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“ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM
HIEÄP HOÄI ÑIEÀU VIEÄT NAM n Cash lde ew Go R AS en C d NA e I z V vo h u 2t s 2 1 e 0 h 2 T 3 February 26 28, 2023 HO CHI MINH CITY February 26 till 28, 2023 - in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam CHÖÔNG TRÌNH XTTMQG 2023
” Vietnam Cashew Association
National Trade Promotion Program 2023


























CONTENTS 01◄ 02◄ 04◄
DAÁU AÁN VINACAS 09◄ 12◄ 15◄ 19◄ 22◄ 25◄ 29◄ 33◄ 36◄ 38◄ 42◄
OF VINACAS 10◄ 13◄ 17◄ 20◄ 23◄ 27◄ 31◄ 35◄ 37◄ 40◄ 45◄ 48◄ 71◄ 82◄


Töø 26 ñeán 28

thaùng 2 naêm 2023, Hoäi nghò ñieàu quoác teá

Vieät Nam laàn thöù 12 naêm 2023 taïi TP. Hoà Chí Minh seõ ñöôïc HieäphoäiÑieàuVieätNamvaøBoä

Coâng Thöông Vieät Nam phoái hôïp toå chöùc. Ñaây laø söï kieän thuoäc Chöông trình caáp quoác gia veà xuùc tieán thöông maïi cuûa Vieät Nam; moät söï kieän quan troïng cuûa ngaønh Ñieàu Vieät Nam vaø theá giôùi. Thay maët Ban Thöôøng vuï vaø Ban chaáp haønh Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam (VINACAS), toâi xin nhieät lieät chaøo möøng vaø göûilôøicaûmônchaânthaønh,lôøichuùctoátñeïpnhaáttôùitoaøn theåQuyùvòñaïibieåu,khaùchquyù,doanhnhaânngaønhñieàu quoác teá vaø Vieät Nam ñaõ ñeán tham döï Hoäi nghò. Chuùng toâicuõngxingöûilôøicaûmônsaâusaéctôùicaùcnhaøbaùotham döï,ñöatinveàsöïkieännaøy.

ThöaQuyùvò, Ñöôïc toå chöùc laàn ñaàu tieân vaøo thaùng 4 naêm 2008, Hoäi nghò ñieàu quoác teá luoân laø söï kieän xuùc tieán thöông maïi quan troïng cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam, laø “ñieåm heïn vaøng” cuûa nhöõng doanh nhaân ngaønh ñieàu toaøn caàu. Söï kieän ñöôïc toå chöùc nhaèm muïc ñích quaûng baù thöông hieäu saûn phaåm “Haït ñieàu cuûa Vieät Nam”, xuùc tieán xuaát nhaäp khaåu, thuùc ñaåy tieâu duøng, xaây döïng vaø cuûng coá moái quan heä beàn vöõng, laâu daøi giöõa caùc doanh nghieäp, Hieäp hoäi ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam vaø theá giôùi.

Naêm 2022, böôùc vaøo giai ñoaïn “bình thöôøng môùi” khi ñaïi dòch COVD-19 ñaõ ñöôïc ñaåy lui, ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam tieáp tuïc gaëp voâ vaøn khoù khaên, thaùch thöùc do aûnh höôûng chung töø thò tröôøng, tieâu duøng quoác teá,kimngaïchxuaátkhaåunhaânñieàuchæñaït3,07tyûUSD, chaámdöùtgiaiñoaïntaêngtröôûngveàxuaátkhaåukeùodaøi10 naêm töønaêm2011-2021cuûangaønhñieàuVieätNam.

Böôùc vaøo naêm 2023, maëc duø thò tröôøng noâng saûn toaøn caàu ñöôïc döï baùo seõ coù nhu caàu lôùn veà löông thöïc, thöïc phaåm, vieäc môû roäng thò tröôøng xuaát khaåu song haønh vôùi chuù troïng thò tröôøng trong nöôùc seõ laø cô

Taïi söï kieän Hoäi nghò ñieàu quoác teá Vieät Nam laàn thöù 12 naêm 2023, caùc chuyeân gia, doanh nghieäp ñieàu haøng ñaàu Vieät Nam seõ cuøng coäng ñoàng caùc nhaø xuaát khaåu, thöông maïi ñieàu nguyeân lieäu, caùc nhaø nhaäp khaåu, phaân phoái, chieân rang, ñoùng goùi, baùn leû haït ñieàu quoác teá ñem ñeán cho Quyù vò nhöõng thoâng tin; nhöõng phaân tích, ñaùnh giaù, nhaän ñònh vaø ñeà xuaát nhöõng giaûi phaùp , saùng kieán giuùp ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam vaø theá giôùi phaùt trieån oån ñònh vaø beàn vöõng trong thôøi gian tôùi. Vì muïctieâuchunglaøñoaønkeát,ñoàngloøng,chiaseû,giuùpñôõ, ñem laïi söï oån ñònh, coâng baèng vaø thònh vöôïng cho taát caû caùcdoanhnghieäpngaønhñieàutoaøncaàu.

Chuùng toâi thöïc hieän aán phaåm naøy nhö moät moùn quaø yù nghóa cuûa Hoäi nghò, göûi ñeán quyù vò nhöõng thoâng tin toång quaùt, ña daïng veà VINACAS vaø ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam trong moái quan heä gaén boù maät thieát cuûa ngaønh Ñieàu Vieät Nam vôùi ngaønh Ñieàu Theá giôùi, cuûa VieätNamvôùicoängñoàngquoácteá.

Chuùng toâi hy voïng Quyù vò seõ coù nhöõng phuùt giaâythuùvòvaøkhoângtheånaøoqueânkhithamdöïsöïkieän.

sôû ñeå ngaønh noâng nghieäp Vieät Nam höôùng ñeán muïc tieâu xuaát khaåu noâng - laâm - thuûy saûn 54 tyû USD naêm 2023(taêng780trieäuUSDsovôùinaêm2022).Tuynhieân, theoñaùnhgiaùcuûaHoäiñoàngThoângtinVinacas,tínhñeán thaùng cuoái cuûa naêm 2022 vaø naêm 2023, hoaït ñoäng saûn xuaátcuõngnhöchuoãicungöùngngaønhñieàutoaøncaàuvaøôû Vieät Nam tieáp tuïc coøn gaëp raát nhieàu khoù khaên. Taêng tröôûng cuûa ngaønh ñieàu bò taùc ñoäng ñaùng keå do nhu caàu tieâu thuï ñieàu nhaân toaøn caàu tieáp tuïc giaûm; thò tröôøng nguyeân lieäu ñieàu theá giôùi seõ gaëp nhieàu thaùch thöùc. Do ñoù, Ban chaáp haønh VINACAS ñaõ thoáng nhaát ñeà nghò ñieàu chænh möùc chæ tieâu doanh soá xuaát khaåu ñieàu nhaân naêm 2023 ôû möùc 3,1 tyû USD, taêng nheï 30 trieäu USD so vôùi naêm 2022. VINACAS duy trì chuû tröông “Giaûm löôïng,Taêngchaát”,... NhieätlieätchaøomöøngQuyùvòñeánvôùiTP. HoàChíMinh!

Chuû tòch VINACAS

Phaïm Vaên Coâng

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”


rom February 26 to 28, 2023, the th 12 VINACAS Golden Cashew Rendezvous 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City will be jointly organized by Vietnam Cashew Association and Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam. This is an event under the National Trade Promotion Program of Vietnam; an important event of the cashew industry in Vietnam and the world. On behalf of the Standing Executive Members' Board and Executive Members' Board of Vietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS), I would like to warmly welcome and express my sincere thanks, best wishes to all delegates, distinguished guests, international and Vietnamese cashew industry businessmen for attending the Conference. We would alsoliketoexpressourdeepgratitudetothejournalists forattendingandreportingonthisevent.


Held for the first time in April 2008, the VINACAS Golden Cashew Rendezvous is always an important trade promotion event of Vietnam cashew industry, a "golden rendezvous" of global cashew businessmen.Theeventisorganizedforthepurposeof promoting "Vietnam Cashew" product brand, import and export promotion, consumption boosting, building and consolidation of sustainable and long-term relationships between enterprises, Cashew Industry AssociationofVietnamandtheworld.

In 2022, entering the "new normal" period when COVD-19 pandemic was controlled, Vietnam cashew industry continues to face numerous difficultiesandchallengesduetothegeneralinfluence of the market, international consumption, cashew kernel exports only reached USD 3.07 billion, 10years period of export growth from 2011-2021 of Vietnamcashewindustrywasended.

In 2023, although the global agricultural product market is forecasted to have a large demand for food, the expansion of export markets in parallel with the focus on domestic market will be the basis for Vietnam'sagriculturalsectortoaimforexporttargetof

FUSD 54 billion in export of agricultural - forestryfishery products in 2023 (an increase of USD 780 million compared to 2022). However, according to VinacasInformationCouncil,bythelastmonthof2022 and 2023, production activities as well as the supply chain of the cashew industry of the world and Vietnam continue to face many difficulties. The growth of the cashew industry is significantly affected by continued decline in global demand for cashew kernels; The world cashew raw material market will face many challenges. Therefore, the Executive Members' Board of VINACAS agrees to propose to adjust the target of cashew export sales in 2023 at USD 3.1 billion, a slight increase of USD 30 million compared to 2022. VINACASmaintainsthepolicyof"Reducingquantity, increasingquality"...

th At the event of the 12 VINACAS Golden Cashew Rendezvous in 2023, the leading cashew industry experts and enterprises in Vietnam will join the community of exporters, traders of raw cashew, units of import, distribution, roasting, packing and retailofcashewnutsininternationalscopetobringyou the information; analyses, assessments, judgments and proposal of solutions and initiatives to help the cashew industry in Vietnam and the world develop stably and sustainably in the coming time. Look forward to the common goal that is to unite, agree, share, help, bring stability, justice and prosperity to all global cashew enterprises.

We make this publication as a meaningful gift of the Conference to give you general and diverse information about VINACAS and Vietnam cashew industry in the close relationship of Vietnam cashew industry and the World cashew industry, of Vietnam andtheinternationalcommunity WarmlywelcomeyoutoHoChiMinhCity!

We hope you will have interesting and unforgettablemomentswhenattendingtheevent.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 03◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”



Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá Vieät Nam (sau ñaây goïi taét laø Hoäi nghò) do VINACAS toå chöùc haèng naêm “ñieåm heïn vaøng” luoân ñöôïc doanh ñaõ trôû thaønh söï kieän quan troïng, laø nghieäpvaønhöõngngöôøiquantaâmtrongvaøngoaøinöôùcchôøñôïi.

Baét ñaàu töø naêm 2008,

VINACAS ñaõ toå chöùc thaønhcoânglieântieáp11HoäinghòÑieàu Quoác teá Vieät Nam. Tính trong giai ñoaïn gaàn ñaây (2016-2020), Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 8,9,10,11 laàn löôït ñöôïc toå chöùc taïi Phuù Ñaø Naüng (naêm 2016), Quoác (naêm 2017), Haï Long (naêm 2018), Hueá (naêm 2019). Naêm 2020, 2021,2022,doaûnhhöôûngbôûiñaïidòch

COVID-19 neân Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 12 ñöôïc dôøi sang naêm 2023. Hoäi nghò naèm trong chöông trình caáp quoác gia veà xuùc tieán thöông maïi do VINACAS phoái hôïp vôùi Cuïc Xuùc tieán Thöông maïi-BoäCoângThöôngtoåchöùc.

Hoäi nghò ñöôïc ñaùnh giaù laø moät söï kieän lôùn, nhaän ñöôïc söï quan taâmvaøthamgiacuûacaùcdoanhnghieäp (DN), toå chöùc, caù nhaân trong chuoãi giaù trò ñieàu toaøn caàu, nhö aûn caùc nhaø s xuaát, kinh doanh ñieàu thoâ, nhaø xuaát nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ vaø ñieàu nhaân, nhaø cheá bieán, rang chieân, kinh doanh sieâu thò, cheá taïo maùy moùc, thieát bò, toå chöùc tö vaán, ngaân haøng , moâi giôùi …Beân caïnh ñoù coøn coù söï tham gia cuûa ñaïi dieän nhieàu boä, ngaønh trung öông vaø ñòa phöông taïi Vieät Nam; laõnh ñaïo caùc toå chöùc quoác teá vaø nöôùc ngoaøi, nhö Hoäi ñoàng Haït - Quaû khoâ Quoác teá

(INC)Lieân hieäp Hoäi Ñieàu Chaâu Phi, , Hoäi ñoàng Boâng vaø Haït ñieàu Bôø Bieån Ngaø,HieäphoäiÑieàuNigeria

Naâng cao chaát löôïng toå chöùc. Chuû ñeà ña daïng theo töøng naêm

Hoäi nghò thu huùt ngaøy caøng nhieàu DN treân theá giôùi tham gia do söï taêng tröôûng aán töôïng cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam cuøng söï chuyeân nghieäp trong toå chöùc. Moãi Hoäi nghò thu huùt 300 - 500 ñaïi bieåu trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc tham döï. Cuï theå nhö Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 8 taïi Ñaø Naüng thu huùt 300 ñaïi bieåu, trong ñoù coù hôn moät nöûa laø ñaïi bieåu nöôùc ngoaøi ñeán töø treân 30 quoác gia vaø vuøng laõnh thoå. Soá ñaïi bieåu tham döï tieáp tuïc taêng trong Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 9, ñeán 400 ñaïi bieåu trong nöôùc vaø quoác teá ñeán töø khoaûng 40 quoác gia Töông vaø vuøng laõnh thoå. töï, Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 10 taïi Haï Long, VINACAS chaøo ñoùn khoaûng 400 ñaïi bieåu ñeán töø 50 quoác gia vaø vuøng laõnh thoå.VINACASngaøycaøngtheåhieänsöï chuyeân nghieäp trong toå chöùc söï kieän xuùc tieán thöông maïi mang taàm quoác teá neân luoân ñöôïc coäng ñoàng DN quan taâm. Vì vaäy, laàn toå chöùc Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 11 taïi Hueá, maëc duø thay ñoåi thôøi ñieåm toå chöùc nhöng vaãn thaønh coâng toát ñeïp, quy tuï gaàn 250 ñaïi bieåu ñeán töø30quoácgiavaøvuønglaõnhthoå.

VINACAS luoân ñoåi môùi, naâng cao chaát löôïng Hoäi nghò. Chuû ñeà Hoäi nghò ña daïng theo töøng naêm, ñaùp öùng söï quan taâm cuûa DN trong ngaønh neân nhaän ñöôïc nhieàu lôøi khen töø ñoái taùc trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc. Naêm 2016 laø naêm thöù 11 lieân tieáp ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam giöõ vò trí haøng ñaàu theá giôùi veà


xuaátkhaåunhaânñieàu.Theoñoù,taïiHoäi nghò laàn thöù 8, VINACAS ñaõ choïn chuû ñeà “Ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam cam keát saûn xuaát saïch hôn vì söùc khoûe coäng ñoàng”. Vôùi thoâng ñieäp naøy, VINACAS muoán göûi ñeán khaùch haøng lôøi cam keát saûn xuaát xanh vaø saïch hôn, ñem ñeán nhöõng saûn phaåm chaát löôïng cao, an toaøn vaø baûo veä moâi tröôøng. Ñeán Hoäi nghò laàn 9 (naêm 2017), VINACAS choïn chuû ñeà “Noùi tôùihaïtñieàu,nghóñeánVieätNam”ñaõ laøm noåi baät vai troø, vò theá cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam treân tröôøng quoác teá. Taïi Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 10 (naêm 2018), VINACAS choïn chuû ñeà “Hoäi ngoä Haï Long - Noùi tôùi haït ñieàu, nghó ñeán Vieät Nam”, tieáp tuïc quaûng baù ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam ra theá giôùi. Thoâng qua söï kieän naøy, VINACAS ñaåy maïnh quan heä hôïp taùc song phöông vaø ña phöông vôùi caùc toå chöùc quoác teá, caùc toå chöùc ñieàu ñaïi dieän cho nhöõng nöôùc saûn xuaát, cheá bieán vaø tieâu thuï ñieàu lôùn treântheágiôùi.

Ñaëc bieät, gaén keát vôùi Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá Vieät Nam, VINACAS toå chöùc thaønh coâng hai chöông trình caravan tour. Ñoù laø tour caravan Phuù Quoác keát hôïp Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 9, tour caravan treân bieån gaén keát vôùi Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 10 taïi Haï Long. Trong caravan tour, VINACAS loàng gheùp chöông trình thaêm caùc nhaø maùy cheá bieán ñieàu, taïo cho khaùch haøng söï yeân taâm veà veä sinh, an toaøn thöïc phaåm khi ñöôïc chöùng kieán cô sôû vaät chaát khang trang, söû duïng maùy moùc hieän ñaïi. Qua ñoù, khaùch haøng

ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”

thaáyñöôïctieàmnaêngphaùttrieåncuõngnhönaênglöïccheábieán cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam, taïo cô sôû vöõng chaéc cho vieäc thieát laäp hôïp ñoàng mua baùn. Thoâng qua hoäi thaûo keát hôïp thaêm caùc nhaø maùy cheá bieán ñieàu, moái quan heä giöõa nhaø saûnxuaát-xuaátkhaåu-nhaäpkhaåucaønggaénboù,hieåubieátlaãn nhau.

Qua 11 Hoäi nghò, DN ñieàu Vieät Nam vaø theá giôùi coù ñieàu kieän tieáp caän vôùi nhöõng thoâng tin môùi nhaát, saùt thöïc nhaát veà saûn xuaát, thò tröôøng ñieàu toaøn caàu, ñoàng thôøi quaûng baù hieäu quaû thöông hieäu DN mình. Hoäi nghò coøn laø dòp ñeå caùc DN naém ñöôïc nhu caàu, kieán nghò cuûa khaùch haøng nhaèm ñöa ra caùc bieän phaùp phaùt trieån saûn xuaát, kinh doanh cuõng nhö phaùt trieån chung cuûa ngaønh Ñieàu. Vì vaäy, Hoäi nghò ñaõ trôû thaønh “ñieåm heïn ñeå gaëp gôõ, trao vaøng” ñoåi, duy trì moái quan heä laøm aên giöõa caùc nhaø saûn xuaát, cheá bieán, xuaát nhaäp khaåu, thöông maïi…. cuõng nhö tìm kieám cô hoäi hôïp taùc ñaàu tö giöõa DN Vieät Nam vôùi ñoái taùc nöôùc ngoaøi; ñaëc bieät laø goùp phaàn khaúng ñònh thöông hieäu ñieàu VieätNamvôùicoängñoàngquoácteá.

Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá Vieät Nam laàn thöù 12: “Noùitôùihaïtñieàu,nghóñeánVieätNam”

Sau nhieàu laàn trì hoaõn do aûnh höôûng cuûa ñaïi dòch COVID-19, Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá Vieät Nam laàn thöù 12 dieãn ra taïi TP. Hoà Chí Minh vaøo ngaøy 26 - 28/3/2023 vôùi chuû ñeà “Noùi tôùi haït ñieàu, nghó ñeán Vieät Nam”.

Hoäinghòlaànthöù12coùkhoaûng350ñaïibieåuñeántöø hôn 40 quoác gia vaø vuøng laõnh thoå treân theá giôùi thuoäc caùc lónh vöïc trong ngaønh ñieàu, nhö saûn xuaát, kinh doanh ñieàu thoâ, xuaát nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ vaø ñieàu nhaân, cheá bieán, kinh doanh sieâu thò, cheá taïo maùy moùc, thieát bò, moâi giôùi, ngaân haøngvaønhöõngngöôøiquantaâm…ñaêngkyùthamdöï.

Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 12 laø cô hoäi gaëp gôõ, duy trì vaø phaùt trieån moái quan heä giöõa nhaø saûn xuaát - nhaø cheá bieánnhaø xuaát khaåu - nhaø nhaäp khaåu - nhaø baùn buoân, baùn leûngöôøilaømdòchvuï-nhaøcheátaïomaùymoùc,thieátbò… Hoäinghòñöôïccoilaø“phoøngthoângtin”cuûangaønh ñieàu theá giôùi vôùi nhöõng thoâng tin vaø soá lieäu ñoäc quyeàn töø caùc chuyeân gia trong ngaønh. Theo Ban toå chöùc, Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 12 seõ toå chöùc caùc buoåi toïa ñaøm chuyeân ñeà veà saûn xuaát, kinh doanh ñieàu höôùng ñeán nhöõng vaán ñeà maø ngaønh ñieàuVieätNamvaøtheágiôùiquantaâm.

Taïi Hoäi nghò coøn dieãn ra nhöõng cuoäc gaëp gôõ song phöông giöõa caùc DN trong ngaønh; leã kyù keát bieân baûn ghi nhôù, hôïp taùc giöõa Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu caùc nöôùc... Ñaây laø cô hoäi cho nhöõng DN haøng ñaàu cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam vaø caùc nöôùc coù nhöõng thöông vuï ñieàu hieäu quaû nhaát; tìm kieám cô hoäi hôïp taùc ñaàu tö giöõa DN Vieät Nam vôùi ñoái taùc caùc nöôùc cuõng nhö tìm kieám moái quan heä hôïp taùc laâu daøi vôùi caùc sieâu thò, ñaàu moái baùn leû trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc. Cuõng thoâng qua gaëp gôõ, trao ñoåi taïi Hoäi nghò, nhöõng khoù khaên, vöôùng maéc trong giao thöông thôøi gian tröôùc cuõng seõ ñöôïc giaûi quyeát.

Beân caïnh nhöõng noäi dung treân, Hoäi nghò laàn thöù 12 coøn toå chöùc trao thöôûng nhöõng nhaân vaät tieâu bieåu vaø xuaát saéc nhaát cuûa ngaønh Ñieàu; tröng baøy moät soá saûn cuûa ngaønh ñieàu. Trong khuoân khoå Hoäi nghò laàn naøy, VINACAS Team & Partners toå chöùc chuyeán tham quan nhaø maùy ñieàu vaø vöôøn ñieàu Taây Ninh - Campuchia. Taây Ninh laø moät trong nhöõng trung taâm cheá bieán ñieàu lôùn nhaát Vieät Nam vôùi haøng chuïc cô sôû coù quy moâ lôùn. Ñoàng thôøi, DN coù cô hoäi tham quan khu lieân hôïp troàng ñieàu lôùn nhaát Campuchia(khoaûng2.000ha)vôùinhieàugioángñieàutoát.

DOCUMENTARY IMAGES (Previous conferences)

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 05◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM” Tú Anh
HÌNH AÛNH TÖ LIEÄU (Nhöõng kyø hoäi nghò tröôùc ñaây) Hoäi nghò laàn 1 naêm 2008 taïi TP. HCM The 1st Conference 2008 in HCM City Hoäi nghò laàn 2 naêm 2010 taïi Bình Phöôùc The 2nd Conference 2010 in Binh Phuoc Province

Hoäi nghò laàn 3 naêm 2011 taïi TP. HCM

3rd Conference 2011 in HCM City

Hoäi nghò laàn 7 naêm 2015 taïi TP. HCM

7th Conference 2015 in HCM City

Hoäi nghò laàn 4 naêm 2012 taïi TP. Nha Trang

Conference 2012 in Nha Trang City

Hoäi nghò laàn 8 naêm 2016 taïi TP. Ñaø Naüng

8th Conference 2016 in HCM City

Hoäi nghò laàn 5 naêm 2013 taïi TP. HCM

5th Conference 2013 in HCM City

Hoäi nghò laàn 9 naêm 2017 taïi Huyeän Ñaûo Phuù Quoác

9th Conference 2017 in Phu Quoc Island

Hoäi nghò laàn 6 naêm 2014 taïi TP. Vuõng Taøu

6th Conference 2014 in Vung Tau City

Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”

Hoäi nghò laàn 10 naêm 2018 taïi TP. Haï Long

10th Conference 2018 in Ha Long City

The 4th The The The The The The The


The Vinacas Golden Cashew Rendezvous (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) held annually by VINACAS has become an important event, a "golden rendezvous" that is always awaited by enterprises and interested people in domesticand foreign.

Since 2008, VINACAS has successfully organized 11 "Vinacas Golden Cashew th Rendezvous ". In the recent period (2016-2020), the 8, thth th 9,10 and11 ConferenceswereheldinDaNang(2016), Phu Quoc (2017), Ha Long (2018) and Hue (in 2019), respectively. In years of 2020, 2021, 2022, due to the th impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the 12 Conference is postponed to 2023. The conference is part of the national program on trade promotion organized by VINACAS in coordination with Vietnam Trade Promotion AgencyMinistryofIndustryandTrade.

The conference is considered a great event, receiving the attention and participation of enterprises, organizations and individuals in the global cashew value chain, such as manufacturers and traders of raw cashew, importers and exporters of raw and kernel cashews, processors, roasters, supermarkets, machinery and equipment manufacturers, consulting organizations, brokers , banks ... Besides, there are also representatives of many ministries and central and local branches in Vietnam; leaders of international and foreign organizations, such as the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC), the African Cashew Alliance, the Cotton and Cashew Council of Ivory Coast, National Cashew AssociationofNigeria...

