7 july namib times e-edition

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Erongo RED Announces Tariff Adjustments for 2023/2024 Financial Year

ErongoRegionalElectricityDistributor (ErongoRED)heldapressconferenceto informthepublicaboutthetariffadjustmentsforthe2023/2024financialperiod yesterday afternoon. The Electricity Control Board (ECB) had previously approved an average tariff increase of 9% for NamPower, and Erongo RED's actualimpactis9.9%.

The approved tariff adjustment came into effect on July 1, 2023, except for prepaid

Councillor Urges Community to Help Find Suspects in Mondesa Murder

In the wake of a tragic incident that shook the Mondesa communityinSwakopmund,awell-knownyoungman,22year-old Peter Bockky Amwaalwa was discovered with fatalstabwoundslastSaturdaymorning,leavingtheneighbourhoodinshockandgrief. Astheinvestigationintothe murder unfolds, the Swakopmund Constituency Councillor, Louisa Kativa, has stepped forward to appeal to communitymembersfortheirassistanceinidentifyingthesuspect(s).

Continues on page 2

Significant Progress in Servicing Extension 8 in Narraville

See Full report on page 2

tariffs, which came into effect yesterday. Erongo RED encourages customers to review the detailed tariff schedule available in various newspapers, on their website, and in their offices. It is important to note that the impact of the tariff increase varies depending on individual consumption patterns and the type of connection. Approximately 70% of every unit sold goes to NamPower, while Erongo RED utilisestheremaining30%foroperational expenses. The statutory levies, including theElectricityControlBoard(ECB)Levy

Continues on page 2

Hope for Rent-A-Drum's Retrenched Employees

Following the news about Rent-A-Drum's retrenchment of 20ofitsRecyclingPlantemployeesduetoadeclineintheir recyclingbusinessoperations,andtheneedtorestructureits workforce, the Swakopmund Municipality extended with five years a lapsed Memorandum ofAgreement with RentA-DrumonThursday,22June.

According to the CouncilAgenda of 29June,inMayof2013,theSwakopmundMunicipalCouncilenteredinto a tri-partite Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Rent-A-Drum (RAD)andthePolytechnicofNamibia, now known as the Namibia University of Science and Technology The basis of the MOA with RADwasthatRADestablishaMaterialRecoveryFacilityforthepurpose of collecting and harvesting recyclables from residential and industrial properties for the purpose of recycling at RAD. The Polytechnic of Namibia was assigned the responsi-

bility to conduct research and development for effective and sustainable waste management servicesbyimplementingmodern-day material recovery facilities and innovative waste deep collection services.Council'srolewastheprovisionofatwo-wheeliebinsystem, wherebyeachgenerationpointwas issued with two wheelie bins: A black bin for non-recyclable waste and an orange bin for recyclable waste. Council collects the black bins from all generation points for disposal at the landfill site and the Continues on page 2

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7023 FRIDAY 7 JUJY 2023 N$6 inside Pages 17, 18, 19 & 20 Page 3 Sports News Page 6 Page 7 Page 5
Municipal Account Payment Scam Alert TotalEnergies Celebrated for Namibia Discovery Initiative Creates Inviting Learning Environment Erongo Business & Tourism Expo 2023
Erongo RED Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr Nico Niemand Sharlien Tjambari Rudi Bowe Sharlien Tjambari

Continued from page 1

InastatementissuedonWednesday this week, Councillor Kativa is calling on residents to come forward withanyinformationthatcouldhelp theauthoritiesintheirinvestigation.

Kativa said, “I am sending heartfelt condolences to the family of late Peter Bockky Amwaalwa. May the Lordcomfortyouinthesedarktimes asitissaidthosewhomwelovedon't go away but walk beside us every day,unseen,unheardbutremainsin our hearts. Today and always may loving memories bring you peace, comfort, and strength.” Kativa is also urging the Ministry of Gender EqualityandSocialWelfaretolisten to the cries of parents who have children who are involved in criminalactivitiesbuthavenosayorcontrol over them despite being their parents. Kativa said children have losttheirmoralsandvalues,“which resorts to them staying late in the streets along with friends practicing all sorts of criminal activities some heard while others haven't been broughttodaylightyet.”Kativasaid, as the Swakopmund Constituency Councillor, she will knock on all doors to encourage all parents who have difficulties in controlling their children's acts to reach out to the Councillor's office. “We will then refer you to the social workers for furtherguidance.”

Erongo RED

Kativa warned people who are using children for criminal activities to stop immediately because children are the leaders of tomorrow Kativa calls upon all social workers and the police, to hold handstogetherandassisttheNamibianchildren.

Peter Bockky Amaalwa was was laying in a pool of blood with stab wounds by members of the Namibian Police Force who were on month-end patrol/operation on Saturday, 1 July around 2:30 in Dr Frans Indongo Street, Mondesa.

According to Deputy CommissionerErastusIikuyu,oftheErongo police,upondiscoveringthedeceased, members of the police immediately called the ambulance Medicalpersonelonthescenecertified Amwaalwa as dead. Deputy Commissioner Iikuyu said a preliminary investigation revealed the victim'sallegedattackbyagroupof male persons who are still unknown.

Anyone with information or have any knowledge of the whereabouts of the suspect(s) in this incident is urgently requested to contact Deputy Commissioner Iikuyu on 081 2464757orDetectiveWarrantOfficerGersonNuxabon0812131891 or any nearest police station for justicetobebroughttolight.

Hope for Rent-A-Drum's

Continued from page 1

orange bins are collected by RAD forfurthersortingandprocessing. Thecouncilagendafurtherexplains, as part of the agreement, RAD provided the resources necessary for weeklycollectionoftheorangebins fromallgenerationpointsincluding housetohouse,throughoutthetown. It is further said that in December 2022,priortotheexpiryoftheagreement, RAD indicated pertinent operational issues in the tri-partite MOAwhichhamperedtheiroptimal performance and proposed the way forward with recycling in Swakopmund. The pertinent issue was allegedly the loss of 6.4 million from 2018 to date which RAD suffered, and to break even, an additional turnoverofN$157572,50permonth was needed for the branch in Swakopmund.

During a special council meeting held on 22 June for the purpose of renewing/extending the MOA, the council recommended that the council meets Rent-A-Drum halfway by subsidising the recycling waste collection operations for the orangebinsbypayingamonthlyfee ofN$160000tocovertheoperation. It was also recommended that Council introduces a fixed levy of N$16 on the 2023/2024 tariff structuretorecoverexpensesofrecycling wastecollectionoperationsintown. One of the conditions for the extension of the contract is that Rent-ADrumemploysemployeeswhowere affected by the expiry of the agreement as a first choice before considering new employees and that a

andNationalEnergyFund(NEF)Levy,will remain unchanged for the upcoming year. Erongo RED emphasised that these tariff adjustments are not exclusive to their region. The bulk tariff increase will be applied country wide. The increase is necessaryduetofactorssuchasoperations and maintenance costs, customer service, overheads,andworkingcapital.Despitethe tariff adjustment, Erongo RED aims to mitigate the impact on customers and ensure service delivery remains uncompromised. The company will continue to provide subsidised tariffs for pensioners and low-income members of the community Pensioners are urged to reregister to maintain eligibility for the subsidised tariff, reducing the risk of misuse. Erongo RED encourages eligible individuals to visit their offices and apply for social tariffs in accordance with the Social Tariffs Policy The company has considered various factors, including infrastructuredevelopment,electrification, operational costs, and the impact on commercial, industrial, agricultural, and residential consumers Acting Chief Executive (ACEO) of Erongo Red, Nico Niemand said at the press conference, “ErongoREDisoneofthefewdistributors thatwasnotaffectedbyNamPower's Debt Collection Plan Our account with

Continued from page

NamPower is current and thus all our stakeholders can be rest assured that the power supply to the region will not be disconnected. Therefore, for us to continue with our excellent service delivery, we urge all our customers to continue supporting us by settling their accounts on time.This will also allow us to pay Nampower on time and ensure electricity services continue uninterrupted.Asacompany,wehaveconsidered allpossiblewaystoensurethatwepasson the least and most reasonable tariff adjustment to the customers, whilst ensuring the sustainability of the company.”

To sustain their services, Erongo RED requests timely settlement of accounts to ensurepromptpaymenttoNamPowerand uninterrupted power supply The company plans to reduce expenditures, put projects on hold, and explore alternative sources of cheaper electricity Thisincludesthedevelopmentofa20MW solarprojectinpartnershipwithasuitable strategicpartner Erongo RED remains committed to delivering safe, reliable, sustainable, and accessible electricity to the region. By working together with stakeholders, they aimtostabilisetariffsintheyearstocome.

submissionbemadetotheprocurement committee for consideration and processing in compliance with thePublicProcurementAct,Act15 of 2015 as amended. This new contractcameintoeffecton1July When Rent-A-Drum started with the Swakopmund Sorting Plant, their household target was 76 tons per month. Woensdregt said since 2015therecyclingplantrecycledan average of 127 tons per month, whereby the households of Swakopmundcontributesanaverageof (58tonspermonth/46%).Rent-ADrum has recycled and diverted 5,326tonsofhouseholdwastefrom October2016toJanuary2023from thelandfillsite.

