the Style
Team Style’s seasona l roundup of places to go, people to meet, and things to k now across the Isle of Wight this winter.
‘Tis the season for… Giving something back Volunteers make a huge contribution to our Island community, and anyone can get involved, regardless of age, job status or skills. From long-term community projects to bitesize ‘microvolunteering’, there are many different opportunities to make a difference whatever your circumstances. Find out more at
Image credit: Idil Sukan
BELLY LAUGHS P utti n g pen to paper Ca l l i ng a l l Isla nd-i nspi red authors: the f i rst ever Isle of Wig ht Book Awa rds a re now open u nti l Ma rch 2022 for entries across th ree categories – f iction, non-f iction a nd ch i ld ren’s. For more i n formation v isit iowbookawa k
A f ter the last couple of yea rs we cou ld a l l do w ith some l ig ht-hea rted f u n. T V favou rite Ed By rne bri ngs h is biggest tou r to date – ‘If I’m Honest’ – to Sha n k l i n T heatre on 22nd Ja nua r y. Joi n h i m as he ta kes a long ha rd look at h i msel f a nd tries to decide i f he has A N Y tra its that a re worth passi ng on to h is ch i ld ren.
Starting something new Get a head start on all those skills-based resolutions and give skep-beehive making a go with Tiny Homes Holidays’ latest workshop, from 5th February. Available as a day guest or residential experience, you’ll go home with the tools, materials, know-how and skills to kickstart your skep-beekeeping journey. For more information visit