20 jan namib times e-edition

Page 6

Health care facilities overcrowded

“ItissadthatinoneofthebiggesteconomichubsinNamibia withapopulationofabout120000thereisonlyonehospital, builtbeforeindependence,andthreeclinics.”Thiswassaidby the Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Councillor Deriou BensonatapressbriefinglastThursdayintheharbourtown.

According to Benson, health care workers can't keep up as hospitals and clinics are daily overcrowded. Benson said, “with people flocking to Walvis Bay daily for job opportunities, council held a meeting with the health director in Swakopmund to seek for help for the upgrade of the hospitalandtobuildmoreclinicsintheharbourtown. Bensonaddedthathisofficewiththeofficeofthemayorisbusyconsulting with the private sector in Walvis Bay to assist with the upgrading of the wardsatthestatehospitalandtoseekdonationforAmbulancesasthereisa bigshortagetonotonlyinWalvisBaybutinthewholeregion.

Continues on page 2

Parents urged to be patient

The harour town cannot keep up with the demand, as more people are flockingtothecoastinsearchofjobs.Asaresult,thepopulationofWalvis Bay and Swakopmund has been increasing and as a result, parents of primaryandsecondaryschoollearnerscouldnotobtainspacesinschools atthesetwocoastaltowns.AccordingtotheWalvisBayandSwakopmund educationcircuits,thereareabout480gradeonelearnersand300grade eightlearnersthatarenotplacedinschoolsatthetwotowns.Fourhundred and forty are grade one learners with two hundred and sixty grade eight

Continues on page 2

A year to deliver

Forbes said, “This year we will upgrade infrastructure and waste no time in doing so as this year is time to deliver.”The mayor last year said the first extension of farm 37 will be delivered. “Weareoncourseandtheplaneisto deliver at the end of February.” According to



Forbes the Walvis Bay town council will commencewithitsownwaterdesalinationplant. “Councilishoweverfacedwithsomedifficulties to obtain permits to start with the project. Plans are under way to set up a meeting with the line

Continues on page 2

Sailing around the world

Council to assist students Port of Walvis Bay News

Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264
/ Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6999 FRIDAY 20 JANUARY 2023 N$4 inside Sports News Page12 Page 6 Page 2 Page 3
64 - 204813
064 - 461824
Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Councillor Deriou Benson
“Thisyearweascouncillorswillnotbeafraidtostepontoesaswewillmakeallour decisions to the interest of the Walvis Bay community.” Words of the
Bay MayorTrevinoForbesatapressbriefingheldlastThursdayinthe
Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes
TheNamibiangovernmenthasonlybuiltfourschoolssince independenceinWalvisBay.
The new secondary school in Swakopmund currently under construction Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe

Health care facilities

Hispleatoalltheresidentsistobecalmandpatientaseverythingtakes time. “We as your constituency councillors will seek help to upgrade servicedeliveryinthehealthandeducationsectorsinWalvisBay Itismy believe that in Walvis Bay we can do better if the councillors and stakeholderswiththeprivatesectoraswellasthecommunitytakehands toimproveservicedeliveryinWalvisBay,”Bensonsaid.

BensonthankedtheheadoftheWalvisBaystatehospital,DrGawaband hisstaffforthemajorchangesatthehospital.“Weappreciateallprivate companies, community members and stakeholder that already come on board and those that will still come onboard to assist the constituency offences.”

Parents urged to be patient

Continued from page 1

learnersarefromWalvisBay,whiletherestarefromSwakopmund. TheErongoRegionalCouncilisurgingparentswhodidnotobtainspace in schools to be patient and not to lose hope as they are addressing the delayexperiencedwiththeconstructionofnewschools.Theconstruction of a secondary school currently underway in Swakopmund, will be completed in March this year As from 1 February the learners who are placed at this new secondary school will attend afternoon classes at the CoastalHighSchoolinSwakopmund.Thisarrangementwillbeuntil31 March this year These learners will move over to the new secondary school.

The Walvis Bay Education Circuit is planning to rent classrooms at the Namsov Learning Centre in Kuisebmond, as well as space at the MethodistChurch,toaccommodatelearnerscurrentlyonthewaitinglist at the harbour town. According to the Walvis Bay Rural Constituency CouncilorFlorianDonatusanewprimaryschoolwithacapacityof350 learners will be constructed to the tune of N$3.5 million in Narraville WalvisBay Thenewschoolwasexpectedtobecompletedbytheendof January 2023. With some logistical challenges, the construction of the newschooladjacenttotheDeDuineSecondarySchoolcouldnotstart. The delay of the construction of the school is beyond the control of the constituencycouncil.CouncilwillsitinearlyFebruarytoironoutallthe challenges.ThenewschoolinNarravillewillconsistoffiveblockswhich includeadministrativeandablutionfacilitiesaswellasfourblockswith twoclassroomseach.

A year to deliver

Continued from page 1

ministrytodiscoursethewayfortheconstructionofthewaterdesalination plant,”Forbessaid.

