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Since water improves our health and complexion, it is only natural that Rosing Fine Jewellery pays homage to this most indispensable part of our World, vital for our lives. Oceans and lakes, rain and glaciers, snow and ice – the phases and incarnations of water are numerous and make for a most versatile source of inspiration, as the very heart of nature.

The rings can be worn fitted into each other, or placed to have the waves crashing in to each other, for more life and light. The design also works as a solitary ring worn by itself. The brilliants evoke the fluidity of tranquil rivers and lively streams.

Et B Redygtigt K Kkenliv

Siden 1929 har vi produceret køkkener på vores fabrik i det sydlige Sverige, helt tæt på kilden til den fornybare ressource, træet. Helt fra starten har vores værdier stort set været de samme som i dag, og vi fortsætter med at udvikle og producere produkter med fokus på lang levetid, i vores 100% klima neutrale produktion.

Ballingslöv CPH, Holbergsgade 26, 1057 København K.

Tlf.: +45 22219900 | www.ballingslov.dk/kobenhavn

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