Improvement of organizational quality. Yearto-yearvariedtopics

The conference attracts more and more enterprises around the world to participate due to the impressive growth of Vietnam cashew industry

and the professionalism in the organization. Each Conference attracts 300 - 500 domestic and foreign th attendants. Specifically, the 8 Conference in Da Nang attracted 300 attendants, of which more than half were foreign attendants from over 30 countries and territories. th The attendants continued to increase during the 9 Conference, to 400 national and international attendants from about 40 countries and territories. Similarly, in the th10 Conference in Ha Long, VINACAS welcomed about 400 attendants from 50 countries and territories. VINACAS increasingly shows its professionalism in organizing international trade promotion events, so it is always interested in the business community. Therefore, th the organization of the 11 Conference in Hue, despite changing the organization time, is still a great success, gathering nearly 250 attendants from 30 countries and territories.

VINACAS always innovates and improves the quality of the Conference. The topic of the conference varies from year to year, meeting the interest of enterprises in the industry, so it has received many compliments from domestic and foreign partners. 2016 th was the 11 consecutive year that Vietnam cashew industry held the world's leading position in cashew th kernel exports. Accordingly, at the 8 Conference, VINACAS chose the topic "Vietnam cashew industry is committed to cleaner production for public health". With this message, VINACAS wanted to send to customers a commitment to greener and cleaner production, bringing high quality, safe and environmental protection products. th At the 9 Conference (2017), VINACAS chose the topic

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 07◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
Hoäi nghò laàn 11 naêm 2019 taïi TP. Hueá The 11th Conference 2019 in Hue City

Especially, in association with the Vinacas Golden Cashew Rendezvous, VINACAS successfully organizedtwocaravantourprograms, including Phu Quoc caravan tour th combined with the 9 Conference, the sea caravan tour associated with th the10ConferenceinHaLong.Inthe caravan tour, VINACAS integrated the program of visiting cashew processing factories, giving customers peace of mind about food hygiene and safety when witnessing spacious facilities and using modern machinery, thereby customers saw the development potential as well as the processing capacity of Vietnam cashew industry, creating a solid basis for the establishment of sales contracts. Through the conference in combination with visits to cashew processing factories, the relationship between manufacturers - exportersimporters became closer and more mutuallyunderstanding.

"Talk about cashew, think about Vietnam" which highlighted the role and position of the Vietnam cashew industry in the international arena. At th the 10 Conference (2018), VINACAS chose the topic "Ha Long reunion - Talking about cashew, thinking about Vietnam", continuing to promote Vietnam cashew industry to the world. Through this event, VINACAS promotes bilateral and multilateral cooperation with international organizations and cashew organizations representing major cashew producing, processing and consuming countries in the world. Through 11 conferences, cashew enterprises in Vietnam and the world had the opportunity to access the latest and most realistic information on global cashew production and market, while effectively promoting their business brand. The Conference is also an opportunity for enterprises to

understand the needs and recommendations of customers to come up with measures to develop productionandbusinessaswellasthe general development of the cashew industry. Therefore, the Conference becomes a "golden rendezvous" to meet, exchange and maintain business relationships between manufacturers, processors, importers and exporters, traders.... as well as seek investment cooperation opportunities between Vietnam enterprises and foreign partners; especially contributing to affirming the Vietnamese cashew brand to the internationalcommunity.

th The 12 Vinacas Golden Cashew Rendezvous: “Talk about cashew,thinkaboutVietnam”

After many

postponements due to the impact of the COVID-19 th pandemic, the 12 Vinacas Golden Cashew Rendezvous is going to be held in Ho Chi Minh City on March 26-28, 2023 with the topic "Talk aboutcashew,thinkaboutVietnam".

th The 12 Conference is expected to welcome 350 attendants from more than 40 countries and territories around the world in the fields of cashew industry, such as production and business of raw cashew, import and export of raw and kernel cashew, processing, supermarket business, machinery and equipment manufacturing, brokering, banking and interested people…comingtoregistertoattend.

th The 12 Conference is an opportunity to meet, maintain and develop the relationship between manufacturers - processorsexporters - importers – wholesalers, retailers - servicers - machinery and equipmentmanufacturers…

The Conference is considered as an "information room" of the world cashew industry with

exclusive information and data from industry experts. According to the th Organizing Committee, the 12 Conference is going to organize talkshows on production and business in direction to the issues that the cashew industry in Vietnam and the worldareinterestedin.

At the Conference, there will be also bilateral meetings between enterprises in the industry; the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding, cooperation between the Cashew Associationsofothercountries...This is an opportunity for the leading enterprises of the cashew industry in Vietnam and other countries to have themosteffectivecashewdeals;seek investmentcooperationopportunities between Vietnam enterprises and foreign partners as well as seek longterm cooperation relationships with domestic and foreign supermarkets and retail outlets. Also through meeting and exchanging at the Conference, difficulties and obstacles in trade for the past time willalsoberesolved.

Besides the above contents, ththe12 Conferencewillalsoorganize the ceremony of awarding to the most outstanding and typical figures of the cashew industry; display some products of the cashew industry. Within the framework of this Conference, VINACAS Team & Partners will organize a visit to the cashewfactoryandcasheworchardin Tay Ninh - Cambodia. Tay Ninh is one of the largest cashew processing centers in Vietnam with dozens of large-scale facilities. At the same time, enterprises have the opportunitytovisitthelargestcashew growingcomplexinCambodia(about 2,000 hectares) with dozens of goodyieldcashewvarieties.

Tu Anh

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”



Theo oâng Ñaëng Hoaøng Giang, Toång Thö kyù Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam, moät trong nhöõng nhieäm vuï cuûa VINACAS laø laøm caàu noái, taïo ñieàu kieän ñeå caùc beângaëpgôõ,traoñoåiveàvieäclieânkeáthayhôïptaùckinhdoanh,xöûlyùcaùctranhchaáp thöôngmaïi,töøñoùgoùpphaànphaùttrieånngaønhñieàucuûamoãinöôùcvaøcuûatheágiôùi.

Vieäc hôïp taùc quoác teá

cuûa VINACAS nhöõng naêmgaànñaâykhoângchækeáthöøanhöõng

gì ñaõ coù tröôùc maø coøn ñöôïc môû roäng.

VINACAS laø ñoái taùc chieán löôïc cuûa

Hoäi ñoàng Haït vaø Traùi caây khoâ Quoác teá (INC), thaønh vieân saùng laäp Hoäi

ñoàng Ñieàu Toaøn caàu (GCC), ñoái taùc

cuûa Hieäp hoäi Coâng nghieäp Thöïc

phaåm Hoa Kyø (AFI) vaø nhieàu toå chöùc ñieàu treân theá giôùi. Ñoàng thôøi, VINACAStieáptuïcñaåymaïnhquanheä

vôùi Hoäi ñoàng Boâng vaø Haït ñieàu Bôø BieånNgaø(CCA),LieânhieäpHoäiÑieàu

Chaâu Phi (ACA), Hieäp hoäi Nhöõng nhaø xuaát khaåu ñieàu Bôø Bieån Ngaø (AEC- CI), Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Nigeria (NCAN), Hoäi ñoàng Xuùc tieán xuaát khaåu ñieàu AÁn Ñoä (CEPCI), Vieän Ñieàu Mozambique (INCAJU), Phoøng Thöông maïi vaø Coâng nghieäp Guinea Bissau…

VINACAS coøn tham döï Hoäi

nghò Sietta taïi Bôø Bieån Ngaø vaø toå chöùc giao thöông vôùi doanh nghieäp

ñieàu Chaâu Phi (2016), tham döï Ñaïi

hoäi Haït quaû khoâ Quoác teá (INC) 2017

taïi Bôø Bieån Ngaø, tham döï Hoäi nghò

Ñieàu AÁn Ñoä (Kaju India 2017 vaø

2019). Maëc duø ñaïi dòch COVID 19 coù

nhöõng dieãn bieán phöùc taïp, laõnh ñaïo

VINACAS vaãn tham döï tröïc tuyeán

caùc Hoäi nghò cuûa ngaønh Ñieàu theá giôùi khi ñöôïc môøi, nhö: Hoäi nghò ñieàu theá

giôùi - Ngaøy ñieàu quoác gia Bôø Bieån Ngaø 2022 (WCC-JNEC-CI, 2022) do Cashewinformation.com vaø Hieäp hoäi

caùc nhaø xuaát khaåu ñieàu cuûa Bôø Bieån Ngaø (AEC-CI) toå chöùc taïi Abidjan (Bôø Bieån Ngaø) thaùng 2 naêm 2022;

VINACAS phoái hôïp vôùi IEH toå chöùc Khoùa taäp huaán veà Thöông maïi Ñaïo ñöùc trong SX KD ñieàu

Hoäi nghò Ñieàu thöôøng nieân laàn thöù 16 cuûa Lieân hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Chaâu Phi (ACA)taïi Nigeriathaùng9naêm2022.

Nhaèm ñaûm baûo nguoàn nguyeân lieäu cho cheá bieán cuûa ngaønh ñieàu trong nöôùc, ñieåm nhaán quan troïng mang tính chieán löôïc trong hôïp taùc quoác teá chính laø vieäc kyù keát vaø thöïc hieän bieân baûn ghi nhôù giöõa VINACAS vôùi Boä Noâng - Laâm - Ngö nghieäpCampuchiañeåphaùttrieånvuøng nguyeânlieäuñieàu,naêm2017.

Theo ñoù, VINACAS hoã trôï gioáng vaø kyõ thuaät cho Campuchia, xaây döïng vuøng nguyeân lieäu höôùng tôùi muïc tieâu 1 trieäu taán ñieàu thoâ, “gaàn nhaø”, deã kieåm soaùt chaát löôïng vaø nhieàu thuaän lôïi khaùc cho ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam so vôùi vieäc nhaäp khaåu töø

caùc quoác gia xa xoâi, ñaày baát traéc. Thöïc hieän thoûa thuaän naøy, naêm 2018, VINACAS cöû chuyeân gia tö vaán, ñaøo taïo, hoã trôï kyõ thuaät cho doanh nghieäp ñieàu vaø ngöôøi troàng ñieàu Campuchia, trao taëng phía Campuchia 18.000 caây ñieàu gioáng öu vieät nhaèm hoã trôï phaùt trieån vuøng nguyeân lieäu ñieàu chaát löôïng cao, qua ñoù goùp phaàn cuûng coá tình ñoaøn keát, höõu nghò giöõa Vieät NamvaøCampuchia.

VINACAS ñaõ phoái hôïp vôùi moät soá toå chöùc quoác teá vaø trong nöôùc hoã trôï doanh nghieäp, noâng daân veà kieán thöùc, kyõ naêng trong toå chöùc saûn xuaát, kinh doanh ñieàu. VINACAS ñaõ phoái hôïp vôùi Toå chöùc Saùng kieán thöông maïi ñaïo ñöùc cuûa Na Uy (IEH) thöïc hieän chöông trình “Xaây döïng

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 09◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”

naêng löïc höôùng tôùi phaùt trieån beàn vöõng trong chuoãi cung öùng haït ñieàu taïi Vieät Nam”. Chöông trình do NORAD (Cô quan Hôïp taùc phaùt trieån Na Uy) vaø IEH - caùc nhaø baùn leû vaø saûn xuaát thöïc phaåm vuøng Scandinavia vaø Chaâu AÂu taøi trôï ñeå toå chöùc taäp huaán cho caùc nhaø cheá bieán veà cô cheá ñoái thoaïi xaõ hoäi, veà caùc tieâu chuaån lao ñoäng quoác gia vaø quoác

teá; toå chöùc taäp huaán veà kyõ thuaät thöïc haønh saûn xuaát noâng nghieäp toát, tieâu chuaån lao ñoäng vaø quaûn lyù moâi tröôøng cho caùn boä khuyeán noâng, hoäi noâng daân, laõnh ñaïo caùc hôïp taùc xaõñieàuvaønoângdaântroàngñieàu.

VINACAS coøn phoái hôïp vôùi Vieän Nghieân cöùu vaø Phaùt trieån ngaønh ngheà noâng thoân Vieät Nam (VIRI) thöïc hieän chöông trình “Xuùc tieán cung vaø caàu cho saûn phaåm noâng saûn cheá bieán ñaït chöùng nhaän sinh thaùi, coâng baèng taïi Vieät Nam” do Lieân minh Chaâu AÂu taøi trôï vôùi muïc tieâu naângcaonaênglöïccuûaDNñeåthöïchaønhsaûnxuaátbeànvöõng vaø ñoåi môùi saûn phaåm trong chuoãi cung öùng saûn phaåm noâng saûncheábieán;xaâydöïngmaïnglöôùitieâuduøngsaûnphaåmsinh thaùi, coâng baèng, ñoàng thôøi quaûng baù saûn phaåm thoâng qua neàn taûng thöông maïi ñieän töû, maïng löôùi nhaø baùn leû vaø taêng cöôøngnaênglöïctieápcaäntaøichínhxanhchodoanhnghieäp.

VINACASphoáihôïpvôùiBoäNoângnghieäpvaøPhaùt trieån noâng thoân tham gia ñoaøn coâng taùc cuûa Ngaân haøng Theágiôùi(WB)khaûosaùt“DöïaùnPhaùttrieånbeànvöõngngaønh haøng ñieàu”. VINACAS phoái hôïp vôùi Ban Phaùp cheá Lieân ñoaøn Thöông maïi vaø Coâng nghieäp Vieät Nam (VCCI) vaø Trung taâm Troïng taøi Quoác teá beân caïnh VCCI (VIAC) toå chöùc hoäi thaûo chuyeân ñeà vaø taäp huaán veà phaùp luaät hôïp ñoàng vaø xöû lyù tranh chaáp thoâng qua cô cheá troïng taøi vaø hoøa giaûithöôngmaïi;cuõngnhöthamgianhieàuhoaïtñoänghoãtrôï doanhnghieäpkhaùccuûaVCCIvaøVIAC.


According to Mr. Dang Hoang Giang, General Secretary of the Vietnam Cashew Association, one of the missions of VINACAS is to act as a bridge and facilitate the parties to meet and make discussion about association or business cooperation, settlement of trade disputes, therebycontributingtothedevelopmentofthecashewindustryofeachcountryandtheworld.

The international cooperation of VINACAS not only inherits what has been before but also is expanded in recent years. VINACAS is a strategic partner of the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC), a founding member of the Global Cashew Council (GCC), a partner of the Association of Food Industries (AFI) and many organizations around the world. At the sametime,VINACAScontinuestopromoterelationswith the Ivory Coast Cotton and Cashew Council (CCA), the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), the Ivory Coast Cashew Exporters Association (AEC-CI), the National Cashew

Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”

Associaton of Nigeria (NCAN), the Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI), Mozambique National Cashew Institute (INCAJU), Guinea Bissau ChamberofCommerceandIndustry...

VINACAS also attended the Sietta Conference in Ivory Coast and organized trade with Africa cashew enterprises (2016), attended the International Dry Nut Congress (INC) 2017 in Ivory Coast, attend Cashew India Conference (Kaju India 2017 and 2019). Despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic,

Đăng Lãm
OÂng Baïch Khaùnh Nhöït, Phoù Chuû tòch thöôøng tröïc Vinacas chia seû taïi hoäi thaûo.

VINACAS leaders still attend online conferences of the World Cashew industry when invited, such as: the World Cashew ConferenceNational Cashew Day 2022 of Ivory Coast ( WCC-JNEC-CI, 2022) organized by Cashewinformation.com and the Association of Cashew Exporters of Ivory Coast (AEC-CI) in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) February 2022; The 16th Annual Cashew Conference of the African Cashew Association (ACA)inNigeriaSeptember2022

In order to ensure the source of raw materials for processing of the domestic cashew industry, an important strategic highlight in international cooperation was the signing and implementation of a memorandum of understanding between VINACAS and the Ministry ofAgriculture,ForestryandFisheries of Cambodia to develop cashew materialzonein2017.

Accordingly, VINACAS supported varieties and techniques for Cambodia, built a raw material zone towards the objective of 1 million tons of raw cashew, "near home" , easy to control quality and many other advantages for Vietnam cashew industry compared to import from distant countries with full of uncertainties. To implement this agreement, in 2018, VINACAS sent consulting, training and technical supportexpertstocashewenterprises andcashewgrowersinCambodiaand awarded Cambodia 18,000 preeminent seedlings to support the development of high quality raw cashew zone, thereby contributing to strengthening the solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia.

VINACAS coordinated with a number of international and domestic organizations to support enterprises and farmers with knowledge and skills in cashew production and business

organization. VINACAS cooperated with Norway Ethical Trading Initiative (IEH) to implement the program “Capacity building towards sustainable development in cashew nut supply chain in Vietnam”. The program was funded by NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) and IEH - Scandinavian and European food retailers and producers to organize training for processors on social dialogue mechanism, on national and international labor standards; organizetrainingongoodagricultural production practices, labor standards and environmental management for agricultural extension staff, farmer associations, leaders of cashew cooperativesandcashewfarmers.

VINACAS also cooperated with the Vietnam Rural Industries Research and Development Institute (VIRI) to implement the program of

"Promoting supply and demand for processed agricultural products with ecological and fair certification in Vietnam" funded by the European Union with the aim of enhancing the capacity of enterprises to practice sustainable production and product innovation in the supply chain of processedagriculturalproducts;build a fair and ecological product consumption network, and at the same time promote products through e-commerce platforms, a network of retailers and strengthen the ability to accessgreenfinanceforenterprises.

VINACAS cooperated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to participate in the World Bank (WB) delegation to survey the "Project for Sustainable Development of Cashew Industry".

VINACAScooperatedwiththeLegal Department of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Vietnam International Arbitration Center at the VCCI (VIAC) to organize seminars and training sessions on contract law and dispute settlement through arbitration and commercial mediation; as well as participating in many other business support activitiesofVCCIandVIAC.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 11◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
VINACAS cooperates with IEH to organize a training course on Ethical Trade in Cashew Production and Business Dang Lam Mr. Bach Khanh Nhut, Permanent Vice Chairman of Vinacas shared at the seminar.


Môû roäng, phaùt trieån caây ñieàu cuøng vôùi öùng duïng caùc thaønh töïu khoa hoïc kyõ thuaät seõ laø tieàn ñeà cho söï phaùt trieån beàn vöõng cuûa ngaønh ñieàuVieätNam.

Theo Cuïc Troàng troït -

Boä Noâng nghieäp vaø Phaùt trieån noâng thoân, toång dieän tích ñieàunaêm2021cuûaVieätNamlaø314,7 nghìn ha (taêng 12 nghìn ha so vôùi naêm 2020); naêng suaát bình quaân 1,35 taán/ha (taêng 0,11 taán/ha); saûn löôïng 399,3nghìntaán(taêng50,8nghìntaán).

Ñoâng Nam boä laø vuøng saûn xuaát ñieàu lôùn nhaát cuûa Vieät Nam. Naêm 2021, dieän tích troàng ñieàu taïi caùc tænh vuøng Ñoâng Nam boä laø

184.900 ha, saûn löôïng 253.000 taán, chieám 60,7% veà dieän tích, 71,1% veà saûn löôïng ñieàu caû nöôùc. Caây ñieàu ôû

Ñoâng Nam boä taäp trung chuû yeáu ôû

Bình Phöôùc (140.400 ha, saûn löôïng 194.900 taán), Ñoàng Nai (33.100 ha, saûn löôïng 43.800 taán), Baø Ròa - Vuõng Taøu(8.700ha,saûnlöôïng10.800taán).

Vuøng Duyeân haûi Nam Trung

boä vaø Taây Nguyeân coù dieän tích troàng

ñieàu laø 121, nghìn ha, chieám 3,% 2 86

dieän tích ñieàu Vieät Nam. Trong ñoù, caùc tænh troàng ñieàu chính laø Ñaék Laék

27,7 nghìn ha; Gia Lai 23,0 nghìn ha; Laâm Ñoàng 20,6 nghìn ha; Ñaék Noâng

17,3 nghìn ha; Bình Thuaän 16,5 nghìn ha…

Trong nhöõng naêm qua, do söï

phaùt trieån maïnh cuûa coâng nghieäp cheá

bieán, saûn löôïng ñieàu Vieät Nam chieám tyû troïng ngaøy caøng thaáp trong toång nhu caàu ñieàu thoâ cuûa caû ngaønh ñieàu.

Vôùi saûn löôïng 400 nghìn taán, ñieàu thoâ

Vieät Nam ñang chieám khoaûng 25% toång nhu caàu ñieàu nguyeân lieäu cuûa caû ngaønhñieàu.

Qua hôn 30 naêm xuaát khaåu treân thò tröôøng ñieàu theá giôùi, ñieàu Vieät Nam ñaõ ñöôïc nhieàu khaùch haøng quoác teá ñaùnh giaù cao veà chaát löôïng vaø höông vò. Vieäc phaùt trieån saûn löôïng caây ñieàu noäi ñòa coù yù nghóa chieán löôïc, giuùp caùc doanh nghieäp ñieàu chuû ñoäng phaàn naøo nguoàn nguyeân lieäu, giaûm leä thuoäc nhaáp khaåu trong nhöõng thôøi ñieåm quan troïng. Nhu caàu trong nöôùccaolaøcôsôûñeåhìnhthaønhnhöõng vuøngñieàunguyeânlieäubeànvöõng,chaát löôïng toát vaø ñaûm baûo ñöôïc caùc tieâu chuaån ngaøy caøng cao veà an toaøn thöïc phaåm.

OÂng Nguyeãn Minh HoïaPhoù Chuû tòch, Tröôûng ban Chính saùch VINACAS,GiaùmñoácCoângtyTNHH Bimico cho bieát, Hieäp hoäi xaùc ñònh nguyeân lieäu laø vaán ñeà soáng coøn cuûa doanh nghieäp. Vì vaäy, nhöõng naêm qua, VINACAS tích cöïc phoái hôïp vôùi caùc tænh trieån khai thöïc hieän chöông trình khuyeán noâng gheùp caûi taïo vöôøn ñieàunhaèmnaângcaonaêngsuaátvaøchaát löôïngñieàu,ñoàngthôøivaänñoängdoanh nghieäphoäivieânhoãtrôï,giuùpnoângdaân antaâmtroàngñieàu.

“Vinacas seõ tieáp tuïc ñeà xuaát vaø phoái hôïp vôùi Boä Noâng nghieäp vaø Phaùt trieån noâng thoân raø soaùt thöïc traïng vieäc troàng ñieàu ôû Vieät Nam vaø ban haønh caùc chính saùch nhaèm duy trì dieän tích hieän coù vaøgiataêngsaûnlöôïngñieàu.Ñoàngthôøiñeàxuaát,trieånkhaicaùcchöông trình phaùt trieån ñieàu höõu cô, ñieàu saïch theo tieâu chuaån GlobalGAP, trieån khai nghieân cöùu gene ñieàu, xaây döïng quyõ gene ñieàu quyù hieám...”.

(Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa - Phoù Chuû tòch, Tröôûng ban Chính saùch VINACAS,GiaùmñoácCoângtyTNHHBimico)

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “

Sau maáy chuïc naêm trôû thaønh moät caây troàng chuû löïc, ngaønh troàng ñieàu ôû Vieät Nam ñaõ coù nhöõng gioáng ñieàu toát, nhöng vaãn caàn ñöôïc caûi thieän hôn nöõa veà naêng suaát, chaátlöôïng.

Theo kyõ sö Phaïm Vaên Nguyeân - moät chuyeân gia kyø cöïu veà caây ñieàu Vieät Nam, ñeå coù gioáng ñieàu toát, ngaønh noâng nghieäp Vieät Nam caàn tieán haønh ñieàu tra taát caû nhöõng gioáng ñieàu hieän coù ôû caùc ñòa phöông troàng ñieàu ñeå tìm ra nhöõng caây ñieàu coù naêng suaát cao, chaát löôïng toát nhaát. Töø nhöõng caây ñieàu naøy, toå chöùc nhaân gioáng cho noâng daân trongvuøngsöûduïng.

Song song vôùi ñoù laø tieán haønh choïn taïo gioáng ñieàu. Vieäc choïn taïo gioáng caàn ñöôïc thöïc hieän moät caùch kieân trì, beàn bæ nhaèm choïn ra nhöõng gioáng toát nhaát (ñaûm baûo ñöôïc hai tính chaát cuûa moät gioáng caây troàng laø ñoàng nhaátveàhìnhthaùivaøoånñònhquacaùcchukyønhaângioáng)ñeå ñöôïccoângnhaänvaøñöavaøosaûnxuaátgioáng.

Moät chuyeân gia kyø cöïu khaùc veà caây ñieàu laø kyõ sö PhaïmVaênÑaåucuõngchoraèng,caàntìmrañöôïccaâyñieàutoát trong caùc trang traïi ñieàu ñeå laøm gioáng. Trong trang traïi ñieàu coù nhöõng caây naêm naøo cuõng ñöôïc muøa, haït lôùn, tyû leä nhaân cao. Ñoù laø nhöõng caù theå toát, laø nguoàn gene di truyeàn quígiaùtaïoracaùctheáheäsau.