Forbesaddedthatthereareboreholes,butthewatersupplyisnotenough to the town. “Therefore, the reason for the desalination plant that will supplywatercheapertotheresidentsofthetown.”Hesaid,“weneedto take out the politics and serve the community as we are there for them.

”Forbesadded,“lookwhatisgoodforourpeoplebeitcentralgovernment, local authority or regional we have one mandate and that is to serve the community in which we reside. We as town council will this year work closelywiththeruralandurbancouncillorstogetthingsdoneandimprove servicedelivery,”Forbessaid.

Themayorthankedallcommunitymembers,companiesandstakeholder that assist council in the past. “We as council, all stakeholders the communityaswellastheprivatesectorshouldworktogetherforabetter town.”

Council to assist students

Constituency councilors had been inundated in the past with financial assistance requestsbyunderprivilegedstudentswhowanttostudyatauniversityorcollege.

For this reason, the Erongo Regional Council has established a financial assistance fund to help underprivileged students in the Region.

Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councilor, Florian Donatus said that a resolution to assist vulnerable students, especially with registration fees when they start tertiary education, as well as learners with school supplieswaspassedbycouncillastyear Councilor Donatus said constituencies have received a budget to assist vulnerable studentsin their respective constituencies Donatus said,” the support will be granted through our constituency office, and financial supportwillbeconsideredfororphansandthe

vulnerable between the ages of seven and 35. Also, destitute people as well as individuals withdisabilitieswillbeconsidered.”Headded thatassistancewillbebetweenN$1000upto N$5000maximumperstudent,dependingon thebudget.

Donatus emphasised that those applying for assistance must prove or produce outstanding educational performance reports, and must have proof of acceptance by a recognised tertiary institution accredited by the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA). “Applicants shouldberesidinginarespectiveconstituency intheErongoregionformorethanthreeyears andifnotattachproofofresidencyofhisorher parents,guardians,oravoter'scard,”Donatus said.

Donatusfurtherexplainedthatapplicantswho areemployedandearningmorethanN$5000 willnotbeconsideredandwhoseparentshave a combined income of N$10 000 will not be considered. All applicants must submit full birth certificates, and certified death certificates in cases where the parents are deceased.Applicants who are unemployed or whose parents or guardians are unemployed should submit a police declaration to support the application and those that are employed mustprovideapayslips.

Application forms can be obtained at various constituencyofficesintheErongoregion.

Swakopmund growing popular as preferred destination in international movie industry

A naked woman, later identified as Fabiolla Zondjembo (25), was spotted by Rubicon security guards walking past Independence Service Station towards Independence Beach at the Wakuna Location in Kuisebmond during lunchtimeyesterday

According to a police report, the security guards followed Zondjembo in a taxi that was possibly also following her from Tutaleni. The puzzled security guards decided to stop following the

Eileen van der Schyff

Naked woman ends life by walking into ocean

woman and instead report the matter to the Tutaleni Police as she continued walking into theocean.

The spokesperson of thepoliceintheErongo region, Inspector Ileni Shapumba confirmed policeofficersfromthe Kuisebmond and Tutaleni police stations arrived at the scene at around 13:30, and followed the footprints from the road The officers found Zondjembo's body floating in the shallow waters close to the shore Inspector Shapumba said, “no suicide note was left and no foul play is suspected so far.”

Mupupa said, ”Swakopmund is increasingly becoming a destination of choice to film movies, documentaries, and other visual materials for local and international film makers.Withanincreasingnumberofrequests tofilmmoviesanddocumentariesinSwakopmund, Councilhas comeup with a solution to ensuretheseactivitiesareregulated.Itisimperative that filmmakers abide to the filming regulationsandguidelinesreviewedandapproved by council after receiving approval from


As part of council's economic diversification strategy and in line with marketing Swakopmundasthepreferredfilmingdestination,the CEO of the Swakopmund Municipality, Mr AlfeusBenjamin,andtopmanagementhosted the DSTV Business Head yesterday, for discussions around potential partnerships, content creation and entertainment opportunities. “Indeed, Swakopmund is enroute to becomingaleadingsmartcity,”Mupupasaid.

Continued from page 1
Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councilor Florian Donatus Public Relations Officer of the Office of the Chief Executive Officer of the SwakopmundMunicipality,LindaMupupasharedwiththeNamibTimestheprogressivepopularityofthetownasadestinationintheinternationalfilmandmovie industry. Eileen van der Schyff Rudi Bowe

Sailing around the world

Namib Times had the pleasure of meeting a group of 35 “Sailing aroundtheWorld”participantswitheightsailboatsandonecatamaran,takingpartinthe15-monthWorldArc–Circumnavigation category of the world's leading sailing rally specialist, World CruisingClub,atthetown'sYachtClubthisweekend.

