Midwest ENT & ALLERGY Caring Campaigns Give Back to the Community “Let’s make it a challenge” By Virginia Olson | Photos courtesy of Midwest ENT & Allergy
his is a heartwarming story of a couple businesses that focus on charities that are near and dear to their hearts and how they do their best to help.
The concept of giving back has always been important to the physicians and staff at Midwest ENT & Allergy and for the last five years, “giving back” has included a major toy drive at Christmas for the Banquet and a blood drive in the summer for the Sioux Falls Community Blood Bank. Midwest ENT & Allergy was looking for a way to give back to the awesome community of Sioux Falls. They had a conversation with their next-door neighbor, Sioux Falls Family Vision, who was also looking for a way to give back. So the two businesses decided to come together to serve the community in a fun and creative way. Serving children is an important entity for Midwest ENT & Allergy and Sioux Falls Family Vision, so they decided to host a major toy drive to benefit The Banquet in Sioux Falls and challenge other businesses in the community to help as well. From there, the #EyesEarsToyChallenge was born and was soon in full swing.
SiouxFallsWoman.net | February/March 2022