Development and Evaluation of the Training Module „Learning Process in the Digital Age”
Anne Rosenberg MSc Artikkel Tallinna Ülikooli informaatika instituudis kaitstud magistritööst / Master’s thesis Abstract Access to information has expanded enormously in the digital age, and the role of the teacher is first of all to support the development of the learner’s digital competences needed for daily life in future. For this reason the competences of educational technology acquired by the teachers should enable them to integrate pedagogy with subject content. Up to now the basic teacher training has been mostly theoretical, although teachers need the in-service training courses on the implementation of technological tools based on practical examples. The purpose of this master thesis was to describe the development of a training module for the development and evaluation of the learning process and learning communities in the digital age. To achieve this purpose the following research objectives were set: 1. To describe and analyse specialist literature on the organisation of training in the digital age. 2. To describe the design and development of the training module that supports the competences of educational technology of teachers and educationalists of different levels. 3. To evaluate, analyse and improve the training module after piloting the module. Development activity was carried out with the help of the action research used to achieve the purpose of the master thesis. The following strengths of 457