The group, consisting of Japanese, Australian, New-Zealander, British, American,andBrazilianparticipantsarrivedattheWalvisBayMarinaon Wednesday, 11 January, after a four-day voyage from their previous destination,CapeTown.EventManagerofWorldARC,StefanoPalumbo toldthenewspaperNamibiaisnowanofficialstopoverfortheirWorldArc –Circumnavigationcategorycovering26,000nauticalmilesoveraperiod of15months.Thisisonlyoneofninecategories,participantscanchoose from.“Nextyearwillbeourfirstofficialinternationalsailingexperience, andyoucanexpectusbackinNamibianextyeararoundthesametime,” Palumbo said. After participants had a chance to explore the sandy beaches,toweringdunesanduniquewildlifeNamibiahastooffer,theyset sail for St Helena and from there they will sail to their final destination, Salvador, Brazil, to complete their voyage that started in Saint Lucia. Everyyearthecluboffersninedistinctrallies,TheWorldARC,Caribbean 1500, ARC Europe, ARC Portugal, ARC USA, ARC Baltic, ARC DelMarVa and the Malts Cruise. “From round-the-world adventures and oceancrossingstosocialcruisingandislandhopping,thereissomething for everyone.” Following the classic tradewinds route, the rally avoids regions of political instability, piracy and the storm seasons in both hemispheres.

WorldCruisingClubwasbornwiththeveryfirstARCin1986,thefirsteveroceancrossingrally Theclubnowhelpsmorethan450boatsand1 200peopletoachievetheirsailingdreamseveryyear “Someofourrallies arebigonfunandbigonpeople,othersaremoreintimate.Whatevertheir size,ourralliesalladheretotheoriginalethosofsafeandsocialcruising.”

Happy Retirement and Thank You

Johnny Hays would like to thank the coastal community for all their supportthroughouthisyearsasaGentsBarberforover60years.

He started with Hans Schöne's Barber Shop as a trainee in 1960 and progressedtoopenhisownshopinWalvisBay

Hejoinedthenavyin1985asahairdresserandwasstationedinWalvis Bay until 1992, thereafter continuing in a private capacity in Walvis Bay until his retirement December2022.

Many generations have passed through his capable handsmakingsureforhappy andsatisfiedclients.

Over the years Johnny's mottowasstayhumble,work hard and have fun while doingit.

Johnny in 1960 Johnny outside his first shop from the 70's Johnny outside at his last shop in Walvis Bay

Swakopmund Court Report


Agnes Nandago (46), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievousbodilyharmreadwithprovisionsof the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003 andviolatingaformalwarning.Thematter was postponed to 20April for continuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Soeretes Muyumba (33), appeared on chargesoftheftandassaultbythreatread withprovisionsofthedomesticviolence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponedto16Februaryformentalobservation report in terms of section 79. The accusedremainsincustody

Delvin Geingob (19), appeared on a chargeofrobbery Thematterwaspostponed to 18 April for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.

Saymore Silas Chiradza (40) and Johannes Thomas (33), appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft and possession of suspectedstolenproperty Thematterwaspostponed to 25 January for continuation of bail application. Saymore Chiradza remainsincustodyandJohannesThomasis onbail.

JohannesDesmondMatsi(23),appearedonachargeoftheftofamotorvehicle. Thematterwaspostponedto9Marchfor legalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

Natangwe Kalipi (38), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving andfailuretocomplywithinstructionofa policeofficer.Thematterwaspostponed to28Februaryforfurtherinvestigations. Theaccusedremainsincustody.

Samuel Khom-Khaiseb (22), appeared onachargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto28Februaryforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody Jacobina Pineas (29), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponedto28Februaryforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody Johannes Shithindi (21), appeared on charges of dealing in dependence producing substance and possession of dependence producing substance. The matterwaspostponedto28Februaryfor lab results. The accused remains in custody

Andre Skrywer (20), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 25 January for judgement. The accusedisonbail.

Lazarus Shitatala (28) and Lazarus Shihepo (23), appeared on a charge of robbery Thematterwaspostponedto27 Marchfortrial.

Lazarus Shitatala has been warned and LazarusShihepoisonbail.


chargesofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property Thematterwaspost-ponedto28 Marchforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedison bail.

Learato Sechogele (27), appeared on a chargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal and theft. The matter was postponed to 6 Marchforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

RomarioiTitus(18),appearedonacharge ofrobbery Thematterwaspostponedto12 Aprilforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccused isonbail.

Peelo Jason (46), appeared on charges housebreaking with intent to commit the offence of assault read by threat read with provisionsofthedomesticviolenceactand assault common. The matter was postponed to 31 January for continuation of trial.Theaccusedisremainsincustody.

Melvin Fisch (29) and Izette Matroos (24), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependenceproducingsubstance.Thematter was postponed to 16 March for other reason. Melvin Fisch remains in custody andIzetteMatroosisonbail.

Josef Kalenga (29), appeared on a charge offorgeryandutteringaforgedinstrument. Thematterwaspostponedto26Januaryfor tracing of the accused. The accused is at large,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.

OscarTsuseb(48),appearedonchargesof assault with intent to do grievous bodily harmandassaultbythreat.Thematterwas postponedto13Marchfortrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Andy Rooi (24), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto8March for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody

Tuhafeni Nghiwilepo (26), appeared on a chargeofassaultcommon.Thematterwas postponedto6Marchforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedisonbail.