Kyõ sö Phaïm Vaên Ñaåu chia seû “Khi ñaõ tìm ñöôïc nhöõng caây ñieàu toát thì ñaùnh daáu vaø kieåm tra lieân tuïc trong vaøi naêm. Nhöõng caây naøo vaãn toát thì laáy caønh gheùp ñeå nhaân gioáng. Nhaân gioáng baèng phöông phaùp gheùp, tyû leä baûo toàn tính traïng cuûa caây meï leân tôùi 100%, gheùp 1.000 caây seõ ñöôïccaû1.000caây.Coønneáunhaângioángbaènggieohaïtseõbò phaân ly maïnh, khieán cho tyû leä caây con gioáng caây meï chæ ñöôïcvaøiphaàntraêm,neânraátkhoùchoïnñöôïcnhöõngcaâytoát”.

Toùm laïi, ñeå naâng cao naêng suaát ñieàu, ngaønh noâng nghieäp Vieät Nam caàn toå chöùc tuyeån choïn ôû taát caû caùc vuøng troàngñieàuñeåtìmranhöõngcaâyñieàutoátnhaátñeånhaângioáng vaø phoå bieán cho noâng daân söû duïng roäng raõi. Chæ baèng caùch naøy cuõng coù theå giuùp cho naêng suaát bình quaân caây ñieàu ôû VieätNamñöôïccaûithieänñaùngkeå.


Expanding and developing cashew trees together with the application of scientific and technological achievements will be the premiseforsustainabledevelopmentofVietnamcashewindustry.

According to the Department of Crop Production - Ministry of Agriculture andRuralDevelopment,totalcashew area of Vietnam in 2021 was 314.7 thousand ha (increasing 12 thousand ha compared to 2020); average yield of 1.35 tons/ha (up 0.11 ton/ha); outputof399.3thousandtons(up50.8 thousandtons).

The Southeast is the largest cashew production area of Vietnam. In 2021, the cashew growing area in the Southeast provinces was 184,900 ha, with an output of 253,000 tons,

accounting for 60.7% of the area, 71.1% of national cashew output. Cashew trees in the Southeast are mainly concentrated in Binh Phuoc (140,400 ha, output of 194,900 tons), Dong Nai (33,100 ha, output of 43,800 tons), Ba Ria - Vung Tau (8,700ha,outputof10,800tons).

The South Central Coast and Central Highlands have an area of 121.2 thousand ha of cashew cultivation, accounting for 36 of 8. % the cashew area in Vietnam, in which the main cashew growing provinces are Dak Lak 27.7 thousand ha; Gia

Lai 23.0 thousand ha; Lam Dong 20.6 thousandha;DakNong17.3thousand ha;BinhThuan16.5thousandha…

In recent years, due to the strongdevelopmentoftheprocessing industry, Vietnam's cashew output accounts for an increasingly low proportion of total demand for raw cashew nuts of the whole cashew industry. With an output of 400 thousand tons, Vietnam raw cashew nuts are accounting for about 25% of total demand for raw materials of the wholecashewindustry.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 13◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM” Đăng Duy

After more than 30 years of exporting to the world cashew market, Vietnam cashew has been highly appreciated by many international customers for its quality and taste. The development of domestic cashew tree production has a strategic significance, helping cashew enterprises partly take initiative in the source of raw materials, reduce their dependence on import in important times. High domestic demand is the basis for forming sustainable and high-quality raw material zones that ensure increasingly high standards of food safety.

Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa -

VINACAS President

Ltd said that the Association identified raw materials as the vital issue of enterprises. Therefore, for the past years, VINACAS has actively coordinated with the

provinces to implement the agricultural extension program of grafting to improve cashew orchards in order to improve the yield and quality of cashew, and at the same time mobilize member enterprises to supportandhelpfarmersfeelsecured togrowcashew.

Afterdecadesofbecominga key crop, Vietnam cashew industry has had good varieties, but still needs to be further improved in terms of yieldandquality.

According to engineer Pham Van Nguyen – a highly experienced expert on Vietnam cashew tree, in order to have good cashew varieties, Vietnam'sagriculturalsectorneedsto conduct an investigation of all existing cashew varieties in cashew growing localities to find cashew trees with high yield and best quality, from which organize the propagation tofarmersintheareatouse.

Simultaneously, it is the selection and creation of cashew varieties. Selection and creation of varieties should be done in a persistent way in order to select the best varieties (ensure two properties of a plant variety are uniform in morphology and stable through propagation cycles) to be recognized andputintovarietyproduction.

Another highly experienced cashew tree expert, engineer Pham Van Dau, also said that it was necessary to find good cashew trees in cashew farms for making varieties. In the cashew farm, there are trees that have a good crop every year, large seeds with high multiplication rate. Those are good individuals, a valuable genetic resource to create thenextgenerations.

Engineer Pham Van Dau shared, “Once good cashew trees have been found, they are marked and checked continuously in several years. The trees that are still good have branches taken to graft for propagation. For the grafting-based propagation, the rate of preserving thetraitofmotherplantisupto100%, 1,000 plants will be created upon grafting 1,000 plants. But if propagated by seeding, it will be strongly segregated, making the percentage of seedlings that are like the mother plant only a few percent, so it is difficult to choose good plants”.

In summary, in order to improve cashew yield, Vietnam's agricultural industry needs to organize selection in all cashew growing areas to find the best cashew trees to propagate and disseminate to farmers for widespread use. Only this way also helps the average yield of cashew in Vietnam become significantlyimproved.

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ” (Nguyen Minh Hoa - Vice President, Head of VINACAS Policy Board,DirectorofBimico.,Ltd)
"Vinacas will continue to propose and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to review the currentsituationofcashewcultivationinVietnamandissuepolicies to maintain the existing area and increase cashew output, at the sametimeproposeandimplementprogramstodeveloporganicand clean cashew nuts according to GlobalGAP standards, conduct research on cashew genes, build a precisous and rare cashew gene fund...".
Dang Duy




Ñieàu thoâ giaù quaù cao so vôùi giaù nhaân ñieàu baùn ra ñaõ laøm cho nhieàu doanh nghieäp cheá bieán, xuaát khaåu ñieàu Vieät Nam thua loã trong naêm 2022. Naêm 2023, khithòtröôøngnhaânñieàuchöasaùngsuûa,saûnlöôïngñieàuthoâdoàidaøo,doanhnghieäp caànbónhtónhñaùnhgiaùñuùngthòtröôøngroàihaõyquyeátñònhnhaäpkhaåuñieàuthoâ.


Theo VINACAS, trong naêm 2022, Vieät Nam tieáp tuïc laø quoác gia daãn ñaàu veà nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ treân theá giôùi, nhöng löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu giaûm khaù nhieàu. Cuï theå, thoáng keâ cuûa Toång cuïc Haûi quan cho thaáy, trong naêm 2022, Vieät Nam nhaäp khaåu gaàn 1,9 trieäu taán ñieàu thoâ, giaûm tôùi 34,6% so vôùi naêm 2021.

OÂng Baïch Khaùnh Nhöït - Phoù


Toång Giaùm ñoác Vinacontrol Vieät Nam; Chuû tòch HÑQT Vinacontrol

Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh cho raèng, löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu giaûm maïnh laø do yeáu toá thò tröôøng. Ba thò tröôøng lôùn nhaát cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam laø Myõ,EUvaøTrungQuoácñeàugiaûmtieâu

thuï haït ñieàu do laïm phaùt taêng cao laøm giaûm söùc mua cuûa ngöôøi tieâu duøng (Myõ,EU)vaøchínhsaùchZero-COVID (TrungQuoác).


trong naêm 2022 giaûm xuoáng möùc raát thaáp so vôùi nhöõng naêm tröôùc ñoù, khieán cho vieäc xuaát khaåu gaëp nhieàu khoù khaên, do ñoù, nhu caàu nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ giaûm. Beân caïnh ñoù, coøn coù moät löôïng ñieàu thoâ khaù nhieàu toàn kho töø naêm 2021 chuyeån sang. Vì vaäy, trong naêm 2022, duø löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu giaûm nhöng vaãn khoâng

ñöôïc söû duïng heát, ñeán ñaàu naêm 2023

vaãn coøn toàn khaù nhieàu trong kho cuûa doanh nghieäp (DN) vaø kho ngoaïi quan.

Löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu trong naêm 2022 giaûm nhieàu, nhöng giaù laïi quaù cao so vôùi giaù nhaân ñieàu. OÂng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa - Phoù chuû tòch, Tröôûng ban Chính saùch VINACAS;GiaùmñoácCoângtyTNHH Bimico (Taây Ninh), cho bieát, giaù bình quaân ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu caû naêm khoaûng 1.400 USD/taán. Trong boái caûnh giaù nhaân ñieàu giaûm quaù thaáp, thì giaù ñieàu thoâ cao coäng vôùi caùc chi phí saûn xuaát taêng maïnh ñaõ khieán cho giaù thaønh nhaân ñieàu trong naêm 2022 cao hôn khaù nhieàu so vôùi giaù baùn, neân nhìn chung DN ñieàu Vieät Nam khoâng ñaïthieäuquaûkinhteá.

Ñaùnh giaù ñuùng thò tröôøng tröôùckhimuañieàuthoâ

Noùi veà thò tröôøng ñieàu thoâ naêm 2023, oâng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa, nhaän ñònh, nguoàn cung ñieàu nguyeân lieäu toaøn caàu ñang doài daøo bôûi saûn löôïng vaãn taêng 1520%/naêm, thaäm chí saûn löôïng ôû Campuchiataêngtôùi30%/naêm.

Möùc taêng tröôûng cao veà saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ toaøn caàu vaãn chöa döøng laïi vì dieän tích canh taùc caây ñieàu ôû Campuchia vaø caùc nöôùc Chaâu Phi nhìn chung ñeàu taêng qua töøng naêm. Dieäntíchtaêngthìsaûnlöôïngñieàutaêng, thaäm chí möùc taêng seõ coøn cao hôn vì

nhieàu dieän tích ñieàu môùi baét ñaàu cho thu hoaïch neân naêng suaát seõ taêng cao trong nhöõng naêm tôùi. Vì vaäy, saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ toaøn caàu hieän ôû möùc khoaûng4,5trieäutaán,maøvôùimöùctaêng 15-20%/naêm thì seõ leân xaáp xæ 5 trieäu taántrongthôøigiankhoângxa.

Möùc taêng tröôûng cuûa saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ cao hôn so vôùi taêng tröôûng tieâu thuï nhaân ñieàu trong ñieàu kieän bình thöôøng (khoaûng 5-

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 15◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”

Nhöõng naêm gaàn ñaây, beân caïnh vieäc nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ, ñaõ coù moät löôïng nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu vaøo Vieät Nam ñeå cheá bieán xuaát khaåu. Naêm 2021, nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu laø 1.000 taán (900 taán nhaân ñieàu coøn voû luïavaø100taánnhaânñieàutraéng).Naêm2022,löôïngnhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu laø 2.600 taán, trong ñoù, nhaân ñieàu traéng laø300taán,coønlaïilaønhaânñieàucoønvoûluïa.

Nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu ñeán töø Bôø Bieån Ngaø (chieám khoaûng 70-75%) vaø Mozambique (25-30%) cho thaáy chính phuû caùc nöôùc naøy ñang coù chính saùch khuyeán khích cheá bieán nhaân ñieàu thay vì xuaát khaåu toaønboäñieàuthoânhötröôùcñaây.

Nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu veà Vieät Nam tuy chöa nhieàu neáu so vôùi toång saûn löôïng nhaân ñieàu ñöôïc cheá bieán taïi Vieät Nam nhöng cuõng gaây ra moät soá vaán ñeà. Tröôùc heát, löôïng nhaân naøy seõ “chieám choã” cuûa löôïng nhaân töông öùng ñöôïc cheá bieán taïi Vieät Nam trong caùc ñôn haøng xuaát khaåu, qua ñoù aûnh höôûng tôùi coâng vieäc cuõng nhö ñôøi soáng cuûa moät boä phaän ngöôøi lao ñoäng trong ngaønh ñieàu. Beân caïnh ñoù, cô quan chöùc naêng Vieät Nam gaàn nhö chöa coù bieän phaùp kieåm soaùt veà an toaøn thöïc phaåm ñoái vôùi nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu ngay töø caùc khaâu cheá bieán, baûo quaûn taïi nöôùc xuaát khaåu, qua ñoù, coù theå aûnh höôûng khoâng toát veà uy tín, chaát löôïng cuûa nhaân ñieàu Vieät Nam treân thò tröôøng theá giôùi. Chaát löôïng ñieàu thoâ chaâu Phi naêm 2022 giaûm so vôùi tröôùc ñaây, maø cuï theå laø tyû leä nhaân thu hoài giaûm 2 ñôn vò. Nguyeânnhaânchuûyeáulaødothôøitieát.

Moät ñieàu raát ñaùng chuù yù laø trong 4 -5 naêm trôû laïi ñaây, ñieàu thoâ chaâu Phi veà Vieät Nam, tyû leä bò aåm moác, moïc maàm, bò moït laø raát nhoû. Ñieàu naøy cho thaáy nhöõng caûnh baùo, khuyeán nghò cuûa VINACAS taïi caùc Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá lieân quan ñeán chaát löôïng ñieàu thoâ chaâu Phi ñaõ ñöôïc caùc nhaø xuaát khaåu, nhaø thöông maïi ñieàu nguyeân lieäu ôû caùc nöôùc xuaát khaåu tieáp thu vaø caûithieän.

(OÂng Baïch Khaùnh Nhöït - Phoù Chuû tòch thöôøng tröïc VINACAS)

raèng,vôùisöïphaùttrieånveàdieäntíchcuûacaùcnöôùctroàngñieàu vaø aùp duïng caùc phöông phaùp tieân tieán trong thaâm canh, baûo quaûn sau thu hoaïch, saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ toaøn caàu trong naêmnayseõtieáptuïctaêng.

Chính vì vaäy, theo oâng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa, trong boái caûnh saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ theá giôùi doài daøo, moät löôïng ñieàu thoâ lôùn coøn toàn kho ôû Vieät Nam vaø caû ôû AÁn Ñoä (baèng chöùng laø cuoái naêm ngoaùi, ñaàu naêm nay vaø coù theå tieáp tuïc trong thôøi gian tôùi, lieân tuïc coù nhieàu loâ ñieàu thoâ töø AÁn Ñoä ñöa sang Vieät Nam, moãi loâ töø haøng traêm tôùi caû ngaøn taán, laø ñieàu chöa töøng xaûy ra tröôùc ñaây), thì DN Vieät Nam khoâng vieäc gì phaûi voäi vaøng mua ñieàu thoâ khi giaù coøn ôû möùc cao khoânghôïplyùsovôùigiaùxuaátkhaåunhaânñieàu.

10%/naêm). Coøn trong boái caûnh neàn kinh teá theá giôùi chöa coù gì saùng suûa, nhaát laø ôû caùc thò tröôøng lôùn cuûa haït ñieàu laø Myõ vaø EU, thì nhieàu khaû naêng, löôïng nhaân ñieàu tieâu thuï trongnaêmnaysovôùinaêm2022coùtheåkhoângtaênghoaëcchæ taêngnheï.

OÂng Cao Thuùc Uy, UÛy vieân Ban Thöôøng vuï, tröôûng ban Khoa hoïc coâng ngheä cuûa VINACAS; Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng thaønh vieân Coâng ty TNHH Cao Phaùt cuõng cho

OÂng Cao Thuùc Uy chia seû: “Caùc nhaø cheá bieán ñieàu Vieät Nam tröôùc khi quyeát ñònh nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ neân bình tónh vaø nhaän thaáy nguoàn cung nguyeân lieäu naêm nay doài daøo hôn, traùi ngöôïc vôùi thò tröôøng tieâu thuï ñieàu nhaân khaù traàm laéng vaø xu höôùng tieâu duøng ñieàu nhaân hieän nay; Tình hình naøy cuûa theá giôùi coù theå tieáp tuïc trong thôøi gian tôùi. Toâi cho raèng, 2023 laø moät naêm vaãn coøn nhieàu aån soávaøhöùaheïnñoáivôùingaønhñieàuVieätNam”.

Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”

(OÂng Baïch Khaùnh Nhöït - Phoù Chuû tòch thöôøng tröïc VINACAS) Sơn
OÂng Cao Thuùc Uy, UV Ban Thöôøng vuï, tröôûng ban KHCN cuûa VINACAS


Thepriceofrawcashewnutsistoohighcomparedtothesellingpriceof cashew kernels, causing many Vietnam cashew processing and export enterprises to suffer losses in 2022. In 2023, when the cashew kernel market has been not bright abundant output of raw cashew enterprises need to , …. calmlyevaluatethemarketandthendecidetoimportrawcashew.

Unreasonable price of raw cashew demand for raw cashew import decreased. In addition, there was a fairly large volume of raw cashew in stock from 2021. Therefore, in 2022, although the volume of imported raw cashew decreased, it still was not used up, at the beginning of 2023, there was still quite a lot in stock of enterprisesandbondedwarehouses.

According to VINACAS, in 2022, Vietnam continued to be the leading country in importing raw cashew in theworld,butthevolumeofimported raw cashew decreased significantly. Specifically, statistics from the General Department of Vietnam Customs showed that in 2022, Vietnam imported nearly 1.9 million tons of raw cashew, down 34.6% comparedto2021.

Mr. Bach Khanh NhutStanding Vice of President VINACAS, Deputy General Director of Vinacontrol Vietnam; Chairman of The Administrative Council of Vinacontrol Ho Chi Minh City said that the sharp decrease in the volume of raw cashew import was due to market factors. The three largest markets of Vietnam cashew industry, including the US, EU and China, all recorded a reduction in cashew nut consumption due to high inflation, thereby reducing the purchasing powerofconsumers(theUS,EU)and Zero-COVIDpolicy(China).

Decrease in consumption and the price of cashew kernels in 2022 that fell to a very low level compared to previous years made export become difficult, so the

The volume of imported raw cashew in 2022 decreased much, but the price was too high compared to the price of cashew kernels. Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa - Vice President, Head of VINACAS Policy Board; Director of Bimico., Ltd. (Tay Ninh), said that the average price of imported raw cashew for the whole year was about USD 1,400/ton. In the context that the price of cashew kernels fell too low, the high price of raw cashew plus the sharp increase in production costs made the price of cashew kernels in 2022 much higher than the selling price, so in general, Vietnam cashew enterprises failed to gaineconomicefficiency.

Proper evaluation of the marketbeforebuyingrawcashew

Talking about the raw cashew market in 2023, Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa, said that the global supply of raw cashew was abundant because the output was still increasing by 15-20%/year, even

the output in Cambodia increased by 30%/year.

The high growth rate in global raw cashew output does not stop here because the cashew cultivation area in Cambodia and African countries in general increases year by year. When the area increases, the output will increase, and the increase will be even higher because many areas have just begun to be harvested, so the yield will increase in the coming years. Therefore, global raw cashew outputiscurrentlyatabout4.5million tons, with an increase of 15-20% per year,itwillincreasetoapproximately 5milliontonsinthenearfuture.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 17◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”

In recent years, besides importing raw cashew nuts, there have been a large number of cashew kernels imported into Vietnam for export processing. In 2021, imported cashew kernels were 1,000 tons (900 tons of cashew kernels with silk skin and 100 tons of white cashew kernels). In 2022, the number of imported cashew kernels was 2,600 tons, of which white cashew kernels were 300 tons, the rest werecashewkernelswithsilkskin.

Cashew kernels imported from Ivory Coast (accounting for 70-75%) and Mozambique (25-30%) show that the governments of these countries are encouraging the processing of cashew kernels instead ofexportingthewholerawcashewnutasbefore.

Cashew kernels imported to Vietnam are not much compared to total output of cashew kernels processed in Vietnam, but they also cause some problems. First of all, this number of kernels will "Occupy position" of the corresponding number of caschew kernels processed in Vietnam in export purchase orders, thereby affecting the work and life of a part of workers in the cashew industry. In addition, Vietnam authorities have almost no control measures on food safety for imported cashew kernels right from the stages of processing and preservation in the exporting country, thereby, possibly adversely affecting the quality of Vietnam cashew kernels in the world market. The quality of African raw cashew nuts in 2022 decreased compared to before, specifically, the kernel outturn rate decreased by 2 units. The main reasonwastheweather.

Averyremarkablethingisthatforthepast4-5 years, for raw cashew from Africa to Vietnam, the rate of mold, sprouting and weevils is very small. This shows that the warnings and recommendations of VINACAS at VINACAS Golden Cashew Rendezvous related to the quality of African raw cashew have been absorbedandimprovedbyexportersandtradersofraw cashewnutsinexportingcountries.

The growth rate of raw cashew output is higher than that of cashew kernel consumption under normal conditions (about 510%/year). In the context that the world economy has not been bright, especially in the major markets of cashewnuts,includingtheUSandthe EU, it is likely that the volume of cashew kernels consumed this year comparedto2022maynotincreaseor onlyslightlyincrease.

Mr. Cao Thuc Uy, Member of Standing Executive Members' Board, Head of VINACAS Science and Technology Board; Chairman of Members' Council of Cao Phat Company Limited also said that, with the development of the area of cashew growing countries and the application of advanced methods in intensive farming, post-harvest preservation, the global raw cashew output this year would continue to increase.

Therefore, according to Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa, in the context of abundant raw cashew output in the world, a large number of raw cashew nutswerestillinstockinVietnamand also in India (evidenced by the fact that at the end of last year, the beginning of this year and possibly in the near future, there are many

batches of raw cashew nuts from India to Vietnam, each batch from hundreds to thousands of tons, which is something that has never happened before), then Vietnam enterprises do not need to rush to buy raw cashew when its price is unreasonably high compared to the export price of cashewkernels.

Mr. Cao Thuc Uy shared: “Vietnam cashew processors before deciding to import raw cashew. should calm down and realize that the supply of raw materials is more abundant this year, in contrast to the current rather quiet cashew kernel consumption market and the current trend of cashew kernel consumption; This situation of the world may continue in the coming time. I think that 2023 is a year that still has many unknown and promising things for Vietnamcashewindustry”...

(Mr. Bach Khanh Nhut - Standing Vice ChairmanofVINACAS) (Mr. Bach Khanh Nhut - Standing Vice Chairman of VINACAS) Son Trang Mr. Cao Thuc Uy, Head of VINACAS Science and Technology Board



CaùcdoanhnghieäpñieàuVieätNamñaõthieäthaïikhoângnhoûtrongnaêm2022 do giaù ñieàu thoâ cao trong khi giaù nhaân ñieàu laïi quaù thaáp. Trong boái caûnh thò tröôøngnhaânñieàu2023chöacoùdaáuhieäusaùngsuûa,giaùñieàuthoâvaønhaânñieàucaàn hôïp lyù hôn ñeå caùc nhaø cheá bieán, xuaát khaåu coù theå truï ñöôïc vaø tieáp tuïc ñoùng vai troøquantroïngtrongchuoãigiaùtròhaïtñieàutoaøncaàu.


Nhaéc laïi naêm 2022, oâng Traàn Vaên Hieäp -

Phoù Chuû tòch kieâm Tröôûng ban Ñoái ngoaïi vaø Xuùc tieán thöông maïi VINACAS; Toång Giaùm ñoác Coâng tyMyõAn, choraèng:nhöõngvaánñeàlôùnveàchínhtrò,kinhteá theá giôùi trong naêm qua, nhö xung ñoät Nga - Ukraine, khuûng hoaûng naêng löôïng, laïm phaùt taêng cao, caùc ngaân haøng trung öông taêng laõi suaát… ñaõ khieán cho vaät giaù leo thang, ñoàng tieàn bò maát giaù ôû nhieàu quoác gia, ñaõ taùc ñoäng lôùn ñeán söùc khoûe neàn kinh teá caùc nöôùc noùi chung vaø thò tröôøng nhaân ñieàu noùi rieâng. Söùc mua giaûm, ñaëc bieät giaù ñieàunhaângiaûmôûmöùcraátthaáptrong10naêmtrôûlaïiñaây.

Trong khi ñoù, saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ treân toaøn caàu ñang taêng. OÂng Vuõ Thaùi Sôn, UÛy vieân Ban Thöôøng vuï, Phoù ban Ñoái ngoaïi vaø Xuùc tieán thöông maïi VINACAS; Chuû tòch HÑQT kieâm Toång Giaùm ñoác Coâng ty Coå phaàn Long Sôn, cho bieát, vôùi nhöõng tieán boä veà khoa hoïc - coâng ngheä trong noâng nghieäp, saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ treân theá giôùi ñang ngaøy caøng taêng leân. Ñoàng thôøi, saûn löôïng nhieàu loaïi haït khaùc cuõng taêng, trong ñoù coù nhöõng loaïi haït nhö haïnh nhaânthìcungñaõvöôïtcaàukhaùnhieàu.

Theo nhaän ñònh cuûa moät soá doanh nhaân ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam, caùc nhaø nhaäp khaåu nhaân ñieàu khoâng chæ nhìn vaøo thò tröôøng nhaân ñieàu maø coøn nhìn vaøo saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ vaø cung caàu caùc loaïi haït khaùc ñeå ñònh giaù nhaân ñieàu.

Nhöõng yeáu toá treân khieán cho trong naêm 2022, duø tieâu thuï nhaân ñieàu treân toaøn caàu nhìn chung khoâng giaûm, löôïng nhaân ñieàu xuaát khaåu cuûa Vieät Nam giaûm khoâng nhieàu, nhöng giaù xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu laïi giaûm maïnh vaø ôû möùc quaù thaáp. Trong khi ñoù, giaù ñieàu thoâ laïi quaù cao vaø khoâng hôïp lyù so vôùi giaù nhaân ñieàu. OÂng Traàn Vaên Hieäp khaúng ñònh, chính vieäc giaù nhaân ñieàu xuaát khaåu giaûm quaù thaáp trong khi giaù nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ cao khoâng caân ñoái vôùi giaù nhaân ñieàu xuaát khaåu ñaõ gaây ra thieät haïi ñoái vôùi caùc doanhnghieäpvaøcaûngaønhñieàuVieätNam.

