ADULT EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE ADULT COMMUNITY COLLEGE At St Vincent College, we are proud to welcome all members of our community, whether you are a school leaver, looking to get back into education or to enhance your career prospects. We offer a wide range of vocational and non-vocational courses aimed at adults living in the Gosport and Fareham area. Adult learners are welcomed into full-time, daytime, evening and online classes by students and teachers alike, while Access to University courses act as a bridge for adults seeking a route into Higher Education. We have a well-qualified and experienced team, who have supported many learners at all levels to achieve qualifications and personal development goals. Located in the heart of the community, we offer quality education for all and take applications all year. WORK BASED LEARNING (VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS) COURSES TO STUDY WHILST WORKING OR VOLUNTEERING, FROM LEVEL 1 - LEVEL 5, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT WORK SKILLS QUALIFICATIONS FOR BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND EMPLOYERS STUDY AT HOME ONLINE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE
For more information and a full list of courses, please call 02392 588 311 or email to request an Adult Education Course Guide or speak to a member of our team.