HumanResourceManagerofRentA-Drum, Tertius Woensdregt, told the Namib Times in a telephonic interview,theextensionofthecontract is exciting news for Rent-ADrum.Woensdregt said,“wemust clarify that as of now, we have not received any formal correspondenceorwrittencontractregarding the extension. Therefore, we are unable to proceed with re-employing the employees until we receive the official documentation(s) from theSwakopmundMunicipality.” Woensdregtsaidoncetheyhavethe formalwrittendocument(s)intheir possession, Rent-A-Drum will promptly move forward with reinstating the employees. Woensdregt concluded, “we understand the importance of this matter and will act accordingly as soon as we havethenecessaryinformation.”

Significant Progress in Servicing Extension 8 in Narraville

Continued from page 1

Exciting developments are taking place as the first phase of land servicing at Extension 8 in Narraville iswellunderway.Withtheinstallation of the water and sewer reticulation network currently in progress and preparations for road works in full swing,thevisionforthisnewextension isbecomingareality.

During the recent tabling of the 2022/2023 Budget,CouncillorRichardHoaeb,Chairperson of the Management Committee, emphasised the importance of land delivery by allocating the largest percentage of the budget (39%) to this endeavour ThefocusonExtension8signifiesthe commitment of the local authorities to address the growing demand for residential and commercialspacesinNarraville.

Extension 8 holds great promise as it is set to yieldatotalof225erven,offeringadiverserange of property options to cater to different needs. The allocation includes single residential erven, businesserven,localbusinesserven,institutional erven, and even a designated cemetery This comprehensiveapproachaimstocreateavibrant andsustainablecommunitythatcansupportboth residentialandcommercialactivities. The ongoing land servicing activities are laying thefoundationforthedevelopmentofExtension 8. The installation of the water and sewer reticulationnetworkisacrucialstepinensuring that essential services are readily available to futureresidentsandbusinesses.Simultaneously, preparations for road works signify the commitment to creating well-connected and accessibleinfrastructurewithintheextension.


Urges Community to Help
Website: www.namibtimes.net Contact our Swakopmund branch at 064-461866 or visit them at Ané Court no. 13 opposite Namib High School
Eileen van der Schyff

Appointment of 12 Board Members to the Diamond Board of Namibia

The Minister of Mines and Energy, Hon. Tom Alweendo, made a significant announcement on Tuesday this week, revealing the appointment of 12 esteemed individualstotheDiamondBoardofNamibia.TheDiamondBoard,responsiblefor advisingtheMinisteronmatterspertainingtothediamondindustry,playsapivotal roleinshapingthenation'seconomiclandscape.

Municipal Account Payment Scam Alert

Walvis Bay Municipality Warns Residents of Fraudulent Activities

The Municipality of Walvis Bay has issued a crucial warning to its residents regarding a prevalent scam targeting unsuspecting individuals. Recent reports have exposed an individual, operating under the name Mr De Waal, falsely claiming to be a senior official from the municipality. The scammer alleges that customers' water supply is at risk of beingcutoffduetooverdueaccounts.Itisimportanttonote that this scammer may also operate under an alternative identity.

ResidentsofWalvis Bay are urged to exercise extreme caution and remain vigilant to avoid fallingvictimtothis deceitfulploy

The municipality emphasisesthatthis scam is specifically designed to trick individualsintosurrendering their

hard-earned money, personal details, or sensitivedata.

To protect yourself from falling prey to thisscam,theMunicipality of Walvis Bay advises residents to adhere to the followingguidelines: The municipality does not initiate phone calls deman-

dingimmediatepayments from residents. Be wary of any unsolicited calls requesting account settlement.

Exercise caution whenapproachedby individualsposingas municipality representatives.

Refrainfrommaking anyformofpayment

Chaired by Erasmus Shivolo, the newly appointed Diamond Board comprises a diverse group of professionals who bring their expertise and knowledge to the table. Among them is Maenge Shipiki Kali, who assumes the position of Deputy Chairperson, alongside Festus Nghifenwa, PaulineThomas,BarthlomeusDeKlerk,Brent Eiseb, Emily Kapulwa, Desley Somseb, BenitaHerma,WollenZuleikaNell,IsabellaChirchir,andNekuliloIthete.


to suspicious individuals without verifying their authenticity

Never disclose personal information, such as identification numbers or bank account details, to strangers or unfamiliarparties.

Intheeventofreceiving a call from suspicious individuals making such claims, promptly report the matter to the nearest police station for further investigation.


the vital role of the diamond industry in Namibia's economy The Minister highlighted that the diamond sector contributes significantly to the nation's overall exports from the mining industry, accountingformorethan50%ofthetotal. Furthermore, in the year 2022, the diamondindustryaccountedforastaggering 55%ofthetaxesgeneratedbythemining sector. These statistics emphasise the industry'simmensevalueandtheneedfor carefulmanagement

Walvis Bay to remain vigilant and promptly report any suspicious activity related to this scam By working together as a community, we can effectively combat such fraudulent acts and protect our fellow citizens from falling

victim to these scams. Forfurtherinquiries or to report any incidents, residents are encouraged to contact the Walvis Bay Municipality directly through their official channels.

Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Court SwakopmundCourtReport


Estine Rodney Sonn (32), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 23 Augustforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccused remainsincustody

Thomas Akwaake (20) and Benhard Bdangi Nangolo (24), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 11 August to be heard in the Regional Court of Swakopmund.Theaccusedareonbail.

LazarusDaniel(28)andNdilimekeKadila (31), appeared on charges of possession and dealing in dependence-producing substance.

Thematterwaspostponedto24Augustforcoaccusedtobere-arrested.LazarusDanielisat large, and a warrant of arrest was issued and NdilimekeKadilahavebeenwarned.

Fransiskus Jagger (47) and Isaac Pinto Kaulinge (23), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance.

Thematterwaspostponedto4Decemberfor pleaandtrial.Theaccusedareonbail.

AdrianaKalimbo(40),appearedonacharge of robbery The matter was postponed to 13 July for tracing of accused.The accused is at large,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.

Seun Kooper (31), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Thematterwaspostponedto27Julyforplea andtrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody PetrusEkandjo(36),appearedonachargeof theft. The matter was postponed to 5 Septemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedhasbeen warned.

JosephineDaniel(32),appearedonacharge of theft. The matter was postponed to 3 October for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.

Maheshkumar Khunt (40), appeared on a charge of indecent assault. The matter was postponedto8Augustforfixingoftrialdate. Theaccusedisonbail.

Johannes Nakufunga (44) and Josef Namombili (20), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 16 January for pleaandtrial.Theaccusedareonbail.

Clifton Aswon (44) and Werner Goliath (35), appeared on a charge of murder The matter was postponed to 8 August for legal aid.Theaccusedareonbail.

Shilume Jeremia (24), appeared on charges of fraud and money laundering- disguising unlawful origin of property The matter was postponedto8Augustforlegalaid.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Fritz Goseb (31), appeared on a charge of attemptedmurder Thematterwaspostponedto 10 August for further investigation The accusedisonbail.

Johan Edhard Wagner (48) and Enwee Van Blerk (47), appeared on a charge of fraud 1st alternative to count 1-theft. The matter was postponed to 14 November for further investigation.Theaccusedareonbail.

Felix Mushimba (25), appeared on charges of dealing in dependence-producing substance, possession of cocaine and possession of dangerous dependence-producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 4 September for lab results.Theaccusedremainsincustody

JohannesJohnNakupanga(45),appearedon charges of theft and possession of sus-pected stolen property The matter was post-poned to 16January2024forpleaandtrial.Theaccused remainsincustody

Kayleish Duraan (23) and Gregory Kavin

GregApril (30), appearedonachargeoftheft out of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponedto30Octoberforpleaandtrial.The accusedremainincustody

Nesley Goseb (30), appeared on charges of assault by threat read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003, and malicious damage to property The matter was postponedto9Augustforlegalaid.Theaccused remainsincustody

Adriaan Esterhuizen (22), appeared on chargesofdrivingundertheinfluenceofintoxicating liquor and driving with an excessive bloodalcohollevel.Thematterwaspostponed to 16 January 2024 for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.

SamuelKashiwa(34),appearedonachargeof driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 20 July for sentence.Theaccusedisonbail.