AndreasAbner(24),appearedonacharge of murder-attempted murder The matter waspostponedto8Marchforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody

SamuelKalula(52)andJohannesWiese (40), appeared on a charge of bribery of public officer to perform or abstain from performinganofficialact.

The matter was postponed to 16 May for continuation of trial. The accused have beenwarned.

MornerSamuels(19),appearedonacharge of assault with intent to do grievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto2 May for continuationof trial.The accused isonbail.

Thomas Naimbanga (33), appeared on chargesofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharmandmaliciousdamagetoproperty. The matter was postponed to 20 February for co-accused to be rearrested. Theaccusedremainsincustody.


EvenShipanga(31),appearedonchargesofresistingamember of the police and assault on a member of the police.The matter was postponed to 22 May for plea and trail. The accused is currentlyoutonbail.

Titus Paulus (39), appeared on charges of reckless driving and removing vehicles from site of accident. The matter was postponedto25Aprilforpleaandtrail.Theaccusediscurrently outonbail.

JoeyNauseb(21)andLazarusHashimbuli(19),bothappeared together on charges of theft and robbery The matter was postponed to 28 February for plea. Both the accused remain in custody

SilasIpumbu(47),appearedonchargesofdrivingwithanexcessiveblood-alcohollevel.thematterwaspostponedto14March 2023 because the accused was absent. The accused is currently outonbail.

Pierre Cronje (55), appeared on charges of remaining in the countryafterexpirationofhisvisitor'sentrypermit.Matterwas postponedto23Januaryforplea.Theaccusedremainsincustody

PetrusNamweya(39),appearedonchargesoftheft.Thematter was postponed to 28 February for plea.The accused remains in custody

Nangula Kambambo Diana (21), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 16 March for further investigation. The accused remainsincustody.

DonsieJayJaySheehama(21),appearedonchargesofassault withintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponed 16Marchforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody.

WilbardMalapi(33),appearedonchargesofassaultbythreat. The matter is postponed to 15 March for further investigation. Theaccusedremainsincustody.

FestusTangeniUsiku(27),appearedonchargesofpossessions dependence producing substance. The matter is postponed to 9 Marchforplea.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Petrus Van Rooyen (49), appeared on charges of rape. The matter was postponed to 28 Febraury for plea. The accused is currentlyoutonbail.

Anthony Afrikaner (31), appeared on charges of theft whilst accomplice Uwuseb Anthony is still at large. The matter was postponed to 23 March for tracing of other accused. Afrikaner remainsincustody

MarthaHamukoto(31),appearedonchargesofconcealmentof birth. The matter was postponed to 9 March for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

HiliaHifilwe(31),appearedonchargesofassaultwithintentto dogrievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto8March forfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusediscurrentlyoutonbail.

MichealIkela(35),appearedonchargesoftheft.Thematterwas postponed to13 March for further investigation. The accused remainsincustody

DesmondAltonBeukes(46),appearedonchargesofattempted murder Thematterwaspostponedto27Marchforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

A 17 year old boy appeared on charges of possessions dependenceproducingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponedto1 February Theaccusedwasreleasedintothecareofguardian.

Jayden Samuel Booysen (21), appeared on charges of possessions dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 22 February for plea. The accused remains in custody

Jayden Izaaks (23), appeared on charges of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 6 Marchforplea.Theaccusediscurrentlyoutonbail.

Walvis Bay Court Report

Wesco honours employees

WescoGroupNamibiaisinadmirationofthecommitment anddedicationofalltheiremployees.

WescoEngineeringServices(Pty)Ltd.isaproudlyNamibian enterprisewitharichengineeringheritagedatingbackto1986 thatprovide servicestothemarine,oilandgas,mining,fishing s and general industrial sectors in Namibia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Thecompanywithaskilledworkforceofcertifiedwelders,boilermakers, platters, pipefitters, mechanical fitters, machinists, and propeller technicians with many years of training and experienceresultinginhighefficiencyandexcellentstandards. The company recently had the privilege to recognise and honour their employees who have tirelessly committed to servingthecompanyforthelongestoftimeattheirannuallong service awards ceremony. Thomas Farmer and Orthniee Groenewald, both from the Lüderitz depot, were awarded for fiveyearsofserviceandPaulusNandjebofromtheWalvisBay depotfor15yearsofservice.

The Wesco management appreciates all their employees for being steadfast in how they present themselves as employees andwishesthemthebestastheycontinuetoservethecompany

Port of Walvis Bay News

BulkCarrierBOLDMARINER(IMO: 9136955)sailingundertheflagofPanama arrived at the Port of Walvis Bay on Thursday,19 January after a voyage of 9 days, 12 hours originating from port TOAMASINA, Madagascar The carrier willbedockedforfourdayswhileloading 45 000 Metric Tons (MT) Bulk Salt. She will depart on Monday, 23 January Her carrying capacity is 45674 t Deadweight Tonnage(DWT)andhercurrentdraughtis reported to be 6.5 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 185.74 meters and her


Oil/Chemical Tanker STI MILWAUKEE (IMO: 9686974) sailing under the flag of Marshall Islands arrives at the Port of Walvis Bay today to discharge petroleum products before departing again on Sunday, 22 January. Her carrying capacity is 49990t Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 9.8 meters. Her lengthoverall(LOA)is183.12metersand herwidthis32meters.

before the 27 January 2023

The need for a public meeting will be determined after the consultation and will be communicated to all registered I&APs.

