Services & Programmes
New tool for tenants who want an easy-to-heat home CEA Charitable Trust in Christchurch has developed a free checklist for tenants looking for a new home that is warm, dry and healthy to live in. The checklist is available as a free booklet or a free online tool.
so tenants know what they are renting, as it can be cheaper to have a rental that is slightly dearer in rent but much drier and easier to heat. Some examples: Many older style downlights (the little lights that sit flush with the ceiling) cannot have insulation over or even around them which means the ceiling insulation has many holes in it, making it less effective. Homes without an option to vent a dryer to the outside can become very damp. And whether a house has good curtains can make a difference to how much heat is lost through windows. The online tool is available from CEA’s website at The booklet version is available from CEA’s office at 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton in Christchurch during their office hours or through their online shop (just pay $3 postage and handling) at Community organisations who would like multiple copies for their clients, please contact the office, we can send them free of charge to you.
Although the Healthy Homes Standards go a long way to make sure rentals are warm and dry for tenants to live in, there is a lot more to keep in mind if tenants want a warm and easy to heat rental. Now the rental market is easing, tenants may have a bit more choice and it would be very useful to have a look at the checklist
The tool has been developed with funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment under the ‘Support for Energy Education in Communities’ Programme. CEA also still offer free insulation for eligible low income homeowners. Visit or call 0800 GETWARM (0800 438 9276) for more info.