Thoâng tin töø caùc doanh nhaân ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam cho thaáy, nhöõng ngaøy ñaàu naêm 2023, thò tröôøng ñieàu nhaân vaãn traàm laéng. OÂng Traàn Vaên Hieäp cho bieát, sau Teát Quyù Maõo, noâng daân ñaõ baét ñaàu thu hoaïch ñieàu,caùcdoanhnghieäpcuõngñaõbaétñaàuxöûlyùnguyeânlieäu, cheá bieán, nhöng hôïp ñoàng coøn khaù ít. Tröôùc ñaây, ngay töø ñaàu moãi naêm, ña soá nhaø nhaäp khaåu lôùn AÂu - Myõ ñaõ kyù hôïp ñoàng mua nhaân ñieàu daøi haïn cho 6 thaùng, nhieàu hôïp ñoàng tôùi9thaùnghoaëchôn.Nhöngñaàunaêm2023,nhaønhaäpkhaåu naøo kyù hôïp ñoàng vôùi thôøi gian mua daøi nhaát cuõng chæ tôùi giöõa naêm, nhöng vôùi soá löôïng haïn cheá. Nhìn chung, caùc nhaø nhaäp khaåu ñang mua moät caùch caàm chöøng. Chính vì vaäy, oâng Hieäp nhaän ñònh, trong thôøi gian tôùi, tình hình vaãn chöa coù gì khaû quan ñoái vôùi vieäc xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu cuûa VieätNam.

Tuy vaäy, vaãn coù theå coù ñieåm saùng cho thò tröôøng nhaân ñieàu khi Trung Quoác ñaõ töø boû chính saùch ZeroCOVID. OÂng Phuøng Vaên Saâm, UÛy vieân Ban chaáp haønh VINACAS; Chuû tòch HÑQT Hanfimex Group, nhaän ñònh, vieäc Trung Quoác baét ñaàu môû cöûa thò tröôøng trôû laïi töø thaùng 1/2023 giuùp toaøn boä neàn kinh teá nöôùc naøy daàn laáy laïi nieàm tin töø caùc nhaø saûn xuaát vaø ngöôøi tieâu duøng. Trung Quoác coù daân soá raát ñoâng, sau moät thôøi gian daøi phaûi ôû nhaø do chính saùch Zero-COVID, ngöôøi Trung Quoác seõ du lòch nhieàu hôn trong thôøi gian tôùi. Ñieàu naøy giuùp cho vieäc löu thoâng cuõngnhötieâuthuïhaïtñieàuôûthòtröôøngTrungQuoáctrôûneân toáthôn.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 19◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”

Theo Toång cuïc Haûi quan Vieät Nam, trongnaêm2022,VieätNamxuaátkhaåu519.782taán haït ñieàu, trò giaù 3,08 tyû USD, giaûm 10,3% veà löôïngvaø15,1%veàkimngaïchsovôùinaêm2022.

Myõ laø thò tröôøng lôùn nhaát cuûa haït ñieàu Vieät Nam trong naêm 2022 vôùi 143.649 taán, trò giaù 842,715 trieäu USD. Ñöùng thöù hai laø thò tröôøng Trung Quoác vôùi 75.501 taán, trò giaù 440,645 trieäu USD.ThöùbalaøthòtröôøngHaøLanvôùi53.368taán, trògiaù296,611trieäuUSD.

Trong Top 10 thò tröôøng lôùn nhaát cuûa haït ñieàu Vieät Nam naêm 2022 coøn coù Ñöùc, UÙc, Anh,Canada,CaùcTieåuvöôngquoácAÛraäpThoáng nhaát, Arab Saudi vaø Israel. Trong khi xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu sang phaàn lôùn caùc thò tröôøng trong Top 10 giaûm trong naêm 2022, thì xuaát khaåu sang ba thò tröôøng ôû khu vöïc Trung Ñoâng laø UAE, Arab Saudi vaø Israel ñeàu taêng, vôùi möùc taêng laàn löôït veà löôïng laø 42,8%, 44,9% vaø 10,4%. Ñieàu naøy cho thaáy, caùc doanh nghieäp ñieàu ñang coù söï chuyeån höôùng, ñaåy maïnh khai thaùc nhöõng thò tröôøng tieàm naêng khaùc trong boái caûnh gaëp khoù khaênveàtieâuthuïcuõngnhögiaùcaûôûMyõvaøEU.

OÂngVuõThaùiSôncuõngchoraèng,ñieåmsaùngtrong naêm2023coùtheåñeántöøTrungQuoácnhöngthòphaàncuûathò tröôøng chöa lôùn, thôøi ñieåm cao nhaát coù theå chæ chieám khoaûng 10% löôïng nhaân ñieàu xuaát khaåu cuûa Vieät Nam. Moät soá thò tröôøng ñang coù söï oån ñònh nhö Nhaät Baûn, Haøn Quoác, UÙc… thì löôïng haït ñieàu tieâu thuï khoâng nhieàu. Trong khi ñoù, hai thò tröôøng duøng nhieàu haït ñieàu nhaát laø Myõ vaø EU thì vaãn raát khoù khaên. Do ñoù, oâng Sôn nhaän ñònh, nhìn chungthòtröôøngnhaânñieàunaêm2023vaãnchöasaùngsuûa.

Duø thò tröôøng nhìn chung vaãn chöa khaû quan, nhöng caùc doanh nghieäp ñieàu Vieät Nam vaãn phaûi duy trì cheá bieán, tìm kieám ñôn haøng, tieâu thuï… Trong boái caûnh thò tröôøng ñang raát khoù khaên, ñeå coù ñöôïc hieäu quaû kinh teá, baét buoäccaùcdoanhnghieäpphaûitínhtoaùnkyõveàchiphí,nhaátlaø chi phí cho ñieàu thoâ. Theo ñoù, doanh nghieäp phaûi naém vöõngtìnhhìnhcungcaàutreânthòtröôøngñieàuthoâvaøchæmua ñieàunguyeânlieäuvôùimöùcgiaùhôïplyù,ñeåsaukhicoängtaátcaû chiphíthìvaãncoùñöôïclôïinhuaän.

Ñoàng thôøi, caùc nhaø nhaäp khaåu cuõng caàn coù giaù mua hôïp lyù hôn ñeå khoâng gaây thieät haïi cho caùc nhaø cheá bieán,xuaátkhaåunhaânñieàu,quañoùtaïodöïngñöôïcchuoãigiaù trò haït ñieàu toaøn caàu moät caùch oån ñònh, beàn vöõng vaø taát caû caùcbeânthamgiañeàucoùlôïi.


Vietnamcashewenterprisessufferedconsiderablelossesin2022duetohighprice of raw cashew nuts while the price of cashew kernels was too low. In the context that the cashewkernelmarketin2023hasnotshownanybrightsign,thepriceofrawcashewnuts and cashew kernels needs to be more reasonable so that processors and exporters can surviveandcontinuetoplayanimportantroleintheglobalcashewnutvaluechain.

Huge damage to cashew kernelexporters

Recalling 2022, Mr. Tran Van Hiep - Vice President and Head of Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Board of VINACAS; General Director of My An Company, said that the world's major political and economic problems for the past year, such as Russia-Ukraine conflict, energy crisis, high inflation, raising interest rates by central banks... caused prices

to escalate, currencies to be depreciated in many countries, significantly affected the health of the economies of countries in general and the cashew kernel market in particular. The purchasing power has decreased, especially the price of cashew kernels has fell at a very low levelforthepast10years.

Meanwhile, global raw cashew output has been increasing. Mr. Vu Thai Son, Member of StandingExecutiveMembers'Board,

Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Board of VINACAS; Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of Long Son Joint Stock Company, said that, with advances in science and technology in agriculture, the world's raw cashew output was increasing. At the same time, the output of many other types of nuts also increased, including nuts such as almonds, the supplyexceededdemandquitealot.

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
Thanh Sơn

According to some entrepreneurs in the Vietnam cashew industry,cashewkernelimportersnot only looked at the cashew kernel market but also looked at the raw cashew output and the supply and demand of other nuts to determine thepriceofcashewkernels.

Due to the above factors in 2022, although the global consumption of cashew kernels in general did not decrease, the number of cashew kernels exported by Vietnam did not decrease much, the export price of cashew kernels decreased sharply and at a too low rate. Meanwhile, the price of raw cashew was too high and unreasonable compared to the price of cashew kernels. Mr. Tran Van Hiep affirmed that it was the low price of export cashew kernels while the high import price of raw cashew nuts was not disproportionate to the export price of cashew kernels that caused damage to enterprises and the wholeVietnamcashewindustry.


Information from entrepreneurs in the Vietnam cashew industry shows that, in the early days of 2023, the cashew kernel market has been still quiet. Mr. Tran Van Hiep said, after the Lunar New Year, farmers started to harvest cashew, enterprises also started handling raw materials and processing, but the number of contracts was quite limited. Previously, at the beginning of each year, most major EuropeanAmerican importers signed longterm contracts to buy cashew kernels in 6 months, many contracts in 9 months or more. But in early 2023, the contracts signed by importers only had the longest buying term to the middle of the year but in a limited number. In general, importers were buying at an indifferent level. Therefore, Mr. Hiep said that in the

According to the General Department of Vietnam Customs, in 2022, Vietnam exported 519,782 tons of cashew nuts, valued USD 3.08 billion, down 10.3% in volume and 15.1% in turnovercomparedto2022.

TheUSwasthelargestmarketforVietnam'scashewnutsin 2022 with 143,649 tons, valued USD 842,715 million. The second position was China market with 75,501 tons, valued USD 440.645 million. The third position was the Netherlands market with 53,368 tons,valuedUSD296,611million.

InTop10largestmarketsofVietnam'scashewnutsin2022, there were also Germany, Australia, the UK, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Israel. While cashew kernel export to most of Top 10 markets decreased in 2022, export to three markets in the Middle East region, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Israel, all increased in volume at 42.8%, 44.9% and 10.4%, respectively, which showed that cashew enterprises were changing direction, stepping up to exploit other potential markets in the contextofdifficultiesinconsumptionandpricesintheUSandEU.

coming time, the situation was still not positive for the export of cashew kernelsofVietnam.

However, there may still be a bright spot for the cashew kernel market when China abandoned the Zero-COVID policy. Mr. Phung Van Sam,Member of Executive Members' Board of VINACAS; ChairmanoftheBoardofDirectorsof Hanfimex Group, said that China's reopeningofthemarketfromJanuary 2023 would help the entire economy gradually regain confidence from manufacturers and consumers. China had a very large population, after a long stay at home due to ZeroCOVID policy, Chinese people would travel more in the near future. This helped the circulation and consumption of cashew nuts in China marketbecomebetter.

Mr. Vu Thai Son also said that the bright spot in 2023 may come from China, but the market share was not large, the highest time may only account for about 10% of Vietnam's export cashew kernels. Some markets were stable such as Japan, Korea, Australia ... the volume of

cashew nut consumption was not much. Meanwhile, two markets that used the most cashew s, the US kernel and the EU, were still very difficult. Therefore, Mr. Son said, in general, the cashew kernel market in 2023 wasstillnotbright.

Although the market in general is still not positive, Vietnam cashew enterprises still have to maintain processing, finding purchase orders, consuming ... In the context when the market is very difficult, in order to achieve economic efficiency, enterprises have to carefully calculate costs, especially the cost of raw cashew. Accordingly, enterprises must thoroughly grasp the supply and demand situation in the raw cashew market and only buy raw cashew at a reasonable price, so that after adding allcosts,theystillgetaprofit.

At the same time, importers also need to have a more reasonable purchase price so as not to cause damage to cashew kernel processors and exporters, thereby creating a stable and sustainable global cashew nut value chain and all involved partiesbenefit.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 21◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
Thanh Sơn





“Cashews of Vietnam” - thöông hieäu ñieàu Vieät Nam ñaõ ñöôïc khaúng ñònh treân theá giôùi vôùi 4 caùi nhaát: Giöõ vöõng vò trí ñöùng ñaàu theá giôùi trong xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu töø naêm 2006ñeánnay.Nöôùcsaûnxuaáthaïtñieàuñöôïckhaùchhaøngquoácteácoângnhaäncoùchaátlöôïng ngonnhaát.VieätNamlaønöôùccoùcoângngheä,thieátbòcheábieánnhaânñieàutieântieánnhaát.Vaø laønöôùcnhaäpkhaåuñieàuthoâlôùnnhaátñeåcheábieánvaøxuaátkhaåu.

Nhaân dòp Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá laàn thöù 12, chuùng toâi coù cuoäc trao ñoåi vôùi oâng Phaïm Vaên Coâng - Chuû tòch Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam (VINACAS) veà vaán ñeà ngaønh ñieàu phaûivöôïtquathaùchthöùcñeåtheágiôùinoùiñeánngaønhñieàulaønghóñeánVieätNam.

* Theo oâng, ñaïi dòch COVID-19 xuaát hieän vaø keùo daøi, sau ñoù laø chieán tranh Nga - Ucraine ñaõ taùc ñoäng theá naøoñoáivôùingaønhñieàuVieätNam?

Tröôùc heát, toâi muoán nhaán maïnh, haït ñieàu luoân giöõ vò trí cao trong nhoùm haøng noâng saûn xuaát khaåu chuû löïc cuûa Vieät Nam, ñöôïc xuaát ñeán hôn 100 quoác gia vaø vuøng laõnh thoå; laø moät trong 9 nhoùm haøng theá maïnh xuaát khaåu lôùn nhaát cuûa Vieät Nam tham gia ChöôngtrìnhXaâydöïngchieánlöôïcthöônghieäungaønhthöïc phaåm Vieät Nam. Töø naêm 2020 - 2021, ñaïi dòch COVID-19 laømñöùtgaõycaùcchuoãicungöùng,saûnxuaátvaøkinhdoanhrôi vaøo khuûng hoaûng nghieâm troïng nhieàu maët vaø ngaønh ñieàu cuõng khoâng laø ngoaïi leä. Coù theå noùi, ñaây laø giai ñoaïn ngaønh ñieàu toaøn caàu, bao goàm Vieät Nam, gaëp voâ vaøn khoù khaên, chöa töøng coù tröôùc ñoù vaø baây giôø vaãn phaûi ñoái dieän vôùi nhöõngthaùchthöùcchöalöôøngheátñöôïc...

Vì ñaïi dòch COVID-19, ba naêm qua (naêm 2020, 2021, 2022), hoaït ñoäng xuùc tieán thöông maïi lôùn nhaát cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam: Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá do VINACAS toå chöùc haèng naêm - “ñieåm heïn” cuûa nhöõng ngöôøiquantaâmñeánngaønhñieàutheágiôùi-phaûihoaõnlaïi.

Maëc duø töø ñaàu thaùng 1-2023, Trung Quoác nôùi loûng vieäc quaûn lyù dòch beânh COVID-19, nhöng vôùi chuû tröông Zero-COVID ba naêm qua laøm cho vieäc xuaát khaåu vaøothòtröôøngnaøygaëpnhieàukhoùkhaên.Khivaãnchöahoaøn toaøn thoaùt khoûi ñaïi dòch, thaùng 2-2022, xaûy ra cuoäc chieán tranh giöõa Nga - Ucraine, theá giôùi laïi ñoái dieän khoù khaên môùi,ngaønhñieàucuõngvaäy.

* Thöa oâng, coøn nhöõng thaùch thöùc naøo nöõa taùc ñoäng ñeán ngaønh cheá bieán vaø xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu Vieät Nam?

Thôøigianquacoønxuaáthieännhöõngthaùchthöùc môùi töø caùc nöôùc lieân quan ñeán hoaït ñoäng ngaønhñieàu,nhöõngnöôùclaøñoáitaùclôùncuûangaønhñieàuVieät Nam, ñaõ vaø ñang taùc ñoäng maïnh ñeán thò tröôøng vaø hoaït ñoäng cuûa doanh nghieäp ñieàu Vieät Nam. Ñoù laø vieäc thay ñoåi, boå sung chính saùch thöông maïi ngaønh ñieàu, nhöuy q ñònh giaù saøn xuaát khaåu haït ñieàu thoâ cuûa caùc ; t nöôùc Chaâu Phiaêng maïnh thueá vaø giaù toái thieåu nhaäp khaåu haït ñieàu nhaân cuûa AÁn Ñoä; quy ñònh chaët cheõ veà xuaát xöù haøng hoùa, ñoùng goùi, nhaõn maùc noâng saûn,thöïcphaåmnhaäpkhaåuquabieângiôùi cuûa Trung Quoác, caùc chæ tieâu an toaøn thöïc phaåm cuûa Chaâu AÂu ñöa ra quaù cao... Nhöõng chính saùch aáy ñang vaø seõ laø aùp löïc taùc ñoäng ñeán söï phaùt trieån ngaønh cheá bieán ñieàu Vieät Nam. Ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam ñöùng tröôùc nhöõng thaùch thöùc,nhöngcuõngxuaáthieänthôøicômôùi.

Söï hoäi nhaäp ngaøy caøng saâu roäng cuûa VieätNamvôùitheágiôùiñemlaïinhöõngcô hoäi lôùn cho ngaønh ñieàu ñeå phaùt trieån saûn xuaát, kinh doanh, môû roäng thò tröôøng, taát nhieân, söï caïnh tranh seõ khoác lieäthôn.

“ ”
Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT

* Duø chuùng ta laøm chuû thieát bò vaø coâng ngheä nhöng ñaây cuõng laø vaán ñeà khoâng nhoû cuûa ngaønh, phaûi khoâng,thöaoâng?

Ñuùng vaäy! Ñaây laø theá maïnh cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam, nhöng neáu töï maõn, chuû quan, chuùng ta seõ tuït haäu. Veà coâng ngheä, Vieät Nam vaãn chöa thöïc söï laøm chuû coâng ngheä baén maøu vaø phaân kích côõ baèng maùy. Coâng ngheä naøy Trung quoác ñang chieám öu theá vaø gaàn ñaây caùc doanh nghieäp Vieät Nam ñaõ ñöa thieát bò töø AÁn Ñoä vaøo coâng ñoaïn naøy trong daây chuyeàn saûn xuaát. Do ñoù, caàn coù chieán löôïc baøi baûn laøm taêng giaù trò haït ñieàu; ñaåy maïnhhôïptaùcvôùicaùctoåchöùckhoahoïc,coângngheäñeåtrieån khai caùc chöông trình töï ñoäng hoùa toaøn boä quy trình cheá bieán nhaân ñieàu; chuyeån töø sô cheá nhaân ñieàu vaø xuaát khaåu baùnthaønhphaåmsangcheábieántinh,ñöasaûnphaåmtröïctieáp vaøosieâuthò.

VINACAS ñang xuùc tieán xaây döïng “Chieán löôïc phaùt trieån ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam trong tình hình môùi” ñeå trình Chính phuû. Trong ñoù, ñeà xuaát nhöõng cô cheá, chính saùch nhaèm hai muïc tieâu: Phaùt trieån maïnh cheá bieán saâu. giaønh vò trí xöùng ñaùng trong chuoãi giaù trò ñieàu toaøn caàu vaø phaùt trieån maïnh vuøng nguyeân lieäu theo höôùng chaát löôïng, hieäuquaû.

Nhöng chuùng toâi cho raèng, neáu nhìn ôû khía caïnh tích cöïc, nhöõng thaùch thöùc aáy cuõng laø cô hoäi giuùp ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam coù theâm ñoäng löïc, taäp trung söùc ngöôøi vaø söùc cuûa, tieán haønh moät laàn nöõa “cuoäc caùch mang” veà coâng ngheävaøthieátbò,ñaùpöùngnhucaàuchuyeånñoåisaâutrongcheá bieánñieàu.



“Cashews of Vietnam" - Vietnam's cashew brand has been confirmed in the world with 4 best ones: Maintaining the leading position in the world in exporting cashew kernels from 2006 to present. The cashew producing country recognized by international customerstohavethebestquality.Vietnamisthe country with the most advanced technology and equipment for processing cashew kernels and is the largest raw cashew importer for processing andexport.

On the occasion of the 12 VINACAS th Golden Cashew Rendezvous, we had a talk with Mr.PhamVanCong-ChairmanoftheVietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS) about the issue that the cashew industry must overcome challenges so that the world always thinks about Vietnam when the cashew industry is mentioned.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 23◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
OÂng Phaïm Vaên Coâng - Chuû Tòch Hieäp Hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam - President Mr. Pham Van Cong of Vietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS) Công Phiên thực hiện *Caûmônoâng!

* In your opinion, how did COVID-19 pandemic appearring and lasting, then Russia - Ukraine war affect Vietnamcashewindustry?

First of all, I would like to emphasize, cashew nut always holds a high position in the group of key agricultural export products of Vietnam, exported to more than 100 countries and territories; is one of the nine largest groups with export strength of Vietnam participating in the Program on Building a Brand Strategy for Vietnam Food Industry. From 2020 to 2021, COVID19 pandemic disrupted supply chains, production and business fell into a serious crisis in many aspects and the Vietnam cashew industry was no exception. It could be said that this was a period when the global cashew industry, including Vietnam, encountered many difficulties in an unprecedented manner and now still has tofaceunforeseenchallenges...

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, for the past three years (in 2020, 2021, 2022), the biggest trade promotion activity of Vietnam cashew industry: the VINACAS Golden Cashew Rendezvous organized annually by VINACAS-a"rendezvous"ofthosewhoareinterestedin theworldcashewindustry–hadtobepostponed.

From the beginning of January 2023, China eased the management of COVID-19 pandemic, but with the Zero-COVID policy for the past three years, export to this market faced many difficulties. When the pandemic was not still been completely controlled, in February 2022, when the war between Russia and Ukraine occurred,theworldfacednewdifficulties,andthecashew industrywasnoexception

*Sir,whichotherchallengesaffectedthecashew processingandexportindustryinVietnam?

Recently, new challenges have appeared from the countries related to cashew industry activities, the countries that are major partners of Vietnam cashew industry, which have had a strong impact on the market and activities of Vietnam enterprises. That is the change and supplementation of trade policies of the

cashew industry, such as specifying floor price of exporting raw cashew from African countries; sharply increasing the import tax and minimum price of Indian cashew nuts; Strictly regulating origin of goods, packaging, labeling of agricultural products and food imported across China's border, European food safety norms that are set at a too high level... Those policies has been and will be the pressure affecting the development of the cashew processing industry in Vietnam. The Vietnam cashew industry is facing challenges, but also new opportunities. The deeper and deeper integration of Vietnam with the world brings great opportunities for the cashew industry to develop production, business and market expansion, of course, the competition will be fiercer.

*Althoughwemasterequipmentandtechnology, thisisalsoabigproblemfortheindustry,isthatright,sir?

That's right! This is the strength of Vietnam cashew industry, but if we are complacent and subjective, we will fall behind. In terms of technology, Vietnam has not really mastered the technology of color sorting and sizing by machine. China is the country dominating this technology and Vietnam enterprises have recently brought equipment from India to this stage in the production line. Therefore, it is necessary to have a methodical strategy to increase the value of cashew nuts; promote cooperation with science and technology organizations to deploy programs to automate the entire cashew kernel processing procedures; shift from preliminary processing of cashew kernels and exporting semi-finished products to fine processing,bringingproductsdirectlytosupermarkets.

VINACAS is promoting the development of "Strategy to develop Vietnam cashew industry in a new situation" to submit to the Government. In which, proposing mechanisms and policies to achieve two objectives: Strongly develop deep processing to gain a worthy position in the global cashew value chain and strongly develop the raw material zone in the direction of qualityandefficiency.

But we think that, if viewed from a positive perspective, these challenges are also an opportunity to help Vietnam cashew industry gain more motivation, mobilize human and physical forces to once again conduct a "revolution" on technology and equipment, meeting the needsofdeeptransformationincashewprocessing.


tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT
Implemented by Cong Phien



Böôùc vaøo naêm 2022, doanh nghieäp kyø voïng töøng böôùc phuïc hoài saûn xuaátkinhdoanhkhiñaïidòchCOVID-19(2020-2021)ñöôïcñaåylui,nhönglaïigaëpnhöõng khoù khaên tieáp theo bôûi cuoäc xung ñoät Nga - Ukraine laøm cho tình hình chính tròkinhteá-xaõhoäinhieàunöôùcbieánñoängtheochieàuhöôùngxaáu…

Chaám döùt giai ñoaïn 10 naêmtaêngtröôûnglieântuïc

Taùc ñoäng cuûa cuoäc xung ñoät Nga - Ucraine laøm khuûng hoaûng naêng löôïng vaø löông thöïc toaøn caàu, laïm phaùt nhieàu nöôùc taêng cao, giaù sinh hoaït ñaét ñoû hôn neân ngöôøi daân haïn cheá möùc chi tieâu. Haäu quaû laø söùc mua caùc loaïi thöïc phaåm khoâng thieát yeáu nhö caùc loaïi haït, goàm haïtñieàubòaûnhhöôûng.

