Natalie Keith • HOPE ALIVE Wow! Hope Alive is such a transformative book that breathed hope, forgiveness, love, perseverance, and endurance into my heart! Each writer tells her story of overcoming some of the darkest moments of her life; each is packed with such power that there is no denying I have a heavenly Father who chases me down even when I can't see, feel, or understand! It is so hard to choose just one story to highlight, as each one had such an impact and was an incredible testimonial of how Jesus walked alongside, making a way when there seemed to be no way. Each writer was incredibly brave in sharing her story so others could receive hope. There is something for everyone in this book. While reading this book, I was right there walking alongside these women in their transitional season from ashes to beauty. The authors do a remarkable job sharing scriptures and teachings from the Bible that pertain to hope coming alive! In between each story, these amazing leaders share straight from their hearts exactly what we readers need to hear as we move along to the next story. Some of my highlight stories were the testimonies written by Maria Horwitz, Cindy Edgett, and Emily Wheeler. Can I just say, WOW WOW WOW! These stories are straight miracles bringing hope! Each one is so different yet so incredibly powerful.
My heart palpitated as Maria shared her traumatic experience as a little girl, seeing her mother deceased on the floor after committing suicide. Maria had to muster up the strength not only to help raise her siblings but also to clean up the remains of her mother at only 13. She shares how redemptive our Jesus is, from her broken beginnings to living her most blessed life ever with her husband and children, and how the Lord restored all that was lost and broken. He gave her healing and her own family so she could be a witness of love and devotion, too. Maria is a true testimony of how God endlessly chases us down to bring healing, joy, and a blessed life ever! Cindy Edgett's story was so impactful for me because she endured such a hard season of loss and hopelessness. Despite experiencing a miscarriage after years of infertility and her doctor breathing doubt and speaking death into her situation, Cindy rose up and made sure to hear the voice of God to find healing from her loss and crushed dreams. She speaks on how God used her story for His glory. She was blessed with three birth children, an adopted girl, and now a son and daughter-inlaw! Not only did Cindy overcome and find hope, but she is now trained to help other women hear God's voice and stop the lies they believed. She is a mighty warrior for the Kingdom of God! Lastly, Emily Wheeler's story was so remarkable to me. The Lord brought full circle a family and husband as she came out of sex trafficking, drugs, and alcohol. He redeems so much even when we feel all is lost. Emily Wheeler is a pioneer for women, one who can speak about the loss of a mother as well as being sex trafficked and being in and out of foster care and family homes. She is a true testimony of God's restoration from top to bottom! I encourage you to dig into these stories and see for yourself what God can do if we hold onto hope! I pray this book, Hope Alive, will impact you, your life, and your thinking, encouraging you that no matter what, God is chasing you down, rescuing you, and bringing beauty from ashes. Trust in Him no matter what season you are in because He is truly a good Father!