March & April edition of Soar Valley Life - The Biggest Little Magazine in Charnwood

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Integrated Healthcare Healthcare in the UK is stretched to the limit and with people living longer and an increased popula on things are only going to get worse… Coupled with the highest rates of chronic disease this is driving the general popula on to take more responsibility for its own health. It is es mated that over 40% of people in the UK are currently using some form of “complementary” or “alterna ve” therapy. As a result a growing number of doctors and healthcare prac oners are referring pa ents to use mind/body approaches – in part because more and more people are demanding it. Using a holis c approach is based on the fundamental principles of healing which promote health rather than focusing on illness. Most enhance the body’s self­healing ability and address the underlying causes of illness. They also advocate self­ care, promote a lifestyle of natural healthy foods and exercise and emphasize communica on between pa ent and therapist. We will know that a new paradigm of healthcare has truly emerged when we no longer need to use the terms “complementary“ and “alterna ve” and these approaches are integrated with the best of conven onal health care to become standard. Paula Reed Author of ‘Onion Therapy’ available from Soar Valley Life

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“Isn’t it odd? We can only see our outsides, but nearly everything happens on the inside.” Charlie Makesy

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