For more Information contact: +264811422927 email: info@greengain.com.na website:www.greengain.com.na

6 NAMIBTIMES 20JANUARY2023 Port Log EAR-NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST… at the Coast DR PIETER TROOST M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS (SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada) DO YOU SUFFER FROM: ? · Chronic Sinus Problems · Blocked Nose · Ongoing Tonsil Problems · Snoring · Stop breathing while sleeping · Ear Problems LET US HELP : Book a consultation… 061224349 SWAKOPMUND: Cottage Mediclinic WALVIS BAY: Welwitchia Private Hospital DR PIETER TROOST WWW.ENTNAMIBIA COM PUBLIC NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) FOR THE PROPOSED STOCKHOLDING OF GENERAL GOODS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AT ERF 3757, GOBABEB STREET, WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No.07 of 2007) and the EIA Regulations (GN No.30 of 6 February 2012) for the following proposed activities: Project: Proposed stockholding of general goods and hazardous substances Project Location: Erf 3757, Gobabeb Street, Walvis Bay Proponent: BEUCORPTRADING CC EAP: Green Gain Environmental Consultants cc Project Description: The proponent intends to operate a facility for stockholding of general goods i.e., Copper concentrate
and hazardous substances i.e., Petalite lithium (AILi
at Erf
industrial area of Walvis Bay In
3757, located in the light
terms of the Environmental ManagementAct 07 of 2007 the intended
cannot be conducted without an ECC.
I&APs are hereby invited to register request for Background Information Document (BID) and send their comments to on or eia@greengain.com.na
Paulus Nandjebo from the Walvis Bay Depot Orthniee Groenewald from the Lüderitz Depot Thomas Farmer from the Lüderitz Depot Rudi Bowe




Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the

Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, a Portion of the old hostelkitchensituated o n E r f 5 6 5 4 Kuisebmond for the establishment of a Youth and Vocational TrainingCentre.


Portion of Erf 5654 Kuisebmond AREA 1659m²

RENTAL AMOUNT N$1,277.43 plus 15% VAT (escalating with 10%perannum)

Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *24 January 2023 at room 29, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond.

For more information MrsSTSatchpiacanbe contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.

Writtenobjections,duly motivated, to the intended transaction mustbereceivedbythe undersignedbeforeorat 12:00 *27 January 2023.

ATVictor GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development

MunicipalOffices CivicCentre

Nangolo Mbumba Drive PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714 WalvisBay


C l a s s i f i e d s





Hecanhelpyouthrough: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay &Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887




Lookingforacompany lookingforahousefor employees.Aneat3 bedroomhouseavailable torent N$8500.00p/m Prepaidelectricity. Spaciousbackandfront yard.

Builtincupboards LocationKuisebmond Contact:0812429604 0814414405




ForSale:SectionaltitleWalvisBayKuisebmond 3bedroom 2bathroom Openplankitchen Garage Tenantinplace N$605000.00 Contact:0815544888or 0812957837


1.BusinesserfforSALEin KuisebmondinaPRIME BUSINESSAREA. PriceN$438000.00

Vacancies Vacancies

Beginners Classes start during Febuary 2023 Time: 17h30 –18h15 Tuesdays and Thursdays All ages 6 and up

Venue: Main road 4B, Meersig

For enrollment message your email address to: The Walvis Bay Goju Ryu Karate Club at: 0812779268 We will send all info



Namibia-SouthAfrica Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com


FreeConsultationfor January&February 2023.

DoctorBombaBazuka–thenameisenough ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.I knowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome.Come andexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.

Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102


singlepersononly,no childrenorpets. Kitchenwithbic& doublesink. Floortiled,nostove Bigbedroom,withbic floortiled

Shower/toilet/washbasin -fullytileduptoceiling Separateentrance Nogarage-parking insidemainyard,safety lights

Depositrequired N$3000.00 N$3000.00permonth W/E incl. Nopictures-viewing only

CentreofNarraville, nearDoctorsandshops Immediatelyavailable Contact:0812441320


2.Twobedroomhouse,with 1bathroom,lounge,kitchen &singlegarageplusa bachelorflatwithboundary wallinKuisebmond N$750000.00

3.Big4bedroomhousewith 2lounges,diningroom, kitchen,2bathrooms,double garageplus2outsiderooms forsaleinKuisebmond N$1100000.00 CONTACT:0816375060 NOAGENTSPlease!!