EliakimHamukotoIgnatius(28),appearedon a charge of assault-common. The matter was postponed to 14 December for plea


LesleyNdjarakana (38),appeared offorgeryandutteringaforgedinstrument road traffic regulations- falsifying/ feiting license number or licence matterwaspostponedto20September aid.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Erwin Marcel Doeseb (23), appeared chargeofrobbery.Thematterwas 17Julybecausethedocketwasnot accusedisonbail.

MaakaVanDerWesthuizen(47), a charge of assault with intent to

bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 August for mental observationreportintermsofsection79.Theaccusedisonbail.

Shikongo Immanuel (39) and Anna Shipahu (29), appeared on a chargeofdrugs-tobaccoact.Thematterwaspostponedto10Julybecausetheaccusedwasabsent.ShikongoImmanuelisonbailandAnna Shipahuhavebeenwarned.

Paulus Shanika (20), Johannes Shithindi (21), and Fabio Doeseb (18),appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwaspostponedto20 September for co-accused to be rearrested. Paulus Shanika and Johannes Shithindi remain in custody and Fabio Doeseb is at large, a warrantofarrestwasissued.

Allen Patric Muraranganda (34) andAsse Gariseb (37), appeared onachargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto28Augustforfixing oftrialdate.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned.

Matias Mbedi Hainane (41), appeared on a charge of assault with intenttodogrievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto12July becausethedocketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedisonbail.

Latocha Garoes (21), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponedto10July forpleaonaccusedrequest.Theaccusedisonbail.

Johanna Marungu (19), appeared on a charge of Children's Actabandonment of child.The matter was postponed to 6 September for labresults.Theaccusedisonbail.

PetrusKashimba(35),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintentto dogrievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto7Decemberfor pleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

LukasJunias(30),appearedonchargesofrobberyandpossessionof suspected stolen property

The matter was postponed to 26 July for furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainincustody



TotalEnergiesCelebratedforVenusDiscovery offNamibia,Wins"DiscoveryoftheYear"

In a remarkable achievement for the energy industry, TotalEnergies has been honoured with the prestigious "Discovery of theYear" award byWood Mackenzie forits remarkableVenus find offshore Namibia. The recognition highlights TotalEnergies' outstandingexplorationeffortsanditsabilitytouncoversignificant volumesofadvantageousresources.

Wood Mackenzie's senior vice president, Dr Andrew Latham, commended TotalEnergies and its head of exploration, Kevin McLachlan, along with the entire team for their well-deserved win. This marks the third time TotalEnergies has been named the most-admired explorer in the industry, further solidifying its reputationforexcellence.

The Venus discovery, situated in waterswithadepthof3000meters, hasgarneredsignificantattentionas a game-changer for the industry Latham described it as a "play opener" that has generated tremendous excitement throughout the sector He also emphasised the potential impact of the project on Namibia, stating that if it moves forward,itcouldestablishacrucial newindustryforthecountry

TotalEnergies is working on the Namibian license in collaboration withQatarEnergy(QE),ImpactOil &Gas,andNamcor Thecompany's commitmenttopushingboundaries and uncovering substantial resourceshaspositioneditasarole modelwithintheindustry


TotalEnergies in early 2022, and subsequent exploration and appraisal activities have been ongoing this year, approachingaflowtest.Wood Mackenzie estimates that Venus could hold an impressive3billionbarrelsof oil equivalent recoverable, potentially leading to a development with a capacity of 250 000 barrels per day This find has positioned TotalEnergies' Namibian license as a potential "golden block," drawing comparisons tothehighlyproductiveBlock 17inAngola.

TotalEnergies' remarkable achievement in the Venus discovery showcases the company's commitment to pushing boundaries, opening new frontiers, and uncovering substantial energy resources. This recognition not only highlights their expertise and dedication but also underscores Namibia's potential as an important player in the globalenergylandscape.

Source:EnergyVoice HONEYGUIDE




Thefollowingletterservestoinformthecompetentauthorityof ourresolutionandintenttochangethenameofourvesselfrom MFV“Matilda”toMFV“HelenaNdume”.

It is a privilege for us to name the vessel after the miracle Dr Helena Nedume in celebration of his humanitarian work and contributiontohelpNamibiamostneeded.wearehonourthat Dr Nedumehasacceptedourrequest.

Photo: Patrick Pouyanne, Chief Executive Officer of TotalEnergies (Bloomberg)
SamNujomaAvenueWalvisBay(Namibia) honeyguideinvestments@gmail.com

Erongo Business and Tourism Expo 2023

This year's Erongo Business and Tourism Expo (EBTE) under the theme, Innovate, Integrate, Industrialise, is scheduledtotakeplaceattheWalvisBayCivicCentrefrom 25to28October.

TheannualErongoBusinessandTourismExpomarkssixteenyearsof existencethisyear TheExpoisoneofNamibia'spremierandleading trade, investment and networking events, connecting businesses locally and beyond. According to the Chairperson of the Organising Committee, Desire Stevens, the Expo will enable businesses to converge and showcase their products and services to potential customers, partners and investors. Stevens said, “we have over the yearshosteddiversebusinessesandindustries,providingopportunities for businesses to connect with potential customers, suppliers, and partners,whichinmostinstancesledtonewbusinessopportunitiesand partnerships. In partnership with LSK Consulting and the Erongo Governor's Office, the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Business Chambers, this year's EXPO will focus on encouraging regional and national economy to shift from reliance on natural resources to increasedinvestmentinmanufacturingprocessesinordertoresuscitate andgrowindustriesforsustainablevaluechains.”Sheaddedthatinline withthetheme'sthrust,EBTE2023willfeatureafocusontheFishing, Maritime and Mining sectors. “As part of our value promise for improvedandqualityexhibits,we,therefore,inviteparticipationfrom allstakeholderstostrengthenvaluechainsforeconomicdevelopment for the region and country Therefore, the successful hosting of an exhibition of this repute can only be made possible with the able assistanceofstrategicpartnerslikeyourselves.”

Drug &AlcoholAddiction Treatment

Centre For more info contactArno Engels Cell: 081 860 8326 email: mountsinainamibia@gmail.com

Empowering women in Small-Scale Fisheries

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) promoting Gender Equality and Economic Empowerment in Namibia’s Small-Scale Fisheriessector.

Inanefforttoaddressgenderdisparitiesandpromote women's empowerment within the smallscale fisheries sector in Namibia, a pioneering training workshop was held under the banner "Achieving Gender Equality and Women's EmpowermentinSmall-ScaleFisheries"on7Julyin Mariental.

The event, which took place over three days, broughttogetheragroupof23women,including fisherwomen, fish processors, and fish traders fromacrossNamibia's14regions,whoaremembers of the Namibia Women's Fisheries Network (NAMFISHNET), with the aim of discussing opportunities,sharingexperiences,andexploring strategiesforfosteringgenderequalityinthisvital industry NAMFISHNET,establishedin2022,isNamibia's chapterofAWFISHNET,theAfricanWomenFish Processors' and Traders' Network.AWFISHNET comprisesmembersfromAfricanUnionMember States,includingNamibia.

Organised by the FAO in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR),theworkshopaimedtoraiseawareness about the importance of women's participation andinclusionindecision-makingprocessesandto enhancetheirsocio-economicopportunitieswithinthesector

Additionally,theworkshopalsosoughttostrengthen NAMFISHNET's organisational capacities andestablishlessonslearnedandkeyissuesnoted forinformingotherSmall-ScaleFisheriesOrganisations (SSFOs) in the future. The workshop empowered NAMFISHNET members to contributetotheirnetwork'sstrategy,growth,anddevelopment.

During the workshop, the workshop facilitator, Alushe Hitula, FAO Fisheries Consultant, highlightedthesignificanceoftheworkshop'stheme. "Women play an essential role in small-scale fisheries, yet their contributions often go unnoticedorundervalued.Thisworkshopprovidesa platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange, and capacity-building, enabling us to work together towards achieving gender equality and women's empowerment,"shestated.

Participants from diverse backgrounds and roles shared their insights and experiences during the workshop, highlighting the challenges faced by womeninthesectorandproposingpotentialsolutions. Two participants, Kaarin Kuumbwa and Aina Petrus, expressed their perspectives on the importanceofempoweringwomeninsmall-scale fisheries.