Nhìnlaïinaêm2022,nhaønhaäp khaåu vaø cheá bieán chaäm mua ñieàu nhaân nguyeân lieäu trong haàu heát caùc giai ñoaïn. Thò tröôøng nhaân ñieàu noùi chung, ñaëc bieät thò tröôøng truyeàn thoáng cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam suy giaûm.

Theo phaân tích cuûa oâng

Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa - Phoù Chuû tòch kieâm Tröôûng Ban Chính saùch

VINACAS, Giaùm ñoác Coâng ty BIMICO, doanh nghieäp (DN) trong ngaønh, nhaát laø caùc ñôn vò saûn xuaát lôùn caàn nhìn laïi ñeå thaáy naêm 2022 saûn

xuaát, cheá bieán khoâng suy giaûm, soá löôïng xuaát khaåu khoâng giaûm nhieàu, nhöng kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu laïi giaûm 200 - 300 trieäu USD. Veà nguyeân lieäu ñieàu thoâ, ñaàu naêm 2022, döï baùo thieáu huït, nhöng giöõa vaø cuoái naêm cho thaáy löôïng ñieàu thoâ bình quaân trong naêm khoâng luùc naøo thieáu. Vì khoâng thieáu huït neân giaù ñieàu nhaân khoù coù theå taêng theo quy luaät cung caàu. Löôïng ñieàu nhaân ôû caùc thò tröôøng Chaâu AÂu, Hoa Kyø khoâng thieáu nhö nhöõng naêm tröôùc trong khi moät thò tröôøng lôùn khaùc cuûa haït ñieàu Vieät Nam laø Trung Quoác laïi suït giaûm do nöôùc naøy duy trì chính saùch Zero-COVID ñeán cuoái naêm 2022.

Do vaäy, phía sau nhöõng con soá trong baùo caùo laø khoâng bieát bao nhieâu khoù khaên aäp ñeán trong naêm qua maø töøng DN phaûi ñoái maët. Töø giaù nguyeân lieäu ôû möùc 1.200 USD/taán ñieàu thoâ ñaàu vuï, khi vaøo vuï xuaát hieän tình traïng “coù veû thieáu huït ñieàu thoâ” ñöa giaù leân 1.400 USD/taán. Coäng theâm caùc chi phí nhö nhaân coâng, vaät tö, bao bì, ñieän... ñeàu taêng ñaõ ñaåy giaù thaønh ñieàu thoâ leân cao, trong khi giaù baùn nhaân ñieàu laïi giaûm. Keát quaû, naêm 2022, ngaønh ñieàu khoâng nhöõng khoâng ñaït caùc chæ tieâu cuûa Boä Noâng nghieäp vaø Phaùt trieån noâng thoân ñeà ra, maø hieäu quaû trong saûn xuaát, cheá bieán cuûa nhieàu DN baúng khoâng hoaëc hieäu quaûkhoângcao,tröømoätsoáDNchuyeân veà thöông maïi ñieàu nhaân xuaát khaåu. Haàu heát caùc DN cheá bieán thuaàn gaàn nhö khoâng coù laõi, phaûi chaät vaät öùng phoùñeåtoàntaïi.

OÂng Taï Quang Huyeân, UÛy vieân Ban Thöôøng vuï VINACAS, Chuû tòch HÑQT Coâng ty Coå phaàn Hoaøng Sôn 1 (Bình Phöôùc) cho bieát: “Suoát thôøigiandaøi,giaùñieàuthoâtheágiôùikhaù oån ñònh neân nhieàu nöôùc môû roäng dieän tích troàng ñieàu, laøm cho saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ taêng nhanh hôn so vôùi möùc taêng cuûa nhu caàu tieâu duøng. Khi xung ñoät Nga - Ucraine noå ra, nhaèm giaûm bôùt tình traïng laïm phaùt, Cuïc Döï tröõ Lieân bang Myõ (FED) nhieàu laàn taêng laõi suaát, EU cuõng coù nhöõng bieän phaùp töông töï, caùc nhaø nhaäp khaåu, baùn buoân ñieàu nhaân theá giôùi khoâng kham noåi laõi suaát neân haïn cheá hoaëc khoâng mua tröõ saün trong kho nhö tröôùc. Cuøngvôùilaïmphaùt,vieäctieâuduøngsuy yeáu neân laàn ñaàu tieân coâng ty toâi khoâng taêng tröôûng veà doanh soá thay vìtaêngbìnhquaân20%/naêmsuoátmöôøi maáynaêmlieàn”.

Nhaän ñònh cuûa VINACAS, naêm 2022 chaám döùt giai ñoaïn taêng tröôûng veà xuaát khaåu keùo daøi lieân tuïc trong10naêm(2011-2021)cuûangaønh ñieàuVieätNam.

Khoâng thieáu ñieàu thoâ neân caànñeánñaâumuañeánñoù

Theo oâng Baïch Khaùnh Nhöït, Phoù Chuû tòch Thöôøng tröïc VINACAS, Phoù Toång Giaùm ñoác Taäp ñoaøn Vinacontrol Vieät Nam, Chuû tòch HÑQT Vinacontrol TPHCM, tình hình xuaát khaåu ñieàu nhaân giai ñoaïn 2022 - 2023 xem ra caøng khoù khaên hôn giai ñoaïn 20192021. Tieâu thuï ñieàu nhaân vaãn chaäm,

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 25◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
OÂng Taï Quang Huyeân, UVBTV VINACAS, Chuû tòch HÑQT Coâng ty Coå phaàn Hoaøng Sôn 1

giaùcaûkhoùtaêng.Ñoàngquanñieåmnaøy, oâng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa cho raèng, chöa nhìn thaáy “maøu hoàng” phía tröôùc.

Chi tieâu cho thöïc phaåm khoâng thieát yeáu nhö haït ñieàu ñöôïc döï

baùo coøn suy giaûn keùo daøi. OÂng Taï

Quang Huyeân nhaän ñònh: “Naêm

2023, nguyeân lieäu ñieàu nhaân caùc thò

tröôøng lôùn ñang toàn dö. Vôùi laõi suaát cao, caùc nhaø buoân theá giôùi khoâng voäi mua döï tröõ ñieàu nhaân khi chöa bieát

khaû naêng tieâu thuï ra sao. Laõi suaát cao neân khaùch haøng khoâng mua nhieàu, ñaåy toàn kho sang caùc DN cheá bieán

ñieàu nhaân Vieät Nam. Trong khi ôû

trong nöôùc, laõi suaát ngaân haøng cao

gaáp 1,5 - 2 laàn, nghóa laø taát caû haøng

hoùa toàn kho taïi Vieät Nam ñeàu chòu möùc chi phí taøi chính taêng gaáp ñoâi naêm 2022. Vieäc chi phí taøi chính cao coäng vôùi caùc nhaø nhaäp khaåu khoâng mua tröõ neân theo toâi, duø naêm naøo ngaønh ñieàu cuõng ñoái maët nhieàu khoù

khaên nhöng 2023 laø naêm cöïc kyø khoù khaên”.

OÂng Traàn Vaên Hieäp - Phoù

Chuû tòch VINACAS, kieâm Tröôûng

Ban Ñoái ngoaïi vaø Xuùc tieán thöông

maïi, Toång Giaùm ñoác Coâng ty TNHH

Myõ An cho raèng, coù theå phaûi chôø theâm thôøi gian ñeå xem thò tröôøng theá naøo. Giaù nhaân ñieàu ñang ôû möùc thaáp nhaát. Naêm roài ñaõ thaáp, naêm nay giaù coøn thaáp hôn. Do ñoù, DN khoâng neân voäi vaû kyù nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ khi giaù coøn cao khoâng caân ñoái ñöôïc vôùi giaù ñieàu nhaân xuaát khaåu. Vì vaäy, caàn caân ñoái giaù caû ñaàu vaøo - ñaàu ra hôïp lyù sao

Vieät Nam cheá bieán

ñieàu nhaân soá 1 theá giôùi, xuaát khaåu cuõng soá 1, nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ cuõng soá 1. Ba soá 1 ñoù phaûi taïo theá maïnh thaät söï laø laøm sao coù lôïi nhuaän, chöù khoâng phaûi soá 1 maø doanh nghieäp cheá bieán “laøm khoâng coâng”. Vôùi thieát bò vaø coâng ngheähieännay,voøngquaysaûn xuaát caùc nhaø maùy cheá bieán ñieàu nhaân taïi Vieät Nam raát nhanh,DNkhoângvieäcgìphaûi mua giaù ñieàu thoâ treân 1.000 USD/taán.

chocoùlaõi,traùnhthieäthaïinhöcaùcnaêm tröôùc. Ngoaøi ra löu yù kieåm tra chaët cheõ veà chaát löôïng khi nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ traùnh ruûi ro bò pha troän ñieàu vuï cuõ naêm 2022, do löôïng ñieàu thoâ vuï cuõ hieän nay coøn toàn kho nhieàu töø chaâu Phi, AÁn Ñoä, vaø caû kho ngoaïi quan VieätNam.

Theo oâng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa,VieätNamcheábieánñieàunhaânsoá 1 theá giôùi, xuaát khaåu ñieàu nhaân cuõng soá1,nhaäpkhaåuñieàuthoâcuõngsoá1.Ba soá 1 ñoù phaûi taïo theá maïnh thaät söï laø laøm sao coù lôïi nhuaän, chöù khoâng phaûi soá 1 maø doanh nghieäp cheá bieán “laøm khoâng coâng”. Vôùi thieát bò vaø coâng ngheä hieän nay, voøng quay saûn xuaát caùc nhaø maùy cheá bieán ñieàu nhaân taïi Vieät Nam raát nhanh, DN khoâng vieäc gì phaûi mua giaù ñieàu thoâ treân 1.000 USD/taán. Caàn ñeán ñaâu mua ñeán ñoù vì naêm nay khoâng thieáu ñieàu thoâ. Nguyeân lieäu ñaàu vaøo chieám treân 85% chi phí saûn xuaát. Neáu tính theo giaù nhaân 2,6 USD/lbs (0,45kg), giaù nguyeân lieäu phaûi xuoáng ít nhaát 200 USD/taán so vôùi giaù hieän nay thì saûn xuaát môùi hieäu quaû. Giaù nhaân hieän ñang baùn 2,5 - 2,6 USD/lbs laø ñi tröôùc giaùnguyeânlieäu.

Veà chi phí saûn xuaát, beân caïnh laõi suaát ngaân haøng taêng, chi phí bao bì, nhaân coâng vaän chuyeån cuõng taêng, töùc toång chi phí saûn xuaát naêm

nay gaàn nhö taêng gaáp ñoâi.Tröôùc boái caûnh naøy, coù DN ñaõ chuû ñoäng giaûm saûnlöôïngsaûnxuaát.

Maëc duø naêm 2023, FED coù khaû naêng taêng laõi suaát ôû möùc raát thaáp hoaëc taêng khoâng nhieàu, caùc DN Myõ coù theå giaûm tieàn löông do giaûm giôø laøm neân thu nhaäp coâng nhaân bò giaûm, aûnh höôûng ñeán taâm lyù nhaø thöông maïi. Ñoù laø nhöõng yeáu toá taùc ñoäng laøm giaù nhaân ñieàu naêm nay seõ giaûm. Vì vaäy, caùc Nhaø Cheá bieán khoâng voäi muanguyeânlieäu.

Theo Hoäi ñoàng Thoâng tin VINACAS, naêm 2023, saûn xuaát cuõng nhö chuoãi cung öùng ñieàu toaøn caàu vaø ôû Vieät Nam tieáp tuïc gaëp nhieàu khoù khaênvaønhieàuthaùchthöùc.Vaánñeàlaïm phaùt, suy thoaùi kinh teá, chính saùch thaét chaët tín duïng cuûa Ngaân haøng Nhaø nöôùc, bieán ñoäng tyû giaù USD/VND, tieâu duøng giaûm suùt, chi phí cheá bieán ngaøy caøng taêng taùc ñoäng maïnh ñeán taêngtröôûngngaønhñieàu.

Cuøng quan ñieåm naøy, nhöng oâng Vuõ Thaùi Sôn, UÛy vieân Ban Thöôøng vuï , Phoù Ban Ñoái ngoaïi vaø Xuùc tieán thöông maïi VINACAS Chuû tòch Hoäi Ñieàu Bình Phöôùc, Chuû tòch HÑQT - Toång Giaùm ñoác Coâng ty coå phaàn Long Sôn, coù caùi nhìn laïc quan hôn khi cho raèng: Ñuùng laø ñang coù khoù khaên veà thò tröôøng tieâu thuï ñieàu nhaân, nhöng sang naêm 2023 coù taäp ñoaøn, sau thôøi gian mua maïnh ñieàu thoâ ñeå “naém” thò tröôøng, nay ñaõ “buoâng”. Caùc nhaø maùy cheá bieán ñieàu trong nöôùc coù cô hoäi mua ñöôïc nguyeân lieäu töø Campuchia, chaâu Phi vôùi giaù hôïp lyù hôn. Vì vaäy, hoaït ñoäng cheá bieán ñieàu naêm 2023 seõ “saùng suûa” hôn. Bôûi leõ, caùc nhaø cheá bieán ñieàu nhaân Vieät Nam, neáu mua ñöôïc ñieàu thoâ giaù phuø hôïp cô hoäi thaønh coângseõcaohôn.Tuynhieân,noângdaân troàng ñieàu Vieät Nam naêm 2023 seõ coù theå khoâng baùn ñöôïc giaù nhö naêm 2022,bôûinhieàukhaûnaênggiaùñieàuthoâ chungseõgiaûmhôn2022.

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ” OÂng Traàn Vaên Hieäp - Phoù Chuû tòch VINACAS, kieâm Tröôûng Ban Ñoái ngoaïi vaø Xuùc tieán thöông maïi, TGÑ Cty TNHH Myõ An Công Phiên


Entering 2022, enterprises expected to gradually restore their production and businesswhenCOVID-19pandemic(2020-2021)ispushedback,buttheyfacedfurther difficulties due to Russia-Ukraine conflict. The political - economic - social situation in manycountriesfluctuatedinabaddirection…


The impact of Russia-Ukraine conflict caused a global food and energy crisis, high inflation in many countries and higher living costs, so people limited their spending. As a result, the purchasing power of non-essential foods such as nuts and seeds, includingcashewnutswereaffected.

Looking back to 2022, importers and processors were slow to buy raw cashew nuts in most periods. The cashew kernel market in general, especially the traditionalmarketofVietnamcashewindustry,declined.

According to the analysis of Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa - Vice Presidentand Head of Policy Board of VINACAS in , Director of BIMICO Company, enterprises the major companie industry, especiallymanufacturings, needed andtolookbacktoseethatin2022,manufacturing processing did not decline, did not export volume decrease much, turnover decreased by USD but export 200-300 million. raw in Regarding cashew materials, early 2022, there was a shortage forecast but at the middle and the end of the year, it was showed that the average annual number of raw cashew nuts was never short. Because there was no shortagethe price , of cashew kernels was difficult to increase according to the law of supply and demand. The number in the of cashew kernels EuropeandUSmarketswasnotasshortasthatinprevious years, while another major market of Vietnam cashew, China, declined because this country maintained its ZeroCOVIDpolicyuntiltheendof2022.

Therefore, behind the figures in the report were countless that each enterprise difficultiesin the past year had to face. From the price of raw materials at USD 1,200/ton at the beginning of the of raw cashew nuts season, "apparent shortage when there was a situation of of raw cashew", price increased to USD 1,400/ton in the combination with increase in costs such as labor, materials, packaging, electricity…, which pushed the up price of raw cashew, while the selling price of cashew kernels decreased. As a result, in 2022, the cashew

industry onlydid not meet the targets set not by the Ministry of but also Agriculture and Rural Development the efficiency in production and processing many of enterprises was or not high, except for zero some enterprises specialized in the export of cashew kernels. Most of pure processing enterprises hardly recorded profit survive.,hadtostruggleto

Ta Quang Huyen, Member of Standing

Executive Members' Board of VINACAS, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hoang Son 1 Joint Stock Company (Binh Phuoc) said : “ For a long time, the world price of raw cashew has been quite stable, so many countries expanded cashew growing area, making raw cashew output increase faster than consumption demand. When the Russia - Ukraina conflict broke out, in order to reduce inflation, the US Federal Reserve (FED) repeatedly raised interest rates, the EU also took similar measures, the world cashew importers and wholesalers could not afford interest rates, so they limited or did not purchaseandstoreinstockasbefore.Alongwithinflation, due to an impairment in consumption, so for the first time my company has failed to grow in sales instead of an average increase of 20% per year for ten consecutive years".

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 27◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
Mr. Ta Quang Huyen, Member of Standing Executive Members' Board of VINACAS

Vietnam is the world's No.1 cashew processor, No.1 kernel exporter and also No.1 raw cashew importer, such three No. 1 have to create an actual advantage that is to do something to gain profits but not enterprises "do for free" while they are No. 1. With the current equipment and technology, the production cycle of cashew kernel processing factories in Vietnam is very fast, enterprises do nothavetobuyrawcashewattherateofaboveUSD1,000/ton.

According to VINACAS, 2022 terminated the period of export growth that lasted for 10 consecutive years (2011 - 2021) of Vietnam cashewindustry.

No shortage of raw cashew, so purchase at a necessary quantity

According to Mr. Bach Khanh Nhut, Standing Vice Chairman of VINACAS, Deputy General Director of Vinacontrol Vietnam, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vinacontrol Ho Chi Minh City, cashew export situation in 2022 – 2023 period seemed to be more difficult than in 2019 – 2021 period. Cashew consumption was still slow, prices were difficult to increase. Sharing this view, Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa said that he has not seen the "pink color" ahead.

Spending on non-essential foodsuchascashewnutsisforecastto continuetodeclineinalongtime.Mr.

Ta Quang Huyen commented: “ In 2023, cashew kernels in major markets are in surplus. With high interest rates, world traders do not rushtobuycashewkernelswhenthey do not know consumption force. With high interest rates, customers do not buy much, pushing inventories to Vietname cashew processing enterprises. While domestically, bank interest rates are 1.5 - 2 times higher, which means that all inventories in Vietnam will be subject to a double financial cost compared to them in 2022. In my opinion, the high financial cost in combination with the fact that

importers do not buy and store, although the industry faces many difficulties every year, will make 2023 become an extremely difficult year.

Mr. Tran Van Hiep - Vice President and Head of Foreign AffairsandTradePromotionBoardof VINACAS, General Director of My An Co., Ltd said that it may have to wait more to see how the market was. Cashew kernel prices were at the lowest level. The prices last year were low, while the prices this year were even lower. Therefore, enterprisesshould not rush to sign raw cashew import contracts when the price and can not be is still high balanced to the export price of cashew kernels. Therefore, it is necessary to balance reasonable input - output pricesso that it is profitable, avoids losses like in previous years. In addition, pay attention to closelyinspecting the quality when importing raw cashew to avoid the risk of being mixed with raw cashew nuts from theold crop in 2022, due to the large number of raw cashew nuts in the old crop currently in stock from Africa, India, and even Vietnam'sbondedwarehouses.

According to Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa, Vietnam is the world's No.1 cashew processor, No.1 cashew kernel exporter and also No.1 raw cashew importer, such three No. 1 have to create an actual advantage that is to do something to gain profits butnotenterprises"doforfree"while they are No. 1. With the current equipment and technology, the production cycle of cashew kernel processing factories in Vietnam is

very fast, enterprises do not have to buy raw cashew at the rate of above USD 1,000/ton. They will purchase at a necessary quantity because this year there is no shortage of raw cashew. Input materials account for over 85% of production costs. If calculated by cashew kernel price of USD 2.6/lbs (0.45kg), in order for the manufacturing to achieve efficiency, the price of raw materials must be at least USD 200/ton lower than the current price. The current kernel price being sold at USD 2.5 - USD 2.6/lbs is ahead of the raw material price.

In terms of production costs, besides the increase in bank interest rates, the cost of packaging and transportation workers also increased, which means that total production cost this year almost doubled. In this context, some enterprises took the initiative in reducingproductionoutput.

Although in 2023, FED is likely to raise interest rates at a very low rate or not much, US enterprises may reduce salary, due to the decrease in working hours, income of workers will decline. Those are the factors that make cashew kernel prices fall this year. Therefore, processors are not in a hurry to buy rawmaterials.

According to VINACAS Information Council, in 2023, cashew production and supply chain in the world and in Vietnam will continue to face many difficulties and

HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
Mr. Tran Van Hiep - Vice President and Head of Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Board of VINACAS

challenges. The issue of inflation, economic recession, the State Bank of Vietnam's credit tightening policy, USD/VND exchange rate fluctuations, decline in consumption, increasing processing costs have a strong impactonthegrowthofthecashewindustry.

In the same opinion, but Mr. Vu Thai Son, Member of Standing Executive Members' Board, Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Board of VINACAS,ChairmanofBinhPhuocCashewAssociation, Chairman of the Board of Directors - General Director of Long Son Joint Stock Company, has a more optimistic viewwhenthinkingthat:Itistruethattherearedifficulties

in the cashew kernel consumption market, but in 2023, thereisacorporation,afteraperiodofstronglybuyingraw cashew to "hold" the market, that has currently "let go". Domesticcashewprocessingfactorieshaveopportunityto buy raw materials from Cambodia and Africa at a more reasonable price. Therefore, cashew processing activities in 2023 will be "brighter". Because if Vietnam cashew processors can buy raw cashews at the reasonable price, the chance of success will be higher. However, Vietnam cashew farmers in 2023 may not be able to sell at the same price as in 2022, because it is likely that the overall price ofrawcashewwilldecreasemorethanthatin2022.



Naêm 1983, Hoäi nghò Toaøn quoác veà caây ñieàu toå chöùc taïi Bình


ñaàu tö ñeå xuaát khaåu. Töø sau hoäi nghò aáy, dieän tích vaø saûn löôïng haït ñieàu taêngnhanh.

GôïiyùcuûaoângPhaïmHuøng ng Nguyeãn Vaên Laõng

- nguyeân Phoù Chuû tòch Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam ngöôøi coù , nhieàu “duyeân nôï” thôøi khôûi thuûy ngaønh cheá bieán ñieàu (oâng maát cuoái naêm 2017) keå, ñaàu thaäp nieân 1980, oâng Phaïm Huøng - Phoù Chuû tòch Hoäi

ñoàng Boä tröôûng (naêm 1987 laø Chuû

tòch Hoäi ñoàng Boä tröôûng, töùc Thuû

töôùng Chính phuû), bieát oâng laø moät

trong nhöõng ngöôøi coù coâng trong vieäc

xuaát khaåu loâ ñieàu thoâ ñaàu tieân sau naêm 1975, taëng oâng moät hoäp ñieàu

nhaân rang muoái vaø gôïi yù neân nghieân

cöùu ñeå cheá bieán, thay vì xuaát thoâ. Ñoù

laø ñoäng löïc ñeå nhoùm kyõ sö Xí nghieäp

Noâng saûn xuaát khaåu TP. Hoà Chí Minh

thuoäc Imexco (Coâng ty Xuaát nhaäp

khaåu Toång hôïp TP. Hoà Chí Minh)

tieân phong nghieân cöùu phöông phaùp

vaø coâng ngheä cheá bieán haït ñieàu ngay

töø nhöõng naêm ñaàu thaäp nieän 198. 0

Nhoùm do oâng Nguyeãn Vaên Meán phuï

traùchcuøngcaùcoângNguyeãnVaênLaõng luùcñoùlaøcaùnboäphuïtraùchthöôngmaïi, kyõ sö Nguyeãn Thanh Phuù, Nguyeãn VaênLôïi,NguyeãnMinhSôn,LeâCoâng Thaønh…. toå chöùc thöïc hieän taïi Xöôûng Saûn xuaát ñieàu xuaát khaåu Bình Ñoâng, quaän 8 (thuoäc Xí nghieäp Noâng saûn xuaát khaåu TP. Hoà Chí Minh). Coù theå

xem ñoù laø khôûi ñaàu cuûa ngaønh cô khí cheá bieán haït ñieàu Vieät Nam. Naêm 1984,thieátbòcheábieánñieàuVieätNam theo phöông phaùp chao haït ñeå caét, giaù thaønh chæ baèng 10% thieát bò nhaäp khaåu nöôùc ngoaøi, böôùc ñaàu hieän thöïc hoùamongmuoáncuûaoângPhaïmHuøng.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 29◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
Cong Phien

Quy trình saûn xuaát ñieàu baèng maùy moùc giuùp naâng coâng suaát cheá bieán leân 1,5 laàn, giaûm thôøi gian trong chu trình cheá bieán qua caùc coâng ñoaïn töø 30% - 50%, giuùp ruùt ngaén thôøi gian cheá bieán töø xuaát kho ñeán ñoùnggoùicoøn7ngaøythayvì1314 ngaøy. Ñaây laø böôùc ñoät phaù trong cheá bieán ñieàu baèng maùy

moùc, giuùp gia taêng giaù trò saûn phaåm vaø naâng cao hieäu qua kinh teá nhôø giaûm chi phí saûn xuaát 30% - 40%. Caùc phuï phaåm nhö voû haït ñieàu ñöôïc tinh cheá thaønh daàu haït ñieàu, xuaátkhaåuvôùigiaùcao.

