5. Smart Buildings & IoT Smart Buildings & IoT describes technology-based solutions which facilitate the operation, management and sustainability of buildings. The assets can be single property units or residential / commercial building. This sector supports construction, asset management, property management and facility management. Internet of Things a novel technology model as a large-scale network of machinery and devices able of interconnect by everyone other to collect and exchange information/data. Because of its characteristics IoT renowned as the one of most important sectors for future technology, more importantly, it gaining measureless attention from a wide verity of industries. There is no need to say that contemporary hype around the Internet of Things was massive. It looks like every day a new company comes with a new kind of IoT enabled product or service. There are several companies in real estate industry, which offers IoT based service and products. There are 16 companies, which are operative in property management sector. They offer 18 services and 37 products. The business areas are; energy, water, workflow management, time management, security, blockchain and health. Swiss PropTech companies in smart buildings & IoT sector;
Source: PropTech Academy, PropTech Switzerland, 2021 16