"Integrating women into small-scale fisheries in Namibia promotes socio-economic empowerment, sustainable development, and knowledge transfer ThankyoutoFAO,theMinistryoffisheries and NAMFISHNET for this opportunity," saidKaarinKuumbwa,afisherwomanandyouth fromthecoastalcommunityofWalvisBay

Meanwhile, Aina Petrus, NAMFISHNET Founder andChairperson,emphasisedtheeconomicbenefits of empowering women. "As a woman small-scale fisher in Namibia, I have witnessed firsthand the economic benefits that come with empowering women. When women are given equal access to resources, training, and opportunities, we become powerful contributors to the growth and sustainability of our communities. Investing in women meansinvestingineconomicprosperityforall." Throughout the workshop, participants engaged in interactive sessions, group exercises, and discussions that focused on identifying challenges and opportunities in their respective communities and thinking up practical ways to promote gender equality in the small-scale fisheries sector through NAMFISHNET

The importance of building supportive networks suchasNAMFISHNET,providingaccesstoresources, markets, education, and training, and ensuring fair representation in leadership positions emerged

askeyareasthatneedtobeaddressed in order for women to flourish in the small-scalefisheriessub-sector

The workshop concluded with the completion of NAMFISHNET's actionplanandthefinalizationoftheir Constitution. Additionally, the women took part in

an observation mission organised by MFMR, which took place at the Hardap Inland and Aqua-culture Centre. During this mission, MFMR staff provided NAM-FISHNET memberswithorientationtrainingby demonstrating the fish production process.

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Namibia Building Workers Pension Fund Now Permits Higher Level Contributions

After having applied for RuleAmendments by the Registrar of Pension Funds undertheauspicesoftheNamibianFinancialInstitutionsSupervisoryAuthority (NAMFISA),theNamibianBuildingWorkerPensionFund(NBWPF)nowallows forhigherlevelmonthlycontributionsfromboththememberandtheemployer, respectively.

Although, the application to seek amendmentofrule4(Contributions) of the

NBWPF's Fund Rules (Consolidated Rules, NBWPF, 1 March 2008) wasapprovedon22Octo-

ber 2022 by the Registrar of Pensions, news about positiveimplicationofthe amendmentsisnotwidely

spread and the NBWPF aimstoinformitscurrent –aswellasprospectivemembersandemployers

about the opportunity the Rule Amendment provides.

Previously, the monthly membercontributionwas restricted to a rate of 4% of his or her salary This hasnowchanged,andthe Rule Amendment allows formembermonthlycontributions that are higher than4%. As such, rule 4.1.1 of the

NBWPF Fund Rules has been changed as follows:

“The member shall contribute monthly to the Fund at a minimum flat rate of 4 per cent of this Fund Salary or such higher specified rate as set out in the Special Rules”.

In addition, rule 4.2.1 of the NBWPF Fund Rules has been changed to

ensure at minimum a match between the Employer and Member contributions The change is as follows:

“The Employer shall make a minimum monthly contribution in respect of each Member equalto4percentofthe Member's Fund Salary or such higher specified rate as set out in the SpecialRules.

Mr Enwich Kazondu, principal officer of the NBPWF says: “We are very happy that these amendments have been approved. In this way, contribution from both the employer and the member are not restricted to the minimum, but there is now scope to improve the retirement package of our members.Withthesechanges in place, which no longer restrict the level ofcontribution,employers can improve their employee's remuneration package, by increasing the contribution to the employee's pension fund. Besides contributingtowardsthe employees' long-term social protection, it is also important that employerstakenotethat these contributions are tax deductible expenses fortheirbusinesses. With the change in the levelofcontributionsby both the employer and themember,thescopeis also widened by who would join the pension fund

Mr Kazondu explains: “The amendment speaks to those employers that would like to find a pension fundinourindustrythat looksattheneedsofthe entire spectrum of their employees, across the board. For all so-called categories of employees thereisnowaplacewith us to build their retirement savings “That allowsforastream-lined approach and far easier pension fund administration which is favoured by our contributing employers. At the same time, it will help to further the value of the fund, which currently stands at around NAD 220 million, with 2547 actively paying members. “The NBPWF has embarked on a campaign that is aimed at informing current and prospective employers about the changes and related benefits. As the employing businesses are not required to be only construction businesses,otherprofessions and sectors closely aligned to the construction sector, will be engagedtosharewiththem the opportunities and benefits the fund provides”.


Namibia's Justina Ashiyana Appointed As The Worldskills Champion - Trust Representative For Africa, Empowering Africa's Youth Through Skills Development

JustinaAshiyanaisappointedtoserveasWorldSkillsChampionsTrustRepresentative for Africa from 2023 to 2024, representing the African continent together with South Africa'sMihleMvelakubi.TheWorldSkillsChampionsTrustisavolunteergroupofpast CompetitorswhoarethevoiceofyoungpeopleintheWorldSkillsmovementwhoworkto raise levels of engagement among WorldSkills Champions (past competitors) and promoteactiveinvolvementinWorldSkillsprojects,initiatives,andactivities.

ChampionsTrustrepresentativesspeakatmultiplehigh-level international events and take a leading role at WorldSkills Competitions.EightnewmembersfromAfrica,theAmericas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania joined three returning representativesintheTrust.Tohoneherskills,Justinarecently attended her first training in Lyon France where she met the rest of the WSCT representatives and participated in leadershipandmediatrainingsessionsandforums.Fromher humble beginnings at Omatando in Ongwediva, Justina's skills journey has taken her to local and international platforms, where she has made a significant impact and emergedasarolemodelforAfricanyouth.

Growing up, Justina developed a deep-rooted passion for Joinery through her father's influence, who was involved in constructionwork.Herearlyexposuretothetradenurturedher skillsandignitedadesiretobecomeanArtisan.In2016,Justina tookpartintheNationalSkillsCompetition,intheJoinerytrade where she proceeded to represent Namibia at the WorldSkills Competition in Abu Dhabi 2017. She has since been an ambassadorforskillsandhasparticipatedinvariousplatforms, representing the Namibian and African youth, including the PanAfricanYouthForuminAddisAbabain2019,Oneofthe Team Leaders at the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund Competition, top 5 runner up of the 2020 WorldSkills BeChangeMakerAfricaCompetition,employedasatemporary Assistant joinery trainer at Valombola Vocational Training centrein2019andiscurrentlyenrolledforaNationalDiploma instructorcourseinTVETattheNamibiaUniversityofScience andTechnology(NUST).Theseexperienceshavesolidifiedher positionasacatalystforchange,activelycontributingtoskills developmentinhercommunityandadvocatingforequalaccess toskill-buildingopportunities.


As the sole female competitor among a number of male participants, Justina's journey at the WorldSkills competition was filled with challenges and triumphs which is an inspiring testamenttothepowerofpassion,determination,andbreaking of gender barriers. The international platform allowed her to connectwithtalentedindividualsworldwide,fosteringaglobal network of joiners and exchanging innovative ideas. Notably, Justina's resilience and talent drew admiration from fellow women, who became instant fans, cheering her on and capturing moments with her This unforgettable experience continuestoinspireyoungindividualstopursuetheirpassions fearlessly


Justina's commitment to empowering African youth extends beyond her achievements in her pivotal role in 2019 of launching the '1 Million by 2021' African Union (AU)

initiative, which aims to provide one million young Africans with opportunities in Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, and Engagement (4E's). Furthermore, her participation in the WorldSkills Be Change

Maker Africa Competition showcased her leadershipskillsandpropelledhertobecomea temporary trainer at Valombola VTC and WorldSkillsNamibiaExpertinJoinery A Living Testimony and using skills as a GatewaytoTransformation

Justina's journey is a living testimony to the transformative power of skills. Recognising the potential of skills to improve lives

sustainably Her unwavering dedication to creating equal access to skills development opportunities emphasise the importance of collaborationandtheAfricanproverb,"Ifyou wanttogofast,goalone.Ifyouwanttogofar, gotogether."Justinahasbecomeaninfluential force in driving change and empowering Africa's youth through her accomplishments andcommitment.

During her two-year term as a Champions Trust Representative for Africa, Justina will developherconnectionstolocal,continental, and global communities to inspire and support young people to pursue a skill. The rolewillbroadenhernetworkanddeepenher communications skills. Justina will play a pivotal role in the promotion of the National SkillsCompetitionOngwediva2023. SheisthesecondNamibianyouthtorepresent Namibia on the WorldSkills Champions Trust Her remarkable journey, determination, passion for skills, and advocacy for equal access to skills development opportunities have made her a rolemodelforAfricanyouth,arolewhichshe has embraced. Her transformative impact serves as a reminder that skills can change lives, uplift communities, and pave the way for a brighter future. Encouraging fellow young people to follow their dreams and believeinthemselves.


Küska Kicks Off with Announcement of Prince and Princess

TheannualKüska,alsoknownastheSwakopmundcarnival, kickedoffwithgreatexcitementrecentlyasthe2023prince andprincesswererevealedattheHausderJugendHall.This year marked the 36th edition of the festival, which was celebratedunderthetheme'Wasistschonnormal'(Whatis normal anyway). The crowning of the new prince and princess stood out as a major highlight in this traditional Germanfestival.

Approximately 100 attendees gathered to witness the royal ball on the first day of the carnival. The evening was filled with captivating performances, humorous talks, and the announcement of theroyalcouple.

