0 to 0+ group infant car seat use in Estonia
Elen Pabo, Valerija Strelovskaja, Inga Ploomipuu MSc, Kai Kuuspalu¹ ¹ Maanteeamet Abstract Knowing the importance of using a car safety restraint system is showing increase and that is seen in the Estonian and EU legislation, regulations and prevention programs. Children who cannot be buckled up with the standard equipment of the car must use special child restraint systems. There can be problems with choosing a child restraint system, attaching it and using it. Inappropriate using can lead to catastrophic situations and is equal to nonusing. International experience shows that the active state of work in this field will greatly improve the use of safety equipment, and reduce the proportion of injury in road traffic accidents. The purpose of this research study was to describe the knowledge of choosing and using the group 0 to 0+ infant restraint systems. Expecting parents, new parents and parents who are already using 0 to 0+ infant car seats, were studied to find out their knowledge and handling skills. Expecting parents (n=108) were surveyed on the internet connect.ee website. New parents were surveyed in Lõuna Eesti hospital (n=28). The parents who are already using infant car seats (n=12) were interviewed and observed in shopping centre parking places. MTÜ Õnnemaa family centre and other connections were also used. Theoretical skills were good but mistakes occurred in the use of the restraint system. The most common mistake was using an infant restraint system in the infants who had their thick winter clothes on that might lead to an incorrect use of the safety belts. Information on the internet and friends’ advice was taken into consideration for choosing an appropriate restraint system, but the users 46