FORSALE:WalvisBay, TownCBD 2 xbedroomsBIC 1fullbathroom Openplankitchen/lounge Garage Extraparking PriceN$700000–valuationN$750 000. (NEARESTOFFER) Calltoview0852902614–0812830442

LEMORGAN: A great opportunity: ADynamic CompanyinWalvisBay islookingforsalesdriven orientatedindividualsto becomesuccessfulin salesandMarketing. Excellentopportunityfor self-motivatedindividuals whowantstojoina winningsalesTeam. Marketawell-known& establishedproducts throughreferrals& exhibitions.No experienceneededfull traininggiven. Forinterviewcall 0818001524orhand deliveredyourCVat ourofficeatpelican mallshop13

VACANCY: Sales Assistant Honest Computerliterate Workunderpressure Vibrant NamibianCitizen FluentinEnglishand Afrikaans Referencerequired PleaseforwardCvs: TheManager P.O.Box4032 WalvisBay


Company in Walvis Bay has a Temporary Supervisors Position available:

The preferred candidate should meet the following requirements:

· Own transport to and from work

· Work at night

· Understand the basics of gas combustion

· Have a good technical knowledge

· Must be able to troubleshoot

· Work under pressure

· Target driven

· Report to manager

· Sober habits

Please send CV's to colin.b@edencremations. com Closing Date: 31 Jan 2023


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DrLovemoreBenBanda (Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourloverto bestingywithmoney,to makeyousleepnicelyin yourhouse,tostopbad dreams,amantobestrong inbedduringsex,awoman tohavefeelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,to recoverstolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma,& manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeninginyour life,youwillneverregret. Smsorcall:0816431482 findtheOldmaninKuiseb, MassHouses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet.

OmukumoProperties Free-standinghousefor sale(Kuisebmond) Afree-standinghouse with3xbedrooms, kitchen,lounge,anda doublegarage.Idealfora family.Extras:Three outsidebedrooms,one withitsownbathroom, andthetwoaresharing anoutsidebathroomwith acombinedrental incomeofN$5400.00per month.Boundarywall andatagoodlocation. Price:N$900,000.00 (Excludingtransfer costs) Pleasecallforviewing: 0811553130



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Threebrandnew STAINLESSSTEEL HUBBLYPIPESfor sale,availableinstock. Idealforbusinessesto rentout. Call0816375060if interested

FORSALE:Tamariskia Swakopmundcomplex oppositeBuiltit. flat:twobedrooms,one bathroom,openplan kitchen/lounge Garage N$750000.00 CCRegistered AJLRealEstate 0812925892

FORSALE:HentiesBay, Omdel twobedrooms,mainensuite, opemplankitchen/lounge Loosestandinggarage Withtoilet Bigyard N$750000.00exclcosts ContactAnsie:081292 5892


ForSaleWalvisBayCBD Nicefamilyhouse Threebedrooms,BIC, kitchen,lounge,bathroom, toilet

Nicefrontview/grass Bigstoopwithbraai Singlegarage

PLUSFLAT: 2bedrooms,kitchen/lounge, bathroom,garage N$1595milexclcosts Contact:0812925892


FOR SALE: Min Pin for sale. 6 weeks old. 2000.00 incl vaccination. Contact: 081 333 5230 for interview

Postdesignation: ConstructionQuantity SurveyorandProcurement officer Scaleofsalary:Depending onsuitability Closingdate:31/01/2023



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PLEASEdonotsubmit yourcvifyoudonotfully qualifyforalltheabove requirements.Only shortlistedcandidateswill becontacted.Submitcvto hannelie@hefergroup.com onorbeforeclosingdate.

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FOUND Doesanyoneknow thisboy?Hewas pickedupatVineta Shellonthe4thof January Please contact the SPCAin Swakopmund to claim your pet 064 - 404419 Remember to contact your local SPCAif your pet goes missing Tierschutzverein Swakopmund S.P.C.A. Rgtd: Welfare Organisation- WO 438
Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting. Contact:081274 8447 PETALERT
13.Promotion 14.
experiencedtraditional Doctorwhodestroysalltypes ofwitchcraftpowerthatis happeninginpeople'slifeand hebringsbackallyourluck whichistakenthrough witchinghegenuinelyhelps withthefollowingproblems:
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C l a s s i f i e d s

E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netORsmallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication



Ekis'njongdame opsoeknahuiswerkvir 3dae'nweek.Ekis baiehardwerkenden betroubaar Kontak:0818692347

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JOBWANTED: Iama29yearold lookingfor housekeepingor babysittingworkin Swakopmund,Iam readytostartassoonas possible. Contact:0817615245

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Ayoungreliable, hardworkinglady lookingforajob opportunityin Swakopmund. Haveyearsexperience asaPA,office administratorand bookkeeper AfrandEng. Pleasecall081243 9300or pink4butterfly@ yahoo.com


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JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfor domsticworkinWalvis Bay,ironing,washing, babysitting.Iam trustworhtyandhonest. Canstartimmediately Contact:0814938071


Senior golfers show support

Afieldofsome32golferstooktothefairways inthebrightsunnyweathertocompeteforan abundance of prizes on offer Scores were really close – with the laurels going to two of theregular“OuToppies”.

Winners: Ian Campbell/Dreyer Du Plessis 45 points followed by David & Fritz Coetzee 44 pointswithBilly&RinaKnightthirdwith43 points c/o over Johnny Flook/Ivan Perry and JohnRedman/TienievanRensburg. Therewerenotwo-clubsrecorded–thefunds collected were donated to the Junior Development Program. The Captain thanked the senior members of the Club for their excellent support and providing a wonderful dayofgolf.