Former prince and princess Erwin

Leuschner and Benita von Schmettau handed over their crowns to Gerald Güther and

Claudia Gabarde, who were also seen participating in the street processiononSaturday morning.

Joachim Von Wietersheim, one of the carnival's organisers, mentioned that the first international evening was held on Friday, June 23, followed by the Kuskika event.The second international evening was scheduled for June 27 The

carnival concluded withastreetprocession on Saturday, 1 July, starting from M+Z Motors and ending at the SFC sports hall in Swakopmund. The Swakopmund carnival provided a celebration for all attendees, featuring a range of events that embraced the town's German traditions and vibrant community spirit.

Eileen van der Schyff

UNAM Students Rally for Ombyarundu Primary School in Opuwo, Urgent Support Needed

Agroupofdedicatedfinal-yearstudentsfromtheUniversityofNamibia(UNAM) has joined forces to make a difference in the lives of the children attending OmbyarunduPrimarySchoolinOpuwo.Operatingunderthename"Blackstone," afictionallegalpractice,thesestudentsarepartofUNAM'slegalclinic,wherethey are honing their professional skills by actively engaging with underprivileged communities, identifying significant challenges, and offering practical solutions. TheircurrentcommunityimpactprojectfocusesonOmbyarunduPrimarySchool, whichservesasacrucialplatformforprovidingopportunitiesandimprovedliving conditions to the marginalised Himba and Damara communities residing in the OmbyarunduvillageoftheRuacanaConstituency.

The students are appealing to the public for donationsandsupporttoensurethesuccessoftheir project. They are seeking various contributions, includingmonetarydonations,second-handclothes (for children aged 7-13), maize meal, toiletries, shoes, school uniforms, mattresses, and any other essential items that would benefit the school's students.Thestudentsthemselveshavetakenupthe responsibility of personally delivering these donations to Ombyarundu Primary School in Opuwo,emphasisingtheircommitmenttomakinga directandmeaningfulimpact.

Walvis Bay resident, Chantell van Zyl, the spokesperson for the fictional law firm, Blackstone, explained the significance of their choice to support Ombyarundu Primary School. Situated just eight kilometers away from the NAMPOWERhydroelectricplantintheRuacana Constituency, the school caters to marginalised learners who face numerous challenges in accessing quality education. By raising public awareness through this newspaper article, the studentshopetoshedlightonthecurrentsituation oftheschoolandgarnermuch-neededsupport. Ombyarundu Primary School initially began as a kindergarten established by Mr Festus Mbwale and his wife, Mrs. Sarah Mbwale, in 2015. With the assistance of donors from the Netherlands Connected to Namibia (CTN) group, the kindergarten flourished for five years Subsequently,onJanuary1,2021,theschoolwas officially registered with the Ministry of Education, marking an important milestone in its journey

One of the critical aspects addressed by this community initiative is absenteeism and late arrivals, which are primarily caused by the learners' remote residential locations. To tackle this issue and enhance the students' performance, thecommunity,alongwithdonorsfromCTNand the founders, decided to establish a small school hostel for the young learners aged 5 to 14. This hostel has become a vital support system for the school,providingasafeplaceforchildrentostay andensuringtheyreceiveregularmeals.

Unfortunately,duetothechallengesposedbythe COVID-19pandemic,thehostelhasexperienceda setback in terms of support from donors. The founders,Mr andMrs.Mbwale,havetakenonthe responsibilityofprovidingessentialsuppliessuch asmaizemeal,soups,cookingoil,andsugarfrom their own pockets. However, this limited support has led to a scarcity of food and clothing for the students, affecting their well-being and educationaljourney

The current situation calls for urgent assistance from the public. The hostel requires a substantial amount of food to cater to the 45 to 60 students residingthere.Thisincludes7bagsofmaizemeal (at N$600 each), 2 bags of sugar weighing 10 kilograms each (at N$160 each), 2 bottles of cooking oil measuring 5 liters each (at N$450 each), and 7 bags of soup weighing 5 kilograms each.

For donations, the law firm can be contacted on +264 81 323 0267 / +264 81 789 3919 / blackstonelegalfirm24@gmail.com

School News NAMIBTIMES11 7JULY2023
Eileen van der Schyff

Students of United States' Pacific Ridge School Visit Swakopmund

Thirty-threestudentsfromPacificRidgeHighSchoolintheUSArecentlyvisited WestsideHighSchoolinSwakopmund.

The American students donated new locksforofficesandotherbuildingsthat need locks and did Service Learning at the school with some of the learners of the coastal school and worked in the school'sgardenandhelpwithothersmall activities like cross-cultural activities betweentheteamfromtheUSAandyour students.

Founder,GeneralManagerandProgram Director of Kidz Africa & EDU Africa, Sharon Holgate said that Service-Learningprogramsrunannuallyandthatthey would love to develop a relationship between Kidz Africa & EDU Africa, as wellasalocalSwakopmundCommunity worker,MarianneBurger,withWestside HighSchool,thatcancontinueonalongterm basis, and be able to assist in

uplifting your school by helping assist with the needs that you have highlighted forWestsideHighSchool.

Pacific Ridge School has successfully concluded their inspiring program in Namibia.

Holgate said, “this transformative experienceaimedtoequiplearnerswithessential hard and soft skills to thrive in our increasingly interconnected world. From thebustlingcitystreetsofWindhoektothe coastal charm of Swakopmund and the awe-inspiring desert salt pans of Etosha, the learners explored diverse regions of Namibia. Their journey allowed them to expand their knowledge, challenge preconceivednotions,andbreakfreefrom stereotypes.”

School News

Initiative Creates Inviting Learning Environment at Westside High School

In an inspiring display of community collaboration, West-side High School took the initiative to transform a substan-dard classroom into an inviting learning environment. Like many government schools, Westside High School had been struggling with a lack of proper maintenance, leaving some classrooms in disrepair

Oneparticularclassroomfacedasignificantchallenge:adeterioratingfloorduetoa leaking roof. Flooding had caused numerous tiles to lift, leaving behind an unappealing and dusty cement floor Recognising the need for change, the school initiated consultations and sought the support of Grade 7 parents and sponsors from localhardwarestores.

The response from the community was remarkable. UNIONTiles promptly stepped forwardandgenerouslysponsoredthemuch-neededfloortiles.Additionally,parents and Woermann Brock Hardware contributed materials, while Mr Juandre Feris, a dedicatedparent,playedapivotalroleinoverseeingtherenovations.Mr Feristookit uponhimselftopainttheclassroomandfixthedoor,showcasingthepowerofpersonal dedication.

Itwasnotonlytheadultswhocontributedtothistransformation;someofthelearners also actively participated in the physical work. Their involvement demonstrated a sharedsenseofprideandownershipintheirlearningenvironment.

Westside High School expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Julien Swartz, UNION Tiles, Woermann Brock Hardware, the supportive parents, and the enthusiastic learners for their generous donations and remarkable execution of the project. Their collective efforts have not only revitalised the classroom but also instilledasenseofrenewedenergyandinspirationamongbothstudentsandteachers.

Mahatma Gandhi's famous quote, "If you want to see change, be the change," rings true in the actions of Mrs. Julien Swartz and the entire Westside High School community Through their dedication and collaborative spirit, they have created a positiveandconducivelearningenvironment,settinganexampleforotherstofollow



(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Mr Constantuis Dausab, PO Box164,Usakos.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Massive Discount Mini Market&TakeAways.

3 Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates:Erf5& 6, Theo Ben Gurirab


4. Nature and details of application: Grocery LiquorLicenceSellingof Alcohol Beverages - not c o n s u m p t i o n o n premises.

5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Usakos.

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 28 June2023.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 9August 2023. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 daysbeforethedateofthe meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.




(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.

1 Name and postal addressofapplicant:Mr Vincent Mangundu P O Box 27, Karibib, ErongoRegion.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates:SkyCarwash.

3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 501, Usab Location,


4. Nature and details of application: Shebeen LiquorLicence, Selling & Serving of Alcohol Beverages - on Consumption on premise as adverted.

5.ClerkoftheCourtwith whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Karibib.

6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 28 June2023.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 9August 2023. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relationtotheapplication must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21 daysbeforethedateofthe meetingoftheCommittee at which the application willbeheard.


TOWNSHP/AREA: KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO:WakunaStreet,Extention18

CONSENT: Ocean View Academy ON ERF NO: 5369

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiventhat I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to establish on the site a/an: Ocean View Academy Kindergarten,Pre-Primary,Day-Care.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,mustlodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay andtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan:21July2023




School News



E 2146/2022

In the estate of the late GISELA HENNY KIRCHNER, Namibian Identity nr 450110 0037 0, who died on 16 June 2022, resided at Frail Care Centre, Antonius Residence, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was unmarried.

Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.




Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owner, to the Municipal Council of Swakopmund,theUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoard, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development for thefollowing:

Erf 1266 Matutura Extension 7: Rezoning from General Residential 2 with a density of 1:250m² to Single Residential with a density of 1:300m² and subsequent subdivision into 12 erven (11 Portions and theRemainder).

Theaforementionedapplicationissubmittedintermsof theUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of 2018)andtheSwakopmundZoningScheme.


(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at the Town Planning Department of the Swakopmund Municipality, on the corner of Rakotoka and Daniel KamhoStreetSwakopmund,orcanbedownloadedfrom www.sp.com.na/projects;

(b) any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund MunicipalityandwithStewartPlanningwithin14days ofthelastpublicationofthisnotice.

(c) Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Thursday,27July2023.

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer

Municipality of Swakopmund P O.Box53 Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, erf 6215 WalvisBayExtension19 (Lease No. 2 on Portion 196 of Walvis Bay Town andTownlands)situated along Gertrud Rikumbi Kandanga-Hilukilwa Road, nearby to the Waste Water Treatment Works for industrial purposes (batching and brick making plants) to theBaardGroup.


Erf 6215 Walvis Bay Extension19(LeaseNo.2 on Portion 196 of Walvis Bay Town and Townlands)



Town&Regional Planners

P.O.Box2095 WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773


Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intendstoapply,onbehalfoftheregisteredownerofErf 2839 Walvis Bay, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development for the following:


Erf2839WalvisBaymeasures±832m²andissituatedon thecornerofPeterDixonStreetand3rdRoadWest. The purposeoftheapplicationistoenableSeventy7Consultingtocontinueoperatingitsofficesonthepropertyona permanentbasis. Theapplicationissubmittedinterms oftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(No.5of 2018) and in terms of the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The rezoning of land zoned residential to business (which includes an office) is a listed activity, and application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(No.7of2007).


(a)Thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive or canbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects;

(b) Any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the ChiefExecutiveOfficerattheWalvisBayMunicipality and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice.

(c) Written objections or comments must be submitted before17:00Thursday,3August2023.


MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017, Tel:+264642013339 WalvisBay13013 townplanning@walvisbaycc. org.na


StewartPlanning P.O.Box2095, Tel:+26464280770 WalvisBay13013 melissa@sp.com.na

Area: ±15,625m ² (1.5625 Hectares)


LightIndustrial PurchasePrice: N$468,750 – excluding VAT (N$30 00/m²) or N$539,062.50–including VAT

An additional amount of N$46,875.00 – excluding VAT (N$53,906 25 –including VAT) is to be paid to the Council's Landscaping/Green Belt Fund.

Fullparticularspertaining to the intended sale by privatetransactionwilllie open for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday 25 July 2023 at Room 29, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond.For moreinformation,Mrs.S. Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3232 during normal officehours. Any person objecting to the proposed sale may, in writing, lodge an objection together with the grounds/motivation thereof, to the Manager: HousingandPropertiesat the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Friday 28July2023at12:00.

JackRobertManale Manager:Housingand Properties MunicipalOffices CivicCentre NangoloMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay


Telephone: (064) 201 3232 E-Mail: ssatchipia@ walvisbaycc.org.na

No:2017/0334 ESTATE NOTICE
Email all your news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068 Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: journalist5@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to: sharlien@nambitimes.net

C l a s s i f i e d s

E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netORswk@namibtimes.net CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication



C1E/CEDriversLicence, 15YearsExperiencein retaildeliveries.

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Connyis52jaaroud, opsoeknatuisversorging werkinSwakopmundof oralsinNamibia.Ekhet jareondervindingen‘n sertifikaatintuisversorging ennoodhulp.Ekkanook werkmetAlzhemeren Demensiepasiënte.



Iama36year-oldwoman basedinswakopmund, lookingforanykindof work,domesticwork,ERs, ironing,cleaning,taking careofkids,oldpeople withrespectandlove,also carwashes,sellingintuck shop,takeaway,restaurant, hotels,restcamps.Ihave grade10certificateand wasavolunteeratMinistry ofHealthandSocial Servicesinfirstaid.Ican startanyday Yourhelp willbehighlyappreciated




JOBWANTED: A27yearoldlady, CurrentlyinWalvisBay Ihavecertificatesin Hospitality&Toursim. Accommodationservices

Level2Food& BeveragesServices Level2Frontoffice operationsLevel3I studiedatNakayale whereIobtainallmy certificates..Amcurrently lookingforjobasA housekeeperoranyjob inyour establishment..Laina Josef0812725872

WERKGESOEK: Frieda35jaaropsoekna huiswerkofnannywerk inSwakopen Walvisbaai.Kan skoonmaakenstryk.Ek isbaiehardwerkend,en hetgoeieverwysings.


JOBWANTED: Ladylookingforpart timedomesticworkin WalvisBay.Mondays, Wednesdays& Thursdays-Saturdays.


JOBWANTED: a46yearoldladyis lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay, cleaningandironing. LagoonorLangstrand.


WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk inWalvisbaaiofSwakop. Ekis40jaaroud.



Ekis‘n32jarigedame opsoeknawerkin Walvisbaai,ekkangoed skoonmaakasookna kindersomsien.Meersig ofLagoon.Ekkanenige tydbegin.


JOBWANTED: Iama25yearoldlady searchingforgeneral work.Icandolaundry andiswillingtostart anytime.


WERKGESOEK: Jongdameopsoekna was,stryk,skoonmaak werk.Maandaetot Vrydae.Ekkanenigetyd begin.


JOBWANTED: Iama42yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work.3to5daysaweek. WalvisBay.Readyto startimmediately




Iamaladyof28yearsof agelookingforanytype ofworkinSwakopmund, pleasecontactme:081 3922731


Iama34yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inSwakopmund,Ihave5 yearsexperience,Monday forFriday.IcanStartany day

Contact:0817588092/ 0816037225

JOBWANTED: Iamaladyof23years oldurgentlylookingfor domesticworkin Swakopmund.


JOBWANTED: Iama39yearoldwoman lookingforanytypeof work,domestic, babysitting,cashiering. MondaytoFridayin Swakopmund.


JOBWANTED: Iama24yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork inSwakopmund,Iam hardworkingandcanstart anytimeplease.


JOBWANTED: Iamaselfmotivatedand hardworkingwoman lookingforajobin Swakopmund,Mile4, LongBeachand Kramersdorf.Ihave experienceindomestic work,officecleaningand ironingclothes.

Contact:0816226071/ 0817576527

JOBWANTED: Iama38yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork inSwakopmund,Monday toFriday


JOBWANTED: I'ma25yearoldman lookingforworkin SwakopmundorWalvis Bay,Ihaveexperience withcomputerandableto cleaneitherofficeorat homegardening.Ican startassoonaspossible andavailableat weekends.



Iama20yearoldlady firstyearinacademy lookingforworkin SwakopmundorWalvis Bay.Iamcomputer literate,officecleaning, babysitting.Icanstart immediatelyandavailable onweekendstoo.

Contact:0814957821/ 0812294617

In loving Memory

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing on of our beloved



Andcallonmeinthedayoftrouble: Iwilldeliveryou,andyoushallglorifyMe


Friday, 07 July 2023, 19:00

Evangelical Lutheran Church

Kwarts Avenue, Tamariskia


Saturday, 08 July 2023, 09:00

Evangelical Lutheran Church Kwarts Avenue, Tamariskia


Funeral Arrangements of Late

* 20 May 1953 † 30 June 2023

Funeral Service 8 July 2023

109 Namib Street Narraville @ 8H00

St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church @ 9H00

Contact: Brandy 081 712 6212 or Richard 081 413 8567 081 712 6212 or Richard 081 8567

Friedrich Karl Filitz (Fred Filitz)

Fred passed away in the loving care of his wife, Lydia Filitz (née Botha) in Scottburgh, KwaZulu-Natal. A native of Berlin, Germany but having had fond chapters in his beloved Namibia and also in South Africa, Fred leaves behind his wife, two sons, Peter and John, their wives and their children. Fred was a wellliked businessman, the proprietor of Rembrandt Pty Ltd, with retail outlets in his beloved Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and also Witbank.

Fred was known for his infectious charisma, charm, an encyclopedic memory of world shaping events (of which many he witnessed first-hand) and a humour second-to-none. A true gentleman and a devoted husband, father and grandfather. As they say with such a passing, a great tree has fallen. Our dear pops will be sorely missed.

30/04/1925 † 30/06/2023
Peter, John and family.
all our love,
Anna Johanna Abrahams
The Memorial & Funeral Services
* 11 February 1965 + 02 July 2023
081 253 0006 Chanlin: 081 881 7517
will be as follows


TheVodacomBlueBullswillreturntoHageGeingobRugbyStadiumtogivetheNamibian RugbyWorldCupsquadathoroughworkoutaheadofthe2023RugbyWorldCup.