Coù theå noùi, thieát bò cheá bieán haït ñieàu Vieät

Nam ra ñôøi taïo ra “cuoäc caùch maïng”

chuyeån töø xuaát khaåu ñieàu thoâ sang

xuaát khaåu ñieàu nhaân. Luùc ñaàu, ngaønh

ñieàu coù coâng lôùn khi giaûi quyeát lao

ñoäng noâng nhaøn vuøng noâng thoân, coù thôøi ñieåm leân ñeán 350.000 lao ñoäng.

Nhöng ñaàu nhöõng naêm 2000, lao

ñoäng bò khan hieám khi caùc khu coâng

nghieäp ôû Ñoâng Nam Boä - vuøng taäp trung nguyeân lieäu cuûa ngaønh ñieàu xuaát hieän ngaøy caøng nhieàu, nhu caàu lao ñoäng raát cao, nhaát laø ngaønh may maëc, ñaõ thu huùt löôïng lôùn lao ñoäng töø ngaønh ñieàu. Nhöõng thieát bò thoâ sô ban ñaàu trong cheá bieán khoâng coøn phuø hôïp.

Sau nhieàu hoäi thaûo, ghi nhaän yù kieán chuyeân gia, Ban chaáp haønh

VINACAS nhaän ñònh, hieän coù ñoäi nguõ kyõ sö, ñôn vò thöû nghieäm böôùc ñaàu thaønh coâng theá heä maùy caét taùch haït vaø maùy boùc voû luïa töï ñoäng, neáu taäp hôïp ñöôïc löïc löôïng naøy, tieáp tuïc caûi tieán, Vieät Nam seõ taïo neân heä thoángmaùycaéttaùchvaøboùcvoûluïamôùi.

Naêm 2008, ñöôïc söï ñoàng yù cuûa Chính phuû, VINACAS trieån khai chöông trình caáp nhaø nöôùc “Hoaøn thieän coâng ngheä, thieát keá, cheá taïo maùy töï ñoäng taùch voû haït ñieàu vaø maùy boùc voû luïa nhaân ñieàu trong daây chuyeàn cheá bieán ñieàu xuaát khaåu”, maõ

soá KC.07.DA13/06 -10. Töø ñaây, VINACAS taäp hôïp ñöôïc nhieàu nhaø khoa hoïc, kyõ sö, doanh nghieäp, nhôø ñoù, coâng ngheä, thieát bò tieáp tuïc ñöôïc hoaøn thieän, ñaëc bieät khaâu taùch voû cöùng.


Sau hai naêm thöïc hieän, chöông trình ñöôïc Hoäi ñoàng Khoa hoïc caáp nhaø nöôùc (Hoäi ñoàng) ñaùnh giaù xuaát saéc (naêm 2010), vôùi nhöõng thoâng soá: Maùy caét haït ñieàu giaûm tyû leä haït vôõ xuoáng döôùi 10% so vôùi treân 30% cuûa thieát bò nöôùc ngoaøi (vôùilaoñoängthuûcoângtreân10%),moät maùy caét 1,6 taán haït/ca (töông ñöông 10 - 12 lao ñoäng). Maùy boùc voû luïa, tyû leä haït vôõ döôùi 13,7%, naêng suaát gaàn 1,6 taán haït/ca (laøm thuû coâng 10 kg/lao ñoäng/ca), ñoä saïch treân 86%. Coù theå noùi, haàu nhö toaøn boä 13 khaâu trong cheá bieán haït ñieàu, nhö caét, taùch, boùc voû luïa… ñöôïc cô giôùi hoùa, giaûm gaàn 80%laoñoäng.

Hoäi ñoàng yeâu caàu trieån khai nhanh chöông trình neân Ban chuû nhieäm toå chöùc ngay vieäc chuyeån giao cho caùc nhaø maùy Nhaät Huy, Donafoods, Nam Long. Töø naêm 2011-2012, caùc theá heä maùy caét taùch haït, boùc voû luïa môùi cuûa Vieät Nam ñaõ ñi vaøo hoaït ñoäng. Nhöõng haïn cheá vaø khieámkhuyeátcuûathieátbòñöôïcdoanh nghieäp tieáp tuïc caûi tieán. Möôøi naêm tieáp theo laø söï “buøng noå” trong vieäc laép ñaët trang thieát bò ôû caùc nhaø maùy, goùp phaàn ñöa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam chuyeån töø saûn xuaát thuû coâng sang saûn xuaát baèng maùy moùc, moät phaàn töï ñoäng hoùa, mang laïi hieäu quaû kinh teáxaõ hoäi raát lôùn: Naêng suaát lao ñoäng taêng hôn 10 laàn, veä sinh an toaøn thöïc phaåm cô baûn ñöôïc caûi thieän. Khaùch haøng caùc nöôùc khi tham quan caùc nhaø maùyphaûithoátleân:Tuyeätvôøi!

Noùi veà coâng ngheä cheá bieán “Made in Vietnam”, oâng Phaïm Vaên Coâng, Chuû tòch VINACAS nhaán maïnh: “VINACAS ghi daáu aán roõ neùt qua vieäc trieån khai Chöông trình KC.07.DA13/06 -10 KH-CN, toå chöùc caùc ñôït trình dieãn vaø chuyeån giao coâng ngheä mieãn phí cho caùc thaønh

Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”

vieân. Nhôø aùp duïng khoa hoïc - coâng ngheä, cô giôùi hoùa, töï ñoäng hoùa ngaønh cheá bieán nhaân ñieàu ñaõ giaûi quyeát moät loaït vaán ñeà, töø khan hieám lao ñoäng, oâ nhieãm moâi tröôøng ñeán vieäc quaûn lyù chaát löôïng saûn phaåm, nhaát laø vaán ñeà ñaûm baûo an toaøn veä sinh thöïc phaåm maø caùc nöôùc nhaäp khaåu ñieàu nhaân raát quantaâm.

Keát hôïp vôùi coâng ngheä vaø söï ra ñôøi maùy caét taùch voû haït ñieàu, maùy boùc voû luïa, maùy phaân loaïi maøu, maùy phaân kích côõ... giuùp cho ngaønh ñieàu giaûm 70% - 80% lao ñoäng. Tyû leä nhaân vôõ giaûm ñaùng keå so vôùi saûn xuaát thuû coâng tröôùc ñaây, ñaëc bieät giaûm haït vôõ ít hôn thieát bò cuøng loaïi cuûa nöôùc ngoaøi.

Quy trình cheá bieán ñieàu baèng maùy moùc giuùp naâng coâng suaát cheá bieán leân 1,5 laàn, giaûm thôøi gian trong chu trình cheá bieán qua caùc coâng ñoaïntöø30%-50%,giuùpruùtngaénthôøi gian cheá bieán töø xuaát kho ñeán ñoùng goùi coøn 7 ngaøy thay vì 13 - 14 ngaøy. Ñaây laø böôùc ñoät phaù trong cheá bieán ñieàu baèng maùy moùc, giuùp gia taêng giaù trò saûn phaåm vaø naâng cao hieäu quaû kinhteánhôøgiaûmchiphísaûnxuaát30% - 40%. Caùc phuï phaåm nhö voû haït ñieàu ñöôïc tinh cheá thaønh daàu haït ñieàu, xuaátkhaåuvôùigiaùcao.

Theo Chuû tòch VINACAS

Phaïm Vaên Coâng, lôïi theá lôùn nhaát cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam chính laø coâng ngheä cheá bieán tieân tieán nhaát theá giôùi do ngöôøi Vieät Nam thöïc hieän. Ñoù laø coâng lao raát lôùn cuûa nhöõng ngöôøi ñi tieân phong vaø hieän nay laø theá heä keá thöøa vôùi caùc caùc kyõ sö, coâng nhaân ñöôïc ñaøo taïo baøi baûn, hình thaønh neân ñoäi nguõ huøng haäu vôùi nhöõng doanh nghieäp cheá taïo maùy moùc vaø thieát bò cheá bieán ñieàu phuc vuï trong nöôùc vaø xuaátkhaåu.

Ñaàu thaùng 12/2017, Baùo The Wall Street Journal (Hoa Kyø) trong baøi “Ai ñaõ ñöa Vieät Nam leân vò trí thoáng trò ngaønh saûn xuaát ñieàu theá giôùi?” ñaõ vieát: “Giôø ñaây, Vieät Nam laø vua haït ñieàu cuûa theá giôùi nhôø vaøo coângngheächeábieánphaùttrieån''

Công Phiên Hoaønthieänthieátbò


In 1983, the National Conference on Cashew was held in Binh Duong, the Statedetermined that cashew was a tree with commodity valuenecessary to focus on investment After that , it is for export. conference,theareaandoutputofcashewnutincreasedrapidly.

Suggestion of Mr. Pham Hung

Mr. Nguyen Van Lang

- former Vice President of Vietnam Cashew Association, who had much "destiny" in the beginning of the cashew processing industry (he passed away in late 2017), said, in the early 1980s, Mr. Pham Hung - Vice Chairman of Council of Ministers (known as ChairmanoftheCouncilofMinisters, i.e.thePrimeMinisterin1987),knew thathewasoneofthepeoplewhohad merit in exporting the first batch of raw cashew nuts after 1975, presented him with a box of roasted cashew kernel and suggested to study for processing, instead of raw export. That was the motivation for the group of engineers of the Export AgriculturalProductEnterpriseofHo ChiMinhCityCityunderImexco(Ho Chi Minh City General Import Export Company ) pioneered in research on cashew nut processing methods and technology from early 1980s. The group was led by Mr. Nguyen Van Men along with Mr. Nguyen Van Langwhowasacommercialofficerat that time, engineer Nguyen Thanh Phu, Nguyen Van Loi, Nguyen Minh Son, Le Cong Thanh.... to organize the implementation at Binh Dong Cashew Export Processing Factory, District 8 (belonging to Ho Chi Minh City's Export Agricultural Product Enterprise). It could be seen as the beginning of the mechanical cashew processing industry in Vietnam. In

1984, processing cashew equipment in Vietnam was according to the method of dipping nuts to cut, the cost was only 10% of imported equipment, initially realizing Mr. PhamHung'swish.


It can be said that the introduction of cashew processing equipment in Vietnam createda"revolution"fromexporting raw cashew nuts to exporting cashew kernels. At first, the cashew industry had great merit in dealing with idle labors in rural areas, sometimes up to 350,000 workers. But in the early 2000s, labor was scarce when industrial zones in the Southeast region - the raw material

concentration area of the cashew industry appeared more and more, the demand for labor was very high, especially the garment industry. attracted a large number of workers from the cashew industry. The original rudimentary equipment in processingwasnolongersuitable.

After many seminars, recognizing expert opinions, the Executive Members' Board of VINACAS evaluated that there was currently some groups of engineers and units that successfully tested the generations of automatic cashew shelling machine and testa peeling machine, if this force was gathered, innovation was maintained, Vietnam will create a new system of cashew shellingandtestapeelingmachines.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 31◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”

The procedure for processing cashew by machinery helps increase processing capacity by 1.5 times,reducingthetimeinthe processing cycle through stagesfrom30%to50%,helps shorten the processing time from delivery from warehouse to packing down to 7 days instead of 13-14 days. This is a breakthrough in cashew processing by machinery, helping increase product value and improve economic efficiency by reducing production costs by 30% - 40%. By-products such as cashew shells are refined into cashew nut shell liquid, exportedatahighprice.

In 2008, with the approval of the Government, VINACAS implemented the state-level program of "Improving technology, designing and manufacturing automatic cashew shelling machine and testa peeling machine in export cashew kernel processing line", code KC.07.DA13/06-10. Thereby, VINACAS gathered many scientists, engineers and enterprises so that technology and equipment continued to be improved, especially the cashewshellseparationstage.


After two years of implementation, the program was excellently evaluated by the State Science Council (Council) (in 2010), with the following parameters: Cashew shell cutting machine reduces the percentageofbrokennutstolessthan 10% compared to over 30% of foreign equipment (with more than 10% manual labor), one machine cuts 1.6 tons of nuts/shift (equivalent to 10 - 12 workers). For testa peeling machine, broken kernel rate is less

than13.7%,yieldofnearly1.6tonsof nuts/shift (10 kg manual/labor/shift), cleanliness over 86%. It could be said thatalmostall13stagesincashewnut processing, such as cutting, separating and testa peeling are mechanized, reducing nearly 80% of labor.

The Council requested the program to be implemented quickly, so the Board of Directors immediatelyorganizedthetransferto Nhat Huy, Donafoods and Nam Long factories. From 2011-2012, new generations of Vietnamese cashew shelling machines and testa peeling machines were put into operation. The device's limitations and defects were continuously improved by the enterprises. The following ten years were a "boom" in the installation of equipment in factories, contributing to the transformation of Vietnam cashew industry from manual production to production by machinery, partly automated, bringing great socio-economic benefits: labor productivity increased by more than 10 times, food hygiene and safety were basically improved. Customers from different countries when visiting factories had to say: Great!

Talking about processing technology “Made in Vietnam ”, Mr. Pham Van Cong, President of VINACAS emphasized: “VINACAS made a clear mark through implementing KC.07.DA13/06-10 Science and Technology program, organizing free demonstrations and technology transfer to members. Thanks to the application of science and technology, mechanization and automation of the cashew kernel processing industry solved a series of problems, from labor scarcity, environmental pollution to product quality management, especially the issue of ensuring food safety and hygiene that was very concerned by cashewimportingcountries.

Combination with technology and the introduction of cashew shelling machine and testa peeling machine, colour grading, sizing machines, etc. helped the cashew industry reduce 70% - 80% of labor. The broken kernel rate significantly reduced compared to the previous manual production, especially the broken kernel rate decreased less than foreign similar equipment.

The procedure for processing cashew by machinery helps increase processing capacity by 1.5 times, reducing the time in the processing cycle through stages from 30% to 50%, helps shorten the processing time from delivery from warehouse to packing down to 7 days instead of 13-14 days. This is a breakthrough in cashew processing by machinery, helping increase product value and improve economic efficiency by reducing production costsby30%-40%.By-productssuch as cashew shells are refined into cashew nut shell liquid, exported at a highprice.

According to VINACAS

President Pham Van Cong, the biggest advantage of Vietnam cashew industry is the world's most advanced processing technology implemented by Vietnamese people. That is the great merit of the pioneers and is now the successor generation with well-trained engineers and workers, forming a strong team with cashew processing machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises for domestic and export demand.

In early December 2017, The Wall Street Journal (USA) in the article " Who brought Vietnam to the position of dominating the world cashew manufacturing industry? ” wrote: “Now, Vietnam is the king of cashew nuts in the world thanks to the developedprocessingtechnology…''.

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
Cong Phien


Töø naêm 2006 ñeán nay, Vieät Nam luoân ñöùng ñaàu theá giôùi veà xuaát khaåu haït ñieàu. Tuy nhieân, trong chuoãi giaù trò haït ñieàu toaøn caàu, ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam laïi chæ chieám moät vò trí chöa töông xöùng do chuû yeáu xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu sô cheá. Vì vaäy, VINACAS vaø caùc doanh nghieäp ñang ñaåy maïnhcheábieánsaâuñeånaângcaogiaùtròchohaïtñieàuVieätNam.

Theo Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam (VINACAS), laâu nay, Vieät Nam chuû yeáu vaãn xuaát khaåu nhaânñieàu.Trongkhiñoù,phaànlôùnñieàunguyeânlieäuñöavaø cheá bieán taïi caùc nhaø maùy ñieàu Vieät Nam laø ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu vôùi giaù trò lôùn. Chaúng haïn, nngaønh ñieàu ñaït aêm 2022, kim ngaïch xuaát 3,08 tyû 2,678 khaåuUSD, thì ñaõ phaûi boû ra tyû USD nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ. Do ñoù, tuy giöõ vò theá laø nöôùc xuaátkhaåunhaânñieàulôùnnhaáttheágiôùilieântuïctöønaêm2006 ñeánnay,nhöngngaønhñieàuVieätNamcoønchieámvòtríchöa töôngxöùngtrongchuoãigiaùtròhaïtñieàutoaøncaàu.

Khoâng nhöõng theá, nhieàu nöôùc chaâu Phi voán chæ chuyeân xuaát khaåu ñieàu thoâ, trong nhöõng naêm qua, ñaõ ñaåy maïnh ñaàu tö vaøo cheá bieán nhaân ñieàu. Nhö vaäy, trong thôøi gian tôùi, ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam seõ phaûi ñoái maët vôùi söï caïnh tranh ngaøy caøng taêng töø caùc nöôùc chaâu Phi treân thò tröôøng nhaân ñieàu theá giôùi. Trong khi ñoù, caùc thò tröôøng nhaäp khaåu ñang coù xu höôùng ngaøy caøng naâng cao theâm nhöõng tieâu chuaånveàantoaønthöïcphaåmñoáivôùinhaânñieàu.

Tröôùc nhöõng thöïc teá ñoù, trong nhieàu naêm qua, VINACAS ñaõ coù nhöõng ñònh höôùng ñaåy maïnh cheá bieán saâu trong ngaønh ñieàu nhaèm gia taêng kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu cuõng nhö naâng cao giaù trò cuûa haït ñieàu Vieät Nam. Ñoàng thôøi, cheá bieán saâu cuõng seõ giuùp cho caùc doanh nghieäp ngaønh ñieàu thaâm nhaäp ñöôïc vaøo caùc heä thoáng baùn leû treân thò tröôøng noäi ñòa, baèng nhöõng saûn phaåm haït ñieàu aên lieàn coù chaát löôïng toát, höông vò thuyeát phuïc ñöôïc ngöôøitieâuduøngVieätNam.

Vôùi ñònh höôùng ñoù, trong nhöõng naêm qua, hieàu doanh nghieäp n ñaõmaïnhdaïnñaàutö,muasaém thieátbò, maùy moùc hieän ñaïi ñeå taêng cöôøng cheá bieán saâu. Ngoaøi caùc saûn phaåm truyeàn thoáng nhö haït ñieàu rang muoái, haït ñieàu coøn voû luïa rang muoái, nhieàu doanh nghieäp ñaõ nghieân cöùu, cho ra

nhöõng saûn phaåm cheá bieán môùi meû, ñaày saùng taïo vaø thuyeát phuïc ñöôïc ngöôøi tieâu duøng ôû nhieàu thò tröôøng nhö haït ñieàu maät ong, haït ñieàu taåm gia vò, haït ñieàu wasabi, haït ñieàu saáy meøtraéng...

Moät trong nhöõng doanh nghieäp sôùm ñi vaøo cheá bieánsaâulaøCoângtyTNHHCheábieánNoângsaûnThöïcphaåm Xuaát khaåu Taân An (Tanimex - LA). Töø naêm 2012, Tanimex – LA ñaõ ñaàu tö vaøo cheá bieán saâu vôùi saûn phaåm ñaàu tieân laø ñieàu chieân muoái. Sau ñoù, Tanimex – LA phaùt trieån caùc saûn phaåm khaùc nhö ñieàu maät ong, ñieàu wasabi, ñieàu coøn voûluïarangmuoái,ñieàusaáynguyeânvò.

Nhôø ñaàu tö vaøo cheá bieán saâu, nhieàu doanh nghieäp hoäi vieân cuûa VINACAS khoâng chæ gia taêng ñöôïc giaù trò cho haït ñieàu xuaát khaåu maø coøn ñang töøng böôùc thaâm nhaäp, taïo ñöôïc choã ñöùng vöõng vaøng treân thò tröôøng noäi ñòa. Coù theå keå ra ñaây nhöõng thöông hieäu ñang töøng

böôùctaïoñöôïcnieàmtinvôùingöôøi tieâu duøng trong nöôùc nhö Casna (Tanimex – LA), Lafooco, Hapro...

Long Sôn Group ñang ñaåy maïnh cheá bieán vaø xuaát khaåu haït ñieàu cheábieánsaâu,chuûyeáulaøhaïtñieàurang muoái, haït ñieàu voû luïa rang muoái, haït ñieàu chieân muoái. Beân caïnh ñoù laø caùc saûn phaåm nhö ñieàu meø, ñieàu phoâ mai, ñieàu toûi ôùt ... Tuy haït ñieàu bieán saâu coøn chieám tyû troïng khaù khieâm toán trong xuaát khaåu haït ñieàu cuûa Long Sôn, nhöng coâng ty vaãn ñang kieân trì

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 33◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”

ñi theo con ñöôøng naøy ñeå naâng daàn tyû leä saûn phaåm cheá bieánsaâutrongcôcaáuxuaátkhaåu.

Moät teân tuoåi haøng ñaàu khaùc veà xuaát khaåu ñieàu nhaân laø Coâng ty Coå phaàn Hoaøng Sôn 1, cuõng ñaõ ñaàu tö vaøo cheá bieán saâu töø haït ñieàu, vôùi caùc saûn phaåm chuû löïc laø haït ñieàutöôirangcuûi,haïtñieàurangmuoái,haïtñieàuvoûluïarang muoái ... Trong thôøi gian qua, nhieàu loâ haøng haït ñieàu cheá bieán saâu cuûa Hoaøng Sôn 1 ñaõ xuaát khaåu thaønh coâng sang EUnhôøHieäpñònhEVFTA.


Nam tham gia xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu, trong nhöõng naêm gaàn ñaây, Coâng ty Coå phaàn Cheá bieán haøng xuaát khaåu Long An (Lafooco)ñaõchuyeånmaïnhsangsaûnxuaátcaùcmaëthaønggiaù trò gia taêng töø haït ñieàu. Hieän Lafooco ñaõ coù nhieàu maët haøng cheá bieán saâu nhö haït ñieàu rang muoái, haït ñieàu rang

khoâng muoái, haït ñieàu maät ong, haït ñieàu wasabi, haït ñieàu nöôùc coát döøa ... Haït ñieàu cheá bieán cuûa Lafooco ñaõ leân keä taïinhieàusieâuthòôûTrungQuoác,HongKong,Canada,Nhaät Baûn,chaâuAÂu…Ngoaøivieäcxuaátkhaåuquacaùckeânhtruyeàn thoáng, Lafooco ñaõ baùn haøng ra nöôùc ngoaøi qua keânh thöông maïi ñieän töû Amazon vaø ñaõ nhaän ñöôïc phaûn hoài tích cöïctöøkhaùchhaøng.

Beân caïnh caùc saûn phaåm haït ñieàu cheá bieán saâu, nhieàu doanh nghieäp ñaõ saûn xuaát vaø ñöa ra thò tröôøng nhieàu saûn phaåm cheá bieán coù nguyeân lieäu haït ñieàu nhö keïo ñieàu cuûa Coâng ty Myõ Leä, haït hoãn hôïp rang muoái (ñieàu, haïnh nhaân, haït oùc choù vaø deû cöôøi) vaø haït dinh döôõng haøng ngaøy (ñieàu, haïnh nhaân, haït phæ, vieät quaát, nam vieät quaát vaø haït oùc choù) cuûa Lafooco, haït hoãn hôïp (haït ñieàu, haït deû cöôøi, haït haïnh nhaân, nho khoâ vaø haït oùc choù) cuûa Long Sôn Group...


From 2006 to now, Vietnam has always been leading the world in cashew nut export. However, in the global cashew nut value chain, Vietnam cashew industry only occupies a disproportionate position due to mainly preliminary processed cashew kernel export. Therefore, VINACAS and other enterprises arepromotingdeepprocessingtoincreasethevalueofVietnamcashew.

Thanks to investment in deep processing, many member enterprises of VINACAS not only increase the value of cashew nut export but are also gradually penetrating, creating a strong foothold in the domestic market. These are the brands that are gradually gaining trust with domestic consumers such as Casna (Tanimex-LA),Lafooco,Hapro ...

According to the Vietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS), for a long time, Vietnam mainly has been exporting cashew kernels. Meanwhile, most of the raw cashew materials brought and processed at Vietnam cashew factories are imported raw cashew with great value. For example, in 2022, when the cashew industry achieved an export 3.08 turnover of USD billion, it had to spend 2.678 to USDbillion import raw cashew. Therefore, despite holding the position as the world's largest cashew kernel exporter continuously from 2006 to now, Vietnam cashew industry still occupies a disproportionate position intheglobalcashewnutvaluechain.

Not only that, many African countries inherently only specializinginexportingrawcashew, for the past years, stepped up investment in cashew kernel processing. Thus, in the coming time, Vietnam cashew industry will face increasing competition from African countries in the world cashew kernel market. Meanwhile, the import market is tending to raise more and more food safety standards for cashewkernels.

In response to these realities, for many years, VINACAS has had orientations to promote deep processing in the cashew industry in order to increase export turnover as well as improve the value of

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
Trần Thanh

Vietnam's cashew nuts. At the same time, deep processing will also help cashew enterprises to penetrate into retailsystemsinthedomesticmarket, with instant cashew nut products with good quality and taste convincing Vietnameseconsumers.

With that orientation, for the past years, many enterprises have boldly invested and purchased modern equipment and machinery to enhance deep processing. In addition to traditional products such as salted roasted cashew nut, roasted and salted cashew kernels with testa, many enterprises researched and producednewandcreativeprocessed products that convinced consumers in many markets such as honey cashew nut, spiced cashew nut, wasabi cashew nut, white sesame dried cashewnut...

