Throughout the years, as we all are with our children, my husband and I have been part of our daughter’s sounding board, diving into the pros and cons, not only concerning this move to Alaska, but for career moves in general. As we’ve listened to her excitement, we’ve also had the confidence that she is aware of not letting her desires be the driving force. She recognizes the importance of seeking God’s will and praying throughout the entire process. Her prominent request is asking God to open the door wide or close it so tight there is no denial of His will for her at this stage. Concerning this particular move, our daughter began to see God orchestrate all the details as one after another fell into place. During this process, she consistently relied on hearing the Holy Spirit, which brings a smile to our faces. We may not always agree with our children’s decisions, but we can pray for and learn to trust that God is leading them and that they are following His voice. As stated in Eph 5:17, Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do (NLT). Thankfully, our daughter acted out this verse, putting focused thought into her decision through diligent prayer. Imagining my daughter now being such a long distance away makes my eyes water. However, I know there is no better place for her than in God’s will. As we allow our children to enjoy their life adventures, we learn through each one. Ultimately, we rest in the assurance that God hears our prayers for our children, and He will never stop directing their steps. We as parents need to join our children in praying through the intricacies of life, and we must also listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting of what we should and should not say as they
make their own decisions. It’s easy to let selfish motives guide the conversation and discourage the change. But, when God gives our children that unexplainable peace and they are confident they are hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, we can trust He will continue to guide them and protect them in all their adventures.
I KNOW THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE FOR HER THAN IN GOD’S WILL. I’m sure there will be many more adventures to come in the months and years ahead for our family. I Iook forward to hearing the excitement in my daughters’ voices as they each experience so many new things. It reminds me of times in their toddler years— like that first trip to Disney that was new and over-stimulating. We witnessed the perplexity in their eyes as they saw something new for the first time and experienced joy ourselves as we saw the world through their eyes. Now, there are places we’ve never been and yet will again have the privilege of seeing for the first time through their eyes. May we all hear, may we listen, and may we allow the one true voice of truth, our heavenly Father, to influence our lives. Stay in His Word. Stay in prayer. Take each step with Him according to His will and desires for your life and future. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (NLT). God wants to guide our steps and give us a future with our own life adventures. Let His voice be your guide.
Diane has 46+ years in the hospitality industry — planning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. She and her husband Les, married over 33 years, have three beautiful adult girls. She supports his pastoral role and as AACC certified coaches they enjoy helping others have healthy relationships. Contact Diane at (