The Bulls will spend a week in Namibia engaging in off-the field activities, culminating in a clash at Hage Geingob Stadium on 26August.

President of Blue Bulls

Rugby, Willem Strauss and his CEO, Edgar Rathbone, recently confirmed the open secret at a news c o n f e r e n c e i n Windhoek that the Pretoria franchise will play against Namibia on 26 August in the

H a g e G e i n g o b Stadium. President of the Namibia Rugby Union, Petrie Theron, emphasised the views of their Blue Bull counterparts on the g o o d w o r k i n g relationship between the two unions and invited supporters to enjoy a festive day of rugby atmosphere experienced the Hage Geingob Stadium once again."ThisWorldCup will be Namibia's seventhinarow-butas

a union we are also already preparing to qualify for 2027, and theBlueBullsmatchis part of that journey," saidTheron. BeforetheBullsmatch inWindhoek,Namibia will tour Uruguay for the World Rugby Nations Cup, where matches against Argentina-A(July29), Uruguay (August 5) and Chile (August 12 inSantiago)havebeen confirmed.

BlueBullsTeamReturnstoHage GeingobRugbyStadium CourtesyVisitDeonHottoFoundation

TheDeonHottoFoundationpaidacourtesyvisittotheMunicipality thismorning,intheabsenceofDeonHottohimself.

The foundation presented the Municipality with a framed and signedsoccerjerseyfromHotto,as a symbol of his dedication to the sport and his appreciation for Swakopmund, the town where he grewup.

In attendance, Councillor Goraseb applauded Hotto's career and encouragedhimtocontinueserving as a role model for the youth, reminding them that all things are possible and dreams can be achieved. The jersey will be displayed in a prominent location in the

Municipality, as a reminder of Hotto's achievements and his commitment to giving back to his community

The Deon Hotto Foundation recently hosted a charity tournamentinSwakopmundwhere the winning soccer team received N$8000andaDeonHottokit,the runner-up received N$5 000 and a DeonHottokit,andthethird-place teamreceivedN$3000andaDeon Hottokit.Thewinningnetballteam received N$5 000 and the runnerupreceivedN$3000.


*05.09.1950 +29.06.2023

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit.

The Brown family hereby wish to announce the passing of our beloved Father, Brother & Good Friend Funeral Service

Saturday 8 July 2023 09:00 at Shalom Parish Lutheran Church, Kuisebmond

Enquiries 085 282 2253


Reporting to the SHEQ Director functionally and to the Branch Manager on a daily basis, the incumbent will be responsible for all of the policies, practices and operations for safety health, environmental and quality functions with company operations.


! Matric / or Equivalent

! Certification in Safety Management, Diploma, (NEBOSH Certificate or equivalent).

! At least 1 year and proven track record in a Senior HSE management role with experience within the mining and the general industrial sector in Namibia.

! Effective interpersonal skills including effective negotiation and conflict resolution skills.

! General knowledge and experience on construction and preferably scaffolding, corrosion protection and thermal insulation practices and technology

! Ability to implement HSEQ policies and associated management systems

! Knowledge of Microsoft Office-Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook and other applications such MS Teams.

! Knowledge of ISO 14001:2015: ISO 9001:2015: 45001: 2018

! Must have an HSEQ Management Qualifications, preferably in a technical discipline.

! Auditing techniques (IMS Internal Auditor or equivalent from NOSA/IRCA or similar institutions in Namibia.)

! Recognized Incident / Accident investigation Qualification from NOSA/IRCA or similar institutions in Namibia.


! Ensure an effective health, safety, environmental and quality risk management system is in place and being implemented.

! Prepare and Present HSEQ presentations to SGB-Cape Management, and other Clients

! Review and align procedures and policies to be in line with the applicable country statutory requirements.

! Manage and mentor a team of HSEQ Practitioners assigned at various sites.

! Conduct monthly internal audits for all various sites under your control in Namibia

! Successfully maintain the company NOSA Five STAR Grading and DQS ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certifications.

! Ensure government statutory inspections and audits are successful and that all findings are closed out within the stipulate time frames.

! Attend to all client's requests including scheduled meetings, inspections and audits.

! Facilitate and manage root cause analysis investigations process with the respective Branch Manager and the Regional Director

! Implementation of policies, procedures and systems to provide for a safe and secure business operation.

! Enforce safe working practices and promote work environment of zero harm.

! Drive and maintain the Company’s global HSEQ reputation.

! Perform regular audits and monitor HSEQ performance.

! Ensure that appropriate corrective or preventative actions are taken. Collate and prepare HSE statistics on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.

! Ensure that emergencies are handled fulfilling the requirements of the regulations applicable nationally and internationally

! Desing a 3-year HSE strategy

! Conceptualise, Design and Implement HSEQ Campaign


! Namibian citizen or resident

Closing date for Vacancy: 14 July 2023

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Previously disadvantaged Namibians are encouraged to apply E-Mail CV’s to adminwb@sgbcape.co.za

John Heynes - Chief Executive Officer - Namibia Rugby Union Jo-Ann Manuel (Director of Sports, MOYSNS), PetrieTheron (President NRU),Willem Strauss (PresidentVodacom Bulls) andEdgarRathbone(CEOVodacomBulls).


Rudi Bowe

Namibia's leading kickboxer and one of the country's foremost young sports stars Delano Müller from Walvis Bay recently donated sports equipment worthN$15000tothe Khorixas Boxing Academy

The items that include boxing shoes, training equipment, two full sets of boxing robes and shorts, a pull-up bar, three boxing bag brackets, and cash formspartoftheBoxingClubsfirstbirthdayandMüller'sinitiative'making sportsaccessibletoeveryonetogether.'

The initiative aims to call on Namibians to donate new and old sports equipment,accessories,trophies,clothes,andshoeswhichwillbeutilisedto help to help empower the youth who do not have a means to realise their potentialinsport.Müllersaidhewouldremaincommittedtohelpingyoung boxerstrainandimprovetheirskills.

ThecoachoftheKhorixasBoxingAcademy,ClaudiusMatsuibreceivedthe donation of ports equipment, boxing shoes, boxing apparel and training s materials extended his gratitude to Müller for the generous contributions. “We appreciate the assistance and his continued support greatly It is importantforboxerstoexcelandmovetothenextlevel,thereforetheyneed trainingequipment, Matsuib” said Matsuib individualsandcompaniestohelpthemwithdonationsor pleadsto sponsorships.

GolfingNewsfromWalvisBay GolfClub

TherewasalotgoingonlastweekendattheWalvisBayGolfClubwiththe IT Guru Day, the "Gobabis" Travelling Team versus the Members and thesemi-finalplayofffortheRacetoMembership.

The IT Guru Day had theformatofsixholes no score, six holes whatyouscoreandsix yourscoredoubled,all nominated after the player completed the hole. Making use of i d e a l w e a t h e r conditions and knowing “when to hold 'em and knowing whentofold'em”was Peter Davidson who scored a very good 53 points, with Tienie de Wet close on his heels on51points.Thethird placewasdecidedona count out with Chris Bothmawinningon49 points [count out 30] from Jens Paschke withacountoutof20.

Two clubs were recorded by Chris Bothma, Dean Koch and Peter Davidson.

Theclosesttothepins for 2/11 went to Dean Kock while Kevin Wentzel was close on 18 We had Leigh

Westerdale [coowner] and Dylan

S p e n c e r [ o p s manager] from IT Guru with us for the prize giving Leigh confirmed that they willbebacknextyear, which was well received by the members.

The "Wys Jou Muis" challengeinwhichthe Sages contingent who travelled to Gobabis recently played against the members.

It was played on an individual stableford format and with only

SimonJunior 0FightsUndefeated 2

Walvis Bay Boxer Harry Simon Junior knocked out his Indian opponent Vishwar Lahori in the second round of their fight to extendhisunbeatenrecordto20attheSpring Club in l India in the welterweight Ko kata, divisiononFridaynight.

The 26-year-old Simon Junior was scheduled to fightIndia'sRahulSinghovereightroundsinthe welterweight division but swapped was the day beforethefightwithanotherIndian oxer , B Lahori with sixth defeat in 10 professional fights, alongsidethreewinsandadraw

The swap was done as Singh apparently got heat stroke.

Simon Junior thanked his local sponsor, Erongo Red stepping up and helping achieve my for him goals.

In the meantime, it was confirmed that Simon Jr andFelesianu'DannyBoy'Albinowilllockhorns afterDannyBoy,whohas20wins,twolossesand as many draws accepted a challenge to fight the unbeatenSimonJr

This great Erongo derby between and Simon Jr Danny Boy will take place very soon either in WalvisBayorSwakopmund.