One of the enterprises that soonwentintodeepprocessingisTan An Foods Processing Export Company Limited (Tanimex - LA). From 2012, Tanimex – LA invested in deep processing with the first product being salted fried cashew nut. After that, Tanimex - LA developed other products such as honey cashew nut, wasabi cashew nut, roasted and salted cashew kernels with testa, and dried cashew nut.

Long Son Group is promoting processing and exporting deeply processed cashew nuts, mainly salted roasted cashew nut, roasted and salted cashew kernels with testa, salted fried cashew nut. In addition, there are products such as sesame cashew, cheese cashew, garlic cashew and chili cashew... Although deeply processed cashew nuts still account for a relatively modest proportion of Long Son's cashew export, the company is still persistently following this way to gradually increase the proportion of deeply processed products in the exportstructure.

Another leading name in exporting cashew kernels is Hoang Son 1 Joint Stock Company. It also invested in deep processing from cashew nuts, with the main products being fresh wood-roasted cashew nut, roasted and salted cashew kernels with testa... For the past time, many shipments of deeply processed cashew nuts from Hoang Son 1 have been successfully expsorted to the EUthankstotheEVFTAAgreement.

As one of the first enterprises in Vietnam to participate in the export of cashew kernels, for recent years, Long An Food Processing Export Joint Stock Company (Lafooco) has strongly shifted to the production of valueadded products from cashew nuts. Currently, Lafooco has many deeply processed products such as roasted and salted cashew kernels, honey cashew nut, wasabi cashew nut, coconut milk cashew nut... Lafooco's processed cashew nuts are sold at many stores and supermarkets in China, Hong Kong, Canada, Japan, Europe… In addition to exporting through traditional channels, Lafooco has sold goods overseas via Amazon e-commerce channel and received positivefeedbackfromcustomers.

In addition to deeply processedcashewnutproducts,many enterprises have produced and marketed many processed products with cashew nut ingredient such as cashew candy of My Le Company, salt-roasted mixed nuts (cashew, almond, walnut and pistachio) and Lafooco's Daily nutritious nuts (Cashew nut, Almond, Hazelnut, Blueberry, Cranberry and Walnut), Mixed Nuts (Cashew nut, Pistachio, almond, dried grape and walnut) of LongSonGroup...

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 35◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”



Ban Chaáp haønh VINACAS raát chuù troïng quaûng baù thöông hieäu haïtñieàuVieätNam.Quañoù,thöônghieäuñieàuVieätNamkhoângchælantoûa maïnhmeõtrongnöôùcmaøcaûtreântheágiôùi.

VINACAS ñaõ toå chöùc thaønh coâng nhieàu hoäi nghò khaùch haøng, hoäi nghò ñieàu quoác teá, dieãn ñaøn veà giaù trò haït ñieàu ñeå quaûng baù thöông hieäu ñieàu Vieät Nam, ñöôïcdoanhnghieäptrongnöôùcvaøtreân theágiôùiquantaâm,ñaùnhgiaùcao

VINACAS coøn tham gia, hoã trôï kinh phí vaø phoái hôïp vôùi Hoäi ñoàng ÑieàuToaøncaàuvaøHoäiñoàngHaït-Quaû khoâ Quoác teá nghieân cöùu giaù trò dinh döôõngcuûahaïtñieàuvaøquaûngbaùratheá giôùi.ÑeåbaûoveäthöônghieäuñieàuVieät Nam, VINACAS coøn hoã trôï xöû lyù moät soá vuï tranh chaáp thöông maïi giöõa doanh nghieäp trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc trong kinh doanh ñieàu thoâ vaø ñieàu nhaân.

Ñaëc bieät, haït ñieàu laø moät trong nhöõng nhoùm haøng coù theá maïnh

xuaát khaåu ñaõ tham gia Chöông trình

Xaây döïng Chieán löôïc Thöông hieäu

ngaønh coâng nghieäp thöïc phaåm Vieät

Nam - moät hôïp phaàn cuûa Chieán löôïc

Xaây döïng Thöông hieäu Quoác gia Vieät Nam - laø chöông trình xuùc tieán thöông maïiquoácgiadaøihaïn,nhaèmxaâydöïng, quaûng baù nhaõn hieäu saûn phaåm (haøng hoaù vaø dòch vuï), teân thöông maïi, chæ daãn ñòa lyù vaø teân goïi xuaát xöù haøng hoaù, ñöôïc mang bieåu tröng cuûa Thöông hieäu Quoác gia treân thò tröôøng trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc. Bieåu tröng cuûa Thöông hieäu Quoác gia coù töïa ñeà tieáng Anh laø "Vietnam Value” (Giaù trò Vieät Nam) ñöôïc gaén vaøo saûn phaåm ñaõ coù nhaõn hieäu rieâng ñaït ñöôïc caùc tieâu chí doChöôngtrìnhquyñònh.

Ngaønh ñieàu ñaõ coù moät soá coâng ty coù saûn phaåm, dòch vuï mang bieåu tröng Thöông hieäu Quoác gia Vieät Nam, nhö Coâng ty Tanimex-LA, Coâng ty Vinacontrol, Coâng ty Hapro… Doanh nghieäp coù saûn phaåm ñöôïc mang bieåu tröng Thöông hieäu Quoác gia Vieät Nam ñöôïc hoã trôï tö vaán veà ñaêng kyù nhaõn hieäu saûn phaåm, teân thöông maïi, chæ daãn ñòa lyù ôû trong vaø

Haït ñieàu laø moät trong nhöõng nhoùm haøng coù theá maïnh xuaát khaåu ñaõ tham gia Chöông trình Xaây döïng Chieán löôïc Thöông hieäu ngaønh coâng nghieäp thöïc phaåm Vieät Nammoät hôïp phaàn cuûa Chieán löôïc Xaây döïng Thöông hieäu Quoác gia Vieät Nam - laø chöông trình xuùc tieán thöông maïi quoác gia daøi haïn, nhaèm xaây döïng, quaûng baù nhaõn hieäu saûn phaåm (haøng hoaù vaø dòch vuï), teân thöông maïi, chæ daãn ñòa lyù vaø teângoïixuaátxöùhaønghoaù,ñöôïc mang bieåu tröng cuûa Thöông hieäu Quoác gia treân thò tröôøng trongvaøngoaøinöôùc.

ngoaøi nöôùc, ñöôïc pheùp söû duïng bieåu tröng Thöông hieäu Quoác gia vaø heä thoáng nhaän dieän Thöông hieäu Quoác gia trong quaûn trò kinh doanh vaø truyeàn thoâng thöông hieäu, ñöôïc tham gia hoäi chôï, trieån laõm trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc, ñöôïc tham gia caùc chöông trình xuùc tieán thöông maïi quoác gia do Hoäi ñoàngThöônghieäuQuoácgiañeàxuaát…

Haït ñieàu ñaõ ñöôïc choïn tham gia Chöông trình Xaây döïng Chieán löôïc Thöông hieäu ngaønh thöïc phaåm Vieät Nam, cuõng laø moät hôïp phaàn cuûa Chieán löôïc Xaây döïng Thöông hieäu Quoác gia Vieät Nam vôùi söï hoã trôï cuûa Toå chöùc Xuùc tieán nhaäp khaåu töø caùc nöôùc ñang phaùt trieån cuûa Haø Lan (CBI) vaø Chöông trình Hoã trôï Chính saùch Thöông maïi vaø Ñaàu tö cuûa Chaâu AÂu (EU-MUTRAP). Tham gia chöông trình EU-MUTRAP, ngaønh

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “

ñieàu Vieät Nam coù nhöõng lôïi theá nhö ñöôïc hoã trôï tö vaán veà ñaêng kyù nhaõn hieäu saûn phaåm, teân thöông maïi, chæ daãn ñòa lyù ngaønh haøng ôû trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc, ñöôïc pheùp söû duïng bieåutröngvaøheäthoángnhaändieänThöônghieäuThöïcphaåm

Vieät Nam trong quaûn trò kinh doanh vaø truyeàn thoâng thöông hieäu, ñöôïc tham gia hoäi chôï, trieån laõm trong vaø ngoaøinöôùc,thamgiacaùcchöôngtrìnhxuùctieánthöôngmaïi quoácgiadoHoäiñoàngThöônghieäuQuoácgiañeàxuaát.

Theo Vaên phoøng VINACAS, vieäc ñaåy maïnh Chöông trình Giaù trò ñieàu Vieät Nam ñaõ taùc ñoäng tích cöïc

ñeán ngaønh ñieàu, kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu haït ñieàu ngaøy caøng taêng.Nhieàunaêmlieàn,ngaønhñieàuVieätNamduytrìvòtrísoá 1 theá giôùi veà cheá bieán vaø xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu. Ñaëc bieät, doanh nghieäp trong ngaønh coù yù thöùc hôn veà vieäc ñaêng kyù, baûo hoä sôû höõu trí tueä ñoái vôùi thöông hieäu vaø saûn phaåm ñieàu.

Beân caïnh ñoù, ñeå hoã trôï quaûng baù thöông hieäu, VINACAS luoân caäp nhaät thoâng tin hoaït ñoäng cuûa hoäi vieân leân Website, coâng boá caùc thöông hieäu xuaát khaåu uy tín haèngnaêmdoBoäCoângThöôngchuûtrìvaøcoângnhaän.



TheExecutiveMembers'BoardofVINACASpaysgreatattention to promoting the Vietnam cashew brand. Thereby, the Vietnam cashew brandnotonlyspreadsstronglydomesticallybutalsointheworld.

VINACAS has successfully organized many customer conferences, international cashew conferences and cashew value forums to promote the Vietnam cashew brand, interested and highly appreciated by domestic and internationalenterprises.

VINACAS also participates, supports funds and coordinates with the Global Cashew Council and the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council to research the nutritional value of cashew and promote it to the world.InordertoprotecttheVietnam cashew brand, VINACAS also supports the handling of a number of commercial disputes between domestic and foreign enterprises in the business of raw cashew nuts and cashewkernels.

Especially, cashew kernels is one of the commodity groups with export strength that has participated in the Program on Building Brand StrategyforVietnam'sfoodindustry-

a component of Vietnam National Branding Strategy - is a long-term national trade promotion program aimed at building and promoting product labels (goods and services), trade names, geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods, bearing the logo of of the National Brand in the domestic and

Cashewkernelsisone of the commodity groups with export strength that has participated in the Program on Building Brand Strategy for Vietnam's food industry - a component of Vietnam National Branding Strategyis a long-term national trade promotion program aimed at building and promoting product labels (goods and services), trade names, geographical indications and appellationsoforiginofgoods, bearing the logo of of the National Brand in the domesticandforeignmarkets.

foreign markets. The logo of the National Brand with English title "Vietnam Value" is affixed to a private label product that meets the criteriaasspecifiedbytheProgram.

The cashew industry has had a number of companies with products and services bearing Vietnam National Brand logo, such as Tanimex-LA Company, Vinacontrol Company, Hapro Company... Enterprises with products bearing the

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 37◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
Trần Tú

Vietnam National Brand logo are supported with advice on product trademark registration, trade name, domestic and foreign geographical indication, allowed to use the National Brand logo and National Brand identification system in business administration and brand communication, may participate in domestic and foreign fairs and exhibitions, participate in national trade promotion programs proposed by the National Brand Council...

Cashew has been selected to participate Kernels in the Program on Building Brand Strategy for Vietnam's food industry, also a component of the Vietnam National Branding Strategy with the support of the Import Promotion Organization from developing countries of the Netherlands (CBI) and the European Trade and Investment Policy Support Program (EU-MUTRAP).

Participating in the EU-MUTRAP program, the Vietnam cashew industry has advantages such as support for providing advince on product trademark registration, trade name, geographical indications of domestic and foreign products, and being allowed to use logo and

identification system of Vietnam Food Brand in business administration and brand communication, participating in domesticandforeignfairsandexhibitions,participatingin national trade promotion programs proposed by the NationalBrandCouncil.

According to the VINACAS Office, the promotionoftheVietnamCashewValueProgramhashad a positive impact on the cashew industry, and cashew nut export turnover is increasing. For many consecutive years, Vietnam cashew industry has maintained No. 1 position in the world in terms of processing and exporting cashew kernels. In particular, enterprises in the industry are more aware of the registration and protection of intellectualpropertyforbrandsandcashewproducts.

In addition, to support brand promotion, VINACAS always updates activity information of members on the Website, publishes prestigious export brandsannuallychairedandrecognizedbytheMinistryof IndustryandTrade.


Vieäc khoâng quaù leä thuoäc vaøo thò tröôøng hay nguyeân lieäu töø moät quoác gia hoaëc khu vöïc nhaát ñònh seõ giuùp giaûm bôùt nhöõng ruûi ro tieàm aån ñoái vôùi doanh nghieäp ñieàu. Beân caïnh ñoù, vieäc cuûng coá vuøng nguyeân lieäu trongnöôùcseõgiuùpgiaûiquyeátcaêncônguoàncungnguyeânlieäucheábieán.

Ñieåm yeáu cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam laø nguyeân lieäu trong nöôùc - ñöôïc khaùch haøngquoácteácoângnhaäncoùchaátlöôïng cao nhaát - chæ ñaùp öùng 20-35% nhu caàu cheá bieán cuûa doanh nghieäp (DN), soá coøn laïi phaûi nhaäp khaåu, nhieàu nhaát laø töø caùc quoác gia Chaâu Phi - khu vöïc coùvuøngnguyeânlieäuñieàuthoâlôùnnhaát theágiôùi.

Campuchia - quoác gia tieáp giaùp Vieät Nam hieän laø moät trong nhöõng nöôùc coøn dieän tích ñaát khaù lôùn, khoaûng500.000hacoùtheåchuyeånqua troàng ñieàu. Ñieàu thoâ Campuchia coù chaát löôïng khaù toát. Naêm 2017, oâng

Tran Tu

Nguyeãn Ñöùc Thanh (Chuû tòch VINACAS luùc ñoù) cho bieát, beân caïnh vieäc xaây döïng laïi vuøng ñieàu nguyeân lieäu trong nöôùc khi ngaên ñöôïc ñaø suy giaûm dieän tích nhôø naêng suaát ñöôïc naâng leân, Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam ñaõ khaûosaùtmoätsoánôiôûCampuchiagiaùp

vôùiVieätNamvaønhaänthaáycoùkhíhaäu vaø thoå nhöôõng phuø hôïp vôùi söï sinh tröôûng cuûa caây ñieàu töông töï vuøng

Ñoâng Nam boä - khu vöïc troïng ñieåm ñieàu nguyeân lieäu cuûa Vieät Nam.

VINACASñaõphoáihôïpvôùiBoäNoângLaâm - Ngö nghieäp Campuchia vaø caùc DN nöôùc naøy xaây döïng vuøng nguyeân lieäu 1 trieäu taán ñieàu thoâ taïi ñaát nöôùc Chuøa Thaùp. Cuï theå, phía Campuchia hôïp taùc troàng 500.000 ha ñieàu, VINACAS vaø caùc DN cheá bieán ñieàu Vieät Nam cam keát mua toaøn boä löôïng ñieàu nguyeân lieäu maø phía Campuchia thuhoaïch.

Töø naêm 2014 trôû veà tröôùc, Campuchia chæ baùn khoaûng 30% saûn

löôïng haït ñieàu sang Vieät Nam, nhöng

nhöõng naêm qua taêng leân hôn 90% vaø trôû thaønh nhaø cung caáp ñieàu thoâ haøng

ñaàu cuûa Vieät Nam. Campuchia laø moät trong ít quoác gia saûn xuaát ñieàu thoâ coù chaát löôïng khaù toát vaø Boä Noâng - Laâm

- Ngö nghieäp Campuchia raát quan

taâm ñeán vieäc troàng ñieàu nhaèm naâng cao ñôøi soáng cho noâng daân. Thôøi cao ñieåm, dieän tích troàng ñieàu ôû Campuchia leân ñeán 300.000 ha, nhöng do giaù ñieàu thoâ khoâng oån ñònh, toå chöùc saûn xuaát yeáu keùm, neân dieän tích giaûm coøn hôn 100.000 ha. Phía baïn mong muoán ñöôïc VINACAS hoã trôï khaâu choïn gioáng, kyõ thuaät canh taùc, kyõ thuaät thu hoaïch, baûo quaûn nhaèm taêng naêng suaát, chaát löôïng ñieàu,cuõngnhöñaûmbaûolôïinhuaäncho noâng daân troàng ñieàu. Vôùi tieàm naêng veà khí haäu, thoå nhöôõng vaø gioáng, neáu coù söï phoái hôïp vaø toå chöùc toát, Campuchia coù theå saûn xuaát 1 trieäu taán ñieàu thoâ, vöôït qua Bôø Bieån Ngaø, trôû thaønh nöôùc saûn xuaát ñieàu thoâ nhieàu nhaát theá giôùi. Ngoaøi ra, VINACAS cuõng nhaän ñònh, phía Nam cuûa Laøo, quoác gia laùng gieàng tieáp giaùp Vieät Nam vaø Campuchia cuõng laø khu vöïc tieàm naêng cho vieäc môû roäng dieän tích troàngñieàunguyeânlieäu.

OÂng baø ta coù caâu “Baùn anh em xa, mua laùng gieàng gaàn”. Tuïc ngöõ naøy phuø hôïp vôùi tình hình nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ hieän nay. Campuchia coù vuøng nguyeân lieäu taäp trung, Vieät Nam coù theá maïnh veà thieát bò, coâng ngheä cheá bieán. Cöï ly vaän chuyeån laïi

Töø naêm 2014 trôû veà tröôùc, Campuchia chæ baùn khoaûng 30% saûn löôïng haït

ñieàu sang Vieät Nam, nhöng nhöõng naêm qua taêng leân hôn 90% vaø trôû thaønh nhaø cung caáp ñieàu thoâ haøng ñaàu cuûa

Vieät Nam. Campuchia laø moät trong ít quoác gia saûn xuaát ñieàu thoâ coù chaát löôïng khaù toát vaø

Boä Noâng - Laâm - Ngö nghieäp

Campuchia raát quan taâm ñeán vieäctroàngñieàunhaèmnaângcao ñôøisoángchonoângdaân.

raát gaàn. Kinh nghieäm cho thaáy, vieäc khoângquaùleäthuoäcvaøothòtröôønghay nguyeân lieäu töø moät quoác gia hoaëc khu vöïc nhaát ñònh seõ giuùp giaûm bôùt nhöõng ruûi ro tieàm aån. Beân caïnh ñoù, vieäc cuûng coá vuøng nguyeân lieäu trong nöôùc seõ giuùp giaûi quyeát caên cô nguoàn cung nguyeân lieäu cheá bieán - ñieåm yeáu coát töûcuûangaønhñieàuVieätNam.

OÂng Nguyeãn Vaên Thoûanguyeân Phoù Chuû tòch UBND tænh Bình Phöôùc, vaø nhieàu chuyeân gia nhö TS. Hoaøng Quoác Tuaán, KS. Phaïm Vaên Ñaåu ñeàu nhaän ñònh, neáu ñeà aùn hôïptaùctroàngñieàuvaøthumuanguyeân lieäu vôùi Campuchia ñöôïc trieån khai toát seõ raát hieäu quaû cho caû hai beân. Phía baïn seõ taän duïng ñöôïc quyõ ñaát troáng, goùp phaàn chuyeån ñoåi caây khoai mì khoâng hieäu quaû sang caây ñieàu beàn vöõng hôn. Hôïp taùc vôùi Vieät Nam giuùp Campuchia naâng cao chaát löôïng vaø naêng suaát ñieàu, giaûm toån thaát sau thu hoaïch, nhaát laø coù thò tröôøng tieâu thuï oånñònh.VôùiVieätNamcoùñöôïcnguoàn nguyeân lieäu khoaûng 1 trieäu taán/naêm ñeå ñaùp öùng nhu caàu cheá bieán cuûa caùc nhaø maùy; veà laâu daøi, giaûm daàn söï phuï thuoäcnguoànnguyeânlieäutöøChaâuPhi.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 39◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
Công Phiên


Not being too dependent on markets or raw materials from a certain country or region will help reduce for cashew potential risks enterprises. In addition, the consolidation of the domestic raw material areawillhelpsolvethesourceofsupplyofprocessedmaterials.

From 2014 and earlier, Cambodia only sold about 30% of cashew nut output to Vietnam, but for the past years it has increased to more than 90% and has becometheleadingsupplierof raw cashew nuts in Vietnam. Cambodia is one of the few countries that produces raw cashew with good quality and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodiaisveryinterestedin cashew growing to improve thelivesoffarmers.

The weakness of Vietnam cashew industry is that domestic raw materials - recognized by international customers as having the highest quality - can only meet 2035% of the processing needs of enterprises, the rest has to be imported, most are from African countries - the region with the largest rawmaterialareaintheworld.

Cambodia - the country adjacent to Vietnam, is currently one of the countries with a fairly large area of land, about 500,000 ha that can be converted to cashew cultivation. Cambodia raw cashew hasaprettygoodquality.In2017,Mr.

Nguyen Duc Thanh (Chairman of VINACAS at that time) said that, in addition to rebuilding the domestic cashew area while preventing from


the decline in area thanks to increased productivity, the Vietnam Cashew Association surveyed a number of places in Cambodia bordering Vietnam and found that the climate and soil were suitable for the growth of cashew trees similar to the Southeast region - the key area of Vietnam's raw cashew nuts. VINACAS coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia and the enterprises of this country to build a raw material area with 1 million tons of raw cashew nuts in the country of Tower Temple. Specifically, Cambodia side cooperated to plant 500,000haofcashew,VINACASand Vietnam cashew processing enterprises committed to buy the entire volume of raw cashew harvestedbyCambodiaside.

From 2014 and earlier, Cambodia only sold about 30% of cashew nut output to Vietnam, but for thepastyearsithasincreasedtomore than 90% and has become the leading supplier of raw cashew nuts in Vietnam. Cambodia is one of the few countries that produces raw cashew with good quality and the Ministry of Agriculture,ForestryandFisheriesof Cambodia is very interested in cashew growing to improve the lives of farmers. At the peak period, the cashew growing area in Cambodia was up to 300,000 ha, but due to unstable raw cashew prices and weak production organization, the area decreased to more than 100,000 ha. This country wished to received support from VINACAS in selection of varieties, cultivation techniques, harvesting and preservation

“ ”

techniques in order to increase the yield and quality of cashew as well as ensure profits for cashew farmers. With the potential of climate, soil and varieties, if there is good coordination and organization, Cambodia can produce 1 million tons of raw cashew, surpassing Ivory Coast, becoming the world's largest producer of raw cashew. In addition, VINACAS also said that the South of Laos, a neighboring country adjacent to Vietnam and Cambodia, was also a potential area for expanding thew materialcashewgrowingarea.

The predecessors had a saying "Selling relatives at distant places, buying neighbors nearly". This proverb is suitable for the current situation of importing raw

cashew nuts. Cambodia has a concentrated raw material area, and Vietnam has strength in processing equipment and technology. The transport distance is very close. Experience shows that not being too dependent on markets or raw materials from a certain country or region will help reduce potential risks. In addition, the consolidation of the domestic raw material area will help solve the basic supply of processed materials - the key weakness of the Vietnam cashew industry.

Mr. Nguyen Van Thoaformer Vice Chairman of People's Committee of Binh Phuoc Province, and many experts such as Dr. Hoang Quoc Tuan, Engineer Pham Van Dau

all commented that if the scheme of cooperation in cashew growing and raw material procurement with Cambodia was well implemented, it would be very effective for both sides. Their side may take advantage of the vacant land fund, contributing to converting ineffective cassava to more sustainable cashew trees. Cooperation with Vietnam helps Cambodia improve the quality and yield of cashew, reduce post-harvest losses, especially have a stable consumption market. For Vietnam, there will be about 1 million tons of raw materials per year to meet the processing needs of factories; In the long term, gradually reduce dependence on raw materials from Africa.

TH THE 12 VINACAS GOLDEN CASHEW RENDEZVOUS 2023 41◄ “ CASHEWS , T a l k about think about VIETNAM”
Cong Phien


HieäphoäiÑieàuVieätNamvôùinhöõngvieäclaømthieátthöïclaømoättrongnhöõngyeáu toáquantroïnggoùpphaànvaøosöïphaùttrieånnhanhvaømaïnhcuûangaønhÑieàuVieätNam.

Trong quaù trình hoaït ñoäng, VINACAS luoân tích cöïc ñoùng goùp yù kieán ñoái vôùi caùc döï thaûo chính saùch, ñeàaùncuûacaùcboä,ngaønhlieânquanñeán ngaønh ñieàu. VINACAS ñaõ phoái hôïp vôùi Boä Noâng nghieäp vaø Phaùt trieån noâng thoân, Boä Khoa hoïc - Coâng ngheä vaø caùc ngaønh lieân quan hoaøn thaønh boä Tieâu chuaån Vieät Nam cuûa haït ñieàu thoâ (TCVN 12380: 2018), coâng boá vaøo cuoái naêm 2018. Tieâu chuaån naøy coùyùnghóaquantroïngtrongvieäckieåm tra,ñaùnhgiaùchaátlöôïngñieàuthoânhaäp khaåu vaø laø caên cöù ñeå xöû lyù tranh chaáp thöông maïi, goùp phaàn ñaûm baûo hieäu quaû saûn xuaát, kinh doanh cuûa DN vaø thöônghieäungaønhñieàuVieätNam.

