwin v. Birnbaum

pages 258-259

Where are the Fossils?

page 253

Natural Selection is Horribly Inefficient

page 252

Useless Stages of Evolution

page 251

Aristotle and the Divine

pages 247-249


page 250

The First Glimpse of the Cosmic Womb

page 246

A Special Note on Metaphysics v. Physics

pages 240-244

11. Potentialism and Other Cosmological Theories

page 239

Chronology - Summary

pages 236-238

Chronology - 15.00

pages 233-235

Chronology - 14.00

pages 231-232

Chronology - 13.00

pages 229-230

Chronology - 9.00

pages 218-221

Chronology - 12.00

pages 226-228

Chronology - 10.00

pages 222-223

Chronology - 11.00

pages 224-225

Chronology - 8.50

pages 211-217

Chronology - 8.00

pages 209-210

Chronology - 7.00

pages 207-208

Chronology - 6.00

pages 198-202

Chronology - 6.50

pages 203-206

Chronology - 5.00

pages 195-197

Chronology - 4.00

pages 191-194

Chronology - 3.00

pages 189-190

Chronology - 2.75

pages 186-188

Chronology - 2.25

pages 178-180

Chronology - 2.15

pages 176-177

Chronology - 1.75

pages 174-175

Chronology - 1.25

pages 170-171

A World Bigger Than Physics

pages 163-164

Complexification Events are not Instantaneous

page 162

9. A Universe Built Upon Complexification

page 158

Chronology - 1.00

pages 167-169

Equality, Justice and Decency

pages 156-157

Autonomy, Individuality, and Self-Worth

page 155

Altruism and Conscience

pages 150-152


pages 153-154


pages 146-147


pages 143-145


pages 138-139

Abstract Thought

pages 140-142


pages 148-149

Humanity and the Breaking of Physics

pages 135-137


pages 131-132

DNA’s Ability to Morph

page 126

The Evolution of Plants

page 125

The Birth of the Double Helix

pages 123-124

A New, Deeper Connection to Q4P

pages 121-122

6. Plant Life: The First Full Realization of Q4P

page 120

Intentional Procreation

pages 129-130

8. Humanity: The Current Epoch

pages 133-134

The Unique Life Epoch

pages 118-119

The Human Epoch

page 117

The Birth of Chemistry

pages 113-114

The Fauna Epoch

page 116

The Molecular or Galactic Epoch

pages 110-112

The Atomic Epoch and the Rise of Matter

pages 108-109

The First 100 Seconds

pages 106-107


pages 104-105

5. Epochs: The Expression of Complexification

pages 101-102

The Universality of Potentialism

pages 99-100

The Galactic Scale

pages 96-98

The Solar System Scale

pages 92-95

The Planetary Scale

pages 90-91

The Molecular Scale

page 89

The Atomic Scale

page 88

The Form Potential Takes

page 87

The Future of the Computing Universe

pages 82-83

A Universe Greater Than Its Parts

pages 84-86

Quantum Mechanics and the Universal Supercomputer

pages 78-79

Humanities Place in the Universal Supercomputer

pages 80-81

A Quick Note on the Word “Theory”

page 77


pages 75-76

Quantum Mechanics: The Physical Representation of Q4P

page 74

Einstein Makes Things a Bit Weirder

pages 69-70

A Note on Electron Orbits

pages 72-73

Potential and Quanta

page 71

Potentialism – The Center of Cosmic Origins

pages 66-67

The Nature of Stuff in the Universe

page 68

On Dark Matter and the Spinal Column of the Universe

pages 64-65

The Push and Pull of the Cosmic Drama

pages 62-63

The Cosmic Womb

pages 52-54

Mechanics (QM

pages 60-61

A Note on Physics

pages 58-59

The 0-Point

pages 55-57

The Grand Theory

pages 46-47

Eternal Potential

pages 50-51


pages 43-45


pages 39-42

What This Book Isn’t

page 29

What This Book Is

page 26

Enter Potentialism

pages 22-23

Potentialism on the Macro Scale: The Geometry of Potential

page 21

The Quest for Infinite Potential

pages 37-38

1. What is Potentialism?

pages 35-36

A Better Evolution

pages 27-28

Why This Book Is Important

pages 30-31
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