KEY STROKES Roger Fabel, Editor
It seems like we have been running in sand for the past two years, with many of our planned events either canceled or scaled back. The 48 Hours at Sebring was a good example of the show must go on where the racers and workers enjoyed the racing. Still, many of the extra events were omitted because of COVID-19. Luckily, the pandemic seems to be under control, and the 48 Hours at Sebring is 100% back in full swing. We have definitely returned to the fun zone where we can enjoy our Porsches, our Porsche family, and various fun car-related events.
the Porsche Parade events, which are also covered in this issue of the Kassette. Gold Coast has a long history of bringing home the GOLD. I won’t give you the results until you read about each event, but I do have this to say. When you join PCA, Zonefest and Parade are a must-try if you want to enjoy the social and competitive part of your membership with a great group of people. Our team works hard to provide you with thorough coverage of the clubs’ events, and we make it a point to spotlight our members. In the near future, we will spotlight our vendors as well.
Fasten your seat belts! Last month the Kassette reported on Zonefest 2022, where we met with other PCA members from all of the regions in Zone 12. Our members did well in the competition. Several used the events to practice for
Your vote counts. It’s important to understand how the club works and how important your vote is. Every two years, the club holds elections for GCR officers and directors. We have provided an article about this to help educate you on the
process. We have also been writing about the importance of volunteers. Peter’s First Turn article explains that the club would not function without our amazing volunteers. We hope that these articles and reviewing the bylaws will help you understand our election process and how members can become involved. Next month we will publish the bios of members that are running. If you have any questions, please contact any of the officers, directors, or chairs. You can also contact the Kassette office with any questions or comments. We have been receiving some great feedback on Pedro’s tech articles. Send us a request if you have a special topic you would like him to cover. Enjoy your Porsche.
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