Töø moät quoác gia xuaát khaåu ñieàu thoâ vôùi soá löôïng ít oûi, ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam ñaõ vöônleânvòtrísoá1theágiôùinhieàunaêm lieân tieáp veà xuaát khaåu nhaân ñieàu vaø laømchuûcoângngheä,thieátbòcheábieán.

VINACAS thu huùt ngaøy caøng nhieàu doanh nghieäp (DN) tham gia. Ñeán nay, soá hoäi vieân treân 5 ñaõ 00, hoaït ñoäng trong lónh vöïc troàng, saûn xuaát, cheá bieán, kinh doanh, xuaát nhaäp khaåu, taøi chính, nghieân cöùu, ñaøo taïo, dòchvuïlieânquanñeánngaønhñieàu

VINACAS laø thaønh vieân saùng laäp Hoäi ñoàng Ñieàu Toaøn caàu (GCC).

Ñoùng goùp hieäu quaû vaøo chínhsaùchphaùttrieånngaønhñieàu

gay töø khi môùi thaønh laäp, VINACAS ñaõ ñeà xuaát, kieán nghò nhieàu chuû tröông, chính saùch ñeå phaùt trieån ngaønh Ñieàu.

Ñaëc bieät, vôùi kieán nghò cuûa VINACAS vaø Boä Noâng nghieäp vaø PTNT, Thuû töôùng chính phuû ñaõ ban haønh Quyeát ñònh soá 120/1999/QÑTTg ngaøy 7/5/1999, pheâ duyeät Ñeà aùn Phaùt trieån ngaønh ñieàu ñeán naêm. 2010 Ñaây laø cô sôû phaùp lyù vaø ñoäng löïc ñeå ngaønh ñieàu chuyeån mình, môû ra moät trang phaùt trieån môùi cuûa caây ñieàu vaø ngaønh cheá bieán ñieàu nhaân xuaát khaåu. Sau ñoù, naêm 2014, Boä Noâng nghieäp vaø Phaùt trieån noâng thoân ban haønh quyeát ñònh soá 3993/QÑ-BNN-TT, ngaøy18/9/2014pheâduyeätÑeàaùnPhaùt trieån beàn vöõng ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam ñeán naêm 2020. Naêm 2015, Boä Noâng nghieäp vaø Phaùt trieån noâng thoân ban haønh Quyeát ñònh soá 579/QÑ-BNNTT veà Quy hoaïch phaùt trieån ngaønh ñieàu ñeán naêm 2020 vaø ñònh höôùng ñeán naêm 2030. Ñaây laø nhöõng quyeát ñònh mang tính chieán löôïc vaø thöïc tieãn giuùp ngaønh ñieàu taïo neân söï böùt phaùmaïnhmeõ.

Nhieàu naêm qua, VINACAS ñaõ phoái hôïp vôùi chính quyeàn caùc ñòa phöông trieån khai chöông trình lai gheùp, caûi taïo vöôøn ñieàu taïi caùc tænh Bình Phöôùc, Ñoàng Nai, Bình Thuaän, Laâm Ñoàng, qua ñoù giuùp naâng cao naêng suaát vaø chaát löôïng vöôøn ñieàu nhaèm giuùp baø con noâng daân an taâm thaâm canh caây ñieàu, qua ñoù giöõ ñaát, giöõröøng.

Phoå bieán chính saùch, kieán nghò thaùo gôõ khoù khaên kòp thôøi cho doanhnghieäp

VINACAS thöôøng xuyeân cöû ñaïi dieän tham döï caùc hoäi thaûo, hoäi nghò, hoïp giao ban tröïc tieáp vaø tröïc tuyeán cuûa moät soá boä, ngaønh lieân quan ñeå caäp nhaät thoâng tin, kòp thôøi phoå bieán cho hoäivieân.

Nhöõng chính saùch taùc ñoäng ñeán ngaønh ñieàu ñaõ ñöôïc VINACAS kòp thôøi thoâng baùo cho hoäi vieân. Vôùi nhöõng chính saùch chöa phuø hôïp,

tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
Toïa ñaøm “Hôïp taùc thöông maïi haït ñieàu vôùi chaâu Phi vaø caùc giaûi phaùp baûo ñaûm nguoàn cung haït ñieàu nguyeân lieäu cho Vieät Nam"

VINACASñaïidieänDNhoäivieânphaûn bieän vaø kieán nghò xem xeùt, ñieàu chænh,nhöquyñònhveàkieåmdòchthöïc vaät vôùi ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu taïi caûng (n2019); laøm vieäc vôùi DN, ñoái taùc aêm nöôùc ngoaøi ñeå tìm giaûi phaùp xöû lyù vaán ñeà lieân quan ñeán quy ñònh môùi cuûa Chaâu AÂu veà möùc toái ña dö löôïng thuoác baûo veä thöïc vaät vaø daàu khoaùng (naêm2022)...

Ñaëc bieät trong naêm 2022, VINACAS hoã trôï DN laáy laïi haøng vaø giaûm thieåu toái ña thieät haïi trong vuï “nhaân ñieàu xuaát khaåu ñi Italia bò löøa ñaûo”...

Thoâng tin thò tröôøng kòp thôøi,chuaånxaùc

VINACAS luoân chuù troïng cung caáp thoâng tinthieátthöïc,kòpthôøilaømcôsôûñeåhoäi vieân ñoái chieáu vôùi caùc nguoàn tin khaùc vaø caên cöù vaøo tình hình, ñieàu kieän cuï theå ñeå xaây döïng keá hoaïch kinh doanh phuø hôïp. VINACAS ñaõ caäp nhaät thoâng tin thò tröôøng theá giôùi vaø trong nöôùc thöôøng xuyeân treân baûn tin noäi boävaøtreânwebsitecuûaHieäphoäi.

Ñaëc bieät, töø naêm 2019, Hoäi ñoàng Thoâng tin VINACAS coù theâm caùc DN ñaàu ngaønh tröïc tieáp cung caáp noäi dung cho baûn tin noäi boä. Nhôø vaäy, caùc baûn tin ñeàu coù thoâng tin thò tröôøng chuaån xaùc vaø ñöa ra nhaän ñònh, ñaùnh giaù, döï baùo veà thò tröôøng cuøng nhöõng khuyeán caùo ñeå hoäi vieân tham khaûo, töø ñoù quyeát ñònh kinh doanh saûn xuaát, phuøhôïp.

Xuùc tieán thöông maïi, phaùt trieån thò tröôøng, quaûng baù thöông hieäu

Caùc chöông trình xuùc tieán thöông maïi, phaùt trieån thò tröôøng ñöôïc VINACAS thöïc hieän thöôøng xuyeân, lieân tuïc. Ñoù laø toå chöùc hoäi thaûo, tham döï caùc hoäi nghò trong nöôùc vaø theá giôùi lieân quan ñeán ngaønh ñieàu; thöïc hieän thaønh coâng caùc chöông trình xuùc tieán thöông maïi quoác gia. Trong ñoù, moät soá chöông trình gaây tieáng vang khoâng chæ trong

nöôùc maø caû treân theá giôùi, lan toûa thöông hieäu cuøng thoâng ñieäp “Noùi ñeán haït ñieàu, nghó ñeán Vieät Nam”, nhöLeãHoäiQuaûÑieàuVaøngVieätNam - Bình Phöôùc, Dieãn ñaøn Giaù trò ñieàu Vieät Nam. Ñaëc bieät, Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá Vieät Nam haèng naêm ñaõ qua 11 laàn toå chöùc (tính ñeán naêm 2019) vôùi hieäu quaû ngaøy caøng cao, ñaõ trôû thaønh“ñieåmheïn”cuûacaùcthaønhphaàn thamgiachuoãigiaùtròñieàutoaøncaàu.

Ñoái vôùi thò tröôøng trong nöôùc, chöông trình “Giaù trò ñieàu Vieät Nam” ñaõ quaûng baù giaù trò dinh döôõng haït ñieàu giuùp kích caàu tieâu duøng nhaân ñieàu. Qua caùc naêm, Hieäp hoäi tieáp tuïc phoái hôïp vôùi Boä Coâng Thöông xaây döïng, quaûng baù thöông hieäu haït ñieàu Vieät Nam, tham gia tích cöïc trong nhoùm 9 maët haøng xuaát khaåu chuû löïc cuûa ngaønh noâng nghieäp Vieät Nam vaø chöông trình “Food of Vietnam” do

Boä Coâng Thöông chuû trì. Ñoàng thôøi hoã trôï quaûng baù thöông hieäu cho hoäi vieân, coâng boá caùc thöông hieäu uy tín haèng naêm do Boä Coâng Thöông chuû trì vaø coâng nhaänc Hoäi nghò , toå chöù Tuyeân döông noâng daân troàng ñieàu gioûitoaønquoác.

Phaùt trieån khoa hoïc - coâng ngheä. Ñ cheá a daïng hoùa saûn phaåm bieánsaâu

Haàu heát caùc coâng ñoaïn

cheá bieán haït ñieàu ôû Vieät Nam tieân ñaõ söû duïng maùy moùc tieán, “MadeinVietnam”hieänñaïi .Coù ñöôïc thaønh quaû naøy laø coâng söùc cuûa nhieàu theá heä doanh nhaân, nhaø khoa hoïc, kyõ sö, coâng nhaân kyõ thuaät ñaõ luoân saùng taïo vaø ñoåi môùi khoâng ngöøng, trong ñoù coù vai troø quan troïng cuûaVINACAS.

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Naêm 2008, Ban Khoa hoïc - Coâng ngheä VINACAS trieån khai Chöông trình Khoa hoïc - coâng ngheä caáp nhaø nöôùc “Hoaøn thieän coâng ngheä, thieát keá, cheá taïo maùytöïñoängtaùchvoûhaïtñieàuvaømaùyboùcvoûluïanhaânñieàu trongdaâychuyeàncheábieánñieàuxuaátkhaåu”.Ñeán (KC-07)

naêm 2011, chöông trình hoaøn thaønh xuaát saéc taïo ñieàu kieän thuùc ñaåy maïnh meõ söï phaùt trieån cuûa thieát bò vaø coâng ngheä cheá bieán ñieàu; ñöa ngaønh Ñieàu Vieät Nam khaúng ñònh vò theácuûamìnhtrongchuoãigiaùtròÑieàutoaøncaàu.

Hieäp hoäi toå chöùc nhieàu hoäi nghò, hoäi thaûo chuyeân ñeàveàkhoahoïc-coângngheä ngaønhñieàu lieânquanñeán ,ñaëc bieät laø khaâu gioáng. Keát quaû ñaõ tuyeån choïn ñöôïc nhieàu gioáng ñieàu ñöa vaøo saûn xuaát cho naêng suaát 2,5 - 3 taán/ha, kíchthöôùchaïtlôùn.

Töø quoác gia chæ xuaát khaåu haït ñieàu thoâ, vôùi söï ñònh höôùng töø laõnh ñaïo VINACAS, nhöõng naêm gaàn ñaây, ngaønh ñieàu ñaåy maïnh cheá bieán saâu, nhö ñieàu rang muoái, rang bô, taåm gia vò, maät ong…; trieån khai chöông trình nghieân cöùu saûn xuaát, xuaát khaåu caùc saûn phaåm phuï töø caây ñieàu, haït ñieàu, nhö vaùn eùp, daàu voû ñieàu... Nhöõng coâng trình nghieân cöùu saûn xuaát aáy ñaõ goùp phaàn taêng giaù trò gia taêngvaøñadaïnghoùasaûnphaåmcuûangaønh.

Ñaåy maïnh hoaït ñoäng cuûa Hoäi ñoàng Hoøa giaûi tranhchaápthöôngmaïi

Trong quaù trình hoaït ñoäng, VINACAS luoân chuù troïng phöông thöùc hoøa giaûi caùc tranh chaáp thöông maïi, giuùp DN chuû ñoäng giaûi quyeát tranh chaáp treân tinh thaàn hieåu bieát laãn nhau, hôïp taùc, chia seû khoù khaên. Töø ñoù tieáp tuïc giöõ quan heä ñoái taùc, cuøng kinh doanh vaø phaùt trieån, goùp phaàn xaây döïng moâi tröôøng kinh doanh laønhmaïnhvaøphaùttrieånbeànvöõng.

Do tranh chaáp thöông maïi ngaøy caøng taêng, ñeán naêm 2018, Ban Thöôøng vuï VINACAS ñaõ cuûng coá vaø ñaåy maïnhhoaïtñoängHoäiñoàngHoøagiaûitranhchaápthöôngmaïi. DN coù yù thöùc löïa choïn phöông thöùc hoøa giaûi nhieàu hôn so vôùi tröôùc ñaây vaø tin töôûng vaøo vai troø trung gian cuûa VINACAS.

Taêngcöôønghôïptaùcquoácteá,naângcaokyõnaêng chodoanhnghieäp,noângdaân

VINACAS kyù keát vaø thöïc hieän caùc thoûa thuaän hôïp taùc vôùi hieäp hoäi ñieàu caùc nöôùc ôû Myõ, Bôø Bieån Ngaø, Mozambique, AÁn Ñoä, Nigieria… nhaèm taêng cöôøng lieân keát, hôïp taùc ñeå cuøng phaùt trieån. Thöïc hieän caùc thoûa thuaän naøy giuùp caùc beân hieåu bieát nhau hôn, taïo ñieàu kieän cho DN caùc beân hôïp taùc ñaàu tö, kinh doanh hieäu quaû hôn, xöû lyù toát hôn caùc tranh chaáp, töø ñoù goùp phaàn phaùt trieånngaønhñieàucuûamoãinöôùcvaøquoácteá.

ThöïchieänbieânbaûnghinhôùñaõkyùgiöõaBoäNoângLaâm - Ngö nghieäp Campuchia, naêm 2018, VINACAS cöû chuyeân gia tö vaán, ñaøo taïo, hoã trôï kyõ thuaät cho DN ñieàu vaø ngöôøi troàng ñieàu Campuchia, trao taëng phía Campuchia

18.000 caây ñieàu gioáng öu tuù cuûa Vieät Nam nhaèm hoã trôï phaùttrieånvuøngnguyeânlieäuñieàuchaátlöôïngcao.

Trong naêm 2019, VINACAS phoái hôïp vôùi Toå chöùc Saùng kieán thöông maïi ñaïo ñöùc Na Uy (IEH) toå chöùc taäp huaán cho caùc nhaø cheá bieán coù quy moâ vöøa vaø lôùn veà cô cheá ñoái thoaïi xaõ hoäi nhaèm naâng cao nhaän thöùc cuûa caùc coâng ty cheá bieán, ñaëc bieät laø caùc nhaø thaàu phuï veà caùc tieâu chuaån lao ñoäng quoác gia vaø quoác teá. VINACAS coøn phoái hôïp vôùi IEH vaø Trung taâm Tö vaán chöông trình xaõ hoäi vaø phaùt trieån coäng ñoàng toå chöùc taäp huaán veà kyõ thuaät thöïc haønh saûn xuaát noâng nghieäp toát, tieâu chuaån lao ñoäng vaø quaûn lyù moâi tröôøng cho caùn boä khuyeán noâng, hoäi noâng daân, laõnh ñaïo caùc hôïp taùc xaõ ñieàu vaø noâng daân troàng ñieàu gioûi caùc xaõ treân ñòa baøn tænh Bình Phöôùc, toå chöùc caùc khoùa ñaøo taïo thí ñieåm cho noâng daân ôû caùc huyeän cuûa tænh Bình Phöôùc. Ñaây laø chöông trình naèm trong khuoân khoå “Xaây döïng naêng löïc höôùng tôùi phaùt trieån beàn vöõng trong chuoãi cungöùnghaïtñieàutaïiVieätNam”.

Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “

Leã Hoäi Quaû Ñieàu Vaøng Vieät Nam - Bình Phöôùc Lâm Đăng


The Vietnam Cashew Association with practical jobs is one of the important factors fast and strong development of contributing to the Vietnamcashewindustry.

From a country that exports raw cashew nuts with a small quantity, Vietnam cashew industry has No. 1 risen to position in the world for many consecutive years in terms of exporting cashew kernels and mastering processing technology and equipment.

VINACAS attracts more and more enterprises to participate in. Up to now, the number of members has been over 500, operating in the fields of growing, production, processing, trading, import and export, finance, research, training and services relatedtothecashewindustry.

VINACAS is a founding member of the Global Cashew Council(GCC).

Effective contribution to the cashew industry development policy

Since its establishment, VINACAS has proposed and recommended many guidelinesandpoliciestodevelopthe cashew industry. Especially, with the recommendation of VINACAS and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 120/1999/QDTTg dated May 7, 1999 on approving the Scheme on Development of cashew industry untilThis was 2010. the legal basis and motivation for the industry to transform itself, creating a new development page for cashew tree and cashew kernel export processing industry. After that, in

2014, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued Decision No. 3993/QD-BNN-TT dated September 18, 2014 on approving the Scheme on Sustainable Development of Vietnam Cashew Industry until 2020. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued Decision No. 579/QD-BNN-TT on the cashew industry development planning until 2020 and an orientation to 2030. These were strategic decisions and practice that help the cashew industry makeastrongbreakthrough.

During its operation, VINACAS has always actively contributed ideas to draft policies and schemes of ministries and branches related to the cashew industry. VINACAS coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Science and Technology and related

industries to complete the Vietnamese Standards for raw cashew nut (TCVN 12380: 2018), published in late 2018. These standards have an important meaning in inspecting and evaluating the quality of imported raw cashew nuts and is the basis for handling commercial disputes, contributing to ensuring the production and business efficiency of enterprises and brand of Vietnamcashewindustry.

For many years, VINACAS has cooperated with local authorities to implement a program of hybridization and renovation of casheworchardsinBinhPhuoc,Dong Nai, Binh Thuan and Lam Dong provinces, which helps improve productivity and quality of cashew orchards, helps farmers feel secure in intensive cultivation of cashew trees, therebypreservinglandandforests.

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Seminar "Cashew trade cooperation with Africa and solutions to ensure the supply of raw cashew nuts for Vietnam”

Dissemination of policies and recommendations to promptly remove difficulties for enterprises

VINACAS regularly sends representatives to attend seminars, conferences, face-toface and online briefings of a number of related ministries and branches to update information and promptly disseminatetomembers.

Policies affecting the cashew industry have been promptly notified to members by VINACAS. With inappropriate policies, VINACAS represents member enterprises to criticize and propose to consider and adjust, such as regulations on plant quarantine with imported raw cashew nuts at ports (in 2019 ); works with enterprises and foreign partners to find solutions to problems related to new regulations of Europe on maximum residues of pesticidesandmineraloil(2022)...

Especially in 2022, VINACAS supported enterprises to take back their goods and minimize damage in the case of "scammed cashew kernels exported to Italy"...


VINACAS always focuses on providing practical and timely information as a basis for members and develop to compare with other sources appropriate business plans based on specific situations and conditions . VINACAS updated information about the world and domestic market regularly on the internal newsletterandontheAssociation'swebsite.

Especially, from 2019, VINACAS Information Council had more leading enterprises to directly provide

contentsforinternalnewsletters.Asa result, the newsletters had accurate market information and make comments, assessments, forecasts about the market and recommendations for members to refer to, thereby making appropriate productionandbusinessdecisions.

Trade promotion, market developmentandbrandpromotion

Trade promotion and market development programs are regularly and continuously implemented by VINACAS, including organization of seminars, attendance of domestic and international conferences related to the cashew industry; successful implementation of national trade promotion programs. In which a number of programs resonate not only domestically but also in the world, spreading the brand with the message of "Talking about cashew nut, thinking about Vietnam", such as Vietnam - Binh Phuoc Golden Cashew Festival, Vietnam Cashew Value Forum. Especially, the annual VINACAS GoldenCashewRendezvoushasbeen (asofheld11times 2019) and has become a with increasing efficiency "rendezvous" for participants in the global cashew value chain.

For the domestic market, the program "Vietnam Cashew Value" promoted the nutritional value of cashew nuts to help stimulate demand for cashew kernels. For the past years, the Association has been continuing to coordinatewiththeMinistryofIndustryandTradetobuild and promote the Vietnam cashew brand, actively participate in the group of 9 key export products of Vietnam's agricultural industry and the program "Food of Vietnam” chaired by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, at the same time, support brand promotion for members, announce prestigious brands annually chaired and recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, organize a National Conference to honor good cashew farmers.


Science and technology development. Diversificationofdeeplyprocessedproducts

Advanced and modern machinery "Made in Vietnam" has been used for most of the cashew nut processing stages in Vietnam. This achievement comes from efforts of many generations of entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers and technical workers who have always been creative and constantly innovative,inwhichVINACASplaysanimportantrole.

In 2008, VINACAS Science and Technology Board implemented the State-level Science and Technology Program "Improving technology, designing and manufacturing automatic cashew shelling machine and testa peeling machine in export cashew kernel processing line" (Code KC.07.DA13/06-10). In 2011, the program was successfully completed, facilitating strong promotion of the development of cashew processing equipment and technology; helping Vietnam cashew industry affirm its position in the global cashew value chain.

VINACAS organized many conferences and seminars on science - technology related to the cashew industry, especially the variety stage. As a result, many cashew varieties were selected and put into production withayieldof2.5-3tons/hawithlargenutsize.

From a country that only exported raw cashew nuts, with the orientation from VINACAS leaders, for recent years, the cashew industry has promoted deep processing, such as salted roasted, buttered roasted, spiced, honey cashew nuts...; implemented research program on production and export of by-products from cashew trees, cashew nuts, such as plywood, cashew nut shell liquid ... These production research projects contributedtoincreasingaddedvalueanddiversifyingthe industry'sproducts.

Promotion of activities of the Commercial DisputeMediationCouncil

During the operation, VINACAS always focuses on the method of mediation for commercial disputes, helping enterprises proactively settle disputes in the spirit of mutual understanding, cooperationandsharingdifficulties,therebycontinuingto keep the partnership, do business together and develop, contribute to building a healthy business environment and sustainabledevelopment.

Due to increasing commercial disputes, in 2018, the Standing Executive Members' Board of VINACAS strengthened and promoted the activities of the Commercial Dispute Mediation Council. Enterprises had sense of choosing mediation methods more than before andbelievedintheintermediaryroleofVINACAS.

Strengthening of international cooperation, improvementofskillsforenterprisesandfarmers

VINACAS signed and implemented cooperation agreements with cashew associations of countries in the US, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, India, Nigeria... to strengthen linkage and cooperation for mutual development. Implementation of these agreements helped the parties have a better mutual understanding, facilitate enterprises of the parties to cooperate in investment and business more effectively, better settle disputes, thereby contributing to the developmentofnationalandinternalcashewindustry.

Implementing a memorandum of understanding signed between the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia, in 2018, VINACAS sent consulting, training and technical support experts to cashew enterprises and Cambodian cashew growers and presented 18,000 Vietnam's elite cashew seedlings to Cambodia for supporting the development of high-quality cashewmaterialareas.

In 2019, VINACAS collaborated with Norway Ethical Trading Initiative (IEH) to organize training for medium and large processors on social dialogue mechanism to raise awareness of processing companies, especially subcontractors on national and international labor standards. VINACAS also collaborated with IEH and the Center for Counseling on Social Programs and Community Development to organize training on good agricultural practices, labor standards and environmental management for agricultural extension staff, farmers' association, leaders of cashew cooperatives and good cashew farmers in communes in Binh Phuoc province, organized pilot training courses for farmers in districts of Binh Phuoc province. This was a program within the framework of "Capacity building towards sustainable developmentinthecashewsupplychaininVietnam".

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Lam Dang
Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”


(caäp nhaät tôùi ngaøy 31/12/2022)

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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
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Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”

PNP GLOBAL SUPPLY (new member from 13/2/2023)

OZKALE IC VE DIS TICARET LTD STI (TURKIYE) (new member from 16/2/2023)

KHAÙCH SAÏN ÑAÂY ROÀI TRAVEL SERVICES CO., LTD. (KSDR) (new member from 22/2/2023)

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Bimico., Ltd.

Represented by: Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa

Year of establishment: 2000

Legal capital: VND 63 billion

Total number of employee: 200

Fields of business: Food Processing Export

Major products: Cashew kernel, CNSL

Annual average export turnover: USD 25 millions

Countries of exporting: US , EU , Middle East, Asian (Japan, China)

Quality control: BRC certificate


- The award “Vietland Gold Star in 2004 and 2006"

- Business Excellence Award 2006.

- “Excellent Award” certificated by National Committee for International Economic Cooperation.

Binh Minh Economical Zone, Tay Ninh Town, Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam Tel: +84 276 3816 007 / +84 276 3816 117 - Fax: +84 276 3828 619 Email: Bimicoltd1@gmail.com - Website: www.bimico.com
Inspecting coffee Inspecting black and white pepper Inspecting raw cashew nuts and cashew kernels. Fumigation service for import / export commodities (+84.28) 3820 7552 / 53 - 3820 6214 (+84.28) 3820 7554 cafecontrol@hcm.fpt.vn 228APasteur Str., VoThi Sau Ward , District 3, Hochiminh City - Viet Nam

Business: A Cashew Processor

Address: Phuoc Hoa Village, Binh Tan Commune, Phu Rieng District, Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam Tel: +84 919 999 839 - Mobile: +84 6513 774 673









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