ThefirstmonthlySagescompetitionfor2023, an Individual Stableford - with a field of 28

playersthatincludedseveralfacesfromacross the river was held on Sunday 15 January at RossmundGolfClub.

Whatadifferenceadaycanmake–Nearestto the Pin on Number 7 went to Tony Boesch whilst Rina Knight took home the prize for Number 12, both managed to sink their putts resulting in two-clubs – our third two-club of the day came on Number 3 from George Murasiki - otherwise known as El Capitan “a SageinWaiting”.

OverallWinneron38pointswasourownMr Easy – Tony Boesch followed by Warren Theron37pointswithLynnevanderWaltthird on36pointsandinfourthplacewasEddyvan Wykon34pointsc/ooverJohnnyFlook. As always with Sages everyone was a winner andwenthomewithsomethinginabottle.

WBGC hosts IT GURU challenge

Walvis Bay Golf Club hosted the IT GURU sponsored COMMITTEEversusMEMBERSchallengelastweekend.

In perfect weather conditions a large field of 35 MEMBERS turned out to take on the nine of the COMMITTEE, and it was the COMMITTEE who cameoutontopbyconvincinglybeatingtheMEMBERSby18.5to15.5.

LeadbystalwartsMorneRouxwhowonallfourofhisgames,AndreBurger alsowonhisfourgamesoneofwhichiswherehepunchedabovehisweight tobeatKevinWentzel,RoccoViljoenwhowonthreeofhisfourandShane Westerdalewhoalsowonthreeofhisfourgame,oneofwhichwasagainst thecurrentwinnerofwinnerandmorefanciedPieterFox.

TheotherCOMMITTEEmembersalsoallchippedintoensurethewin,and rings of “it's coming home” rang through the clubhouse with a few results stilloutstanding.

CaptainoftheMEMBERSteamWilmadeWethadearlierresortedtochild labour and a low budget production of video footage sending unfounded messagessayingthattheMEMBERSwouldwin,butalasthiswastonoavail astheCOMMIITTEEcameoutfiringonallcylinders.

InthestablefordcompetitionitwasJohnnyBorges[MEMBERS]whoshot thelightsoutscoring42pointstowintheday HeisonthephotowithLeigh Westerdale of IT GURU. Second place went to Wouter van Wijk [MEMBER] on 39 points winning the count out from Mario Polster [MEMBER]. JivinoPolster[MEMBER]wasfourthon38points.

The closest to the pins went to Wynand Moller [COMMITTEE], Nardo Sardinha[COMMITTEE]andMarioPolster[MEMBER].Therewerefive two clubs, Jonas Niilenge, Mario Polster, Johnny Borges, Nardo Sardinha andKootPotgieter

NextweekendisinBANKWINDHOEKwinnerofwinnersandwinnerof losers.

TheAEGIRMARINECLUBOPENwilltakeplaceonthe28thand29th.All divisionswillplaytworounds–oneeachonSaturdayandSunday Thedraw willbecirculatedoncedone.

There are a few new initiatives coming soon being: theAEGIR MARINE MATCHPLAY,acorporateleagueandathreeleggedeventtobringagolfer


KukudelTradingccherewithintendstoapply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Resident Occupation Special Consent to operate an “Administrative office” on the premisesoferf2308,Matutura,Extension10 (Shipala Tobias street) as provided for in termsofClause6oftheSwakopmundZoning Schemedetailsofwhichareobtainablefrom theGeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.

Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/sinwritingandwithin14daysofthelast publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours.

Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis10 February2023.

Contactperson:MrS.Hoebeb,Cell:081778 3147 Email:shoebeb@gmail.com or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403


Namaste Yoga Safari cc herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Resident Occupation Special Consent to operate an “Administrative office” on the premises of erf 786, Swakopmund Proper (c/o Windhuker street &Anton Lubowski Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services.

Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours.

Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis10 February2023.

Contactperson:MsM.Vosloo,Cell:081761 7882 Email:contact@namastevogasafari.com or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403

20JANUARY2023 NAMIBTIMES11 School News
January came out in support of the SaturdayCompetition–theformatforthedaywasaBetterballStableford
Rossmund Senior Golfers on Saturday 14 Winners of the “Ou Toppies” Betterball Stableford –Ian Campbell and Dreyer Du Plessis David & Fritz Coetzee Runners-up of the “Ou Toppies” Betterball Stableford Walvis Bay Golf Club COMMITTEE standing proud in their red shirts Walvis Bay Golf Club MEMBERS captain Wilma de Wet handing the CHAIRMANS CUP TROPHY to club captain Shane Westerdale for safe keeping until next year Johnny Borges [MEMBERS] who shot the lights out scoring 42 points with Leigh Westerdale of IT GURU

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Football leagues resume

Football action will recommence over the weekend in the Debmarine Premiership, Southern Stream First Division and Erongo Second Division leagues after the holiday break.