Rudi Bowe

The top lawn bowlers from six SouthernAfrican nations have assembled in Windhoek for the prestigious2023AfricanStates owling LawnB Championships.

nineoftheSagesplayingagainst17membersitwas alwaysgoingtobedifficultforthememberstowin, [more so as we had Danie, Johnny G andWynand allscoringunder30–baddayattheoffice.

It eventually turned out that Sages under expert guidanceofJensPaschkeranoutwinnersby33.46 points against 31.38. The members did however stand true to their word and bought the tradition round of jaggies for the old toppies. Great fun and comradery,thanksall.

The Race To Membership play off between Danie van Antwerpen, Koot Potgieter, Wynand Breytenbach and David Peake [last year's winner] waswonbyDavidandbysodoinghequalifiesfor the final against Pieter Fox, Wouter van Wijk and JohnnyBorges.Thefinalwillbeplayedduringthe MultisaveMedalon15July

We had sad news on the weekend when a long standingandpastmemberofourclub,AllieMarais, passed away in Port Elizabeth. He was a great member of the club and will indeed be sorely missedbythosewhoknewhim-RIPAllie. ManythankstothosewhotriedtowalktheCancer 5kmWalklastSaturday

ThedatefortheAGMhasbeensetforWednesday 16August.

ThethirdlegoftheDewroTransportBringandEx Golfer or Non-Golfer event will be played on Saturday8JulyandonSunday9JulywillbeLocal Sages

TheMultiSaveMedal/WIPwillbeon15Julywith theWBMFlagssetfor22Julywhilstthedateforthe BullsvsStormersdayissetfor29July

The SPCA, Rocco Mama and Local Sages are set for4,5and6Augustrespectively

T B C saw he continental championship hosted at theTransNamib and Eros owling lubs inWindhoek, Namibia's men and women each taking on Botswana, Kenya, SouthAfrica, Zambia and Zimbabwe 2023 Lawn Namibia'smenandwomenteamscamesecondandthirdrespectivelyatthe AfricanStates BowlsChampionships.

SouthAfricawongoldinthemen'scompetitionwithBotswanawinningsilverandNamibiahadtobe satisfiedwithbronze.SouthAfricaalso NamibiaandZimbabwesilverand wontheoverallgoldwith bronzerespectively

The n team consisting of Namibia women's fours Marietjie van den Bergh, Diana Viljoen, Amanda SteenkampandElzaandeVries, wonagoldmedalinthewomen'sfoursdivision madehistoryasthey againstZimbabwe(silver)andSouthAfrica(bronze)attheErosclub.










































Rudi Bowe Photo contributed Photoscontributed
Send your Sport News to: journalist5@namibtimes.net

Namibia Karatedo Goju Kai a Force to be Reckoned With

Thirty Karate students from Namibia Karatedo Goju Kai Dojo's in Walvis Bay, Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, Swakopmund and Khomasdal competed in the 36th European seminar and the 10th Inter Continental open European karatechampionshipsfrom1-12JulyinItaly.

A delegation of 43 Namibians, 30 competitors, four instructors and nine parents travelled to Italy for the championships whereNamibiaKaratedo Goju Kai was a force to be reckoned withastheywonfour gold, five silver and 20 bronze medals

The highlight of the day was the Senior Male Team kumite which the Namibia


Kai Male kumite team had to battle it out for the bronze medal against South Africa. Brandon-Lee Martin had to fight the deciding match andbeathisopponent inspectacularfashion stylewithaverygood timed back hand punch followed up withtwospectaculars take down and won thefight7/6.

The Namibia Senior female kumite team was just as spectacularastheyalsohadto battle it out for the bronze medal against Sweden Senior female kumite team

Requelle Rickerts had a spectacular fight by beating her opponent5/2. Sweden came from behind to level the score in the second bout The deciding fightwasinthehands of Shamila Shatika which beat her opponent with a bloody nose and all 4/2 to secure the bronze medalforNamibia.

Senior Male indiv-

idual kumite U/84kg

Nathan Goliath won goldashebeatafighter from Hungry who is rank5thonWKF4/2in spectacular fashion styled back hand punch.

The medal winners areasfollow:

SeniorMaleKata: Brandon Lee Martin 4thplace



Senior Male individualkumiteU67kg:


Senior Male individualkumiteU/84kg:


Senior female individualkumiteU/61kg:


Senior Male team



Senior female team



Senior Male Veterans


Shaun Willemse



Junior individual kumiteU/61kg:

Kamwi Chizabulyo



Mauvoneen Amia






Shamila Shatika bron-


Junior female indivi-



Mauvoneen Amia




Cadet Male individual kumiteU/52kg:


Cadet Male individual


McLeod Diergaardt


Cadet Male individual




Cadet female individualkumiteU/64kg:


Children male individualkumiteU/40kg:


Chika Chizabulyo


Kamwi Chizabulyo



Mauvoneen Amia



Junior female individualkumiteU/59kg:



Shamila Shatika


Junior female indivi-



Mauvoneen Amia




Cadet Male individual kumiteU/52kg:


Cadet Male individual


McLeod Diergaardt


Cadet Male individual




Cadet female individualkumiteO/64kg:


Children male individualkumiteU/40kg:


Chika Chizabulyo bronze

NAMIBTIMES19 7JULY2023 School News

namib times Sport Send your sports news to

Top-of-the-log clash at the coast

All eyes will be on Walvis Bay on Saturday when FNB Kudus hosts the defending champions the FNB Wanderers in a top-of-the-log clash of the Namibian Rugby Union (NRU) Premier and Reserve Leagues at Jan WilkenStadium.

ThetwoPremierleaguesideshavebeenthepacesetters so far this season with both teams on 38 pointwithFNBKuduswithpointdeference,while TrustcoUnitedtrailinthirdplaceon33points.

Although the outcome of the match won't have much of an impact on the title race, with both teams assured of their places in the knockout stages.

The first round game in Windhoek was a draw between the two team but FNB Kudus shocked FNB Wanderers last year by winning both the awayandhomegames.

Fifth place Unam, will be aiming for maximum bonuspointswhentheyhostthirdonthelogFNB

Western Suburbs, whilst Rehoboth who are sixth place on the log will also be firm favourites when theyhostTrustcoUnitedatRehoboth.

FNB Grootfontein who is seventh on the log can expect tough battle when they host eighth-placed FNBRehoFalcons.

TheReserveleagueteamsofFNBKudusandFNB Wanderers will also battle it out for top honour tomorrowwhilstFNBKuduBokkieswouldliketo get back on the winning wagon and secure their semi-finalspotintheNRUWomen'sleague.

FNB Kudus 3 will be aiming for maximum bonus points when they host bottom of the NRU First DivisionWest/NorthleagueSparta2.Awinforthe maninbluewillsecurethemapossibleplaceinthe quarter-finals.

The gates will open at 09:30 with the games scheduledasfollows:

11:00 FNB Kudu Bokkies vs FNB Wanderers





Pupkewitz Athletes bring home nine medals

The PupkewitzAthletics team that competed in the Nike Outdoor Nationals in Eugene,Oregon,USArecentlyreturnedhomewithatotalofninemedals.

The Pupkewitz Athletics team that consist of fourteenathletesfromvariousregionsinNamibia was selected based on qualifying standards on results from the past two recent PupkewitzAthletics Championships meets to be eligible to competeatthe2023NikeOutdoorNationals.

The PupkwitzAthletics Team brought home nine medals across three sports, with Adara Geyvan Pittius winning gold andArihzia Van der Walt in 4th place for Emerging Elite Girls high jump, Carsten Diergaardt winning silver and Benjamin Hendrickse in 5th place for Emerging Elite Boys

high jump; Magano Nasab winning silver for Emerging Elite Boys in the 200 meter; and the relay team in 5th place (Guanito Noble, Walter Geinub,JoseKambanzera,MaganoNaseb)forthe 4x100ClubOnlyRelays.

Tomorrow, Saturday 8 July the next Pupkewitz Open Athletics Championships in Swakopmund. Localstarswillbeinactionaswellassomeinternational stars like Brian Raats from Potchefstroom,SouthAfrica.

Thecompetitioncatersforallagegroupsfromage sixtosenioraswellasourPara-Athletes.Itwillbe afullprogramasusualstartingat07:15until21:00.

Pupkewitz Athletics team members Adara Gey van Pittius and Arizhia van der Walt with their coach Hennie Horn at the recent Nike Outdoor Nationals in Eugene, Oregon USA the Pupkewitz Athletics relay team that came in 5th place at the recent Nike Outdoor Nationals in Eugene, Oregon USA are Guanito Noble, Walter Geinub, Jose Kambanzera, Magano Naseb Pupkewitz Athletics team that competed in the Nike Outdoor Nationals in Eugene, Oregon, USA Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe

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