Rounds 8 and 9 fixtures of the Debmarine Premiership at the coast Walvis Bay outfits Blue Waters and Eleven Arrows host Orlando Pirates and Tigers at 14:00 and 17:00 respectively on Saturday21JanuaryattheJanWilkensStadiumin WalvisBay

On Sunday Eleven Arrows will host Orlando Piratesat13:00andBlueWaterstakesonTigersat 16:00 with both matches at the Jan Wilkens StadiuminWalvisBay

In other weekend matches in the Debmarine Premiershipare;


African Stars vs Life Fighters - Mokati Stadium (14:00)

CivicsvsOkahandja-UnitedKhomasdalStadium (17:00)

Citizens vs Mighty Gunners - Nau-Aib-Stadium (17:00)

Julinho Sporting vs Young Brazilians - Rundu Stadium(15:00)


Black Africa vs Tura Magic - Unam Stadium (15:00)


CitizensvsOkahandjaUnited-Nau-aibStadium (15:00)

Civics vs Mighty Gunners - Khomasdal Stadium (15:00)

Life Fighters FC vs Young Brazilians - Mokati Stadium(15:00)

JulinhoSportingvsAfricanStars-RunduStadium (14:00)


Young African vs Tura Magic - Legare Stadium (15:00)

TheSouthernStreamFirstDivision(SSFD)League will see coastal outfit Blue Boys host DTS Hop Solat 14:00 on Saturday and Khomas Nampol at 11:00 on Sunday with both matches will be at the MondesaStadiuminSwakopmund.

The other two coastal teams in the SSFD League, Northern Stars and Western Spurs will travel to MarientalfortheirdateswithMarientalSportsClub and Namibian Correctional Service at 14:00 and 16:00 respectively on Saturday at the Mariental ShowgroundsandonSundayNorthernStarswillbe againstMarientalSportsClubat09:00andWestern Spurs will be up against Mariental Sports Club at 11:00 with both matches at the Mariental Showground.

The rest of the weekend's matches in the SSFD Leagueare;


Spoilers vs Khomas Nampol - Nau-Aib Stadium Okahandja(14:00)

Try Again vs Ramblers – J. Stephanus Stadium Keetmanshoop(15:00)

Date Eleven vs Windhoek United - J. Stephanus StadiumKeetmanshoop(17:00)

Sunday Spoilers vs DTS HopSol - Nau-Aib Stadium Okahandja(11:00)

Date Eleven vsRamblers – J. Stephanus Stadium Keetmanshoop(09:00)

Try Again vs Windhoek United – J. Stephanus StadiumKeetmanshoop(11:00)

The fixtures of the Erongo Football League

(SecondDivision)are: Saturday ElevenArrows Sports Field in Walvis Bay

SailorsUnitedFCvsSwakopmundFC (12h00)

Walvis Bay Academy FC vs united starsFC(14h00)

Mighty Eagles FC vs Zula Molest FC (15h00)

Young Eleven Sports Field in Walvis Bay


Gendev Academy FC vs Karibib FC (15h00)

Tamariskia Sports Field in Swakopmund

CelticFCvsWalvisBayBarcelonaFC (14h00)



YoungElevenSportsFieldinWalvis Bay

Walvis Bay Academy FC vs SwakopmundFC(12h00)

SailorsUnitedFCvsUnitedStarsFC (14h00)

NamibianNavy FC vs Zula Molest FC(16h00)

Eleven Arrows Sports Field in WalvisBay

Gendev Academy FC vs Blue Jets FC(14h00)

Blue Birds FC vs Karibib FC (16h00)

Tamariskia Sports Field in Swakopmund

Java Java FC vs Walvis Bay BarcelonaFC(14h00)

Celtic FC vs Young Eleven FC (16h00)

Namibians deliver excellent performance

Namibian Bowling Association (NBA) recently send a women'sandmen'steamtorepresentthecountry

The Namibians delivered an excellent performance against the top players fromtheSouthAfricaCorrectionalServicesandSouthAfricaPoliceService andBotswana.

TheNamibianwomen'steamwascrownedastheoverallwinnerbywinning gold in the singles and fours categories whilst the men's team ended second overallastheywererunner-upsinthepairsandtripplatecategoriesandthirdin thefourscategories.

The Namibian teams that competed in the Quadrangular Test series were as follows: Namibia men: Kat Steenkamp, Piet Appollis, Colin Peake, Johan Jacobs, Axel Krahenbuhl, Willie Esterhuizen, Schalk van Wyk, Graham SnymanandAndréCampbell(teammanager).

Namibia women: Diana Viljoen, Marietjie van den Bergh (captain), Bianca Lewis(playerofthetournament), HuipievanWykandElnaEsterhuizen(teammanager).

The Namibian players acquire valuable match practice for the Namibian nationalchampionshipfrom30Aprilto 6MayandtheAfricanStatesTournamentfrom26to30JuneinWindhoekas wellasfortheWorldBowlsTournamentfrom29Augustto10Septemberin Australia.

Eleven Arrows atthe2022 editionoftheQuadrangularTournamentinSouthAfrica. All the participants at the 2022 edition of the Quadrangular Tournament in South Africa. Photo provided Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe

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